# Values and correlations of lepton energy moments (Mi) and
# partial branching fractions (BR) after radiative corrections
# as functions of the minimum lepton momentum pl,min* 
# measured in the restframe of the decaying B-meson.

# Values and total uncertainties of moments.

#  Moment   pl,min*      Value      Error
#           [GeV/c]       [(GeV/c**2)**k]
# ---------------------------------------
       M1        06    1.43759    0.00697 
       M1        08    1.48609    0.00393 
       M1        10    1.54873    0.00277 
       M1        12    1.62953    0.00234 
       M1        15    1.77374    0.00221 
       M2        06    0.14539    0.00310 
       M2        08    0.11683    0.00147 
       M2        10    0.08880    0.00111 
       M2        12    0.06184    0.00100 
       M2        15    0.03015    0.00096 
       M3        06   -0.01204    0.00100 
       M3        08   -0.00335    0.00072 
       M3        10    0.00107    0.00063 
       M3        12    0.00256    0.00056 
       M3        15    0.00204    0.00050 
       BR        06    0.10202    0.00227 
       BR        08    0.09567    0.00192 
       BR        10    0.08630    0.00165 
       BR        12    0.07300    0.00137 
       BR        15    0.04780    0.00090 

# Correlation matrix. Moments are in the same order as defined above

 1.00000   0.78127   0.63124   0.51050   0.37343  -0.64995  -0.12525   0.17911   0.24746   0.24218    0.23542  -0.03898   0.02908   0.10808   0.15695  -0.45296  -0.24392  -0.13611  -0.05806   0.04792
 0.78127   1.00000   0.80282   0.67685   0.52745  -0.18248  -0.12684   0.30038   0.38050   0.37419   -0.06005   0.03888   0.10515   0.20295   0.26032  -0.30883  -0.24084  -0.09903  -0.00422   0.12896
 0.63124   0.80282   1.00000   0.82583   0.66202   0.06865   0.32661   0.37644   0.50560   0.50743    0.05138   0.05791   0.18607   0.30864   0.37738  -0.16126  -0.09891  -0.06134   0.06169   0.22045
 0.51050   0.67685   0.82583   1.00000   0.76254   0.20869   0.51755   0.67726   0.57090   0.61377    0.22021   0.25693   0.30051   0.38846   0.47797  -0.03823   0.01210   0.05133   0.07996   0.27937
 0.37343   0.52745   0.66202   0.76254   1.00000   0.32203   0.64547   0.84146   0.87192   0.76727    0.46697   0.58723   0.62481   0.63848   0.62418   0.12504   0.16617   0.19848   0.23365   0.27376
-0.64995  -0.18248   0.06865   0.20869   0.32203   1.00000   0.58029   0.42661   0.38344   0.37703   -0.06069   0.40072   0.38941   0.36611   0.35116   0.60673   0.41250   0.35102   0.32995   0.32917
-0.12525  -0.12684   0.32661   0.51755   0.64547   0.58029   1.00000   0.74514   0.70057   0.69117    0.57782   0.57694   0.62425   0.62235   0.62316   0.44751   0.45843   0.36149   0.35127   0.39391
 0.17911   0.30038   0.37644   0.67726   0.84146   0.42661   0.74514   1.00000   0.89833   0.87586    0.64360   0.80662   0.78422   0.77622   0.77822   0.30367   0.33102   0.35870   0.32821   0.38648
 0.24746   0.38050   0.50560   0.57090   0.87192   0.38344   0.70057   0.89833   1.00000   0.93771    0.64303   0.82539   0.87324   0.86764   0.84158   0.25920   0.29369   0.31785   0.35066   0.36317
 0.24218   0.37419   0.50743   0.61377   0.76727   0.37703   0.69117   0.87586   0.93771   1.00000    0.65439   0.84588   0.91148   0.94565   0.93599   0.25224   0.28544   0.30714   0.32962   0.37747
 0.23542  -0.06005   0.05138   0.22021   0.46697  -0.06069   0.57782   0.64360   0.64303   0.65439    1.00000   0.75686   0.73619   0.69414   0.65658   0.25666   0.39049   0.37053   0.33939   0.30455
-0.03898   0.03888   0.05791   0.25693   0.58723   0.40072   0.57694   0.80662   0.82539   0.84588    0.75686   1.00000   0.95770   0.90696   0.85516   0.43618   0.44364   0.45614   0.41945   0.36797
 0.02908   0.10515   0.18607   0.30051   0.62481   0.38941   0.62425   0.78422   0.87324   0.91148    0.73619   0.95770   1.00000   0.97445   0.92812   0.38268   0.40000   0.40817   0.40048   0.35599
 0.10808   0.20295   0.30864   0.38846   0.63848   0.36611   0.62235   0.77622   0.86764   0.94565    0.69414   0.90696   0.97445   1.00000   0.97423   0.30984   0.33155   0.34267   0.35482   0.33870
 0.15695   0.26032   0.37738   0.47797   0.62418   0.35116   0.62316   0.77822   0.84158   0.93599    0.65658   0.85516   0.92812   0.97423   1.00000   0.25807   0.28222   0.29513   0.30743   0.33600
-0.45296  -0.30883  -0.16126  -0.03823   0.12504   0.60673   0.44751   0.30367   0.25920   0.25224    0.25666   0.43618   0.38268   0.30984   0.25807   1.00000   0.96309   0.93357   0.90544   0.84914
-0.24392  -0.24084  -0.09891   0.01210   0.16617   0.41250   0.45843   0.33102   0.29369   0.28544    0.39049   0.44364   0.40000   0.33155   0.28222   0.96309   1.00000   0.98079   0.96125   0.91365
-0.13611  -0.09903  -0.06134   0.05133   0.19848   0.35102   0.36149   0.35870   0.31785   0.30714    0.37053   0.45614   0.40817   0.34267   0.29513   0.93357   0.98079   1.00000   0.98366   0.94305
-0.05806  -0.00422   0.06169   0.07996   0.23365   0.32995   0.35127   0.32821   0.35066   0.32962    0.33939   0.41945   0.40048   0.35482   0.30743   0.90544   0.96125   0.98366   1.00000   0.96262
 0.04792   0.12896   0.22045   0.27937   0.27376   0.32917   0.39391   0.38648   0.36317   0.37747    0.30455   0.36797   0.35599   0.33870   0.33600   0.84914   0.91365   0.94305   0.96262   1.00000