A Framework to Make
the Distribution Grid More Open,
Efficient and Resilient
This paper is based on the discussions at the first
two More Than Smart workshops as edited by Paul De
Martini of the Resnick Sustainability Institute at
the California Institute of Technology. The
More Than
initiative is managed by Tony Brunello of the Gree
ntech Leadership Group through the support of
the Energy Foundation. The 2
workshop was facilitated by John Danner of UC Berk
eley. For
information regarding the workshop participants, pl
ease visit the GTLG “More Than Smart” webpage at
We wish to acknowledge the assistance provided by D
r. Neil Fromer, Prof. Steven Low, Dr. Lorenzo
Kristov, Genesis Rivas, and Andrew De Martini in th
e development of this paper and Heidi Rusina for
supporting the 2
workshop at the Resnick Institute. The content of
this report does not imply an
endorsement by any individuals or organizations tha
t participated in any More Than Smart workshop or
reflect the views, policies, or otherwise of the St
ate of California. It is intended to be a document
identifies and explores the future of California’s
electric distribution system so as to educate and
stimulate discussion among stakeholders regarding r
equirements for a distributed future.
GTLG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committe
d to providing policy leadership by connecting
innovators with policymakers. Participants in the o
rganization are leading companies, clean technology
business organizations and policy experts in the ar
eas of distribution grid innovation, energy data,
appliance energy efficiency, carbon management and
renewable energy. GTLG has been instrumental in
starting new initiatives including Mission Data (
), Smart Electronics Initiative
) and other efforts found on the GTLG website.
I. Executive Summary ..............................
............................................. 3
II. Purpose .......................................
.. 5
III. Integrated Grid Framework.....................
......................................... 6
A. Distribution Planning ..........................
.......................................... 7
Integrated Distribution Planning ..................
................................. 8
Analysis Methodology & Tools ......................
................................ 8
Operational & Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Mar
ket Data ..........................................
............. 9
DER/Energy Efficiency/Electric Vehicle Diffusion Sc
enarios ...........................................
................. 10
Multi-stakeholder engagement ......................
............................. 10
B. Distribution System Design-Build ...............
................................. 12
Grid as Open Network ..............................
.................................. 12
Flexible Designs & Layered Architecture ...........
.......................... 13
Deployment Timing Alignment........................
............................ 14
Utility Grid Technology On-Ramp ...................
............................. 15
C. Distribution System Operations .................
................................. 16
Minimal Distribution Service Organization (DSO) Fun
ctions ............................................
............... 17
Reliability Coordination at Transmission-Distributi
on (T-D) Interface ................................
............. 18
Expanded DSO Roles ................................
................................... 18
D. DER Integration into Operations ................
................................. 19
Operational Grid Services .........................
.................................. 20
Transparent Value Identification & Monetization ...
..................... 21
Open Access Participation .........................
.................................. 22
IV. Integrated Grid Roadmap .......................
....................................... 24
Appendix A: Relevant California Policies ..........
................................... 26
Appendix B: Assembly Bill 327 (Perea) Sec. 8 ......
................................ 27
Appendix C: Value of the Grid .....................
........................................ 28
References ........................................
................................................. 3
Executive Summary
Executive SummaryExecutive Summary
Executive Summary
California environmental and energy policies
combined with customer choices enabled by innovati
are forcing fundamental changes to California’s pow
er system. It is quickly evolving from the histori
centralized structure toward a substantially more d
ecentralized future. This transition creates an
opportunity to significantly reduce greenhouse gase
s by harnessing the value of energy across the grid
from customers at the edge through the bulk power s
ystem. Essential to achieving this outcome is
enabling customer choice via an electric distributi
on system that becomes an open, integrated electric
network platform that is
more than smart
The current electric system serves the majority of
California well today. However, it is necessary to
consider the changes needed to scale to the levels
of distributed energy resources
(DER) envisioned in
California policy, including Assembly Bill 32
(Nunez) and Assembly Bill 327
(Perea). This is especially
true given the capital intensive nature of grid inv
estment and rapid distributed resource advancements
For example, changes are needed to integrate over 1
5 Gigawatts (GW)
of distributed resources into the
grid. As distribution infrastructure is largely de
preciated over several decades, investments this de
may need to be useful to 2040. The implication for
California is that the current annual utility
distribution investment of nearly $6 billion
is effectively
a 25+ year bet on a future
– which will likely
be quite different than we can imagine today.
This paper is the result of a series of workshops w
ith industry, government and nonprofit leaders
focused on helping guide future utility investments
and planning for a new distributed generation
system. The distributed grid is the final stage in
the delivery of electric power linking electricity
stations to customers. To date, no state has initi
ated a comprehensive effort that includes the plann
design-build and operational requirements for large
scale integration of DER into state-wide distribut
generation systems. This paper provides a framewor
k and guiding principles for how to initiate such a
system and can be used to implement California law
AB 327 passed in 2013 requiring investor owned
utilities to submit a DER plan to the CPUC by July
2015 that identifies their optimal deployment
This paper outlines four key principles around dist
ribution grid planning, design build, operations an
integrating DER into operations to create a more op
en, efficient and resilient grid.
Distribution planning should start with a comprehen
sive, scenario driven, multi stakeholder
planning process that standardizes data and methodo
logies to address locational benefits and
costs of distributed resources
. Distribution planning is becoming more complex.
An integrated
planning and analysis framework is needed to proper
ly identify opportunities to maximize locational
benefits and minimize incremental costs of distribu
ted resources. This is enabled by a standardized
See Appendix A
Distributed energy resources means distributed ren
ewable generation resources, energy efficiency, ene
storage, electric vehicles, and demand response tec
Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, which set th
e 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal into
See Appendix B for AB 327 changes to Public Utilit
ies Code related to Section 769
15 GWs: 12 GWs of distributed generation, over 2 G
Ws of demand response, about 1 GW of energy storage
set of analytical models and techniques based on a
combination of utility grid operational data and
DER market development information to achieve repea
table and comparable results.
California’s distribution system planning, design a
nd investments should move towards an open,
flexible, and
node-friendly network system
(rather than a centralized, linear, closed one) th
enables seamless DER integration.
California’s vision for significant DER contribu
tion to resource
adequacy and safe, reliable operation of the grid r
equires a move to a network system. The
evolution to an open platform will involve foundati
onal investments in information, communication
and operational systems not seen in existing utilit
y smart grid plans. These investments should be
based on solid architectural grid principles while
ensuring the timing and pace align with customer
needs and policy objectives. In the future, the st
ate should strive toward converging electric utilit
designs with other distribution systems for gas, wa
ter and other services.
California’s electric distribution service operator
s (DSO) should have an expanded role in utility
distribution operations (with CAISO) and should act
as a technology-neutral marketplace
coordinator and situational awareness and operation
al information exchange facilitator while
avoiding any operational conflicts of interest.
Today, bulk power systems and distribution system
are largely operated independently. DSO’s can help
play an integrating role with CAISO. California i
already at the point at which integrated and coordi
nated operations based on better situational
information is essential. This integration requires
both an expansion of the minimal functions of
utility distribution operations and clear delineati
on of roles and responsibilities between the CAISO
and utility distribution system operators. Finally,
as with transmission, distribution operations will
need standards of conduct to ensure neutral operati
onal coordination.
Flexible DER can provide value today to optimize ma
rkets, grid operations and investments.
California should expedite DER participation in who
lesale markets and resource adequacy,
unbundle distribution grid operations services, cre
ate a transparent process to monetize DER
services and reduce unnecessary barriers for DER in
Flexible DER can provide a wide
range of value across the bulk power and distributi
on systems. The issue is not
, but
do we enable integration of flexible DER into thes
e systems. This will be enabled by the
expansion of CAISO services and new distribution op
erational services. As such, new capabilities
and performance criteria should be identified as pa
rt of the distribution planning process. These
new services should be coordinated with existing pr
ograms knowing some existing demand
response programs may be surpassed in their relevan
ce and value in the context of AB 327
objectives. Finally, barriers to broad participatio
n involving complex and expensive measurement
and verification schemes and related settlement pro
cesses should be simplified for DER.
The distribution plans that each of the California
IOUs will need to file to comply with AB 327 repres
the first step towards starting to re-shape the dis
tribution grid. The role of this paper is to provid
e a set
of strategic frameworks and guiding principles that
can inform stakeholders and policymakers in the
development of AB 327 Distribution Plans that the C
PUC will eventually ratify. Additionally, as other
states and international locales consider a more di
stributed electric system this paper offers guidanc
on the critical questions and a framework for devel
oping the path forward for their particular
distribution systems.
II. Purpose
California environmental and energy policies
combined with customer choices enabled by innovati
are forcing fundamental changes to California’s pow
er system. It is quickly evolving from the histori
centralized structure toward a substantially more d
ecentralized future. This transition creates an
opportunity to significantly reduce greenhouse gase
s by harnessing the value of energy across the grid
from customers at the edge through the bulk power s
ystem. Essential to achieving this outcome is
enabling customer choice via an electric distributi
on system that becomes more transparent in terms of
information and open in terms of access. This paper
focuses on the optimal integration of distributed
energy resources into the electric system and the r
elated evolution of the existing distribution syste
m to
become an enabling network to realize the benefits
for ratepayers and users of the system.
While the current electric system serves the majori
ty of California well today, it is necessary to con
the changes needed to scale to the levels of DER en
visioned in California policy, including AB 32
and AB
. This is especially true given the capital intens
ive nature of grid investment and rapid distributed
resource advancements. For example, changes are nee
ded to integrate over 15 GWs
of distributed
resources into distribution and/or bulk power syste
m operations. This amount of DER may be low as
technological innovation is accelerating.
Bill Gates observed, "We always overestimate the
change that
will occur in the next two years and underestimate
the change that will occur in the next ten." As
distribution infrastructure is largely depreciated
over several decades, investments this decade may
need to be useful to 2040. The implication for Cali
fornia is that the current annual utility distribut
investment of nearly $6 billion
is effectively
a 25+ year bet on a future
– which will likely be quite
different than we can imagine today.
This paper continues a conversation among a diverse
set of experts about the future of California’s
power system with a particular focus on its role an
d desired attributes. The objective is to define an
integrated grid framework and related guiding princ
iples that link California’s policy goals and desir
integrated power system qualities to utility implem
entation practices. Specifically, those practices
related to distribution
planning, design-build, operations
and the
integration of DER
into markets and
grid operations. This paper is derived from the dis
cussions in a 1
More Than Smart Workshop in
September 2013 and a 2
workshop at Caltech’s Resnick Sustainability Insti
tute in June 2014. This
paper will serve as a primer for a 3
workshop planned for fall 2014 and a source of ind
ustry insights for
relevant regulatory activity in California and else
See Appendix A
Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, which set th
e 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal into
See Appendix B for AB 327 changes to Public Utilit
ies Code related to Section 769
15 GWs: 12 GWs of distributed generation, over 2 G
Ws of demand response, about 1 GW of energy storage
. .
. Integrated Grid Framework
Integrated Grid FrameworkIntegrated Grid Framework
Integrated Grid Framework
The electricity system has been called the most com
plex machine developed by humans. This complex
system has many interdependent components that must
work harmoniously to ensure safe and reliable
service. Any material changes to the system need to
be considered holistically. This is why a systems
view is essential to evaluate the transition underw
ay for the electric grid in California, Hawaii
, New
and other places around the world.
The integrated grid framework in figure 1 below pro
vides a systems view to conceptually illustrate the
linkage between California’s existing policy goals
and regulatory defined electric system qualities we
want to achieve, and the lifecycle development proc
esses used to implement those goals and qualities
in practice. This framework was developed from the
comments and discussion in the first More Than
Smart workshop utilizing a systems engineering appr
oach. A systems engineering approach involves
holistic design and management of complex engineeri
ng projects over their integrated life cycles. The
process starts with identifying the policy objectiv
es as well as customer needs to define system quali
and by extension the system design along with opera
tional requirements.
Figure 1: Integrated Grid Framework
This integrated lifecycle is identified above as th
e Distributed System Lifecycle shaded in dark green
. The
four key stages are:
(1) Distribution Planning, (2) Distribution Design-
Build, (3) System Operations
(4) DER Integration into Operations
. Each interdependent stage represents a set of par
(people), complex processes and technologies. In t
his paper, a set of guiding principles is identifie
d for
each stage to enable customer needs and policy outc
omes. Further definition of the attributes and
requirements for each stage will lead to repeatable
and scalable methods that address immediate and
future system needs. This paper is purposely agnost
ic regarding technical solutions and technology.
The focus of this paper is not to define “what we w
ant to achieve” as this has been clearly identified
codified in California law, regulation and standard
s. The focus is instead on the, “How are we going
execute on this vision?” considerations. This, in p
art, requires creating lines of sight between the p
goals and tactical implementation. It is also requ
ires alignment of all aspects of the framework to
accomplish the desired results. These various aspec
ts should be viewed as synergistic, not additive if
objectives of AB 327 are to be achieved. This is wh
y it is essential that a holistic, systematic appro
ach is
Implementation will involve substantial changes to
the processes and methods used in each of the
lifecycle stages. AB 327 specifically calls for sp
ecific changes as noted in the discussion below. B
ut, this
law is only one of several existing California poli
cies that should be considered for planning, design
and operation of the distribution system going forw
ard. As such, there are several proposed guiding
principles for each stage to address the holistic c
hanges needed. These are drawn from the More Than
Smart workshops and best practice defined in severa
l industry papers, such as EPRI’s The Integrated
, Environmental Defense Funds Smart Grid Scorecard
, DOE’s Modern Grid Initiative
, Carnegie
Mellon’s Smart Grid Maturity Model
, and Gridwise Architecture Council’s Decision Make
r Checklist
If done well the revised process for each stage wil
l result in defining a set of integrated requiremen
ts for
development of an electric system to meet Californi
a’s needs for today and well into the 21
Ensure ratepayers realize the net benefits from the
optimal use of distributed resources at minimal
cost to integrate these resources into the electric
California law AB 327
requires investor owned utilities to submit a dist
ributed resource
plan proposal
to the CPUC by July 1, 2015 that identifies optimal
locations for the deployment of distributed resour
Also, that the “evaluation shall be based on reduct
ions or increases in local generation capacity need
avoided or increased investments in distribution in
frastructure, safety benefits, reliability benefits
, and
any other savings the distributed resources provide
s to the electric grid or costs to ratepayers of th
electrical corporation.” Subsequently, any addition
al distribution investment plans will need to consi
maximizing the locational benefits and minimizing t
he incremental costs of distributed resources. Thi
analysis must also consider “safety standards relat
ed to technology or operation of the distribution
circuit in a manner that ensures reliable service.”
This last criteria is also part of the Operationa
l Risk
requirements for California investor-owned utilitie
This level of planning now required in California i
nvolves a wider and more complex range of
engineering and economic issues in an integrated an
d multi-disciplinary fashion with direct participat
of relevant stakeholders. This includes:
An integrated planning and analysis framework to pr
operly identify the criteria, issues,
interdependencies and methods of analysis
Standardized set of related analytical models and t
echniques to achieve comparable results
Distributed Resources as defined by AB 327 means,
renewable distributed generation, energy storage, p
electric vehicles
Qualified access to utility operational and competi
tive market data to facilitate stakeholder
analysis and independent research
Use of future scenarios related to varying amounts
and timing of DER and electric vehicle
adoption to stress test distribution investment pla
ns and DER benefit-costs
Transparent processes incorporating relevant stakeh
older participation
Integrated Distribution Planning
The first step toward an integrated systematic appr
oach is development of a standardized planning
framework. This is because of the diversity and sca
le of California’s current DER objectives. This
planning framework would involve identifying custom
er needs and uses of the distribution system,
along with DER diffusion modeling, integrated resou
rce planning, power system engineering and
economic analyses needed along with the interdepend
encies among each. The opportunity exists to
achieve California’s objectives if we holistically
understand the interrelationships and related benef
and costs of DER and the grid. Currently, such an i
ntegrated framework does not yet exist
and therefore
many analyses performed today may be significantly
deficient in answering the long-term questions
raised in statues.
Framing the planning objectives in a practical and
standard manner is essential to yield comparable
results across the state. For example, the followin
g three objectives should be clearly defined prior
the utility distribution planning required under AB
“Locational benefits”
“Optimal location”
“Value optimization”
Discussion in the 2
workshop highlighted that “value optimization” cou
ld be construed as value
maximization or cost minimization. Cost minimizati
on in this case is the integrated lifecycle costs
related to the environment, electric system value c
hain, society and customers. Also, it is important
define local optimization and benefits in the conte
xt of the whole system. The parameters for any
planning objectives need to be identified. This sho
uld include identifying inputs such as flexibility,
reliability, and resiliency as well as the scope of
analysis. These parameters should also address ho
w to
consider customer value or externalities. The effe
ctive limits of an analysis should be defined.
California utilities continue to make significant i
nvestment in grid modernization. PG&E, for example,
has incorporated fundamental changes to enable inte
gration of DER at scale. These changes include
larger distribution wire sizes and transformers tha
t also improve safety and reliability. Given these
modernization investments, distribution planning sh
ould start by establishing a common understanding
of the capabilities of the existing system as a “ba
seline”. This baseline evaluation should be stress
tested for any capability gaps by a set of potentia
l future scenarios described below.
Analysis Methodology & Tools
Existing distribution planning process, methods and
modeling tools aren't equipped to fully assess the
increasing random variability of supply and demand
Historically, variability of net
customer demand was rather predictable based on wea
ther and macroeconomic factors. Plus, few
distributed generators were directly interconnected
to low voltage distribution systems so the impact
EPRI is currently developing such a framework as p
art of the Integrated Grid program.
the system was negligible. This has changed based
on the scale and pace of DER adoption and
California’s goals. Analysis today requires both th
e traditional power engineering analysis as well as
assessment of the random variability and power flow
s across a distribution system. Such an analysis
would include real and reactive power flows under a
variety of planned and unplanned situations across
a distribution system, not just a single feeder. E
volution to a more network centric model for a
distribution system to enable bi-directional power
flow underscores the need for a fundamental shift i
planning analyses.
As such, a more sophisticated and proactive
approach is needed to consider the “optimal locati
for DER. Value assessment as defined in AB 327 requ
ires an evaluation of “locational benefits and cost
of distributed resources located on the distributio
n system.” As noted before, these analyses require
complex set of interrelated models to conduct.
Also, a more dynamic interface with the transmiss
system may occur and so analysis of the T-D interac
tion is necessary. A 2013 CEC commissioned study
identified the “
need for studies and tools that capture the detail
of distribution and distribution‐
connected generation with transmission for a unifie
d regional view” (pg. 3).
Additionally, many of these analyses will involve t
rade-offs. One is the trade-off between economic
optimization and system robustness (resilience & re
liability). The challenge for distribution plannin
unlike transmission, is that there is no current an
alytical framework to address the inherent trade-of
between economic optimization and operational robus
tness. Failure to address this significant gap is a
recipe for potentially disastrous results before 20
30. Taking this a step further, there are optimizat
trade-offs between environmental, societal, grid-ba
sed and customer-based solutions. It is also
important to recognize that the power system is bec
oming considerably more complex. This can create a
more fragile system, not more resilient, if not don
e properly. There is a need to understand the
inherent trade-off related to simplicity versus com
plexity in planning. This is best done through anal
of an expanded set of operational risks
not identified in the current CPUC Operational Ris
proceeding. The planning framework must be able to
address these types of trade-offs.
Based on the various new and converged analyses des
cribed above, there is a need to identify existing
tools that can be used and any gaps that exist. A p
rioritization of the analyses is urgently needed as
is short to support AB 327 requirements, energy sto
rage procurements, smart grid and operational risk
Operational & DER Market Data
To enable research and transparency with the analys
es, qualified access to grid asset and operational
data is needed. Similarly, competitive DER/EE marke
t data from services firms is required. This
foundational data should be accessible, visible, an
d available (in terms of time granularity and type
data). Such access could be provided consistent wi
th existing confidentiality rules for transmission
planning and other utility operational data. Also,
NERC’s synchrophasor data repository may offer
guidance on allowing limited access for research an
d transparency while respecting legitimate security
and confidentiality concerns. Conversely, utility p
lanning and analysis would benefit from confidentia
information provided by DER developers and services
firms regarding system performance
characteristics, market information and plans in th
eir planning areas. There may also be an opportunit
to consider expanding the role of the CPUC’s new En
ergy Data Center
to also include this operational
and market planning data.
DER/EE/EV Diffusion Scenarios
A key challenge for determining value as well as th
e timing and magnitude of grid investment is the
uncertainty related to the diffusion patterns for D
ER, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, microgrid
s and
zero net energy code compliance. A set of future sc
enarios looking toward 2030 and beyond are useful
to guide discussion of the evolution of California’
s electric system to support customer’s choices and
public policy. There is a recognition that Californ
ia is at a crossroads with respect to the future ro
le of
the electric system generally and the distribution
system specifically. The discussion at the 2nd Mor
Than Smart workshop identified the value of scenari
os, as possible futures for distributed energy
resource deployment, electric vehicle adoption and
customer participation. These scenarios would be
used to ‘stress test’ existing utility distribution
systems, planned investments and research and
development activity (in general rate cases, EPIC p
rograms, and smart grid roadmaps).
Ideally, utilities would develop at least three fut
ure scenarios for the purpose of stress testing the
baseline capabilities of the distribution system. S
cenarios when used in conjunction with long term
distribution infrastructure capital planning, shoul
d cover at least a 20 year time horizon. These
scenarios should incorporate a range of relevant pa
rameters including diffusion of various types of DE
(plus EVs and energy efficiency), socioeconomic fac
tors, and other key aspects. These scenarios shoul
incorporate assumptions related to state policy goa
ls (e.g., 12,000 MWs of local DG, 1.5 million ZEVs,
of peak met by DR). These assumptions could be aug
mented by insights from stakeholders and research
analysis by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) a
long with other research organizations as well as
scenarios developed in related California proceedin
gs and planning. In these scenarios, DERs must be
assumed to provide services identified in utility D
istribution Resource Plans. In conjunction with th
scenarios, the specified system qualities below can
be used to test the robustness of distribution pla
The characteristics for each of the integrated syst
em qualities below would be outlined based on each
stakeholder (e.g., Customer, DER provider, DSO and
TSO) specified needs.
Figure 2: Integrated System Qualities
Multi-stakeholder engagement
The number of vested stakeholders in the distributi
on planning process has greatly expanded and
incorporating stakeholder (including representative
s of customers) engagement and input as well as
greater transparency to the process is needed. Ther
e is also a concern that California’s plethora of
incentives, programs and policies for different cle
an technologies and resource types are not well
coordinated, leading to inefficiencies in planning.
It is also critical that the opportunity/problem t
o be
solved needs to be defined from an integrated syste
m view and not from a single stakeholder or
technical solution perspective. These consideration
s suggest the need for revised processes to create
multi-stakeholder, scenario driven planning process
similar in concept to that developed for
transmission by CAISO in 2010.
However, engaging more stakeholders in such a plann
ing process may increase the time for outcomes.
Balancing the need for multi-stakeholder involvemen
t with the need for accelerated changes to the
distribution system will be a critical challenge th
at should be considered. Such as the need to identi
and be in the position to execute short term reliab
ility system upgrades versus longer term reliabilit
investments required to support DER. One area that
appears ripe for stakeholder engagement is the
identification of optimal locations guided by plann
ing and asset data in support of realized benefits.
Recommended Reading
Reference paper for analogous approach to scenario
based planning:
CAISO Transmission Planning
Guiding Principles for Distribution Planning
Based on the workshop discussions, the following gu
iding principles and potential requirements are
offered for consideration. These are aligned with r
elevant federal and state policies, and leverage
industry research and best practices referenced in
this paper.
Develop robust open, node-friendly electric network
designs that address safety and reliability needs
while incorporating architectural elements that ena
ble innovation across the electric system and
enhance customer value from connectivity.
Distribution system designs, investment decisions a
nd related technology adoption processes for
physical infrastructure, protection and control sys
tems and operational systems need to quickly evolve
toward achieving the objectives below in a cost eff
ective manner and mindful of customer rate impacts:
Grid as open network model to enable seamless DER/m
icrogrid integration
Employ flexible designs and layered architecture to
create flexibility while managing complexity
Align timing of infrastructure/systems deployment w
ith needs
Well defined and functioning utility advanced techn
ology on-ramp
Distribution designs today generally reflect a trad
itional set of assumptions and uses for distributio
circuit. Standard engineering design practices are
often based on 50 year old operating paradigms. Thi
may lead to significant stranded investment risk be
ginning in the next decade. It is essential that
distribution designs align to the new requirements
driven by customer choices and public policy.
This alignment also raises questions about the futu
re role and value of the distribution system given
potential growth of customer self-sufficiency
or independent micro-grids. In this context, the
discussion at the 2
MTS workshop identified a “node-friendly”
network model as the desired among
four potential distribution end-states. The four en
d-states are; Grid as Back-up, Current Path, Grid a
Network, and Convergence.
These end states should be viewed as on a continuu
m in terms of the
value of the grid. In this context, Grid as Back-u
p envisions the grid providing less value than in t
other end-states. The Current Path is analogous to
the “baseline” discussed earlier. In the Convergenc
role the electric system provides the highest value
. The discussion in the workshop recognized the val
of an advanced grid and focused on Grid as Network
with aspirations for evolving to a convergence end-
These end-states could be used to assess system qua
lities and validate whether utility investment plan
derived from the scenario analysis and planning ali
gn with a particular desired end-state.
Grid as Open Network
An open network end-state builds on the current inv
estments through an acceleration of more
advanced technology adoption into the grid along wi
th an evolution of distribution system designs to
A node is a distribution grid interface with custo
mer or merchant DER or microgrid
See Appendix C for expanded definitions
create a node-friendly network. This network platfo
rm can incorporate seamless integration of DER and
independent microgrids. This network platform model
envisions a proactive approach to manage the
alignment of investment to enable the adoption of D
ER. Such decisions would be made strategically
through a collaborative assessment of optimal inves
tment. This open electric network platform and
related operations enables upwards of 20 GWs of dis
tributed energy resources and over 1.5 million
electric vehicles to integrate safely and reliably
while also contributing to the reduction of greenho
Fundamentally, these distribution designs need to c
onsider how to evolve a closed single purpose
system to a more open, flexible, operationally visi
ble and resilient platform that can accommodate
anticipated DER integration and future innovations.
Such a platform would involve “node-friendly”
standardized, low cost physical and information int
This would enable interconnection
without lengthy studies. This approach would also a
llow for the continued evolution into a multi-cellu
structure comprised of microgrids as discussed in t
he recent CPUC staff microgrid report
. This will not
be easy or simple, yet engineering solutions enable
d by technology innovations must be developed.
To accomplish this, distribution designs will likel
y evolve to a level beyond that contemplated in mos
smart grid plans. This “More than Smart” level is w
hat EPRI describes as The Integrated Grid.
may require rethinking of circuit designs to other
configurations, like the loop designs currently bei
tested in several utility demonstration programs, i
ncluding SCE’s Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration
and utility microgrids such as SDG&E’s Borrego Spr
ings project
The 2
MTS workshop discussion centered on evolving distr
ibution to achieve the network platform
attributes and associated integrated value as refle
cted in this paper. However, the discussion identif
the need to more fully explore, as in New York
, the potential to enable innovation across the pow
system and other critical infrastructure such as wa
ter and transportation. Conceptually there is a re
potential for “network effects”
through the synergistic value that could be create
d from such a
convergence. This is a stretch goal, but worth con
sideration as part of any More Than Smart design.
Flexible Designs & Layered Architecture
The incorporation of advanced digital technologies
and DER into the operation of the electric system
requires consideration of the information, communic
ation and physical interface considerations. For
example, networked distribution systems will necess
arily involve technologies with different lifecycle
s as
more digital and software components are added. Als
o, interfaces with customers and 3rd party systems
will likely be more dynamic as these systems will h
ave different lifecycles. These cyber-physical
interfaces become critical to achieving an open and
flexible network desired. Therefore, it is essenti
that a systems engineering approach leveraging inte
roperability principles
is employed to integrate
fast and slow cycle technologies. By understanding
the functional requirements and interfaces it is
possible to define boundaries to create a flexible
system. Modularity would mitigate stranded cost ris
and enable future optionality to benefit from unfor
eseen innovations such as was the case with modular
smart meter designs developed before the iPhone was
launched. The key to modularity is defining the
boundaries correctly. This is fairly complex and in
volves identifying those engineering-design
“constraints that de-constrain”
. If done well, constraining aspects of the design
will allow flexibility
around the constrained aspect. This modular and lay
ered approach is what enables the internet to
foster innovation in applications as well as hardwa
A number of architectural issues need to be address
ed as distribution increasingly evolves from human-
centric passive/reactive management to highly autom
ated active management.
As such, operational
systems will also evolve in complexity and scale ov
er time as the “richness” of systems functionality
increases and the reach extends to greater numbers
of intelligent devices at the edge of the system. T
also introduces operational risks from increases in
system complexity and the cyber-attack surface.
This increased complexity requires new ultra large-
scale layered architectural approaches
to manage
data and interfaces across thousands and potentiall
y millions of end points, federated controls to
manage various latency requirements for certain gri
d operations, system security, reliability and
extensibility. These systems will be based on archi
tecture that embeds digital processing and analytic
s as
well as control software at many locations in and a
long the power grid infrastructure to implement
flexible grid automation.
Deployment Timing Alignment
The current efforts of California’s utilities
to modernize the grid has been widely recognized a
among the world’s leading efforts. But, the pace a
nd scope of change incorporated into the multi-bill
dollar distribution investment plans may not be suf
ficient to meet customer needs and policy objective
This is due in part to the lag between accelerated
customer DER adoption, and increasing policy
mandates compared to the cycle time for engineering
, design and construction. These alignment issues
can be addressed by basing investment decisions on
scenario based planning. Additionally, timing risk
can be mitigated by identifying those investments t
hat are required under any future scenario. These
“no regrets” investments include advanced field tel
ecommunications networks and increasing grid
operational visibility – to allow more operational
data, moving freely, in real time. This effort can
accelerated by focusing initial efforts within the
development of optimal or preferred locations, revi
in-flight programs such as fault indicator, switch
automation, and capacitor control programs to offse
otherwise expenditures that would become obsolete.
Also, many of these developments will need to be
concurrently consistent across roadmap work streams
However, reducing the deployment time cycle for new
designs and related technology solutions is
critical. System-wide deployments take a long time
from design to full deployment. At first glance, ma
believe far too long – wrongly comparing the adopti
on cycle of consumer electronics from the time they
reach market to consumer purchase. Looking closer i
t becomes clearer why the overall duration for
technologies deployed at scale in the grid or grid
operating systems may take 10 years or more. Below
a conceptual timeline example for electric industry
product development and adoption. There are limits
to accelerating field deployments given safety cons
iderations and availability of qualified people and
equipment. But, there are opportunities to consider
accelerating the front end of the lifecycle involv
research, development and demonstration and busines
s and regulatory decision making.
Introduced by Caltech Prof. J. Doyle and discussed
in Prof. S. Low’s blog
Figure 3: Operational Technology & Field Infrastruc
ture Lifecycle
Utility Grid Technology On-Ramp
Technology advancements in the information and ener
gy technologies that enable a modern grid are
available or within reach. As recognized by the cre
ation of the EPIC research and development funding
and Smart Grid Roadmaps, utilities play a critical
role both in new product development with technolog
suppliers and collaboration with research universit
ies, institutes and national labs. Without utility
involvement the technology development cycle signif
icantly slows. But, the adoption process doesn’t
stop with lab testing or pilots. It is essential f
or California that well defined technology adoption
ramps into operational deployment are established f
or grid infrastructure and operational systems
technology. This would include lessons learned and
shared information about technology testing and
pilots. Likewise, it is important that scale pilots
to demonstrate operational readiness of a wide ran
ge of
flexible distributed resources (e.g., dispatchable
generation, energy storage, electric vehicles and
customer load) are conducted soon.
Such on-ramps for advanced grid technology and DER
participation would align EPIC research and
development funding with integrated resource and pr
ocurement plans, Smart Grid Roadmaps and
general rate case funding requests for capital inve
stment. Of course, technology development should
align with public policy and customer benefits. The
reby, customer benefits and policy values pulling
through new technology. This type of alignment is l
argely done in the energy efficiency and demand
response area and was a critical part of the smart
meter development and deployments. The time is
now to address advanced grid technology adoption to
enable the open network model. As such, the
distribution plans envisioned in AB 327 should iden
tify specific actions and incremental investment
needed to develop an open, flexible electric distri
bution network as well as the related operational
Recommended Reading
Reference papers for deeper discussion:
The Integrated Grid
, EPRI, 2014
Future of Distribution
, EEI, 2012
Guiding Principles for Distribution System Design B
Based on the workshop discussions, the following gu
iding principles are offered for consideration. The
are aligned with relevant federal and state policie
s, and leverage industry research and best practice
referenced in this paper.
To provide safe and reliable electric service acros
s distribution system and operational boundaries
while enabling seamless integration of DER and micr
ogrids into markets and grid operations.
Providing safe and reliable electric service in a m
ore distributed system requires an integrated and
coordinated operational paradigm. This paradigm sho
uld clearly delineate roles and responsibilities
between California Balancing Authorities (BA) like
the CAISO, other transmission system operators and
utility distribution system operators (DSO). These
responsibilities include:
Minimal DSO functions to ensure safe and reliable o
Reliability coordination at Transmission to Distrib
ution (T-D) interface
Potentially expanded DSO roles as energy transactio
ns across distribution grow
The fundamental role and responsibility of the BA r
emains to provide reliable open-access transmission
service. This entails maintaining supply-demand bal
ance and transmission reliability through the
scheduling and dispatch of resources and interchang
e transactions with other regional balancing
authorities. The new challenge for the BA arises fr
om the need to consider the increasingly dynamic ne
load and high penetration of flexible DER across th
e T-D interface at a substation or locational margi
pricing node (P-node). This drives the need to reco
nsider the various roles needed for physical operat
and those for market operation need in the context
of scaling DER to over 25% of California’s peak
demand. This brings about the question as to how ap
propriately balance existing California policy with
economic impacts to customers when considering RPS
goals that apply to both transmission and
Figure 4: Integrated Electric System Operations
Minimal DSO Functions
The discussion of the potential role of distributio
n utilities often confuses the two distinct functio
physical operation of the electric system and that
of market operation. These functions are closely
related, but different. The following discussion is
focused on the physical coordination of real and
reactive power flows across the distribution system
in an integrated manner with the CAISO. In this
context, there is a new set of minimal functional r
esponsibilities that define the new DSO. These new
functions are in addition to the traditional DSO op
erational functions, like outage restoration and
switching for maintenance. One function is managing
distributed reliability services involving many
types of DER and independent micro-grids providing
distributed reliability services
to support
distribution system operations
The ability of the DSO to utilize locally-provide
d reliability services will
also enable the DSO to maintain more stable and pre
dictable interchange with the BA at the T-D
interface. The minimal DSO functions also include r
esponsibility to BA for providing situational
awareness involving forecasting, real-time measurem
ent and reconciliation of net load, dispatchable
DER resource, and real and reactive power flows fro
m the distribution side of a P-node.
It is important to clarify that the DSO functions d
escribed here do not require the DSO to be inserted
into wholesale market operations and related econom
ic transactions between parties involving DER.
Rather, the core operational safety and reliability
based DSO activities confine the DSO to managing r
and reactive power flows across the distribution sy
stem. These activities require tight integration of
people, processes and technology used to operate th
e distribution system. Any concerns about conflict
of interest regarding the coordination of energy an
d capacity delivery schedules, can be addressed
through the use of standards of conduct (SOC) model
ed after the successful Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission’s transmission operation SOC
adhered to by utilities for over 15 years.
Reliability Coordination at T-D Interface
Another function required of the DSO is T-D interfa
ce reliability coordination
This function is to ensure
that services provided by DER are properly coordina
ted, scheduled and managed in real-time so that the
BA has predictability and assurance that DER commit
ted to provide transmission services will actually
deliver those services across the distribution syst
em to the T-D interface.
This coordination also
involves ensuring that DER dispatch (via direct con
trol or economic signal) doesn’t create detrimental
effects on the local distribution system, and will
require coordination of physical power flows at the
interface between the BA and DSO.
The need for
real and reactive power flow coordination across di
stribution and the T-D interface is likely
to increase with the growth of DER and related exce
ss energy available for resale. This involves more
than forecasting and managing net load as identifie
d in the CAISO Duck Curve analysis.
It is also very
likely that energy transactions may occur within an
y given local distribution area between distributed
generators and municipal utilities, power marketers
and energy retailers. At a minimum the physical
aspects (not the financial aspects) of these transa
ctions will need to be coordinated as part of the D
function of reliable distribution system operation.
This does not mean that DSOs will operate balanci
markets or an optimal resource dispatch function as
done by the BA at the wholesale level. Supply-
demand balancing will remain the sole responsibilit
y of the BA. The DSO will, however, need to
coordinate energy delivery schedules to ensure oper
ational integrity of the distribution system.
Expanded DSO Roles
There is a set of potential market facilitation ser
vices beyond the minimum that may be provided by a
utility DSO and/or third parties. An example is an
evolution of the schedule coordinator role as
described in CPUC Rule 24. If desired, the rule ma
y need to be changed to allow investor owned utilit
to offer this service. Also, incorporation of ener
gy storage into the distribution system may enable
to offer new non-core market enabling services simi
lar to those provided by natural gas distribution
utilities. Such services may include “park and loan
,” where parties may park or store energy that cann
be delivered immediately to be scheduled for delive
ry at another time. Likewise, DSOs may sell or loa
short-term real or reactive power as needed to make
-up for deficiencies in scheduled deliveries. The
gas operational concept of “line pack” to increase
the amount of energy that may be delivered in a sho
period may also be adapted to electric distribution
systems with certain energy storage and demand
management technology.
Recommended Reading
Reference paper for deeper discussion:
Century Integrated System Operations
, Caltech-CAISO, 2014
Guiding Principles for System Operations
Based on the workshop discussions, the following gu
iding principles are offered for consideration. The
are aligned with relevant federal and state policie
s, and leverage industry research and best practice
referenced in this paper.
Create opportunities for qualified DER to contribut
e to the optimization and operation of markets and
the grid, and reduce the barriers and costs to part
Flexible DER can provide value to optimizing market
s and grid operations, and infrastructure
investment. This was identified and defined in rese
arch by Sandia National Labs
and SCE
and now
required by AB 327. So the issue isn’t
, but rather
do we enable integration of flexible DER
into bulk power and distribution systems. There are
several steps needed to needed to consider how to
a) allow DER to fully participate in CAISO markets,
b) allow DER to mitigate incremental interconnecti
costs, c) allow DER to meet distribution reliabilit
y and power quality services, and d) enable DER to
provide an alternative for certain distribution inv
estment. Additionally, there are several market
barriers to DER participation as summarized by LBNL
Therefore, to achieve California’s policy
objectives there are four key aspects that need to
be addressed:
Fully address DER potential to participate in bulk
power system (e.g. wholesale energy and
ancillary service markets) and to meet near, mid an
d long term resource adequacy requirements
Unbundle and define distribution operational grid s
Create transparency related to the value of service
s and related monetization methods (e.g.,
market, bi-lateral, tariff, etc.)
Development of more open access rules and processes
(incl. participant qualifications
connectivity and measurement requirements, and sett
Operational Grid Services
Flexible DER is expected to provide a wide range of
value across the bulk power and distribution
systems. This will be enabled by the expansion of C
AISO services and new distribution operational
services. Bulk power system services may include: l
oad following (ramp up/down), resource adequacy,
reactive power support, and system inertia response
Distribution level services may include:
voltage/reactive power
, power quality, power flow control and reliability
. This needs to be
done on a technology neutral basis. The starting po
int for such an effort has been developed by Sandia
and SCE in their respective storage analysis report
s, but it is important to note that their analysis
to any flexible DER technology that can meet one or
more of the over 20 services identified below in
figure 6. There is an immediate need to prioritize
those new bulk power and/or distribution services
needed over the next 1-3 years in California to beg
in the development process.
Figure 5: Potential Operational and Economic Servic
Fully realizing the value of DER for the bulk power
and distribution systems requires assurance of
performance to avoid the need for new dispatchable
generation and/or physical infrastructure to
manage the operations of the electric system. As su
ch, it is essential that clear performance
requirements are specified for each service. This i
s because the evolving system operations discussed
this paper requires firm, dependable resources that
can respond in kind to dynamic operational
conditions or variable economic signals.
A first step is to recognize that the operational c
hallenges facing CAISO, municipal utilities and
distribution grid operators are driving the need fo
r a new set of responsive DER capabilities with
distinctly different characteristics.
Traditional demand response works very well to ad
predicable, discrete peak demand events and as an e
mergency resource for operators. However, much
of this value erodes as the power system becomes mo
re unpredictable and variable that requires much
shorter response times to ensure reliable system op
eration. Therefore,
the relatively analog, slow,
inflexible and imprecise qualities that largely def
ine existing demand response programs may be
surpassed in their relevance and value.
As such, new capabilities should be identified as p
art of the distribution planning process. It is imp
that the analytical framework identify new criteria
for performance of individual DER technologies.
Performance would include the expected outputs, dur
ation, and operational times. Criteria could
address preferred resources for each individual tec
hnology, or a combination to satisfy specific grid
reliability needs in place of traditional investmen
In addition to DER services definition, new multi-l
ayer distributed control schemes will be required t
integrate a large number of distributed resources i
nto integrated grid operations. This type of approa
would allow the bulk power, distribution and custom
er/merchant the opportunity to autonomously
optimize for their needs while also maintaining coo
rdination between and across each tier.
means, for example, some of this coordination may i
nvolve ensuring that autonomous control settings
of DER devices are appropriately set for certain gr
id conditions occurring and responding appropriatel
This distributed architecture with autonomous contr
ols on customer devices can both mitigate problems
created by high penetrations of DER at distribution
, while also allowing for reliable dispatch across
the T-
D interface. A critical first step to enabling thi
s coordination will be for DSO’s and DER operators
launch pilot projects that seek to integrate advanc
ed DER functionalities into DSO operations.
Transparent Value Identification & Monetization
As a foundation, customers should transparently see
the benefits and costs related to a more
distributed system including their choices in the c
ontext of related system upgrades and operational
expense. This allows customers to weigh those benef
its and costs in terms of affordability, reliabilit
y, the
environment and safety. Customers and services fir
ms should also know what types of services and
benefits they can provide to the grid through acces
s to relevant information. All system participants
should also abide by the same operational rules to
ensure reliability and safety.
A significant challenge with integration of DER is
developing and implementing appropriate value
monetization methods.
Valuation will necessarily need to consider the l
ocal value as well as the net
system value given the integrated nature of the ele
ctric grid. This means benefits associated with th
e 30
uses identified in figure 5 above may be offset by
system issues such as:
Surplus generation in day-time hours requiring incr
easing amounts of renewable generation
curtailment to avoid over-generation, and reliabili
ty problems.
Increasing amounts of flexible ramping capacity to
accommodate incremental amounts of solar
generation, both ramping down in the morning when s
olar generation starts, and ramping up in
the afternoon as solar generation decreases while t
he evening peak increases.
Diminishing value of incremental solar additions du
e to decreasing contributions to reliability
and decreasing energy value of solar additions as t
he hours of residual need shift to later hours
in the afternoon with increasing amounts of solar a
This is not to diminish the value that DER can prov
ide, but to recognize that any value determination
requires holistic analyses, including the contribut
ion other DER technologies could combine with solar
generation to maximize value. As discussed earlier
, an analysis framework and appropriate models are
needed immediately to identify these values. In sev
eral cases, potential value is not easily monetized
it may not clearly involve tangible monetary benefi
ts. Value may exist in mitigating externalities
such as
those involved with customer outages. In other inst
ances, value may be derived by displacing utility
investment. Each of these values will need to be m
onetized through a defined method that
transparently produces value for customers.
For example, the nature and value of reactive power
services is distinctly different than an energy or
peak load response service. Today, capacitor banks,
line regulators and load tap changers manage
reactive power. For new investment, the default cos
t is the lifecycle cost of this equipment. So, life
cost may be one method for pricing DER provided ser
vice be based on this lifecycle cost, subject to a
procurement similar in concept to the valuation met
hod used for demand response. Or, the sub-minute
time response characteristics and the unique, dynam
ic engineering value for each local distribution ar
that may suggest using stochastic
engineering models and option valuation methods fo
r the valuation.
This may also suggest a tariff based pricing (refle
cting the “option premium”) as opposed to a
dynamically calculated price signal. This example
illustrates the considerations needed to define the
appropriate value determination and monetization me
thod for each of the required operational
services. There is not a one size fits all model an
d pricing methods based solely on energy price ($/k
do not appear to be sufficient for grid operational
Open Access Participation
Reducing the barriers to participate in these new s
ervices is a fundamental factor to successfully
integrate flexible DER at the scale envisioned in C
alifornia. It is vital that the current barriers in
participation, complex and expensive measurement an
d verification schemes and related settlement
processes be simplified. Since new DER services re
quire firm, dependable and real-time measurable
response, the complex estimation processes of exist
ing demand response programs will be less of an
issue. However, the measurement is a major issue as
today’s rules were designed for integrating larger
generation. Current thinking is also still largely
centered on the form factor and functions of a util
ity type
meter. There is a need to adapt the rules for small
er distributed resources and reflect the modern
metrology, communication and information management
options available. The current demand
response proceeding on this issue may provide a goo
d starting point. But, given the nature of the
operational services required, it is likely these t
opics will need to be revisited within the next 2 y
Recommended Reading
Reference papers for deeper discussion:
Energy Storage for the Electricity Grid: Benefits a
nd Market Potential Assessment Guide
, Sandia, 2010
DR 2.0: The Future of Customer Response
, ADS-LBNL, 2013
New York REV initiative is exploring the value of
externalities related to DER service provision
Stochastic methods are used to evaluate random var
iability which is increasingly an issue on power sy
Guiding Principles for DER Integration into Operati
Based on the workshop discussions, the following gu
iding principles are offered for consideration. The
are aligned with relevant federal and state policie
s, and leverage industry research and best practice
referenced in this paper.
. .
. Integrated Grid Roadmap
Integrated Grid RoadmapIntegrated Grid Roadmap
Integrated Grid Roadmap
Customer adoption of DER holds the promise of enhan
cing the operational, environmental, and
affordability of California’s electric system
This requires “an integrated grid that optimizes th
e power
system while providing safe, reliable, affordable,
and environmentally responsible electricity.”
discussed in the 1
and 2
More Than Smart workshops, California needs to con
sider a more advanced
and highly integrated electric system than original
ly conceived in many smart grid plans. This integra
grid will evolve in complexity and scale over time
as the richness of systems functionality will incre
and the distributed reach will extend to millions o
f intelligent utility, customer and merchant device
The conceptual roadmap below outlines a path that b
ridges the divide from today’s realities to the
opportunities envisioned in a more distributed futu
re. This path is focused on the regulatory and
industry actions needed over the next 1 to 3 years
on the cross-cutting issues identified in the prece
sections to enable a graceful transformation of Cal
ifornia’s power system. But, it is important to
recognize the interdependent nature of the distribu
tion life cycle to successfully transition to a hig
value integrated electric distribution network. As
noted in figure 6, many roadmap activities will nee
d to
be executed concurrently. This requires alignment o
f the intricate interdependencies of the various
activities within each stage.
Figure 6: Conceptual More Than Smart Roadmap
This conceptual roadmap is provided only as a start
ing point for a more complete discussion at CPUC
and the 3
More Than Smart workshop. In these forums, conside
ration of the steps needed to scale up
implementation of the comprehensive planning discus
sed. This is non-trivial as there are about 10,000
investor owned utility distribution circuits and se
veral hundred distribution planning areas across
California. Also, pilot implementations of new DER
provided distribution services is needed to
demonstrate the benefits identified in AB327 as wel
l as T-D coordination with CAISO. This specifically
includes operational technology testing and an inte
grated demonstration at sufficient scale to validat
operational effectiveness. This is needed because C
alifornia has yet to test fast response DER
performance in distribution or in a coordinated ope
ration between distribution utilities and CAISO.
Several pilots, such as SCE’s Preferred Resources P
ilot have been discussed or planned that could serv
this purpose.
The distribution plans that each of the California
IOUs will need to file to comply with AB 327 repres
the first step towards starting to re-shape the dis
tribution grid. One of the key activities that the
needs to take ahead of these filings is to provide
guidance to the IOUs to ensure that their plans
integrate many of the principles articulated in thi
s paper. The role of this paper is to provide a set
strategic frameworks and guiding principles that ca
n inform stakeholders and policymakers in the
development of the guidelines for AB 327 Distributi
on Plans that the CPUC will eventually ratify.
Additionally, as other states and international loc
ales consider a more distributed electric system th
paper offers guidance on the critical questions and
a framework for developing the path forward for
their particular distribution systems.
Appendix A
Appendix AAppendix A
Appendix A: Relevant California Policies
: Relevant California Policies: Relevant California Policies
: Relevant California Policies
The following list highlights relevant California p
olicy and CPUC proceedings related to distribution
planning, design-build, operations and integration
of DER. This is only a representative list to show
range and diversity of policy and activity that dir
ectly or indirectly impacts the distribution system
California Policies (sample)
AB 32; California Global Warming Solutions Act
SB1X 2; 33% RPS standard by 2020
State Water Board Policy on the Use of Coastal and
Estuarine Waters for Power Plant Cooling; (Once
Through Cooling)
Title 24; Residential & Commercial ZNE building cod
Executive Order B-16-2012; Electric Vehicle and Zer
o Emissions Vehicle targets
AB 758; Energy Efficiency Law
AB 2514; Energy Storage goals
SB 17; Smart Grid Systems
AB 327; Changes to Public Utilities Code Section 76
AB 340; Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC)
CPUC Regulatory Proceedings (sample)
IOU General Rate Cases
08-12-009 Smart Grid (annual plan submissions)
10-12-007 Energy Storage
11-09-011 Interconnection OIR
11-10-023 Resource Adequacy & Local Procurement
12-06-013 Residential Rate Design
13-12-010, 12-03-014, 10-05-006 Procurement Policie
s & Long-term Procurement
13-09-011 Demand response
13-11-007, 09-08-009 Alternative Fueled Vehicles
13-11-006 Operational Risk-based Decision Framework
1405003/4/5 Investor-Owned Utility EPIC Triennial I
nvestment Plans
Appendix B
Appendix BAppendix B
Appendix B: AB 327 Sec. 8
: AB 327 Sec. 8: AB 327 Sec. 8
: AB 327 Sec. 8
California AB 327 Section 8 language regarding dist
ributed resource consideration in planning and
integration into operations.
“Section 769 is added to the Public Utilities Code
, to read:
769. (a) For purposes of this section, “distributed
resources” means distributed renewable generation
resources, energy efficiency, energy storage, elect
ric vehicles, and demand response technologies.
(b) Not later than July 1, 2015, each electrical c
orporation shall submit to the commission a distrib
resources plan proposal to identify optimal locatio
ns for the deployment of distributed resources. Eac
proposal shall do all of the following:
(1) Evaluate locational benefits and costs of dist
ributed resources located on the distribution syste
This evaluation shall be based on reductions or inc
reases in local generation capacity needs, avoided
increased investments in distribution infrastructur
e, safety benefits, reliability benefits, and any o
savings the distributed resources provides to the e
lectric grid or costs to ratepayers of the electric
(2) Propose or identify standard tariffs, contract
s, or other mechanisms for the deployment of cost-
effective distributed resources that satisfy distri
bution planning objectives.
(3) Propose cost-effective methods of effectively
coordinating existing commission-approved programs,
incentives, and tariffs to maximize the locational
benefits and minimize the incremental costs of
distributed resources.
(4) Identify any additional utility spending neces
sary to integrate cost-effective distributed resour
into distribution planning consistent with the goal
of yielding net benefits to ratepayers.
(5) Identify barriers to the deployment of distrib
uted resources, including, but not limited to, safe
standards related to technology or operation of the
distribution circuit in a manner that ensures reli
(c) The commission shall review each distribution
resources plan proposal submitted by an electrical
corporation and approve, or modify and approve, a d
istribution resources plan for the corporation. The
commission may modify any plan as appropriate to mi
nimize overall system costs and maximize
ratepayer benefit from investments in distributed r
(d) Any electrical corporation spending on distrib
ution infrastructure necessary to accomplish the
distribution resources plan shall be proposed and c
onsidered as part of the next general rate case for
the corporation. The commission may approve propose
d spending if it concludes that ratepayers would
realize net benefits and the associated costs are j
ust and reasonable. The commission may also adopt
criteria, benchmarks, and accountability mechanisms
to evaluate the success of any investment
authorized pursuant to a distribution resources pla
Appendix C:
Appendix C: Appendix C:
Appendix C: Value of the Grid
Value of the Grid Value of the Grid
Value of the Grid
The value of the electric grid given potential grow
th of customer self-sufficiency or independent micr
is an open question. In this context, the discussio
n at the 2
MTS workshop identified a “node-friendly”
model as the desired among four potential distribu
tion end-states and related value of the grid.
The four end-states below should be viewed as on a
continuum in terms of the value of the grid.
Grid as Back-up
This end-state involves a majority of customers bec
oming largely self-sufficient through the adoption
distributed resources including energy storage and
advanced building and home energy management
systems. This end-state envisions a smaller number
of customers remaining wholly dependent on the
integrated electric system and a growing number of
former customers that have become totally self-
sufficient and have disconnected. Independently own
ed community microgrids arise displacing need for
utility distribution investment. Utility investment
in electric distribution diminishes, focused prima
rily on
break-fix to maintain minimal service standards and
Current Path
This end-state is based on the current utility inve
stment plans for electric distribution refresh and
smart grid
technology adoption as identified in current rate c
ases and smart grid roadmaps. This end-state assume
s an
incremental and reactive approach to infrastructure
investment. Lack of coordination or collaboration a
stakeholders can create gaps in system planning and
investment. This creates a risk of misalignment of t
timing and location of advanced technology investme
nt or substantive changes in distribution design wi
th the
pace of customer and merchant DER penetration.
Grid as Network
This end-state builds on the current investments th
rough an acceleration of more advanced technology
adoption into the grid along with an evolution of d
istribution system designs to create a node-friendl
y grid to
enable seamless integration of DER and independent
microgrids. This envisions a proactive approach to
manage the alignment of investment to enable the ad
option of DER. This open electric network platform
related operations enables upwards of 20 GWs of dis
tributed energy resources and over 1.5 million elec
vehicles to integrate safely and reliably while als
o contributing to the improved overall efficiency o
f CA’s
electric system.
Network in this context refers to an open, multi-d
irectional electric distribution system that create
s additional
value for connected customers and distributed energ
y resources. It does not refer to, but doesn’t prec
lude, the
type of electrical distribution configuration that
links the secondaries of multiple distribution circ
uits into a mesh
configuration for enhanced reliability.
This end-state envisions the convergence of an inte
grated electric network with California’s water,
natural gas and transportation systems to create mo
re efficient and resilient infrastructure to enable
state’s long-term economy and environmental policy
objectives. Convergent opportunities to minimize
capital investment in infrastructure for synergisti
c societal benefits are fully evaluated in local jo
planning efforts. Advanced operational data and co
ntrol technologies are increasingly integrated in
highly coordinated operations across the water, nat
ural gas, and transportation networks.