Design of tunable GHz-frequency
optomechanical cry
stal resonators
Hannes Pfeifer
, Taofiq Paraïso
, Leyun Zang
and Oskar Painter
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Günther-Scharowksy-Straße 1, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Institute for Quantum Information and Matte
r and Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratory of Applied Physics, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
We present a silicon optomechanical nanobeam design with a
dynamically tunable acoustic mode at 10.2 GHz. The resonance frequency
can be shifted by 90 kHz/V
with an on-chip capacitor that was optimized to
exert forces up to 1 μN at 10 V operation voltage. Optical resonance
frequencies around 190 THz with Q factors up to 2.2 × 10
place the structure
in the well-resolved sideband regime with vacuum optomechanical coupling
rates up to
= 353 kHz. Tuning can be used, for instance, to overcome
variation in the device-to-device acoustic resonance frequency due to
fabrication errors, paving the way for optomechanical circuits consisting of
arrays of optomechanical cavities.
References and links
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1. Introduction
Within the last decade the field of cavity-optomechanics has achieved great progress in
exploring and exploiting the interaction of light with mechanical motion [1], realizing laser
cooling of a mechanical resonator to its quantum mechanical ground state [2,3] and generating
both squeezing of light [4,5] and mechanical motion below the standard quantum limit [6,7].
The applications of cavity-optomechanical systems for fundamental and applied sciences are
myriad, ranging from gravitational wave detection to sensing of inertial forces [8-11]. Coupled
optomechanical oscillators were also proposed as a toolbox to study quantum many body
dynamics and as a promising system for information processing and routing [12-18]. In this
regard, optomechanical crystals which combine photonic and phononic band engineering in an
optically thin device layer [19,20] offer great versatility to implement different regimes of
cavity-optomechanics in a chip-scale, integrated platform.
A key role for the realization of arrays and networks of optomechanical cavities is the
control over the exact properties of the single sites and their coupling [12-18]. For example
small deviations in the mode frequencies can shift coupled cavities out of resonance with each
other and prevent an efficient excitation transfer between them. In optomechanical crystals such
variations are unavoidably introduced through fabrication non-idealities. The shifts of acoustic
resonances that thereby arise are usually in the order of 0.1-0.01% of the target frequency for
well-developed fabrication processes.
Nevertheless a first demonstration of phononically
coupled optomechanical cavities in an optomechanical crystal was recently presented using
shared super modes of coupled cavities [21]. To compensate detuning one may use a static
approach like post fabrication processing methods such as nano-oxidation shown to tune
photonic cavities [22], but dynamic control over mechanical resonances on chip could extend
the abilities to shape phonon storage and propagation [23].
Silicon optomechanical crystals are produced by patterning and releasing the device layer
of a silicon on insulator (SOI) chip [19]. The periodic structuring allows the design of photonic
and acoustic bandstructures governing the dispersion of the respective field in the medium [20].
Introduction of defects through a continuous deformation of the periodic unit cell can be used
to localize both vibrational and optical modes. A mechanical mode periodically changes the
refractive index distribution through vibrating boundaries and stress. A spatial overlap with an
optical mode leads to a coupling of both modes similar to the canonical optomechanical model
of a moving end mirror in a Fabry-Pérot cavity. Both 1D and 2D systems can be realized, where
in the 1D case the light (vibration) is confined on a silicon nanobeam in the lateral direction
through index contrast (material boundaries) and along the beam through a photonic (phononic)
It has been shown that in the SOI chip-scale platform, dynamic tuning of optical modes can
be achieved by a static displacement of the optical cavity structure induced through an on-chip
capacitor [24,25]. For example, by applying a voltage across two suspended silicon beams
which form an optical waveguide or cavity, changes in the gap between the beams can be used
to sensitively tune the optical waveguide propagation phase [26] or cavity mode frequency [24].
The necessity to also tune acoustic resonators naturally arises with a growing ensemble of
coupled, interacting oscillators, whether they be instruments in an orchestra or optomechanical
cavities on a chip. The various techniques to shift acoustic resonators’ frequencies vary of
course with their size, but they usually all aim at a modification of the geometry or a change of
the restoring force for example through induced stress or a change of the elasticity of the
vibrating materials. Doing this for chip-scale oscillators is challenging and has been
demonstrated for oscillators up to MHz frequencies, for example, of flexural nanobeam modes
[27-30]. However the implementations of on-chip circuits and networks usually require a
regime where the mechanical frequency has to be larger than the optical dissipation rate, the so-
called resolved sideband regime, which can be reached for GHz-modes in optomechanical
Here we propose to use capacitive forces to tune the frequency of an acoustic GHz mode
of an optomechanical crystal nanobeam structure. The principle is schematically depicted in
Fig. 1(a) and resembles the tuning of a string through tension. However, instead of modifying
a flexural mode’s frequency, usually appearing at some MHz, we aim at tuning the localized
phononic crystal modes which occur at GHz frequencies. These modes emerge from vibrations
of the unit cells of the 1D acoustic crystal, where a localization is realized by surrounding cells
featuring an acoustic bandgap at the frequency of the localized mode. A force exerted onto the
nanobeam would stretch the unit cells and with that change their periodicity and thereby the
vibrational frequency.
2. On-chip forces for tuning acoustics
A critical parameter in the proposed tuning scheme is the force that can be exerted by the
capacitor onto the beam. Since silicon is a rather stiff material comparably large forces have to
be exerted to stretch a silicon nanobeam by a reasonable fraction. On the other hand the
parameters of the capacitor, such as the size and the operational voltage, have to be compatible
with the implementation on chip. To roughly estimate the available forces one can assume a
simple plate capacitor (see Fig. 1(a)) with the well-known result
. (1)
For an air-filled gap (
) and realistic capacitor parameters such as a metal layer thickness
of 150 nm, a length
of 50 μm and a capacitor gap
of 100 nm, one arrives at 3.3 nN/V²
yielding about 330 nN for an applied voltage
of 10 V.
Fig. 1(a) Tuning principle using an on-chip capacitor that exerts a force onto an
optomechanical crystal nanobeam. The force is determined by the capacitor geometry
and the applied voltage. (b) The maximal force, given by the capacitor’s breakdown
voltage, can be increased by stacking ca
pacitors on multiple connected pads.
- -
() 2
h L U
h L
To produce larger forces one may reduce the capacitor gap or increase the voltage, however
it is known from measurements of the modified Paschen-curve for small capacitor gaps that for
a certain setup the breakdown voltage of the capacitor decreases with smaller gaps [31-34]. A
linear dependence would then decrease the maximal voltage and with that the maximal force by
the same amount the gap size shrinks. An alternative approach to boost the exertable force that
does not aim on an improvement of the single capacitor is a stacking of capacitors as shown in
Fig. 1(b). There the silicon pads that support the capacitors are connected in the center. Also the
movable capacitor plates can be connected via this line to share a common electric potential.
Silicon teeth supporting the other sides of the capacitors can protrude into the space in between
the silicon pads from the frame around. If a voltage is applied in this configuration, all capacitors
pull together on the nanobeam like a team in a tug-of-war match. Since the capacitors pull on a
rigid nanobeam that does not stretch much, the displacement still stays small. Stacks of this kind
can be found in general textbooks on microelectromechanical system (MEMS) designs (such as
[35]) and in MEMS applications that require strong forces for actuation or on-chip mechanical
manipulation (e.g. [36,37]).
For a more rigorous evaluation of the extractable force the single capacitor and the stacked
design were simulated with a finite element software package [38]. The force exerted into the
direction of the attached nanobeam is found by integration of the respective traction vector
component. The traction or stress vector
giving the force density per area on an imagined
surface within the material can be found by projecting the stress tensor
onto the normal vector
of the surface so that its components are given by
. The integration was carried out
on a fixed surface at the right boundary of the simulation domain, where in the complete design
the acoustic nanobeam would be attached. Fig. 2 shows the displacement along the beam
direction and the stress in the structure for the case of four stacked plate capacitors. Note that
the displacement of the capacitor hosting silicon pads is almost negligible. The result for the
single capacitor yields a smaller force than estimated with the assumption of a plate capacitor.
This stems from the obvious deviation of the geometry from an ideal plate capacitor with huge
contributions of edge fields and from some fraction of the force (~1%) that is diverted to the
tethers that hold the suspended silicon pads. The simulations show that a single capacitor with
the same geometry as described before exerts a force of about 150 nN, if 10 V are applied. The
silicon layer has a thickness of 220 nm and the supporting pad a length of 50 μm and width of
5 μm. The four silicon tethers that hold the suspended pad have a width of 150 nm and length
of 5 μm. Adding more capacitors to a stacked design roughly adds up the forces that are exerted
by the single capacitors. To reach a force of 1 μN with a voltage of 10 V a stack of 7 capacitors
would hence be sufficient. The footprint of a capacitor configuration with 7 single pads would
roughly be 60 μm × 60 μm.
This gives an idea of the magnitude of the forces that can be available with capacitors on a
SOI-platform. To correct the frequencies of the localized acoustic modes by the required 0.1 to
0.01%, it is now crucial to optimize the sensitivity of the modes to an applied force.
Fig. 2 Simulated [38] displacement along the beam axis and stress distribution in the structure for the case of 4
connected capacitors. All boundary surfaces and the unreleased capacitor plate are assumed to be fixed in this
configuration. The maximum displacement of the capacitor carrying pads being hold by the connected beam is as low
as ~5 pm/V
. The largest stress and thereby the exerted force appe
ars on the transition element towards the nanobeam.
3. Acoustic mode design
The most commonly used types of GHz vibrational modes on silicon nanobeams are so called
breathing modes, where the unit cells expand and contract laterally in the beam [39,2].
Unfortunately the effect of an applied force to such a beam is almost negligible. This
disadvantageous behavior has two reasons. First, this type of mode is in general not very
sensitive to a stretching of the unit cell. It is created from an acoustic band with rather flat
dispersion causing no significant frequency shift as the unit cell is stretched. Second, since the
geometry was not optimized for this purpose the comparably large cross section of the wide
beam makes it harder to stretch and therefore all of its mechanical modes are less sensitive to
an applied force. Fig. 3(a) shows a unit cell of a common silicon nanobeam containing an
elliptical hole. The smallest cross-section consists of two connection areas. If one assumes a
fixed, smallest fabricable size for such a geometry feature, having two connecting parts means
to double the smallest possible connection area and with that the stiffness of the beam. A more
suitable design for this purpose is therefore a chain of connected rectangular silicon pads (see
Fig. 3(a)). The minimum cross-section is smaller and due to its similarities with a basic spring-
mass system it is easily customizable [20]. Adjusting the size of the pads and connecting bridges
allows to modify the bandstructure and open large bandgaps. It is therefore an excellent
candidate to search for modes with an initially higher force-sensitivity and to optimize their
To test different types of modes for their sensitivity to an external force different unit cells
were designed to exhibit large bandgaps in different frequency regimes. An example of such a
structure is shown in Fig. 3(b). Since the unit cell is mirror symmetric about the xy- and the xz-
planes, it is possible to classify the modes with respect to these symmetries. The resulting modes
exhibit even or odd parity, upon the vector parity operations
(corresponding to the xz-plane)
(xy-plane) that map the displacement field vector
onto itself.
For example an even
parity manifests as
switching both the
displacement and position vector component. The other two displacement components are not
switched. The color highlighted modes in Fig. 3(b) correspond to even modes upon both
symmetry operations. A full bandgap (highlighted in orange) opens above the first band of a
symmetric mode (in blue). A deformation of such a mirror unit cell can now pull bands into the
gap yielding a structure that supports a mode at the gaps frequencies. This deformed defect unit
cell is now inserted into a chain of unperturbed cells with a large band gap. To smoothen the
transition some more cells are added around. Their geometry sweeps continuously from the
mirror to the defect cell. The resulting localized mode for the case of the first symmetric mode
Fig. 3(a) Unit cells and cross-sectional area for different na
nobeam designs. Smaller cross sections support potentially
stronger tunabilities. (b) Ge
ometry in the following (
) = (50,400,300,600,220) nm and corresponding band
diagram of the “connected-pad” design with a full bandgap. Highlighted are modes that are even under
parity operation (mirror symmetry in xy-/xz-plane). The modal plots show the magnitude of displacement at
- and X-
point. (c) Displacement at a nanobeam featuring a localized acoustic mode in the bandgap of the outer cells from (b).
The deformation of the central unit cells to (
) = (50,100,100,640,220) nm pulls the mode’s frequency of the
first symmetric band of (b) into the gap. Simula
tions for (b) and (c) were performed with [38].
is shown in Fig. 3(c). Here the silicon pad of the defect unit cell is shrunk shifting its vibration
to higher frequencies into the bandgap of the surrounding mirror cells.
The described procedure was followed for modes constructed by the first four symmetric
bands with appropriate mirror and defect unit cells. Within the simulations [38] the resulting
nanobeams were furthermore exposed to a force stretching the geometry. Afterwards, the
eigenmodes of this stretched - stressed geometries were again simulated to identify the effect of
a fixed force onto the localized modes. The most sensitive constructed modes in this sweep were
found to be formed from the first symmetric band (blue band) and in the full cavity structure
shown in Fig. 3(c).
To enhance the tunability of the acoustic resonance different geometry parameter changes
were investigated and design rules for an ideal tunable unit cell were identified. First the
stretchable parts need to form a large fraction of the cell. This leads to rather long connectors
of the pads compared to the unit cell size. Second the elongation can be optimized by making
the connectors lateral cross section small and third the stress/strain field of the mode needs to
extend to the cell boundaries. The last point heuristically ensures a good coupling between
adjacent cells and with that a decent group velocity of the waveguide mode. A good force
sensitivity for a localized vibration is produced if these rules are applied to the design of the
defect region. For the design introduced in Fig. 3 this results in a comparably small pad in the
center with long bridges connecting its neighbors. Fig. 4(b) shows the mirror bandstructure and
a detail plot with the exaggerated displacement field for such a nanobeam. This geometry choice
Fig. 4 Geometry and band diagrams of two different mirror unit cell designs, displacements of localized modes on
acoustic nanobeams and their corresponding tunabilities. (a),
definition of the geometry parameters for the new unit
cell type used in (c). Design (b) corresponds to the geometry
of Fig. 3, (c) employs a dimerization of the unit cell to
pull a band of similar mode shape from the
-point. The mirror unit cell of (c) uses (
) =
(205,85,135,210,650,220) nm. The central cell uses (
) = (325,50,100,125,650,220) nm. The nanobeam
modes were designed through unit ce
ll deformation and the tunabilities were
extracted from simulations of the
eigenfrequencies of differently pre-stressed structures.
leads to a tuning of 0.08 % of its unstressed frequency if a force of one micro Newton (μN) is
applied, meaning that the target tuning of the previously mentioned 0.1-0.01% can be achieved.
Here the first symmetric band at its X-point was used to create localized modes. This causes
the displacement field to exhibit a
-phase shift from one unit cell to the next. As detailed in
and later in the text this may be an unfortunate choice to ensure a large optomechanical
coupling. It is therefore important to note that this mode design and its optimizations can also
be used to create a localized mode from the same band at the
-point. In order to do this we
utilized a dimerized unit cell as discussed in Ref. [40]. The mode shape of silicon pads
oscillating against each other is thereby maintained, but instead of having equally sized pads,
two different sizes are now employed. To ensure its usability also for photonic bands around
1550 nm, the lattice constant is kept similar (650 nm). Putting two pads into a unit cell of this
size therefore shifts the mode of the two pads oscillation against each other to about twice the
frequency of the previous design. Fig. 4(c) shows an example for such a design from a 220 nm
silicon film where one can see the unit cells around the central defect oscillating in phase as
expected for their
-point. The tunability remains large at 0.071% per 1 μN.
Up to now we have just considered localized acoustic modes. In the following, optical
modes and their coupling to the mechanical field are optimized to yield tunable optomechanical
4. Optical mode design
The acoustic nanobeam design has thus far been optimized solely for mechanical tunability.
The nanobeam structure must also support a localized optical resonance in order to create large
radiation pressure coupling between light and the acoustic resonance of the beam. Because of
its thin beam design, required for significant tuning of the acoustics, near-IR light in the 1500
nm telecom band will not be well guided in the acoustic nanobeam of the previous section. The
lack of larger domains of silicon with its high refractive index, shifts all optical bands to higher
frequencies [41]. Looking at the photonic bandstructure of the acoustic beam’s defect cell, as
shown if Fig. 5(a), this manifests in bands that are very close to the light cone. Usually one
would try to use photonic bands at the X-point and a bandgap to localize an optical mode in a
similar fashion as used in previous nanobeam optomechanical crystal cavities [39,20]. This
Fig. 5(a) Photonic bandstructure of a bare acoustic cell with (
) = (50,280,220,640,220) nm and of the same
cell with an added ribbon structure (simulated with
[42]). The geometrical parameters used here are (
) =
(192,296,211,130) nm. The increasing amount of high refractive index material pushes the photonic bands towards
lower frequencies. TM-like modes are plotted in light grey,
TE-like modes appear in red (ant
isymmetric to green dashed
plane) and dark grey (symmetric). (b) Proposed structure geometry, so that the added ribbons cannot affect acoustic
properties or the force applied central beam.
cannot efficiently be done with this kind of unit cell, since the vicinity of the light cone would
cause scattering to freespace modes and therefore lead to small optical quality factors.
In order not to affect the mechanical properties of the central acoustic beam, we choose
here to add more high index silicon to the unit cell in the form of two additional “ribbons”,
which are mechanically disconnected from the central beam. Fig. 5(b) shows a schematic of
such a beam structure where the central acoustic beam is accompanied on each side by a ribbon.
The ribbons can be attached to the surrounding silicon on both ends while the central beam is
connected to the capacitor carrying pad at one side to exert a force on it. Since the ribbons are
made out of the same silicon device layer, they have the same thickness as the central beam.
Also, they should be close enough to the center to form a single photonic waveguide with the
acoustic part. To enhance the design capabilities for photonic bandstructures and modes, the
inner edge of each ribbon can be altered by adding a silicon knob in the unit cell. As a result the
photonic bands (simulated with “MIT photonic bands” software package [42]) are pushed away
from the light cone to lower frequencies. By shaping the added knobs, large bandgaps for fields
of certain symmetries can be obtained as shown in Fig. 5(a) (TE-like modes bandgap). These
features enable one to independently optimize optical properties while keeping the mechanics
Using the geometry sketched in Fig. 5(b) it is possible to design nanobeams with
mechanical and optical modes, where the optical quality factor can exceed 10
as extracted from
FEM simulations [38]. As already mentioned those beams would not exhibit a large
optomechanical coupling due to the initial choice of an X-point mechanical mode. In an infinite
waveguide this choice manifests in a
phase shift of the mechanical displacement field between
adjacent unit cells. Any coupling in a single cell appearing as a frequency shift of the optical
mode during the acoustic oscillation is therefore cancelled by a shift of opposite sign in the next
cell. In general the linear coupling
can be expressed in first order perturbation theory as a
change of the optical modes frequency through a displacement-induced change of the refractive
index distribution. For silicon photonics the major contributions originate from two different
effects. First the change of the geometry through the displaced boundaries (MB) as detailed in
[43,39] and second the stress induced refractive index change through the photo-elastic effect
(PE) in silicon [44,39].
The moving-boundary contribution can be written as follow
. (2)
is the normalized displacement field (max{
} = 1),
is the permittivity
difference and
the difference of the inverse permittivity. Note that the scalar
product of the displacement field selects components that are normal to the material surface.
is the zero point motion of the mechanical mode and hence
the vacuum optomechanical
coupling rate. The photo-elastic coupling can be calculated via
, (3)
where the permittivity is changed through the generalized amplitude
of the vibration mode
(with max{
} = 1). In case of the photo-elastic effect it is given by
, (4)
is the refractive index of the material,
are the coefficients of the photoelastic tensor
are the coefficients of the strain tensor of the acoustic mode.
In the structure shown here the largest optical field magnitude arises in the gap between the
outer ribbons and the central ac
oustic beam. Therefore
the photoelastic effect does not have a
large contribution as the stress induced by the movement of the pads mainly appears in the
connector parts where no large optical field is present. On the other hand the boundary
movement of the acoustic beam that is created by the vibration changes the gap and therefore
has a larger contribution. In case of the dimerized unit cell shown in Fig. 6 this means that the
silicon pads in the center vibrate towards or away from the field maxima around the ribbons
knobs depending on the phase of the oscillation. The employed acoustic mode here is a
mode, which means that in an infinite chain all unit cells vibrate in phase and therefore add up
their contributions constructively to the total optomechanical coupling. The maximal values that
can be reached in this configuration appear with minimal distances between the ribbon and the
central parts. The example in Fig. 6(b) has a gap width
(see Fig. 5(a)) of 50 nm, which realizes
a waveguide vacuum optomechanical coupling rate
= 467 kHz from the moving boundary
coupling for the X-point of optical modes of the first red highlighted band.
D dS
np S
Fig. 6 Comparison of the photonic bandstructures and modes [42] of the single pad (a) and dimerized (b) defect unit
cells with ribbons. The right column shows an overlay of the |
|² field magnitude at the X-point and the displacement
field of the employed acoustic modes at the X- (a) and
-point (b) for a waveguide of th
e respective cells. In (a) the
silicon boundaries along the waveguide
are alternatingly displaced towards and away from the light field maxima. In
contrast to that, the boundaries in (b) are along the whole waveguide either displaced away or towards the next light
field maximum for a certain time in the oscillation cycle. The geometry of (a) is the same as in Fig. 5(a), while (b) uses
) = (295,50,100,125,620,220) nm and (
) = (126, 317,150,50) nm.
To form an optical cavity the unit cell geometry of the defect introduced in Fig. 6(b) is
swept from the center to that of mirror cells at the ends of the beam. This sweep is depicted in
Fig. 7(a). The optical modes that can be found on the patterned nanobeam can be separated into
different symmetry groups: (i) even and odd modes about the
mirror plane and (ii) even and
odd modes about the
mirror plane. The definition of the planes and axis is the same as in Fig.
3(b). The dashed green line indicates the xz-plane (mirror plane for
operation). Note that we
use a vector symmetry convention here. The fundamental TE-like optical modes of the silicon
slab have
= +1. The fundamental transverse guided modes of the nanobeam have odd vector
= -1 (but even spatial symmetry). We will thus be interested in optical waveguide
modes of (
) = (-1, +1) vector symmetry.
The mirror unit cells band diagram plotted on the left of Fig. 7(a) features a large bandgap
from about 165 THz to about 195 THz for TE-like modes of
= -1 symmetry. On the right are
the band diagram and unit cell from Fig. 6(b). The plot between both shows the trace of the X-
point frequencies along a quadratic deformation of one cell towards the other, where the defect
cell is placed in the center of the sweep. The quadratic modulation of the geometry parameters
thereby causes the band edge frequencies to roughly follow a harmonic potential. The fully
assembled structure and a simulation of its optical properties yields an optomechanical cavity
with an optical mode shown in Fig. 7(b). The Q factor of this resonance is simulated to be about
at a resonance frequency of 186 THz. The vacuum coupling rate to the localized
acoustic dimer mode is determined to be around
= 291 kHz. Table 1 summarizes the
parameters of this structure.
Fig. 7(a) Photonic bandstructure of dimerized mirror unit cell, (b) frequencies of the photonic X-point modes for the
unit cell geometries along the nanobeam and (c) photonic bandstructure of the defect cell. (d) Plot of the E
of the localized optical mode created from th
e first band by the deformation of unit cells.
The properties of the designed nanobeam can now be further optimized. To operate closer
to the conventional communication band the unit cell size is reduced by shrinking the largest
connector part. Thereby the tunability of the acoustic mode is maintained and the optical modes
are shifted to higher frequencies. Table 1 also summarizes the parameters of some optimized
structures closer to 190 THz and a design with a gap of 75 nm between the central acoustic
beam and the ribbons that is less challenging to fabricate. The optimized structures were found
by applying a Nelder-Mead simplex optimization onto some geometry parameters where the
minimized cost function was chosen proportional to -
and contained a weighting dependent
on the deviation from the target operation wavelength. The Q factor optimum was limited to 2
Million to bias it against unrealistic values.
Table 1 Simulated nanobeam parameters
Nanobeam parameters
50 nm gap
75 nm gap
Fig. 7
186 THz
190 THz
190 THz
1.4 ·10
2 ·10
2.2 ·10
10.6 GHz
10.8 GHz
10.8 GHz
83 fg
80 fg
80 fg
12 fm
12 fm
12 fm
291 kHz
353 kHz
248 kHz
Mech. Tuning:
9 MHz/μN
9 MHz/μN
9 MHz/μN
5. Conclusion
We have presented a new design for on-chip SOI based optomechanical nanobeams with optical
cavity modes in the 1500nm telecom band and tunable acoustic resonances in the microwave
X-band (~ 10 GHz). Numerical simulations show that the device can operate in the well resolved
sideband limit with optomechanical coupling strengths as large as
= 353 kHz. The
tunability of the X-band mechanical resonances is up to 0.1% of the center frequency for micro-
Newton tensioning forces, which can be realized with an applied voltage of 10V across a series
of pulling capacitors. The ability to statically trim the acoustic properties of such microwave
frequency acoustic devices in the setting of cavity-optomechanics would enable
experimentation with arrays of coupled optomechanical devices, where for example one can
explore transitions in the synchronization of optomechanical oscillators [45], slow and stop light
in coupled resonator chains [46,23] create synthetic gauge fields for photons [16], or even study
topological phases of sound and light [18]. We also anticipate that tunable or trimable
optomechanical crystal structures will be valuable in creating optomechanical circuits capable
of advanced signal processing in the framework of microwave photonics, such as narrowband
filtering, amplification, and non-reciprocal signal transport [21].
The authors would like to thank Matthew H. Matheny for valuable discussions on the benefits
of dimerization of acoustic modes in phononic crystals. This work was supported by the AFOSR
Hybrid Nanophotonics MURI, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Max Planck
Society, and the Kavli Nanoscience Institute at Caltech.