================================= README.TXT =================================

All Authors: Patrick L. Theofanis, Andres Jaramillo-Botero, Hai Xiao, William A. Goddard, III

Title: Supplemental information for a non-adiabatic study of dynamic electronic effects
during brittle fracture of silicon

Supplemental materials

Total No. of Files: 12

README.TXT, SupplementalInfo.tex, SupplementalInfo.pdf,  100x011x01-1GvsV.pdf, ElecXVelocity.pdf, ElecYield.pdf,
ElecYVelocity.pdf, ElecZVelocity.pdf, ElecKineticEnergy.pdf,
ElecRadialVelocity.pdf, stress_xx_vs_r.pdf, SupplementalInfo.bbl

Filetypes:  txt, .tex, .pdf, .bbl

Special Instructions: 

Contact information:
Dr. W. A. Goddard III 
Beckman Institute 139-74
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA  91125
Phone: 626-395-2731          FAX: 626-585-0918          
Email: wag@wag.caltech.edu
