Astro2020 State of the Profession
Consideration White Paper
Realizing the potential of astrostatistics and
September 27, 2019
Principal Author:
Gwendolyn Eadie
Thomas Loredo
, Ashish A. Mahabal
, Aneta Siemiginowska
, Eric Feigelson
Eric B. Ford
, S.G. Djorgovski
, Matthew Graham
eljko Ivezi
, Kirk Borne
Jessi Cisewski-Kehe
, J. E. G. Peek
, Chad Schafer
, Padma A.
, C. Alex Young
Cornell University, Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science (CCAPS) & Department of
Statistical Sciences, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Division of Physics, Mathematics, & Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125, USA
Center for Astrophysics
Harvard & Smithsonian, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
eScience Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
DIRAC Institute, Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
Booz Allen Hamilton, Annapolis Junction, MD, USA
Department of Statistics & Data Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
Department of Statistics & Data Science Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Founder, The PACA Project, Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO 80301, USA
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
American Astronomical Society Working Group on Astroinformatics and Astrostatistics
American Astronomical Society Working Group on Time-Domain Astronomy
American Statistical Association Astrostatistics Interest Group
International Astronomical Union Commission B3 on Astroinformatics & Astrostatistics
LSST’s Informatics and Statistics Science Collaboration (ISSC)
International AstroInformatics Association
arXiv:1909.11714v1 [astro-ph.IM] 25 Sep 2019
1 The growing impact of astrostatistics and astroinformatics
Astrostatistics and astroinformatics (A&A) comprise interdisciplinary research combining
astronomy with one or more of the information sciences, including statistics, machine learning,
data mining, computer science, information engineering, and related fields. For the Astro2010
decadal survey, nearly 100 astronomers and information scientists submitted two State of the
Profession Position Papers (Borne
et al.
, 2009; Loredo
et al.
, 2009) highlighting the potential of
the then-emerging areas of astrostatistics and astroinformatics to make transformative
contributions to astronomy, if only support for research and education in those areas could be
enhanced. In the decade since, the size and impact of A&A has grown dramatically, despite only
modest changes in formal support of these areas.
In the time since Astro2010, the community of A&A researchers has grown tremendously in size.
Scholarly societies and large astronomy projects have responded with the creation of several
A&A groups, with a combined membership of several hundred astronomers and information
scientists: LSST’s Informatics and Statistics Science Collaboration (ISSC, 2009, 72 members),
the International Astrostatistics Association
(IAA, 2012, 601 members), the American
Astronomical Society Working Group in Astroinformatics and Astrostatistics
, (WGAA; 2012,
116 members) the American Astronomical Society Working Group on Time Domain Astronomy
(2014), the American Statistical Association Astrostatistics Interest Group
(2014, 111 members),
the IEEE Astrominer Task Force (2014), the International Astronomical Union Commission B3
on Astroinformatics & Astrostatistics
(2015, 239 members), and the International
AstroInformatics Association
(2019, 182 members).
Various teams from within the A&A community have submitted multiple Science White Papers
addressing recent and future A&A science impacts in various areas of astronomy, and APC White
Papers addressing specific A&A considerations such as the needs of petascale A&A research, and
education and collaboration support issues.
This White Paper is authored by leaders of the A&A groups listed above, and reflects broad A&A
support considerations discussed across their memberships. It briefly
highlights the strong and
growing impact of A&A, identifies key issues hampering the growth of this new field, and
offers recommendations for improved support of both research and education in A&A.
WP is not comprehensive; it does not address a number of astroinformatics issues, especially in
the arenas of data systems, cyberinfrastructure, Virtual Observatory, etc..
At the turn of the century, SDSS — the first large-scale, public, digital sky survey — dramatically
increased interest in statistics as well as machine learning and other computational sciences.
Indeed, SDSS is cited as an early example of the so-called Fourth Paradigm of science —
data-intensive science
, colloquially called “big data science” (Hey
et al.
, 2009; Bell
et al.
, 2009).
Many astronomical data sources embody the classic “three Vs” —
volume, variety and velocity
distinguishing data-intensive science, particularly with recent wide-field surveys, optical/infrared
integral field units, and radio interferometric instruments from earlier smaller and narrowly
focused astronomy problems. Time domain survey astronomy has emerged as a major endeavor
as wide-field telescopes, both large and small, are dedicated to repeated photometric
measurements of celestial populations, producing particularly large datasets. Extracting sound
science from complex data often requires advanced statistical and computational methods, even at
relatively smaller volumes. Challenging A&A research problems arise across the full spectrum of
dataset scales. To highlight broader data science challenges, researchers have added other “Vs” to
the list of big-data Vs, most notably
, referring to the need to quantify uncertainty in
data-based inferences, whether based on big datasets or modest ones.
Figure 1:
Research papers using the emerg-
ing methodology published in AAS Jour-
nals since 2000. The number of papers/yr is
log10 scale. Methodology is marked in col-
ors: Bayesian - purple, Machine Learning -
yellow, Gaussian Processes - red, Random
Forests - grey, Deep Learning - green.
data challenges
provide excellent examples
of the value of considering diverse methodologies
for complex problems, and highlight the need
to seek interdisciplinary collaboration. A decade ago,
the Gravitational LEnsing Accuracy Testing (GREAT)
weak lensing shear measurement competitions,
GREAT08 and GREAT10 (including galaxy and
star/PSF shape measurement challenges, Bridle
et al.
2010; Kitching
et al.
2012, 2013), were announced
Annals of Applied Statistics
. They drew submissions
from dozens of teams, many submitting results
from multiple methods, with several teams comprising
non-astronomers. The GREAT08 prize went to a
pair of computer scientists; the GREAT10 galaxy prize
went to a pair of astronomers new to weak lensing,
with organizers describing it as
“a major success in its
effort to generate new ideas and attract new people into
the field.”
The more recent 2018 Photometric LSST
Astronomical Time-Series Classification Challenge
(PLAsTiCC, Kessler
et al.
2019) took advantage of
newer crowd-sourcing tools (via the Kaggle platform),
and attracted over 1000 submissions. Among the top five performing teams, only a single
participant was an astronomer.
The rise of advanced methodologies is recent and incredibly rapid with significant response by
the research community. Basic bibliometric statistics, displayed in Fig. 1, show that the use of
many modern approaches and methods — e.g., Bayesian statistics, machine learning, Gaussian
processes, random forests, and deep learning — is growing exponentially. The
selected themes of emerging, advanced A&A research, highlighting the breadth of methods and
applications, and the rapid growth of interest in adapting state-of-the art data science methods to
astronomy. During the 2013–19 period, the number of jobs emphasizing data analysis
methodology offered to Ph.D. astronomers (both post-doc and faculty positions) approximately
. The Astrostatistics Facebook group
has over 4000 members with new members
joining daily. The community interest reflects the need for new methodology, and also for
communication and training, as the standard training of astronomers lags behind.
The growth of interest in A&A research stands in contrast to serious deficiencies in support of the
A&A education and research enterprise. The following section highlights three key gaps between
needs and available resources for realizing the potential of A&A to meet current and emerging
science challenges. The final section offers specific recommendations to close these gaps.
2 Key Issues: Education, funding, and quality control
Recent developments in methodology were not widely anticipated and have proceeded rapidly.
This has resulted in unfamiliar challenges and imbalances for the educational, funding, and
quality control structures of the field. In the following subsections, we describe in detail the
challenges and imbalances in each of these three areas. From here, it is clear that actions are
needed by different segments of the community — universities, observatories and institutes,
funding agencies, and leadership organizations like the National Academy of Sciences — and we
outline some recommendations in Section 3.
2.1 The education gap
Astronomers are well-trained in mathematics relating to physical processes in order to do
astrophysics, but not in applied mathematics, statistics, and computer science relating to
extraction of reliable information from complex, noisy datasets. They are typically conversant
with computer programming and processing on a moderate scale, but many are not prepared for
the world of Big Data with challenges in data storage, access, and efficient analysis on high
performance multicore computers, and modern software development practices.
The problem arises in the curriculum of physical scientists: courses in modern statistics, applied
mathematics, and computer science are not in the required curriculum. For computation, this
deficiency has been recently documented among astronomers: a survey of
found that 90% write software but only 8% received substantial training in software development
(Momcheva and Tollerud, 2015). Informal on-the-job training is adequate for some purposes, but
limits reproducibility, results in inefficient duplication, and can lead to mediocrity, or even
unnecessary failure, for more challenging problems. The methodology needed for astronomy and
astrophysics is so diverse that specialized coursework in the usage of statistical software
environments and computer resources is essential for the astronomical research enterprise.
This deficit in the education of astronomers has been repeatedly noted: recent NASA
National Academy of Sciences
reports emphasize the need for professional training beyond
Big Data @ STScI: Enhancing STScI’s Astronomical Data Science Capabilities over the Next Five Years (2016),
Optimizing the U.S. Ground-Based Optical and Infrared Astronomy System (2015), National Academy Press
long-standing formal education in the physical sciences. Some progress has been made.
Textbooks on statistical methodology and data analysis (with computer codes) for astrophysics
are available and taught in some universities (e.g., Feigelson and Babu, 2012; Ivezi
et al.
, 2014;
Bailer-Jones, 2017; Hilbe
et al.
, 2017)
. Informal Summer Schools, Hack Days, and tutorials
have proliferated. However, except perhaps for disorganized Facebook-based discussion forums,
these resources are touching relatively few astronomers (perhaps 10%).
University curricula are not renovating fast enough to match the needs of methodological
education for future space scientists, and professional development resources are insufficiently
funded or organized to meet the needs of the research community.
2.2 The funding gap
Grants to universities and other institutions specifically designed to improve methodology for
astronomical research are very scarce. NASA closed its only grant program in this area in 2011
Applied Information Science Research Program (AISRP). This program was critical, for example,
to the development of the worldwide Virtual Observatory (Szalay, 2014), and funded many
smaller-scale A&A efforts, including development of SAOImage-DS9 and work on new
statistical and machine learning algorithms by individual investigators and multi-university
collaborations (the NASA
Astrophysics Research, Analysis & Enabling Technology 2011 Review
evaluated the AISRP program in more detail
). NSF has had short-lived interdisciplinary
grant programs to promote mathematical developments for astronomy, and has supported
astrostatistics at SAMSI programs. While astronomers do have access to agency-wide programs
in cyberscience such as the Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E)
and various cyber infrastructure programs, the success rate of such proposals may be
de facto
limited by level of buy-in from NSF’s Division of Astronomical Sciences.
Other scientific fields do not have these structural problems. Biostatistics is taught in most
universities and has been heavily funded by NIH for decades with many large grant programs
Statistics and informatics for Earth sciences have been well-funded by the NSF and NASA
coordinated by the inter-agency Big Earth Data Initiative, with results presented in several dozen
poster sessions at annual AGU meetings.
See the July 2011 section of the NAC Astrophysics Subcommittee site.
For illustration, the following NIH grant programs are available in cancer research (
): Big Data to Knowledge; Development of Informatics Technology; Informatics Technology for Cancer
Research; Bridging the Gap between Cancer Mechanism and Population Science; Spatial Uncertainty: Data, Model-
ing, and Communication; Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network; Short Courses on Mathematical,
Statistical, and Computation Tools for Studying Biological Systems; NIDCR Grants for Data Analysis and Statistical
Methodology applied to Genome-wide Data; NLM Express Analysis in Biomedical Informatics; Integrative Omics
Data Analysis for Biomedical Informatics; New Computational Methods for Understanding the Functional Role of
DNA Variants.
The following NSF grant programs are available in geosciences, in addition to agency-wide programs in math-
ematics and cyberscience: Collaboration in Mathematical Geosciences; EarthCube; Geoinformatics; Signals in the
Soil; Advanced Digitization of Biodiversity Collections. NASA operates the: Earth Observing System Data and
Information System; NASA Center for Climate Simulation
2.3 The quality gap
The culture of our research community and funding agencies is fully cognizant that major
advances are driven by improvements in instrumentation, and that these instruments require
software for operation and knowledge extraction. It is less well recognized that new instruments
give rise to science questions so diverse and complex that traditional data analysis procedures are
often inadequate. The knowledge and skills of the statistician, applied mathematician, and
algorithmic computer scientist need to be incorporated into programs that currently emphasize
engineering and physical science in order to fully achieve the scientific potential of instruments
and telescopes and the data they provide. These issues might be divided into two stages: (1) data
reduction through software pipelines (often developed within instrumentation groups, but ripe for
methodological improvements from the broader community); and (2) science analysis that is
performed by hundreds of scientists dispersed through U.S. universities and abroad. Both stages
benefit from modern statistical and computational methods; in some cases, the science result is
completely inaccessible without state-of-the-art methodology.
High standards for analysis methodology are not set consistently for publications, instrument
analysis pipelines, science analysis software developed by national observatories or space mission
science centers, or for software produced by extramural science programs. The result is uneven
quality in data and science analysis products; the methods used in astronomical software systems
for data processing and science analysis are often inappropriate and/or obsolete (e.g., see
et al.
, 2002; Tak
et al.
, 2018). Limited peer review resources often make these kinds of
problems undetectable until after publication.
3 Strategic Plan
We have outlined an unusual situation for our profession: the historical unfamiliarity of research
based on advanced cross-disciplinary methodology, and the rapidity of its growth, have led to
imbalances that hinder research. Strides made in methodologies and computer science are often
not incorporated into astronomical research because we lack adequate educational, funding, and
quality control structures. In the last decade or so,
data science
has gained traction in both
industry and academia; privately funded data science centers have appeared in industry and data
science institutes have appeared in universities. While these centers and institutes have
contributed to the development of new methodologies in A&A, they are often not fully utilized by
astronomy departments at universities and do not provide enough focused support for astronomy.
Thus, a serious organizational commitment from the astronomy community at many levels is
The problems outlined in Section 2 can be substantially rectified if concerted effort is made by the
funding agencies, national observatories and mission centers, universities, and scholarly societies.
Large projects could not only fund software pipelines, but also cross-disciplinary study and
oversight so the pipelines and associated science analysis software incorporate modern statistical
and computational methods. National institutes could nurture internal teams devoted to
methodology and hire consultants to advise large hardware and research groups. Universities can
offer undergraduate and graduate courses in statistics, informatics, and the data sciences within
astronomy programs, assuring students interested in data-intensive research careers sufficient
curricular flexibility to become appropriately trained.
Cross-disciplinary interest groups that have emerged in scholarly societies can be energized with
funds to organize collaborative research efforts, conferences and workshops, and informal
education tutorials.
The obvious result of the lack of investment and commitment by the American astronomical
enterprise in astrostatistics and astroinformatics is the loss of astronomical results, particularly
relating to Big Data science from LSST and its predecessor instruments. During the past decade,
A&A has been established as an important research area in the astronomical community. The
importance of this research should be also recognized by agencies and universities, and supported
by appropriate changes in the funding and educational structures.
With these issues in mind, we offer the following recommendations. We estimate that the total
new cost for implementing our specific research and training recommendations is a few million
dollars annually, a small fraction of annual spending in astronomy. This small investment will
have a disproportionately large impact on A&A and on astronomy as a whole. Our team does not
have the resources and expertise to assess costs in detail; further, several recommendations involve
adjusting the balance of various resources (monetary and otherwise) across multiple stakeholders.
We propose that the Astro2020 survey recommend that the AAS or another appropriate body
establish a committee to review the support of A&A, using these recommendations as a starting
The committee should be provided sufficient resources and access to stakeholders to enable
developing detailed and realistic recommendations for improved support of A&A.
3.1 Closing the education gap
3.1.1 Universities and National Observatories
Universities should revise the curriculum in undergraduate physical science to require
courses in applied statistics, mathematics, and computer science. At the graduate level,
specialized courses in computational methods and usage of statistical methods should be
incorporated into the astronomy and astrophysics curriculum. Specifically, students should
learn how to use modern astronomy computing environments, and how to harness modern
computing hardware efficiently.
Universities and national observatories should develop information science courses for
astronomers at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Universities and national observatories should financially support summer schools and
cross-disciplinary workshops on advanced methods, both to train astronomical data science
researchers and to integrate this emerging area into mainstream astronomy.
Universities and national observatories should establish specialized permanent
appointments for data science in astronomy, as routinely as they now do for
observers/instrumentalists and theorists. Cross-appointment permanent positions (e.g., with
statistics departments, computer science departments, etc.) should also be considered.
3.1.2 NSF and NASA
NSF and NASA should establish mechanisms to support educators interested in developing,
curating, improving, maintaining, and/or disseminating astroinformatics materials that
accelerate and improve astroinformatics education in the community.
NSF and NASA should survey their existing programs, at the agency and center levels (e.g.
NASA centers), which support the A&A education of the community within these agencies.
This includes programs such as the Frontier Development Lab from NASA Ames, NASA
Goddard’s astropy summer schools, and the astroinformatics working groups at Goddard
(and other centers).
3.2 Closing the funding gap
3.2.1 Universities and National Observatories
University astronomy departments and National Observatories should work with internal
data science institutes and other departments (e.g. statistics, mathematics, computer
science) to offer competitive, interdisciplinary postdoctoral fellowships in A&A.
Universities should financially support multidisciplinary PhDs in astronomy (e.g., in A&A).
This would also encourage graduates to enter astronomy programs even if they are
interested in possibly pursuing a more general career in data science.
3.2.2 NSF and NASA
NSF should provide interdisciplinary grant support for research related to A&A.
NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences should pursue partnerships in support of medium
and large projects that have a significant astronomical data science component.
With community input, NASA should be urged to reorganize its support of data analysis
and information science research. There should be a focus on financial support for both
routine and advanced data analysis research that serves space-based astrophysics through
development, adaptation, validation and application of modern A&A methods.
Both NASA and NSF A&A research programs should implement explicitly multi-tiered
support, with different categories of research of various duration and levels of funding.
Long-term funding must be included, especially targeting young researchers.
NASA and NSF should encourage reviewers of postdoctoral fellowship applications to
recognize A&A, including both proposed A&A research and/or a track-record of
high-quality A&A in previous research publications.
NASA and NSF should instate a 3-year interdisciplinary fellowship program in
astronomical data sciences. This would encourage young scientists to pursue A&A careers,
and would bring recognition to these scientists and to the discipline.
NASA and NSF should also support astronomical data science research targeting
(e.g., data management and computational resource management research,
including development of astronomy-oriented parallel, grid, and cloud computing software
environments, and maintaining the critical software tools). Such support should be
separated from support from focused,
science-driven data science research
, either via
separate programs, or via explicitly identified proposal categories within a single program.
Similarly, NASA and NSF should support the development of significant public,
open-source software that provides important science-enabling technology, much like the
development of a new instrument. As with instruments, significant codebases need
maintenance, and funding channels need to support major updates of widely-used
codebases similar to how instrument maintenance is supported.
Agencies should develop or adapt funding opportunities enabling support of A&A data
challenges, like those mentioned in
1. Data challenges (e.g. PLAsTiCC) draw in
participants from communities outside of astronomy, and could lead to more
interdisciplinary collaboration and higher quality research.
We echo the recommendations made in the NASA Task Force on Big Data for SMD
Recommendation: SMD should establish a new division that would focus on cross-cutting
data science and computing projects and whose responsibilities would include establishing
the Data Science Applications Program which will promote bringing modern data science
methodologies into SMD’s data analysis worlds including the science operations of SMD’s
Recommendation: In staffing the Science Committee and the four thematic Science
Advisory Committees, SMD should ensure that at least one appointment on each of these
committees is reserved for an expert who is a routine user of high-performance computers
(NASA’s or others), is active in employing modern data science methodologies, and/or is
deeply involved in the science operations of large, complex scientific data archives.
Recommendation: NASA should make prioritized investments in computing and analysis
hardware, workflow software and education and training to substantially accelerate
modeling workflows. NASA should take the lead to make substantial increases in: ...
software modernization; resources to develop new data analysis paradigms; education and
training workshops, scientific conferences and journal special collections to effect a culture
acceptance of the importance of workflow development and management; . . . lossy data
compression and more advanced methods for signal detection.
3.3 Closing the quality gap
Journals should maintain high standards for analysis methodology and algorithms. This
may involve supporting a statistics/informatics editor (as is currently done by the AAS
journals), and modifying review processes to ensure that papers with significant A&A
content are examined by reviewers with expertise in both the relevant astrophysics and the
relevant information science. Authors should be strongly encouraged (perhaps required, in
some circumstances) to make computational results reproducible, e.g., by publishing
software, repositories, and/or computational “notebooks” along with papers.
Astronomy curricula should include training in best practices in development of software,
e.g., by encouraging or requiring formal training in programming and development
practices from faculty actively engaged in astroinformatics education, computer science
departments, and/or from well-vetted training programs (e.g., Software Carpentry).
Support interdisciplinary collaborations that seek funding to include substantive
contributions from experts in specific algorithms and/or computational methods that could
advance their research goals.
Funding agencies should encourage production of open-source software; this development
model improves code quality in broad scientific applications.
4 Appendix: Emerging data science themes in astronomy
Here we briefly survey a selection of important data science areas where recent developments in
statistics and machine learning are beginning to make significant impacts in astronomy
. This
survey is by no means exhaustive, nor are the highlighted applications meant to be endorsements
of specific approaches. Rather, this survey is intended to display the broad scope of data science
research in astronomy and its potential for producing qualitative advances in our ability to distill
science from data. Few if any of the highlighted approaches are covered in the recent spate of
books on statistics and machine learning in astronomy, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary
research and collaboration.
Nonlinear dimensionality reduction.
Many astronomical datasets “live” in a high-dimensional
space. An observed spectral energy distribution comprising measurements in dozens, hundreds,
or thousands of spectral bands may be considered to be a vector in a sample space with a
dimension for each band. An image with a million spatial pixels may be considered as a vector in
a million-dimensional sample space. Empirically, a collection of many cases of such data very
often lies on or near a low-dimensional manifold in the full sample space. Discovering such a
manifold can enable dramatic improvement in inference tasks such as classification or regression
(characterizing correlations). When that manifold is a hyperplane, it may be found using
techniques from linear algebra that are well-known to astronomers,
principal component analysis
(PCA) being the best-known example. But more often, the manifold will be a complex curve or
surface, and discovering it requires tools for
nonlinear dimensionality reduction
. This has been a
major research area in statistics and machine learning in the last decade, with several new
techniques making significant impacts in diverse areas of astronomy. Several of the most
successful approaches rely on analysis of the matrix of pairwise distances or similarities of the
data (
spectral clustering
spectral connectivity analysis
). Examples include use of diffusion
maps for supernova classification, locally-biased spectral graph analysis for describing SDSS
see also the Science White Paper submitted to the Astro2020 in March 2019 (Siemiginowska
et al.
, 2019)
galaxy spectra, t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) for classification of
supernovae and stellar spectra, and convolutional neural network based autoencoders for radio
galaxy classification (Richards
et al.
, 2011; Lawlor
et al.
, 2016; Lochner
et al.
, 2016; Reis
et al.
2018; Ma
et al.
, 2019).
A similar but complementary kind of reduction in complexity can occur in the
parameter space used to describe the “true” signals underlying observed data. Signals are often
best described in a
space, e.g., Fourier space for periodic time-domain signals, or
wavelet or shapelet spaces for images. Empirically, many natural signals have very sparse
representations in an appropriately selected transform space. E.g., although the Fourier transform
of a light curve with N time samples has O(N) Fourier coefficients, periodic light curves can be
described with many fewer than O(N) coefficients. Similarly, image compression exploits the
observation that natural images with N pixels are well-described with many fewer than O(N)
coefficients in, say, a discrete cosine transform (DCT) or wavelet basis. Information scientists are
devising new models and algorithms that exploit knowledge of sparsity to improve signal
recovery. A notable example is
compressed sensing
, a class of signal processing techniques that
exploits sparsity in a transform space to enable recovery of complex signals even when the
are relatively sparse (e.g., not fully covering Fourier space). Example applications in astronomy
include improving image recovery in radio interferometry, measuring cosmological image
distortions due to weak lensing, and inverting solar flare differential emission measure (DEM)
data. The method now appears in about 30 astronomy papers/yr. (Hastie
et al.
, 2015; Wiaux
et al.
2009; Leonard
et al.
, 2012; Carrillo
et al.
, 2014; Cheung
et al.
, 2015)
Deep learning.
Many flexible model architectures in statistics and machine learning are built by
composition of a large number of simple elements. Examples include basis expansions (e.g.,
linear combinations of Fourier or wavelet basis functions) and artificial neural nets (ANNs, linear
combinations of simple but nonlinearly tunable “activation functions”). Early theoretical work on
the approximation power of ANNs showed that the flexibility of such compositions could be
greatly enhanced by layering: for models with fixed “width” (the number of linearly combined
components), flexibility can be greatly enhanced by adding “depth” (using the outputs of
components of one layer as inputs to a new layer of superposed components). Since the early
2000s, advances in training algorithms for deep models, combined with wide availability of
massively parallel computing capability via GPUs and large training sets, have enabled deep
learning (DL) algorithms to leapfrog competitors in many industrial applications (e.g., speech and
image recognition and classification). A key aspect of these algorithms has been inclusion of
dimension-reducing layers, e.g., via tunable convolution or subsampling operations. These enable
DL models to discover rich
hierarchical feature representations
of data, e.g., describing an image
in terms of edges with different orientations at the lowest level, groups of edges comprising more
complex features at the next level, and so on. It has long been appreciated that feature selection is
crucial to the performance of machine learning algorithms; DL models can partly automate
feature selection. DL is being applied to diverse learning tasks in many areas of astronomy, e.g.,
classification of galaxy images and stellar spectra, image deblending, photometric redshift
estimation, classification of variables and transients, and source discovery in multimessenger
astronomy (Goodfellow
et al.
, 2016; Hoyle, 2016; Mahabal
et al.
, 2017; Pasquet
et al.
, 2019;
et al.
, 2019; Boucaud
et al.
, 2019; Wu
et al.
, 2019; Muthukrishna
et al.
, 2019).
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