Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Luminescent Binary Probe for DNA
Detection Based on Spin-Forbidden Resonance Energy Transfer
Angel A. Marti
Cindy A. Puckett
Joanne Dyer
Nathan Stevens
Steffen Jockusch
Jingyue Ju
Jacqueline K. Barton
, and
Nicholas J. Turro
Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027
Department of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125
Columbia Genome Center, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York,
NY 10032
We describe the design of new fluorescent binary probe sensors for DNA detection based on spin-
forbidden resonance energy transfer (SF-RET). Binary probes consist of a donor and acceptor
fluorophores that are attached to two different oligonucleotides and serve as resonance energy transfer
(RET) donor-acceptor pair when hybridized to adjacent sites of a target sequence. In the absence of
target, excitation of the donor results in fluorescence only from the donor, but when the probes
hybridize to target, the fluorophores are brought into close proximity favoring RET, yielding
fluorescence mainly from the acceptor fluorophore. These new binary probes use the metal complex
as the energy donor and an organic fluorophore (Cy5) as the energy acceptor.
Energy transfer from the MLCT state of the Ru complex to singlet Cy5 is spin forbidden and produces
a delayed fluorescence of Cy5. This paper demonstrate that fluorescence delay of Cy5 can be used
to time resolve the emission of the probe from the intense fluorescence background of a model system
for cellular background; this provides the reported system to overcome intense autofluorescence, an
important and general advantage over “classical” spin-allowed steady-state probes.
The design of new fluorescent sensors for DNA has applications in following transcription,
developing sensitive diagnostics,
and monitoring biological processes in the cell.
Among the
most effective sensors for DNA detection are binary probes,
which have donor and acceptor
fluorophores that are attached to two different oligonucleotides and serve as a resonance energy
transfer (RET) donor-acceptor pair when hybridized to adjacent sites of a target sequence.
the absence of target, excitation of the donor results in fluorescence only from the donor, but
when the probes hybridize to target, the fluorophores are brought into close proximity favoring
RET, yielding fluorescence mainly from the acceptor fluorophore. Thus the selective
hybridization of the probes to a target produces a unique fluorescence signal that can be used
for detecting target DNA
in vitro
in vivo
Binary probes show target specificity, high
sensitivity and reliability and avoid false positive signals.
Nonetheless, the sensitive detection
of DNA in living cells is often obscured by a high autofluorescence background.
In this report,
we describe the design of new binary probes based upon
spin-forbidden resonance energy
Supporting Information Available: Experimental procedures, steady-state and lifetime data and determination of optimum time window
for TRE spectra. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
J Am Chem Soc
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 September 21.
Published in final edited form as:
J Am Chem Soc
. 2007 July 18; 129(28): 8680–8681. doi:10.1021/ja0717257.
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(SF-RET). These probes allow sensitive fluorescence detection of DNA in highly
fluorescent cell media.
We earlier reported the utilization of long-lived pyrene binary probes that show monomer
emission (390 nm) when free in solution and excimer emission (480 nm) when bound to target.
The long fluorescence lifetime of these probes allowed the pyrene signal to be time-resolved
from short-lived emission that is typical of cellular autofluorescence. Notwithstanding the
inherent advantages of the pyrene probe, its UV excitation (350 nm) and its relatively short
lifetime in aqueous solution (~40 ns) challenged us to design probes with properties suited to
detect DNA targets in living cells. To meet this challenge, we have now utilized the metal
complex Ru(bpy
as the energy donor and an organic fluorophore (Cy5) as the energy
acceptor (Figure 1).
A characteristic of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes is their long lived luminescent metal
to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) excited states.
Energy transfer from the MLCT state to
singlet Cy5 is spin forbidden (SF-RET). Although SF-RET occurs at a slower rate, the very
long emission lifetime of the Ru-complex (1.8
s) easily compensates, leading to high RET
Oligonucleotide probes were synthesized to examine SF-RET. Ru(bpy
tethered to
the 5
-end was used as the energy donor and oligonucleotides containing 3
-tethered Cy5 were
used as acceptors; three of these acceptor oligonucleotides were synthesized with variable
sequences to produce different distances between the Ru and Cy5 probes when hybridized to
Figure 2 shows the luminescence spectra of one probe set with and without target by
steady-state luminescence and time resolved emission (TRE). When the probes are free in
solution, only emission from the ruthenium complex is observed (
= 440 nm). In the
presence of target, Ru(bpy
and Cy5 are brought into close proximity, a condition
favorable for RET, and mainly Cy5 emission is observed.
The steady-state luminescence spectra for all three oligonucleotide sets are similar (Supporting
Information). However, time-resolved lifetime measurements show important differences. The
lifetime of Cy5 is ca. 2 ns when free in solution, but seems to increase in the presence of target
with excitation of Ru. For the three sets, with increasing probe separation, the lifetimes are 45,
46, and 69 ns. The delayed fluorescence of Cy5 results from the slow SF-RET rate constant,
which decreases with longer distance. Figure 2b shows the TRE spectrum for one
oligonucleotide set.
The TRE spectrum is similar to its steady-state counterpart with a
slight improvement in the signal to background ratio (S/B).
This improvement is attributed
to the near depopulation of directly excited Cy5 on the time scale of the TRE measurement.
To mimic cellular autofluorescence, we tested the probes in Dulbecco’s cell medium, adding
the fluorophore Red-X to further intensify the medium’s fluorescence.
The steady-state
spectrum is dominated by the brightly fluorescent background and changes only modestly upon
the addition of target (Figure 2c). The S/B is reduced compared to the probes in buffer (Figure
2a) from 14 to 2.5. In comparison, the TRE spectrum (Figure 2d),
even in the presence of
strongly fluorescent cell medium
, shows a spectral profile that closely resembles that in buffer.
Integrating the emission signal from 59–77 ns allows measurement of a TRE spectrum after
most of the background fluorescence has decayed. Although some background remains, it is
dramatically reduced by TRE, with the S/B increasing from 2.5 to 10.
To further demonstrate the advantages of SF-RET probes over standard spin-allowed RET
(SA-RET) probes, we replaced the Ru complex with Alexa 488, a singlet energy donor (Figure
Figure 3a shows that, as expected, the Alexa 488 fluorescence intensity decreases and the
Cy5 fluorescence intensity increases when the target is added as a result of RET. The TRE
spectrum successfully reproduces the fluorescence emission profiles in buffer, but fails in
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 September 21.
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Dulbecco’s cell medium supplemented with RedX (Figure 3b, d). The background fluorescence
of the cell medium has a fluorescence lifetime similar to that of the probes (2 ns), making
impossible the discrimination of the RET signal from background using TRE.
Figure 4 shows the direct comparison for the two systems (SF versus SA-RET). As is evident,
the longer time scale for SF-RET permits sufficient time for background autofluorescence to
In summary, we have designed, synthesized and successfully demonstrated the utility of SF-
RET to target DNA using a hybrid inorganic-organic probe set with a ruthenium complex as
donor and Cy5 as acceptor. With TRE, the delayed fluorescence of the Cy5 acceptor due to
SF-RET can be employed to distinguish target signal, from intense, but short-lived background
emission such as cell autofluorescence. Additionally, Ru complexes possess tunable absorption
and emission profiles, by using different ligands, an advantage for use with fluorescence
microscopes. SF-RET may be useful for the detection of DNA and RNA in highly fluorescent
in vitro
in vivo
. Further studies are under progress to evaluate the effectiveness of
these probes inside living cells.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was supported by the Center of Excellence in Genomic Science Grant P50 HG002806 from the NIH and
by the NSF under grant NSF CHE-04-15516. J.K.B. thanks the NIH (GM33309) for financial support.
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13. Cy5-Probe-3 was selected for TRE since it showed the greatest degree of delayed Cy5 fluorescence.
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Figure 1.
(a) Spin-forbidden and (b) spin-allowed binary probes.
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Figure 2.
(a) Steady-state luminescence spectra and (b) TRE (59–77 ns after the excitation pulse) of Ru-
probe and Cy5-probe in buffer with (
) and without (
) target. (c) Steady-state luminescence
spectra and (d) TRE (59–77 ns after the excitation pulse) of Ru-probe and Cy5-probe in RedX-
containing cell medium with (
) and without (
) target.
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Figure 3.
(a) Steady-state luminescence spectra and (b) TRE (1.0–6.2 ns after the excitation pulse) of
Alexa 488-probe and Cy5-probe in buffer with (
) and without (
) target. (c) Steady-state
luminescence spectra and (d) TRES (1.0–6.2 ns after the excitation pulse) of Alexa 488-probe
and Cy5-probe in RedX-containing cell medium with (
) and without (
) target.
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Figure 4.
Fluorescence decay traces of the spin-allowed (
), spin-forbidden (
) binary probes, and
medium (
) showing the optima integration time windows.
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