Innate immune recognition of the microbiota promotes host-
microbial symbiosis
Hiutung Chu
Sarkis K. Mazmanian
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA 91125 USA
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) are traditionally known to recognize microbial molecules
during infection to initiate inflammatory responses. However, ligands for PRRs are not exclusive
to pathogens, and are abundantly produced by the resident microbiota during normal colonization.
Mechanism(s) that underlie this paradox have remained unclear. Recent studies reveal that gut
bacterial ligands from the microbiota signal through PRRs to promote host tissue and immune
development, and protection from disease. Furthermore, evidence from both invertebrate and
vertebrate models reveals that innate immune receptors are required to promote long-term
colonization by the microbiota. This emerging perspective challenges current paradigms in
immunology, and suggests that PRRs may have evolved, in part, to mediate the bidirectional
crosstalk between microbial symbionts and their hosts.
Conventional wisdom suggests that the immune system evolved to combat infection, and
that distinguishing between self and non-self molecules is a basic feature of innate
immunity. As proposed by Charles Janeway, the recognition of microbial molecules, termed
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), is critical in selectively driving immune
responses to infectious agents
. Studies identifying and characterizing host receptors that
recognize specific PAMPs, named pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), have provided
evidence that PRR signaling is critical in coordinating immune responses and protection
against pathogens (see reviews
). However, this view has been challenged by the
emerging appreciation that animals harbor a diverse and complex symbiotic microbiota
which normally does not trigger inflammation. PAMPs, by definition, are universally
conserved structures that are generally invariant and essential in all microorganisms. Thus,
PAMP expression is not limited to pathogens, but also common to the microbiota. As such,
it has been proposed that these molecules be renamed microbe-associated molecular patterns
. Furthermore, host PRRs are constantly exposed to MAMPs, in the absence of
infection. These molecules are largely provided by the commensal microbiota that colonize
our skin and mucosal surfaces. Despite the continuous presence of numerous MAMPs,
commensal microbes usually do not elicit inflammatory responses, but rather, may
contribute to various aspects of host development and enhanced immune function
Surprisingly, this beneficial influence is mediated, in part, by commensal stimulation of host
Correspondences to: Sarkis K Mazmanian (
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
Nat Immunol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 July 24.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Immunol
. 2013 July ; 14(7): 668–675. doi:10.1038/ni.2635.
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How these molecules and receptors are able to achieve such divergent and opposing
responses between pathogens and symbiosis is a frontier in our understating of innate
immunity. It has been proposed that the context in which the host receives MAMP
stimulation dictates the quality of the immune response. During infection, MAMP signals
are received in the presence of other cues, such as cell damage caused by infection
cytosolic detection of MAMPs
, resulting in inflammation. During symbiosis, not only
does the microbiota generally not harm host cells and MAMPs are sensed in the absence of
exposed self-antigens, but it appears that some MAMPs directly promote beneficial
outcomes. This review will focus on how MAMP recognition by PRRs under
conditions promotes immune development, protection from disease and maintains
homeostasis. The concepts presented here collectively demonstrate that PRRs may have
evolved in both the invertebrate and vertebrate immune systems to communicate with
commensals and maintain beneficial, symbiotic coexistence with the microbiota.
Pattern recognition in Drosophila promotes homeostasis
Extensive work using
as a model system has highlighted the important functions
of PRRs in host defense, as well as homeostasis. Toll, the founding example of a PRR, was
initially discovered in
Drosophila melanogaster
(the fruit fly)
. However, the realization
Toll does not directly recognize MAMPs, unlike the mammalian TLR
signaling pathway, left the open question of how a suite of bacterial ligands are recognized.
D. melanogaster
has 13 peptidoglycan recognition protein (PGRP) genes that are
alternatively spliced into 19 different proteins, one of the largest repertoires of PGRPs
currently known for any organism
. The role of
PGRPs as PRRs was
discovered during the identification of upstream receptors that activate the signal
transduction pathways, Toll and Imd (immune-deficiency)
18, 19
, which show high
similarities with the mammalian interleukin-1 (IL-1)-TLR and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
. However, Toll does not function as a pattern recognition receptor as it does not
directly recognize MAMPs
. Instead, PGRP-SA and PGRP-SD form a complex upstream
of the Toll pathway
18, 19
. Upon peptidoglycan recognition (from Gram-positive bacteria),
PGRP-SA triggers a protease cascade, resulting in Toll dimerization, leading to activation of
the transcription factor NF-
B and production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs)
Additionally, fungi and Gram-negative bacteria trigger the Imd pathway via PGRP-LC,
mediating innate immune responses
19, 22, 23
. Upon Imd pathway activation, NF-
signaling results in the production of AMPs, targeting invasive pathogens during infection
(Fig. 1a,b).
Intriguingly, in addition to regulating AMP production in response to infection, the Imd
pathway also shapes the response to commensal microbiota. The Imd pathway regulator,
Caudal, is important in shaping the composition of gut microbiota
. Caudal suppresses
Imd-dependent expression of AMPs by blocking AMP gene promotors. Additional negative
regulators of Imd, such as Pirk (Fig. 1b), sequester PGRP-LC in the cytoplasm to prevent
exposure to peptidoglycan and activation of the Imd pathway, which is critical in regulating
commensal populations, maintaining intestinal homeostasis and restraining overactive
immune responses
25, 26
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In addition to sensing bacterial ligands and activating an inflammatory response, a subset of
PGRPs have amidase activity and participate in hydrolyzing pro-inflammatory
peptidoglycan into non-immunostimulatory fragments
27, 28
(Fig. 1b). These catalytic
PGRPs, such as PGRP-LB and PGRP-SC, serve to limit the availability of peptidoglycan
released from symbiotic gut bacteria, preventing over-activation of the Imd pathway and
dampening the immune response. In fact, deletion of PGRP-LB and PGRP-SC leads to a
ten-fold increase in AMPs compared to wild-type flies
, revealing the importance of
amidase PRGPs in detoxifying the biological activity of peptidoglycan and controlling an
overactive systemic immune response. While these studies highlight a role of PGRPs in
maintaining gut homeostasis by controlling the immune responses to commensal bacteria,
future studies are necessary to reveal how this pathway discriminates between symbiotic and
pathogenic bacteria. What is clear, however, is that sensing of bacterial ligands in
is critical for host-microbial symbiosis in the absence of infection.
Hydra TLR signaling promotes bacterial colonization
As a member of the second oldest phyla, Cnidaria,
spp. serve as a simple model
system to study the evolutionary origins of commensalism (Fig. 1c). The intimate
relationship between
and specific bacterial species reveal that the primitive immune
system of
is able to recognize its symbionts, promoting a highly evolved partnership
with its host
lacks migratory phagocytic cells and hemolymph, rather relying on
PRRs and the production of antimicrobial peptides by epithelial cells for immune
. In the absence of conventional TLRs, analysis of the
Hydra magnipapillata
genome identified two genes with a Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain and
transmembrane domain (HyTRR-1 and -2), each lacking leucine-rich repeats (LRR) in the
extracellular region, which is typical of classical TLRs
. Two additional genes were
identified encoding for transmembrane proteins with TLR-related LRRs in the extracellular
region (HyLRR-1 and -2). Signaling by the HyLRR-2 and HyTRR-1 complex following
microbial pattern recognition recruits the adaptor protein, MyD88 and triggers the
production of AMPs, such as periculin-1
(Fig. 1d). In addition to bactericidial activity,
maternal expression of periculin-1 is involved in shaping the microbiome of the embryo
In transgenic polyps that overexpress periculin-1a, the bacterial community structure is
dramatically different, with a decrease in
-Proteobacteria and an increase in
Proteobacteria. Additionally, a significantly lower bacterial load was observed in transgenic
polyps compared to control polyps, indicating that periculin-1a plays a role in both
controlling and shaping bacterial colonization during
In addition to defense against pathogenic microbes, MyD88 signaling also contributes to
host-mediated colonization by commensal bacteria. Using a transgenic MyD88 knockdown
approach, the function of PRR signaling in
was examined. While the overall
composition of the bacterial microbiota remained unchanged, MyD88-mediated PRR
signaling promotes reestablishment of bacterial homeostasis
. Thus studies in
, a
primitive organism, reveal that recognition of commensal bacteria appears to be an ancient
function of innate immune signaling, suggesting that PRRs have evolved to mediate host-
microbe communication.
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PRR signaling maintains squid-
The relationship between the Hawaiian bobtail squid,
Euprymna scolopes
, and the Gram-
negative bacteria,
Vibrio fisheri
, is one of the most extensively studied examples of host-
microbial symbiosis to date
. The bioluminescent bacterium, found in seawater,
colonizes the crypts of the light organ in the juvenile host as a mono-specific
(Fig. 1e). The light organ is continually exposed to numerous microbes in the
surrounding seawater, similar to the mammalian intestinal tract. Yet the squid is able to
selectively and exclusively harbor a single species of bacteria. This intimate symbiosis
allows the nocturnal squid to utilize light produced by
V. fisheri
as a counter-illumination
camouflage strategy, a clever adaptation to avoid detection by predators swimming below.
A series of elegant studies have shown that shortly after hatching of the juvenile squid, the
symbiont promotes colonization and beneficial co-existence with its host. MAMP signaling
mediates this specificity and initiates the colonization process, promoting host light organ
38, 39
(Fig. 1f). During the initial interaction with the squid, the bacterial
symbiont induces a sequence of events to promote colonization. The juvenile light organ has
a pair of ciliated appendages, which secrete mucus upon exposure to the bacterial trigger, a
peptidoglycan fragment known as tracheal cytotoxin (TCT)
. This mucus not only serves
as a chemoattractant for
V. fisheri
, but also a substrate for growth and aggregation to seed
the founding microbial population of the light organ. Following the initial colonization, the
symbiont then induces a second sequence of events driving the maturation of the squid light
organ by directing a switch from a permissive to a restrictive state to ensure
V. fisheri
colonization dominance. The bacterial triggers that drive this switch, lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) and TCT, are necessary to induce morphogenesis of the light organ via apoptosis and
regression of epithelial cells, leading to a loss of ciliated appendages and preventing entry of
other bacteria into the developed light organ
(Fig. 1e, f). Therefore, the squid utilizes
MAMPs as morphogens that direct normal developmental programs.
How are the symbiotic bacterial cues sensed by
E. scolopes
? PGRPs were implicated in
mediating responses to MAMPs during symbiosis
. To date, five EsPGRP have been
identified in the bobtail squid
39, 42
, although only EsPGRP-1 and EsPGRP-2 have been
extensively characterized, as both are expressed in the juvenile light organ. EsPGRP-1
expression is localized within the nucleus of the ciliated epithelium of the light organ, and
upon symbiont colonization, the bacterial signal TCT directs the loss of EsPGRP-1,
inducing the initiation of the apoptotic pathway
(Fig. 1f). Apoptosis of the ciliated
epithelium and the light organ appendage marks the completion of development and
colonization of the squid light organ. Alternatively, EsPGRP-2 possesses N-acetyl-muramyl-
L-alanine amidase activity, hydrolyzing peptidoglycan for degradation, diminishing its
toxicity and pro-inflammatory properties
(Fig. 1f). This activity is particularly important
V. fisheri
colonization occurs in high numbers and peptidoglycan is continually shed in
the light organ, posing the risk of inflammatory distress. Similar to
, the
EsPGRP-2 amidase that degrades peptidoglycan into non-immunostimulatory fragments
implicates its role in attenuating inflammatory responses, a prerequisite for symbiosis. Thus
V. fisheri
has evolved to co-opt innate immunity to promote colonization of the squid,
conferring benefits to both partners during mutualism. In conclusion, the collective data
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from the invertebrate models reveal PRRs are instrumental in host defense against infection,
the recent discovery of their role during symbiosis reveals the dual function of innate
immunity in responding to both pathogens and the commensal microbiota.
Maintaining tolerance in zebrafish
The zebrafish (Fig. 2a) has gained considerable attention as a model vertebrate system
due to ease of genetic manipulation
46, 47
, the ability to study germ-free conditions
, and
resemblance to mammalian physiology. Specifically, the conserved PRR system is highly
similar to other vertebrates, and the zebrafish model has proven to be a useful tool to
examine host-microbe interactions
. A recent study revealed a role for the zebrafish
intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP) to dephosphorylate the immunostimulatory LPS,
thereby modulating intestinal inflammation in response to commensal microbes, the primary
source of LPS in the gastrointestinal tract
(Fig. 2b). LPS is a major component of the
outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, found in both pathogenic and commensal
bacteria alike. However, LPS recognition by TLR4 results in induction of signaling cascades
that lead to activation of NF-
B and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Upon
bacterial colonization (or administration of exogenous LPS), IAP expression and activity is
induced in a MyD88-dependent fashion
. TLR orthologs have been identified in the
zebrafish genome, with several TLR4 orthologs reported
and hypothesized to recognize
LPS (however, it is important to note that several studies have reported a lack of LPS
responsiveness in some zebrafish TLR4 paralogs
52, 53
). IAP deficiency results in excessive
intestinal neutrophil infiltration, a process involving functional MyD88 and TNF. Thus,
commensal-derived LPS signaling via TLR4-MyD88 leads to upregulation of IAP and
detoxification of LPS, and prevents inflammatory responses to the resident microbiota.
Additionally, following the initial discovery in zebrafish, IAP has been shown to be
involved in the maintenance of homeostasis in the bobtail squid
and mice
55, 56
. The
identification of IAP revealed yet another mechanism in which PRR signaling is crucial in
preventing uncontrolled inflammation in response to commensal microbes, thus promoting
colonization by the microbiota.
PRR signaling promotes intestinal homeostasis in mice
The mammalian intestine is home to an abundant and complex consortium of bacteria that
orchestrate important immune and metabolic functions within the host. Several studies in the
murine model (Fig. 2c) have shown that the composition of the microbiome, as well as the
spatial location of gut bacteria within the intestine, dictates the balance of tolerogenic (Fig.
2d) versus pro-inflammatory (Fig. 2e) immune responses in the gut. PRR signaling in mice
appears to play a key role in both directing the spatial segregation of the microbiota, as well
as shaping the composition of the commensal microbiota.
The gastrointestinal surface is coated with a layer of mucus
, largely limiting bacterial
access to the epithelium that separates the trillions of microorganisms in the gut lumen from
host tissues
(Fig. 3a). Additionally, secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) maintains barrier
functions of the epithelium
59, 60
. This physical separation of microbiota and intestinal gut
mucosa is mediated by MyD88 signaling in intestinal epithelial cells
. In the absence of
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MyD88, commensal bacteria gain close proximity to the intestinal surface, resulting in a
100-fold increase in mucosal-associated bacteria compared to wild-type animals. Similar to
invertebrate models, MyD88 signaling results in production of AMPs in vertebrate systems
as well
. MyD88 signaling controls the production of several AMPs by specialized
intestinal epithelial cells termed Paneth cells, such as RegIII
, a C-type lectin that targets
Gram-positive bacteria (Fig. 3a)
. RegIII
-deficient animals exhibit a defect in the
spatial segregation of mucosa-associated bacteria with the microbiota penetrating the mucus
layer and making intimate contact with host tissue, a phenotype similar to intestinal
epithelial cell-specific MyD88-deficient mice
. The increased bacterial burden at the
intestinal surface of the small intestine results in immune activation, with elevated IgA and
1 responses. Upon depletion of the microbiota with antibiotic treatment, the elevated IgA
and T
1 responses in Myd88-deficeint mice were diminished. This suggests that commensal
microbiota drives MyD88 signaling via TLR stimulation under steady-state conditions,
inducing the expression of AMPs, such as RegIII
, to restrict bacterial colonization on
intestinal surfaces and limit an immune response to resident bacteria.
In addition to controlling the spatial segregation of intestinal bacteria, PRRs play a key role
in shaping the composition of the microbiota. The impact of this process is apparent in
studies of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn's disease, a form of IBD, involves an
overactive immune response and impaired barrier function in the gut. Genome-wide
association studies have connected polymorphisms in the Nod2 innate immune receptor to
increased susceptibility to Crohn's disease
64, 65
. Nod2 is a member of the NLR family of
cytoplasmic proteins. It recognizes a derivative of peptidoglycan, muramyl dipeptide
(MDP), found in both Gram-positive and negative bacteria. Signaling of Nod2 requires the
adaptor protein Rip2k, which activates downstream signaling cascades involving NF-
Nod2-deficiency has been linked to impaired expression of Paneth cell
-defensins, a family
of AMPs
66, 67
. Accordingly, Nod2 was found to be required for the regulation of
commensal microbiota in the terminal ileum, where Nod2 expression is mainly localized
An increase in
was observed in Nod2-deficient animals
compared to wild-type littermates, revealing that Nod2 is involved not only in shaping the
composition of the microbiota, but also in restricting bacterial numbers in the ileal crypts.
Notably, Nod2-deficient mice are impaired in the ability to clear the pathobiont
Helicobacter hepaticus
. Similarly, Rip2k-deficient animals exhibit the same phenotype, and
Rip2k was recently identified as a Crohn's susceptibility gene
, corroborating this innate
immune signaling pathway in shaping the commensal microbiota.
Consistent with the role of Nod2 in promoting host-microbial symbiosis, the PGRP family is
involved in the regulation of commensal microbiota in mice. Mammals have four PGRPs
(PGRP-1 – 4), where PGRP-1, -3, and -4 are directly bactericidal, and PGRP-2 is an
amidase that hydrolyzes peptidoglycan – all of which are found at varying levels of
expression in the colon
. Animals deficient in any one of the PGRPs harbor a microbiota
that promote increased sensitivity to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis, a mouse
model of IBD
. Indeed, germ-free animals inoculated with stool from PGRP-deficient
donor mice are more sensitive to DSS colitis compared to animals that received stool from
wild-type mice and display increased mortality, weight loss and colitis scores. Thus,
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mammalian PGRPs are important in shaping a homeostatic commensal microbiota and
preventing intestinal inflammation
The studies we outline involving MyD88-mediated induction of RegIII
, Nod2 and PGRPs
highlight the role of innate immune signaling in shaping the composition and localization of
the mammalian microbiota. It is important to emphasize that while this may be the result of
bidirectional crosstalk between symbiotic gut bacteria and the host, there is clearly a role for
pathogen detection by these immune regulators. Future studies aimed at understanding how
innate immunity shapes the microbiome, and whether gut bacteria actively signal through
PRRs to coordinate the immune response, will be critical. As such, the identification of
Nod1 as a receptor utilized by the microbiota to induce isolated lymphoid follicles (ILFs) in
the gut may provide a glimpse into a process where specific gut bacteria educate the
development of the immune system via PRRs
TLRs mediate host-protective immune responses
Several studies have identified a role for TLRs in mediating non-inflammatory immune
responses to the microbiota, challenging the paradigm that PRRs have evolved solely to
recognize and respond to pathogens. MyD88-deficient mice are more susceptible to DSS
colitis, suggesting that commensal bacteria may be directly recognized by TLRs under
steady-state conditions to mediate host-protective responses
. To corroborate this notion,
depletion of gut bacteria with antibiotics results in increased susceptibility to DSS;
remarkably, oral feeding of LPS and lipoteichoic acid (LTA) corrects this predisposition to
colitis, revealing that TLR ligands have beneficial effects on the host
. As DSS induces
intestinal injury, these findings suggest that TLR signaling by the microbiota leads to
maintenance of intestinal epithelial homeostasis in the absence of enteric pathogens.
Peptidoglycan, LPS and other widely conserved bacterial patterns mediate host-microbial
interactions that span from
to mice. It appears, however, that species-specific TLR
ligands have also been evolved by the microbiota. The human commensal
produces polysaccharide A (PSA) that directs the maturation of the mammalian
immune system, specifically promoting the development and function of CD4
T cells
One outcome of this process is the activation of Foxp3
regulatory T (T
) cells to produce
interleukin 10 (IL-10), which shapes a toloregenic immune response that is protective in
animal models of IBD and multiple sclerosis (MS)
(Fig. 3). Remarkably, PSA is a
unique TLR2 ligand found (to our knowledge) only in the human microbiome, which
orchestrates anti-inflammatory immune responses that ameliorate immune-mediated
diseases. TLR2-deficient mice are not protected by PSA against colitis
. PSA is delivered
by outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) that bud from the surface of
B. fragilis
and are
internalized by intestinal dendritic cells (DCs)
. TLR2-deficient DCs do not promote
responses and IL-10 production
in vitro
, demonstrating that specific gut
bacterial molecules have evolved to promote benefits to the host via PRR signaling. The
concept of interkingdom communication via innate immune receptors was recently extended
Bifidobacterium breve
, a probiotic that signals through TLR2 to induce another subset of
regulatory T cells termed Tr1 cells
. While the bacterial ligand remains unknown,
B. breve
prevents intestinal inflammation by activating IL-10-producing Tr1 cells in the gut. The
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demonstration that
B. fragilis
B. breve
mediate beneficial adaptive immune responses
via TLR signaling reveals a deep co-evolutionary symbiosis founded on a “molecular
dialogue” using the PRR system.
PRRs on lymphocytes promote intestinal homeostasis
It is worth mentioning that the PRRs discussed up to this point are expressed among
epithelial cells and myeloid cells, which comes to no surprise, as PRRs are classic innate
immune signaling receptors (and invertebrates lack an adaptive immune system). However,
several studies have highlighted the importance of TLR-MyD88 signaling among
lymphocytes. In B cell-specific MyD88-deficient mice, bacteria disseminate to systemic
sites, such as liver or lung, following DSS-induced colonic damage – but not in epithelial or
DC-specific MyD88-deficient animals
. Further, it has recently been appreciated that T
cell subsets express functional TLRs
. Transfer of MyD88-deficient T cells into RAG-
deficient animals results in reduced intestinal inflammation
. Conversely, while classically
thought to promote immunity, it now appears that TLR signaling by T cells can restrain
inflammatory responses. For example, treatment of CD4
T cell subsets with a TLR4
agonist increases suppressive activity and enhances protection from colitis
. Therefore,
TLRs represent a dynamic signaling system that trigger various immune outcomes, and TLR
signaling directly by adaptive immune cells mediates reactions in the absence of innate
immune cells
Did gut bacteria evolve to induce anti-inflammatory responses through TLR signaling solely
to improve host health, or are there direct benefits to the microbe? PSA from
B. fragilis
enhances the anti-inflammatory function of T
cells by signaling directly through TLR2 on
T cells
. Modulation of T
activity achieves long-term colonization of the gut by
B. fragilis
by suppressing T
17 responses directed toward the microbe. Therefore, PSA is
distinct from TLR2 ligands of pathogens, which elicit inflammation, and sensing of gut
bacterial molecules to mediate colonization further supports a role for TLR signaling in
promoting host-microbe symbiosis. These findings imply that the host is not ‘hard-wired’ to
distinguish symbionts from enteric pathogens, and specific microbial ligands have evolved
to actively allow mutualism between mammals and beneficial bacteria of the microbiota.
Recognition of commensals promotes extra-intestinal immune function
While the beneficial effects of the resident microbes have been extensively studied within
the gut, a more diverse role for the microbiota in modulating systemic immunity is
emerging. With such abundant numbers of microbes inhabiting the mammalian gut, one can
imagine the high concentrations of MAMPs that may circulate to systemic sites.
Peptidoglycan from the gut microbiota is translocated into sera and bone marrow, priming
systemic innate immunity by enhancing neutrophil function
(Fig. 3b). Specifically,
peptidoglycan recognition is mediated via Nod1, which recognizes meso-diaminopimelic
acid (meso-DAP) containing cell wall fragments found on Gram-negative bacteria.
Treatment of mice with broad-spectrum antibiotics to deplete the microbiota, and thus
circulating peptodoglycan, leads to a significant reduction in neutrophil killing of both
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Staphylococcus aureus
. This defect in neutrophil function
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is rescued by administration of meso-DAP, which restores the innate immune response after
microbiota depletion. Bone marrow derived neutrophils from Nod1-deficient mice are also
defective in
S. pneumoniae
S. aureus
. Hence, microbial products derived from
the gut microbiota serve to prime systemic immune responses via Nod1 signaling to rapidly
respond to pathogenic microorganisms.
The range of influence by PRR of commensals extends to protection against allergic
. Further support of systemic influences by the gut microbiota is revealed with
pattern recognition of commensals by B cells, which promotes systemic immune
development, resulting in decreased allergic inflammation
. Antibiotic-treated and germ-
free animals display increased serum IgE and basophil frequencies, implicating a role for the
microbiota in regulating T
2 responses and allergic inflammation
. B cell-intrinsic
MyD88 signaling is critical in controlling steady-state IgE levels in the serum, as well as
circulating basophil populations
(Fig. 3c). MyD88 deficiency in B cells results in higher
levels of serum IgE and increased basophil surface bound IgE frequencies
Mechanistically, MAMPs derived from commensal bacteria were found to limit basophil
proliferation and development in the bone marrow
. Thus, commensal-derived signals are
able to direct basophil development from bone marrow precursors via MyD88 signaling,
linking the gut microbiota to the regulation of hematopoiesis.
Finally, PRR signaling in the gut appears to modulate immune responses at distant mucosal
surfaces. Antibiotic-treatment of mice diminishes adaptive immune responses to intranasal
infection with influenza virus
. Both CD4
T cell and cytotoxic CD8
T cell (CTL)
responses to influenza were significantly reduced in antibiotic-treated animals together with
virus-specific antibody titers, resulting in increased viral load in the respiratory tract
Administration of TLR ligands intrarectally restored T cell and antibody responses to
influenza in the lungs of these antibiotic-treated mice, suggesting that PRR stimulation in
the gastrointestinal tract is important in priming immunity at other mucosal surfaces
. The
intestinal microbiota was found to be critical in providing signals necessary for
inflammasome-dependent cytokine secretion in response to influenza infection
. Two
signals are necessary for the production (signal 1) and processing (signal 2) of IL-1
IL-18. Signal 1 is provided through TLR stimulation, resulting in the expression of pro-
and pro-IL-18. Signal 2 is mediated through inflammasome activation, leading to
caspase-1 cleavage to mature IL-1
and IL-18. The commensal microbiota provides signal 1
during colonization, initially priming the immune response whereupon influenza infection
(signal 2) subsequently activates the inflammasome to help clear virus from the lungs
(Fig. 3d). These seminal examples of recognition of molecular patterns from commensal
bacteria elegantly illustrate that the microbiota co-opts PRRs to mediate beneficial
Do hosts distinguish beneficial from harmful bacteria via PRRs?
We have discussed several examples for how the innate immunity system responds to the
microbiota. However, a fundamental feature of the immune system is the critical distinction
between the resident microbiota and invading pathogens, and recent data are beginning to
suggest PRRs play a role on this process. The discovery of an intimate symbiosis with
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specific bacterial species indicates that the immune system of organisms ranging from
to mammals is able to recognize its microbial partners, or alternatively, that
symbiotic bacteria actively promote a highly evolved associations with their hosts. In the
case of
B. fragilis
, PSA signals through TLR2 to promote its symbiotic association with
mucosal tissue
, a finding that implies the host is not ‘hard-wired’ to distinguish symbionts
from enteric pathogens, and that specific microbial ligands have evolved to actively allow
mutualism between mammals and beneficial bacteria of the microbiota. Examples revealing
that the microbiota protects the host from infectious agents via PRR signaling further
supports the notion that innate immunity is a mechanism of host-microbial communication.
As PRRs have historically been studied in the context of infectious agents, these findings
suggest that PRRs serve the dual function of sensing both pathogens and symbionts, with
very different consequences for both microbes (clearance vs. symbiosis) and hosts
(inflammation vs. immune homeostasis).
Microbes dominate as the most abundant life form on our planet, occupying almost every
terrestrial, aquatic and biological ecosystem. Throughout their lives, all metazoans
continuously encounter microorganisms that are essential for health or cause death. The
immune system is charged with the task of distinguishing beneficial microbes from
pathogens, much like it distinguishes self from non-self antigens, to coordinate appropriate
immune responses. As symbiotic microbes share similar molecular patterns with pathogens,
why don't we immunologically reject our microbiota during lifelong colonization? It was
initially suggested that symbiotic bacteria were simply ignored by the host
. Emerging
evidence, however, reveals that certain microbes directly engage the immune system and in
some cases actively shape beneficial host immune responses. Symbiosis is often achieved
through microbial molecules that are sensed by PRRs, the same innate immune system that
has been studied for years in responding to microbial infections. As the first eukaryotes
evolved in a world inhabited by bacteria, PRRs appear to facilitate a wide range of
interactions with this diverse microbial world. This new perspective suggests that simply
distinguishing self from non-self is insufficient to explain the basic functions of the innate
immune system, and future studies should consider how and why we tolerate our ‘microbial
We are grateful to A. Khosravi, S. W. McBride, G.Sharon, Y. Lee and M. Flajnik for thoughtful comments on the
manuscript, and apologize to our colleagues whose work could not be discussed due to space constraints. Work in
the laboratory of the authors is supported by grants from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Crohn's and Colitis
Foundation and the National Institutes of Health (DK078938).
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