Three-dimensional etching of silicon for the fabrication
of low-dimensional and suspended devices
Sameer S. Walavalkar,
Andrew P. Homyk,
M. David Henry
and Axel Scherer
In order to expand the use of nanoscaled silicon structures we
present a new etching method that allows us to shape silicon with
sub-10 nm precision. This top-down, CMOS compatible etching
scheme allows us to fabricate silicon devices with quantum behavior
without relying on di
cult lateral lithography. We utilize this novel
etching process to create quantum dots, quantum wires, vertical
transistors and ultra-high-aspect ratio structures. We believe that this
etching technique will have broad and signi
cant impacts and
applications in nano-photonics, bio-sensing, and nano-electronics.
Recently silicon has undergone a rebirth as both the electronic
and optical material of choice
combining both ease of pro-
cessing and the availability of low-cost substrates.
advances in fabrication techniques and methods have produced
new low-dimensional structures such as nanowires, nanopillars
and quantum dots that can exhibit fundamentally new behavior
not seen in bulk silicon. While devices made with these new
methods can display remarkable optical, mechanical and elec-
tronic e
the fabrication strategies utilized tend not to be
CMOS compatible, relying on stochastic bottom-up synthesis or
requiring specialized silicon on insulator substrates. Examples
of these methods include the creation of silicon nanowires
solid (VLS) growth employing metals such as
copper or gold as catalysts
and the stochastic precipitation of
silicon quantum dots from silicon rich oxide or nitride.
The ability to construct such three-dimensional structures
with top-down, CMOS compatible fabrication has several
advantages. The deterministic nature of top-down fabrication
allows for the alignment of multiple contact or gate layers to
individual nanoscale devices using optical lithography. This
allows any created structure to be immediately produced and
integrated at the wafer scale rather than as a one-time device.
Furthermore, CMOS compatibility ensures that devices can be
produced by existing silicon foundries with minimal delay.
Finally, the capacity to construct three-dimensional devices,
perpendicular to the bulk substrate, allows for denser place-
ment of devices as the footprint of the device does not appre-
ciably expand when source, drain, or gate regions are added.
In terms of top-down, three-dimensional fabrication there
have been several methods explored to fabricate silicon nano-
structures. These approaches can be split into two main cate-
wet and dry processing. Wet processing methods which
produce the best results utilize hydro
uoric acid as the etchant
in conjunction with an electrochemical current to serve as the
While this has proven successful and could possibly
be adapted to work in a fabrication line, the method lacks the
ne control to precisely shape silicon at the nanometer scale.
Various dry approaches, utilizing cryogenic
or chopped
plasma etching techniques, have begun to approach
three-dimensional silicon sculpting but still rely on compli-
cated planar electron beam lithography to create sub-10 nm
Here we demonstrate the fabrication of three-dimensional
silicon devices using a novel, top-down, CMOS compatible
etching technique. With this method it is possible to manipu-
late silicon with sub-10 nanometer precision and create fully
suspended structures without the use of sacri
cial layers or
critical point drying. Moreover, the ability to shape silicon in
three dimensions at such scales also allows the geometric
tuning of the bandgap and the creation of quantum dots and
heterojunctions out of bulk, single crystal silicon.
Previously, we reported
on the use of aluminum oxide as a
robust etch mask with respect to a
uorine plasma etch
chemistry. Alumina has the dual bene
ts of yielding a non-
uorine etch product and being a hard material. The
deposition and patterning of the aluminum oxide masks used
in this communication are done by reactive sputtering and
electron beam lithography, respectively, and are discussed in
detail in the ESI
Although we have found alumina to be the
Kavli Nanoscience Institute, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California
Blvd., MC 200-36, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. E-mail:; Tel: +1
626 395 4578
MESA Facility, Sandia National Labs, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA
Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI:
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, 2013,
, 927
Received 28th September 2012
Accepted 11th December 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2nr32981f
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most e
ective mask material, the results in this paper can be
replicated with a suitably strong resist or a hard-mask. While
electron beam lithography is used to pattern the devices dis-
cussed in this communication, the minimum written feature
size (
50 nm) can be replicated with state-of-the-art optical
The etching process presented in this communication is
based on the mixed-mode
that utilizes
simultaneous etching (with SF
) and passivation (with C
). We
have seen that this etch chemistry is not orientation dependent
and from our testing we have found that it etches (100), (110),
and (111) silicon wafers identically. The etching is conducted in
an inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etcher (ICP-RIE). The
use of the ICP allows for independent control of the degree of
gas species ionization (ICP power) from the forward (RF) power
that accelerates ions towards the sample. This gives a unique
capacity to tune the physical and chemical character of the etch.
It is important to note that the ions accelerated by the
forward power in the ICP-RIE etcher are not perfectly perpen-
dicular to the substrate; rather these ions have a small angular
spread de
ned as the ion angular distribution (IAD).
spread is a result of collisions between the ions and other gas
species within the plasma and is a function of the pressure
within the chamber. The ion collimation can be improved by
increasing the forward power, at the expense of mask lifetime,
leading to a greater amount of forward angle scattering. The
main consequence of broad IAD is a lateral etching underneath
the masked regions, known as mask
that becomes
more severe as the etch progresses into the substrate. This
lateral etching rate is usually a small fraction of the vertical
etching rate. However over the course of a deep etch, the
undercut can have a signi
cant e
ect on the feature size.
In order to create devices with vertical side-walls
rates of SF
and C
are tuned such that the forward power
allows the etching ions to mill only through the C
coating on
the horizontal surfaces leaving a
uorinated polymer coating on
the side-walls. Thus the etch progresses into the substrate with
the lateral dimensions solely de
ned by the extent of the mask.
Fig. 1a shows an array of 50 nm diameter nanopillars etched to a
depth of 1 micron using the pseudo-Bosch method.
By modifying the conditions within the chamber during
etching it is possible to sculpt the pro
le of silicon as the etch
progresses into the substrate. If we simply reduce the
ow of the
passivation gas, the ion bombardment due to the IAD will
overcome the deposition of polymer on the side-walls, causing
lateral etching underneath the mask. This undercut becomes
progressively greater as the etch proceeds into the substrate; the
ect is shown in Fig. 1b through the narrowing of the pillar
diameter with etch depth. In order to make vertically uniform
structures, this behavior can be compensated by reducing the
IAD spread as a function of etch depth. This allows the etch to
progress vertically at a
undercut for the entirety of the
replicating the masked region at a smaller scale
ned by the reduction in the ratio of passivation to etch gas.
This technique transfers challenging lithographic tolerances
into easily controlled etch parameters
an example of this is
seen in Fig. 1c. Rather than attempting to pattern a 15 nm
diameter disk to create a 15 nm vertical nanopillar, we de
ned a
50 nm disk and used the
xed undercut to scale the mask down
in size. A head and a foot region, etched under zero undercut
conditions, are added to the structure for purposes of electrical
contacting and mechanical stability, respectively. By tuning the
forward power and passivation gas
ow we can specify the
morphology of the side-wall as the etch progresses deeper into
the substrate. If the passivation gas
ow rate is rapidly oscil-
lated between under and over passivation a series of linked
beads can be fabricated in a vertical stack. Fig. 1d shows the
creation of a scalloped structure with several di
erent sized
diameter beads that are each 75 nm tall. Note that the diameters
of the beads get progressively smaller as the etch depth
increases since the forward power has not been adjusted to
compensate for the depth of the etch.
In order to characterize the parameters of the etch to achieve
precise control, a sequential investigation into etching
progressively more complicated features was carried out. The
following section presents the recipes that were used to develop
our etching process
it is important to note that while these
recipes can serve as a guide, speci
c parameters (
ow rates,
pressure, forward power,
) will have to be found for indi-
vidual machines.
The simplest structure to create was a notch
shown in
Fig. 2a. A three step etch procedure is carried out where the
color on the schematic in Fig. 2b corresponds to the color of the
step in the table. The notch is created during the second step
(shown in green) where both the passivation gas
ow and the
forward power are reduced. The lowered forward power
increases the angular distribution of the etching ions taking
advantage of the thinner side-wall passivation to carve out the
notch. The angled side-wall is created in the time between start
Fig. 1
SEM images of vertical silicon structures etched under di
erent condi-
tions. (a) An array of 50 nm diameter nanopillars etched to a depth of 1 micron.
Scale bar is 2 microns. (b) An array of 100 nm diameter silicon nanopillars etched
under constant under-passivation conditions. Scale bar is 500 nm. (c) An array of
15 nm diameter silicon nanopillars etched under IAD compensated etching
conditions. Scale bar is 100 nm. (d) Single silicon nanopillar etched under oscil-
lating etch conditions to produce a periodic surface morphology (pillar is lying
down on the substrate). Scale bar is 100 nm.
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of the etch step with reduced gas
ow and the time when the gas
concentration stabilizes. Once the gas stabilizes, the etch
continues vertically until the passivation gas
ow is increased
again and the etched pillar diameter begins to widen.
The next step was to characterize the narrowed, straight side-
wall feature seen in Fig. 1c and 3a. Using this technique it is
possible to uniformly shrink the mask dimensions and verti-
cally etch them into the silicon substrate. In order to maintain
straight side-walls both the forward power and the passivation
ow were increased roughly every 200 nm the etch
progressed into the substrate. The changes in the etch condi-
tions are marked with colors on both the schematic in Fig. 3b
and in the table. Note that the etch maintains a diameter of
35 nm over the course of 500 nm length of the stem. A recipe to
fabricate a set of identically sized
similar to those seen
in Fig. 1d is included in the ESI.
Combinations of these
features can be used to create a variety of interesting structures,
which, when combined with a self-terminating oxidation step
we have previously reported,
can have features as small as 2
nm and novel band structures.
The ability to tune the bandgap of silicon based on a
combination of etching and oxidation is a powerful tool. Using
standard CMOS techniques in conjunction with the etch pre-
sented in this communication it would be possible to create
wide bandgap (
2.0 to 2.5 eV) silicon transistors that can
retain low leakage currents at higher temperatures than
traditional silicon electronics. Furthermore, it is possible to
leave certain features of a structure larger to ease in making
electrical contact while keeping the active region sub-10 nm in
dimension. Fig. 4a shows an example of a vertical nanopillar
eld e
ect transistor (VNPFET) at an intermediate fabrication
step, with a 15 nm channel surrounded by 10 nm of thermal
oxide and its tungsten wrap-around gate. This pillar was
fabricated as described in Fig. 3. Adding an insulating spacer
and a top contact completes the VNPFET. The wide head on
the pillar gives an approximately 35 nm wide area of silicon to
contact rather than contacting the narrow channel directly.
This contacting scheme is particularly useful when interfacing
with channels smaller than 5 nm. Fig. 4b shows the measured
drain current of an array of 400 such devices in parallel
as a function of wrap-around gate voltage. The ambipolar
Fig. 2
Etch recipe for a single notch in a silicon nanopillar. (a) An array of silicon
pillars with a 15 nm notch in a 75 nm diameter pillar. Scale bar is 200 nm. (b)
Schematic of a pillar with the various etch steps highlighted; the conditions are
described in the table.
Fig. 3
Etch recipe for a 500 nm long, extended notch in a silicon nanopillar. (a)
An array of silicon pillars with a 35 nm diameter stem on a 75 nm diameter pillar.
Scale bar is 500 nm. (b) Schematic of a pillar with the various etch steps high-
lighted and the conditions are described in the table.
Fig. 4
VNPFET and resonant tunneling structures. (a) VNPFET at an intermediate
fabrication step. The channel width of the shown structures is 15 nm and the
wrap-around gate is made of tungsten. Scale bar is 500 nm. (b) Drain
current measured as a function of applied gate voltage for the devices shown in
(a). Inset shows the biasing scheme
ows through the pillar and
substrate. (c) An array of
silicon structures. Scale bar is 1 micron. (d)
ed view of a
the constrictions on either side of the
bead are approximately 10 nm. Scale bar is 100 nm. (e) A post-oxidation SEM of a
structure with the remaining silicon core highlighted. Scale bar is 50 nm.
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behavior of the devices stems from the narrow channel width.
As the channel width decreases, the probability of
nding a
dopant atom within the remaining silicon core drops until the
channel can be considered, on average, to be intrinsic.
Therefore the gate can serve to attract either holes or electrons
depending on the polarity of the biasing. This e
ort shows the
rst attempts at making these structures and current e
continue on examining the behavior of various material
parameters (mobility, saturation velocity,
single pillar
versions of these transistors as the channel width is narrowed
to sub-5 nm diameters.
geometric bandgap engineering
enables the creation of
single material heterojunctions made from bulk silicon. This
expands the standard silicon CMOS toolkit, adding devices such
as heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) or vertical
eld e
ect transistors (VTFETs) that used to be the
domain of expensive, grown III
V semiconductors or SiGe
alloys. The vertical sculpting presented here allows for the
creation of such VTFETs without the use of di
cult, ultra-high-
resolution, lateral fabrication. Fig. 4c and d show a set of
pillars fabricated using 100 nm diameter circular masks.
Fig. 4e shows a bow-tie structure a
er oxidation; the outline
highlights the remaining single crystal Si core. The two sub-10
nm constrictions locally expand the bandgap and allow a lower
bandgap region to be sandwiched between them. This energy
landscape can produce a resonant tunneling or single electron
device where a voltage applied to a wrap-around gate can shi
the band-edge energy of the sandwiched region into and out of
resonance to allow tunneling between the adjacent regions.
orts are currently underway to measure the electronic prop-
erties of these devices. There has been previous work
similar structures were fabricated by lateral patterning and
islands of silicon approaching 100 nm in diameter showed
quantum e
ects at cryogenic temperatures.
Using the previously described sculpting methods, it is also
possible to construct completely suspended over-hang struc-
tures without the use of sacri
cial layers or SOI wafers. Creating
a mask that has features with two distinct sizes allows one set of
features to be undercut while the other remains as a support. An
example of this is shown in Fig. 5a
c. The schematic mask has a
50 nm wide bar between two 100 nm disks. If this structure is
etched vertically or with a small degree of undercut the pattern
is simply transferred into silicon. Fig. 5b shows such a mask
having been etched vertically for 100 nm, followed by a
etch to create an undercut region 400 nm in
length and once again vertically to produce a thin, electron
transparent membrane. If the notch undercut is chosen to be
greater than half the width of the bar, 25 nm in this case, the
region below the bar is etched away. Fig. 5c shows a similar
structure where the etch is initially vertical and then undercut to
a larger degree to produce a suspended cross-bar. By tuning the
undercut to free only portions of the masked regions it is
possible to create extremely high aspect ratio structures with a
single mask and dry etching step. The beam shown in Fig. 5d is
100 nm wide and 50 microns long
the image is taken from a
foreshortened perspective to capture the high (500 : 1) aspect
ratio of the beam. Similar to the fabrication of the beads above,
by utilizing the vertical uniformity of the etch it is possible to
make multiple vertical iterations of (
stacked) suspended
structures for optical or structural applications. The start of a
second iteration is seen below the bar in Fig. 5d. Creative mask
design also allows for the fabrication of interlocking structures
such as 3D silicon lattices, as shown in Fig. 5e, and interlocking
hook and loop type fasteners based on the structures in Fig. 5c.
Silicon lattice or nanomesh structures have found use as novel
thermoelectric materials
and simplifying their fabrication and
moving towards three-dimensional structures can decrease the
cost to produce them and increase the material volume.
Furthermore such structures can have a variety of applications
as customizable or electronic sca
olding in the
eld of tissue
engineering or on-chip neuron growth.
We have demonstrated and explained CMOS compatible,
three-dimensional etching of silicon nanostructures to create
devices with novel behavior as well as suspended structures.
Utilizing the unique tools provided by an ICP etcher we can
laterally sculpt silicon as an etch progresses into the substrate.
This has allowed the top-down fabrication of arrays of ambi-
polar VNPFETs with channel widths of 15 nm while main-
taining large head and foot regions for electrical contacting.
The ability to sculpt silicon at the single nanometer scale in
combination with thermal oxidation enables the geometric
engineering of the silicon bandgap. This technique opens the
door for the CMOS compatible fabrication of sub-10 nano-
meter scale devices without the pressure placed on lateral
This work was supported by the Advanced Energy Commission
under the BEG10-07 grant, the Boeing corporation under the
CT-BA-GTA-1 grant, and by the National Science Foundation
under NSF CIAN ERC (EEC-0812072). S.W. would like to thank
Fig. 5
Suspended structures. (a) A schematic drawing of the mask and (b) and
(c) etching results. (b) Suspended beam etched with a partial undercut such that a
thin electron transparent membrane remains. Scale bar is 500 nm. (c) Set of
beams etched with a full undercut resulting in hoops. Scale bar is 500 nm. (d)
Suspended beam 100 nm wide and 50 microns long etched and suspended with
a single step. The image is taken from a foreshortened angle to
t the entire
beam. Scale bar is 2 microns. (e) Three-dimensional silicon mesh created with a
single etch step. Scale bar is 1 micron. Inset shows a single silicon wire-frame cube.
Scale bar is 250 nm.
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T.K. Nelson for useful discussion and A.H. appreciates the
generous support of the ARCS Foundation. The authors would
like to additionally thank the sta
of the Kavli Nanoscience
Institute for their continued help.
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