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I. Inelastic peak broadening for a-Si (A1 and A2) and numerical predictions
IXS measurements of both A1 and A2 samples are compared with dynamic structure
factor calculations from molecular dynamics [38, 41, 42] in Fig. S1. The broadening values
from Beltukov et al. [41] are taken from their raw data points from Fig. 9 of their paper. The
broadening values from Larkin and McGaughey are taken from the dispersions in Fig. 3 of
their paper [38]. Due to their limited number of raw data, we have plotted their calculations
as data points rather than lines. All the simulations used Stillinger-Weber potential [31].
We see that the IXS measurements follow closely with prior MD predictions [38, 41, 42].
FIG. S1. Inelastic peak broadening of A1 and A2 (black filled circles) compared to dynamic
structure factor calculations [38, 41, 42] versus frequency. The black solid line is from Moon et
al. [42], red filled circles are from Beltukov et al. [41], and blue filled circles are from Larkin and
McGaughey [38].