of 25
ex vivo
Study of Outward Electrical Impedance Tomography
(OEIT) for Intravascular Imaging
Yuan Luo
State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and
Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200050, China
Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
Department of Medical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125,
Dong Huang
College of Engineering; Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing, China
Zi-Yu Huang
Department of Medical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125,
Tzung K. Hsiai
Department of Bioengineering, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, David Geffen
School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Yu-Chong Tai [Fellow, IEEE]
Department of Medical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125,
Atherosclerosis is a chronic immuno-inflammatory condition emerging in arteries
and considered the cause of a myriad of cardiovascular diseases. Atherosclerotic lesion
characterization through invasive imaging modalities is essential in disease evaluation and
determining intervention strategy. Recently, electrical properties of the lesions have been utilized
in assessing its vulnerability mainly owing to its capability to differentiate lipid content existing
in the lesion, albeit with limited detection resolution. Electrical impedance tomography is the
natural extension of conventional spectrometric measurement by incorporating larger number
of interrogating electrodes and advanced algorithm to achieve imaging of target objects and
thus provides significantly richer information. It is within this context that we develop Outward
Electrical Impedance Tomography (OEIT), aimed at intravascular imaging for atherosclerotic
lesion characterization.
correspondence: yuanluo@mail.sim.ac.cn.
Y. Luo, D. Huang and Z.-Y. Huang contribute to this work equally.
HHS Public Access
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IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 February 01.
Published in final edited form as:
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
. 2022 February ; 69(2): 734–745. doi:10.1109/TBME.2021.3104300.
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We utilized flexible electronics to establish the 32-electrode OEIT device with outward
facing configuration suitable for imaging of vessels. We conducted comprehensive studies through
simulation model and
ex vivo
setup to demonstrate the functionality of OEIT.
Quantitative characterization for OEIT regarding its proximity sensing and conductivity
differentiation was achieved using well-controlled experimental conditions. Imaging capability for
OEIT was further verified with phantom setup using porcine aorta to emulate
in vivo
We have successfully demonstrated a novel tool for intravascular imaging, OEIT,
with unique advantages for atherosclerosis detection.
This study demonstrates for the first time a novel electrical tomography-based
platform for intravascular imaging, and we believe it paves the way for further adaptation of OEIT
for intravascular detection in more translational settings and offers great potential as an alternative
imaging tool for medical diagnosis.
Atherosclerosis; Electrical Impedance Tomography; Intravascular Imaging; Intravascular
I. Introduction
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease manifested as localized built-up of substance (also
known as plaques) on the arterial wall due to complicated interplay of lipoprotein
retention, inflammatory reaction and cellular metabolic dynamics [
]. The growth of these
atherosclerotic plaques results in the narrowing of arterial lumen, and more severely, when
the plaques advance to later stages they are highly prone to rupture [
]. Such rupturing
leads to precipitating thrombi at the initial sites or embolism at downstream sites, possibly
completely obstructing the essential blood flow. The most critical conditions caused thereof
include the occlusion of coronary arteries (resulting in myocardial infarction) and carotid
arteries (ischemic stroke) [
]. Atherosclerosis is widely considered as the leading cause
of mortality and morbidity in the world [
]. The assessment of the vulnerability of
these atherosclerotic lesions has been a critical topic for cardiovascular research, which
leads to the development of a plethora of invasive/non-invasive imaging modalities for
atherosclerosis diagnosis.
Frequently adopted non-invasive imaging modalities, including Computed Tomography
(CT)/Coronary CT Angiography (CCTA), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound,
positron emission tomography (PET), and multi-modal imaging strategies combining
individual techniques, can provide important insight in lesion evaluation, especially in the
case of low to medium risk patients [
]. However, even with the recent technological
advancement for non-invasive modalities, invasive imaging tools are still considered to offer
the highest resolution images with in-depth analysis on artery wall composition and plaque
morphology, especially for high risk patients with severe symptoms [
Among existing invasive techniques, catheter angiography and flow fractional reserve
(FFR) have become the routine procedures once the patient show severe symptoms (e.g.
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stable angina). However, these methods can only measure stenosis and merely provides a
lumenogram of the coronary circulation without any specific knowledge on the actual plaque
composition [
]. Intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) [
] and optical coherence tomography
(OCT) [
] have been the other clinically available options for intravascular imaging, both
with varying degree of success in atherosclerotic plaque characterization. However, IVUS
yields unsatisfactory results in tissue characterization due to insufficient resolution and is
limited by a certain degree of subjectivity from operator’s interpretation [
]. On the other
hand, despite the excellent spatial resolution it provides, OCT lacks the penetration depth
for full vessel wall coverage and often requires frequent saline flushing to fence off red
blood cells interference during imaging processing [
]. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
is another emerging modality for specific lipid content characterization, yet still at its early
stage and facing challenge in obtaining quantitative information about size and location of
the lipid core [
Recent efforts in intravascular detection see a new direction in exploiting the electrical
characteristics of atherosclerotic lesions as an evaluation criterion [
]. The fundamental
impetus is to target one of the well-recognized feature of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques,
the lipid-rich pool, as lipid exhibits a drastically different electrical conductivity than the
cell-laden normal vessel tissues, almost an order of magnitude in difference on average [
This desirable feature could lead to unique capability in identifying the different degrees
of plaque vulnerability [
]. Moreover, electrical current naturally posts deeper penetration
and is suitable for imaging vessel walls that are typically of thickness around 2~3 mm.
These advantages spurred the interest in the pursuit of adopting electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS) as a new intravascular detection tool. To the best of our knowledge,
existing impedance-based methods rely only on measuring the impedance spectrum from
target tissues with limited number of electrodes. The most glaring issue is the rather poor
resolution in interrogating the vessel. After all, none of the EIS-based intravascular studies
can provide “true” imaging of the vessel [
Fortunately, converting impedance-based measurement to imaging of target objects has
already been achieved through several tomography-based techniques. Among these,
electrical impedance tomography (EIT), has gained tremendous attention and witnessed a
wide range of clinical applications in the past decades [
]. It uses electrode array
attached on the outer surface of an object and reconstructs the conductivity distribution of
the object by sending electrical current and measuring response in a predefined pattern. The
configuration in which electrode array encircling the targets from outside also partially
results in EIT being typically applied in imaging human thoracic area [
], and also
adaptation in brain imaging in recent years [
]. In the context of intravascular imaging,
a reverse configuration as opposed to typical EIT implementation is required for such
tubular target, where electrode array needs to be situated inside the vessel lumen and images
outward. EIT design applicable for such tubular organ also has great implication in other
medical imaging scenarios, yet demonstration of device along this vein is limited except for
its application in endoscopic navigation of prostate diagnosis [
The potential of utilizing EIT in intravascular imaging is apparently tremendous owing to
the distinct electrical signature of atherosclerotic lesion, and yet has remained essentially
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untapped, except for simulation studies in predicting its feasibility [
]. We herein
develop outward electrical impedance tomography (OEIT), in an attempt to exploit such
great potential. As depicted in Fig. 1, we designed and established a catheter-based
device with 32 individual electrodes embedded in flexible substrate. We conducted
comprehensive characterization of the imaging performance through both simulation
studies and experimental settings with well-defined boundaries. We further demonstrated
intravascular imaging in proximity detection and fatty tissue identification in an
ex vivo
phantom setup emulating clinical conditions. With these studies we successfully established
the functionalities of the OEIT system and laid the foundation for further
in vivo
and adaptation in the near future.
II. Method
A. EIT Theory
The mathematical foundation of EIT has been detailed elsewhere [
]. In brief, EIT is
set out to solve the inverse problem of the Laplace equation. As an analytical solution is
extremely difficult to obtain, most EIT algorithm relies on numerical method to achieve
a desired solution. Among those, the Gauss-Newton (GN) type solver gain tremendous
success and its general concept starts with defining an error variable:
denotes the target conductivity distribution,
is the measured voltage values
obtained from experiment, and
) represents a voltage function on
implicitly defined
from the Laplace equation
· (−
) = 0. To find the optimal
, the GN solver seeks to
minimize the L-2 norm of (1) with the first order Taylor expansion approximation of
is a reference conductivity distribution and
denotes the Jacobian matrix
corresponding to
). The notorious ill-posedness of the inverse problem of EIT renders
a stable solution for minimizing (2) rather impossible. The common technique to tackle this
issue is by adding regularization terms and (2) becomes:
is called the regularization parameter, which can be chosen properly based on the
actual inverse problem to stabilize the final solution.
provides further degree of freedom
for manipulating the solution [
]. The minimization is achieved through solving
= 0
and we can obtain:
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To calculate the absolute conductivity distribution, an iterative scheme needs to be
implemented. The initial conductivity value
is obtained by an educated guess (could
be an uniform distribution), which was then used to calculate the Jacobian matrix
, obtain
, and eventually generate a first conductivity distribution
. This scheme is continued
until the difference between
is smaller than the predefined tolerance.
B. EIDORS Implementation
The imaging algorithm described above was implemented with the help of the online open
source library, EIDORS [
]. The library allows designing the finite element models with
precise geometries and proper meshing. The implementation of our OEIT requires distinct
model geometry as compared to typical thoracic imaging. As shown in Fig. 2, a cylindrical
structure was first created followed by removing a smaller inner cylinder, resulting in a
“donut” shape domain of interest (DOI), with the electrodes placed in the inner wall surface.
The inner cylinder represented the space occupied by the device and hence was assumed
to be excluded from our DOI. There were two different scenarios regarding the specific
geometric parameters adopted in the model (see case I & II detailed in Fig. 3). In case I,
we set the inner cylinder diameter (
) to be that of the device (5 mm). We chose to ignore
all the possible influence originating from outside the vessel by setting the outer cylindrical
boundary (
) to be diameter of the vessel ( 13.5 mm) because the focus in this scenario is to
detect the existence of a lipid rich pool surrounded by the conductive solution environment
inside the vessel. Hence the DOI in this case is the red region in Fig. 3a. The relative
position between the device and the vessel wall is generally unchanged and maintained a
concentric configuration (see experimental details in sections III-C & III-E). On the other
hand, case II is intended for the proximity detection experiment (section III-B & III-D):
while the inner cylinder in the model is still kept the same size as the actual device, the
outside cylindrical boundary needs to fulfill one requirement: its radius
needs to be larger
/2 in order to accommodate the most eccentric condition caused by the relative
movement between device and vessel (see the dotted circle in Fig. 3b for illustrating the
extreme condition). In the actual model we directly set
and therefore resulting in the
DOI in blue region in Fig. 3b.
For our simulation study, case I was adopted and an ellipsoid structure was also created
within the DOI with proper conductivity to mimic fatty tissue (Fig. 2b). We first carried out
the forward calculation in solving the time harmonic form of Laplace equation [
]. The
solutions gave us a mock voltage measurement which could be used as input to generate a
new conductivity mapping by numerically solving (4). For imaging the experimental data,
the measured voltages from different settings were fed to their corresponding models, which
subsequently calculated the conductivity distribution via the regularized Gauss-Newton
solver. We finally adopted a previously reported method [
] to identify the region of
interest from the resulting EIT images for further analysis.
C. Device Design and Fabrication
As shown in Fig. 1, the fabrication of OEIT device started from flexible electrodes (20 cm in
length) with polyimide-copper-polyimide sandwich structure ordered from outside supplier
(FPCexpress, Ontario, Canada). Electrode pattern was designed as follows: there were total
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32 individual electrodes placed on the polyimide sheet with each electrode being 200 μm
wide and also separated with 200 μm interspace. The exposed length for each electrode was
set as 1 mm. A 3D printed cylindrical rod with 5-mm diameter (Craftbot Plus, CraftUnique,
Hungary) serve as the substrate which the flexible electrode was rolled onto and both edges
of the polyimide sheet were glued together with silicon adhesive (Henkel, CT). Contact pad
arrays (5 mm×5 mm) were located on the distal end of the flexible electrode (Fig. 1c) where
copper wires were soldered and secured with epoxy. The wires were further connected to the
32 individual channels from the data acquisition equipment.
D. Samples and Reagents
Sodium Chloride solution was dissolved in deionized (DI) water to various concentrations
of wt % (0.0563%, 0.1125%, 0.225%, 0.45%, 0.9% (normal saline concentration)) to
reach different conductivity values: 0.11-, 0.25-, 0.45-, 0.85- and 1.60-S/m, respectively.
The actual conductivity of the solution was confirmed using a benchtop conductivity
meter (Mettler-Toledo, OH). A cylindrical container (Polylactic acid, PLA) was 3d printed
(Craftbot Plus, CraftUnique, Hungary) to form the well-defined boundaries for device
characterization experiment. Porcine aortas and fresh whole blood were purchased from
a local animal tissue provider with same day delivery (Sierra Medical, CA). The aortas were
cut in short segments (~10 cm long) to meet the experimental needs and their diameter was
measured at around 13.5 mm. Large volume of fat was purchased from a local supermarket
and cut into small pieces to fit in the experimental setting.
E. Hardware
The experiment was conducted on a planar XY-stage with manual control at 0.01 mm
resolution. The OEIT device was secured on a separate support stand with clamping fastener
and held steady throughout the experiment. The rest of the experimental phantom was
affixed on the XY-stage and subject to controlled horizontal movement. All of the electrical
measurements for OEIT imaging were conducted using SenTec EIT Pioneer set (SenTec
AG, Switzerland). The excitation was kept at 3 mA and 250 kHz. Both the current injection
and voltage measuring pattern was following the previously reported protocol of “skip 4”
], namely, there were four idle electrodes between the selected pair for either current
injection or voltage acquisition.
III. Results
A. Simulation
We firstly conducted a series of simulation study to verify the OEIT imaging model
established using EIDORS. We created a heterogeneous conductivity distribution within
the DOI to mimic the existence of fatty tissue (elliptical, Fig. 2b). The conductivity of the
white region was set at 0.85 S/m, the same as that of the blood. The conductivity within
the ellipse was then set in a range varying from 0.02–0.10 S/m in reference to the typical
conductivity value for fatty tissue to be ~0.04 S/m[
]. The imaging results calculated
from our model captured the elliptical shape (representative image in Fig. 2c, full set of
images in supplementary materials Fig. S1). We further identified the regions of interest
from the initial imaging results (supplementary materials Fig. S1) and estimated the average
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conductivity values within them, which exhibited a linear correlation between the nominal
and calculated conductivity values (Fig. 2d). These results demonstrated the efficacy for our
imaging model ready for experimental verification.
B. Proximity Measurement
After the information obtained with simulation, we proceeded to experimentally demonstrate
the imaging capability of the OEIT device. First, we conducted a proximity detection study
in an experimental setup with well-defined conditions. As shown in Fig. 4a–b, a cylindrical
container filled with 0.45% wt NaCl solution was fixed on the mobile track of the XY-stage.
The OEIT device was clamped on a support stand and its distal end (with electrodes)
reaching to the interior of the container. The container movement in the horizontal plane
was controlled by the XY-stage with high accuracy (0.01mm). Such experimental condition
mimicked the movement of intravascular device being deployed within the conductive
aqueous environment inside the blood vessels. We sought to monitor the proximity of
the OEIT device with respect to the sidewall of the container. The distance between the
edge of the device and the sidewall of the container in the radial direction was used as
the indicator (symbol “
” in Fig. 4b), both in the actual physical measurement, and in the
resulted images. The relative position between the device and the container can be precisely
controlled by moving the XY-stage. The distance
was varied from 0 to 3.75mm with
0.25mm step size. For every such position, current injection and voltage acquisition were
conducted and used to generate the impedance tomography. Fig. 4c presents a sequence of
four images with increasing distance
. We adopted the case II EIDORS model described
above. The red region in the images represented high conductivity (around 0.8S/m), whereas
the blue region denoting low conductivity reflected the container sidewall, as well as the
air space outside the container. As seen, the transition appeared to be rather sharp between
these two distinct regimes, which was the result of a drastically different conductivity value
between the NaCl solution (0.85 S/m) and the insulating PLA material [
]. From every
such conductivity mapping, we further measured the corresponding
value. The correlation
between these two sets of “
” was plotted in Fig. 4d, which demonstrated a reasonable
agreement except a small offset of ~ 1mm. We suspected this could be due to the fact that
in the actual measurement, there can still be a narrow gap of solution between the electrodes
and the sidewall even when the device was “touching” the sidewall, which then caused the
reconstruction algorithm to “infer” existence of conductive medium. Such error could be
further calibrated in the imaging algorithm.
C. Conductivity Characterization
Next, we investigated the characteristics of conductivity sensing by OEIT and its
differentiating capability within the same experimental setup. As shown in Fig. 5a–b, a
piece of fatty tissue was immersed inside the NaCl solution to create the non-homogeneous
conductivity distribution as in the intravascular environment. In addition to the 0.45% wt
NaCl (0.85 S/m) solution, we also tried to vary the solution conductivity values to assess
its influence on the imaging quality. We hypothesized the impact of solution conductivity
value on the differentiating capability of the OEIT inside a blood vessel environment
can be qualitatively illustrated with the conceptual plot in Fig. 6. Here, we focus on the
difference in impedimetric sensing data induced by adding the fatty tissue to an otherwise
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homogeneous conductivity distribution within the solution: Δ
being the measured results for non-homogeneous (with fat) and homogeneous condition,
respectively. In essence, there are two special cases that confine the limits for the outcome.
First, when the conductivity of the blood is extremely high (imagine it is as conductive as
metal), then due to current shorting caused, there would not be any noticeable change in any
electrical measurement. The second case is when the blood has the exact same conductivity
as the fatty tissue (a critical value in this conceptual curve), apparently there would also
not be any differentiation no matter how the fatty tissue change its shape. And the optimal
condition must lies between these two limiting cases.
Fig. 5c presents the imaging result generated from two solution conductivities (i.e. 0.11-
and 0.85-S/m). We adopted the case I EIDORS model described above. We subsequently
identified the regions of interest representing the fatty tissue as “seen” by our device and
estimated both the average conductivity and the overall area from those regions for all
five conditions (i.e., 0.11-, 0.25-, 0.45-, 0.85- and 1.60-S/m; Fig. 5d, full set of imaging
results in supplementary materials Fig. S2). In general, our platform managed to identify
the existence of the fatty tissue for all conditions. It is notable that by comparing data
among all five conditions, the estimated area for the lowest solution conductivity (0.11
S/m) shows a significant drop (33%), whereas the fatty tissue conductivity from the highest
solution conductivity case (1.6 S/m) also exhibits dramatic decrease (77%), from the other
four conditions. Both noteworthy deviations can be an indication of the above-mentioned
conductivity effect hypothesis, and the optimal scenario from a conductivity standpoint lies
among the intermediate conductivity values.
Our findings suggested the potential benefit of tuning the conductivity of liquid environment
during plaque detection for better differentiation. In actual clinical settings, tools for the
liquid exchange during the catheterization procedure are readily available. For instance,
it is common practice in OCT imaging to conduct saline flushing to expel the blood around
the vicinity of the device in order to improve image quality [
]. Our group has also
demonstrated a double-balloon catheter design in which the small section of the artery flow
can be isolated to achieve local drug delivery and potentially exchanging blood for other
solution of distinct conductivity [
]. The integration of such double-balloon structure with
flexible electrode for device prototype is within the design and fabrication capacity in our
laboratory settings.
D. Proximity Detection in Aorta
After the characterization of our OEIT device in the previous setup with well-defined tubular
boundaries, we advanced to adapt a porcine aorta for establishing a phantom setup to mimic
in vivo
condition. As shown in Fig. 7a–b, the aorta segment was placed concentrically on
the bottom of a plastic container and secured with non-conductive epoxy. The container was
then affixed on the XY-stage. Subsequently, we filled NaCl solution of different conductivity
inside and outside the aorta segment. The inner lumen space was filled with 0.45% wt
NaCl to mimic blood conductivity, whereas the rest of the space within the container was
filled with 0.225% wt NaCl to match the general conductivity value of connective tissue
]. We believed these configurations presented close approximation for the intravascular
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environment. We performed a similar experiment as section III-B by moving the XY-stage to
realize different proximity condition between the device and the aorta sidewall.
Fig. 7c shows a set of images from a sequence of varied relative positions between the pig
aorta and the device. The DOI for the EIDORS model adopted here was the second scenario
described above (Case II in Fig. 3). The middle panel in Fig. 7c presents the original
reconstruction results for all five locations. As seen, the algorithm managed to capture the
correct relative position of the device inside the aorta lumen. In the bottom panel of Fig. 7c,
we performed post-processing on the resulted images by setting the conductivity value to
an intermediate range, which only captures the “black” regions (see detailed explanation in
supplementary materials Fig. S3) and served to further identify the shape of the aorta from
the images. Of note, the shape of the aorta started to diverge from the actual circular shape
when part of it was moving further away from the electrodes. This result possibly indicated
the limitation of OEIT to image far field objects (>5 mm), yet it did not seem to affect
proximity detection or the lipid identification as detailed in the subsequent section.
The navigation of the catheter inside the vessels during its deployment operation is crucial
for the safety of intravascular intervention. The failure to conduct such deployment in a
proper way could even cause severe damage to the vessels due to the catheter accidentally
piercing through the tissue. The current guiding method is to rely on short duration of
X-ray imaging [
], whereas the proximity detection capability of our device offers an
attractive alternative. In contrast to the extra dosage of X-ray exposure, the EIT imaging,
as described earlier, functions by simply sending small amount of current and causes no
hazardous effect during the procedure. Note that the characteristic shift of electrical response
resulted from the change of distance between the electrodes and target tissue has been
exploited for cardiac disease applications. Kim
et al
. demonstrated
in vivo
monitoring of
device contact with cardiac tissue based on impedance measurement [
]. We believe OEIT
as an imaging modality showing full cross-sectional view of the lumen, can potentially offer
better navigation performance.
E. Lipid Identification in Aorta
The key functionality of an intravascular imaging modality is the capability of assessing
atherosclerotic lesions within the vessel environment. We proceeded to place fatty tissue
inside the aorta to further emulate the existence of plaques (Fig. 8a). We switched the
position of the fat tissue and used the electrode as the position marker (Fig. 8b). The
four selected positions corresponded to #1, #10, #18, and #25 electrodes. The fatty tissue
was measured and subsequently imaged at each position. The DOI for the EIDORS model
adopted here was the first scenario described above (Case I in Fig. 3). As shown in Fig.
8c, fatty tissue located at the four locations can be identified with fairly good accuracy. The
averaged conductivity and estimated area of the regions of interest (identified from original
imaging, full set shown in supplementary materials Fig. S4) was also calculated and plotted
in Fig. 8d. The average conductivity value obtained from these four different positions was
0.101S/m, which corresponded to around 0.03 S/m based on our simulation results (Fig. 2d)
and is within reasonable range with reported values [
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To further test the applicability of OEIT for more relevant intravascular conditions, as well
as experimentally study the detection resolution for OEIT, we proceeded to conduct a new
set of experiment by replacing saline solution with real blood in the above-described setting,
and using fat tissue of various sizes. As shown in Fig. 9a–b, we used a set of four different
fat tissue with the cross-sectional dimension measured at 15×3 mm
, 9×3 mm
, 5×3 mm
3×3 mm
, respectively. Fig 9c reveals the imaging results for the 9×3 mm
piece situated on
#1, #10, #18, and #25 similar to the previous experiment, whereas Fig. 9d shows all four fat
tissues placed on #18 position. A full set of imaging results showing all sizes fat tissue on all
locations is available in supplementary materials (Fig. S5).
Based on these imaging results, it is obvious that switching the saline solution to real blood
did not impact the imaging capability of OEIT. Another concern about the clinical relevance
for our testing condition is the pulsatile nature of blood flow. We have conducted live animal
study in previous work whereby impedance sensor was attached on the intervening catheter
and directly measured impedance response
in vivo
within the arteries while monitoring the
normal heart rate of the animal [
]. The results in these studies suggested the pulsatile
condition does not produce any noticeable disturbance on impedance sginal as compared to
subjecting the same device under steady saline solution.
Next, we further extract the region of interest from all the images obtained from the
experiment (supplementary materials Fig. S5) and calculate their effective area stenosis (i.e.
the percentage of total cross-sectional area of the aorta lumen occupied by the fat tissue).
For the real sample, the area stenosis was calculated to be 31.4%, 18.9%, 10.5%, 6.3%, with
their respective cross-sectional area listed above divided by lumen area
. These two sets of values were compared as shown in Fig. 9e. We first
noted that, though OEIT device was able to image fat tissue of all sizes in all locations
successfully, the results for the smallest size were at a lower clarity compared to other three
cases with larger sizes (Fig. 9c, Fig. S5). Statistical comparison in Fig. 9e also shows that
the deviation in area stenosis values between real sample and tomographic imaging extracted
results is within 35%, except the case with fat tissue of smallest size, which has a 6 times
difference in area stenosis. These results indicated we are approaching the resolution limit
under the current device design and experimental set-up with 6.3% area stenosis. On the
other hand, it is reasonable to believe that our OEIT has the resolution to identify features as
small as 10% of the total luminal area.
To evaluate the translational relevance of these results, consider an atherosclerotic lesion
with diameter stenosis 25%, which corresponds to roughly 49% area stenosis [
]. This
is considered “mild atherosclerosis” according to SCCT (The Society of Cardiovascular
Computed Tomography) grading scale for stenosis severity [
]. A study of 55 patients
reveals an average FFR at ~0.86 while the average area stenosis is ~47% [
]. An FFR value
of 0.86 is still significantly above the 0.8 threshold in plaque vulnerability assessment from
standard procedure, which means an area stenosis even higher than 47% is required for an
FFR positive test. Comparison between these statistics and our experimental results suggests
that OEIT is sufficient to be applied in intravascular imaging of clinically significant
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IV. Discussion
It has been generally accepted that the atherosclerotic plaques that are vulnerable to rupture
presents the most severe threat to cause acute and catastrophic events [
]. Such high risk
plaques manifest itself with the signature features of a thin fibrous cap and a lipid rich
necrotic core, which is formed by macrophage-turned foam cell engulfing large amount of
lipid from the blood flow and later go through necrosis and releasing them [
]. The growing
of the necrotic core also contributes to the continuous thinning of the fibrous cap. The
rupturing is believed to be in large part the result of the reduction in mechanical strength
of the fibrous cap [
], yet it is the necrotic core with significant lipid content that presents
valuable opportunity for using electrical property-based tools for detection. Under such
circumstances, the amount of fibrous material, such as fibrin, is reduced significantly. On the
other hand, lipid content, including cholesterol, becomes a strong indicator for determining
the propensity of the plaque to rupture and cause catastrophic events. The need to distinguish
normal fat and cholesterol may not be critical as both typically are contained in the lipid-rich
necrotic core and exhibit similar electrical properties [
]. Therefore, by focusing on lipid
detection, the OEIT device positions itself in identifying the key composition indicator for
the risk of plaque rupturing, and fat tissue is a reasonable approximation for testing OEIT
functionality in our
ex vivo
phantom set-up.
The drastically different level of conductivity of lipid compared to normal tissue is essential
for the application potential of OEIT. As a comparison, the most commonly adopted
imaging procedure is angiogram followed by FFR, which could only assess the plaque
vulnerability through degree of obstruction (i.e. estimating the size of the plaques). Such
criterion has been found less correlating to the actual risk of plaque rupturing [
], whereas
impedimetric signature has been shown to indicate distinct lesion severity using EIS-based
sensing [
]. OEIT, by offering a full intravascular cross-sectional image, is aimed to
present significant advancement from those existing impedance spectrum-based techniques
that mostly only provide localized measurement within the vessel wall or extremely coarse
coverage of the whole vessel [
]. Furthermore, with recent evidence indicating an
important role by perivascular fatty tissue in revealing early vascular inflammation and
plaque vulnerability [
], we also believe OEIT is in principle capable of observing beyond
the vessel wall and targeting perivascular fat by extending the DOI as shown in section
III-D (Fig. 7c). Another potentially important aspect for atherosclerosis characterization is
the calcification within atherosclerotic lesions. The role calcification plays in determining
the vulnerability of these lesions is less apparent compared to the thinning of fibrous cap
and growing of necrotic core, and still under debate [
]. Yet given the prevalence of
calcification in atherosclerotic plaques, it would be desirable for an intravascular imaging
modality to be capable of identifying calcification. We are hopeful that OEIT can be used
to examine calcified lesion as well. First, we anticipate the calcified region to exhibit high
impedance values due to their similar formation process and material composition as bone
], a less conductive material [
]. This makes calcified region easy to separate from
cell-rich region (low impedance) within the lesion under impedance tomography. There will
be challenges as to differentiate calcified and lipid-rich regions. One strategy is to vary the
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interrogating frequency to probe the different response and subsequently apply differential
EIT algorithm [
] to separate these two types of materials.
Our group has been pursuing catheter-based intravascular devices integrating electrical or
other sensing capabilities [
]. Our previous percutaneous intervention study on animals
demonstrated the compatibility of such devices with routine catheterization operation [
These efforts lay the foundation for live animal testing towards translational application
of OEIT in the near future. One important aspect along this vein is to downsize the
current version of OEIT device. In our previous work, we managed to fabricate a catheter
device equipped with impedance sensing electrodes with ~1.3 mm overall diameter and
has been successfully inserted into the rabbit aorta through a 4-French sheath [
]. The
key component to accommodate the electrode deployment on the catheter is the inflatable
miniaturized balloon. With the current state of art fabrication techniques, highly flexible
electrodes can be made and affixed on the surface of the balloon. By deflating the balloon,
the cross-sectional dimension of the catheter can be kept at small value, while the balloon
can be inflated after the catheter has advanced to the target location. It has also been
demonstrated by others that large number of individual electrodes can be placed on the
balloon (>32) [
], such that the impedance data is sufficient to enable electrical impedance
tomography with high resolution. The pitch between individual electrodes can be <0.1 mm
through standard microfabrication process, which translate to an overall diameter of ~1 mm
with 32 electrodes. On the other hand the inflatable feature of the balloon is also particularly
helpful for electrical sensing as electrodes being in contact with the vessel wall is a more
desired scenario than surrounded by conductive blood flow, which could mask out electrical
signal measurement significantly. Our OEIT device is also amendable to such configuration,
although certain concerns require further consideration. For instance, touching the vessel
wall and potentially the plaques itself could induce higher risk of plaque rupturing due to
any mechanical disturbance during the measuring procedure. A balance needs to be achieved
between the signal quality and the proximity between electrodes and plaques. Overall, we
hope to demonstrate the promising capability of OEIT with all the above experiments and
we are in great position to further pursue
in vivo
It is also important to note that there is still plenty of room for improving the imaging
resolution and tissue specificity of OEIT. Firstly, during the lipid identification experiment
and subsequent imaging, a concentric configuration between the device and the aorta was
assumed. The distance between the sensing electrodes and the lesion could influence
the measurement and overall imaging performance. A strategy with careful calibration
experiment and signal normalization algorithm used in a recent intracoronary near infrared
autofluorescence study [
] can also be adapted in our setting to improve device
functionality. Moreover, the recently popular multimodal approach [
] is worth further
exploration. We have previously demonstrated the idea of linking MRI information as
a priori
input for further refinement of conductivity mapping, albeit in a non-invasive
setting aimed at fatty liver characterization [
]. The combination of OEIT with other
imaging modalities (e.g. IVUS or OCT) could potentially achieve comprehensive
characterization of plaques with high precision and deep coverage through the
synergetic functioning from different modalities. The low-cost and relative ease of hardware
implementation of OEIT make it rather amenable for such integration.
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The major challenges for such multi-modal device integration includes both hardware
and software aspects: for hardware, there is an overall dimension limit for this type of
invasive catheter devices to be deployed for intravascular diagnosis. It will be challenging to
downsize the current version of OEIT with 32 individual electrodes and also accommodate
all the wiring and components required by another modalities. We have experience
previously in assembling simple impedance sensing with IVUS probe [
]. To bring
such multiple-modal catheter device to meet translational standard would require careful
planning for overall device design, wire routing, and component configuration, instead
of mechanistically putting separate sensor together. On the software front, there are also
questions needed to be answered with continuing effort along the path. For instance, the
overall strategy in using such multi-modal catheter needs to be decided. We can simply
let different modalities perform their own functions and co-register the imaging result to
capture all the features that can only be obtained by each individual method. We can also use
the information obtained from one modality as
a prior
input to improve the imaging results
of the other. For the former strategy, further questions include whether we simply let the
cardiologist to interpret all the available results made for them and make final judgement,
or we can rely even more on algorithm (e.g. machine learning techniques) to extract useful
information directly. For the latter, mathematical details need to be worked out to optimize
such process, and since intravascular imaging would ideally require real time operation, the
time consumption issue will demand more attention.
Furthermore, the implementation of OEIT with “outward facing” electrodes to target tubular
objects presented a paradigm shift from the dominant usage of EIT for human thoracic
imaging, with tremendous implication beyond the potential in intravascular imaging. The
prototypical devices proposed by Halter et al. for prostate tumor detection and laparoscopic
prostatectomy demonstrated another possibility [
]. Another great application is the
endoscopic interrogation in the gastrointestinal tract, with detecting tumor being a primary
target as tumorous tissue also exhibits distinct electrical signature from normal tissue. With
the advancement of microfabrication and flexible electronics, the technology integrating a
large number of electrodes with varying dimensions on a catheter device is available to
meet the requirement depending on the actual size of the tissue under investigation and the
resolution required for diagnosis.
V. Conclusion
In this work, we presented a novel intravascular imaging modality, OEIT. We first studied
the feasibility of image reconstruction in such a non-conventional configuration through a
simulation model. We then investigated the characteristics of the OEIT device in predefined
boundary experimental settings. We further advanced to use an
ex vivo
phantom built to
emulate practical conditions to demonstrate the proximity detection function and plaque
identification. The success in
ex vivo
imaging paves the way for the further adaptation of
OEIT for live animal
in vivo
studies and potentially human trials. We envision this novel
imaging modality can evolve to become a powerful alternative for intravascular diagnosis
and seek broader applications in endoscopic operations.
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Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
The authors want to thank Dr. Rene R. S. Packard and Dr. Parinaz Abiri for their helpful discussion throughout this
This project was supported in part by National Institute of Health (R01HL118650, T.K.H), and China Postdoctoral
Science Foundation (2019M660309, D.H.).
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Fig. 1.
The Outward Electrical Impedance Tomography (OEIT) device: (a)&(b) the schematic
illustration of the 32-electrodes flexible PCB and device assembly by wrapping it around
a cylindrical catheter. (c) Image of the flexible PCB before wrapping, (d) final assembly of
the OEIT device with close-up view on the individual electrodes (e).
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Fig. 2.
Simulation study: (a) the 3D model and meshing created in EIDORS with and without the
ellipsoid region to mimic fatty tissue, (b) top view of the model, (c) representative imaging
result obtained from the model and (d) the comparison between nominal and calculated
conductivity from the model simulation, linear fitting with r>0.99
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Fig. 3.
Two scenarios for model construction: (a) Case I: The domain of interest has diameter
equal to the vessel diameter (~13.5 mm); (b) Case II: the domain of interest should has
(see the dotted circle for the extreme condition), in the actual model we
directly use
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Fig. 4.
Proximity measurement: (a) Overall experimental set-up showing the OEIT Device, the
container and the XY-stage with their configuration illustrated in (b) highlighting key
parameters. (c) selected imaging results from the proximity measurement and (d) a
comparison between the actual distance
and the value obtained from imaging results.
Linear fitting with r>0.99.
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Fig. 5.
Conductivity Characterization: (a) Image showing experimental set-up for the testing with
close-up view on the fatty tissue immersed in the solution and (b) schematic illustration
of object configuration and key parameters. (c) Two selected imaging results from the
experiment and (d) plot of average conductivity and occupied area calculated from the
imaging for all conductivity conditions.
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Fig. 6.
Schematic illustration and a conceptual curve demonstrating the hypothesis in section III-C,
, and Δ
only represent a conceptual impedimetric sensing data, not specifically
pertaining to EIS or EIT.
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Fig. 7.
Proximity detection in aorta: (a) Image showing experimental set-up for the testing and (b)
schematic illustration of object configuration and key parameters. (c) A sequence of imaging
results identifying different relative positions between the device and aorta, upper panels:
schematics, middle panels: initial imaging results, lower panels: traces representing aorta
wall. L = Lumen, D = Device, OL = Outside Lumen
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