Sonoluminescence tomography of
turbid media
Lihong V. Wang, Qimin Shen
Lihong V. Wang, Qimin Shen, "Sonoluminescence tomography of turbid
media," Proc. SPIE 3597, Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue III,
(15 July 1999); doi: 10.1117/12.356828
Event: BiOS '99 International Biomedical Optics Symposium, 1999, San Jose,
CA, United States
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Sonoluminescence Tomography of Turbid Media
Lihong V. Wang and Qimin Shen
Optical Imaging Laboratory
Biomedical Engineering Program
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-3120, USA
A novel optical imaging technique was developed for noninvasive cross-sectional imaging of tissue-like turbid media. By use
of a sonoluminescence signal generated internally in the media by continuous-wave ultrasound, two-dimensional images
were produced for objects embedded in turbid media by raster scanning the media. Multiple objects of different shapes were
resolved using this imaging technique. The images showed a high contrast and good spatial resolution. The spatial resolution
was limited by the focal size of the ultrasonic focus.
Keywords: Sonoluminescence, tomography, scattering media, ultrasound, tissue optics
Optical imaging, also known as optical tomography, in strongly scattering media, has become an active research field
because of its advantages of noninvasion, nonionization, and functional contrast for biomedical diagnosis.1'2 Several optical
imaging techniques being investigated include time-resolved optical imaging, frequency-domain optical imaging, optical
coherence tomography, optoacoustic tomography and ultrasound-modulated optical (acousto-optical) tomography. In these
approaches, time-resolved and frequency-domain techniques have achieved a comparable resolution of millimeters. Optical
coherence tomography has achieved 1O-im resolution but is limited to a penetration of <2 millimeters into biological tissues.
Optoacoustic tomography and acousto-optical tomography have achieved millimeter resolution and have potential to image
thick biological tissues. The image contrast is based on the difference in optical properties between abnormal and the
surrounding normal biological tissues. All these optical approaches use an external light source, mostly a laser.
Because biological tissues are optically turbid media, light is quickly diffused in tissues due to strong scattering.
Light transmitted through tissues consists of three types: ballistic light, quasi-ballistic light, and diffuse light. Ballistic light
travels straight through tissue with no experience of scattering by the tissue and hence carries direct imaging information as
x-ray does. Quasi-ballistic light experiences minimal scattering in the forward
direction and carries some imaging
information. Diffuse light follows tortuous paths, carries little direct imaging information and overshadows ballistic or quasi-
ballistic light. For a 5-cm-thick biological tissue with the assumed absorption coefficient jia
cm and reduced scattering
coefficient t'
= 10
cm', the ballistic light and quasi-ballistic light does not exist for practical purposes.3 Therefore, diffuse
light is the only carrier of imaging information for thick biological tissues. All optical tomography for thick biological tissues
must overcome the light scattering problem to obtain optical images.
Ultrasonic generation of light in a medium, known as sonoluminescence (SL), was first discovered in 1934. The
initial observations were multiple-bubble sonoluminescence (MBSL). SL has attracted an extraordinary amount of attention
in this decade since single-bubble sonoluminescence (SBSL) was reported in l99O.' Although the full explanation of SL is
still in development, it is well known that light is emitted when tiny bubbles driven by ultrasound collapse. The bubbles start
out with a radius of several microns and expand to —50 microns due to a decrease in acoustic pressure in the negative half
a sinusoidal period. After the sound wave reaches the positive half of the period, the situation rapidly changes.
The resulting
pressure difference leads to a rapid collapse of the bubbles accompanied by a
broadband emission of light —
This process repeats with each cycle of sound.'3 The flash time of SL was measured to be in the tens of
picoseconds.5 SBSL is so bright that it can be seen by the naked eye even in a lighted room, whereas MBSL is visible only in
a darkened room.'0 The spectrum of SL contains molecular emission bands associated with the liquid, mostly water,
in which
the sonoluminescence occurs.'° A typical spectrum of SL is a broadband emission with peaks near 300-500
nm.'3 There are
also spectral peaks reported at 590 nm, 670 nm and 770 nm while alkali-metal salt of Na, Li and K were dissolved in
water, respectively.6 From the spectrum of SL in water, the local temperature within the cavities was
estimated on the order
of the SPIE Conference on Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue Ill
San Jose, California • January 1999 SPIE Vol. 3597 • 0277-786X/991$1O.OO
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of 5000 K.'° Researchers have envisaged possible applications of SL in sonofusion, sonochemistry, and building ultrafast
lasers using the ultrafast flash of light in SL, which is the only means of generating picosecond flashes of light besides a
We report here a comprehensive study of a novel application of sonoluminescence in optical imaging:
sonoluminescent tomography (SLT) of dense turbid
SLT, minimally scattering ultrasound that generates an
internal light source in the media is used to image optically scattering media. SLT contains information not available in the
traditional ultrasonography. The major advantages of SLT include: 1) high signal-noise ratio (SNR) due to the internally
generated SL signal; 2) high contrast of imaging; 3) good spatial resolution, which is limited by the ultrasonic focal size; and
4) low cost of equipment. The cost of equipment to generate SL is as low as hundreds of U.S. dollars.'5 This paper gives a
full account of our investigation while our previous Letter demonstrated the concept of
An Intralipid phantom was prepared by mixing 8 ml of dominantly scattering Intralipid (Pharmacia Inc., 20%) and 3.25x108
mol of dominantly absorbing Trypan Blue dye (Sigma, T5526) in 360 ml of distilled water. The reduced scattering
coefficient t' and the absorption coefficient ta were respecüvely 6.15 cm and 0.014 cm at the wavelength of 584 nm,
which is the absorption peak of Trypan Blue dye. The reduced scattering coefficient t' is equal to x (1 —
the scattering coefficient defined as the probability of scattering per unit infinitesimal path length, and g is the scattering
anisotropy defined as the average cosine of the single-scattering deflection angle. Since the spectrum of SL is broadband,'6
the optical scattering properties of the scattering media were also given at the wavelength of 400 nm, corresponding to the
spectral peaks of the SL'7 and the maximum-sensitivity spectral range of the optical detector in our experiment. The p.s' and
the Intralipid phantom at 400 nm were 8.5 cnf' and 0.002 cm', respectively.'8
The turbid solution was contained in a 400-mI fused-quartz beaker (Quartz Scientific Inc., QBKLO400) and was
held on an x—y translation stage (Figure 1). An objects made of rubber was buried in the phantom. An ultrasonic transducer
(Panametrics, V314-SU) with a focal length of 3.68 cm, a focal diameter of 0.3 cm, and a focal zone of 3.44 cm transmitted
vertically an ultrasonic wave into the scattering medium. The ultrasonic transducer was driven by an amplified 1-MHz
sinusoidal signal from a function generator (Stanford Research System, DS345). The amplification was achieved by use of a
power amplifier (Mini-Circuits, TIA-1000-1R8) and a transformer. The height of the ultrasonic transducer was adjusted such
that the focal zone of the ultrasonic wave enclosed the buried object in the vertical direction. The height between the middle
plane of the object and the bottom of the beaker was 4.5 cm. The motorized translation stage, controlled by a personal
computer (PC), was able to scan along both the x and the y axes, which formed an x—y plane perpendicular to the ultrasonic
axis. The SL signal was detected by a photomultiplier tube (PMT) (Hamamatsu, R928) beneath the beaker, and then was
differentially amplified by a low-noise preamplifier (Stanford Research System, SR560). The amplified signal was a dc
voltage representing a time-averaged SL intensity with a time constant of —10 ms for the detection system. The amplified
signal was recorded by a digital oscilloscope (Tektronix, TDS 640A) and was subsequently acquired by the PC through a
GPIB interface (National Instruments, PCI-GPIB).
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for sonoluminescence imaging.
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While raster scanning the beaker in the x-v plane with a step size of 1 mm. the PC recorded the dc signals of SL
versus the values of x and v.
optical and ultrasonic systems were fixed while the beaker was scanned. Two-dimensional
images of the objects buried in the scattering media were plotted with the acquired data.
We previously reported the SL column in a clear solution that was imaged with a CCD camera [Figure 2(a)].'4 We further
modeled the distribution of acoustic pressure underneath the ultrasonic transducer using the following equation.
t) is
the pressure as a function of the observation point r
time t,
C is
a constant, p(s)
the pressure on the
surface of the ultrasonic transducer, oi
the angular frequency of the ultrasonic wave, 4
the phase delay from a point on
the transducer surface and the point of observation, and d
the distance between a point on the transducer surface and the
point of observation. The integration is over the surface of the ultrasonic transducer. The focal length in the calculated sound
field matched that specified by the manufacturer [Figure 2(h)1. The sound column strongly correlated with the SL column.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Acoustic Pressure (a.u.)
Figure 2. (a) Sonoluminescence column measured with a CCD camera. (b) Modeled sound column of the ultrasonic
A rubber cube in the Intralipid phantom was imaged by SLT (Figure 3). The spatial resolution of the edges was
estimated to be 2-3 mm. and an excellent imaging contrast was observed.
Horizontal Axis (cm)
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x (mm)
SL Intensity (V)
3. Two-dimensional sonoluminescence
of the object in the Intralipid phantom.
The contrast of the SL images was based on the difference between the optical and ultrasonic properties of the
objects and those of the surrounding medium. These objects were optically opaque and ultrasonically absorbing. When the
object was moved toward the ultrasonic focus, the SL intensity dropped quickly for several reasons. First, the ultrasonic field
was reduced below the focus because of the slight acoustic attenuation of the rubber object. Second, the object yielded no SL
signal. Third, the SL signal above the object was partially blocked by the object and hence was more difficult to reach the
To observe the spatial resolution for distinguishing multiple objects, we buried two cubic objects in the Intralipid
phantom [Figure 4(a)I. The distance between the two objects was x.
was varied from 1 mm to 6 mm. One-
dimensional SL images across the centers of the two objects were obtained for various distances x
4(b)]. From these
figures, we observed the spatial resolution of 2-3 mm. which was similar to that observed in the single-object SL images. The
spatial resolution was limited by the focal size of the ultrasonic transducer, which was 3 mm.
To observe the spatial resolution for revealing the shapes of buried objects. we buried two objects of different shapes
in the Intralipid phantom: a square and a triangular object [Figure 5(a)]. A two-dimensional SL image of the two objects was
acquired [Figure 5(b)]. The 2-mm separation between the tip of the triangular object and the square object was barely
resolved in the SL image. The hypotenuse of the triangular object looked zigzagged because of the I-mm step size in the
raster scanning dunng the data acquisition. However, both objects were clearly imaged with the correct shapes and sizes.
0 2
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Object 1
Object 2
_f fx
Ax = 6 mn
Ax =4 mn
Ax = 2 mn
= 1 mn
ià"i 'Ô '"6 4b
4. (a) Schematic diagram of two rubber objects buried in the Intralipid phantom with a separation Ax; (b) One-
dimensional sonoluminescence images of the two objects along the x axis when the separation Ax was varied from 1 mm to 6
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0- -
Figure 5. (a) Schematic diagram of two rubber objects with different shapes buried in the Intralipid phantom; (b) Two-
dimensional sonoluminescence image of the two differently shaped objects buried in the Intralipid phantom.
Although the objects used in this experiment had both optical and ultrasonic contrast relative to the background
medium, images of objects may be obtained using SLT based on several contrast mechanisms in general. First, when an
object has ultrasonic contrast relative to the background, the SL signal originating from the object will differ from that
onginating from the background medium. The SL generation is affected by the local ultrasonic intensity. Second, when an
object has contrast in optical properties, the SL signal from the object will be attenuated differently because the SL light must
propagate through the object. Third, when an object has contrast in ability to generate SL, the SL signal from the object will
be different even if the local ultrasonic pressure is the same.
Using the present ultrasonic system, we obtained a SL column of —3.5 cm in length and —0.3 cm in diameter [Figure
2(a)1.'4 The length of the SL column limits the imaging resolution along the ultrasonic axis. Similarly, the diameter of the SL
column determines the imaging resolution on the x-v plane. A more tightly focused ultrasonic transducer may be used to
reduce the size of the SL column significantly. When the SL column is reduced to a desired size, one may acquire three-
dimensional images of scattering media by scanning in all three directions.
SL light propagates outward in the scattering medium in all directions. We may improve the signal-noise ratio of the
detection system dramatically by integrating the SL light over a large detection area or by a light collection system similar to
an integrating sphere. Because all the SL light is useful for imaging, integrating the SL signal would allow an increased
imaging depth as well.
Although there are potentially harmful effects caused by cavitation, the threshold of ultrasound intensity leading to
volume lesions is very high. The damage threshold in spatial-peak-temporal-peak (SPTP) power was reported to be 400
WIcm2 and 900 W/cm2 at 1 MHz for dog brain tissue and dog thigh muscle, respectively.'9 The peak pressure in our
expenment was —2.0 bars at the ultrasonic focus, corresponding to an SPTP power of 1.3 WJcm2, which was two orders of
magnitude less than the damage threshold. The peak pressure was also far less than the 23-bar safety limit set by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration, which is usually conservative.20 SLT uses ultrasonic waves to drive pre-existing
microbubbles between 5 pm to —50 pm in size: hence, formation of new bubbles with ultrasound is not necessary. The
threshold acoustic power to generate SL through pre-existing bubbles is much less than that required to form new bubbles. It
8 mm
5 10
x (mm)
x (mm)
SL Intensity (V)
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