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Chemosensory modulation of neural circuits for sodium appetite
Sangjun Lee
Vineet Augustine
Yuan Zhao
Haruka Ebisu
Brittany Ho
Dong Kong
Yuki Oka
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California, USA
Department of Neuroscience, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Sodium is the main cation in the extracellular fluid that regulates various physiological functions.
Sodium-depletion in the body elevates the hedonic value of sodium taste, which drives animals
toward sodium consumption
. Conversely, oral sodium detection rapidly promotes satiation of
sodium appetite
, suggesting that chemosensory signals have a central role in sodium appetite
and its satiety. Nevertheless, the neural basis of chemosensory-based appetite regulation remains
poorly understood. Here, we dissect genetically-defined neural circuits in mice that control sodium
intake by integrating sodium taste and internal depletion signals. We show that a subset of
excitatory neurons in the pre-locus coeruleus (pre-LC) that express prodynorphin (PDYN) serve as
a critical neural substrate for sodium intake behavior. Acute stimulation of this population
triggered robust sodium ingestion even from rock salt by transmitting negative valence signals.
Inhibition of the same neurons selectively reduced sodium consumption. We further demonstrate
that peripheral chemosensory signals rapidly suppressed these sodium appetite neurons.
in vivo
optical recording and gastric infusion revealed that sensory detection of
sodium, but not sodium ingestion
per se
, is required for the acute modulation of pre-LC PDYN
neurons and satiety of sodium appetite. Moreover, retrograde virus tracing showed that sensory
modulation is partly mediated by specific GABAergic neurons in the bed nucleus of the stria
terminalis. This inhibitory neural population is activated upon sodium ingestion, and sends rapid
inhibitory signals to sodium appetite neurons. Together, this study reveals a dynamic circuit
diagram that integrates chemosensory signals and the internal need to maintain sodium balance.
The precise regulation of sodium balance is crucial for any species
. Sodium depletion is
detected by the brain through hormonal actions and visceral afferent signals, and elevates the
valence of sodium taste signals
. This valence shift triggers a strong motivational drive
toward sodium consumption. Sodium taste also has a pivotal role for satiety of sodium
appetite because oral sodium intake provides quicker satiety compared to the non-oral
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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Y.O. (yoka@caltech.edu).
Author Contributions
S.L. and Y.O. conceived the research program and designed experiments. S.L. carried out the experiments and analyzed the data with
help from V.A. and Y.O. H.E. and B.H. performed intragastric surgery. Y.Z. performed all slice patch clamp recordings. D.K.
generated and maintained PDYN-GFP animals. S.L. and Y.O. wrote the paper. Y.O. supervised the entire work.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 April 03.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2019 April ; 568(7750): 93–97. doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1053-2.
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sodium administration (e.g., gastric sodium load)
. These studies indicated the
importance of sodium orosensory signals for the regulation of sodium appetite and its
Multiple brain sites including the hypothalamus, amygdala, and hindbrain regulate sodium
. For example, sodium-depletion stimulates neurons in the lamina terminalis
(LT) and hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD2)-expressing neurons in the nucleus of
solitary tract (NTS) through a combinatorial action of angiotensin II or/and aldosterone, two
major hormones that regulate body fluid balance
. Recent neural manipulation studies
further confirmed the contribution of LT and HSD2 neurons to sodium intake
. In these
studies, however, sodium appetite was only observed under water-deprived conditions
with additional signaling
, representing complex regulatory mechanisms of the appetite.
To gain a circuit-level understanding of sodium appetite, we first searched for a neural
population that selectively controls sodium intake. The pre-LC is a hindbrain nucleus that
receives interoceptive information from the NTS, integrates inputs from other nuclei, and
relays them to the forebrain structures
. Because pre-LC neurons are activated under
, we hypothesized that this nucleus serves as a central node that controls
the drive for sodium consumption. Consistent with this notion, neurons in the pre-LC
strongly expressed c-Fos, a neuronal activity marker, under sodium-depletion. The activation
was not observed in sated, water-deprived, or sodium-rescued animals after depletion (Fig.
1a and Extended Data Fig. 1a–c). Our histological analysis revealed that about 60% of pre-
LC excitatory neurons are activated under sodium-depleted conditions (Fig. 1b). We further
screened genetic markers and identified that PDYN expression faithfully (>90%) overlaps
with sodium-depletion-activated neurons (pre-LC
neurons, Fig. 1c and Extended Data
Fig 1d). Notably, pre-LC
neurons co-expressed Foxp2, a genetic marker for sodium
depletion-sensitive neurons in the pre-LC
(Extended Data Fig. 1e). We next investigated
the functional significance of these neurons for sodium appetite by gain- and loss-of-
function approaches. For optogenetic activation of pre-LC
neurons, we infected adeno-
associated virus (AAV) encoding Cre-dependent channelrhodopsin (AAV-DIO-ChR2) into
the pre-LC of PDYN-Cre animals. This neural manipulation triggered robust sodium
ingestion from a high concentration of NaCl solution (0.5 M) that is normally aversive under
sated conditions (Fig. 1d, e) or even from rock salt (Fig. 1f, Supplementary Video 1, and 2).
Importantly, the appetite was sodium specific and was observed regardless of sex or time of
the day (Extended Data Fig.2). Sodium consumption required concurrent stimulation of pre-
neurons with sodium presentation (Fig. 1g). These data demonstrate that the
ongoing activity of pre-LC
neurons is required for driving sodium appetite.
Moreover, loss-of-function studies revealed the functional necessity of pre-LC
for sodium appetite. Photoinhibition of pre-LC
neurons specifically suppressed sodium
ingestion under sodium-depleted conditions (Fig. 1h and Extended Data Fig. 3a–d). Similar
results were obtained using chemogenetic inhibition (Extended Data Fig 3e–h). These gain-
of-function and loss-of-function experiments demonstrate that pre-LC
neurons have a
critical role in sodium appetite and intake.
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Classical behavioral studies suggest a model that nutrient deficiency evokes negative internal
states, which drives animals toward consumption to alleviate such discomfort
. To
investigate whether sodium appetite neurons encode a specific valence, we used a two-
chamber real-time place preference assay. We found that photostimulation of pre-LC
neurons significantly reduced occupancy time in the compartment paired with light (Fig. 2a).
Thus, the activation of pre-LC
neurons is an aversive stimulus to animals. We next
tested if animals would perform a task to reduce the aversive state mediated by pre-LC
neurons. For this purpose, we used an operant assay where each lever-press pauses
continuous photostimulation of the pre-LC (Fig. 2b, left panel). Indeed, animals exhibited
robust lever-press behavior to stop stimulation (Fig. 2b right panel and Extended Data Fig
4). Thus, pre-LC
neurons transmit a negative valence signal upon activation.
Central appetite circuits receive various sensory and behavioral modulations on a real-time
. To investigate the regulatory mechanisms of sodium appetite neurons
in vivo
, we
utilized fiber photometry recording from pre-LC
neurons in awake animals during
sodium consumption (Fig. 3a and Extended Data Fig 5a). Sodium-depleted animals were
given access to various solutions while recording GCaMP6s fluorescent signals. We found
that the activity of pre-LC
neurons was rapidly and persistently suppressed upon
sodium ingestion (Fig. 3a, c and Extended Data Fig 5b). This robust inhibition was not
observed when animals licked water or an empty bottle (Fig. 3b, c, and Extended Data Fig
5c, d). We next examined if the persistent inhibition is selectively driven by chemosensory
detection of sodium. In contrast to NaCl, no suppression was observed by KCl (0.5 M, Fig.
3d and Extended Data Fig 5e), excluding the possibility that the effect is induced by
osmolality changes. Importantly, blocking the sodium taste receptor by amiloride
abolished NaCl-induced suppression of pre-LC
neurons (Fig. 3e and Extended Data
Fig 5e). Moreover, a brief contact to NaCl was sufficient to induce robust suppression for
several minutes (Fig. 3f). These results suggest that oral chemosensory signals, likely
mediated by the taste system, mediate acute modulation of sodium appetite neurons.
Given the functional significance of the pre-LC
population for sodium intake, we
hypothesized that inhibition of these neurons contributes to satiety of sodium appetite. We
examined this possibility using photometry recording combined with intragastric (IG)
infusion that allows sodium administration without stimulating orosensory systems (Fig. 4a).
Surprisingly, we found that gastric preloading of NaCl in sodium-depleted mice did not
affect subsequent sodium ingestion, whereas oral NaCl contact quickly quenched the
appetite (Fig. 4b left panel). Only after a long period of IG infusion, significant appetite
reduction was observed (41.3 ± 6.0 % after 2 hrs, n = 6 mice). In sharp contrast, IG water
and glucose infusion in thirsty and hungry animals, respectively, suppressed water/food
consumption shortly after the infusion (Fig. 4b middle and right panels). These results
highlight two key aspects of satiety regulation. First, sodium chemosensory inputs are
critical for rapid satiety of sodium appetite. Second, individual appetite circuits appear to
receive temporally-distinct modulations from post-oral signals.
If pre-LC
neurons are involved in taste-mediated satiety, we anticipated that they
should be solely suppressed by oral detection of sodium. Consistent with our hypothesis,
while oral NaCl consumption drastically reduced the neural activity of pre-LC
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(Fig. 4c, e), IG infusion of NaCl in the same set of animals had no inhibitory effect (Fig. 4d,
e), suggesting that oral sodium detection facilitates satiety of sodium appetite via persistent
suppression of pre-LC
Our results indicate a model that the pre-LC integrates the internal sodium need and sensory
information to regulate real-time sodium appetite. We next dissected the neural circuits
carrying these signals. Because HSD2 neurons in the NTS (NTS
) project to the pre-LC
, we tested if pre-LC
neurons directly receive the interoceptive information from
the NTS. Using ChR2-assisted circuit mapping (Fig. 5a and Extended Data Fig. 6a), we
found that a majority of recorded pre-LC
neurons received monosynaptic excitatory
inputs from NTS
neurons. We further examined the functional significance of this
connection for pre-LC activity. Optogenetic stimulation of NTS
neurons activated pre-
neurons in sated animals (Extended Data Fig. 6b). Conversely, ablation of
neurons by caspase greatly attenuated c-Fos expression in pre-LC
after sodium-depletion (Fig. 5b and Extended Data Fig. 6c, d). These data demonstrate that
the excitatory NTS
connections are necessary and sufficient to activate
neurons under sodium-depletion.
We further searched for neural circuits that mediate chemosensory-dependent inhibition by
monosynaptic rabies tracing (SAD-ΔG-BFP) from pre-LC
neurons. These tracing
experiments identified several brain regions with most prominent inputs from the dorsal area
of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (dBNST), and the central amygdala (Fig. 5c and
Extended Data Fig. 7a). Because the BNST was previously shown to contribute to sodium
, we focused our functional analysis on the dBNST
pre-LC circuit. In
dBNST, a majority of RV-positive neurons were the inhibitory population that also expressed
, Fig. 5d and Extended Data Fig. 7b). We confirmed in slice recording
that dBNST
neurons send monosynaptic inhibitory inputs to pre-LC
neurons (Fig.
5e). If this dBNST
pre-LC circuit mediates rapid satiety signals, dBNST neurons should
be activated upon sodium ingestion. To test this idea, we infected canine adenovirus
(CAV2)-Cre in the pre-LC and AAV-flex-GCaMP6s in the dBNST in order to label
pre-LC neurons (Extended Data Fig. 7c). As anticipated, optical recording from
pre-LC neurons demonstrated that they responded upon NaCl intake under
sodium-depleted conditions, which were strongly inhibited by amiloride (Fig. 5f). Taken
together, our results show that pre-LC
neurons integrate sensory and internal
information through multiple excitatory and inhibitory inputs.
In this study, we dissected the neural circuitry that controls sodium appetite and consequent
ingestive behavior. Extensive studies in the past decade have shown that sodium intake is
regulated by multiple hindbrain and forebrain structures including the NTS, BNST, and
. Interestingly, pre-LC
neurons are anatomically connected to these
structures (Fig. 5c and Extended Data Fig. 8) suggesting their integral roles for sodium
appetite. At the molecular level, the central opioid signaling has been shown as a key
regulator of sodium intake
. Because pre-LC
neurons express PDYN, a precursor of
-opioid receptor agonists, understanding the action of dynorphin at downstream sites may
provide novel molecular insights for appetite regulations.
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in vivo
analyses of appetite circuits in rodents revealed that ingestive behaviors
rapidly modulate appetite circuits prior to nutrient absorption in the body
. Thirst, hunger,
and sodium appetite neurons are all inhibited upon ingestion of nutrients in need, whereas
the underlying mechanisms appear to be different for individual appetites. Hypothalamic
hunger neurons are acutely suppressed by food anticipation as well as nutrient detection in
the gut
. Conversely, thirst neurons are inhibited by liquid-gulping motion and post-oral
osmolality changes
. This study revealed another aspect of appetite regulation:
chemosensory signals. Our circuit analysis revealed that pre-LC
neurons receive
multiple inputs from upstream neural populations, although not directly from gustatory
regions of the NTS. Defining the genetic identity of these populations and their interactions
in the pre-LC would provide further insights for homeostatic and chemosensory regulations
of the innate drive toward sodium consumption.
All procedures followed animal care guidelines from NIH for the care and use of laboratory
animals and California Institute of Technology Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee (1694–14). Animals at least six weeks old were used for experiments. The
following mice were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory: C57BL/6J, stock number
00064. Slc17a6-Cre, stock number 016963. Ai75D, stock number 025106, Ai3, stock
number 007903. HSD2-Cre mice were provided by A. and G. Fejes-Tóth (Dartmouth
Medical School). PDYN-GFP mice were provided by D. Kong (Tufts University School of
Medicine). PDYN-Cre mice were provided by B. Lowell (Harvard Medical School) and M.
Krashes (NIH). Ai110 line was provided by D. Anderson (Caltech). Mice were housed on a
13 h: 11h light: dark cycle with ad llbitum access to food and water except for specific
depletion experiments (water, food, sodium). Male and female mice were used for
Viral constructs
The following AAV viruses were purchased from the UNC Vector Core AAV1-CAG-flex-
RG (3.0 × 10
genome copies per ml), AAV1-EF1a-flex-TVA-mCherry (6.0 × 10
copies per ml), AAV2-EF1a-DIO-eYFP (4.6 × 10
genome copies per ml), AAV1-EF1a-
DIO-ChR2-mCherry (5.1 × 10
genome copies per ml), AAV5-Ef1a-DIO iC++-eYFP (4.5
× 10
genome copies per ml), AAV5-flex-taCasp3-TEVp (4.5 × 10
genome copies per
ml). The following AAV viruses were purchased from the UPenn virus core, AAV1-hSyn1-
flex-GCaMP6s-WPRE-SV40 (2.28 × 10
genome copies per ml), AAV5-EF1a-DIO-ChR2-
eYFP (3.3 × 10
genome copies per ml), AAV1-EF1a-DIO-ChR2-mCherry (2.0 × 10
genome copies per ml). The following AAV viruses were purchased from Addgene, AAV8-
hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry (1.9 × 10
genome copies per ml), AAV5-hSyn-DIO-
mCherry (1 × 10
genome copies per ml), AAV8-Ef1a-DIO-iC++-eYFP (8.5 × 10
genome copies per ml) was purchased from the Stanford Virus vector core. SAD- ΔG-BFP
(1.7 × 10
genome copies per ml) was purchased from Salk. CAV-Cre (1.5 × 10
copies per ml) was purchased from Plateforme de Vectorologie de Montpellier (PVM).
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Mice were anaesthetized with a mixture of ketamine (1 mg/mL) and xylazine (10 mg/mL) in
isotonic saline, intraperitoneally injected at 10 μl /g body weight. Ketoprofen was
subcutaneously administered at 5 μl /g body weight. The animal was placed in a stereotaxic
apparatus (Narishige Apparatus) with a heating pad. Surgery was performed as previously
. The three-dimensional MRI coordinate system was used as a reference for the
injection site coordinates. Viral constructs were injected using a microprocessor-controlled
injection system (Nanoliter 2000, WPI) at 100 nl /min. The coordinates for pre-LC are AP:
−9000, ML: ±1000, DV: −3900 (60–100 nl injection), for dBNST are AP: −3100 ML: 1100
DV: −3600 (100 nl injection), for NTS are AP: −10800 ML: ±150 DV: −5100, −5300 (100–
300 nl injection each).
For optogenetic experiments, implants were made with a 200 μm fiber bundle (FT200EMT,
Thorlabs) glued to a ceramic ferrule (CF230 or CFLC230, Thorlabs). For photometry,
customized implants (400 μm diameter, Doric Lenses) were used. A fiber implant was
placed 200–300 μm (for optogenetic) or 0–50 μm (for photometry) above the virus injection
site. Histology position of fiber implant was confirmed after data collection. Data from
implant disposition was not included. For IG infusion, catheter construction and
implantation closely followed as described previously
. IG catheters were custom made
using silastic tubing (Dow Corning, 508–002), tygon tubing (Instech, BTPE-25) and pinport
(Instech, PNP3F25–50). For photometry recording, IG surgery was performed after animals
recovered from the initial implantation of an optic fiber. After surgery, all animals were
placed in a clean cage placed on a heating pad overnight and then were housed in the animal
facility. Behavioral and histological assays were performed after at least 10 days of recovery.
For ablation experiments, AAV-flex-taCasp3-TEVp or AAV-hSyn-DIO-mCherry (control)
was injected. These animals were sodium-depleted after 2–3 weeks of recovery. At the end
of experiments, all animals were sacrificed for histological examination. For fiber
implantation experiments, we occasionally observed that the position of an implanted fiber
shifted in the hindbrain due to cranial deformation.
Optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations
For ChR2 photostimulation. 473 nm laser pulses (20ms, 20Hz) were delivered via an optic
cable (MFP-FC-ZF, Doric Lenses) using a pulse generator (Sapphire 9200 from Quantum
composers or SYS-A310 from WPI). The laser intensity was maintained at 5–10 mW at the
tip of the fiber. Unless otherwise noted, photostimulation was delivered for 1 s at 3 s
intervals throughout the behavior session. For iC++ photoinhibition
, 473 nm laser was
continuously turned on throughout the session at 3 mW at the tip of the fiber. For
chemogenetic manipulation
(Extended Data Fig.3e–h), CNO (Sigma, 10 mg/kg) or vehicle
(water) was administered intraperitoneal 20 min before the sodium consumption experiment.
Preference assay
To induce sodium appetite, animals were injected with furosemide (Sigma) at a dose of
50mg/kg body weight. Low sodium diet (TD. 90228, ENVIGO) was provided for 2 days
after the injection of furosemide. For water-restriction experiments, animals were kept in
their home cage without water, and were provided with 1 mL of water daily. For food
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restriction experiments, animals were deprived of food up to 24 hrs with normal water
provided. All assays were performed in a custom gustometer (
Instruments) or Biodaq
monitoring system (Research Diets Inc)
. All sodium-depleted animals were trained
in a gustometer before experiments. Animals which licked at least 150 licks during the 30-
min session were used for further behavioral assays. After every sodium-depletion round,
animals were recovered for at least 4 days with the normal diet.
For appetite specificity assay (Extended Data Fig 2c), three different solutions were
presented to animals during the same session, and their preference was measured as a lick
number. For each trial, 20 sec of photostimulation was delivered to the animal with an inter-
trial-interval of 60 secs. We used water, 0.5 M KCl, 0.5 M NaCl, or 0.5 M NaCl + 30 μM
amiloride for preference assay. For sodium consumption assay (Fig. 1e, g, and h), animals
were given ad libitum access to 0.5 M NaCl, water or an empty spout for either 7.5 or 30
For photometry recording, animals were given either 5 or 10 min access to stimuli. To
examine sodium specific responses of pre-LC
neurons (Fig. 3d, e), animals were
presented with three solutions during the session. First, animals were given 5 min access to
0.5 M KCl (Fig. 3d) or 0.5 M NaCl + 0.1 mM amiloride (Fig. 3e). Then animals had 5 min
access to water. Finally, animals were given 5 min access to 0.5 M NaCl. The interval
between trials was 5 min.
Rock salt intake behavioral assay
Sodium-depleted animals were acclimatized for 1 hour in an acrylic box (50 cm X 25 cm X
25 cm) with a rock salt (Halite Himalayan Crystal Salt). Then the lick events of rock salt
were monitored for 30 min using a webcam under sated, sodium depleted, or
photostimulated conditions. The start and end of bouts were manually annotated and
Real-time place preference
Real-time place preference was performed in a two-chamber acrylic box (50 cm x 25cm x
25cm) as described previously
. Each side of the chamber had distinct visual and textural
cues (different size and shape of holes of plastic bin). A custom MATLAB code was used
for real-time optogenetic stimulation and analyzing the place preference. The initial
preference for each animal was determined during the initial 30-min session without
photostimulation, which was followed by three test sessions with photostimulation. Light
(20Hz, 5s ON 5s OFF) was delivered through an optic fiber in the initially-preferred side.
Negative reinforcement assay
To examine if appetite neurons transmit negative valence
, animals were first
acclimatized in the operant conditioning chamber (MedAssociate). After acclimatization, the
animals were trained to press the lever to avoid negative stimulus (foot shock at 0.15–0.18
mV). Each lever press paused the foot shock for 20 sec. Training was completed when an
animal pushed the lever more than 20 times during the 30-min session. In a test session,
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animals were given continuous 20 Hz photostimulation to the pre-LC, which was paused for
20 sec by each lever press. The number of lever presses during the session was quantified.
Intragastric infusion
In Fig. 4b, 0.5 M NaCl, deionized water, or glucose solution (5 M) was infused via an
intragastric catheter. Solutions were delivered at 0.1 ml/ min for 5 min (water and sodium) or
10 min (food) using an infusion syringe pump (NE-300, New Era Pump Systems Inc). 10
min after gastric infusion, animals were given access to nutrients and their consumption was
quantified for 10 min (for water and 0.5 M NaCl), or 30 min (for normal chow). Either air
infusion (for water), or water infusion (for sodium and food) was used as a control stimulus.
In Fig. 4d, either 0.15 M NaCl, water, or air was infused at a rate of 0.1 ml/ min while
recording the neural activity by photometry. For control, oral ingestion (Fig. 4c), the same
set of animals were given access to 0.15 M NaCl.
Fibre photometry
For all photometry assays, animals were acclimatized for 10–15 min in the chamber before
stimuli were presented. Bulk fluorescence signals were collected using fibre photometry as
previously described
. Briefly, data were extracted and subjected to a low-pass filter at
1.8 Hz. A linear function was used to scale up the 405-nm channel signal to the 490-nm
channel signal to obtain the fitted 405-nm signal. The resultant ΔF/F was calculated as (raw
490 nm signal – fitted 405 nm signal)/ (fitted 405 nm signal). ΔF/F was then time-binned by
a factor of 2.5 times the sampling frequency and down-sampled to 10 Hz. For all bouts, the
mean fluorescence for 5 min before the first lick was calculated and subtracted from the
entire session. The licks from the lickometer were simultaneously recorded. The area under
the curve (AUC) was quantified by integrating the baseline-subtracted fluorescence signals
for 30 sec after the start of the bout. For Extended Data Fig 5d, the data were quantified as
ΔF/F change between 1 sec prior to, and at the first lick (0 sec). For IG infusion experiments
(Fig. 4e), AUC was quantified during the 5-min of infusion.
Retrograde Viral tracing
For monosynaptic rabies tracing
of pre-LC
, 100 nl of a mixture of AAV1-CAG-flex-
RG and AAV1-EF1a-flex-TVA-mCherry (4:1 ratio) was injected to the pre-LC. Two weeks
later, 200 nl of SAD-ΔG-BFP was injected into the pre-LC. The mice were euthanized a
week later.
To label the dBNST
pre-LC circuit, 100nl of CAV-Cre was injected into the pre-LC
followed by the injection of AAV5-DIO-mCherry or AAV1-flex-GCaMP6S into the dBNST.
These animals were used for experiments at least two weeks after the injection.
Mice were anaesthetized and were perfused with PBS followed by 4% PFA in PBS (pH 7.4).
The brain was dissected and fixed in 4% PFA at 4 °C for overnight. Fixed samples were
sectioned into 100 μm coronal sections using a vibratome (Leica, VT-1000 s). For
immunohistochemistry (IHC), brain sections were incubated in a blocking buffer (10%
Donkey serum, 0.2% Triton-X) for 1–2 hrs. Then sections were incubated with primary
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