================================= README.TXT =================================

All Authors: E. V. Stenson, P. M. Bellan

Title: Magnetically-driven flows in arched plasma structures

The Supplemental Material comprises the following:

05772-150ms.gif: Animation of the plasma shot shown in Fig. 1b.

5268with5269and5271-150ms.gif: Animation of the plasma shot shown in Fig. 2a.

flowspeeds-current_N_Ar.eps: Two additional examples of the analysis shown in
Fig. 4.  (Figure 4 shows the analysis for hydrogen plasmas.  The Supplemental
Material shows the analysis repeated for nitrogen and argon plasmas.  All three
analyses are summarized in Fig. 5.)

Total No. of Files: 4

05772-150ms.gif, 5268with5269and5271-150ms.gif, flowspeeds-current_N_Ar.eps, README.TXT

Filetypes: two movies (animated GIF files) and one set of plots (EPS file)

Special Instructions: 

Contact information:
Dr. Eve Virginia Stenson  
MC 128-95
California Institute of Tech
Pasadena, CA 91125
Phone: (216) 375-0629          FAX:           
Email: eve@caltech.edu
