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Activation of the Maternal Immune System Induces Endocrine
Changes in the Placenta via IL-6
Elaine Y. Hsiao
Paul H. Patterson
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Activation of the maternal immune system in rodent models sets in motion a cascade of molecular
pathways that ultimately result in autism- and schizophrenia-related behaviors in offspring. The
finding that interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a crucial mediator of these effects led us to examine the
mechanism by which this cytokine influences fetal development
in vivo
. Here we focus on the
placenta as the site of direct interaction between mother and fetus and as a principal modulator of
fetal development. We find that maternal immune activation (MIA) with a viral mimic, synthetic
double-stranded RNA (poly(I:C)), increases IL-6 mRNA as well as maternally-derived IL-6
protein in the placenta. Placentas from MIA mothers exhibit increases in CD69+ decidual
macrophages, granulocytes and uterine NK cells, indicating elevated early immune activation.
Maternally-derived IL-6 mediates activation of the JAK/STAT3 pathway specifically in the
spongiotrophoblast layer of the placenta, which results in expression of acute phase genes.
Importantly, this parallels an IL-6-dependent disruption of the growth hormone-insulin-like
growth factor (GH-IGF) axis that is characterized by decreased GH, IGFI and IGFBP3 levels. In
addition, we observe an IL-6-dependent induction in pro-lactin-like protein-K (PLP-K) expression
as well as MIA-related alterations in other placental endocrine factors. Together, these IL-6-
mediated effects of MIA on the placenta represent an indirect mechanism by which MIA can alter
fetal development.
autism; schizophrenia; maternal immune activation; inflammation; growth hormone; insulin-like
growth factor; JAK/STAT3; poly(I:C); maternal infection
Both autism and schizophrenia are relatively common disorders with often tragic, lifelong
consequences. Several susceptibility genes and environmental agents have been identified as
risk factors, but few cases of autism or schizophrenia can be traced to a known cause.
Maternal infection is regarded as a principal, non-genetic cause of schizophrenia, and is also
associated with increased risk for autism in the offspring (Atladóttir et al., 2010; reviewed
by Brown & Derkits, 2010; Patterson, 2009). In a mouse model of this risk factor, the
For correspondence, ehsiao@caltech.edu; mailing address: 1200 E. California Boulevard, Biology M/C 216-76, Pasadena, CA 91125;
telephone number: 626-395-6827; fax number: 626-395-5805.
Conflict of Interest Statement: All authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
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Brain Behav Immun
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 May 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Brain Behav Immun
. 2011 May ; 25(4): 604–615. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2010.12.017.
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offspring of mice injected with poly(I:C) dsRNA as a viral mimic develop behaviors and
brain pathology consistent with those seen in human autism and schizophrenia (Ito et al.,
2010; Lee et al., 2007; Li et al., 2009; Makinodan et al., 2008; Meyer et al., 2006, 2008b;
Nyffeler et al., 2006; Ozawa et al., 2006; Piontkewitz et al., 2009; Shi et al., 2003, 2009;
Smith et al., 2007; Winter et al., 2008; Zuckerman et al., 2003; Zuckerman & Weiner,
2005). These effects require a key mediator, the cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6). Maternal
injection of IL-6 alone is sufficient to cause the behavioral abnormalities seen in the
offspring following maternal poly(I:C) injection or respiratory infection (Samuelsson et al.,
2006; Smith et al., 2007). Conversely, co-injection of an antibody that neutralizes
endogenous IL-6 along with poly(I:C) completely prevents the prepulse inhibition (PPI),
latent inhibition (LI), exploratory and social deficits in the offspring caused by MIA (Smith
et al., 2007). Furthermore, poly(I:C) injection of pregnant IL-6 knockout (KO) mice results
in no such behavioral deficits. IL-6 is also required for induction of transcriptional changes
as co-injection of anti-IL-6 and poly(I:C) normalizes 92% of the MIA-induced changes in
gene expression in brains of adult offspring (Smith et al., 2007).
The importance of IL-6 in mediating the development of schizophrenic and autistic
endophenotypes in rodents is further supported by post-mortem studies of human subjects.
The significant increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6, in fetal brains
shortly after MIA in rodents (Meyer et al., 2006, 2008a) are also observed in the brains of
adult schizophrenic and autistic patients (Arion et al., 2007; Garbett et al., 2008; Li et al.,
2009; Saetre et al., 2007;Vargas et al., 2005). IL-6 is also elevated in sera from living
schizophrenic individuals (Maes et al., 2002; Potvin et al., 2008), and many pro-
inflammatory cytokines are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid and sera from living autistic
individuals (Ashwood et al., 2010; Chez, 2007; Pardo et al., 2006). Furthermore, an IL-6
receptor polymorphism is associated with schizophrenia (Sun et al., 2008), and increased
IL-6 levels are associated with several other environmental risk factors for schizophrenia,
including maternal stress, maternal malnutrition and obstetric complications.
Despite demonstration of the critical role of IL-6 in mouse MIA models and in human
schizophrenia and autism, the mechanism underlying how IL-6 acts to disrupt early brain
development is unknown. IL-6 can act directly on progenitor cells to regulate fetal
neurogenesis and gliogenesis (reviewed by Deverman & Patterson, 2009). IL-6 can also act
at the maternal-fetal interface to alter many parameters that influence fetal growth, including
nutrient transfer, anoxia and vascular permeability (Desai et al., 2002; Jones et al., 2009;
Kendall & Peebles, 2005). Moreover, IL-6 can disrupt the immunological balance of the
placenta, altering Th1/Th2 homeostasis, activation of uterine immune cells, and maintenance
of maternal tolerance (Arad et al., 2005; reviewed by Jonakait, 2007; Paul et al., 2003;
Zimmerman et al., 2007).
We have studied the pathway of IL-6 action in the placenta to gain insight into the molecular
processes that can lead to the postnatal manifestation of behavioral abnormalities. We
confirm that MIA elevates IL-6 protein and mRNA expression in the placenta (Gilmore et
al., 2005; Koga et al., 2009; Meyer et al., 2006, 2008a; Smith et al., 2007). We determine the
relative contribution of maternally-derived versus fetally-derived IL-6 to the observed
increases in placenta IL-6 levels. We identify activated decidual leukocytes as a likely
source of MIA-induced placental IL-6, and we localize the site of maternal, IL-6-dependent
STAT3 activation to fetal cells in the placental spongiotrophoblast layer. Finally, we report
alterations in maternal-placental hormones and endocrine factors that may have important
consequences for fetal development.
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Generation of animals
Female C57BL/6J mice (Charles River; Wilmington, MA) were obtained from the Caltech
breeding facility and housed under standard laboratory conditions. Mice were mated
overnight and the presence of a vaginal plug on the following morning was noted as day
IL-6 KO mice
IL-6 KO mice, strain B6.129S2-IL6tm1Kopf/J, were obtained from Jackson Laboratory (Bar
Harbor, ME). IL-6 -/- females were mated with IL-6 +/- males, and IL-6 +/- females were
mated with IL-6 -/- males. For assays involving placental samples, a small amount of tissue
from the corresponding fetus was used for genotyping.
Pregnant C57BL/6J or IL-6 KO mice were injected on E12.5 with saline, poly(I:C), or
recombinant IL-6 (rIL-6). For poly(I:C) injections, poly(I:C) potassium salt (Sigma Aldrich;
St. Louis, MO) was freshly dissolved in saline and administered i.p. at 20 mg/kg based on
the weight of the poly(I:C) itself, not including the total weight of the potassium salts.
Control mice were injected with saline alone at 5
l per gram body weight. For rIL-6
injections, 5
g carrier-free, recombinant mouse IL-6 (eBioscience; San Diego, CA) was
freshly dissolved in 150
l saline and injected i.p.
Behavioral testing
After injection on E12.5, each pregnant mouse was single-housed. At 6 weeks of age, male
and female offspring were behaviorally tested for PPI; at 8 weeks, for LI, and at 10 weeks,
for open field exploration, according to methods described by Smith et al., 2007.
Briefly, for PPI testing, mice are acclimated to the testing chamber for 5 minutes, presented
with six 120 db pulses of white noise (startle stimulus) and then subjected to 14 randomized
blocks of either no startle, startle stimulus only, 5 db pre-pulse + startle or 15 db pre-pulse +
startle. The startle response is recorded by a pliezo-electric sensor, and PPI is defined as
(startle stimulus only
5 or 15 db pre-pulse + startle)/startle stimulus only.
For LI testing, mice are presented with a pre-exposure of 40, 30 second tones followed by
three pairings of the tone with a mild foot shock. Non-pre-exposed (NPE) are presented with
the three pairings only. The following day, mice are placed in the same chambers for 8
minutes to record context freezing. On the third day, mice are placed in the same chambers
and subjected to an 8 minute tone presentation, during which freezing is measured. LI is
defined as the difference in freezing in response to the tone in pre-exposed mice compared
to NPE mice.
For open field testing, mice are placed in 50 cm × 50 cm white plexiglass boxes for 10
minutes. An overhead video camera is used to record the session, and Ethovision software is
used to analyze the distance traveled, and the number of entries and duration of time spent in
the center arena (central 17 cm square).
Measurement of placental IL-6, growth hormone and IGFI
After injection on E12.5, wild type (WT) and IL-6 KO male and female mice were
sacrificed at 3, 6 or 24 hours by an overdose of sodium pentobarbital (Nembutal). Placentas
were dissected from the uterine horn and washed in PBS prior to snap-freezing in liquid
nitrogen and storage at -80°C. To generate cell lysates, each placenta was placed in 1 ml of
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cell lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) with 0.6 M NaCl, 0.2% Triton X-100, 1% BSA,
and 1 EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail tablet/10 ml buffer) (Roche Applied Sciences;
Indianapolis, IN). Each tissue was homogenized on ice using a syringe fitted with an 18G
needle and then sonicated for 5 seconds at 10 mV. The homogenates were centrifuged at
4°C at 13,000 rpm for 20 minutes, and the supernatants aliquotted and frozen at -80°C until
assayed. ELISAs for IL-6 (eBioscience), GH (Millipore; Billerica, MA), and IGFI (R&D
Systems; Minneapolis, MN) were performed according to the manufacturers' instructions
and analyzed against cell lysis buffer negative controls. Total protein was measured by BCA
assay (Thermo Scientific; Rockford, IL) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Measurement of placental gene expression by real-time PCR
Placentas were quickly dissected from the uterine horn and washed in PBS prior to
preservation in 1 ml TRIzol solution (Invitrogen; Carlsbad, CA). Tissues were passed
through an 18G needle and sonicated for two rounds of 3 seconds at 10 mV separated by
incubation on ice. Homogenates were processed by chloroform extraction and washing with
70% ethanol according to standard procedures. RNA was further purified by applying the
cleared lysate to an RNeasy mini column (Qiagen; Valencia, CA), and an on-column DNA
digestion was performed according to the manufacturer's protocols. Samples were assayed
using the 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies; Santa Clara, CA) and confirmed to
contain high integrity RNA (RIN > 8). 5
g RNA per sample was reverse-transcribed using
the iScript cDNA synthesis kit (Biorad; Hercules, CA). Resultant cDNA was purified using
a PCR purification kit (Qiagen) and eluted in 50
l PCR-grade water (Roche). Gene
expression was measured using SYBR Green master mix with Rox passive reference dye
(Roche) on the ABI 7300 Real Time PCR system. Target gene expression was normalized
against beta-actin transcript, and data are expressed as ratios of gene expression of poly(I:C)
to saline samples. The primers used were adapted from the Primerbank database (Spandidos
et al., 2010).
Placentas were dissected and washed in PBS prior to fixation for 1.5 hours in 4%
paraformaldehyde at 4°C and cryopreservation in 30% sucrose overnight at 4°C. After
equilibration for 1 hr in Tissue-Tek OCT (Sakura Finetek; Torrance, CA), each placenta was
hemi-sected laterally prior to freezing. Placentas were cut in 12
m sagittal sections, with 8
medial sections spanning approximately 576
m of tissue (every sixth section) taken from
each placenta for each histological stain. Sections were stained for phospho-STAT3 and
phospho-STAT1 (Cell Signaling; Danvers, MA) according to standard procedures. Briefly,
antigen retrieval was conducted for 30 minutes in a 95°C water bath in 10 mM sodium
citrate pH 6.0, for pSTAT3, and 1 mM EDTA pH 9.0, for pSTAT1. Slides were equilibrated
to room temperature, washed and incubated for 10 minutes in 3% H
in methanol. After
washing, tissues were processed using Vectastain Elite ABC peroxide kits (Vector Labs;
Burlingame, CA) according to the manufacturer's instructions, with overnight incubation of
primary antibody at 4°C. Staining was developed using ImmPACT DAB substrate (Vector
Labs) and mounted in Vectamount aqueous mounting medium (Vector Labs).
Flow cytometry of placental leukocytes
The decidua was dissected carefully from the labyrinth layer and washed in PBS on ice. 7-8
tissues from each litter were pooled in RPMI 1640 medium with 10% FBS and 1%
penicillin/streptomycin and subjected to mechanical disruption by passage through a syringe
fitted with a 16G needle followed by a syringe with an 18G needle. Tissue suspensions were
then enzymatically disrupted with 0.1% collagenase for 30 minutes at 37°C, followed by
0.25% trypsin for 10 minutes at 37°C. Cell suspensions were washed with 3 volumes of
RPMI and passed through 22G and 25G needles and subjected to 2 rounds of RBC lysis and
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filtration through 40
m cell strainers. Cell counts were performed on a hemocytometer, and
1 million cells were aliquotted for each subsequent reaction. Single cell suspensions were
treated with anti-mouse CD16/CD32 Fc block (eBioscience) for 10 minutes on ice prior to
staining in CBSS with the following antibody conjugates: DBA-lectin-FITC (Sigma), CD69-
PE (eBioscience), Ter119-PerCP-Cy5.5 (BioLegend; San Diego, CA), CD4-FITC
(BioLegend), CD8-FITC (Biolegend), Gr-1-APC (BioLegend), B220-FITC (BioLegend)
and CD11b-APC (BioLegend). Flow cytometry was performed using the FACSCalibur
cytometer (BD Biosciences; San Jose, CA), and data were analyzed using FlowJo software
(TreeStar Inc.; Ashland, OR) and presented as percent frequency of the parent population
(non-erythroid (Ter119-) cells).
Laser capture microdissection (LMD)
Placentas were dissected, washed in PBS and immediately snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen.
Tissues were then embedded in Tissue-Tek OCT and cut into 12
m sections on PALM
Membrane Slides (PALM Microlaser Technologies; Germany). Cryostat blades and
workstations were cleaned with RNaseZap (Applied Biosystems; Austin, TX) to prevent
RNA degradation. 6 medial sagittal sections were stained with hematoxylin QS (Vector
Labs) and used for laser microdissection. Duration was limited to < 30 minutes per slide to
prevent RNA degradation. For each placental section, the spongiotrophoblast layer was
localized by morphology under the Axio Observer.Z1 confocal microscope (Zeiss;
Thornwood, NY). Conservative regions of interest encompassing approximately 100 cell
nuclei were microdissected (energy: 40-48; focus: 71) using the PALM Microbeam system
and PALMRobo software 4.3 (Zeiss) and immediately expelled into an AdhesiveCap 500
microfuge tube (Zeiss). RNA isolation was performed immediately as described above, with
the RNeasy Micro Plus kit (Qiagen). Genomic DNA was removed using gDNA eliminator
columns (Qiagen). Total RNA was amplified and reverse transcribed using the Quantitect
Whole Transcriptome Amplification kit (Qiagen). 100 ng cDNA was used for qPCR,
according to the methods described above. No differences in relative ß-actin, IL-6R
gp130 expression were observed between saline and poly(I:C) samples, and treatment
groups were therefore merged for greater statistical power.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with Prism software (Graphpad Software; La Jolla, CA).
The statistical significance of differences between two treatment groups was assessed using
the Student's t-test, and differences among multiple groups was assessed using one-way
ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc tests. For PPI, 5 db pre-pulse and 15 db pre-pulse
data from the same groups of mice were analyzed using two-way ANOVA.
Maternal IL-6 exposure yields offspring with behavioral abnormalities similar to those seen
in MIA offspring
In the mouse MIA model, it was previously shown that the cytokine IL-6 is necessary and
that a single IL-6 injection is sufficient for the development of behavioral and transcriptional
changes in the offspring (Smith et al., 2007). Here we confirm and extend those data. The
offspring of pregnant mice injected with 5
g of rIL-6 on E12.5 display decreased PPI
compared to control offspring (Fig. 1A). Schizophrenic (Wynn et al., 2004) and autistic
(Perry et al., 2006) individuals also exhibit abnormal PPI. PPI is a measure of sensorimotor
gating, attention and distractibility. It refers to the inhibition of a startle response when the
startling stimulus (120 db pulse) is preceded by a smaller, non-startling stimulus (5 or 15 db
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LI is a measure of the ability to disregard irrelevant stimuli and refers to the inhibited
acquisition of a conditioned stimulus when a subject has been exposed to the stimulus
repeatedly prior to pairing with an unconditioned response. The disruption of LI seen in
MIA and rIL-6 offspring mimics that which is characteristic of cognitive deficits in
schizophrenia (Weiner, 2003). Adult offspring of rIL-6-injected mothers display elevated
freezing compared to saline controls in response to the conditioned acoustic cue. This is
indicative of decreased LI compared to the non-pre-exposed (NPE) group (Fig. 1B). A
similar deficit is observed in poly(I:C) offspring compared to controls.
Offspring of rIL-6-injected mice exhibit decreased exploration of the open field (Fig. 1C).
Compared to controls, rIL-6 offspring display fewer center entries, decreased center duration
and decreased total distance traveled. Reluctance to enter the center area of an open arena is
indicative of heightened anxiety under mildly stressful conditions. The decreased
exploration exhibited by MIA and rIL-6 offspring is relevant to schizophrenia- and autism-
related anxiety-like behavior.
Together, these data indicate that a single exposure to rIL-6 at mid-gestation causes
offspring to develop autism- and schizophrenia-related behavioral abnormalities similar to
those induced by maternal injection of poly(I:C). Previous studies involving the injection of
poly(I:C) into IL-6 KO mice, or the co-injection of poly(I:C) with blocking antibody against
IL-6, demonstrated that IL-6 is necessary for mediating the effect of MIA on the
development of behavioral abnormalities in offspring (Smith et al., 2007). Therefore, in
order to elucidate the mechanism by which the maternal immune response affects fetal brain
development, we focus on the IL-6 signaling pathway.
The placenta is a site of IL-6 induction in response to MIA
To explore how an immune challenge that is administered to the mother can lead to changes
in the development of offspring, we examined the placenta as the site of direct contact
between the maternal and fetal systems. Shortly after poly(I:C) injection, pro-inflammatory
cytokines including IL-6 are up-regulated in the maternal circulation (Gilmore et al., 2005;
Koga et al., 2009; Meyer et al., 2006, 2008a; Smith et al., 2007). This signal is transmitted to
the placenta, where levels of IL-6 and other pro-inflammatory cytokines are elevated. A
striking increase in IL-6 protein is seen in the placenta by 3 hours post-poly(I:C) injection;
poly(I:C) placentas exhibit an approximately 17-fold increase over saline injection controls
(Fig. 2A). IL-6 levels remain elevated for over 24 hours after MIA, at levels over 4 times
greater than in placentas from saline-injected mothers. Moreover, maternal poly(I:C)
injection leads to a 16-fold up-regulation of placental IL-6 mRNA expression by 3 hours
post-poly(I:C) injection (Fig. 2B). Tumor necrosis factor
) and IL-1
expression are
up-regulated in poly(I:C) placentas as well, approximately 3-fold over the level in the saline
control. A trend for increases is also observed for placental expression of IL-17 and IL-10 in
MIA placentas. However, there is no significant difference in expression of leukemia
inhibitory factor (LIF), and interferon
) is not detected in poly(I:C) and saline
Increased levels of placental IL-6 are maternally-derived
Elevated IL-6 protein in MIA placentas can come from the mother (e.g. bloodstream,
decidual cells, uterine immune cells) and/or the fetus (e.g. bloodstream, trophoblasts,
endothelial cells). To explore the relative contribution of the maternal and fetal pools of
IL-6, we crossed IL-6 +/- females with IL-6 -/- males, and injected pregnant females with
either poly(I:C) or saline on E12.5. This creates a system to assay the role of IL-6
production from the fetal compartment: pregnant mothers are able to produce IL-6, whereas
approximately one-half of the offspring (and the cells that comprise the spongiotrophoblast
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and labyrinth) will be null for the IL-6 allele, and thus incapable of generating IL-6
transcript. The remaining heterozygous conceptuses serve as internal controls. We also
mated IL-6 -/-females with IL-6 +/- males to test the necessity of maternal/decidual IL-6
production (and sufficiency of fetal IL-6 production) in mediating the effects of MIA on
embryonic development. It is important to note that in this latter paradigm, the decidua (the
superficial layer of the placenta) and cells that fill the maternal blood spaces within the
spongiotrophoblast and labyrinth, will still be of maternal genotype.
Injection of poly(I:C) into pregnant IL-6 +/- females induces the expected MIA response
that is characterized by elevated placental IL-6 levels by 3 hours post-injection (Fig. 2C).
Note that, compared to WT, IL-6 heterozygous mice display a weaker and more transient
MIA response at 3 hours post-injection; placental IL-6 levels are increased
5-fold over
controls, while a
17-fold induction is seen in WT mice. Also, the placental IL-6 induction
lasts between 6 and 24 hours in heterozygous mice, but lasts over 24 hours in WT mice. This
indicates that maternal IL-6 gene dosage affects the IL-6 response to MIA in the placenta.
Fetal or trophoblast expression of IL-6 contributes little to the pool of IL-6 protein, as there
is no significant difference between IL-6 levels in IL-6 -/- placentas from +/-mothers
compared to IL-6 +/- placentas from +/- mothers (Fig. 2C). Negligible levels of IL-6 are
detected in IL-6 +/- and -/- placentas derived from saline or poly(I:C)-injected IL-6 -/-
mothers (Fig. S1). Thus, the IL-6 protein response to MIA in the placenta is maternally-
MIA activates uterine NK cells, granulocytes and macrophages that may contribute
maternal IL-6 in the placenta
The finding that the placenta exhibits elevated levels of both IL-6 protein and mRNA in
response to MIA suggests that placental IL-6 is supplied by not only by the maternal
bloodstream, but also by the maternal cells within the placenta. We examined decidual
immune cells as candidate sources of maternal IL-6 production. The decidua is the lining of
the placenta that contains maternal vasculature and leukocytes, including a distinctive
lymphocyte population of uterine NK (uNK) cells. By flow cytometry we assessed immune
subtypes in the placenta for expression of CD69, a surface glycoprotein acquired during
early lymphoid activation and inducibly expressed by T cells, B cells, NK cells, monocytes,
neutrophils and eosinophils.
Compared to saline controls, decidual cell suspensions generated from poly(I:C) injected
mothers exhibit elevated CD69 expression in DBA lectin+ uNK cells, CD11b+ macrophages
and Gr-1+ granulocytes (Fig. 3A,B). Similarly activated cells are observed in decidual cell
suspensions from IL-6 -/- mothers injected with poly(I:C), indicating that initial activation of
placental immune cells occurs independently of IL-6 action. The increase in CD69+ innate
immune cells coincides with an overall increase in placental CD69 expression (Fig. 3C).
There is no significant difference in the percentages of these immune subtypes in response
to MIA (Fig. S2). Furthermore, there is no apparent difference in localization of uNK or
macrophage cells, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining with DBA lectin and
F4/80 (data not shown). Because CD4+, CD8+ and B220+ cells represent minor lymphocyte
populations in the E12.5 placenta, low levels of these cells are detected in saline and
poly(I:C) decidual cell suspensions (Fig. S2). The significant increase in activated maternal
leukocytes and lymphocytes in MIA placentas suggests that decidual uNK cells,
macrophages and granulocytes are a likely source of maternally-derived IL-6 in response to
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Maternal IL-6 activates the JAK/STAT pathway in the fetal compartment of the placenta
In order to localize the site(s) of IL-6 action within the placenta, we searched for
downstream markers of IL-6 signaling. IL-6 and other IL-6 family cytokines, such as LIF,
IL-11 and ciliary neurotrophic factor, signal by binding cytokine-specific membrane
receptors to trigger further signal transduction: intracellular JAK proteins dimerize and auto-
phosphorylate to activate downstream kinase activity, which ultimately leads to the
phosphorylation of STAT transcription factors and global changes in gene expression,
including increased transcription of the acute phase genes
SOCS3, Pim1, TIMP1
In particular, IL-6 is known to signal through STAT3 and STAT1. We performed
histological staining for phosphorylated (p)STAT3 and pSTAT1 in WT mice injected with
poly(I:C) or saline, and also assayed gene expression of downstream markers of IL-6
activity. To evaluate whether changes were initiated specifically by IL-6, we assessed STAT
activation and downstream gene expression in IL-6 +/- or -/- placentas from poly(I:C) or
saline-injected IL-6 +/- or -/- mothers.
Unlike saline controls, STAT3 is phosphorylated in the poly(I:C) spongiotrophoblast layer
(Fig. 4) at 3 and 6 hours post-injection. This region of the placenta is comprised of a layer of
fetal trophoblast cells that provides both structural support and hormones to maternal and
fetal tissues. Widespread pSTAT3 staining is seen in IL-6 +/- and -/- spongiotrophoblasts
from IL-6 +/- mothers injected with poly(I:C). This staining is, however, absent in IL-6 +/-
and -/- spongiotrophoblasts from IL-6 -/-mothers, further confirming a specific effect of
maternally-derived IL-6 on STAT3 activation in the placenta. There is no significant
difference in the number of pSTAT3-positive cells in IL-6 +/- versus -/- spongiotrophoblasts
from +/- mothers, indicating a negligible effect of fetally-derived IL-6 on STAT3 activation
(Fig. S3-A). No pSTAT1 staining is detected in the spongiotrophoblast layer of poly(I:C) or
saline placentas (Fig. S3-B). Together, these data indicate that maternal IL-6 plays a specific
role in mediating gene expression changes through STAT3 activation in the
spongiotrophoblast layer of MIA placentas.
MIA-induced activation of the STAT3 pathway coincides with a strong increase in SOCS3
expression in placentas from poly(I:C)-injected mothers (Fig. 4B). Expression of Pim1,
TIMP1 and NOS2 is also increased in MIA placentas. Increased SOCS3 expression is
similarly observed in IL-6 +/- placentas from poly(I:C)-injected IL-6 +/-mothers (Fig. 4C).
Note that the up-regulation of SOCS3 expression in IL-6 heterozygous MIA placentas is
significantly attenuated compared to that in IL-6 WT placentas. This effect is similarly
observed with MIA-induced IL-6 expression, as described above, and provides further
evidence that maternal IL-6 gene dosage regulates the intensity and duration of the placental
pro-inflammatory response to poly(I:C). Moreover, eliminating the contribution of maternal
IL-6 significantly decreases the level of SOCS3 expression in MIA placentas, while
eliminating the contribution of fetal/placental IL-6 has no significant effect. These data
indicate that MIA leads to increases in maternally-derived IL-6 and subsequent downstream
action in the placenta.
To examine whether maternally-derived IL-6 may act directly on spongiotrophoblasts to
activate the JAK/STAT3 pathway, we used laser capture microdissection of the
spongiotrophoblast layer and qRT-PCR to test for expression of IL-6 receptor components.
On its target cells, IL-6 binds to its membrane-bound receptor, IL-6R
, which associates
with the signaling subunit of the receptor, gp130, to initiate intracellular signal transduction.
Spongiotrophoblast cells from placentas of both saline and poly(I:C)-injected mothers
indeed express IL-6R
as well as gp130 (Fig. 4D) and are therefore likely to be capable of
responding to placental IL-6. This offers the potential for direct IL-6 signaling in
spongiotrophoblast cells and subsequent activation of STAT3.
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In addition to IL-6, other factors also mediate STAT3 and STAT1 activation in the placenta
after MIA. Both pSTAT3 and pSTAT1 staining are localized to parietal trophoblast giant
cells (pTGCs) and mononuclear sinusoidal trophoblast giant cells (sTGCs) that reside in the
junctional zone and labyrinth (Fig. S3-B,C). This staining is present with the same
localization and abundance in placentas from WT and IL-6 KO mice injected with poly(I:C),
suggesting that MIA-induced pro-inflammatory factors other than IL-6 mediate this effect.
Furthermore, the staining is not blocked by co-injection of anti-IL-6 antibody and poly(I:C)
in pregnant mothers (data not shown). Thus, MIA promotes widespread STAT3 and STAT1
activation in the fetal compartments of the placenta.
IL-6 specific signaling in response to MIA alters placental expression of factors that can
influence fetal development
The finding that IL-6 mediates STAT3 activation specifically in the spongiotrophoblasts
inhabiting the fetal compartment of MIA placentas suggests that IL-6 may affect offspring
development by altering expression of critical placental hormones and growth factors. In
order to explore the downstream effects of MIA-induced STAT3 activation in the placenta,
we conducted real time qRT-PCR for relevant placental factors using WT placentas from
poly(I:C)- or saline-injected mothers at 3 hours post-injection, a time at which pro-
inflammatory cytokines are highly up-regulated. To assess the functional relevance of IL-6-
mediated signaling in the placenta, we conducted similar real time qRT-PCR assays utilizing
placentas from pregnant IL-6 KO mice injected with poly(I:C).
Maternal poly(I:C) injection leads to disruption of the GH-IGF axis in the placenta. Levels
of GH protein are significantly reduced in MIA placentas (Fig. 5A-D), and there is also a
corresponding decrease in IGFI expression, suggesting that reduced levels of GH may lead
to decreased stimulation of IGFI production in the placenta (Forbes & Westwood, 2008).
Furthermore, compared to saline-injected controls, placentas from poly(I:C)-injected
mothers exhibit decreased IGFBP3 expression. IGFBP3 is a primary carrier binding protein
responsible for increasing the half-life of IGFI, and its reduction is often associated with
lower IGFI levels (Donahue & Beamer, 1993; De Benedetti, 2001; Liao et al., 2008).
Reductions in both IGFI and IGFBP3 are absent in placentas from IL-6 -/- mice injected
with poly(I:C). In fact, placentas from MIA IL-6 KO mice exhibit increased expression of
IGFI and IGFBP3, suggesting that basal levels of IL-6 are also critical for regulation of IGFI
and IGFBP3 expression. A similar effect is seen with levels of placental IGFI protein, where
WT MIA placentas display a decreased concentration of IGFI compared to saline controls,
while IL-6 KO MIA placentas display higher levels of IGFI. This provides further evidence
that both basal IL-6 and MIA-induced IL-6 in the placenta play a role in suppressing IGFI
and IGFBP3 production.
There are no differences between placentas from saline- or poly(I:C)-injected mothers in the
levels of GHRH, IGFII, IGF1R and IGFBP2, an inhibitory IGFI binding protein (Fig. 5A).
Thus, MIA selectively reduces levels of placental GH and IGFI, two important hormones
responsible for promoting embryonic development.
MIA also alters the expression of placental lactogen (PL) and pro-lactin-like proteins (PLPs)
in the placenta. The PL and PLPs comprise families of prominent placenta-specific factors
that regulate pregnancy, placental physiology and fetal development (Soares, 2004).
Maternal poly(I:C) injection up-regulates placental PLP-K expression at 3 hours post-
injection and this effect is abrogated in placentas from poly(I:C)-injected IL-6 -/- mice (Fig.
6A, B). PLP-K is a placenta-specific protein that is widely expressed in the sTGCs of the
labyrinth and in the spongiotrophoblast layer (Wiemers et al., 2003), an expression pattern
that correlates precisely with IL-6-induced STAT3 activation in the placenta. Taken
together, these data suggest that the activation of STAT3 driven by maternal IL-6 in
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response to MIA is responsible for the observed elevation in PLP-K expression. In addition,
there is a trend towards increased expression of placental growth factor (PGF), a key a
protein in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis in the placenta; placental lactogen 2 (PLII), a
lactogen regulated by the inhibitory control of GH; as well as PLP-F (Fig. 6A), a pro-lactin-
like protein known to regulate hematopoiesis (Wiemers et al., 2003). No significant
difference is seen in expression of PLI or PLP-E between saline and poly(I:C) placentas.
Thus, MIA-induced IL-6 regulates expression of placenta-specific hormones that influence
the maternal response to pregnancy and the regulation of fetal growth.
The finding that IL-6 is critical for mediating the effects of MIA on the development of
schizophrenia- and autism-related endophenotypes in the mouse model offers the
opportunity to trace the molecular and cellular pathways by which maternal infection
increases risk for these neurodevelopmental disorders. We show that a single injection of
rIL-6 into pregnant mice yields offspring with PPI, LI and open field deficits that are similar
to those seen in MIA offspring. Although there is no significant difference between
poly(I:C) and rIL-6 offspring in PPI, LI or open field performance, rIL-6 offspring trend
toward more severe behavioral deficits in all three tests. This may be attributed to the dosage
of IL-6 administered (5
g) compared to levels reported on the order of 10-20 ng IL-6 per
mL of maternal serum at 3 hours post-poly(I:C) injection (Meyer et al., 2006). In addition,
poly(I:C), compared to rIL-6 injection, leads to TLR3 activation and mounting of a complex
immune response involving production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory
cytokines. IL-10, for example, is upregulated in placentas shortly after poly(I:C) injection
(Fig. 2B), and is traditionally known to regulate the effects of proinflammatory cytokines
such as IL-6 and IFN
. Overall, the fact that maternal rIL-6 injection yields offspring with
behavioral deficits that are equal, if not more severe, than those seen in MIA offspring
demonstrates the importance of IL-6 in mediating neural development and adult behavioral
We find that maternally-derived IL-6 accounts for the increased pool of IL-6 in placentas
from poly(I:C)-injected mothers. Potential sources of maternally-derived IL-6 in the
placenta include circulating IL-6 in the maternal bloodstream and IL-6 that is secreted by
maternal cells that reside in the placenta, such as decidual immune cells, stromal cells and
endothelial cells. It is clear that maternal poly(I:C) injection increases the level of IL-6 and
other pro-inflammatory cytokines in the maternal circulation (Gilmore et al., 2005; Koga et
al., 2009; Meyer et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2007). However, our finding that IL-6 mRNA
expression is dramatically increased in MIA placentas suggests that resident placental cells
of maternal origin may also be a source of increased placental IL-6. Furthermore, we show
that MIA increases the number of CD69-expressing decidual macrophages, granulocytes and
uNK cells in poly(I:C) placentas. CD69 is a marker of an early activation response, and its
expression is associated with production of pro-inflammatory cytokines including IL-6
(Saito, 2000). Thus, following MIA, activated decidual leukocytes may contribute to the
induction of IL-6 in the placenta (Lockwood et al., 2008). Some studies report that maternal
stromal cells and endothelial cells in the placenta can also generate cytokines in response to
other types of immune activation (Montes et al., 1995; Semer et al., 1991). Interestingly, in
the CBA × DBA/2 model of miscarriage, early maternal poly(I:C) injection leads to
increased expression of CD69, IFN
and TNF
by uNK cells (Zhang et al., 2007).
Altogether, these findings demonstrate that the MIA response is relayed to the maternal cells
in the placenta, leading to increased levels of maternally-derived IL-6 directly at the
materno-fetal interface.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 May 1.
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Interestingly, compared to saline-injected controls, IL-6 protein is increased in amniotic
fluid (AF) from poly(I:C)-injected mothers (Mandel et al., 2010). While the importance of
the fetal placental component was stressed as the source of AF IL-6, it appears that much of
the AF IL-6 is dependent on maternal IL-6 production. Eliminating the contribution of
maternal IL-6 in poly(I:C)-injected mice decreases the concentration of AF IL-6 by over 14-
fold compared to that observed in WT poly(I:C)-injected mice, and brings the final AF IL-6
concentration to a level lower than that observed in saline controls (Mandel et al., 2010).
This indicates that maternal IL-6 production is critical for MIA-induced increases in AF
IL-6. It will be important to compare AF from IL-6 +/- offspring of IL-6 -/- mothers with AF
from IL-6 +/- offspring of IL-6 +/- mothers as a control.
We further demonstrate that maternally-derived IL-6 is responsible for activation of the
JAK/STAT3 pathway specifically in the spongiotrophoblast layer, a fetal compartment of
the placenta. It is likely that this STAT3 activation occurs by a direct effect of maternally-
derived IL-6 on spongiotrophoblast cells, since we find that they express IL-6R
and gp130.
Moreover, paracrine signaling is a well-established mechanism of materno-fetal
communication between distinct placental layers (Bischof et al., 2000; Hess et al., 2006;
Lacey et al., 2002; Petraglia et al., 1996). The spatially-localized activation of STAT3 at the
junctional zone of the placenta suggests that MIA induces maternally-derived IL-6 in the
decidual layer (Fig. 7), which then signals in a paracrine manner to fetal spongiotrophoblast
cells. It is important to note that, while a direct effect of IL-6 on placental cells is likely, we
have not excluded the possibility that IL-6 may act as an upstream, indirect mediator of MIA
effects on the placenta, and that IL-6 may act by so-called trans-signaling, or binding soluble
before complexing with membrane-bound gp130. Nonetheless, the maternal IL-6-
dependent activation of the STAT3 pathway in spongiotrophoblast cells demonstrates a
direct transfer of the MIA response from maternal to fetal cells.
Spongiotrophoblast cells arise just prior to mid-gestation and are a prominent source of
endocrine factors throughout the latter half of gestation (Soares, 2004). We find an IL-6-
dependent elevation in placental PLP-K expression after MIA, along with mild increases in
several other pro-lactogen and pro-lactin-like-protein family members. As a recently
discovered PLP, PLP-K is characterized as a placenta-specific protein produced primarily by
spongiotrophoblast cells and also by sTGCs (Wiemers et al., 2003). The correlation of
maternal-IL-6-dependent STAT3 activation in the spongiotrophoblast with maternal-IL-6-
dependent up-regulation of PLP-K suggests that modulation of PLP-K expression lies
downstream of STAT3 activity. While its function is unclear, PLP-K possesses structural
similarity to proliferin (PLF), a protein that binds mannose-6/IGFII complexes to regulate
vasculogenesis and trophoblast proliferation. Thus, we demonstrate that MIA-induced
maternal IL-6 alters expression of PLP-K and potentially other genes that encode endocrine
or paracrine modulators of maternal and fetal cells.
Furthermore, we find an IL-6-dependent dysregulation of the GH-IGF axis in MIA
placentas, characterized by decreased levels of GH and IGFI mRNA, with corresponding
decreases in placental IGFI and IGFBP3 protein. The actions of GH are achieved through
the stimulation of IGFI production in target tissues. In addition, GH regulates the activity of
IGFI by altering the production of either facilitatory or inhibitory binding proteins, including
the IGFI stabilizing protein, IGFBP3. This suggests that the decreased GH levels seen in
MIA placentas leads to the observed downstream suppression of IGFBP3 and IGFI
production. It is believed that IGFs in the maternal circulation do not enter the placenta, and
therefore IGFs in the placenta are derived from the placental compartment itself (Kanai-
Azuma et al., 1993).
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We demonstrate that the changes in IGFI and IGFBP3 expression are mediated by IL-6.
However, it is unclear whether decreases in placental GH and subsequent effects on IGF
production are downstream of IL-6-specific STAT3 activation. IL-6 does modulate IGFI and
IGFBPs in several tissues, including placenta and cord blood (De Benedetti et al., 2001;
Street et al., 2009). Pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6, decrease circulating and
tissue concentrations of GH and IGFI (Lang et al., 2005). We observe that IL-6-mediated
STAT3 activation is associated with the expected IL-6-mediated increase in SOCS3
expression, along with other acute phase genes. Factors like SOCS play an important role in
the down-regulation of GH and GH signaling (Herrington et al., 2000; Lang et al., 2005).
Importantly, it is reported that IL-6 inhibits hepatic GH signaling through up-regulation of
SOCS3 (Denson et al., 2003). As such, it is possible that, in MIA placentas, maternal IL-6-
induced STAT3 activation and downstream sequelae lead to suppression of placental GH
levels, disruption of IGFI production and further consequences on maternal physiology,
placental function and fetal development.
Altered placental physiology and release of deleterious mediators to the fetus are important
risk factors for the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders. Placental IGFI in
particular regulates trophoblast function (Forbes & Westwood, 2008), nutrient partitioning
and placental efficiency (Fowden et al., 2009). Moreover, altered IGFI levels are associated
with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and abnormal development (Crossey et al.,
2002; Laviola et al., 2008). Animal models of IUGR and intrauterine infection, where the
immune insult is confined to the uteroplacental compartment, highlight the key role of
placental inflammation in perinatal brain damage, involving altered cortical astrocyte
development (Bassan et al., 2010), white-matter damage (reviewed by Dammann & Leviton,
1997), microglial activation, cell death (Hutton et al., 2008) and reduced effectiveness of the
fetal blood-brain-barrier (Yan et al., 2004). In addition, adult pathophysiology is subject to
feto-placental “programming”, wherein molecular changes that occur prenatally reflect
permanent changes that persist throughout postnatal life (Bilbo & Schwarz, 2009; Barker et
al., 2010a, 2010b; Frost & Moore, 2010; Merlot et al., 2008; Seckl & Holmes, 2007; Zhang
et al., 2005). Interestingly, placental responses to maternal insults can potentiate sexually
dimorphic effects on fetal development (Clifton, 2005; Mueller & Bale, 2008).
Obstetric complications are linked to schizophrenia risk (reviewed by Preti et al., 2000) and
to the treatment responses of schizophrenic individuals (Alivir et al., 1999). Notably, a
greater occurrence of placental trophoblast inclusions was observed in placental tissue from
children who develop autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared to non-ASD controls
(Anderson et al., 2007). Chorioamnionitis and other obstetric complications are significantly
associated with socialization and communication deficitis in autistic infants (Limperopoulos,
2008). The characterization of placental pathophysiology and obstetric outcome in ASD and
schizophrenic individuals will be useful for the identification of molecular mechanisms that
underlie these disorders and for potential biomarkers for early risk diagnosis.
In addition to the observed effects of IL-6 on placental physiology and its downstream
effects on fetal brain development and postnatal growth, direct effects of IL-6 on the fetal
brain are also likely. Maternal IL-6 can potentially cross the placenta and enter the fetus
after MIA (Dahlgren et al., 2006). Furthermore, IL-6 mRNA and protein are elevated and
STAT3 is phosphorylated in the fetal brain itself following MIA (Gilmore et al., 2005;
Hsiao & Patterson, 2009; Meyer et al., 2006), raising the obvious possibility that IL-6 acts
directly on the developing brain to influence astrogliosis, neurogenesis, microglial activation
and/or synaptic pruning (Conroy et al., 2004; reviewed in Deverman & Patterson, 2010;
Gilmore et al., 2004). However, recall that the identification of IL-6 as a critical mediator of
MIA is based on maternal co-injection of poly(I:C) and anti-IL-6 blocking antibody, in
addition to experiments inducing MIA in IL-6 KO animals. As such, in considering which
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