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Unraveling Scaling Properties of Slow-Slip Events
Luca Dal Zilio
, Nadia Lapusta
, and Jean-Philippe Avouac
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA,
Division of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
A major debate in geophysics is whether earthquakes and slow-slip events (SSEs) arise from
similar failure mechanisms. Recent observations from different subduction zones suggest that SSEs follow
the same moment-duration scaling as earthquakes, unlike qualitatively different scaling proposed by
earlier studies. Here, we examine the scaling properties using dynamic simulations of frictional sliding.
The resulting sequences of SSEs match observations from the Cascadia subduction zone, including the
earthquake-like cubic moment-duration scaling. In contrast to conventional and widely used assumptions
of magnitude-invariant rupture velocities and stress drops, both simulated and natural SSEs have rupture
velocities and stress drops that increase with event magnitudes. These findings support the same frictional
origin for both earthquakes and SSEs while suggesting a new explanation for the observed SSEs scaling.
Plain Language Summary
Tectonic faults produce a wide spectrum of slip modes, ranging
from fast earthquakes to slow-slip events. Whether slow-slip events and regular earthquakes result from a
similar physics is debated. Here we present numerical simulations to show that slow-slip events can result
from frictional sliding like seismic slip, with an additional mechanism that prevents acceleration to fast slip
due to the presence of fluids. The model succeeds in reproducing a realistic sequence of slow-slip events
and provides an excellent match to the observations from the Cascadia subduction zone, including the
observation that the moment, which quantifies the energy released by fault slip, is proportional to the cube
of the duration. Importantly, our study demonstrates that this scaling arises for different reasons from the
traditional explanation proposed for regular earthquakes.
1. Introduction
The discovery of slow-slip events (SSEs) has re
volutionized our understanding of how tectonic faults accom-
modate long-term slip motions (Bürgmann, 2018; Dragert et al., 2001; Ozawa et al., 2002). Faults were
previously thought to release stress either through steady aseismic sliding, or through earthquakes result-
ing from abrupt failure of locked faults. In contrast, SSEs appear to spontaneously accelerate but proceed
much slower than traditional earthquake ruptures (Obara et al., 2004; Rogers & Dragert, 2003). On the Cas-
cadia megathrust (Michel et al., 2018), as in many circum-Pacific subduction zones (Schwartz & Rokosky,
2007), SSEs slide at rates between 10 and 100 times higher than the plate convergence rate for a few days
to a few weeks, accumulating centimeters of slip (Figure 1a). They occur in a narrow yet long section of
the plate interface deeper than the locked zone, which often coincides with the intersection of the fore-arc
Moho and the subduction interface (Figure 1b) (Gao & Wang, 2017). The most recent catalog of SSEs from
this region was obtained from the inversion of geodetic position time series recorded at 352 continuous GPS
stations between 2007 and 2017 (Michel et al., 2018). The catalog of SSEs extracted from the inferred slip
history on the whole megathrust contains 64 events, which were found to coincide with the spatiotemporal
distribution of tremors. The analysis of this catalog revealed that the SSEs occurred as unilateral or bilateral
pulse-like ruptures with average rupture speed between
5.5 and
11 km/day.
A fundamental characteristic—viewed as a window into physical mechanisms of slow and fast rupture—is
the relation between event moments (
; defined as the integral of slip over the rupture area multiplied
by the shear modulus) and their duration (
). Regular fast earthquakes have long been known to follow
a cubic moment-duration scaling relation for a wide range of event magnitudes (
) (Kanamori &
Anderson, 1975). The cubic scaling is expected from the traditional representation of earthquake source
as a circular rupture with spatially constant, magnitude-invariant stress drop expanding at a spatially con-
stant, magnitude-invariant rupture speed—often simply called “a circular crack model” (Kostrov, 1964;
Key Points:
• We examine the scaling properties
of slow-slip events using dynamic
simulations of frictional sliding
• Our results match observations
from the Cascadia subduction zone,
including the earthquake-like cubic
moment-duration scaling
• Slow-slip events are consistent with
ordinary earthquake scaling due
to magnitude-dependent rupture
speed and stress drop
Supporting Information:
• Supporting Information S1
Correspondence to:
L. Dal Zilio,
Dal Zilio, L., Lapusta, N., &
Avouac, J.-P. (2020). Unraveling
scaling properties of slow-slip events.
Geophysical Research Letters
e2020GL087477. https://doi.org/10.
Received 11 FEB 2020
Accepted 9 MAY 2020
Accepted article online 12 MAY 2020
Author Contributions
Luca Dal Zilio,
Nadia Lapusta, Jean-Philippe Avouac
Luca Dal Zilio,
Nadia Lapusta, Jean-Philippe Avouac
Writing - Original Draft:
Luca Dal Zilio, Nadia Lapusta,
Jean-Philippe Avouac
Formal Analysis:
Luca Dal Zilio,
Nadia Lapusta, Jean-Philippe Avouac
©2020. American Geophysical Union.
All Rights Reserved.
Geophysical Research Letters
Figure 1.
Interseismic coupling and SSEs in Cascadia, model setup, and traditional models for rupture scaling. (a) Comparison of interseismic coupling with
cumulative slip due to episodic slow slip between 2007 and 2017 (Michel et al., 2018) showing that SSEs occur within the deeper creeping portion of the
megathrust. The inset locates the main map. (b) Schematics of the source distribution for SSEs and deep low-frequency tremors at the downdip, interse
creeping portion of the megathrust in Cascadia. (c) Conventional circular crack model, width-bounded pulse-like rupture model, and the associated
scalings of
different quantities with recurrence time. (d) Earthquake-like cubic moment-duration scaling observed in Cascadia (Michel et al., 2019) and Nanka
et al., 2019). (e) Our idealized model representation of the slow-slip-event region in Cascadia, with a velocity-weakening (VW; gray hashed region)
strip within
the otherwise velocity-strengthening region (VS; white) region of a rate-and-state fault.
Madariaga, 1976) (Figure 1c). The moment-duration scaling should switch to
when slip events
saturate the width (
) of the seismogenic zone (Figure 1c), thus propagating for much longer length (
(Romanowicz & Rundle, 1993). A global compilation of SSEs was used to suggest that SSEs do follow such
a linear moment-duration scaling (Ide et al., 2007). A possible explanation was that most of the detected
SSEs have elongated rupture area, suggesting that—like large earthquakes—they might be geometrically
bounded (Gomberg et al., 2016). However, the analysis of the 10-year-long data set of SSEs from Cascadia
(Michel et al., 2019) leads to the cubic moment-duration scaling law similar to most earthquakes (Figure 1d).
This finding is consistent with a recent catalog from the Nankai subduction zone (Takagi et al., 2019) and a
study of SSEs using tremors in Mexico (Frank & Brodsky, 2019). These findings are surprising as the SSEs in
this catalog are pulse-like ruptures with elongated slipping areas. They clearly do not conform to the circu-
lar crack model. In addition, despite the relatively short observational time span, the SSEs in Cascadia seem
to follow the Gutenberg-Richter distribution of sizes (Michel et al., 2019; Wech et al., 2010).
Geophysical Research Letters
In this study, we seek to understand how the recently discovered cubic moment-duration scaling prop-
erties of SSEs in Cascadia can be explained based on numerical simulations of spontaneous fault slip.
Episodic SSEs have been generated in models with rate-and-state friction, a well-established empirical con-
stitutive law for low-velocity fault strength capable of modeling a range of earthquake source phenomena
(Dieterich, 2007) (see supporting information). On rate-and-
state fault segments with velocity-weakening
friction, SSEs occur when the slipping region is large enough to cause slip acceleration, as during earth-
quake nucleation, but too small for that slip event to reach seismic slip rates (Liu & Rice, 2005). Several
variants of rate-and-state fault models can significantly extend the range of parameters suitable for SSEs,
including changes from velocity-weakening to velocity-strengthening friction with increasing slip rates
(Leeman et al., 2016; Shibazaki & Shimamoto, 2007), geometric complexities and roughness (Li & Liu, 2016;
Ozawa et al., 2019; Romanet et al., 2018), and decreases in pore fluid pressure due to shear-induced dila-
tancy (Marone et al., 1990; Segall & Rice, 1995; Segall et al., 2010). SSEs can also be obtained in models
of rate-and-state faults with velocity-strengthening friction and additional destabilizing effects, for exam-
ple, poroelastic (Heimisson et al., 2019), and in models with viscoplastic bulk effects (Tong & Lavier, 2018).
Here, we show that a model of SSEs on a rate-and-state fault with a depth-bounded velocity-weakening
region (Figure 1e) can explain the cubic moment-duration scaling of slow slip observed in Cascadia. This
is in contrast to conceptual assumptions of prior studies that such model geometry should result in linear
moment-duration scaling.
2. Methods
We take advantage of the recently developed numerical methods (Lapusta & Liu, 2009; Noda & Lapusta,
2010), which allow us to resolve, in one model, long-t
erm tectonic loading, steady fault slip, nucleation
and propagation of SSEs, afterslip transients, and any regular seismic earthquake ruptures if they result.
The model aims to mimic the Cascadia subduction zone: We consider a thrust fault segment embedded
into an elastic medium, loaded by a downdip slip at the long-term slip rate (40 mm/year) and governed by
rate-and-state friction and dilatancy effects (Figure 1e). The
area with steady-state rate-weakening friction
(VW), where SSEs can occur, is embedded in a rate-strengthening domain (VS). We describe the model
ingredients and determination of SSEs in the supporting information (Tables S1 and S2). Our exploration
of a range of rate-and-state parameters shows that
SSEs appear in a parameter regime between steady slow
slip and regular (fast) earthquakes (Figure S1), consistent with prior studies (Liu & Rice, 2005). We obtain
the best fit to the observations in a model that includes dilatancy and the associated fluctuations in pore
fluid pressure (Segall & Rice, 1995; Segall et al., 2010), which we present next. An extended description of
the numerical technique, model setup, and modeling procedure is given in the supporting information.
3. Modeling Results
Our reference model results in a rich history of SSEs with spontaneous nucleation, slow ruptures, magni-
tudes ranging from M 5.3 to 6.7, and a wide spectrum of aspect ratios (Figure S2). A minimum magnitude of
5.3 is obtained because, in our models, the nucleation size for the initiation of seismic, earthquake slip is
larger than the width (
) of the velocity-weakening region (see supporting information). This means that,
when a SSE initiates, it expands up to the width of the velocity-weakening region, with an approximate min-
imum area of
. The resulting synthetic catalog of 76 events approximately obeys the Gutenberg-Richter
relationship with a
value of
1 (Figure 2a). The simulated sequences of SSEs include interevent loading,
nucleation, growth, along-strike propagation, and arrest (Figure 2b). During the interevent period, creep
penetrates into the rate-weakening patch, building conditions for slow-slip nucleation and thus causing the
fault to creep at a rate similar to the long-term slip rate. When a SSE nucleates, it grows and expands in a
semicircular fashion until it saturates the width of the rate-weakening patch and slows down in the vicinity
of the velocity-strengthening region. The slip area is thus bounded updip and downdip by the transitions
to the rate-strengthening domain, and rupture proceeds by propagating along strike. The event shown in
Figure 2b propagates for more than 160 km along strike, and eventually arrests in the area of relatively unfa-
vorable prestress (Figure S3). Slip rate evolution with time along the mid-depth of the velocity-weakening
patch (Figure 2c) provides another illustration of how the event propagates through the fault. Notably, the
rupture velocity is not constant: After the nucleation phase, the rupture front accelerates from
7.6 up to
9.7 km/day by exploiting a fault area with a relatively higher prestress. It then slows down to
3.1 km/day
and eventually arrests in the vicinity of the locked (and lower-stressed) patch. As a result, the slipping area
Geophysical Research Letters
Figure 2.
Simulated slow-slip events. (a) Gutenberg-Richter distribution of the simulated slow-slip event sequences. (b) Different stages in the long-term
behavior given by snapshots of fault slip rates on a logarithmic scale, illustrating the time period around one slow-slip event. White contour lines d
efine the
regions with a prestress higher than average (in MPa). (c) Space-time evolution of the same event along the mid-depth of the velocity-weakening strip
Temporal evolution of the slipping area and moment rate for the same event.
grows in the first half of the event and eventually shrinks before the end (Figure 2d). This variability, in
turn, affects the source-time function (Figure 2e), which follows a near-triangular shape, despite the event
appearing pulse-like due to its limited width.
We investigate the scaling properties of the simulated SSE population using the resulting synthetic data set,
taking into account the sensitivity of the thresholds used to identify the duration, magnitude, and related
uncertainties of each SSE (see supporting information and Figure S4). We find that the moments released
by SSEs follow a cubic moment-duration scaling law (
; Figure 3a). This result emerges due to a
combined effect of three different scaling properties. First, when the slipping area changes from that of
expanding crack to pulse like and depth bounded, the rupture width remains constant in time (
). Sec-
ond, the rupture length scales with the square of the event duration (
; Figure 3b). Third, the average
slip scales linearly with the event duration (
; Figure 3c). Another emerging feature from our analy-
sis is the moment-rupture area scaling, which results in the same
scaling as for SSEs in Cascadia
(Michel et al., 2019) and regular earthquakes (Kanamori & Anderson, 1975) (Figure 3d). Note that our mod-
eling shows somewhat larger slip per duration and smaller rupture area per moment than the SSEs observed
in Cascadia, yielding trend lines that are offset compared to the data from Cascadia but with very similar
Geophysical Research Letters
Figure 3.
Comparison of scaling properties between the numerical experiments and observations from the Cascadia
subduction zone. (a) Moment-duration scaling of SSEs in Cascadia (blue diamonds) (Michel et al., 2019) and simulated
SSEs (orange dots). Gray shading illustrates the scaling trend of
proposed for SSEs (Ide et al., 2007) and the
earthquake-like scaling
discovered for SSEs in Cascadia. (b) Rupture length
versus duration
observations from Cascadia and simulated SSEs resulting in
, implying magnitude-dependent rupture velocity
). (c) Linear slip duration scaling,
. (d) Moment-rupture area scaling,
scaling. Part of this offset is because the width of SSEs in Cascadia is larger (
50 km) (Bartlow, 2020; Michel
et al., 2019) and varies along strike, whereas our model adopts a fixed and smaller (25 km) width. However,
natural SSEs clearly occur along a narrow and long band of the fault within the creeping region (Figure 1a).
This means that SSEs increase in size primarily because of their increasing length. Also, the observational
results may have higher rupture areas—and hence lower average slip per event—due to smoothing inherent
in slip inversions, and that is why we did not seek a better fit. Although more computationally expensive,
models with larger fault width
(and friction parameters with proportionally larger nucleation sizes and
smaller stress drops) would provide an even better fit to observations.
Next, we examine the average rupture velocity (
) and stress drop (
) of each SSE, which are usually
assumed and/or inferred to be magnitude-independent for regular earthquakes (Ide et al., 2007; Kostrov,
1964; Madariaga, 1976). Surprisingly, both Cascadia observations and our simulated SSEs show that rup-
ture velocity increases with the event moment (Figure 4a) and follows the
(Figure S5). Similarly, we find that the average stress drop—calculated using the energy-based average mea-
sure (Noda et al., 2013)—increases with the moment of the event (Figure 4b). These results shed light
on the dynamics of SSEs and explain the underlying mechanism for the observed scaling properties. In
particular, they uncover new features of SSE dynamics: these pulse-like events accelerate and decelerate
along strike, driven by residual prestress from previous events, with the average rupture velocity evolving
accordingly (Figure 4c).
Geophysical Research Letters
Figure 4.
Magnitude-dependent rupture velocity and magnitude-dependent stress drop. (a) Average rupture velocity
increases with event moment for both simulated SSEs (orange dots) and the ones observed at the Cascadia subduction
zone (blue diamonds). (b) Average stress drop also increases with the event moment of the simulated SSEs. (c) Sketch
summarizing the propagation of a width-bounded slow-slip event: nucleation, downdip saturation, and along-strike
acceleration/deceleration of the rupture front.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
Our results show that a simple model based on standard rate-and-state friction with a single homogeneous
VW patch surrounded by a VS region and loaded with dip-slip motion can produce a large popula-
tion of small and large SSEs. We emphasize that, even though the SSEs follow the well-known cubic
moment-duration scaling,
, they do not follow the traditional, constant-stress-drop and constant-
rupture-speed circular crack model, since the stress drop and rupture speed both increase with the SSE
moment. However, both observed and simulated SSEs do obey
), just as
for the circular crack model. Hence, stress drops computed based on the traditional model, that is, by using
(where “
” stands for traditional,
is a constant,
) (Noda et al., 2013), would
be automatically inferred to be magnitude-invariant for the SSEs. Of course, this pseudo “magnitude invari-
ance” of SSE stress drops would arise from interpreting their scaling relationship
by the (incorrect
for them) circular crack model, which happens to have the same scaling. This consideration highlights the
importance of not only determining the moment-duration scaling but also the appropriate explanation for it.
Note that the remarkable scaling properties of SSEs emerge even in models with standard rate-and-state
friction (Figure S4). Adding dilatancy does not change the scaling but enables the model to better match
observations from Cascadia, slowing down rupture speed and shifting the results toward relatively longer
event durations, thus enabling a wide time spectrum ranging from a few days to several weeks and months.
This stabilization occurs because, when a slip-slow event accelerates due to frictional velocity weaken-
ing, dilatancy reduces pore fluid pressure quenching the instability (Segall et al., 2010). Note also that
the Gutenberg-Richter distribution of event sizes emerges naturally from our model without imposing
any complexity in the spatial variation of frictional properties, due to small yet significant heterogeneous
pre-stresses (Figure 2b).
In summary, our model explains the earthquake-like cubic moment-duration scaling of deep SSEs observed
in Cascadia (Michel et al., 2019), Nankai (Takagi et al., 2019), and Mexico (Frank & Brodsky, 2019).
Geophysical Research Letters
More observational and modeling studies are needed to understand whether the scaling properties we
find are universal for SSEs or whether some SSEs, for example, shallow ones, can behave differently. Our
results suggest that regular earthquakes and deep SSEs are both the result of frictional stick-slip motion.
The pulse-like propagation, along-strike segmentation, and frequency-magnitude distribution of our simu-
lated SSEs are remarkably similar to those observed on the Cascadia subduction zone (Michel et al., 2018).
However, in contrast to the traditional assumptions, the cubic moment-duration scaling of SSEs arises not
because the average rupture velocity and the stress drop of SSEs are magnitude-invariant, but rather because
they increase with the increasing SSE magnitude in a particular fashion. These results not only illuminate
the dynamics of SSEs but also demonstrate that the same scaling can arise for different underlying reasons.
The traditional circular crack model with magnitude-invariant rupture velocities and stress drops, which is
the standard explanation for the cubic moment-duration scaling, clearly does not apply to SSEs. This finding
raises the question whether this traditional model and its assumptions hold even for regular earthquakes.
Future advances in understanding the dynamics of fault slip will come from combining the existing and
rapidly increasing streams of seismic, geodetic, and geologic data with numerical modeling informed by
laboratory experiments.
Data Availability Statement
Data related to this paper can be downloaded from the following link (https://doi.org/10.22002/D1.1348).
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L. D. Z. was supported by the Swiss
National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Postdoc.Mobility fellowship and the
Cecil and Sally Drinkward fellowship
at Caltech. We thank V. Lambert, H.
Kanamori, A. Gualandi, S. Michel, and
Z. Ross for constructive comments and
discussions. We thank the Editor and
two anonymous reviewers for
providing insightful comments that
helped to improve the quality of this