High-gain and high-speed wavefront shaping through scattering
Zhongtao Cheng
Chengmingyue Li
Anjul Khadria
Yide Zhang
Lihong V. Wang
Caltech Optical Imaging Laboratory, Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical
Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125, USA
Wavefront shaping (WFS) is emerging as a promising tool for controlling and focusing light
in complex scattering media. The shaping system’s speed, the energy gain of the corrected
wavefronts, and the control degrees of freedom (DOF) are the most important metrics for WFS,
especially for highly scattering and dynamic samples. Despite recent advances, current methods
suffer from trade-offs that limit satisfactory performance to only one or two of these metrics.
Here, we report a WFS technique that simultaneously achieves high speed, high energy gain, and
high control DOF. By combining photorefractive crystal-based analog optical phase conjugation
(AOPC) and stimulated emission light amplification, our technique achieves an energy gain
approaching unity, more than three orders of magnitude larger than conventional AOPC. The
response time of ~10
s with about 10
control modes corresponds to an average mode time of
about 0.01 ns/mode, which is more than 50 times lower than some of the fastest WFS systems
to date. We anticipate that this technique will be instrumental in overcoming the optical diffusion
limit in photonics and translate WFS techniques to real-world applications.
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Author Contributions
Z.C. and L.V.W. designed the study. Z.C. built the experimental system and performed the experiments. C.L. explored the
amplification of scattered light at the early stage of the project. A.K. and Y.Z. prepared the living animal samples and participated in
in vivo
experiments. L.V.W supervised the project. All the authors wrote and revised the manuscript.
Competing Interests
L.W. has a financial interest in Microphotoacoustics, Inc., CalPACT, LLC, and Union Photoacoustic Technologies, Ltd., which,
however, did not support this work. The other authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/xxx.
Code availability
The codes used in this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Nat Photonics
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 April 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Photonics
. 2023 April ; 17(4): 299–305. doi:10.1038/s41566-022-01142-4.
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In optically complex scattering media such as biological tissues, multimode fibers, white
paper, clouds, and fog, nanoscale refractive index inhomogeneities cause optical scattering
that scrambles the wavefront of incident light. Such scattering has been a major obstacle
to efficient light delivery and focusing, hindering optical imaging, manipulation, therapy,
and stimulation beyond the optical diffusion limit. The emerging technology of wavefront
shaping (WFS) shows promise for focusing light deeply through or into complex scattering
media. By tailoring the optical wavefront incident on a scattering medium, WFS manipulates
the interference of multiply scattered light to refocus it
. To be a general tool for scattering
suppression, an ideal WFS method would have high system speed, high energy gains of the
corrected wavefronts, and high control degrees of freedom (DOF) simultaneously. To meet
the speed requirement, WFS operations must be completed within the speckle correlation
time, which physiological motion in living biological tissues typically limits to 1 ms or less.
The energy gain is defined as the ratio of the energy of the corrected wavefront to that of the
detected scattered wavefront, and it is related to the efficiency of the wavefront modulation
. A high energy gain ensures that the generated light focus has as much energy
as possible to facilitate applications. Generally, an energy gain approaching or exceeding
unity is highly desired. The control DOF of a WFS system determines the fineness of the
wavefront modulation, thus determining the fidelity of optical focusing, which is particularly
important for WFS in thick and highly scattering media.
To date, WFS technologies can be mainly divided into three categories: feedback-based
, transmission matrix inversion
, and optical phase conjugation (OPC)/time
. Feedback-based WFS and transmission matrix inversion require thousands of
measurements and wavefront updates to find a satisfactory modulation wavefront, resulting
in a long runtime that scales linearly with the number of DOF; typical runtimes are on the
level of a few seconds for methods using digital micro-mirror devices (DMDs) or more
for methods based on liquid crystal spatial light modulators (LC-SLMs). Recently, WFS
in complex media with 2.4 ms latency was demonstrated by measuring the transmission
matrix using a 1D micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) based phase modulator and
a fast avalanche photodiode (APD)
. However, this method works well only for WFS
in thin scattering media because of the low control DOF of the 1D MEMS. In contrast,
OPC generates the optimal incident wavefront essentially instantaneously by recording the
optical field of the scattered light and then playing back a time-reversed optical field to the
scattering medium. The field recording and time reversal can be realized by the combination
of a digital camera and a spatial light modulator (SLM), termed digital OPC (DOPC)
or by using a photorefractive crystal (PRC)
, termed analog OPC (AOPC). Limited by
the frame rates of 2D cameras, the update rates of SLMs, and data processing speeds, most
DOPC systems take more than tens of milliseconds to complete optical focusing. Recently,
a DOPC system latency of about ~1 ms was reported for a frequency-encoded wavefront
measurement approach using a single-pixel detector
. However, the achievable control DOF
(~1000) was still the biggest limitation, which is determined by the achievable independent
frequency components. AOPC can complete the field recording and time reversal within
several milliseconds to several seconds, depending on the material properties of the PRC
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employed and the illumination intensity. Different from a digital SLM with discrete pixels at
the size of several microns, a PRC can be considered as an analog SLM that has continuous
modulation units (typical spatial resolution of 5000 mm
– 10000 mm
. Therefore,
the accommodable control DOF of AOPC is much higher than that of DOPC, which means
that AOPC has the potential to realize high-fidelity optical focusing even through highly
scattering samples. However, the largest disadvantage of AOPC is its low conjugation
reflectivity, due to the weak nonlinear effect in the PRC, especially when the scattered beam
incident on the crystal is weak. Consequently, the energy gain of the time-reversed beam
is well below unity (typically 10
or less). The system speeds, control DOFs and energy
gains in representative publications on WFS are compared in Supplementary Table 1 and
discussed in Supplementary Note 1.
In this article, we report a WFS modality termed high-gain high-speed WFS (HGHS-WFS)
that can simultaneously achieve high speed, high control DOF, and high energy gain.
We incorporate the concept of stimulated emission light amplification into an AOPC
realization with a fast semiconductor PRC that has a sub-millisecond response time. The
low conjugation reflectivity of the PRC is greatly compensated for by the gain from
the stimulated emission, which results in WFS energy gains approaching unity in our
experiments, more than three orders of magnitude larger than in conventional AOPC. Thanks
to the fast response of the PRC employed, as well as the amplified energy of the signal
photons, we also demonstrate a system latency as fast as ~10 microseconds with a high
control DOF of ~10
. The average mode time (i.e., the average operation time per mode) of
the technique is more than 50 times lower than that of the fastest WFS system reported to
The core idea of the proposed HGHS-WFS is combining the concept of stimulated emission
light amplification with an AOPC-based WFS system that employs a semiconductor PRC
with a sub-millisecond response time as the phase conjugation mirror. As schematically
illustrated in Fig. 1a, a gain module, composed of a gain medium and a pump source,
is inserted between the scattering medium and the PRC. A guidestar, which could be a
collimated laser beam or other physical or virtual light source, transmits a probe beam
through the scattering medium. A portion of the probe photons scattered through the
medium are collected and directed via a collection lens into the gain module, where
the weak scattered photons are amplified by stimulated emission light amplification. The
original and amplified probe photons are subsequently directed to the PRC and interfere
with a reference beam. Because of the photorefractive effect, information about the optical
field incident on the PRC is encoded into a volume hologram inside the PRC. In stimulated
emission, the stimulated light wave will be coherent (in phase) with the incoming wave (Fig.
1b). Therefore, the original photons and the amplified photons will have the same wavefront.
In this way, we can increase the energy of the scattered field greatly with minimal change to
its wavefront, which is significant for the subsequent time reversal. The recorded hologram
inside the PRC is read out by a conjugated reference beam, resulting in a diffracted field
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that has a conjugated phase with the incident field on the PRC (Fig. 1c). The diffracted
field retraces its trajectory through the gain module and gains energy. Similarly, since the
light amplification does not affect the wavefront of the diffracted field, the conjugation
characteristic of the amplified diffracted field is preserved. After propagating through the
scattering medium, the amplified diffracted field converges to the guidestar position as
a time-reversed wave. During all these processes, stimulated emission light amplification
plays an important role to provide gain to the scattered photons incident on the PRC
and the conjugated photons reflected off the PRC, which greatly compensates for the low
conjugation reflectivity of the PRC. Figure 1d, showing focusing through a highly scattering
optical diffuser, presents an example result of the original time-reversed focus without the
gain module, along with the result of the proposed approach.
As a proof-of-concept demonstration, we built the experimental system shown in Fig. 2
and detailed in Methods. Briefly, a near-infrared laser (1064 nm) is split into three beams
that respectively act as the probe beam, the reference beam, and the conjugated reference
beam. We employed two gain modules located in series in the path of the probe beam to
provide sufficient gain to the system. Each gain module integrates an Nd:YAG rod as the
gain medium and several laser diode arrays at 808 nm as pump sources. The pump sources
are placed around the gain medium in a side-pump mode to produce a uniform pumping
volume inside the gain medium. In our configuration, the energy of the incident light can
be increased by ~50 times after passing through each gain module (Supplementary Note 2).
The PRC here is a GaAs semiconductor, which has a response time of less than 1 ms
. In
the proof-of-concept experiments, the guidestar can be considered as the incident collimated
laser beam. Therefore, the amplified time-reversed field becomes a plane wave without
scattering after propagating through the scattering medium. To validate the time-reversal
performance, a beam splitter is inserted in front of the scattering medium to divert a copy of
the time-reversed light to a camera.
Although it is straightforward to realize time reversal via a separate hologram writing
and reading mode, here we adopt a slightly different approach: the probe beam and the
reference beam are kept on when the conjugated reference beam is reading the hologram.
Such a configuration is essentially a four-wave mixing mode
. The advantages of such
a time-reversal mode are twofold: first, the OPC reflectivity from the four-wave mixing
mode is much higher than that from the separate hologram writing and reading mode for the
GaAs PRC, as experimentally demonstrated in Supplementary Note 3. Second, eliminating
separate hologram writing and reading saves time, thus promoting the system speed. We
note that for some PRCs that have slow response speeds, lengthy writing is required to
generate a strong hologram inside the crystal. In this case, the separate hologram writing
and reading mode may be a better choice. Of course, the proposed method can be directly
applied to both time-reversal modes.
High-gain wavefront shaping through scattering media
We first demonstrate the HGHS-WFS using an optical diffuser with a diffusion angle
of ~10° (DG-120, Thorlabs) as the scattering medium. In this experiment, the power of
the scattered probe beam collected on the PRC is ~1 mW. Figure 3a shows the original
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time-reversed focus without gain, and Fig. 3b shows the cross-section along the central row
of the focus image. In contrast, Figs. 3c–3f show four typical images of the time-reversed
foci through the scattering medium at 65%, 76%, 88%, and 100% pump energy of the gain
modules we used. Note that, when capturing these four images, we placed an ND filter
providing ~1600 times attenuation in front of the camera to avoid the damage of the camera
because of the powerful intensity in the time-reversed light. For a good comparison to the
results without gain, the attenuation-corrected profiles of the central cross-sections of Figs.
3c–3f are presented in Fig. 3g. As can be seen, the peak intensity of the time-reversed
focus increases to 1.024 × 10 from the original 19 when the gain modules work at their
maximum pump powers, an increase factor of ~5390. The energy gain of the wavefront
shaping system, which is defined as the ratio of the energy in the time-reversed light to that
of the collected scattered light on the PRC, is only (1.31 ± 0.04) × 10
for the original
time reversal without gain. However, our HGHS-WFS here increases the energy gain to
1.05 ± 0.02, nearly four orders of magnitude better (Supplementary Note 4). The energy
gains and the contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) of the time-reversed foci in Figs. 3c–3f are
presented in Fig. 3h. The CNR is defined as the ratio between the peak intensity of the
time-reversed signal above the mean of the background and the standard deviation of the
. Different from digital WFS where the background around the optical focus
appears as speckle patterns, in the HGHS-WFS, the background around the focus originates
from the optical noise of the gain medium, which is optically incoherent and has a uniform
intensity distribution. The CNR is a good gauge of the visibility of the focus pattern in our
case, because it evaluates both the peak intensity of the signal and the fluctuation of its
background (rather than the background DC value)
. For more illustrations about the CNR
and the peak-to-background ratio (PBR) used in digital WFS, see Supplementary Note 5.
From Fig. 3h, the energy gain of the time-reversed focus increases with the increasing pump
power of the gain modules, which is consistent with the results in Fig. 3g. We find that
the fluctuation of the background from the gain medium increases faster at a higher pump
power. Therefore, an excessively high pump power may degrade the CNR, as can be seen
in Fig. 3h. To augment the energy gain and the CNR simultaneously, it is better to raise
the phase conjugation reflectivity of the PRC (see Discussion section) while increasing the
pump power.
To demonstrate the ability of the HGHS-WFS to focus through thicker scattering samples,
we also performed experiments using different numbers of stacked optical diffusers and
chicken breast tissue slices as samples. The results are presented in Supplementary Note 6.
High-speed wavefront shaping through dynamic scattering media
To demonstrate the practical system latency of the HGHS-WFS, we mounted a 4 mm
thick piece of chicken tissue on a motorized translation stage to produce a dynamic sample
with a controllable speckle correlation time. Figure 4a shows several examples of the
speckle correlation coefficient as a function of time when the sample was moved at different
speeds (see Methods). The relationship between the speckle correlation time and the sample
movement speed is shown in Fig. 4b, where the data is fitted to a theoretical model
mm s
], in which
= 5.37
is the fitted parameter from the experimental
data. The value
of at different speeds can be estimated from the fitted theoretical model,
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especially when the movement of the sample is so fast that the frame rate of the camera
limits the direct measurement of
. Figure 4c shows the time-reversed foci of the HGHS-
WFS for four cases: when the tissue was static (
> 1
), when it was moved at
= 300
= 17.9 ),
= 400
mm s
= 13.4
), and = 500
mm s
= 10.7
). The
peak intensities of the time-reversed foci obtained for the sample with different correlation
times are shown in Fig. 4d. Our experiments here demonstrate that the performance of our
HGHS-WFS does not obviously vary when the sample correlation time is larger than ~15
With faster speckle decorrelation, the intensity of the time-reversed focus starts to decrease,
but we can still realize time reversal successfully, even when
= 10.7
, as shown in Fig.
In vivo
optical focusing through a living-mouse ear
As a final demonstration, we applied HGHS-WFS for
in vivo
optical focusing through
an area of a living mouse’s ear with many blood vessels, where strong optical scattering,
absorption, and fast speckle decorrelation co-exist. The scattering and absorption of the
blood and other fluid in the living tissue meant that only about 1% of the incident optical
power on the mouse ear could be collected to the PRC for time reversal. The speckle
correlation time of the mouse ear was measured to be about 2 ms (see Methods), as shown
in Fig. 5a. Since the collected scattered light on the PRC was quite weak in this case, no
time-reversed optical focus through the mouse ear could be observed for the conventional
AOPC without gain (Fig. 5b). In contrast, as Fig. 5c shows, a bright optical focus was
achieved with HGHS-WFS. The energy gain of the time-reversed focus is estimated to be
0.3 ± 0.01.
We have presented an analog time reversal modality that enables WFS in scattering media
with an energy gain approaching unity, more than three orders of magnitude larger than
conventional AOPC, and at the same time with a nearly 10
response time. Also,
this WFS modality maintains the intrinsically advantageous high control DOF found in
conventional AOPC. For example, the speckle size on the PRC in the 4 mm-thick chicken
tissue experiment was measured to be about 3.9
; therefore, the practical number of the
speckle modes controlled by the PRC was estimated to be (
= (4 × 10
1.05 ×
, where
= 4 is the effective size of the PRC and
is the speckle size on the PRC. Thus,
the average mode time is about 0.01
, which is more than 50 times lower than that in
the fastest WFS system reported to date (0.6
Here, we discuss the energy gain of the phase conjugation in HGHS-WFS, which is open for
further improvement. In Supplementary Note 7, we show that it is the low phase conjugation
reflectivity of the PRC that limits the energy gain of the time-reversed signal in our current
configuration, which is mainly due to the low optical powers of the reference and conjugated
reference beams available. Greater illumination powers on the PRC tend to produce a larger
phase conjugation reflectivity, thus a larger energy gain. For example, if the powers of the
reference and conjugated reference beams can both be increased to 1000 mW (10 times
increase with respect to the current powers), the energy gain could be improved by a factor
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of ~35. Moreover, the phase conjugation reflectivity of the PRC can be largely augmented
by applying an AC electric field to the crystal to enhance the space-charge field within the
. For example, a 10 kV/cm electric field can improve the phase conjugation
reflectivity by one order of magnitude relative to that without an external electric field. In
addition, a higher energy gain could be obtained with higher pump powers for the gain
modules. See Supplementary Note 7 for more detailed discussions. We also note that the
sample should be properly tilted with respect to the optical axis of the gain crystal, which
helps prevent stray light reflected by the sample from going back into the gain crystal and
avoid possible parasitic oscillation largely, especially when the energy gain is much higher
than unity.
Although increasing the illumination powers and applying an external high voltage to the
PRC are helpful to improve the intrinsic phase conjugation reflectivity of the PRC, the
maximum phase conjugation reflectivity that can be achieved in this way is only ~10
as calculated in Supplementary Note 7, which is determined by the material properties of
the PRC. This result illustrates theoretically why the energy gain in conventional wavefront
shaping based on PRCs is generally well below unity, as mentioned in the Introduction
section. The stimulated emission light amplification in our HGHS-WFS provides a practical
solution for pushing the energy gain of AOPC close to unity or more. The ultrahigh system
speed of the HGHS-WFS benefits from the intrinsic fast response of the GaAs crystal, the
enhanced signal intensity on the PRC due to the energy amplification of the gain modules,
and the four-wave mixing mode for time reversal (Supplementary Notes 8 and 9). In some
applications where such a fast response is not required, we can also choose a slower but
more efficient PRC as an alternative to the GaAs used here.
The proposed HGHS-WFS is a general time reversal system that can work independently
for focusing through scattering media, as demonstrated here. It can also work with an
internal guidestar, such as focused ultrasound or nanoparticles that generate a nonlinear
harmonic signal, for focusing into scattering media
. When working with
an ultrasonic guidestar, the focused ultrasound acts as a virtual light source that emits
frequency-shifted photons due to acousto-optic modulation. The system selectively time-
reverses the frequency-shifted photons and generates an optical focus at the position of the
ultrasonic focus. Because the modulation efficiency of an ultrasonic guidestar is generally
below 1%, the energy gain of the system should be improved by more than two orders to
compensate for the signal loss due to the ultrasound modulation. As analyzed above, by
simultaneously enhancing the illumination powers and applying an external electric field on
the PRC, it is quite feasible to provide a two-order improvement on the energy gain of the
HGHS-WFS. Accordingly, the HGHS-WFS could be extended to operation with ultrasonic
Although we only demonstrated the HGHS-WFS at 1064 nm, the concept can be adapted to
other laser wavelengths by employing corresponding gain media (see Supplementary Note
10 for detailed discussion).
Despite the great advantages of the HGHS-WFS, one disadvantage is that the amplified
spontaneous emission (ASE) of the gain modules introduces a uniform background to the
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time-reversed optical focus. In our system, we employed several polarizers to suppress the
ASE background to a relatively low level. Considering that the spectral bandwidth of ASE
is ~1 nm (Supplementary Note 11), while that of the signal light is less than 10
the ASE background could be further suppressed through narrowband spectral filters that
have sub-nanometer bandwidths. Such narrowband spectral filters are technically available,
although highly customized designs are required
. Fortunately, the ASE background is
divergent and scattered further through the scattering medium. Therefore, the intensity of the
ASE background is generally much lower than that of the time-reversed focus. In addition,
since the ASE is incoherent, the ASE background through the scattering medium is very
even, which means that the time-reversed focus still has a good contrast-to-noise ratio.
Experimental setup.
As shown in Fig. 2, a narrowband single-mode laser (CL1064-300-S, CrystaLaser), with a
wavelength of 1064 nm and a linewidth of <10
nm, was split into three beams through
two sets of half-wave plates (HWP) and polarizing beam splitters (PBS). The HWPs
and PBSs were used to flexibly adjust the optical power of each beam. The two beams,
reflected from the PBSs and expanded to ~4 mm diameters, constituted the reference and
conjugated reference beams, propagating through the photorefractive crystal (PRC) reversely
and collinearly, respectively. The powers of the reference and conjugated reference beams
are both set to ~100 mW in all the experiments. The transmitted beam through the PBSs was
the probe beam (~10 mW), which illuminated the scattering medium (SM). The HWP in the
path of the probe beam was to rotate the polarization of the probe beam to the perpendicular
direction. Part of the scattered light passing through the SM was collected into the two gain
modules (GM) by a two-inch lens. Each gain module integrated an Nd:YAG gain medium
(0.8% doping concentration, 6.35 mm diameter, and 140 mm length) and a pump source
into a metal case, with a circulating water system for cooling. The pump source comprised
several 808 nm laser diode arrays surrounding the gain medium, with a total peak pump
power of 10 kW (Astrum, LT). The pulse width and the peak power of the pump output
could be adjusted externally (Supplementary Note 12 shows the control flowchart of the
system). During the experiments, the temperature of the gain crystals was set to 24±0.1°C.
We connected the two GMs by a polarizer and a lens, which prevented half unpolarized ASE
noise out of one gain module from being amplified by the other gain module. Similarly, the
polarizer in front of the first gain medium reduced the ASE noise reaching the scattering
medium. In addition, a long-pass filter (LPF, FEL0950, Thorlabs) was used to filter the
remaining pump light below the wavelength of 950 nm. The light out of the GMs was
condensed onto the PRC, a GaAs semiconductor with an effective area of 5 mm × 5 mm
and a thickness of 7 mm. To observe the time-reversed focus through the SM directly, we
inserted a beam splitter (BS) before the SM to divert a copy of the time-reversed light to
a camera (DCC3240N, Thorlabs). It should be noted that the plane optics around the GMs
were slightly tilted to avoid possible self-oscillation of the GMs.
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Characterizing the speckle correlation time of samples.
To calibrate the relationship between the speckle correlation time and the sample movement
speed, we recorded the speckle patterns on the PRC plane at different times when the sample
was moving at a given speed and calculated the correlation coefficients between the first and
each of the subsequent frames of the recorded patterns. By fitting the speckle correlation
coefficient versus time using a Gaussian function, we determined the correlation time of
the sample at the given movement speed as the time during which the speckle correlation
coefficient dropped to 1/
To measure the speckle correlation coefficient of a moving chicken tissue specimen, we
placed a camera capturing a region of interest of 190 × 190 pixels at a frame rate of 100
Hz in the plane of the PRC to record the speckle patterns continuously when the tissue was
moving at a given speed. The speckle correlation coefficient at a given time was calculated
as the correlation between the speckle pattern captured at that time and the first speckle
pattern. Then the calculated speckle correlation coefficient as a function of time
was fitted
to a Gaussian function
(− 2
) +
, where
are parameters to be
fitted. The fitted parameter
is just the correlation time of the sample. The above method
works only for the measurement of correlation times larger than tens of milliseconds, limited
by the frame rate of the camera recording the speckle patterns. To determine the speckle
correlation time of a moving tissue specimen at a sub-millisecond timescale, we fitted the
relationship between the measured speckle correlation time and the corresponding tissue
movement speed in low-speed cases, based on the fact that the speckle correlation time is
inversely proportional to the movement speed.
To measure the speckle correlation coefficient of a living mouse’s ear, we used a faster
sCMOS camera (PCO. Edge, PCO AG, Germany) to record speckle patterns at a higher
frame rate (2224 fps, 160 × 38 pixels, global shutter, and 0.20 ms exposure time), from
of the ear was obtained.
Configuration details for the HGHS-WFS experiments with fast-moving tissues.
In the experiments shown in Fig. 4, a piece of 4 mm thick chicken tissue sandwiched
between two glass slides was placed on a motorized translation stage (DDSM50, Thorlabs)
that had a maximum movement speed of 500
mm s
and a maximum acceleration of
mm s
. When the motorized translation stage started to move, it sent a signal that
triggered a delay generator (DG645, Stanford Research Systems). A pre-designed time
delay, Δ
, was set in the delay generator, and its delayed output was the ultimate signal
that triggered the whole HGHS-WFS system. The delay time Δ
was the time required for
the motorized translation stage to accelerate to the given speed. In this way, we ensured
that the HGHS-WFS was performed after the desired movement speed of the tissue had
been reached. In addition, the starting position of the translation stage was also adjusted in
each speed configuration so that the probe light illuminated the same position of the sample
when the HGHS-WFS began, which could be easily determined by calculating the required
acceleration distance of the motor.
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In vivo
animal study.
in vivo
experiments, we used Hsd:Athymic Nude-Fox1
mice (Envigo), aged 10 to
11 months. All experimental procedures were carried out in conformity with laboratory
animal protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the
California Institute of Technology. The mouse was continuously supplied with 1.5%
vaporized isoflurane in air to maintain stable anesthesia throughout the experiment. The
anesthetic state of the mouse was confirmed by pinching its hind paw. The anesthetized
mouse was laid on a customized flat animal platform that also provided anesthetic gas, and
the mouse ear was sandwiched between two glass slides to act as the scattering medium. The
body temperature of the mouse was maintained at 37 °C during the experiments.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
The authors appreciate Prof. James Ballard’s close reading of the paper and Prof. Mark Cronin-Golomb’s
discussions on the photorefractive theory. This work was financially supported by US National Institutes of Health
(NIH) grants R35 CA220436 (Outstanding Investigator Award) and R01 EB028277.
Data availability
All data that support the findings of this study are available within the Article and
Supplementary Information, or available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
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Figure 1. Principle of the HGHS-WFS.
, The probe beam scattered through the scattering medium is collected and directed to a
gain module, which is composed of a gain medium and a pump source. The weak scattered
photons are amplified in the gain module by stimulated emission light amplification and
subsequently interfere with a reference beam to form a volume hologram inside the PRC.
Illustration of stimulated emission light amplification in a typical four-level gain medium,
as used in our experiments. E1–E4 denote the simplified four energy levels involved in
the stimulated emission light amplification.
, Reading the hologram inside the PRC using
a conjugated reference beam results in a weak time-reversed beam, which retraces its
trajectory through the gain module and gains energy without change to its wavefront. After
propagating through the scattering medium, the amplified time-reversed beam converges
to the guidestar position.
, An example of the original time-reversed focus without the
gain module, compared with the result of the proposed approach when focusing through a
highly scattering optical diffuser. Note that the time-reversed focus with gain is attenuated
by ~1600 times to avoid camera over-exposure.
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Figure 2. Schematic of the experimental setup.
BS, beam splitter; GM, gain module; HWP, half-wave plate; LPF, long-pass filter; P,
polarizer; PBS, polarizing beam splitter; PRC, photorefractive crystal; SM, scattering
medium. The inset shows photos of the gain modules used in the experiments.
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Figure 3. Experimental demonstrations of the HGHS-WFS at different pump powers of the gain
, Original time-reversed focus without gain.
, Cross-section profile along the central
row of the focus image in
, Four typical images of the obtained time-reversed foci
through the scattering medium at 65%, 76%, 88%, and 100% pump energy of the gain
modules we used. When capturing these four images, we placed an ND filter providing
~1600 times attenuation in front of the camera.
, Attenuation-corrected profiles of the
central cross-sections of
, Energy gains and CNRs (contrast-to-noise ratios) of the
time-reversed foci in Figs. 3c–3f (as well as the foci at other pump energies whose images
are not shown).
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Figure 4. Focusing through fast dynamic scattering samples.
, Examples showing the speckle correlation coefficient as a function of time when the
sample was moved at different speeds.
, Relationship between the speckle correlation time
and the sample movement speed. The error bars show the standard deviations of
when light illuminated four different locations on the tissue.
, The time-reversed foci of the
HGHS-WFS when a 4 mm thick piece of tissue was static (
> 1 ), moved at
= 300
= 17.9
= 400
mm s
= 13.4
), and
= 500
mm s
= 10.7
Peak intensities of the time-reversed foci through the sample with different correlation times.
The error bars show the standard deviations of the peak intensities of three time-reversed
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