of 7
Highly ordered tailored three-dimensional hierarchical nano/microporous
gold–carbon architectures
Sirilak Sattayasamitsathit,
Aoife M. O’Mahony,
Xiaoyin Xiao,
Susan M. Brozik,
Cody M. Washburn,
David R. Wheeler,
Wei Gao,
Shelley Minteer,
Jennifer Cha,
D. Bruce Burckel,
Ronen Polsky
and Joseph Wang
Received 10th March 2012, Accepted 13th April 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2jm31485a
The preparation and characterization of three-dimensional hierarchical architectures, consisting of
monolithic nanoporous gold or silver films formed on highly ordered 3D microporous carbon supports,
are described. The formation of these nano/microporous structures involves the electrodeposition or
sputtering of metal alloys onto the lithographically patterned multi-layered microporous carbon,
followed by preferential chemical dealloying of the less noble component. The resulting hierarchical
structure displays a highly developed 3D interconnected network of micropores with a nanoporous
metal coating. Tailoring the nanoporosity of the metal films and the diameter of the large micropores
has been accomplished by systematically changing the alloy compositions
control of the deposition
potential, plating solution and coarsening time. SEM imaging illustrates the formation of unique
biomimetic nanocoral- or nanocauliflower-like self-supporting structures, depending on the specific
preparation conditions. The new 3D hierarchical nano/microporous architectures allow for enhanced
mass transport and catalytic activity compared to common nanoporous films prepared on planar
substrates. The functionality of this new carbon–gold hierarchical structure is illustrated for the greatly
enhanced performance of enzymatic biofuel cells where a substantially higher power output is observed
compared to the bare microporous carbon substrate.
1. Introduction
Micro- and nanoporous structures have attracted considerable
recent interest due to their remarkable chemical/physical prop-
In particular, three-dimensional (3D) structures of
micro- and nanoscale materials have received enormous atten-
tion owing to a wide range of potential applications, including
energy storage,
and catalysis.
Here we describe the first example of a 3D hierarchical porous
carbon–gold architecture based on a judicious combination of
micro- and nanostructures: new interferometric lithographically
fabricated 3D microporous carbon
and nanoporous Au or
Ag films.
Within this new hierarchical architecture, we can
tailor both the microporosity of the carbon substrate (indirectly
by varying the thickness of the alloy film) and the nanoporosity
of the porous gold film (by modifying the deposition and deal-
loying conditions). Such fine tuning of both the micro/
submicrometre-sized building blocks and the nanometre-sized
assemblies of the resulting hierarchical architectures leads to
great versatility towards diverse applications.
The lithographically fabricated 3D porous materials (used in
the present work and developed recently at Sandia National
Laboratory) display an attractive highly ordered open-porous
carbon microstructure to support the nanoporous metal
The open-cell morphology and structural regularity of
these multilayered microporous carbons offer many structural
and hydrodynamic advantages such as a facile support for
catalytic nanoparticles and diffusion profiles that lead to
enhanced internal mass transport within the structures.
Coating this 3D highly periodic microporous carbon substrate
with nanoporous metal layers, through electrodeposition of
alloys and dealloying these metal films, provides a high-area
catalytic metal surface with nanoscale pore structures and high
surface-to-volume ratios.
Such nanoporous metal layers are commonly prepared on 2D
electrodeposition of a single-phase two-component
alloy M1

followed by electrochemical or chemical
etching of the less noble component.
Ding and Erlebacher
combined nano- and micro-porous Au films using a two-
dimensional substrate. The present work, in contrast, aims at
producing a 3D hierarchical structure of micropores and
Department of Nanoengineering, University of California, San DiegoLa
Jolla, CA, 92093 USA. E-mail: josephwang@ucsd.edu
Sandia National Laboratories, Department of Biosensors and
Nanomaterials, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185, USA. E-mail:
Department of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
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nanopores with well-defined repeated micro-periodicity by
preparing a nanoporous gold film over the lithographically
fabricated multi-layered microporous carbon substrate.
The preparation of the new nano/micro-hierarchical metal–
carbon architectures relies on the electrodeposition or sputtering
of a binary alloy, Au–Ag or Ag–Al, onto the microporous
carbon support followed by preferential etching of the Ag or Al
sacrificial metal, respectively (Fig. 1). Control of the micropo-
rosity is achieved through different rates of the gold-reordering
during the etching and coarsening step for different levels of the
sacrificial metal. Consequently, alloy segments with a lower gold
content lead to thinner nanoporous layers and thus to larger
micropores of the overall scaffold. The combination of electro-
deposition of the alloy onto the 3D microporous carbon with the
preferential dealloying processes thus results in an attractive
route for preparing tailor-made highly ordered hierarchical
architectures, resembling nanocoral- or nanocauliflower-like
structures. Such new structures combine the attractive structural
regularity of lithographically fabricated 3D porous carbon
materials with the high surface-to-volume ratios of nanoscale
pore metal structures, and allow for high mass transport access
and catalytic activity for a diverse range of applications, ranging
from fuel cells to chemical sensors. These attractive features and
advantages are described below using a biofuel cell constructed
with the new hierarchical structure compared to the one based on
the microporous carbon surface.
2. Experimental section
2.1 3D porous substrate preparation
A porous carbon substrate with 3D nanostructure was obtained
from Sandia National Lab (Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM). 3D porous carbon electrodes were rinsed
with isopropanol (Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ) and ultra-
pure water followed by drying under N
stream. These porous
carbon substrates were coated with Ti (20 nm) and Au layer
(30 nm) using an E-beam evaporator (Temescal BJD 1800 E-
beam Evaporator) as an adhesive layer for the nanoporous Au
coating and were used as a working electrode for all experiments.
2.2 Nanoporous Au synthesis
The nanoporous Au film was synthesized employing an electro-
deposition and sputtering technique. The mixtures of gold and
silver plating solution (Orotemp 24 RTU RACK and 1025
RTU@4.5 Troy/Gallon) (85/15 ratio) were used for electrodepo-
sition processes. The three deposition potentials were
demonstrated (

0.5 V,

0.75 V and

1.0 V) and two deposition
times were investigated (120 and 300 s). The potential was
controlled by a
-Autolab type II (Eco Chemie, Utrecht, The
Netherlands) and a conventional three-electrode electrochemical
cell. A platinum wire was used as a counter-electrode and Ag/AgCl
(in 1 M KCl) was used as a reference electrode. The ability to tailor
nanoporous structure using different plating ratios (5/5, 6/4, 7/3
and 8/2) and constant deposition potential (

0.9 V, 300 s) was also
employed. All plating solution in this work was diluted with
ultrapure water in the ratio of 1 : 1 before use. The silver compo-
nent was etched (dealloyed) using HNO
(70%) for 15 min and the
porous structure was thoroughly rinsed with ultrapure water. To
generate nanoporous Au using the sputtering technique, the
Denton Discovery 18 was used. The compositions of alloys were
co-sputtered onto the PC substrate using different Au and Ag
target gun power settings. DC power for Au was 100 and 150 W,
RF power for Ag was 400 and 350 W, respectively. The sputter was
performed at room temperature under vacuum of 5


and flow Ar to 3.6 mT. Au shutter was opened 30 s before Ag
shutter. The rotation speed was 65. The sputter time was 3 min.
2.3 Nanoporous Ag synthesis
The ability to generate nanoporous Ag was also presented here
using the sputtering technique. The fabrication processes were
carried out at room temperature under a vacuum of 5


and flow Ar to 3 mT. The Ag shutter was opened 100 s before the
Al shutter. The sputter time was 20 min. The DC power for Al
was 120 W and RF power for Ag was 50 W. The film was etched
in H
(1 M, 2 h).
2.4 Characterization
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were taken using
a Phillips XL30 ESEM instrument using an acceleration potential
of 20 kV. Metal compositions were qualified by Oxford EDX
attached to the SEM instrument and operated by Inca software.
The electrochemicalactivesurface areaofthe nanoporousgoldwas
determined from cyclic voltammogram by the scanning nano-
porous gold electrode in a N
-saturated H
(0.1 M) (Fisher
Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ) at a scan rate of 50 mV s

to measure the
electrochemical active surface area of the alloy one.
2.5 Biofuel cell construction
The nanoporous gold-modified 3D porous carbon employed as
a bioanode was prepared by depositing the Au–Ag alloy using
Fig. 1
Creation of bicontinuous nanoporous surfaces along with a large open-pore macrostructure on highly ordered 3D porous carbon using bimetal
alloy deposition followed by chemical etching of less noble metal.
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a deposition potential of

0.75 V for 3 min and an 85/15 (Au/Ag)
ratio. The film was then dealloyed in 70% HNO
for a time of 15
min. The Meldola’s blue-glucose dehydrogenase (MDB-GDH)-
modified anode was fabricated by immersing the nanoporous
Au-3D PC into a MDB solution for 30 min, followed by casting
L of GDH (2 U

) mixed with 1% BSA (the mixed ratio
2 : 1) on the electrode, and dropping 6
L of 40 mM glutaral-
dehyde. The biofuel cell cathode was prepared by electro-
depositing Pt nanoparticles onto a Pt disk electrode from
a plating solution containing 4 mM H
in 0.5 M H
using a deposition potential of

0.3 V for 180 s. Phosphate
buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0) containing 20 mM NAD
was used as an
electrolyte and glucose (30 mM) was used as a fuel.
3. Results and discussion
3.1 Preparation of nanoporous metal decorated 3D
microporous carbon substrate
Initial attempts to prepare hierarchical structures involved the
creation of a nanoporous silver film on the multilayered micro-
porous carbon through sputtering of a binary Ag–Al alloy
followed by the dealloying the Al using 1 M H
for 2 h. The
formation of the pores during the dealloying process involved
etching of the less noble metal causing surface diffusion of the
nobler element along the alloy–electrolyte interface.
Fig. 2 displays scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of
the preparation of the nanoporous silver onto a lithographically
patterned highly ordered porous carbon. Fig. 2A shows the bare
porous carbon substrate before depositing the Ag–Al alloy. The
pore diameter is noted to be 890 nm. The corresponding image
after sputtering the alloy is shown in Fig. 2B. This SEM image
indicates that the coverage of the Ag–Al sputtered film over the
carbon surface is relatively homogeneous, resulting in a pore
diameter of 700 nm. EDX analysis indicates Ag and Al atomic
contents of 35% and 65%, respectively. Cross-section images
from previous studies on silver sputtered films onto the same
substrates showed that the sputtering process is not simply line-
of-sight and produces coatings on undersides as well, most likely
due to the open nature of the structures.
Fig. 2C shows the
image of the nanoporous silver film after etching the aluminium,
and displays a maze-like morphology of nanopores and liga-
ments, characteristic of the dealloying process. The Al dissolu-
tion leaves behind a nanoporous Ag with interconnected pore
characteristics, closely resembling natural sea coral. The result-
ing nanoporous Ag film has an average pore size of about 32 nm
and ligament widths of 70 nm. The overall structure has
a micropore diameter of 790 nm. Such an increase in the
micropore diameter, from the alloy film (700 nm) to the deal-
loyed film (790 nm), reflects the variation of microstructure
porosity through the Ag-reordering process. Overall, these
examinations reveal that an ultra-rough Ag nanocoral structure
can be prepared from an aluminium-rich Ag–Al alloy film and
could be extended to different Ag–Al alloy ratio films to tune the
nanoporosity, thickness and ligament size.
Subsequent studies focused on the formation of nano- and
micro-pores by coated nanoporous gold onto the 3D macro-
porous carbon through vapor deposition as well as co-electro-
deposition of a binary Au–Ag alloy. The formation of the Au–Ag
alloy films over the 3D substrate penetrated into 3 layers of the
microporous carbon, as was observed previously using this
unlike electrodeposition of Pt nanoparticles from
previous studies.
After dealloying in 70% HNO
for 15 min
silver undergoes depletion not only on the surface but at
appreciable depths within the film, leading to the reordering/
coarsening of the Au adatoms into island growth and nucle-
The sponge-like morphology of the resulting nano-
porous gold consists of interconnecting ligaments with diameters
on the order of tens of nanometres (exact dimensions discussed in
next sections). A nanoporous Au structure of uniform pore size
and distribution, closely resembling the highly rough
morphology of cauliflower, is thus observed. The film thickness
for each deposition method was measured before and after Ag
dissolution. This thickness does not change significantly after the
dealloying process. Hence, a negligible variation in the micro-
porosity between the alloy and dealloy films is also observed,
with a small (3%) increase in diameter for the sputtered sample
and a 2% increase for the electrochemically deposited sample.
3.2 Tailoring nano/microporosity
Due to self-diffusion and rearrangement of Au atoms at the
electrolyte–metal interface,
the Au ligaments were
tailored through control of the dealloying time. Fig. 3 displays
SEM images of the nanoporous Au on the 3D porous carbon
obtained from electrodeposition of Au/Ag (85/15) plating solu-
tion and deposited at

0.75 V for 180 s followed by dealloying in
70% HNO
. Increasing the dealloying times from (A) 15 min to
(B) 15 h and (C) 30 h allows a significant increase in coarsening of
the Au adatoms, resulting in enlargement of the Au ligament
from 10 nm to 40 nm.
Fig. 2
Creation of nanoporous surfaces on a large open-micropore structure using sputtering of an Ag–Al alloy film followed by chemically dealloying
of the Al component to transform dense film to bicontinuous nanoporous film.
: Sputtering time 20 min for Ag–Al alloy film and dealloying
using 1 M H
for 2 h. (A) Porous carbon, (B) Ag–Al alloy film and (C) porous Ag on 3D porous carbon.
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Fig. 4 displays close-up images of the morphology of the
nanoporous gold on the 3D macroporous carbon substrate,
prepared from both sputtering and electrodeposition techniques.
Sputtering of the Au–Ag alloy film (10 min) followed by deal-
loying leads to a nanoporous Au film, outlined in Fig. 4A.
Such sputtering conditions offer unimodal pore sizes in the
range of 10–20 nm and ligament networks with widths in the range
of 15–30 nm. Fig. 4B displays SEM images of nanoporous Au
prepared by a 5 min electrodeposition at

0.75 V from the mixture
of Au and Ag plating solution at the ratio of 85/15, and dealloying
the Ag using 70% HNO
for 15 min. Such an image shows
a sponge-like nanoporous structure with unimodal pore size in the
range of 7–20 nm and ligament network with ligament widths in
the range of 10–20 nm, resembling a nanocoral-like structure.
In this work, however, the electrochemically deposited alloy
displays a rougher morphology with higher porosity than that of
the sputtered substrate which should be more favorable for many
applications. The higher density of pores and interconnectivity
can be attributed to a more homogeneous layer of alloy formed
during electrodeposition. In the following sections we will discuss
the influence of different Au/Ag ratios, electrochemical deposi-
tion potentials, film shrinkage after the dealloying step and
characterization of the morphology of each substrate for
a variety of experimental conditions.
The nanoporosity of bicontinuous metal films over the 3D
porous carbon substrate can be tailored through the variation of
the deposition potential that leads to the formation of alloy films
with different metal compositions. The ability to control metal
contents in the alloy film was investigated and the results are
illustrated in Fig. 5. The experiments were carried out over
a potential range of

0.5 to

1.25 V using a 3 min deposition
time and an Au–Ag mixture (ratio of 85/15). The different
reduction rates of silver and gold at different deposition poten-
tials lead to varying Au and Ag compositions
and hence
a porous film with varying pore sizes and film thicknesses. The
alloy film and the pore morphology at plating potentials of


0.75 and

1.0 V were characterized with SEM (data not shown
here) and EDX analysis (shown in Fig. 5D). The resulting EDX
analysis indicated that the alloy film contained 7.5%, 28% and
40% atomic gold for deposition potentials of


0.75 and

1.0 V, respectively.
After the dealloying, wide open pores with thin network
connections are observed for a deposition potential of

0.5 V,
shown in Fig. 5A. The decrease in the film thickness, from
300 nm for the alloy film to 100 nm for the dealloyed porous film,
is noteworthy, and is attributed to the high Ag content of up to
91 atomic%, and the concomitant coarsening of the Au adatoms
into a thin porous film. This has the effect to increase the
micropore diameter from 650 nm (alloy) to 850 nm (dealloy).
Pore sizes in the range of 13–40 nm and ligament sizes in the
range of 4–12 nm are observed. A high relative range in pore size
as well as a large maximum diameter and small ligament size are
observed for this deposition potential.
The corresponding dealloyed nanoporous structure at

0.75 V
is displayed in Fig. 5B. The morphology shows a much more
highly ordered porosity than that observed in Fig. 5A, and is
more characteristic of the sponge-like nanoporous gold. A
minimal change in the film thickness (and thus the micropore
diameter) is observed before and after the dealloying step,
reflecting a higher percentage of Au in the mixture. A coral-like
homogeneous structure was achieved with pore sizes in the range
of 7–20 nm and ligaments sizes in the range of 10–20 nm. This
reflects the larger extent of gold co-deposition at more negative
potentials associated with the different standard reduction
potentials of the silver and gold plating solutions. Finally, the
image in Fig. 5C shows the morphology of the dealloy film at
a deposition potential of

1.0 V which corresponds to 40 atomic
% Au (EDX analysis, Fig. 5D).
The pore formation is less dense with smaller sizes than those
previously observed in Fig. 5A and B, yielding pore sizes in the
range of 4–8 nm and ligaments sizes in the range of 12–32 nm.
However, solid crystalline features still remain on the film surface
and thus little nanoporosity is observed. The ligament size varies
substantially due to the presence of solid crystals and thus liga-
ment widths calculated are not reflective of an actual structure
with high porosity. As with Fig. 5B, a minimal change in the film
Fig. 3
SEM images of nanoporous Au on 3D porous carbon at different dealloying times, (A) 15 min, (B) 15 h and (C) 30 h, using Au
solution and deposited at

0.75 V for 180 s.
Fig. 4
Creation of nanoporous Au surfaces using (A) sputtering and (B)
electrodeposition of bimetallic alloy (Au–Ag) film on highly ordered 3D
porous carbon followed by chemically dealloying less noble metal (Ag).
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thickness and thus of the micropore diameter is observed due to
the higher percentage of Au present in the alloy compared to that
in Fig. 5A. These images show that control of ligament size can
be achieved by increasing the percentages of gold deposited onto
the carbon surface which is achieved by varying the metal
precursor concentration. The atomic% Au is always lower than
Ag due to the more negative reduction potential of the Au
compared to that of Ag. The increase in the Au content (
lower Ag content) at higher deposition potentials is clearly
reflected through a significant decrease in porosity attributed to
a lower need for reordering of Au during the dealloying step.
Tailoring nano/microporosity with alloy ratios of the plating
solution which allows tuneable morphology was also investi-
gated. Here, nanoporous Au films of varying thicknesses were
obtained from Au–Ag solution mixtures with different ratios
(using a potential of

0.9 V for 5 min) 6/4, 7/3, and 8/2. However,
the pore sizes and distributions of nanoporous Au are noticeably
unchanged at approximately 7–20 nm for each sample and
ligament sizes were 10–20 nm. The nanoporous structure itself
retains its nanocoral-like features, thus retaining the remarkably
high surface-to-volume ratios and self-supporting characteristics
(SEM images not shown here). The EDX analysis of alloy films
displays the atomic percentages of Au
, and
. Interconnected nanoporous Au can be fabricated
from Ag-rich film having Ag content about 60–90% (10–40
atomic% Au). Outside of these ranges (>40% and <10% Au) the
sponge-like nature of the nanoporous film was not observed.
3.3 Electrochemical characterization of nanoporous gold
electrodes for varying deposition potentials
Cyclic voltammetry was used to characterize the electrochemi-
cally active surface area (ECSA) of nanoporous gold structures
prepared at different electrochemical deposition potentials, as
well as for a nanoporous gold substrate formed by co-sputtering.
In these experiments, the surface area of the nanoporous gold
electrodes was examined in 0.1 M H
solution. The CV was
scanned over a potential range of 0.0 to 1.5 V (
Ag/AgCl) at
a scan rate of 50 mV s

. The resulting cyclic voltammograms,
shown in Fig. 6, are characteristic of the oxidation of gold in this
acidic solution, whereby an oxidation signal is observed for the
anodic scan due to the formation of gold oxide and a reduction
signal for gold oxide is observed at a potential of

0.75 V on the
reverse scan. This characteristic signal was observed for the
following nanoporous Au electrode surfaces prepared from: (a)
sputtering using gun power 100 W, and electrodeposited at
potentials (b)

0.5 V, (c)

0.75 V and (d)

1.0 V. It is clear that
the magnitude of the Au oxide reduction signal increases with
increasingly negative deposition potentials. The increase in this
signal is attributed to the increase in the overall electrochemically
active surface area of the electrode. The ECSA was calculated by
integrating the charge under the reduction signal using a GPES
software and assuming a specific charge of 386

for Au
oxide reduction.
The inset of Fig. 6 displays ECSA of nano-
porous Au under different prepared conditions. The increasing
value of the Au oxide reduction signal in Fig. 6, upon changing
the deposition potential from

0.5 V to

0.75 V and then to

1.0 V, is expected. The film thickness for the latter two elec-
trode surfaces was greater than that of the former, in accordance
with the presence of substantially more surface area. The increase
in ECSA from a deposition potential of

0.75 V to

1.0 V is also
noteworthy since the sample deposited at

0.75 V shows clearly
more porous features to that deposited at

1.0 V. However, the
sub-surface porosity is not clearly visible from the SEM image
along with EDX (Fig. 5) and CV shows that the Au loading at

1.0 V is higher than at

0.75 V. The ECSA value for the
sputtered substrate is 2 cm
and it is in between that of the
electrochemically deposited samples at

0.5 and

0.75 V. The
porosity of the sputtered substrate shows a much more crystal-
line morphology in many areas of the sample, with an overall less
exposed active area of the gold.
The ESCA values increase from 0.3, 4.5 and 13.0 cm
a deposition potential of


0.75 and

1.0 V. This outlines
Fig. 5
SEM images of a nanoporous Au film on 3D porous carbon using Au
plating solution deposited for 180 s at different deposition
potentials: (A)

0.5 V, (B)

0.75 V, (C)

1.0 V, dealloying 15 min in 70% HNO
, and (D) EDX analysis showing metal compositions in the alloy film at
different deposition potentials.
Fig. 6
CV of nanoporous gold on a 3D porous carbon electrode in 0.1
with a scan rate of 50 mV s

; (a) Au-modified 3D-porous
carbon using the sputtering technique compared with nanoporous Au
prepared using the electrodeposition technique at deposition potentials of

0.5 V, (c)

0.75 V and (d)

1.0 V; inset displays ECSA of nano-
porous Au at different prepared conditions.
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the major advantage of the incorporation of a highly developed
three-dimensionally interconnected porous network of micro-
and nano-pore films, compared to the two-dimensional flat
polycrystalline electrode. The largest enhancement of the nano-
porous gold is observed for a deposition potential of

1.0 V,
which shows a 108-fold enhancement over the planar Au disk
electrode (ESCA 0.12 cm
). The large utilization of Au in the
other samples is attributed to the synergy effect of nanoporous
gold on the microporous carbon displaying the extremely high
surface-to-volume ratios that can be achieved using the deal-
loying method of a binary metal mixture.
3.4 Biofuel cell application
The functionality and advantages of the new 3D hierarchical
nano/microporous architectures were illustrated for a greatly
enhanced performance of an enzymatic biofuel cell compared to
the bare 3D carbon macroporous carbon. For this purpose we
constructed for the first time a biofuel cell system employing
hierarchical nanoporous Au-modified microporous carbon
structures by coating it with a Meldola’s blue-glucose dehydro-
genase (MDB-GDH) layer. First, MDB was coated onto a 3D
hierarchical nano/microporous substrate, followed by immobi-
lization of GDH using glutaraldehyde as a cross-linker. The
resulting 3D bioelectrocatalytic electrode provides both nano-
pores to support the biocatalytic sites and micropores to support
effective mass transport of the glucose fuel. As a result, and as
illustrated in Fig. 7, the new 3D bioelectrocatalytic nano/
microporous anode, coupled to the Pt nanoparticle-modified Pt
disk cathode, provided a high power density output of 45

, with the open circuit voltage of 0.46 V, which is 10 times
larger than the power observed at the MDB-modified 3D
microporous carbon surface (4

). This new 3D hierar-
chical nano/microporous architecture can be extended for a wide
range of applications in sensor technology to energy
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, we have demonstrated the formation of hierar-
chical nanoporous Au and Ag structures on a microporous
lithographically defined 3D multilayered carbon scaffold from
the deposition of a binary alloy (
, Au–Ag and Ag–Al)
followed by etching of the Ag and Al, respectively. The
dissolution and reordering processes result in the formation of
nanopores in combination with microporous substrates with
unique surface morphologies, leading to highly nodular cauli-
flower- and coral-like nanostructures. We have illustrated the
ability to tailor the thickness and porosity of monolithic
nanoporous gold along with the control of the microporous
architecture through controlled electroplating conditions
deposition potentials and plating solutions. Such a fine control
of the physical characteristics of the resulting nanoporous gold
film reflects the different extents of gold-reordering during the
coarsening process. The deposition of such variable nano-
porous films onto the microporous carbon substrate combines
the high surface-to-volume ratio and favorable catalytic char-
acteristics of nanoporous gold with the open-cell morphology
of carbon foams to offer many structural and hydrodynamic
advantages compared to common nanoporous metal structures
on planar surfaces. Finally, we demonstrated the enhanced
functionality of the new 3D hierarchical nano/microporous
architectures toward biofuel cell systems, where the new 3D
bioelectrocatalytic anode provided a substantially higher power
density output (45

) compared to the corresponding
3D microporous carbon substrate. These bioinspired hierar-
chical coral- and cauliflower-like nanostructures hold also
considerable promise for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectros-
copy (SERS)
chemical and biological sensing, as well as to
future electronic and energy-storage devices.
This work was supported by the Laboratory Directed Research
and Development program at Sandia National Laboratories and
the National Science Foundation (Award Number CHE-
1057562). A.O’ M. was partially supported by DOE BES
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