Maternal immune activation yields offspring displaying mouse
versions of the three core symptoms of autism
Natalia V. Malkova
Collin Z. Yu
Elaine Y. Hsiao
Marlyn J. Moore
, and
Paul H. Patterson
Biology Division, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
The core symptoms of autism are deficits in social interaction and language, and the presence of
repetitive/stereotyped behaviors. We demonstrate that behaviors related to these symptoms are
present in a mouse model of an environmental risk factor for autism, maternal infection. We
stimulate the maternal immune system by injecting the viral mimic poly(I:C) during pregnancy,
and analyze the social and communicative behaviors of the offspring. In one test, young pups
respond to a brief separation from the mother with ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs). We find that,
compared to pups born to saline-injected mothers, pups born to maternal immune activation
(MIA) mothers produce a lower rate of USVs in the isolation test starting at day 8. The quality of
the vocalizations is also different; analysis of sound spectrograms of ten day-old pups shows that
male pups from MIA mothers emit significantly fewer harmonic and more complex and short
syllables. These communication differences are also apparent in adult offspring. Compared to
controls, adult MIA males emit significantly fewer USVs in response to social encounters with
females or males, and display reduced scent marking in response to female urine. Regarding a
second autism symptom, MIA males display decreased sociability. In a third test of characteristic
autism behaviors, MIA offspring exhibit increased repetitive/stereotyped behavior in both marble
burying and self-grooming tests. In sum, these results indicate that MIA yields male offspring with
deficient social and communicative behavior, as well as high levels of repetitive behaviors, all of
which are hallmarks of autism.
acoustic communication; speech disorder; olfactory communication; neurodevelopmental
disorder; social preference
1. Introduction
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social impairments,
communication difficulties and repetitive/stereotyped behaviors. While there is a substantial
genetic component in autism, there is also evidence that environmental factors can
contribute to the complex pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Recent, large
twin studies show a substantial concordance for autism between dizygotic as well as
monozygotic twins (Rosenberg, et al., 2009; Hallmayer et al., 2011). Moreover, the
Correspondence should be addressed to: Natalia V. Malkova, PhD. Biology Division, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA 91125. Tel: (626)395-6827; FAX: (626)395-5805..
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Brain Behav Immun
. 2012 May ; 26(4): 607–616. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2012.01.011.
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significantly higher risk for dizygotic twins compared to non-twin siblings suggests a role
for the maternal environment. In fact, epidemiologic studies provide evidence that maternal
exposure to stress, infection, anti-depressant medications, thalidomide or valproic acid
(VPA) increases the risk for ASD in offspring (reviewed by Hyman et al., 2005; Kinney et
al., 2008; Patterson, 2009, 2011a). In particular, a recent study of over 10,000 records in the
Danish Medical Register found a strong association between autism and maternal viral
infection in the first trimester and a less robust but significant association between autism
and maternal bacterial infection in the second trimester (Altadottir et al., 2010). There is also
evidence of elevated levels of the chemokine MCP-1 in the amniotic fluid in ASD cases
(Abdallah et al., 2011), and elevated levels of IFN
, IL-4 and IL-5 in maternal serum are
associated with increased risk for ASD in the offspring (Goines et al., 2011). These new
results greatly extend prior work on the connection between maternal infection and autism.
Animal models displaying certain autistic features can be generated by maternal
environmental challenges such as infection and exposure to VPA. Such models can be
useful tools for testing epidemiologic findings and investigating the molecular mechanisms
underlying the neuropathology (reviewed by Iwata et al., 2010; Hsiao et al., 2011; Patterson,
2011b). Deficits in communication are among the most prominent and functionally
important symptoms in ASD, and acoustic and chemical signals are two primary modes of
communication in rodents. The number and quality of USVs and the chemical composition
of urine can convey information regarding health and fitness. Male responses to female
urine can involve USVs and marking the surrounding territory (scent marking). A deficit in
social interaction is also a critical symptom of ASD, and there are a number of paradigms
used to assess this feature in rodents. One test that was originally introduced to assay social
affiliation and pair bonding in voles utilizes a three chamber apparatus. In mice, this can
include a test for preference for an unfamiliar mouse over an unfamiliar object (Silverman et
al., 2010). The third cardinal symptom of autism involves repetitive/stereotyped behavior,
which can be assayed in mice by quantifying self-grooming and compulsive burying of
marbles placed in the nest (Thomas et al., 2009).
In the present study, we used these various assays to determine how closely the core
symptomatology of autism can be reproduced in a model of an environmental risk factor for
ASD. This model involves activating the immune system of pregnant mice in order to mimic
the effects of maternal infection. Young and adult offspring of these mice were assessed for
relevant behaviors in several paradigms.
2. Methods
2.1. Generation of animals
Female C57BL/6J mice (Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) were obtained from the
California Institute of Technology breeding facility and were housed in ventilated cages
under standard laboratory conditions. Mice were mated overnight, and the presence of a
vaginal plug marked that day as embryonic day 0.5 (E0.5). Pregnant females were not
disturbed, except for weekly cage cleaning, until E10.5 when they were weighed and
pseudo-randomly assigned to one of two groups, poly(I:C) or saline. Each group initially
contained five or six pregnant females. The maternal poly(I:C) treatment did not alter litter
size (8.67±0.56 and 7.83±0.54 for control and experimental groups, respectively;
(10) =
= 0.309). All pups from a single litter remained with the mother until weaning at
P21, at which time male mice were housed with same-sex littermates in groups of two to
four. All experimental mice underwent the same sequence of behavioral tests at the same
times during development (n = 21 (5 litters) and 22 (5 litters) for control and experimental
groups, respectively). All behavioral tests were conducted in behavioral testing rooms
between 09.00 and 17.00 h during the light phase of the circadian cycle. Mice were
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habituated to a testing room at least one hour prior to the start of the behavioral test. Order
of testing was: (1) Pup USVs during the isolation test at age 10 days; (2) PPI at age 6 weeks
(Supplemental materials); (3) open field at 7 weeks (Supplemental materials); (4) adult male
USV responses to female and male stimuli at age 8–9 weeks; (5) three chamber social test at
10 weeks; (6) scent marking at 11 weeks; (7) marble burying at age 12 weeks; (7) self-
grooming at age 13 weeks; and (8) olfactory sensitivity at age 13–14 weeks. A separate
experiment was carried out with another cohort of mice (n = 29 (6 litters) and 29 (6 litters)
to test the USV profile during the second postnatal week. This was done for two reasons:
first, to minimize effect of handling and stress on the USV structure; second, to lessen the
effect of repeated stress during isolation in early postnatal life on adult behavior.
2.2. Maternal administration of poly(I:C)
One group of mice was given intraperitoneal injections of 5 mg/kg poly(I:C) (potassium salt;
P9582; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) or saline on E10.5, 12.5 and 14.5. The manufacturer supplies
poly(I:C) at 10% of the total weight of the salt, and the dosage was based on the weight of
poly(I:C) itself. The inflammatory cytokine response in pregnant mice induced by an acute
systemic challenge of poly(I:C) is time-limited, and the time of maternal immune challenge
influences the pattern of behavioral abnormalities in the offspring (Meyer et al., 2006).
Therefore, we challenged the maternal immune system three times during pregnancy to
determine if the offspring develop a broader range of behavioral deviances. However, where
comparisons are possible, the behavioral results from the current offspring do not appear to
be significantly different from our prior results using a single poly(I:C) injection on E12.5.
Mice born to triple-injected mothers have the deficit in prepulse inhibition (PPI) and reduced
locomotion in open field (Fig. S1) that we have seen in single-injected mothers and
influenza-infected mothers (Shi et al., 2003; Smith et al., 2007; Hsiao and Patterson, 2011).
2.3. Pup USVs during the isolation test
Pups from mothers injected with saline or poly(I:C) were tested for USVs every other day
from day 6 to day 14 in the isolation test as described (Hofer et al., 2002). During the test,
the dam was removed from the home cage and placed in a separate cage away from the
litter. 15 min after removing the dam, male pups were individually removed from the nest in
random order and gently placed into an empty 15 × 15 cm white Plexiglas box. Ambient
temperature in the room was 23.5–23.6°C. In the pilot experiment the pups' axillary
temperature was measured prior and after testing and found to be decreased after isolation
from 34.43±0.19°C to 31.97±0.29°C in 6 day-old pups. In a pilot experiment we tested P6
pups from MIA and control mothers in the isolation test and found no difference in the
temperature decrease between the groups (data not shown). As it is known that small
decreases in pup core temperature in the home cage before testing have no significant effect
on their USV isolation performance (Hofer et al., 2002), we did not measure the body
temperature in order to minimize the effect of handling on pup behavior. USVs were
recorded for 3 min using an UltraSoundGate Condenser Microphone (CM 16; Avisoft
Bioacoustics, Germany) suspended 7 cm from the testing surface. The microphone was
sensitive to frequencies of 0–250 kHz with a flat frequency response (±6 dB) between 25
and 120 kHz. It was connected via an AvisoftUltraSoundGate 116 USB Audio device
(Avisoft Bioacoustics) to a personal computer, and the recordings were carried out with a
sampling rate of 250 kHz. The vast majority of USVs were detected within the 0–150 kHz
range. The recordings were analyzed using AvisoftSASLab Pro software (see below). After
recording, the pups were weighed and placed back into the nest. Body weight was included
as an indicator of pups' nutritional status and maturational age. The mother was returned to
the pups after they all had been tested. The testing box was cleaned with water after each
pup recording.
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2.4. Adult male USV responses to female and male stimuli
Eight-to-ten week-old males were separated and housed singly for a week before testing. To
provide a standardized history of sexual experience that is known to facilitate USVs
(McGinnis and Vakulenko, 2003), adult male subjects were exposed to unfamiliar adult
females for 15–20 min every day for five days. On the day of testing, the male was placed in
a clean cage (30 × 16 × 14 cm) for 10 min habituation. The male was then tested for USVs
in the presence of an unfamiliar female in the estrous phase for 3 min. The female was
scored as in estrous when the vaginal area appeared wide, open and red. USVs were
recorded as described above. After 5 min rest following removal of the female, the male
subject was tested for USVs in the presence of an unfamiliar male intruder for 3 min. During
male-male encounters, host males show characteristic behaviors such as active approaching,
sniffing and following the intruder. USVs were analyzed using AvisoftSASLab Pro software
as described below.
2.5. Analysis of USVs
For acoustical analysis, recordings were transferred to Avisoft-SASLab Pro (version 4.38;
Avisoft Bioacoustics) and a fast Fourier transformation was conducted (512 FFT-length,
100% frame, Hamming window and 75% time window overlap). Detection of USVs was
provided by manually setting a threshold-based algorithm and a hold-time mechanism (hold
time: 5 ms). Since no USVs were detected below 30 kHz, a lower cut-off frequency of 30
kHz was used to reduce background noise outside the relevant frequencies. The accuracy of
detection was verified by an experienced investigator. The total number of vocalizations
emitted, total vocalization time as well as duration and dominant frequency for each syllable
type were measured automatically. Spectrographic analysis was conducted as originally
described by Scattoni et al. (2008) with some modifications that were also made by
Grimsley et al. (2011). All USVs were assigned to one of 11 structural groups, primarily
according to their pitch contour shape, which is determined by the frequency modulation
and duration of the acoustic signal (Fig. S2). Syllables that were described as composite by
Scattoni et al. (2008) were classified as harmonics because these syllables often had a third
harmonic component at 150 kHz. If the syllable was compound and contained multiple
components such as harmonic and frequency steps, it was classified as a frequency step
syllable with a harmonic component. In a pilot experiment, we compared the distribution of
USV syllables collected during the entire 3 min testing period and from every other 30 sec
period during the same 3 min testing and found that both methods of analysis yield similar
data (Fig. S3). Thus, for the further analysis, USVs were collected from every other 30 sec
period during the 3 min testing period (average number of vocalizations per mouse was
250–300) unless an animal produced fewer than 100 vocalizations, in which case USVs
were collected from the total 3 min of testing. The total number of USV syllables was
normalized to 100%.
2.6. Three chamber social test
Ten week-old mice were tested in a 60 × 40 cm Plexiglass box divided into three chambers
as described previously (Smith et al., 2007). Mice could freely move between chambers
through a small opening (6 × 6 cm) in each divider. Mice to be tested were placed in the
center chamber, and an overhead camera recorded their movements. Mice were allowed 10
min to explore the empty box in order to evaluate bias for either of the side chambers. For
each animal, we confirmed that there was no side bias. Then an unfamiliar, same-sex mouse
was placed in a wire cage (11 cm height, 10.5 bottom diameter, bars spaced 1 cm apart;
Galaxy Cup, Spectrum Diversified Designs, Inc., Streetsboro, OH) in one side chamber.
Another empty wire cage was placed in the opposite side chamber as a non- social object.
Mouse behavior was recorded for 10 min. The time spent in each of the three chambers was
measured, and the preference index for social object was calculated as [time
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+ time
50 (Jamain et al., 2008). All testing chambers were cleaned
vigorously with 70% ethanol followed by Process NPD before and after testing each mouse.
2.7. Scent marking test
This test was done according to the protocol described by Wohr et al. (2011a). Subject mice
were placed in a clean cage (30 × 16× 14 cm) containing a sheet of absorbent paper that
covered the entire base (Strathmore Drawing Paper Premium, 400 series; Strathmore Artist
Papers, Neenah, WI, USA). Female urine was collected from adult C57/B6 females in
estrous. Male urine was collected from sexually experienced adult C57/B6 males. The adult
male subject was habituated for 60 min to the clean cage lined with fresh paper. After the
habituation period, the mouse was placed back in the home cage. A new sheet of paper was
then placed in the cage and 15 uL of female urine was aliquotted onto the center. The mouse
was placed back in the testing cage for 3 min. Scent marks deposited on the paper during
habituation or exposure to female/male urine were visualized using 0.5% ninhydrin in 95%
ethanol. Developed papers were scanned and analyzed for total density using ImageJ (NIH,
USA). The data are shown as the ratio of density of the experimental group to the control
2.8. Marble burying test
This test was done as described by Thomas et al. (2009) with small modifications. In a pilot
experiment under these conditions, we found that naive C57 males bury 50% of the marbles
in a 10 min period so this testing time was used in further experiments so as to be able to
detect either increases or decreases in the number of buried marbles. Clean cages (27 × 16.5
× 12.5 cm) were filled with a 4-cm layer of chipped cedar wood bedding. Males were
habituated to this cage for 10 min and then returned to the home cage. Twenty navy blue
glass marbles (15 mm diameter) were gently laid on top of the bedding, equidistant from
each other in a 4 × 5 arrangement. Animals were placed back into the testing cage and the
number of marbles buried (> 50% marble covered by bedding material) in 10 min was
2.9. Self-grooming test
Self-grooming was evaluated in a 6.5 cm diameter × 10 cm tall, clear glass beaker covered
with a filter top. After 10 min habituation in the beaker, self-grooming was measured for a
further 10 min. The investigator sat 1 m away from the apparatus and recorded cumulative
time spent in grooming (scratching fur with any foot). All testing beakers were cleaned
vigorously with water followed by Process NPD before and after testing.
2.10. Olfactory sensitivity test
The method for measuring olfactory sensitivity was adapted from Witt et al. (2009). On day
1, the subject was habituated to a clean empty cage for 10 min, and then a 2 cm × 2cm damp
Stathmore paper was placed in the cage and the time spent exploring the paper during 3 min
period was recorded. On day 2, the paper was dampened with 10% vanilla scent in water
instead of plain water. The data are presented as the time spent exploring the scented paper
minus the time spent exploring the plain water paper.
2.11. Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were carried out with Prism 4.0b software. Normally distributed data
were plotted in the figures as means ± SEM. The means of two groups were compared by
Student's t test. Where data were not normally distributed (assessed by the Kolmogorov–
Smirnov test), they were plotted as medians plus 25% and 75% quartiles, and range. Two
groups of such data were compared with the Mann-Whitney test. All statistical tests were
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two-tailed, except the number of vocalizations in the male-male encounter, with
The differences among groups with two variables were assessed using two-way ANOVAs
followed by Bonferroni posthoc tests. Significant differences emerging from the above tests
are indicated in the figures by *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.005.
3. Results
3.1. Pups born to MIA mothers display a deficit in the number of USVs and an altered
syllable repertoire
Neonatal rodents emit USVs when separated from their mothers or littermates in order to
attract the mother for retrieval to the nest. In most mouse strains, the rate of pup USVs
increases during the first 5–6 postnatal days, reaching a peak on days 8–10, and decreasing
to zero by the end of the second postnatal week (Motomura et al., 2002). We evaluated male
MIA and control offspring for USV production in the isolation test during second postnatal
week. Compared to controls, male pups from MIA mothers emit fewer vocalizations (
56) = 17.74,
< 0.0001; Bonferroni posthoc test p < 0.05 for P8, P10 and P12 pups) and the
total vocalization duration is less starting from day 8 (
(1, 56) = 15.74,
< 0.0005;
Bonferroni posthoc test
< 0.05 for P8, P10 and P12 pups) (Fig. 1A, B).
In order to minimize the effect of repetitive handling and isolation on pup USVs, data for
structural analysis of the USVs were collected from pups tested only on P10. The proportion
of each syllable type is shown in Fig. 1C. Since there is no difference in the proportion of
one, two and multiple frequency step syllables, we present them as one group termed
frequency step syllables. Although a two-way ANOVA test does not indicate a difference in
the distribution of USV syllables between treatment groups (treatment,
(1, 41) = 0.292, p =
0.58), significant effects of syllable type (
(8, 180) = 79.97,
< 0.0001) and treatment ×
syllable type interaction (
(8, 180) = 3.67, p < 0.0006) are evident. However, the
Bonferonni posthoc test shows a treatment–dependent effect on the proportion of syllables
in three of the nine syllable types. Compared to controls, MIA offspring produce 60% fewer
harmonic syllables (
< 0.05) and significantly more short (MIA 13% versus control 7%,
0.05) and complex syllables (MIA 13% versus control 9%,
< 0.05) (Fig. 1C). ANOVA
analysis of the duration of each syllable type also shows a difference between MIA and
control offspring (treatment,
(1, 41) = 4.32,
< 0.05). The Bonferonni posthoc test reveals
a difference between the treatment groups in complex, downward and upward syllables (p <
0.05) (Table 1). However, no difference is found in the dominant frequency of any of the
USV syllables (treatment,
(1, 41) = 0.022,
= 0.88 (Table 2).
Body weight was used as a parameter to evaluate animals' health and it does not differ
between these two groups (Fig. S3). Moreover, we find no changes in the development of
reflexes (negative geotaxis, grasp reflex and righting reflex) (data not shown). In addition,
we analyzed maternal behavior toward pups in response to either nest relocation or to pup
retrieval and found no difference between two treatment groups (Fig. S4). Thus, the
reduction in the USV production is not due to a delay in gross pup development or evident
differences in maternal responsiveness toward the offspring.
3.2. Adult male offspring from MIA mothers display reduced USV responses to various
social stimuli
Adult mice produce USVs in several social contexts (Portfors, 2007). Encounters with
females induce male USV production, which is most prominent during initial investigatory
behavior and correlates well with the level of male sexual arousal (White et al., 1998). This
USV production conveys an important communicative function, predominantly to engage
the female's attention. Before studying male-female interactions, we used anesthetized
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animals to conduct a pilot experiment to evaluate the contributions of male and female mice
in USV production. We detect USVs in two settings - when both the male and female are
awake and when a male is exposed to an anesthetized female. In contrast, few vocalizations
(2–3 during 3 min testing period) are detected when the male is anesthetized, although the
female mouse interacts physically with the male by sniffing and walking around him (data
not shown). Thus, female mice do not contribute significantly in USV production, at least in
our test setting. Similar results were reported by several research groups using devocalized
or anesthetized males (Maggio and Whitney, 1985; White et al., 1998; Sugimoto et al.,
2011). To test vocalizations in adult MIA offspring, we introduced an unfamiliar female to
the male and recorded USVs. We find that, compared to control males, MIA offspring
produce significantly fewer vocalizations in the presence of a female (
(41) = 2.092,
0.05) (Fig. 2A). While analysis of USV syllables using the two-way ANOVA does not show
a significant difference in the distribution of syllable types between MIA and control males
(1, 41) = 1.68,
= 0.2; syllable type,
(10, 450) = 54.66,
= 0.0001;
treatment × syllable type,
(10, 450) = 1.13,
= 0.3), the Bonferonni posthoc test reveals a
significant reduction in the MIA offspring in the number of two frequency step (MIA 8% vs
control 12%,
< 0.05) and chevron syllables (MIA 10% vs control 13%,
< 0.05) (Fig.
2B). The two-way ANOVA test shows a difference between MIA and control male
offspring in duration and dominant frequency of USV syllables during interaction with
females (treatment,
(1, 41) = 7.42,
< 0.05 for syllable duration and
(1, 41) = 9.4,
0.05 for dominant frequency of syllables). The Bonferonni posthoc test of individual
syllables reveals a significant difference in duration of three and more frequency step
syllables (p < 0.05) (Table 1, 2). As with the pups, no treatment difference is found in the
dominant frequency of any USV syllables (Table 2).
Before studying male-male interactions, we also conducted a pilot experiment to evaluate
the contributions of resident and intruder mice in USV production using anesthetized
animals. We detected USVs in only two settings, when both males were awake or when the
intruder was anesthetized. In contrast, no vocalizations were recorded when the resident was
anesthetized, although the intruder mouse interacted physically with the resident by sniffing
and licking him (data not shown). The pilot experiment suggests that resident males respond
to an encounter with a male intruder by producing USVs, which likely serve an important
defensive function. We next analyzed the responses of adult male offspring of control and
MIA mothers to the presence of an unfamiliar male intruder. Compared to controls, MIA
offspring produce significantly fewer USVs during this social encounter (Mann–Whitney
= 99,
< 0.05 one-tailed) (Fig. 3A). Since not all tested males produced USVs in the
presence of a male intruder, the number of samples used to analyze the sound spectrograms
was 16 for control and 19 for experimental groups. While the two-way ANOVA test does
not an effect of treatment on the total distribution of all syllables for male-male interaction
(1, 33) = 3.31,
= 0.08; syllable type,
(10, 330) = 84.04,
= 0.0001;
treatment × syllable type,
(10, 330) = 0.83,
= 0.8), the Bonferonni posthoc test of
individual syllable differences reveals a significant reduction in the number of two
frequency step syllables emitted by the MIA offspring (MIA 5% vs control 8%,
< 0.05)
(Fig. 3B). No difference is seen in the duration of any USV syllables (treatment,
(1, 41) =
= 0.12) (Table 1). Two-way ANOVA test shows a difference between MIA and
control male offspring in the dominant frequency of all USV syllables during male-male
interaction (treatment,
(1, 41) = 16.32,
< 0.001). However, the Bonferonni posthoc test
reveals a significant change in the dominant frequency for flat syllables only (p < 0.05)
(Table 2).
Thus, in all three social paradigms, there is a decrease in the number of USVs emitted by the
MIA offspring. In both of the adult social paradigms, MIA offspring produce fewer two
frequency step syllables. Our results indicate that MIA not only affects USV production by
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the offspring, but also changes the quality of their communication in several social settings
that have important biological roles in survival and reproduction.
3.3. MIA males display a communication deficit in female urine-induced scent marking
In addition to communication using acoustic signals, mice gain information through
olfaction. Scent marks (urinary traces) are used to determine mouse identity, mark territory,
and to attract mates (Hurst, 2009). During the 60-min habituation to a new clean cage, the
two groups of mice showed no difference in scent marking. The total density of urine
deposits for control and experimental males were 3,899±378 and 4,224±525 for control and
experimental groups, respectively; (
(41) = 0.51,
= 0.615). Then we used fresh male or
female urine to stimulate scent marking from adult male mice in order to assess olfactory
communication. Males from both MIA and control groups spend equal time exploring a
female urine spot (data not shown), suggesting that they are both processing the olfactory
social stimulus. (A further test of olfactory sensitivity is described below). But male
offspring from MIA mothers deposit half as many scent marks compared to control animals
during the 3 min test period (
(41) = 3.266,
< 0.005) (Figs. 4A, S5). Interestingly, no group
difference is found when male urine is used as the stimulus (
(41) = 0.021,
= 0.98) (Fig.
4B). It should be noted, however, that in control males, male urine induces half as many
scent marks as does female urine (
(40) = 4.434,
< 0.0001). In sum, MIA males display a
communication deficit in female-induced scent marking, which plays a key role in mediating
sexual behavior.
3.4. MIA offspring display reduced sociability
Social behavior is a form of communication between members of the same species, and this
type of behavior in rodents is thought to constitute a reasonable model of human
interpersonal interaction. The three chamber apparatus can be used to assess autism-related
behaviors such as sociability (Silverman et al., 2010). Shortly after a period of habituation,
sociability is evaluated as the time the subject mouse spends in the chamber containing a
wire cage holding an unfamiliar mouse compared to the time spent in the opposite chamber
containing an empty wire cage (novel object). We find that males from saline-injected
mothers spend 65% of the time in the social chamber and 26% of the time in the chamber
with the novel object. In contrast, offspring of MIA mothers display decreased preference
for the social chamber, spending only 50% of the time exploring the social chamber and
significantly more time (37%) than conrols exploring a novel object (
(2, 48) =12.73,
0.0001; Bonferroni posthoc test
< 0.001 for time in the social chamber and
< 0.01 for
time in the chamber with novel object) (Fig. 5A). This results in significantly different ratios
of time spent in the two compartments (preference index)compared with the offspring from
saline-injected mothers (
(41) =3.283,
< 0.005; Fig. 5B). This result is similar to that
obtained with offspring of mothers injected just once with poly(I:C), and where both sexes
were tested (Smith et al., 2007).
3.5. MIA offspring display high levels of repetitive/compulsive behavior in the marble
burying test
The marble burying test presents a novel situation that can evoke a highly repetitive and
stereotyped response. The marble burying test was previously used to evaluate anxiety but it
was recently shown that this behavioral response does not correlate with results from other
tests of anxiety. Thus, marble burying is now used to evaluate repetitive and perservative
behavior in small rodents (Thomas et al., 2009). We find that the offspring of MIA mothers
display extremely high repetitive behavior in this test (
(41) = 8.535,
< 0.0001) (Figs. 6A;
S6). Compared to the control group, MIA offspring bury 2.8-fold more marbles during the
testing period.
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3.6. MIA offspring display elevated levels of self-grooming
Self-grooming can provide another index of repetitive/stereotypic behavior in rodents
(Silverman et al., 2010). We tested individual mice in a small glass beaker for 10 min, as it
is known that a restricted environment induces repetitive behavior (Lewis et al., 2007). MIA
male offspring spend 50% more time on self-grooming than controls (
(41) = 2.335,
0.05) (Fig. 6B).
3.7. MIA offspring do not display an obvious olfactory deficit
Since MIA offspring display decreased sociability and communication, we evaluated their
olfactory sensitivity. Time spent sniffing a novel, vanilla-scented paper versus a plain water-
scented paper was recorded, and no group difference is evident (
(18) = 0.361,
= 0.72)
(Fig. 7). Therefore, the social and communication deficits found in the MIA offspring are
not likely to be caused by olfactory malfunction.
4. Discussion
We here show that the offspring of poly(I:C)-treated mothers exhibit the three core features
of autism. While prior work from our laboratory had demonstrated deficits in social
interaction in MIA offspring, those studies utilized a different poly(I:C) injection schedule,
different methods, and did not analyze males specifically (Shi et al., 2003; Smith et al.,
2007; Hsiao and Patterson, 2011). The present study is also the first to analyze scent
marking, USVs, and repetitive/stereotyped behaviors in the MIA model. Moreover, this is
the only model of an environmental risk factor for autism in which all three of the core
features have been analyzed thus far.
In the model of a different environmental autism risk factor, maternal VPA, behavioral
studies revealed two core autism symptoms, repetitive/stereotypic-like hyperactivity and
impairment in social interaction (Schneider and Przewlocki, 2005; Schneider et al., 2006). In
the rat model of maternal stress, there are also male-specific behavioral abnormalities: poor
sociability (Lee et al., 2007) and sexual behavior (Ward and Reed, 1985), as well as deficits
in pup USVs (Morgan et al., 1999; Zimmerberg and Blaskey, 1998). Activation of the
maternal immune system with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which mimics bacterial infection,
also yields offspring with decreased social interaction (Hava et al., 2006; Kirsten et al.,
2010). In addition, pups from LPS-injected mothers display impaired play behavior and
USV communication (Hava et al., 2006; Baharnoori et al., 2010; Kirsten et al., 2010). A
neuropathology characteristic of autism, a spatially localized deficit in Purkinje cells in the
cerebellum, is also found in the VPA and MIA mouse models (Ingram et al., 2000; Shi et al.,
2009). Since the cerebellum is known to contribute to learning, language, sociability and
emotionality (Ito, 1998; Thach, 1998), the deficits in communication and social interaction
observed in MIA and VPA mice may be associated with abnormalities in the cerebellum as
well as other brain regions. Together, these rodent models exhibit a spectrum of autistic-like
It should be noted that maternal infection models also display features of schizophrenia.
These include enlarged ventricles, enhanced responses to amphetamine and hallucinogens,
alterations in dopamine and serotonergic pathways, as well as a number of other behaviors
in the offspring that are also found in subsets of autistic subjects such as enhanced anxiety
and eye blink conditioning, as well as a PPI deficit (Iwata et al., 2010; Hsiao et al., 2011;
Meyer and Feldon, 2010; Patterson, 2011b; Moreno et al., 2011). This is not surprising, as
maternal infection is a well-characterized risk factor for schizophrenia as well as autism
(Brown and Derkits, 2010). Moreover, these disorders have symptoms in common, such as
impaired social interaction, elevated anxiety and abnormal responsivity to stress (Tordjman
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et al., 2007). On the other hand, schizophrenia and autism obviously have symptoms that
differentiate them. Autism occurs in early childhood whereas the psychotic symptoms of
schizophrenia appear much later. In addition, delusions and hallucinations are typical of
schizophrenic patients while motor stereotypies and lack of language are cardinal symptoms
of autism. Thus, the MIA model displays both symptoms in common between these two
disorders, as well as symptoms that differentiate them. Presumably the different disease
phenotypes associated with maternal infection in human autism and schizophrenia are due to
differences in genetic background of the mother and/or fetus, the timing of the infection, the
presence of allergies or autoimmune disease in the mother, and possibly the severity of the
The present study shows that MIA offspring display altered emotional behavior early in
postnatal life. The male pups display a reduced number of vocalizations when they are
isolated from their littermates and mother. Similar findings were reported for pups born to
mothers exposed to stress or LPS during pregnancy (Morgan et al., 1999; Baharnoori et al.,
2010), and in reelin, Mecp-2 and CNTNAP2 mutant mice (Ognibene et al., 2007; De
Filippis et al., 2010; Peñagarikano et al., 2011). The reduction in USV production is not,
however, due to a delay in gross pup development or a difference in maternal care. Altered
USVs can reflect a reduced response to stress or poor bonding with the mother; the latter
was characterized in mice lacking the
-opioid receptor gene (Moles et al., 2004). The
former explanation appears unlikely in the MIA model as we do not see any changes in the
pup locomotor activity (circling and pivoting) during the isolation test (data not shown).
Interestingly, BTBR pups, a mouse strain with several autism-like features, vocalize more in
this test compared to several other strains of mice, which could be due to an elevated
emotional response to the novel environment (Scattoni et al., 2008). In addition, the BTBR
pups exhibit an altered vocal repertoire, producing a high level of harmonics but minimal
syllables with a simple structure (chevron-shaped, upward, downward and short). MIA pups
also show some structural changes in their vocalization patterns, but these are opposite what
was reported for BTBR pups: lower level of harmonic syllables but increased level of
complex and short syllables. Harmonic syllables are known to be prominent in the mouse
pup repertoire (Grimsley et al., 2011). They amount to 16% of the pup repertoire, whereas
the proportion of this type of syllable is very low in adult male song during male-female and
male-male encounters (Fig. 1C, 2B, 3B). It is also interesting that a short reunion with the
mother affects pup emotional response to a second isolation as evidenced by increased USV
production and augmented proportion of multi-component syllables including harmonics
(data not shown; Young et al., 2010). Moreover, harmonic syllables have some similarity to
human baby cries (Zeskind et al., 2011), which is known to reflect the emotional state of the
baby. Thus, harmonic syllables can be used as an index of pup emotional status, and MIA
offspring demonstrate a reduced emotional response to separation from the mother.
Importantly, we find that adult MIA males demonstrate decreased USV responses in social
encounters with females or other males. Several mouse strains suggested as being relevant
for autism studies (BTBR, NL-3-knockout (KO), NL-4 KO and Shank1 KO) show a similar
deficiency (Jamain et al., 2008; Radyushkin et al., 2009; Scattoni et al., 2011; Wohr et al.,
2011b). Frequency step syllables are the most frequent in adult male repertoire in both social
settings (37–39%), and they likely reflect affiliative/social communication. Sound
spectrogram analysis of MIA male vocalizations reveals reduced use of two frequency step
syllables in both social paradigms. BTBR males also emit fewer frequency step calls during
interaction with females or males, although no changes in USV repertoire were found for
NL-3 KO and NL-4 KO mice. Given the differences in syllable preference displayed by
MIA versus control males, it will be of interest to examine such preferences more closely
over developmental time, and in other social paradigms such as juvenile play. It will also be
worthwhile to examine the serial order and groupings of the syllables to determine if these
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parameters are correlated with social paradigm, age or maternal insult. Such analyses could
provide important information as to the relevance of syllable use in mice to the language
deficit in autism. The deficit in male USVs in the presence of a female in estrous and the
deficit in scent marking in the presence of female urine could suggest a lack of sexual
interest. We know of no data on actual mating behavior or successful copulation by adult
male MIA offspring. Similarly, the deficit in USVs in the presence of a male intruder
suggests a lack of aggressiveness in defense of territory. It will be of interest in the future to
test MIA males for dominant/submissive behaviors as well as sexual behavior.
In addition to deficits in auditory communication, MIA males exhibit a reduction in female
urine-induced scent marking, which was also found in BTBR and Shank1 KO males (Wohr
et al., 2011a; 2011b). The deficits in auditory and olfactory communication tested here
would also seem relevant for social interaction. The sociability test we used seems more
appropriate for the social deficit in human autism than the social preference or social
habituation tests. The latter tests are based on memory of prior social encounters, which has
not been shown to be a key feature in autism social pathology. In contrast, the sociability
test assesses whether the mouse prefers to be in the presence of a novel mouse versus a
novel object. While many factors may be involved in this decision (e.g., fear, curiosity,
aggression), it does seem analogous to many human situations that confront autistic
individuals. In this light, prior work on interaction with novel objects is of interest. MIA
offspring display a deficit in interaction with a novel object (Shi et al., 2003), which is
suggestive of anxiety in a novel situation, as is seen in autism. Further work of this type
revealed that, compared to controls, MIA offspring display a distinct c-Fos expression
pattern in hippoocampal area CA1 following novel object, but not novel location, exposure.
Thus, the offspring of MIA mothers may have an abnormality in modality-specific
information processing. Indeed, MIA offspring display enhanced discrimination in a novel
object recognition, but not in an object location task (Ito et al., 2010). Thus, analysis of
object and spatial information processing at both synaptic and behavioral levels reveals a
largely selective abnormality in object information processing in this mouse model.
We find that MIA offspring exhibit highly repetitive behavior in marble burying and self-
grooming tests. Self-grooming is also increased in several other mouse strains with
relevance to autism (BTBR, and Fmr1, MeCP2 and CNTNAP2 KO mice) (McNaughton et
al., 2008; McFarlane et al., 2008; Chao et al., 2010; Peñagarikano et al., 2011).
In sum, this study provides new evidence that environmental risk factors such maternal
infection during pregnancy yield the offspring with autistic-like behaviors, including
communication and social interaction impairments as well as high repetitive behavior. This
reinforces prior results indicating the face and construct validity of the model for both
autism and schizophrenia.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
The authors acknowledge the kind assistance of J. Ko and B. Deverman with reviewing the manuscript, L.
Sandoval and R. Sauza for maintaining the animals, and J. Grimsley for providing advice on syllable analysis. This
research was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health EUREKA award to PHP and NVM, and an
Autism Speaks Dennis Weatherstone Pre-Doctoral Fellowship to EYH.
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We find that activation of the maternal immune system yields offspring with cardinal
symptoms of autism: highly repetitive behavior and deficits in communication and
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Figure 1.
Male pups from MIA mothers emit altered number and quality of USVs in the isolation test.
Pups were isolated from the nest and tested individually for USVs every other day from day
6 to day 14. Compared to control pups, the MIA pups emit fewer vocalizations (A), call for
a shorter duration of time (B). 10 day-old pups from MIA mothers also produce significantly
more short and complex syllables and fewer harmonic syllables than controls (C) Significant
differences are indicated by *
< 0.05, **
< 0.01 and ***
< 0.005. USV classification: FS,
frequency step; HM, harmonic; CV, chevron; CX, complex; FT, flat; UP, upward; DN,
downward; ST, short; RC, reversed chevron.
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Figure 2.
Adult male offspring from MIA mothers display reduced USV responses in a social
encounter with a female. During interactions with a female in estrous phase, MIA males
emit fewer vocalizations (A) and also produce significantly fewer two step frequency and
chevron syllables (B) than controls. Significant differences are indicated by *
< 0.05, **
0.01 and ***
< 0.005. USV classification: 1F, one frequency step; 2F, two frequency step;
3F, three and more frequency step; HM, harmonic; CV, chevron; CX, complex; FT, flat; UP,
upward; DN, downward; ST, short.
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Brain Behav Immun
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Figure 3.
Adult male offspring from MIA mothers display reduced USV responses in a social
encounter with a male. During interactions with an unfamiliar male intruder, MIA males
emit fewer vocalizations (A) and also produce significantly fewer two step frequency
syllables (B) than controls. Data for the number of calls are plotted as medians plus 25% and
75% quartiles, and range. Two groups of such data were compared with the Mann-Whitney
test. Significant differences are indicated by *
< 0.05 and ***
< 0.005. USV classification
as in Fig. 2.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Figure 4.
MIA males display a deficit in female urine-induced scent marking. Compared to controls,
MIA males deposit fewer scent marks in the presence of female urine (A). However, no
group difference is observed in the scent marking induced by male urine (B). A significant
difference is indicated by ***
< 0.005.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Figure 5.
Adult male offspring from MIA mothers exhibit decreased sociability in the three chamber
social test. Compared to controls, MIA males spend significantly less time in the chamber
with an unfamiliar mouse and more time in the chamber with an unfamiliar, non-social
object (A). The preference index for social object was significantly lower in the MIA
offspring (B). Significant differences are indicated by *
< 0.05 and ***
< 0.005.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Figure 6.
Offspring of MIA mothers display high levels of repetitive/compulsive behavior. Compared
to controls, MIA offspring display extremely high repetitive behavior in the marble burying
test (A), and increased self-grooming (B). Significant differences are indicated by *
< 0.05
and ***
< 0.001.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.
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NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Figure 7.
MIA offspring do not display an obvious olfactory deficit. The data are presented as the
ratio of the time spent exploring a scented paper to the time spent exploring a plain water
spotted paper.
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Table 1
Duration of USV syllables of MIA and control offspring in three social encounters.
P10 pup
Duration for each syllable type is measured in milliseconds. Data are mean values ± SEM. USV classification: 1F, one frequency step; 2F, two frequency step; 3F, three and more frequency step; HM,
harmonic; CV, chevron; CX, complex; FT, flat; UP, upward; DN, downward; ST, short.
p < 0.05.
Brain Behav Immun
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 May 1.