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Comments on the spontaneous strain and polarization of polycrystalline
ferroelectric ceramics
Jiangyu Li and Kaushik Bhattacharya
Division ofEngineering and Applied Science
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
A framework to calculate the spontaneous strain and polarization of a polycrystalline ferroelectric is presented, and
various applications are discussed.
Keywords: Ferroelectric, spontaneous strain, texture, energy minimization
It has recently been recognized that it is possible to obtain large strains through electrostriction of ferroelectric crystals
obtained by polarization rotation ',
by domain switching as a result of applied electric field or mechanical stress 2
large strains usually cannot be obtained in a polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramics due to the incompatibility
between neighboring grains. So the identification of the optimal texture of polycrystals for high-strain actuation is
worthwhile challenge. A related problem is the poling of the piezoelectric ceramic PZT, which is a solid solution of Lead
Titanate and Lead Zirconate. The Titanium rich compositions where the material is tetragonal, and the rhombohedral rich
compositions where the material is rhombohedral are both very difficult to pole, while the material is dramatically easy to
pole at the 'morphotropic phase boundary'. An understanding ofthis difference is also desirable.
This work examines the macroscopic behaviors of ferroelectric solids in terms of the crystal systems and texture, using
the homogenization theory and energy minimization following the framework used by Bhattacharya and Kobn to study
polycrystaiiine shape-memory alloys. The spontaneous strain and polarization for single crystals is characterized, and the
optimal texture for high-actuation strain for polycrystals is identified. The optimal electro-niechanical property of PZT at
morphotropic phase boundary is also explained. This paper summarizes the results, and the reader is refër:ed to Li and
Ltaary4 for details.
For a ferroelectric crystal Q subject to an applied traction t on part of its boundary )2,
displacement u and
polarization p ofthe ferroelectric are those that minimize the potential energy
(u,p)=$!Vp.AVp+W(x,e[uJ,p)_E0 .pdx— Jt0
where the electric potential q is determined by solving Maxwell equation in all space subject to appropriate boundary
conditions, and E0 is the electric field in the absence of the ferroelectric. Briefly, the first term is the exchange energy or the
energy needed to form domain walls, the second is the stored energy density which encodes the information about
crystallography and texture, the third term represents the applied electric field, the fourth the applied mechanical loads and
finally the last term is the electrostatic energy created due to the polarization distribution. Because of symmetry, the stored
energy density exhibits a multi-well structure characterized by the set K =
p()} on which W(x,e, p) =
is the transformation strain and p( is the spontaneous polarization; see Fig. 1. It is first postulated that the exchange
energy is negligible, and this is reasonable in large specimens. Second, a homogenization theory has been developed for
periodic ferroelectrics based on the theoretical framework of F-convergence .
theory tells us that if the grain size is
small compared to the size of the specimen, one may replace the spatially inhomogeneous term W in the potential energy
Smart Structures and Materials 2001: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, Christopher S. Lynch,
Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4333 (2001) © 2001 SPIE · 0277-786X/01/$15.00
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with an effective energy density W(e,
are spatially homogeneous. W(e, p) is the effective energy of a polycrystal
when the average strain is e and the average polarization is p. The theory also provides a formula for this effective energy;
this formula is unfortunately not explicit but involves a minimization problem.
This effective energy W(e, p) can be obtained in two steps; see Fig. 1. First, a mesoscopic energy W(e, p) may be
obtained for a single crystal, and then this can be homogenized to obtain the effective energy of the polycrystal. The
mesoscopic energy is zero on a set Zs which identifies all the possible average spontaneous strain and polarization that a
single crystal can display as it forms different domain patterns. The effective energy is zero on a set Z" which identifies all
the possible average spontaneous strain and polarization that a polycrystalline ceramic can display as the grains form
different domain patterns. The rest ofthe paper discusses estimates ofthese sets.
(e, p)
(e, p)
Figure 1. The effective energy and zero energy set ofsingle crystal and polycrystal.
The set Zs of spontatneous strains and polarizations of a single crystal correspond to the average strain and polarization
as it forms different domain patterns. It has been wn7 that when the ferroelectric wells are pair-wise compatible, (e°, p°)
is a spontaneous strains and polarizations for a single crystal ifand only if
e0 =
p0 1(2f, —
where  0 and
0  f,

1 .
tetragonal crystal, the spontaneous strains of single crystal have fixed trace
and zero off-diagonal elements. The magnitude of the diagonal elements is also bounded. These strains lie in a reduced 2-
dimensional strain space. In rhombohedral crystals, the spontaneous strain must have fixed and identical diagonal elements,
and their off-diagonal elements are bounded. They lie in a reduced 3-dimensional strain space. hi ferroelectric with
tetragonal-rhombohedral morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), such as PZT, or Pb(ZrTi1)O3, around x=O.52, the tetragonal
and rhombohedral variants are compatible with each other if restriction on lattice parameters are satisfied, and the
spontaneous strains in ferroelectric with MPB have fixed trace, and their off-diagonal elements are bounded. They lie in the
5-dimensional strain space. So crystal at MPB has much larger set of spontaneous strain than that of tetragonal and
rhombohedral ferroelectrics. This has important implication on electro-mechanical properties of PZT ceramics. It is recently
discovered that a previous unreported monoclinic phase exist in PZT at MPB 8,
9 where
not all the variants are pair-wise
compatible. We can derive an inner set of spontaneous strain, which lies in the 5-dimiensional strain space, with the trace
fixed, and off-diagonal elements bounded.
(e, p)
Proc. SPIE Vol. 4333
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