Table 1.   Abbreviations Used in Text

    Abbreviation	    Full Name	    Description	           
    AABW	    Antarctic Bottom Water	    bottom water originating from Antarctica, traceable to 40degreeN	          
    ACC	    Antarctic Circumpolar Current	    ocean current system that circumnavigates the Antarctic Continent	          
    ASW	    Antarctic Surface Water	    surface water around Antarctica that interacts directly with the atmosphere	          
    CDW	    Circumpolar Deep Water	    intermediate water mass of ACC	          
    ESW	    Eastern Shelf Water	    product of CDW and meltwater from the eastern Weddell ice shelves	          
    FRIS	    Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf	    largest ice shelf in Weddell Sea, largest ice shelf (by volume) in Antarctica	          
    GNAIW	    Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water	    northern source intermediate water that existed during the LGM - corresponds roughly to modern NADW, but existed at shallower depths with modified properties	          
    GSSBW	    Glacial Southern Source Bottom Water	    southern source bottom water that existed during the LGM	          
    HSSW	    High Salinity Shelf Water	    water formed on continental shelves of Antarctica through sea ice formation, S > 34.5	          
    ISW	    Ice Shelf Water	    water formed in sub-ice shelf cavities - defined as water with potential temperature lower than the surface freezing point (<ap -1.9degreeC)	          
    LGM	    Last Glacial Maximum	    time period corresponding to most recent relative maximum of continental ice sheet size, ap20,000 years before present	          
    MWDW	    Modified Warm Deep Water	    transition water mass between WW and WDW, likely source of continental shelf water masses	          
    NADW	    North Atlantic Deep Water	    water mass that originates from North Atlantic, identifiable in global ocean data sets as a deep salinity maximum	          
    WDW	    Warm Deep Water	    modified form of CDW found in Weddell Sea identified by temperature and salinity maximum around 300-600 m	          
    WSDW	    Weddell Sea Deep Water	    water in Weddell Sea that lies above WSBW and outflows to become AABW	          
    WSBW	    Weddell Sea Bottom Water	    deepest water mass in Weddell Sea, densest and coldest water mass around Antarctica, contributes eventually to AABW after mixing upward to become WSDW	          
    WW	    Winter Water	    water mass defining winter mixed layer of Weddell Sea, formed from underlying WDW and brine rejection