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All-printed soft human-machine interface for robotic
physicochemical sensing
You Yu
Jiahong Li
Samuel A. Solomon
Jihong Min
Jiaobing Tu
Wei Guo
Changhao Xu
Yu Song
Wei Gao
Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical Engineering, Division of Engineering and
Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 91125, USA.
Ultrasensitive multimodal physicochemical sensing for autonomous robotic decision-making
has numerous applications in agriculture, security, environmental protection, and public health.
Previously reported robotic sensing technologies have primarily focused on monitoring physical
parameters such as pressure and temperature. Integrating chemical sensors for autonomous dry-
phase analyte detection on a robotic platform is rather extremely challenging and substantially
underdeveloped. Here, we introduce an artificial intelligence-powered multimodal robotic sensing
system (M-Bot) with an all-printed mass-producible soft electronic skin–based human-machine
interface. A scalable inkjet printing technology with custom-developed nanomaterial inks was
used to manufacture flexible physicochemical sensor arrays for electrophysiology recording,
tactile perception, and robotic sensing of a wide range of hazardous materials including
nitroaromatic explosives, pesticides, nerve agents, as well as infectious pathogens such as SARS-
CoV-2. The M-Bot decodes the surface electromyography signals collected from the human body
through machine learning algorithms for remote robotic control and can perform
compound detection in extreme or contaminated environments with user-interactive tactile and
threat alarm feedback. The printed electronic-skin-based robotic sensing technology can be further
generalized and applied to other remote sensing platforms. Such diversity was validated on an
intelligent multimodal robotic boat platform that can efficiently track the source of trace amounts
of hazardous compounds through autonomous and intelligent decision-making algorithms. This
fully-printed human-machine interactive multimodal sensing technology could play a crucial role
in designing future intelligent robotic systems and can be easily reconfigured toward numerous
new practical wearable and robotic applications.
One-Sentence Summary:
Corresponding author. weigao@caltech.edu.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Author contributions:
Conceptualization: WG, YY
Methodology: YY, JL, SS
Investigation: YY, JL, SS, JM, JT, WG, CX, YS
Funding acquisition: WG
Supervision: WG
Writing – original draft: WG, YY, JL, SS
Writing – review & editing: JT, WG, CX, YS
Competing interests:
Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
HHS Public Access
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Sci Robot
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2022 December 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Sci Robot
. 2022 June ; 7(67): eabn0495. doi:10.1126/scirobotics.abn0495.
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Electronic skin printed with nanomaterial inks enables machine learning–driven autonomous
robotic physicochemical sensing.
The development of advanced autonomous robotic systems that mimic and surpass human
sensing capabilities is critical for environmental and agricultural protection as well as public
health and security surveillance (
). In particular, robotic tactile perception allows for
successful task implementation while avoiding harm to the device, user, and environment
). Additionally, autonomous trace-level threat detection prevents human exposure from
toxic chemicals when operating in extreme and hazardous environments (
). Such field-
deployable, on-the-spot detection tools can be applied for the rapid identification of minute
concentrations of nitroaromatic explosives that pose a health and security threat if they are
unchecked (
). In fact, there are numerous toxic compounds that need to be tightly
regulated in health and agriculture, such as organophosphates (OPs): pesticides or chemical
warfare nerve agents that can cause neurological disorders, infertility, and even rapid death
). Such tools can be extended to monitor pathogenic biohazards such as the SARS-
CoV-2 virus without direct human exposure, which could play a crucial role in combating
infectious diseases, especially as the current COVID-19 pandemic remains uncontrolled
around the world (
). These strong demands for autonomous sensitive hazard detection
have motivated the development of a controllable human-machine interactive robotic system
with both physical and chemical sensing capabilities for task performing and point-of-use
Due to its high flexibility and conformability, electronic skin (e-skin) presents itself as the
ideal interface between electronics and the human/robot bodies. In literature, e-skin has
demonstrated a wide range of physical and chemical sensing applications ranging from
consumer electronics, digital medicine, smart implants, to environmental surveillance (
). Despite such promise, several challenges exist for e-skin–based multifunctional robotic
systems. Because most rapid detection approaches for hazardous compounds require manual
solution-based sample preparation steps, integrating chemical sensors for autonomous
remote dry-phase analyte detection onto an e-skin-based robotic sensing platform is
extremely challenging and substantially underdeveloped, hindering e-skin’s capabilities for
robotic interaction and cognition of the external world (
). A robotic manipulator
would require tactile, chemical, and temperature feedback to handle arbitrary objects, collect
target samples, and carry out accurate chemical analysis in extreme environments (
Another problem for e-skin interfaces is that preparing high-performance sensors generally
requires manual drop-casting modifications of nanomaterials, which can lead to large sensor
variations (
). Currently, there is a lack of scalable low-cost manufacturing approaches to
prepare thin, ultra-flexible, multifunctional robotic physicochemical sensor patches. Despite
these concerns, there is a strong need for an efficient human-machine interface that can
reliably extract physiological features (
) as well as accurately control and receive real-
time user-interactive feedback.
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To address these challenges, we introduce here an artificial intelligence-powered human-
machine interactive multimodal sensing robotic system (M-Bot) (Fig. 1A). The M-Bot is
composed of two fully inkjet-printed stretchable e-skin patches, namely e-skin-R and e-skin-
H, that interface conformally with the robot and human skin respectively. The e-skins with
powerful physicochemical sensing capabilities are mass-producible, reconfigurable, and can
be entirely prepared using a high-speed, low-cost, scalable inkjet-printing technology with
a series of custom-developed nanomaterial inks. Upon collecting physiological data, the
machine learning model can decode the surface electromyography (sEMG) signals from
muscular contractions (recorded by e-skin-H) for robotic hand control. Simultaneously,
e-skin-R can perform proximity sensing, tactile and temperature perceptual mapping,
alongside real-time hydrogel-assisted electrochemical on-site sampling and analysis of
both solution-phase and dry-phase threat compounds including explosives (such as 2,4,6-
trinitrotoluene (TNT)), pesticides (such as OPs), and biohazards (such as SARS-CoV-2
virus). Upon detection, real-time haptic and threat alarm feedback communications were
electrical stimulation of the human body with e-skin-H. The threat sensing
capabilities of the M-Bot could pave the way for automated chemical sensing, facilitating
machine-mediated decisions for a wide range of practical robotic assistance applications.
Design of the human-machine interactive e-skins
E-skin-R is comprised of high-performance printed nanoengineered multimodal
physicochemical sensor arrays that can be placed on the palm and fingers of the robotic
hand (Fig. 1B and C). The entire sensor patch can be rapidly manufactured in a large-scale
and low-cost method
a powerful drop-on-demand inkjet printing technology (Fig. 1D,
fig. S1, and movie S1). On top of e-skin-R are engraved kirigami structures that provide
high stretchability without conductivity changes under 100% strain, which is crucial for
any robotic hand with high degrees of freedom in movement. E-skin-H consists of four
sEMG electrode arrays (channels), alongside a pair of electrical stimulation electrodes,
which can be fabricated similarly with inkjet printing followed by transfer printing onto a
stretchable polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate (Fig. 1E). With assistance from artificial
intelligence (AI), multimodal physicochemical sensing, and electrical stimulation-based
feedback control, e-skin-R and e-skin-H form a closed-loop human-machine interactive
robotic sensing system (Fig. 1F).
Fabrication and characterization of the fully inkjet-printed multimodal sensor arrays
The multimodal physicochemical sensor arrays on e-skin-R were fabricated
printing of silver (interconnects and reference electrode), carbon (counter electrode and
temperature sensor), polyimide (PI) (encapsulation), and target-selective nanoengineered
sensing films (tactile sensor and biochemical sensing electrodes) (Fig. 2A). Customized
nanomaterial inks were developed to meet the viscosity, density, and surface tension
requirement for inkjet printing and to achieve the desired analytical performance (figs. 2,
3 and table S1). The chemical sensors were coated with a soft gelatin hydrogel that was
loaded with an electrolyte or redox probe to facilitate target analyte sampling and analysis
in situ
(Supplementary Methods and fig. S4). The inkjet-printed carbon electrodes (IPCEs)
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showed reproducible electroanalytical performance and rapid response for on-site detection
of dry-phase analytes (redox probe Fe
was used in the hydrogel as an example) (fig.
S5). The detection area or resolution can be enhanced by increasing either hydrogel size (fig.
S6) or electrode density (fig. S7).
To effectively manipulate objects and to avoid harming either the e-skin or the object,
real-time tactile feedback was enabled by incorporating a piezoresistive pressure sensor
based on a printed Ag nanowires (AgNWs)/nanotextured-PDMS (N-PDMS) sensing film
(Fig. 2B and C). Such tactile sensation provides the robot with the haptic capability to
grasp and handle samples. The geometry changes of the AgNWs/N-PDMS in response to a
pressure load change the sensor’s conductance (Fig. 2D and fig. S8). The pressure sensor
displayed stable performance under repetitive pressure loading (Fig. 2E and fig. S8).
To demonstrate the feasibility of using the printed biosensors for hazardous chemical
detection, a standard chemical explosive (TNT), an OP nerve agent simulant (paraoxon-
methyl), and a biohazard pathogenic protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus were chosen.
The detection of TNT was achieved using a Pt-nanoparticle decorated graphene electrode,
which was prepared by droplet inkjet-printing of aqueous graphene oxide (GO), Pt ions, and
propylene glycol and subsequently subjected to thermal reduction. The Pt-graphene showed
superior electrocatalytic performance compared to classic carbon and graphene electrodes
(Fig. 2F–H and fig. S9). The reduction of p–NO
to p–NH
catalyzed by the Pt-graphene
can be detected
negative differential pulse voltammetry (nDPV) (
). The obtained
reduction peak amplitude in the nDPV voltammograms showed a linear relationship with
the target TNT concentrations with a sensitivity of 0.95 μA cm
and a detection
limit of 10.0 ppm (Fig. 2I). It should be noted that a custom voltammogram analysis with
an automatic peak extraction strategy was used by the robot to analyze the original nDPV
curves as illustrated in fig. S10. When integrated onto a robotic hand, the hydrogel-coated
Pt-graphene sensor could sample the dry-phase TNT efficiently and provide a stable current
response within 3 minutes (Fig. 2J); the TNT sensor can be regenerated
in situ
repetitive nDPV scans to deplete the sampled analyte molecules toward continuous robotic
sensing (fig. S11). For OP analysis, Pt-graphene and carbon have low electrochemical
activity because Zr-based metal-organic framework (MOF-808) was reported to have strong
interaction with OPs (
). Thus the printed MOF-808 modified gold nanoparticle
electrode (MOF-808/Au) was selected to achieve efficient non-enzymatic OP reduction at
a relatively low voltage (Fig. 2K–M and fig. S12). In this way, the catalyzed reduction
of paraoxon-methyl can be monitored
nDPV using the MOF-808/Au sensors with a
sensitivity of 1.4 μA cm
and a detection limit of 4.9 ppm (Fig. 2N). In addition to
high sensitivity, these printed sensors could also perform high-concentration threat analysis
(fig. S13). Similar to TNT detection, a 3-to-4-minute sampling time was found to be
sufficient for stable robotic dry-phase OP analysis (Fig. 2O). The Pt-graphene TNT sensors
and MOF-808/Au OP sensors showed high selectivity over other nitro compounds (figs. S14
and S15). Owing to the excellent stability of the catalytic performance of Pt-graphene and
MOF-808/Au, the printed sensors can perform continuous TNT and OP analysis (fig. S16).
Label-free SARS-CoV-2 virus detection was demonstrated from a printed multiwalled
carbon nanotube (CNT) electrode that was functionalized with antibodies specific to SARS-
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CoV-2 spike 1 protein (S1) (Fig. 2P,Q). The CNT layer possessed a high electroactive
surface area for sensitive electrochemical sensing while providing rich carboxylic acid
functional groups for amine-containing affinity probe immobilization to achieve versatile
biohazard sensing (
). The successful surface modification of the S1 sensor was
confirmed after each surface immobilization step (fig. S17, Fig. 2R, fig. S18). Parts-per-
billion (ppb) level S1 sensing was performed based on the signal change of the electroactive
redox probe (Fe
) caused by the blockage of the electrode surface due to the S1
protein binding (Fig. 2S). The response variations of such S1 sensors can be further
reduced in the future with an automatic surface modification process. The SARS-CoV-2 S1
sensor shows high selectivity over other viral proteins as illustrated in fig. S19. On-the-spot
robotic S1 protein detection was successfully demonstrated using a collection and detection
hydrogel containing the redox probe on the sensor that touched a surface containing a dry
blot of the S1 protein (Fig. 2T). Although the non-specific adsorption could potentially
reduce the selectivity of the hydrogel detection process (fig. S20), the semi-quantitative data
conveniently and automatically obtained on site by the sensor could still provide the users
rapid, real-time feedback and alert on the presence of biohazard.
To ensure accurate hazard detection in extreme operational environments, a printed carbon-
based temperature sensor was designed for on-site temperature sensing and chemical
sensor calibration during operation (fig. S21). All printed sensors maintained similar
performance under and after repetitive mechanical bending tests, indicating their high
mechanical stability (fig. S22). The freshly prepared hydrogels can be stored at 4°C in a
moist chamber for over one week and maintain similar sensing performance (fig. S23). To
minimize the influence of the shearing and normal forces on the sensor performance, the
AgNWs/N-PDMS pressure sensor was designed to form a protection microwell for each
hydrogel-coated biosensor and to facilitate reliable chemical analyte sample collection (figs.
S24 and S25); moreover, the tactile feedback from the AgNWs/N-PDMS pressure sensor
could ensure stable electrochemical sensing performance (contact pressure was maintained
between 0 and 500 Pa during operation).
Evaluation of e-skin-H for AI-assisted human-machine interaction
E-skin-H acts as a human-machine interface for autonomous robotic control and object
manipulation (Fig. 3A). In particular, e-skin-H records neuromuscular activity, which
provides an intuitive interface to perform hand gesture recognition, through its inkjet-printed
PDMS-encapsulated four-channel three-electrode sEMG arrays (Fig. 3B,C and fig. S26A–
C). Analyzing the interfacial contact with the skin, e-skin-H demonstrates high stretchability
with good mechanical compliance during physical activities through its serpentine structure
to provide reliable sEMG recordings (fig. S26D–I).
Upon signal acquisition, various machine learning algorithms were evaluated for accurate
gesture recognition including linear regression, random forest, artificial neural networks
(ANN), support vector machines (SVM; kernels: radial, sigmoid, linear, and polynomial), as
well as k-nearest neighbors (KNN). Each algorithm was shown to extract motor intention
from sEMG signals, acting as a bridge between conscious thought and prosthetic actuation.
Out of all the machine learning algorithms, the KNN model provided the highest prediction
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accuracy for all six hand gestures with an overall mean accuracy across 5000 randomly
selected training data of 97.29±1.11% based on real-time experimental results collected
from a human participant (Fig. 3D,E and fig. S27). The next best model was the random
forest classifier, which was found to have a similar average classification accuracy except
with a higher variance. The KNN model was able to provide high-accuracy recognition of
gestures with different angles when applying the e-skin-H to other body parts such as the
neck, lower limb, and upper back—each time achieving an accuracy of greater than 90%
(figs. S28 and S29).
For each gesture, five features were extracted from the associated peak in the root mean
squared (RMS) filtered sEMG data (fig. S30): peak height (PH), peak standard deviation
(STD), maximum slope (MS), peak average (PA), and peak energy (PE) (Supplementary
Methods). The relevance of each feature and channel in the prediction method was further
evaluated using Shapley additive explanation (SHAP) values (
). Through the SHAP values
as well as the KNN accuracy, it was determined that PH was the most important feature for
accurate gesture classification (Fig. 3F and fig. S31). When considered alongside PH, STD
and PA both increased the classification accuracy, with STD being the most beneficial (figs.
S31 and S32). In terms of channels, it was found that three EMG channels were sufficient to
provide a high gesture accuracy of 96.31±1.25%. Adding a fourth channel was beneficial but
not statistically significant (tables S2 and S3).
With the KNN algorithm, the robot can imitate the user’s gesture in millisecond-level
time for automatic object manipulation. The data acquisition and signal processing time
delay to determine a gesture was around 200 milliseconds, well below the required time
for optimal real-time robotic control (
). This was achieved using a sampling rate of
534 Hz and analyzing the data in batches of 100 points. The M-Bot’s time delay was
substantially reduced by training the KNN model on only half of any sEMG signal for
gesture recognition. By reducing the required data needed to determine a gesture, the
machine learning model was able to predict the movement almost immediately after the
gesture was complete.
The AI-powered e-skin-H–enabled gesture recognition provides a framework for online
multi-directional robotic control with high-accuracy remote object manipulation (as
illustrated in Fig. 3G–I and movie S2). After object contact, recognition, and positive threat
detection, tactile and alarm feedback can be activated to inform the user of any potential
danger using a pulsed current load between the two stimulation electrodes (Fig. 3J). To
facilitate safe robotic handling and to protect e-skin-R from uncontrolled collisions, a laser
proximity sensor was integrated into the robotic hand to reduce the actuation speed as the
hand approaches a barrier (<10 cm) (Fig. 3K and fig. S33).
Evaluation of the M-Bot in human-interactive robotic physicochemical sensing
With delicate and precise control, the human-machine interactive M-Bot was successfully
evaluated for fingertip point-of-use robotic TNT detection (fig. S34 and movie S3). The
multimodal sensor data could be captured in real time using a portable multichannel
potentiostat, wirelessly transmitted to the mobile phone, and displayed on the cellphone app
(fig. S34 and movie S3). The M-Bot was also able to perform object grasping and multi-spot
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tactile and chemical sensing (Fig. 4A–D and movie S4). Multiplexed physicochemical data
were simultaneously recorded and automatically processed without signal interferences (fig.
S35). In an example demonstration, 7 AI-assisted gesture-controlled steps were used in
sequence to control the robotic hand as it approached, grasped, and released a spherical
object (Fig. 4E, fig. S36, and movie S4); In parallel, 5 sensor arrays were activated,
displaying multiplexed tactile readings and surface TNT levels (Fig. 4F and G).
The use of the M-Bot for multiplexed physicochemical robotic sensing was further
evaluated on an OP-contaminated cylindrical surface (Fig. 4H). During the experiment,
14 sensor arrays on e-skin-R were activated. The tactile and OP sensor responses from
each sensor, along with the corresponding color mapping of their distributions across the
three-dimensional (3D) surface, are displayed in Fig. 4I and Fig. 4J, respectively (detailed
data demonstrated in figs. S37 and S38). We anticipate that by further increasing the number
and density of the multimodal sensor arrays, more accurate and informative data can be
obtained from arbitrary objects and surfaces.
Evaluation of an e-skin-R enabled multimodal sensing robotic boat (M-Boat) for
autonomous source tracking
The multimodal robotic sensing platform was further generalized onto an autonomous
robotic boat capable of tracking pollutants, explosives, chemical threats, and biological
hazards for risk prevention and mitigation, which is an important topic in civil security
). In this regard, our printed multimodal e-skin-R technology was adapted onto an
M-Boat for real-time hazard detection and to autonomously locate the source of water-based
chemical leakages (Fig. 5A). 3D printed from simple computer-aided designs, the M-Boat
contains an inkjet-printed multimodal sensor array with one temperature and three chemical
sensors, two electrical motors (for boat propulsion and steering), and a printed circuit board
for data collection, signal processing, and motor control (Fig. 5B–D and fig. S39). The
propulsion of the M-Boat can be precisely controlled by adjusting the individual duty cycle
of pulsed voltages supplied to each motor (Fig. 5E, fig. S40, and movie S5); For source-
detection, an A* search algorithm (
) was implemented for autonomous decision-making
while searching for the maximum concentration of the chemical leakage (Fig. 5F,G, fig.
S41, and Supplementary Methods). At each decision point, the sensors can detect small
traces of the chemical leak in three equidistant locations around the boat. With this input,
the algorithm calculates the optimal direction to travel using the gradient vector, indicating
the direction of the highest concentration, and a heuristic estimate of the diffusion based
on an interpolated map from previous points. By utilizing the heuristic map in parallel with
the gradient, the algorithm takes advantage of both the past and present results to precisely
predict the spatial location of the source. The performance of the M-Boat was evaluated
through simulations as well as experimentally in water tanks containing various chemical
gradients induced by a low pH corrosive fluid (Fig. 5H,I, fig. S42, and movie S6) and OP
leakage (Fig. 5J and K). In the water tank, the M-Boat performed real-time detection of the
surrounding analyte concentrations, automatically adjusting its trajectory based on the A*
algorithm, to successfully identify the leakage source. The M-Boat was also able to perform
continuous hazard analysis and autonomous leakage tracking in seawater (fig. S43 and
movie S6). The surrounding pH and ionic strength of a real-world sample matrix (e.g., lake
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water or seawater) did not show substantial influence on the sensor performance (fig. S44).
When necessary, more real-time calibration mechanisms for precise hazard analysis can
be introduced by incorporating more related biosensors (e.g., pH and conductivity sensors)
into the e-skin-R. With more advanced robotic control and sensing designs, the M-Boat
platform could serve as an important basis for intelligent path planning and decision-making
of autonomous vehicles.
Here we have described a human-machine interactive e-skin–based robotic system (M-Bot)
with multimodal physicochemical sensing capabilities. The mass-producible flexible sensor
arrays allow for high-performance on-site monitoring of temperature, tactile pressure, and
various hazardous chemicals (in both dry-phase and liquid-phase) such as explosives,
OPs, and pathogenic proteins. The integration of such multimodal sensors onto a robotic
e-skin platform provides autonomous systems with interactive cognitive capabilities and
substantially broadens the range of tasks robots can perform, such as combating infectious
diseases like COVID-19.
Existing robotic sensing technologies are largely limited to monitoring physical parameters
such as temperature and pressure. To achieve high-performance chemical sensing,
nanomaterials are commonly used via manual drop-casting methods, which could lead
to large sensor variations. Moreover, most electrochemical sensing strategies require
detection in aqueous solutions, making them impractical for dry-phase robotic analysis.
Currently, there are no reported scalable low-cost manufacturing approaches to prepare
robotic physicochemical sensors. In this work, we proposed a scale solution to fabricate
flexible, multifunctional, multimodal sensor arrays prepared entirely by high-speed inkjet
printing. Custom-developed functional nanomaterial inks are designed and optimized to
achieve highly sensitive and selective sensors for the specific hazardous target analytes. The
hydrogel-coated printed nanobiosensors allow for efficient dry-phase chemical sampling and
rapid on-site hazard analysis on a robotic platform.
Manufactured using the same approach, e-skin-H ensured stable contact with the soft human
skin for reliable recording of neuromuscular activity to facilitate remote robotic sensing
and control. To minimize the amount of data collected and analyzed for human-robotic
interaction, artificial intelligence and smart algorithms were applied to decode incoming
information and efficiently predict and control robotic movement. An in-depth analysis into
each sEMG channel’s individual contribution to the machine learning model was presented,
allowing future researchers to optimize the number of electrodes needed for robotic control.
Using the SHAP analysis, we further untangled the hidden overlapping information between
each channel’s features and categorized which features present the most non-overlapping
information for gesture prediction. For the M-Bot, machine learning gesture prediction
e-skin-H was further coupled with user interactive tactile and threat alarm feedback
that allow seamless human-machine interaction for the remote deployment of robotic
technology in extreme or contaminated environments. To obtain such real-time results,
the robotic platform’s data acquisition, signal processing, feature extraction, and gesture
prediction of the sEMG signals were performed with millisecond-level time after the gesture
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was complete. The M-Boat similarly employed a smart A* algorithm for autonomous
source detection, minimizing the boat’s path, and subsequently time and energy, in finding
potentially hazardous chemical leaks. In these applications, the systems demonstrated real-
time autonomous movement, all within a low-cost mass-producible system, lowering the
barrier for real-time robotic perception.
This human-machine interactive robotic sensing technology represents an attractive
approach to develop advanced flexible and soft e-skins that can reliably collect vital
data from the human body and the surrounding environments. Full system integration to
achieve high-speed, wireless, and simultaneous multi-channel physicochemical sensing is
strongly desired for future field deployment and evaluation. Moreover, we envision that,
by integrating a high density and new types of multimodal sensors, this technology could
substantially enhance the perceptual capabilities of future intelligent robots and pave the
way to numerous new practical wearable and robotic applications.
Graphite flake was purchased from Alfa Aesar. Sodium nitrate, potassium permanganate,
hydrogen peroxide, potassium hexacyanoferrate(III), citric acid, chloroplatinic acid,
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), zirconium(IV) chloride, aniline, gelatin, paraoxon-methyl,
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene solution (TNT), 4-nitrophenol, 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether, 2-nitroethanol,
2-nitropropane, 4-nitrotoluene, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, poly(pyromellitic dianhydride-co-4,4’-
oxydianiline) amic acid (PAA) solution (12.8 wt%), 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP),
N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide sodium salt (Sulfo-NHS), N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N
ethyl carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC), 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid hydrate
(MES), potassium permanganate (KMnO
), and bovine serum albumin (BSA), human
immunoglobulin G (IgG), and lysozyme were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Sodium
chloride, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, disodium phosphate, 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic
acid (H
BTC), formic acid, N,N
-dimethylformamide (DMF), potassium ferricyanide,
propylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol (IPA), and phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) were
purchased from Fisher Scientific. His-tagged SARS-CoV-2 Spike S1 protein (PNA002),
anti-Spike-RBD human mAb (IgG) (S1-IgG, AHA013), SARS-CoV S1 (40150-V08B1),
SARS-CoV Nucleocapsid Protein (NP, 40143-V08B), and SARS-CoV-2 NP (40588-V08B)
were purchased from Sanyou Bio. Silver nanowire (AgNWs) suspension (20 mg ml
IPA) was purchased from ACS material, LLC. Silver ink (25 wt%) and carbon ink (5 wt%)
were purchased from NovaCentrix. Gold ink (10 wt%) was purchased from C-INK co., Ltd.
Carboxyl functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube (CNT) ink (2 mg ml
, Nink-1000)
was purchased from NanoLab, Inc. PI film (12.5 μm) was purchased from DuPont.
Preparation and characterizations of print inks
To prepare the Pt-graphene ink, graphene oxide (GO) was first prepared following a
modified Hummer’s method (
). 1 g of graphite flake was mixed with 23 ml of H
for more than 24 hours, and then 100 mg of NaNO
was added inside. Subsequently, 3 g of
was added below 5°C in an ice bath. After stirring at 40°C for another 30 minutes,
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46 ml of H
O was added while the solution temperature was slowly increased to 80°C. In
the end, 140 ml of H
O and 10 ml of H
were introduced into the mixture to complete the
reaction. The GO was washed with 1 M HCl and filtered. After dried under vacuum at 60°C,
a GO (2 mg ml
) suspension was prepared followed by the addition of 5 mM chloroplatinic
acid under sonication. Last, the suspension was mixed with propylene glycol (80:20, v:v) to
form the Pt-graphene ink.
The MOF-808 was synthesized solvothermally. Briefly, H
BTC (0.236 mM) and ZrCl
(1 mM) were mixed with 15.6 ml of the DMF and formic acid (1:0.56, v:v) solvent
and sonicated for 20 minutes. Then, the mixture was transferred to a 25-ml Teflon-lined
autoclave and kept at 120°C for 12 hours. After the reaction, the autoclave was naturally
cooled to room temperature. The product was washed with DMF and methanol and then
dried under vacuum at 60°C. Last, a MOF-808 suspension in DI water was prepared and
mixed with propylene glycol (80:20, v:v) to form the MOF-808 ink.
The AgNWs ink was prepared by diluting the silver nanowire suspension with IPA to 2 mg
and sonicating it for 10 minutes. The CNT ink was prepared by mixing the commercial
CNT ink (2 mg ml
) with propylene glycol (80:20, v:v). PAA ink was prepared by diluting
the commercial PAA solution with NMP to 3 wt%. Commercial silver and carbon inks were
used as received.
The dynamic viscosity (
), density (
) and surface tension (
) for all inks were
characterized before printing. Dynamic viscosity was characterized with an Anton Paar
MCR302 rheometer. Surface tension was measured with a Ramé-Hart contact angle
goniometer using the equation
Here, Δ
is the density difference between air and inks,
is the gravitational acceleration,
is the radius of curvature at the drop apex, and
is the shape factor.
Fabrication and assembly of the soft inkjet-printed e-skin-R
The fabrication process of the inkjet-printed e-skin-R is illustrated in fig. S1. The PI
substrate was cut with kirigami structures by automatic precision cutting (Silhouette Cameo
3). A 2-min O
plasma surface treatment was performed with Plasma Etch PE-25 (10
– 20 cm
, 100 W, 150 – 200 mTorr) to enhance the surface hydrophilicity
of the PI substrate. The multimodal sensor arrays on e-skin-R were fabricated
printing of silver (interconnects and reference electrode), carbon (counter electrode and
temperature sensor), PI (encapsulation), and target-selective nanoengineered sensing layers
(e.g., AgNWs, Pt-graphene, Au, MOF-808) using an inkjet printer (DMP-2850, Fujifilm).
The ink composition, characterizations, and thermal annealing conditions are shown in
table S1. 30 layers of AgNWs were printed on a nanotextured PDMS substrate (cured
on a 1000-mesh sandpaper) to form the piezoresistive tactile sensors. While printing, the
plate temperature was set to 40°C to ensure the rapid vaporization of the IPA solvent. The
AgNWs/N-PDMS were cut to semicircle shape and set on the e-skin.
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For preparing biohazard S1 protein sensor (fig. S17), a CNT film was printed on the IPCE
first. The carboxylic groups of multiwall CNTs were activated to NHS esters, by dropcasting
μL of EDC (400
mM) and NHS (100
mM) in MES buffer (25 mM, pH 5) for 35 minutes.
In the next step, 5
μL of 250 μg ml
anti-Spike-RBD antibody in PBS were dropped on the
modified electrode and incubated for 2
hours. Next, 10 μl of 1% BSA in PBS were dropped
and incubated for 1
hour to deactivate residual NHS esters. The modified sensors were stored
in the refrigerator until use.
To assemble the robotic e-skin, the pins of the finger printed e-skin were connected with the
bottom printed silver connections of palm part through a z-axis conductive tape (3M), and
then e-skin-R was set on a robotic hand printed with a 3D printer (Mars Pro, Elegoo Inc.).
Characterizations of the multimodal robotic sensing performance of e-skin-R
The printed biosensors were characterized with cyclic voltammetry (scan rate, 50 mV s
unless otherwise noted), DPV, and amperometric i-t through an electrochemical workstation
(CHI 660E). McIlvaine buffer solutions (pH 6.0) were used to prepare the analyte solutions.
A commercial Ag/AgCl reference electrode (CHI111) was used for characterizing the
printed sensing electrodes in the solution while printed Ag solid-state electrodes were used
for hydrogel-based sensor characterization (there was a ~0.1-V difference between these
two types of reference electrodes in McIlvaine buffer). To quantify the electrochemical
performance and the electrochemical surface areas, the print electrodes were tested in 5 mM
and 1 M KCl with scan rates of 5 mV s
from −0.1 to 0.5 V.
For TNT and OP sensors, the conditions of nDPV measurements include a scan range of
−0.15 to −0.5 V, an incremental potential of 0.004V, a pulse amplitude of 0.05V, a pulse
width of 0.05 s, and a pulse period of 0.5 s. The reduction peaks of nDPV curves were
extracted using a custom developed iterative baseline correction algorithm. To prepare the
electrolyte-loaded hydrogel for analyte sampling and sensing, 0.250 g of gelatin powder,
0.075 g of KCl, 0.071 g of citric acid, and 0.179 g of disodium phosphate were mixed in 10
ml of DI water and stirred at 80°C for 15 min. The hydrogel was stored and aged overnight.
The gelatin electrolyte-loaded hydrogel was coated on the printed biosensors for dry blot
For S1 protein detection, the modified electrode was incubated with 10
μl of S1 protein
in PBS for 10 minutes, and the DPV measurements ranged from −0.1 to 0.5 V. The
electrochemical signal of the sensor before and after antigen binding was measured in
5 mM K
. The difference between the peak current densities (Δj) was obtained
as sensor readout. A sampling hydrogel pad was prepared to demonstrate the feasibility
for SAR-CoV-2 virus dry blot detection. To perform one-step detection, 10 μl of gelatin
hydrogel (7.5 wt% gelatin, 10 mM K
, 0.2 M phosphate buffer pH 7.0) was placed
onto a dry S1 protein blot (from 10 μl of a 1 μg ml
SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein droplet). Such
amount of S1 protein could potentially be found in a COVID-19 patient’s saliva droplet (
For dry-phase sensing selectivity study, the dry protein blots were created with the same
amount of interference proteins (10 μl, 1 μg ml
). The electrochemical signal of the gel was
recorded immediately and 10 minutes after joining the biosensor with the gel.
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The temperature sensor characterization was performed on a ceramic hot plate (Thermo
Fisher Scientific), and an amperometric method (with an applied voltage of 2 V) was used to
detect the temperature response. The piezoresistive tactile sensor characterization was also
applied with a constant voltage of 2 V to record the current response under various pressure
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the electrodes were obtained by a
field-emission SEM (FEI Nova 600 NanoLab). EDS mapping were obtained by an EDS
spectrometer (Bruker Quantax EDS).
Fabrication and assembly of e-skin-H
The fabrication process of e-skin-H was illustrated in fig. S26. A 2-min O
plasma surface
treatment was performed with Plasma Etch PE-25 to enhance the surface hydrophilicity
of the PI substrate. Silver interconnects were printed with DMP-2850. The PI substrate
without the printed patterns were removed with laser cut using a 50-W CO
laser cutter
(Universal Laser System). The optimized laser cutter parameter was power 10%, speed 80%,
PPI 1,000 in vector mode. After cleaned with ethanol and dried, the remaining patterns were
transferred onto a 70-μm-thick PDMS substrate and then encapsulated with another layer of
PDMS film as well (with sEMG and electrical stimulation electrodes exposed). An adhesive
electrode gel (Parker laboratories, INC.) was spread onto the electrodes before placing on
human participants.
Evaluation of the human-machine interactive multimodal sensing robot
To evaluate the performance of the M-Bot, the e-skin-R interfaced 3D print robotic hand
was assembled onto a 5-axis robotic arm (Innfos Ltd.). The e-skin-H was then set around a
human participant’s forearm after cleaning the skin with alcohol swabs. The sEMG data was
acquired with four-channel (three sEMG electrodes in each channel) through an open-source
hardware shield (Olimex). The signals were sampled as integers between 0 and 1023 by
a 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and then processed through a serial (cluster
communication, COM) port. Each channel was then scaled back into voltages between 0
and 5 V. While the robotic arm control was performed in real time, data processing was
performed asynchronously to signal acquisition. During processing, the data was first put
through a high pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz. The points were subsequently
downsized using a root mean squared (RMS) filter (batch size: 400 points; step size: 10
points). The peaks detected after processing were used as features for the machine learning
model. Overlapping peaks from each channel (peaks within a half peak-width away) were
categorized as a single group. If multiple peaks were detected in a single channel’s set,
then the first peak was used. The KNN training model was built using 60 samples per
each of the 6 gestures. The training and testing datasets were divided 2:1 respectively and
were randomly selected using an equal representation of each gesture. After the model
was developed, it was further evaluated for accuracy using new data from each gesture.
The LPS (TOF10120) was operated through a customized interactive control software in
Python (Python 3.8). For dry blot threat detection, TNT and OP threat coatings were
created by spraying analyte vapor onto the selected objects in a fume hood. Multimodal
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sensing data collected during robotic sensing operations were collected through a portable
electrochemical workstation (Palmsens4) with a multiplexer.
The validation and evaluation of the M-Bot were performed using human participants in
compliance with all the ethical regulations under protocols (ID 19–0895) that were approved
by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the California Institute of Technology. Three
participates were recruited from the California Institute of Technology’s campus and the
neighboring communities through advertisement. All participants gave written informed
consent before study participation.
Machine learning data analysis
For each gesture, all five features were extracted from the associated peak in the RMS
filtered EMG data: height, average area, standard deviation, average energy (intensity), and
maximum slope. The features extracted were calculated in reference against their baselines,
which were determined via a binary search of the previous data in 50-ms intervals.
After feature extraction, SHAP values were used to evaluate the performance enhancement
of each feature extracted and EMG channel utilized. In addition to SHAP values, the average
testing accuracy across 5000 training sessions was taken for each permutation of features
and EMG channels, which supplemented the SHAP values in providing further insight into
which channels and features contained non-overlapping beneficial information for gesture
determination. For each of the 5000 trials, the testing points represented 33% of the dataset,
with each gesture in the test set being proportionally represented in the full dataset. For the
arm EMG dataset, this amounted to 387 movements split across 6 gestures; of those points,
the KNN model was fit using 257 training points and scored on the remaining 128 testing
points (testing and training were proportionally stratified across all 6 gestures).
Evaluation of the multimodal sensing robotic boat
To evaluate the performance of the M-Boat, the e-skin-R was assembled onto a 3D printed
boat with a four-layer printed circuit board (PCB), as shown in Fig. 5B and C. On the PCB,
a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module (CYBLE-222014–01, Cypress Semiconductor) was
employed for controlling the electrochemical front end through a Serial Peripheral Interface
(SPI). This module was also used to control the motor driver through general purpose
input/output (GPIO) pins and pulse width modulation (PWM) and to transmit data over
BLE. An electrochemical front end (AD5941, Analog Devices) was set up via SPI to
perform multiplexed electrochemical measurements with the sensor arrays and to send the
acquired data to the BLE module for signal processing and BLE transmission. A BLE
dongle (CY5677, Cypress Semiconductor) was used to establish a BLE connection with the
M-Boat and to securely receive the sensor data via BLE indications. An A* algorithm was
utilized to analyze the sensor data and compute the next M-Boat’s movement path with the
optimal motor speed. The calculated motor speed information was sent back to the BLE
module in real time for the pulse width modulated control of two motors (Q4SL2BQ280001)
through a dual DC motor driver (TB6612FNG, Toshiba). The entire system was powered by
a 3.7-V Li-ion battery (40 mAh).
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For the OP chemical threat tracking experiment, a natural diffusion gradient was generated
by 10 droppings of 20 μl of 0.1 M OP into a 0.1 M NaCl solution tank. The seawater
studies were performed in seawater samples collected from the Pacific Ocean in Los
Angeles. The M-Boat was set into the tank after 30 minutes. For the corrosive acidic threat
tracking experiment, pH sensors were modified on e-skin-R instead. Briefly, a polyaniline
pH-sensitive film was electropolymerized on the IPCE in a solution containing 0.1 M aniline
and 0.1 M HCl using a CV from −0.2 to 1 V for 25 cycles at a scan rate of 50 mV s
. Then
100 μl of H
(2 M) as the leakage source was dropped into the middle of the water tank.
Lastly the M-Boat was set after 45/30 min with/without barriers in the tank, respectively.
Statistical analysis
All quantitative values were presented as means ± standard deviation of the mean. For all
sensor evaluation plots, the error bars were calculated based on standard deviation from 3
sensors. For the hydrogel stability study, the error bars were calculated based on standard
deviation from three hydrogels. For bending tests of the sEMG electrodes, the error bars
were calculated based on standard deviation from three independent measurements. For the
machine learning analysis of the sEMG data, the model was trained on the same data across
5000 trials of randomly splitting the points between training and testing data. The accuracy
profile of this training was then fit to a skewed normal distribution, where the mean was
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We gratefully acknowledge critical support and infrastructure provided for this work by the Kavli Nanoscience
Institute at Caltech. J.T. was supported by the National Science Scholarship from the Agency of Science
Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore.
National Institutes of Health grant R01HL155815 (WG)
Office of Naval Research grant N00014-21-1-2483 (WG)
Translational Research Institute for Space Health grant NASA NNX16AO69A (WG)
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program grant R01RG3746 (WG)
Carver Mead New Adventures Fund at California Institute of Technology (WG)
Data and materials availability:
All data are available in the main text or the supplementary materials. The code for this
study is available at
(sEMG-based robotic
arm control) and
(M-Boat search
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Fig. 1. Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered multimodal sensing robotic system (M-Bot) based on a
fully-printed soft human-machine interface.
) Schematic of the M-Bot that contains a pair of fully-printed soft electronic skins
(e-skins): e-skin-H (interfacing with the human skin) and e-skin-R (interfacing with the
robotic skin) for AI-powered robotic control and multimodal physicochemical sensing with
user-interactive feedback. LPS, laser proximity sensor; sEMG, surface electromyography; T,
temperature; KNN, K-nearest neighbors algorithm. (
) Photographs of the robotic
skin-interfaced e-skin-R consisting of arrays of printed multimodal sensors. Scale bars,
3 cm. (
) Schematic illustration of rapid, scalable, and cost-effective prototyping of the
kirigami soft e-skin-R using inkjet printing and automatic cutting. PI, polyimide. (
Photograph of the human skin–interfaced soft e-skin-H with arrays of sEMG and feedback
stimulation electrodes. Scale bar, 1 cm. (
) Schematic signal-flow diagram of the M-Bot.
In-Amp, instrumentation amplifier; HPF, high-pass filter; E, applied voltage; ES, electrical
stimulation; SPU, signal processing unit. WE, CE, and RE represent working, counter, and
reference electrodes of the printed chemical sensor, respectively.
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