of 22
Neuron, Volume
Supplemental Information
In Situ Transcription Pro
ling of Single Cells
Reveals Spatial Organization of Cells
in the Mouse Hippocampus
Sheel Shah, Eric Lubeck, Wen Zhou, and Long Cai
Fig S1.
SmHCR performance metrics as compared to smFISH, Related to Figure 1.
Raw data of Pgk1 transcripts imaged in a brain slice. The transcript was targeted with 2 hcr
probes sets and 1 smFISH
probe set, each consisted of 24 oligonucleotide probes. The probe sets
were hybridized together and were imaged in 3 different channels.
Green circles are transcripts
detected in all channels, yellow circles signify transcripts detected in 2 out of 3 cha
nnels, and red
circles represent signal found in only 1 channel (false positives due to nonspecific binding).
These images show that smHCR and smFISH have similar sensitivity, specificity, and spot size.
Gain of smHCR vs smFISH.
The mean gain of smHCR
is 22.1 ± 11.55 vs smFISH
True positive detection rate of smHCR and smFISH per channel.
The percent of
true positives (transcripts detected with at least 2 out of 3 probe sets) detected with each probe
set (n=1338).
False positive rate
of smHCR and smFISH.
Percent of total dots in a channel
not detected in any other channel for 3 color Pgk1 (n=1338).
All the regions imaged in the
coronal section are boxed. Each box represents a field of 216 um x 216 um. The brain section
used for f
igure 4 and 5 is shown on the left. The middle section is used for figure 6 and the right
section is used for figure 7.
Fig S2. Quantitation of seqFISH, Related to Figure 2.
All control genes show high
correlations between seqFISH and smHCR.
umber of dropped hybridizations from the
barcode. Blue bars represent measured probability and the red bars represent inferred values
from binomial distribution fitting of measured probability.
The ratio of the full barcodes (4
hybridizations) vs 3 hybrid
ization barcodes indicate that transcripts that are mis
hybridized in 2
rounds are rare. Transcripts missed in 2 or more hybridizations (red bars) could not be recovered
from the error
correction algorithm and would be dropped from our quantifications
,115,477 total barcodes).
Intensity of barcode hybridizations overtime.
All dots
belonging to barcodes are quantified in each hybridization and their mean intensity is plotted
over time normalized to the first hybridization.
99% CI ratio of mean is p
lotted as a bar over
points, but is not visible due to its small size (n=
111284 points per
Barcoding confidence ratio.
Barcode classes in D are compared to a null model of
barcode observations where random chance observation should
give a ratio of 1. Off target
barcodes are observed 0.005 times less than expected, suggesting that seqFISH has high
accuracy in correctly counting barcoded transcripts (n=3493 cells).
Dark bars on top of bar plots
correspond to 99.999% confidence interv
al determined by bootstrap resampling.
of average copy numbers per gene as measured by Zeisel
et al.
and seqFISH.
Single cell RNA
seq underestimates copy numbers compared to seqFISH.
Fig S3. Gene expression patterns and clustering of
the 125
gene dataset, Related to Figure
3. A.
Overview of 125 gene expression.
Plots show the distribution of each transcript in all
14,908 imaged cells.
Note the last 25 genes have higher expression and were imaged with serial
n plots of Z
score distribution for 125 genes.
Subclusters of cluster 6
cells and their regional localization and gene expression profile displayed under the dendrogram.
Subcluster 6.1 is enriched in the CA3, while 6.7 is enriched in the DG.
ters of cluster
7 cells are shown.
Almost all cells are localized in the GCL but have different combinatorial
expression profiles.
Note Calb1 expression, which marks out granule cell maturation, differs
amongst subclusters.
cluster hierarchy of e
ach of the 13 clusters identified in Figure
PCA eigenvalue analysis of the cell
cell correlation matrix.
First 125 PC and their
eigenvalues are shown. As observed in Fig 3, the first 10 PCs explain 59.5% of the variation in
the data, while th
e remaining 115 PCs are needed to explain remaining data.
Reflecting this, the
eigenvalues of the first 10 components are high, while the remaining eigenvalues are
Correlation between gene expression and spatial localization.
Each dot repre
a pair of cell classes and their correlations in gene expression expression space (x) and spatial
localization patterns (y) (N=153 pairwise correlations between classes, R=0.67).
Classes that are
similar in expression have similar localization patte
PCA decomposition separates cells
into coherent clusters corresponding to cell classes.
Cells are colored according to the clusters
displayed in the dendrogram.
Cell to cell correlation map for all 14,908 cells images in the 125
gene experiment.
Gene to gene correlation map for all 125 genes measured in the 125 gene
Fig S4.
Robustness of cell classes to downsampling of cells, Related to Figure 3.
To measure
how well cluster assignments perform with a limited number of cells, a random forest model was
trained on the cell
cell correlation matrix of subsets of 14,908 cells. The robustness of the
clusters was calculated by applying this model to c
lassify the remaining cells and determining
the percent accuracy of correct assignment to the clusters presented in 3b. While some classes
can be assigned accurately even with a small number of cells as the initial training set, several
classes require lar
ge number of cells to accurately assign (n=10 bootstrap replicates, S.E.)
Figure S5.
The same pattern of hippocampal subregions are observed when only
hippocampal cells are clustered
, related to Figures 3
In Figure 5 and 6, both cortex and
mpal cells were used in the clustering.
When only cells from the hippocampus are used
for clustering, the same patterns are observed with homogenous cell populations in CA1d and
The intermediate and ventral subregions contain heterogeneous cell clu
laminar patterning in the dentate gyrus is also observed similar to Figure 4.
Fig S6.
Gene expression patterns and clustering of the 249
gene dataset, Related to Figure
Overview of 249
gene expression.
Plots show the distribution of each transcript in all
2050 imaged cells in the hippocampus.
Note the last 35 genes have higher expression and were
imaged with serial hybridization.
Violin plots of Z
score distributio
n for 249 genes.
Dendrogram with regional localization of the 18 cell clusters for the 249
gene experiment.
Correlation of seqFISH counts to smHCR counts for the 249
gene experiment. The 2D density
histogram shows a high density of points around t
he regression line that fall off towards the
edges of the distribution.
cell correlation for all 2050 cells in the 249
gene dataset.
Heat map of the percentage of each cell class in each region of the hippocampus for both the
gene experim
ents. These heat maps show that in both 125
gene experiments the same cell
classes are used in roughly the same proportions.
Heat map of the percentage of each cell
class in each region of the hippocampus for the 249
gene experiment. The same patterns a
re seen
as the 125 gene experiment (i.e. different regions use different cell classes in varying amounts).
Fig S7. Marker genes robustly identify cell types, Related to Figure 7.
The top panel
outlines the region of the hippocampus being shown in a y
ellow box. The images show the raw
gene expression patterns seen using smHCR in our data at the dorsal most tip of the CA3 for a
representative set of cell identity markers used in the 249 gene experiment. The transcript
expression profile is shown in red,
Nissl staining is shown in green, and DAPI staining is shown
in blue. Each image shown is the full field of view and a maximum intensity projection over 15
Set of images showing the distinction between the GCL and SGZ. The GCL shows a high
level of
Nissl staining and expression of neuronal genes such as
. The SGZ
shows an absence of Nissl staining and terminal neuron marker genes.
The transcript expression
profile is shown in red, Nissl staining is shown in green, and DAPI
staining is shown in blue.
Each image shown is the full field of view (216 um x 216 um) and a maximum intensity
projection over 15 um.
Fig S8. Comparison of SeqFISH expression data to Allen Brain Atlas expression data,
Related to Figure 8. A.
ISH data f
rom the Allen Brain Atlas for genes seen to be enriched in the
SGZ in the 125 and 249 gene seqFISH experiments. In the 125 gene experiment,
were found to be enriched in the SGZ. In the 249 gene experiment,
seen to be enr
iched in the SGZ. ABA ISH data shows similar patterns to those observed with
seqFISH for the SGZ.
Comparison of averaged z
score values per cell from seqFISH to
ABA data across hippocampus.
Amigo2 Z
score profile found across the different field
s of
the hippocampus using seqFISH is shown on top and the ABA ISH image for Amigo2 is shown
on the bottom.
Gpc4 Z
score profile found across the different fields of the hippocampus
using seqFISH is shown on top and ABA ISH image for Gpc4 is shown on t
he bottom.
Table S1, Related to Figure 1.
Barcode assignments in the 125
gene seqFISH and serial
125 genes are profiled, 100 of which are barcoded and 25 are identified by serial
smHCR hybridizations.
Five control genes (Hdx
, Vps13c, Zfp715, Fbll1, Slc4a8) were
quantified by both techniques.
The smHCR round of hybridization of control genes were
performed twice to colocalize signal to obtain an absolute count.
Table S2, Related to Figure 3
(Provided as a separate Excel
Cluster group data for both 125
gene experiments.
The “Major Cluster” column A defines the
large cluster number. The “sub
cluster index” column B gives the subcluster number of the
cluster within the major cluster. The number of cells in each subclus
ter and the location of those
cells are tabulated in the columns C
I. Column J lists the top 4 enriched genes in the subcluster.
Table S3
, related to Figure 1 and Figure S1
(Provided as a separate Excel file)
Sequences for RNA integrity test.
48 probes
targeting the PGK1 transcript was used. 24 probes
were amplified with initiator B1 and the remaining 24 probes were amplified with initiator B3.
Table S4, Related to Figures 1
(Provided as a separate Excel file)
Probe list for 125
gene barcoding experiment.
1 to sheet
4 gives the full oligoarray
synthesized sequence for hybridizations 1 to 4 respectively.
Sheet 5 and 6 give the sequences of
the 25 high copy number genes that were targeted.
For sheets 1
Column A gives the
name. Columns B and J give the forward and reverse amplification primer, respectively.
Columns C and I give the restriction site sequences. Column D and H give the restriction site
spacer sequences. The final probe sequence is can be made by concatena
ting columns E
sheets 5
6, c
olumn A is the gene name and concatenating Column B
D gives the final probe. The
second sheet gives the readout probes. Column A is the gene name and concatenating Column B
D gives the final readout probe for HCR.
S5, related to Figure 4,
, and 6
(Provided as a separate Excel file)
Raw expression data for 125 genes in brain 1
and brain 2
For sheet 1,
ach row
represents a single cell and each column represents the mRNA count wi
thin a cell for a specific
e in brain 1. For sheets 2
4, e
represents a single cell and each
represents the
mRNA count within a cell for a specific gene.
Table S6
, Related to Figure 7.
(Provided as a separate Excel file)
Raw expression data for 249 genes in Brain 3 cells.
represents a single cell and
represents the mRNA count within a cell for a specific gene.
Table S7
, Related to Figure 7.
(Provided as a separate Excel file)
Cluster group data for 2
gene experiment.
The “Major Cluster” column A defines the
cluster number. The number of cells in each sub
cluster and the location of those cells are
tabulated in the columns C
I. Column J lists the top 4 enriched genes in the cluster.
Table S8
, Relate
d to Figure S7. (Provided as a separate Excel file)
Barcode assignments in the 249
gene seqFISH and serial experiment.
249 genes are
profiled, 214 of which are barcoded and 35 are identified by serial smHCR hybridizations.
control genes (
, and
) were quantified by both techniques.
Supplementary Experimental Procedure
Probe Design.
Genes were selected from the Allen Brain Atlas database.
We identified genes
that are heterogeneously expressed in coronal sections containing the hippocampus at Bregma
2.68 mm anterior.
Using the ABA region definitions, we break down the v
representing the ABA data in those brain sections into 160 distinct regions and average the
expression values within each region.
We selected 100 genes that had high variances across
these distinct regions and that also had low
medium expression lev
These genes included
transcription factors and signaling pathways components as well as ion channels and other
functional genes.
Lastly, we chose 25 genes from single cell RNA
seq data that were enriched in
certain cell types. Briefly, the design cr
iteria used were 1) constant regions of all spliced
isoforms were identified, 2) Masked regions of UCSC genome were removed from possible
probe design, 3) 35mer sequences were tiled 4nt apart, 4) sets of non
overlapping probes with
tightest GC range around
55% were found, 5) probes were blasted for off
target hits.
Any probe
with an expected total off
target copy number of more than 5000 was dropped. Once all possible
probes for every target gene was acquired, the probe set oligo
pool was optimized using t
following criteria:
1) Expected # of off
target hits for entire probe pool was calculated, 2) probes
were sequentially dropped from genes until any off
target gene was hit by no more than 6 probes
from entire pool, 3) HCR adapters were added to designe
d probes and 10nt in either direction of
the adapter junction was blasted and screened for off
target hits, 4) probe pools were searched
for regions of 18mer complementary, 5) the probe sets for a given transcript was refined down to
24 probes by dropping
probes in order of the expected number of off
target hits, 6) Cutting sites
and hybridization specific primers were added to probes.
Probe Generation.
All oligoarray pools were purchased as 92k synthesis from Customarray Inc.
Probes were amplified from ar
synthesized oligo pool as previously described
, with the
following modifications: (i) a 35nt RNA
targeting sequence for in situ hybridization, (ii) a 35nt
HCR initiator sequence designed to initiate one color of 5 possible HCR polymers, (iii) two
hybridization specific flanking primer sequences to allow PCR amplification of the probe set and
(iv) EcoRI (5’
3’) and KpnI (5’
3’) sites for cutting out flanking primers
to reduce probe size. Ethanol precipitation was used to purify the fin
al digested probes.
Brain extraction and sample mounting.
C57BL/6 with Ai6
reporter (uncrossed) (Jackson
Labs, SN: 007906) female
mice aged 50
80 days were anesthetized with isoflurane according to
institute protocols (protocol #1701
14) (38). No rand
omization of mice was used and blinding
was not necessary as the study was exploratory.
Mice were perfused for 8 minutes with
perfusion buffer (10U/ml heparin, 0.5% NaNO
(w/v) in 0.1M PBS at 4C).
Mice were then
perfused with fresh 4% PFA
0.1M PBS buffer
at 4C for 8 minutes. The mouse brain was
dissected out of the skull and immediately placed in a 4% PFA buffer for 2 hours at room
temperature under gentle mixing. The brain was then immersed in 4C 30% RNAse
free Sucrose
(Amresco 0335
1x PBS until t
he brain sank. After the brain sank, the brain was frozen in
an dry ice
isopropanol bath in OCT media and stored at
80C. Fifteen micron sections were cut
using a cryotome and immediately placed on an aminosilane modified coverslip.
Sample permeabilizatio
n, hybridization, and Imaging.
Brain sections mounted to coverslips
were permeabilized in 4C 70% EtOH for 12
18 hours.
Brains were further permeabilized by the
addition of rnase
free 8% SDS (Ambion AM9822) for 10 minutes. Samples were rinsed to
remove SD
S, desiccated and a hybridization chamber (Grace Bio
Labs 621505) was adhered
around the brain section. Samples were hybridized overnight at 37C with Split Color PGK1
Probes (Table S3) in Hybridization Buffer (2X SSC (Invitrogen 15557
036), 10% Formaldehyd
(v/v) (Ambion AM9344), 10% Dextran Sulfate (Sigma D8906), 2mM Vanadyl Ribonucleoside
Complex (VRC; NEB S1402S) in Ultrapure water (Invitrogen 10977
Samples were
washed in 30% Wash Buffer (WBT: 2X SSC, 30% Formaldehyde (v/v)] 10% Dextran Sulfate,
0.1% Triton
X 100 (Sigma X
100), 2mM VRC in Ultrapure water) for 30 minutes. While
washing aliquoted HCR hairpins (Molecular Instruments Inc) were heated to 95C for 1.5 minutes
and allowed to cool to RT for 30 minutes.
HCR hairpins were diluted to a conce
ntration of
120nM per hairpin in amplification buffer (2X SSC, 10% Dextran Sulfate) and added to washed
tissue for 45 minutes. Following amplification, samples were washed in the same 30% WBT for
at least 10 minutes to remove excess hairpins.
Samples were
stained with DAPI and submerged
in pyranose oxidase antibleaching buffer
Sample port covers were closed with a glass
coverslip or a transparent polycarbonate sheet to exclude oxygen.
Samples were imaged using a standard epifluorescence microscope (Nikon Ti Eclipse with
custom built laser assembly) for the 125
gene experiment. Exposures times were 200 ms for cy7
and alexa 488 channels and 100 ms for alexa 647, alexa 594, and cy3b channe
ls. For the 249
gene experiment, a Yokogawa CSU
W1 spinning disk confocal unit attached to an Olympus IX
81 base was used for imaging. The exposure times were 500 ms for each channel. At this stage,
intact and accessible mRNA should always appear in two ch
If the RNA was deemed to
be intact, DAPI data was collected in this hybridization.
Samples were digested with DNAse I
(Roche 04716728001) for 4 hours at room temperature on the scope.
Following DNAse I the
sample was washed several times with 30
% WBT and hybridized overnight with 70%
Formamide HB and the experiment probes at 1 nM concentration per probe sequence at room
temperature (Table S4 and S5). Samples were again washed and amplified as before. Barcode
digits were developed by repeating thi
s cycle with the appropriate probes for each
Fluorescent Nissl stain (ThermoFisher N
21480) was collected at the end of the
experiment along with images of multispectral beads to aid chromatic aberation corrections.
Image Processing.
To r
emove the effects of chromatic aberration, the multispectral beads were
first used to create geometric transforms to align all fluorescence channels. Next, the background
illumination profile of every fluorescence channel was mapped using a morphological i
opening with a large structuring element. These illumination profile maps were used to flatten
the illumination in post
processing resulting in relatively uniform background intensity and
preservation of the intensity profile of fluorescent points. Th
e background signal was then
subtracted using the imagej rolling ball background subtraction algorithm with a radius of 3
pixels. Finally, the calculated geometric transforms were applied to each channel respectively.
Image Registration.
The processed images were then registered by first taking a maximum
intensity projection along the z direction in each channel. All of the maximum projections of the
channels of a single hybridization were then collapsed resulting in 4 composite images
taining all the points in a particular round of hybridization. Each of these composite images
of hybridization 1
3 were then cross
correlated individually with the composite image of
hybridization 4 and the position of the maxima of the cross
correlation w
as used as the
translation factor to align hybridizations 1
3 to hybridization 4.
Cell Segmentation.
For cells in the cortex, the cells were segmented manually using the DAPI
images taken in the first round of hybridization and the fluorescent nissl st
ain taken at the end of
the experiment. Furthermore, the density of the point cloud surrounding a cell was taken into
account when forming cell boundaries, especially in cells that did not stain with the nissl stain.
For the hippocampus, the cells were seg
mented by first manually selecting the centroid in 3D of
each DAPI signal of every cell. Transcripts were first assigned based on nearest centroids. These
point clouds were then used to refine the centroid estimate and create a 3D voronoi tessellation
a 10% boundary
shrinking factor to eliminate ambiguous mRNA assignments from
neighboring cells.
Barcode calling.
The potential mRNA signals were then found by LOG filtering the registered
images and finding points of local maxima above a specified thres
hold value
. Once all potential
points in all channels of all hybridizations were obtained, dots were matched to potential barcode
partners in all other channels of all other hybridizations using a 1 pixel search radius to find
symmetric nearest neighbors.
Point combinations that constructed only a single barcode were
immediately matched to the on
target barcode set. For points that matched to construct multiple
barcodes, first the point sets were filtered by calculating the residual spatial distance of eac
potential barcode point set and only the point sets giving the minimum residuals were used to
match to a barcode. If multiple barcodes were still possible, the point was matched to its closest
target barcode with a hamming distance of 1. If multiple o
n target barcodes were still
possible, then the point was dropped from the analysis as an ambiguous barcode. This procedure
was repeated using each hybridization as a seed for barcode finding and only barcodes that were
called similarly in at least 3 out o
f 4 rounds were used in the analysis. The number of each
barcode was then counted in each of the assigned cell volumes and transcript numbers were
assigned based on the number of on
target barcodes present in the cell volume.
To cluster the dataset with 14,908 cells and 125 genes profiled, we first z
normalized the data based on gene expression (Table S6).
Once the single cell gene expression
data is converted i
nto z
scores, we compute a matrix of cell
cell correlations using Pearson
correlation coefficients.
Then hierarchical clustering with Ward linkage is performed on the cell
cell correlation data with cells in the center field of view.
The cluster de
finitions are then
propagated to the remaining cells using a random forest machine learning algorithm.
To analyze
the robustness of individual clusters, a random forest model was trained using varying subsets of
the data and used to predict the cluster as
signment of the remaining cells
A bootstrap
analysis by dropping different sets of cells was performed in increments (Fig S5).
To determine
the effect of dropping out genes on the accuracy of the clustering analysis, we used a random
forest decisio
n tree to learn the cluster definition based on the 125 gene data.
Then we ask the
decision tree to re
compute the cluster assignment on cell
cell correlation matrices with fewer
and fewer genes (Fig 3F, green line).
Bootstrap resampling was also perf
ormed with this
analysis (Fig 3F, bluelines).
The PCA and tSNE analysis were performed using the same cell
cell z
scored Pearson correlation matrix.
The cell
cell correlation in Fig 3E was calculated