Table 1. Overview Over All Flights Conducted During BARCA-A and BARCA-B Indicated With Their Flight Number, the Date of Each Flight, the Flight Origin and Destination, the Number of Vertical Profiles Flown, and the Number of Flasks Sampled

	Flight Number	Date	Direction	Number of Profiles	Number of Flasks

BARCA A	2	20081116	around Manaus	4	-
	3	20081118	Manaus-Santarem	4	13
	4	20081118	Santarem-Belem	4	17
	5	20081119	Belem-Santarem	6	17
	6	20081119	Santarem-Manaus	4	12
	7	20081122	around Manaus (north)	8	26
	8	20081123	Manaus-Boa Vista	8	14
	9	20081123	Boa Vista-Manaus	4	14
	10	20081125	Manaus-Alta Floresta	6	15
	11	20081126	around Alta Floresta	8	14
	12	20081127	Alta Floresta-Manaus	2	3
	13	20081129	Manaus-Tefe	4	12
	14	20081130	around Tefe (northwest)	8	17
BARCA B	2	20090517	around Manaus (west)	6	14
	3	20090517	around Manaus (west)	10	16
	4	20090519	Manaus-Boa Vista	10	18
	5	20090519	Boa Vista-Manaus	6	12
	6	20090521	Manaus-Santarem	8	14
	7	20090521	Santarem-Belem	6	16
	8	20090522	Belem offshore	4	15
	9	20090523	Belem-Santarem	6	13
	10	20090523	Santarem-Manaus	2	9
	11	20090526	Manaus-Santarem	8	14
	12	20090526	Santarem-Manaus	8	15
	13	20090527	Manaus-Porto Velho	8	13
	14	20090527	Porto Velho-Manaus	2	10
	15	20090528	around Manaus (city)	2	13