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Published August 21, 2009 | public
Journal Article

Testing gravitational-wave searches with numerical relativity waveforms: results from the first Numerical INJection Analysis (NINJA) project


The Numerical INJection Analysis (NINJA) project is a collaborative effort between members of the numerical relativity and gravitational-wave data analysis communities. The purpose of NINJA is to study the sensitivity of existing gravitational-wave search algorithms using numerically generated waveforms and to foster closer collaboration between the numerical relativity and data analysis communities. We describe the results of the first NINJA analysis which focused on gravitational waveforms from binary black hole coalescence. Ten numerical relativity groups contributed numerical data which were used to generate a set of gravitational-wave signals. These signals were injected into a simulated data set, designed to mimic the response of the initial LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave detectors. Nine groups analysed this data using search and parameter-estimation pipelines. Matched filter algorithms, un-modelled-burst searches and Bayesian parameter estimation and model-selection algorithms were applied to the data. We report the efficiency of these search methods in detecting the numerical waveforms and measuring their parameters. We describe preliminary comparisons between the different search methods and suggest improvements for future NINJA analyses.

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© Institute of Physics and IOP Publishing Limited 2009. Received 29 January 2009, in final form 30 June 2009. Published 3 August 2009. Print publication: Issue 16 (21 August 2009). We thank Alan Weinstein for helpful comments on this paper and the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) Santa Barbara for hospitality during the workshop 'Interplay between Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis', where the NINJA project was initiated. The Kavli Institute is supported by National Science Foundation grant PHY-0551164. This project was supported in part by DFG grant SFB/Transregio 7 'Gravitational Wave Astronomy' (BB, MH, SH, DP, LR, US); by National Science Foundation grants PHY-0114375 (CGWP), PHY-0205155 (UIUC), PHY-0354842 (RM), DMS-0553302 (MB, LB, TC, KM, HP, MS), DMS-0553677 (LK, AM), PHY-0553422 (NC), PHY-0555436 (PL), PHY-0600953 (PB, LG, RAM, RV), PHY-0601459 (MB, LB, TC, KM, HP, MS), PHY-0603762 (AB, EO, YP), PHY-0649224 (BF), PHY-0650377 (UIUC), PHY-0652874 (FAU), PHY-0652929 (LK, AM), PHY-0652952 (LK, AM), PHY-0652995 (MB, LB, TC, KM, HP, MS), PHY-0653303 (PL, DS, MC, CL), PHY-0653321 (VK, IM, VR, MvdS), PHY-0653443 (DS), PHY-0653550 (LC), PHY-0701566 (ES), PHY-0701817 (PB, LG, RAM, RV), PHY-0714388 (MC, CL, YZ), OCI-0721915 (ES), PHY-0722315 (MC, CL), PHY-0745779 (FP), PHY-0801213 (FH), PHY-0838740 (BF, LS, VR) and NSF-0847611 (DB, LP); by NASA grants HST-AR-11763 (CL, MC, JF, YZ), NNG-04GK54G (UIUC), NNG-04GL37G (RM), NNG-05GG51G (LK, AM), NNG-05GG52G (MB, LB, TC, KM, HP, MS), 05-BEFS-05-0044 (GSFC), 06-BEFS06-19 (GSFC), 07-ATFP07-0158 (MC, CL, YZ), and NNX-07AG96G (UIUC), and by NSF cooperative agreement PHY-0107417 (DK, SC). BA was supported by a Vacation Bursary of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. AV, JV and BS acknowledge support by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council. SF acknowledges the support of the Royal Society. MH was supported by SFI grant 07/RFP/PHYF148. FP acknowledges support from the Alfred P Sloan Foundation. SH acknowledges support from DAAD grant D/07/13385, grant FPA-2007-60220 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education and VESF. MB, LB, TC, KM, HP and MS acknowledge support from the Sherman Fairchild Foundation and the Brinson Foundation. LK and AM acknowledge support from the Fairchild Foundation. BK and SM were supported by the NASA Postdoctoral Program at the Oak Ridge Associated Universities. SM was supported in part by the Leon A Herreid Graduate Fellowship. RS was supported by an EGO sponsored fellowship, EGO-DIR-105-2007. Computations were carried out under LRAC allocations MCA08X009 (PL, DS), TGMCA08X010 (FAU), TG-MCA02N014 (LSU), TG-MCA99S008 (UIUC), TG-PHY990002 (MB, LB, TC, LK, KM, AM, HP, MS), on LONI systems (LSU), and on the clusters at the AEI, Cardiff University, Northwestern University (NSF MRI grant PHY-0619274 to VK), the LIGO Laboratory, NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division (Ames Research Center), Syracuse University, LRZ Munich (BB, MH, SH, US), the University of Birmingham, the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee (NSF MRI grant PHY-0421416), and the RIT NewHorizons cluster. PACS numbers: 04.25.D−, 04.30.−w, 04.30.Tv, 04.80.Nn

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