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Gut microbiota promotes hematopoiesis tocontrol bacterial
Arya Khosravi
Alberto Yáñez
Jeremy G. Price
Andrew Chow
Miriam Merad
Helen S.
, and
Sarkis K. Mazmanian
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA,
91125, USA
Regenerative Medicine Institute and Research Division of Immunology, Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center, Los Angeles CA 90048, USA
Department of Oncological Sciences, Tisch Cancer Institute and Immunology Institute, Mount
Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA
The commensal microbiota impacts specific immune cell populations and their functions at
peripheral sites, such as gut mucosal tissues. However, it remains unknown whether gut
microbiota control immunity through regulation of hematopoiesis at primary immune sites. We
reveal that germ-free mice display reduced proportions and differentiation potential ofspecific
myeloid cellprogenitors of both yolk sac and bone marrow origin. Homeostaticinnate immune
defects may lead to impaired early responses to pathogens. Indeed, following systemic infection
Listeria monocytogenes
, germ-free and oral antibiotic treated mice display increased
pathogen burden and acute death. Re-colonization of germ-free mice with a complex microbiota
restores defects inmyelopoiesis and resistance to
. Thesefindingsreveal that gut
bacteriadirect innate immune cell development via promoting hematopoiesis, contributing to our
appreciation of the deep evolutionary connection between mammals and their microbiota.
The vast majority of our interactions with bacteriaare symbiotic in nature, consisting of
colonization by a complex and diverse microbiota that inhabit humans for life.Rather than
causing inflammation, commensal microbes largely direct beneficial immune functions and
© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Correspondence: sarkis@caltech.edu.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest related to this work.
Author notes
: A.K., M.M., H.S.G. and S.K.M. designed the research. A.K., A.Y., J.G.P. and A.C. carried out the experiments. A.K.,
M.M. and H.S.G. and S.K.M. wrote the manuscript.
Supplemental Information
: Supplemental Information includes four figures and can be found with this article online
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Cell Host Microbe
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Published in final edited form as:
Cell Host Microbe
. 2014 March 12; 15(3): 374–381. doi:10.1016/j.chom.2014.02.006.
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often engender health. In particular, the microbiota shapesglobalimmune cell repertoires,
thereby altering host susceptibility to inflammation and infection at sites of colonization(Hill
et al., 2012; Kamada et al., 2012; Mazmanian et al., 2008; Naik et al., 2012). Specific gut
bacteria or bacterial products have been shown to suppressintestinal inflammation(e.g.,
colitis) in micethrough a variety of immune mechanisms (Atarashi et al., 2013; Round and
Mazmanian, 2010; Smith et al., 2013).Furthermore, the impact of commensal microbes on
host immune responses is not limited to mucosal interfaces, but extends tosystemic
compartments; gut microbes regulate immune responses that influence organ-specific
autoimmunity in animal models of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and type 1
diabetes(Lee et al., 2011; Markle et al., 2013; Wu et al., 2010). While numerous examples
illustrate how the microbiota contributes to immune function at mucosal and systemic sites,
little is known about the influencesofgut bacteria on cellular development within primary
immune tissues.
The immune system begins to develop
in utero
, but full maturation requires both genetic and
environmental signals that further shape immunity after birth. Lymphoid and myeloid cells
develop largely from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) within primary tissues, where
molecular cues orchestrate immune cell differentiation from uncommitted HSCs and
progenitor cells via regulation of transcription factors and epigenetic modifications
(Weissman, 1994). Additionally, certain phagocyte populations (including Langerhans cells
and microglia), derived from embryonic precursors, are maintained independently of
HSCs(Sieweke and Allen, 2013). Genetic contributions (i.e., molecular cues encoded by the
host genome) to lineage commitment pathways that control the myeloid repertoire are well
studied (Georgopoulos, 2002). However, environmental factors that influence hematopoiesis
have not been extensively defined. Based on emerging data that the microbiota represents an
integral environmental factor in shaping numerous features of the immune system, we
reasoned that gut bacteria may be controlling central immunity. We report herein that
commensal microbes promote the maintenance of both HSC and embryonic-derived
myeloid cells during steady-state conditions. The absence of commensal microbes leads to
defects in severalinnate immune cell populations (including neutrophils, monocytes and
macrophages) within systemic sites. By controlling the differentiation of innate immunity,
the gut microbiota prepares the host to rapidly mount immune responses upon pathogen
encounter, as germ-free and antibiotic treated mice are impaired in clearance of systemic
bacterial infection. Our study reveals that gut microbesevolved to actively shape immunity
at its core—via regulation of hematopoiesis.
Germ-Free Animals Display Global Defects in Innate Immune Cells
The commensal gut microbiota profoundly influencescellular proportions, migration and
functions of various immune cell subsets. Recent studies have provided numerous examples
illustrating how gut bacteria modulate innate and adaptive immune responses at mucosal
surfaces during infection, inflammation and autoimmunity(Kamada et al., 2013; Round and
Mazmanian, 2009). With such pervasive effects, we reasoned that the microbiota may
regulate hematopoiesis—the developmental programming of the immune system. Initially,
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to determine if the microbiota has global effects on systemic immune cell populations, we
profiled myeloid cells in the spleen of colonized (SPF; specific pathogen free) and germ-free
(GF) mice. Indeed, GF animals display reduced proportions and total numbers of F4/80
and F4/80
cells compared to SPF mice (Figures 1A-C).F4/80
cells are mainly
macrophages, while F4/80
splenocytes are a heterogeneous population of macrophages,
monocytes and neutrophils (Schulz et al., 2012). Intriguingly, all three cell subsets are
reduced in GF mice(Figure S1A). Furthermore, treatment of SPF mice with antibiotics also
results in diminished myeloid cell populations in the spleen (Figure S1B). Thus, gut bacteria
dynamically influence innate immune cell proportions at secondary immune sites in the
Myeloid cell precursors differentiate into various phagocyte lineages that are stored in the
bone marrow, which are a major source of cells that populate peripheral tissues(Geissmann
et al., 2010). The reduction of splenic macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils in GF mice
suggests that defects in host immunity may include compromiseddevelopment in primary
immune sites. Accordingly, we observed a reduction of myeloid cells within the bone
marrow of GF mice (Figures 1D-F). A similar decrease was observed in the liver, a site of
alternative immune cell development (Figure S1C). A global defect in myeloid cell
populations in primary immune sites of GF mice demonstrates that gut bacteria shape the
architecture of the immune system early in cellular development.
Commensal Microbes Enhance Myelopoiesis
We reasoned that reductions in several phagocytic cell subsets in GF mice may reflect a
primary defect in the maintenance of myeloid cell populations. To test if commensal
microbes promote myelopoiesis, we pulsed SPF and GF mice with 5-Ethynyl-2
deoxyuridine (EdU), a thymidine analog, to compare the percentage of dividing leukocytes.
Both F4/80
and F4/80
phagocytes from GF mice showed reduced EdU incorporation
compared to SPF animals (Figure 2A,B). F4/80
macrophages are largely derived from
embryonic yolk sac progenitors and are maintained independently of HSCs (Schulz et al.,
2012; Sieweke and Allen, 2013). F4/80
leukocytes, however, are of hematopoietic origin
and reduced EdU incorporation by these cells in GF mice indicates defects in the expansion
and/or differentiation of bone marrow progenitor cells (Schulz et al., 2012). These studies
uncover a role for commensal microbes in promoting the maintenance of both splenic yolk
sac-derived and HSC-derived myeloid cells.
The reduction of F4/80
cells in GF mice led us to further investigate the contribution of
commensal microbes on HSCs and myeloid progenitor cells in the bone marrow. No
differences were detected in the proportion or differentiation potential of LKS
cells (HSCs
and multipotent progenitors; MPPs), LKS
cells (total lineage-restricted progenitors), or
common myeloid progenitor cells (CMPs) between SPF and GF mice (Figure S2A-F).
Remarkably, GF miceare significant reduced in the proportion of bone marrow granulocyte
and/or monocyte progenitors (GMPs), identified as LKS
cells (Figure 2C).
GMPs consist of progenitor cells, downstream of HSCs and CMPs during hematopoiesis,
with restricted myeloid differentiation potential (Akashi et al., 2000). To further examine the
effects of gut microbiota on innate immune cells, we tested if commensal microbes affect
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the differentiation potential and self-maintenance capacity of GMPs. Methylcellulose culture
of LKS
cells from GF mice displayed reduced granulocyte (G-CFU) and
monocyte (M-CFU) colony formation compared to cells from SPF mice (Figure 2D).
Furthermore, passage of LKS
cells isolated from GF mice in primary
methylcellulose culture yielded reduced recovery of c-Kit
progenitor cells
compared to SPF GMPs (Figure 2E). This suggeststhe ability of GMPs to maintain cells
with progenitor potential isdefective in the absence of commensal microbes(Rodrigues et al.,
2008). Consistent with this notion, secondary cultures of unfractionated cells derived from
GF GMPs generated fewer colonies compared to cells isolated from SPF mice (Figure 2F).
The commensal microbiota therefore promotes steady-state myelopoiesis by specifically
maintaining GMP proportions and enhancing their differentiation to mature myeloid cells in
the bone marrow.
Extramedullary hematopoiesis (outside the bone marrow) further contributes to the
maintenance and inflammatory responses of tissue-resident phagocytic cells (Jenkins et al.,
2011; Massberg et al., 2007; Robbins et al., 2012; Swirski et al., 2009). We therefore
investigated whether commensal microbes influence the hematopoietic potential of
progenitors located in the spleen. Similar to GMPs from the bone marrow, splenocytes
isolated from GF mice displayed reduced colony formation in methylcellulose, compared to
SPF mice, with significant reductions in both neutrophil and monocyte production (Figures
2G, H). Overall, we conclude that the microbiota shapes innate immune profiles by
promoting myeloid progenitor development and differentiation in the bone marrow and
extramedullary sites, revealing that gut bacteria control immunity at its core—during
Tissue-Resident Phagocytes Mediate Protection by Commensal Microbes
Innate immune cells are the first responders to infection, mediating early pathogen control
and coordinating downstream immune reactions(Kastenmuller et al., 2012; Shi and Pamer,
2011). We sought to test the impact of commensal microbes on myeloid cell differentiation
by employing infection models where innate immunity is vital for an effective immune
response. SPF and GF mice were infected intravenously (
) with the model pathogen,
Listeria monocytogenes
. SPF mice challenged systemically with
L. monocytogenes
effectively control infection, as previously described (Figure 3A) (Serbina et al., 2012; Shi
et al., 2011). However, GF mice rapidly succumb at the same inoculum (Figure 3A).
Heightened susceptibility to infection among GF mice was associated with a significant
increase in splenic and liver bacterial burden 24 and 72 hours post-infection (hpi),
demonstrating a defect in early resistance to
infection (Figures 3B, C and Figure
S3A). Susceptibility to infection is not restricted to
L. monocytogenes
, as GF mice also
displayed increased disease burden following systemic challenge with
(Figure S3B). Interestingly, SPF mice treated orally with broad-spectrum antibiotics
were also impaired in controlling
, indicating protection by commensal microbes is
an active process and is subject to loss following depletion of gut microbiota (Figure 3D).
Collectively, these data reveal that commensal microbes are critical for rapid and potent
systemic immune responses to acute bacterial infection.
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To confirm that defects in myelopoiesis contribute to increased disease burden in GF mice,
phagocytic cells were depleted with clodronate-loaded liposomes (CL) prior to infection
L. monocytogenes
(van Rooijen et al., 1996). CL pre-treatment increased susceptibility
infection (Figure 3E), confirming the importance of resident cells in pathogen
resistance(Aichele et al., 2003; Kastenmuller et al., 2012). Importantly, depletion of resident
phagocytes rendered both SPF and GF mice equally susceptible to infection, resulting in
similar splenic disease burden 24 hpi (Figure 3E), and rapid death within 48 hpi (Figure 3F).
While functional defects inmyeloid cellsmay potentially contribute to increased disease in
GF mice, we did not detect differences during
in vitroListeria
killing by macrophages from
SPF or GF mice (Figure S3C). Furthermore, CD11b+ myeloid cells isolated from either SPF
or GF donors were equally sufficient in providing protection when transferred into GF mice
prior to infection (Figure 3G),suggesting reduced cell proportions are likely the primary
defect in GF mice. These studies confirm the importance of microbiota-driven myelopoiesis
in promoting host resistance during systemic infection.
Effective responses to
L. monocytogenes
requires coordination between innate and adaptive
immune cells, resulting in pathogen clearance and protective immunity (Pamer, 2004). Thus,
we investigated whether additional immune cells beyond tissue-resident phagocytes may
mediate commensal-derived protection to
infection. We show that adaptive
immunity is not required for protection by the microbiota during acute infection (Figure
S3D), nor are GF mice deficient in developing long-term protective immunity against
subsequent infection (Figure S3E). Furthermore, the selective expansion of myeloid cells
during acute infection, called emergency hematopoiesis, which is necessary for mediating
delayed resistance to
L. monocytogenes
(following 48 hpi), was maintained in GF mice
(Figure S3F). Finally, while there are fewer inflammatory neutrophils and monocytes
recruited to the spleen following infection (Figure S3G), a possible consequence of
increased apoptosis (Figure S3H), these cells were not required for commensal-mediated
protection against
L. monocytogenes
(Figure S3I, J). Together, these findings demonstrate
that hematopoietic defects in tissue-resident myeloid cells prior to infection of GF mice (i.e.,
during cell development) is the primary cause of impaired control of
CommensalBacterialSignals Mediate Maintenance of Myelopoiesis
The molecular mechanism(s) by which commensal microbes promote steady-state expansion
of bone marrow- and yolk sac-derived myeloid cells remains unknown. Microbial associated
molecular patterns (MAMPs) and microbial metabolites, such as short chain fatty acids
(SCFAs) have been shown to modulate various aspects of the host immune response (Chu
and Mazmanian, 2013; Clarke et al., 2010; Smith et al., 2013). Furthermore, MyD88 (an
adaptor for recognition of many MAMPs) was recently shown to promote GMP expansion
and differentiation (Fiedler et al., 2013). Accordingly, we sought to address whether
commensal-derived factors are involved in the maintenance of myeloid cells under naïve
conditions. Re-colonization of GF mice with a complex microbiota andoral treatment with
MAMPs, but not SCFAs, was sufficient to promote recovery of GMP-derived myeloid cells
(neutrophils and monocytes) within the bone marrow (Figure 4A, B). Importantly, only re-
colonization of GF mice with an SPF microbiota was sufficient to restore splenic
populations of F4/80
macrophagesand F4/80
splenocytes (i.e., neutrophils, monocytes
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and macrophages) (Figure 4C and Figures S4A-D). Therefore, while MAMP treatmentis
necessaryfor the maintenance of bone marrow-derived myeloid cells, colonization with a
live and complex microbiota is required to promote complete myelopoiesis (including yolk
sac-derived macrophages). Finally, only re-colonization of GF animals, and not oral MAMP
treatment, was sufficient to restore the defect in GF mice to systemic challenge with
(Figure 4D and data not shown).Collectively, these studiesreveal that the
microbiota provides complex molecular signals that actively promote the hematopoietic
differentiation of myeloid cells, resulting in peripheral phagocyte populationsthat function as
sentinels for the early detection and control of systemic bacterial infection.
Advances in understanding host-microbial symbiosis have revealed that, remarkably, the gut
microbiota controls the phenotype, migration and activity of multiple innate and adaptive
cells(Belkaid and Naik, 2013; Chu and Mazmanian, 2013). Disruption or alteration of
commensal communities impacts host susceptibility to various disorders, particularly at sites
of microbial colonization such as the intestines, respiratory mucosa and skin
epithelium(Kamada et al., 2013). In addition to modulating functional immune outcomes,
the microbiota is necessary for maintaining systemic populations of neutrophils in the
circulation and CD4
T cells in the spleen(Bugl et al., 2013; Mazmanian et al., 2005),
suggesting a possible contribution by gut microbiota to the development of the immune
system. Herein, we revealthat gut bacteria regulatehematopoiesiswithin primary immune
sites, providing a unifying explanation for previous observations of the widespread effectsby
the microbiota on the immune system. Specifically, our study uncovers that the microbiota
promotes steady-state myeloid cell development by driving the expansion of yolk sac-
derived macrophages, as well as enhancing the numbers and differentiation potential of
GMPs in the bone marrow. We propose a model whereby a primary defect in hematopoiesis
in GF or antibiotic-treated mice compromisesmultiple tissue-resident innate immune cell
populations prior to infection, leading to blunted early responses upon subsequent pathogen
encounter (see diagram in Figure S4E). While our studies focus on innate immunity due to
its role in rapid control of early
infection, impaired microbiota-mediated
hematopoiesis may alsoextend to the adaptive immune system, providing an explanation for
observations that peripheral T, B and iNKT cell populations are altered in GF mice (Ivanov
et al., 2008; Macpherson and Uhr, 2004; Mazmanian et al., 2005; Olszak et al., 2012).
How commensal microbes (presumably in the gut) are able to control immune responses in
distant sites such as the bone marrow remains incompletely understood. It has recently been
shown that mice deficient in MyD88 signaling display reductions in systemic myeloid cell
populations and GMP numbers(Fiedler et al., 2013; Yanez et al., 2013), similar to our
findings in GF mice. Further, as microbial ligands have been detected in systemic sites,
including the bone marrow (Clarke et al., 2010), commensal-derived MAMPs that originate
in the gut may mediate steady-state myelopoiesis in primary immune sites. Accordingly, we
show that oral treatment with MAMPs is sufficient to rescue GMP-mediated expansion of
neutrophils and monocytes. However, MAMP treatment aloneis inadequate to expand
splenic F4/80
and F4/80
cells, indicating additional commensal-derived signals are
necessary to influence site-specific HSC and yolk sac-derived myeloid cells. Interestingly,
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re-colonization of adult GF mice with SPF microbiota is insufficient to restore splenic
macrophages to the levels found in SPF mice. This may suggest that complete
rescue requires either colonization from birth or colonization with specific microbes that
were not transferred into GF mice. In addition to MAMPs translocating from the gut into the
circulation, other explanations for how the microbiota affects hematopoiesis may include a
role for myeloid cell growth factors. In support of this notion, preliminary data suggest that
GF mice are reduced in M-CSF transcript levels in the gut (data not shown), though further
work is need to uncoverthe complex molecular mechanism(s) by which commensal bacteria
signal from the gut to distant primary immune organs.
Finally, we speculate that these findings may be relevant to human infections. The spread of
antibiotic-resistance among pathogens, paired with a dwindling supply of effective
antibiotics,has necessitated alternative strategies to combatinfections (Khosravi and
Mazmanian, 2013). Evidence that depletion of the microbiota leads to transient immune
suppression suggests factors that disrupt commensal microbes, including clinical antibiotic
use may, paradoxically, be a risk factor for susceptibility to opportunistic pathogens. The
concepts proposed herein, if validated in humans, may herald future medical approaches that
combine antibiotics with immunomodulatorymicrobial molecules as revolutionary
combination treatments to address the reemerging crisis of infectious diseases.
Experimental Procedures
Animal Studies
Specific pathogen-free (SPF) C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Taconic Farms. Germ-
free (GF) C57BL/6 and C57BL/6 Rag
mice were bred and raised in sterile gnotobiotic
flexible film isolators at the California Institute of Technology. Mice at 8-12 weeks of age
were infected via retro-orbital injection with 3×10
colony forming units (CFU) of
10403S. Splenic and liver bacterial CFU were assessed 24-72 hpi by
microbiological plating. For microbiota depletion studies, SPF mice were treated with 1
mg/ml of ampicillin (Auromedics), neomycin sulfate (Fisher), streptomycin (Sigma) and 0.5
mg/ml of vancomycin (Sagent) in the drinking water for 4-5 weeks. Mice were taken off
antibiotics 4 days prior to infection. Antibiotic-treated and untreated SPF mice were infected
with 3×10
CFU of
L. monocytogenes
and splenic bacterial burden was assessed 72 hpi. GF
mice were recolonized by gavage with cecal contents of SPF mice. Alternatively, GF mice
were treated with MAMPs through the addition of heat killed
Escherichia coli
Nissle(Lodinova-Zadnikova and Sonnenborn, 1997)or autoclaved cecal contents from SPF
mice in water (
CFU/ml indrinking water). For treatment with short chain fatty
acids,sodium proprionate (Sigma), sodium butyrate (Sigma), and sodium acetate (Sigma)
was added to drinking water at previously described concentrations (25mM, 40mM and
67.5mM, respectively)(Smith et al., 2013). Mice were re-colonized or treated with microbial
ligands or metabolites for 4 weeks prior to cellular analysis and infectious studies. Animals
were cared for under established protocols and IACUC guidelines from the California
Institute of Technology.
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Cellular Analysis
Spleens were either mechanically disrupted viapassage through 100 μm mesh filters (BD
Biosciences) or digested in 0.5 mg/ml of Collagenase D (Roche) and 0.5 mg/ml of DNase I
(Worthington). Bone marrow was collected by flushing femurs with PBS containing 0.5%
BSA and 5mM EDTA. Single cell suspensions were removed of red blood cells (RBC lysis
buffer, Sigma). Mature myeloid cells were evaluated by staining with antibodies to GR1
(RB6-8C5), Ly6C (HK 1.4), CD11b (M1/70), CD115 (AFS98) and F4/80 (BM8). Mouse
hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) were isolated from bone marrow by a
combination of MACS magnetic bead purification (Miltenyi) and fluorescence activated cell
sorting (FACS). Lineage marker-negative cells (Lin
) were first separated using a MACS
lineage cell depletion kit (containing antibodies against CD5 (53-7.3), CD45R (B220;
RA3-6B2), CD11b, Gr-1, 7-4 (15BS) and Ter-119 (Ter-119)) and an autoMACS Separator
(Miltentyi). Lin
cells were then further stained with c-Kit (CD117; 3C1), Sca-1 (D7),
CD16/CD32 (93), CD34 (RAM34). Populations of LKS
cells (Lin
; HSCs
and MPPs), Lin
) CD34
cells (CMPs) and LKS
cells (GMPs) were analyzed by flow cytometry. LKS
cells were FACS
sorted using an Aria cell sorter (BD Biosciences). Steady-state cell proliferation was
measured by intraperitoneal (
) injection of 500 μg EdU (Life Technologies) and EdU
incorporation among splenic myeloid cells was measured 24 hours later via Click-it EdU
assay kit (Life Technologies). Antibodies were purchased from eBioscience, BD Bioscience,
Miltenyi or Biolegend. Data were collected on a FACSCalibur or LSR Fortessa (BD
Bioscience) and analyzed with FlowJo software (TreeStar).
Cell Depletion and Adoptive Transfer
Resident phagocytes were depleted by intravenous(
) treatment with 100 μl of clodronate-
loaded liposomes (CL; FormuMax) 48 hours prior to infection. CD11b
splenocytes were
isolated from naïve SPF and GF mice using CD11b microbeads (Miltenyi). 2×10
cells (>90% purity) were transferred into GF recipients, 24 hours prior to infection with
. CFU burden was assessed 24 hpi.
CFU Assays
To evaluate hematopoietic potential, 1×10
or 1×10
cells or
splenocytes were plated in triplicate in MethoCult GF M3434 (StemCell
Technologies) methylcellulose-based medium and incubated for 7 days in 37°C with 5%
CO2, after which the colonies were counted on the basis of their morphological
characteristics in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. On the same day, cells
were harvested, counted and stained for c-Kit and CD11b expression for progenitor
quantification by flow cytometry. For re-plating assays, 5×10
cells from the first culture
were plated in triplicate in a secondary culture of fresh MethoCult GF M3434, and colonies
were counted after 7 days of incubation.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
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We thank H. Chu, Y. K. Lee, G. Sharon, A. Nanz (Caltech), and N. Hassanzadeh-Kiabi (Cedars-Sinai) for technical
assistance, T. Thron for animal care, and S. McBride, D. Majumdar, S. Damle, P. Mehrabian (Caltech) and
members of the Mazmanian laboratory for critical reading of the manuscript. We thank U. Sonnenborn
(Ardeypharm GmbH) for the generous gift of
Escherichia coli
Nissle 1917. A.K. was supported by a pre-doctoral
training grant from the National Institute of Health (GM007616). This research was supported by a Burroughs
Wellcome Fund in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease award to S.K.M.
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Germ-free mice are deficient in spleen and bone marrow resident myeloid cell
Gut microbes impact both yolk sac- and stem cell-derived myeloid cell
Microbiota promotes early resistance to systemic
Listeria monocytogenes
Re-colonizationrestores immune integrity against systemic Listeriosis in germ-
free mice
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Figure 1. GF Mice Are Deficient in Resident Myeloid Cell Populations in the Spleen and Bone
(A-C) Splenic phagocyte profile among SPF and GF mice. Representative flow cytometry
plots (A), cell proportions (B), and total cell number (C) of CD11b
and CD11b
splenic cells in SPF and GF mice. (D-F) Bone marrow populations of neutrophils
) and monocytes (Gr1
) among SPF and GF mice. Representative
flow cytometry plots (D), cell proportions (E) and total cell number (F) within the bone
marrow of SPF and GF mice. For all panels, data are representative of at least 3 independent
trials with n≥ 4 mice / group. Each symbol represents data from a single animal. Error bars
represent standard error of mean (SEM). *
<0.05, **
<0.01. PMN: polymorphonuclear
cells; Mono: monocytes. See also Figure S1.
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Figure 2. The Microbiota Directs Myelopoiesis
The percentage of F4/80
(A) and F4/80
(B) splenocytes with
incorporated EdU, following single dose administration. (C) The frequency of LKS
granulocyte and/or monocyte progenitors (GMPs) among lineage negative (Lin
progenitors from bone marrow of SPF and GF mice, as assessed by flow cytometry. (D)
Distribution of cell types following purified LKS
cell culture in
methylcellulose medium. Colonies were identified and counted to assess the proportion of
granulocyte-monocytes (GM-CFU; black), granulocytes (G-CFU; blue) and monocytes (M-
CFU; green). (E) Total numbers of c-Kit
progenitors from methylcellulose cultures
of LKS
progenitors, as assessed by flow cytometry. (F) Cells harvested
from methylcellulose cultures of LKS
progenitors were re-plated at equal
numbers in fresh methylcellulose, and cultured to assess their colony forming capacity. (G
and H) Splenic cells isolated from SPF and GF mice were cultured in methylcellulose to
assess the colony forming capacity of progenitors from SPF and GF mice. Total CFUs (G),
and GM-CFUs, G-CFUs and M-CFUs (H) are shown. For each panel, data are
representative of at least 2-3 independent trials with n≥ 4/ group. Each symbol represents
data from a single animal. Error bars represent SEM. *
<0.05 for all panels. **
(comparing total CFU between SPF and GF for (D) and (H)), ***
<0.05 (comparing G-CFU
between SPF and GF for (D) and (H)), ****
<0.05 (comparing M-CFU between SPF and
GF for (D) and (H)). CFU: colony forming units. See also Figure S2.
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Figure 3. The Microbiota Promotes Early Resistance to Systemic Infection by
L. monocytogenes
via Tissue-Resident Cells
(A-C) SPF and GF mice infected with
L. monocytogenes
and assessed for survival (A) and
splenic bacterial burden at 24 (B) and 72 (C) hours post- infection (hpi). SPF mice treated
with antibiotics (Abx) and untreated controls (Ctl) were infected with
L. monocytogenes
splenic bacterial burden was measured 72 hpi (D). SPF and GF mice depleted of tissue-
resident cells prior to infection with
L. monocytogenes
and assessed for splenic bacterial
burden 24 hpi (E) and survival (F). Splenic bacterial burden, 24 hpi, following transfer of
splenic CD11b
cells from SPF or GF donors (G). For all panels, data are representative of
at least 2-3 independent trials with n≥ 4/ group. Each symbol represents data from a single
animal. Error bars represent SEM. *
<0.05, **
<0.01, ***
<0.05 log-rank test used for
survival curves in (A). CL: clodronate-loaded liposomes. See also Figure S3.
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