=================================README.TXT================================= SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL NOTICE ARTICLE INFORMATION Journal: ECS Journal of the Electrochemical Society Title:Si/TiO2 Tandem-Junction Microwire Arrays for Unassisted Solar-Driven Water Splitting All Authors: Matthew R. Shaner, Matthew T. McDowell, Alex Pien, Harry A. Atwater, and Nathan S. Lewis CONTACT INFORMATION Nathan S. Lewis California Institute of Technology Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 210 Noyes Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91125 United States of America 626-395-8867 (fax) nslewis@caltech.edu INFORMATION FROM THE PUBLISHER ECS is not responsible for the content of electronically deposited supplemental material and will not provide support for its use. ECS assumes no liability for the possible contamination by electronic "viruses" of the material deposited. Problems with file content should be directed to the contact author listed above. ECS has been granted a license to publish the material. Requests to reproduce any of the supplemental material must be directed to the contact author listed above.