Table 5. Summary of the Different in Situ Isotopic Data Sets Useda

Data Set	Reference	Level	Spatial Coverage or Location	Period	Precision	Measurement Method

GNIP-vapor at Vienna	IAEA web site	surface	48.25degreeN, 16.37degreeE	2001-2003	undocumented	undocumented
GNIP-vapor at Ankara	IAEA web site	surface	39.95degreeN, 32.88degreeE	2001-2002	undocumented	undocumented
GNIP-vapor at Manaus	IAEA web site	surface	3.12degreeS, 60.02degreeW	1978-1980	undocumented	undocumented
Sampling at Rehovot	Angert et al. [2008]	surface	31.9degreeN, 34.65degreeE	December 1997, November 1998	1permil	cryogenic extraction
Sampling at Saclay	Risi et al. [2010c]	surface	48.73degreeN, 2.17degreeE	September 1982 to September 1984	1permil	cryogenic extraction
Southern Ocean surface samples	Uemura et al. [2008]	surface	Southern Ocean	January 2004	1permil	cryogenic extraction
Picarro in Hawaii	Johnson et al. [2011]	surface at 680 hPa	19.53degreeN, 155.57degreeW	10 October-6 November 2008	5 to 10 permil	Laser spectrometry with Picarro
Aircraft in Nebraska	Ehhalt et al. [2005]	profiles between 1.5 km and 9.2 km	41.83degreeN, 101.67degreeW	1965-1967	1permil	cryogenic extraction
Aircraft in California, near Santa Barbara	Ehhalt et al. [2005]	profiles between 15 m to 9.2 km	34.0degreeN, 125.0degreeW	1966-1967	1permil	cryogenic extraction
Aircraft in California, above the Death Valley	Ehhalt et al. [2005]	profiles between -30 m and 8.9 km	36.0degreeN, 117.0degreeW	1966-1967	1permil	cryogenic extraction
Aircraft during CR-AVE	Sayres et al. [2010]	profiles between 475 hPa and 70 hPa	near Costa-Rica (1.4degreeS-29.7degreeN, 95.2degreeW-78.0degreeW)	27 January to 2 February 2006	17permil	Laser spectrometry with ICOS
Aircraft during TC4	Sayres et al. [2010]	profiles between 475 hPa and 70 hPa	near Costa-Rica (same region)	3 to 13 August 2007	17permil	Laser spectrometry with ICOS
Aircraft during TC4	Sayres et al. [2010]	profiles between 450 hPa and 70 hPa	near Costa-Rica (same region)	3 to 13 August 2007	50permil	Laser spectrometry with Hoxotope

aFor model-data comparison, model outputs were collocated with each data set at the daily scale.