Table 6. Differences of Annual, Zonal Mean DeltaD Between Pairs of Data Sets (DeltaDeltaDobs = DeltaDi,obs,data - DeltaDj,obs,data), and Their Relative Contributionsa

Data Sets	Location	Level	Total Difference (DeltaDeltaDobs) (permil)	Spatiotemporal Sampling Effect (DeltaDeltaDcolloc) (permil)	Instrument Sensitivity Effect (DeltaDeltaDconvol) (permil)	Residual (DeltaDeltaDerrors) (permil)

MUSICA-TCCON	Lauder	total column	11	1	1	9
MUSICA-TCCON	Wollongong	total column	17	-3	9	11
MUSICA-SCIAMACHY	Arrival Heights	total column	-154	-24	-3	-127
MUSICA-SCIAMACHY	Lauder	total column	74	7	-2	69
MUSICA-SCIAMACHY	Wollongong	total column	106	19	-2	90
FTIR-SCIAMACHY	Izana	total column	-25	-83	-4	62
MUSICA-SCIAMACHY	Jungfraujoch	total column	-77	-93	4	12
MUSICA-SCIAMACHY	Karlsruhe	total column	97	19	9	70
MUSICA-SCIAMACHY	Eureka	total column	-42	-63	3	17
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Lauder	total column	63	6	-3	61
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Wollongong	total column	89	22	-11	77
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Darwin	total column	54	3	-4	61
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Pasadena	total column	38	-53	7	84
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Oklahoma	total column	72	5	-14	81
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Wisconsin	total column	46	-13	-9	67
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Bremen	total column	48	26	-7	30
TCCON-SCIAMACHY	Ny Alesund	total column	-24	-15	-7	-2
MUSICA-TES	Lauder	600 hPa	63	24	-30	69
MUSICA-TES	Wollongong	600 hPa	57	37	-26	45
MUSICA-TES	Izana	600 hPa	46	-13	-11	70
MUSICA-TES	Karlsruhe	600 hPa	42	13	-34	52
MUSICA-TES	Kiruna	600 hPa	50	15	-19	54
MUSICA-TES	Eureka	600 hPa	-30	-53	64	87
Ehhalt-TES	Nebraska	600 hPa	-56	-92	-14	51
Ehhalt-TES	Santa Barbara	600 hPa	-17	-78	-13	75
Ehhalt-TES	Death Valley	600 hPa	-11	11	-10	-12
Ehhalt-ACE	Nebraska	350 hPa	282	74	0	208
Ehhalt-ACE	Santa Barbara	350 hPa	278	11	0	268
Ehhalt-ACE	Death Valley	350 hPa	325	65	0	260
ICOS-ACE	CR-AVE/TC4 region	350 hPa	139	163	0	-24
ICOS-ACE	CR-AVE/TC4 region	250 hPa	-27	73	0	100
MIPAS-ACE	tropics	350 hPa	281	2	255	24
MIPAS-ACE	global	350 hPa	254	7	232	15
MIPAS-ACE	tropics	250 hPa	269	-1	126	144
MIPAS-ACE	global	250 hPa	187	4	96	87

aIncluded are effect of spatiotemporal sampling (DeltaDeltaDcolloc = DeltaDeltaDi,colloc,model - DeltaDeltaDj,colloc,model), effect of instrument sensitivity (DeltaDeltaDconvol = DeltaDeltaDi,convol,model - DeltaDeltaDj,convol,model) and residual (i.e., due to measurement errors or problems in the spatiotemporal distribution simulated by LMDZ: DeltaDeltaDerrors = DeltaDeltaDi,error,data - DeltaDeltaDj,error,data + epsii - epsij). See Appendix D for a detailed explanation of these different terms and notations. When we compare two satellite data sets, we average both data sets over the same band of latitude noted in the Location column: 30degreeS-30degreeN for the tropics and 80degreeS-80degreeN for global mean. When we compare a satellite data set with a ground-based or aircraft data set, the ground-based/aircraft observations are averaged over the region of observation indicated in the Location column, and the satellite observation is averaged zonally at the same latitude as the ground-based or aircraft observations. This makes the DeltaD difference in the Total Difference column consistent with what we can see on Figure 1. Ground-based stations at which no satellite data are available are not shown (e.g., no TES data at Arrival Heights).