Targeting Abasic Sites and Single Base Bulges in DNA with
Brian M. Zeglis
Jennifer A. Boland
, and
Jacqueline K. Barton
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125
Maintaining the fidelity of the genome is critical to the cell, and DNA lesions threaten genetic
Our laboratory has explored the design and applications of metalloinsertors that
target single base mismatches, a potential source of mutations in DNA.
The metal
complexes contain sterically expansive ligands that are too wide to fit into well-matched B-
form DNA and instead bind preferentially to thermodynamically destabilized mismatched
sites. These complexes, notably Rh(bpy)
(chrysi = chrysene-5,6-quinone diimine)
(Figure 1), not only selectively bind to mismatched sites but also cleave the DNA backbone
upon photo-activation. Recent structural studies show that this mismatch binding occurs not
by intercalation, where the metal complex binds from the major groove, increasing the base
pair rise through stacking within the helix, but rather by insertion, where the bulky ligand of
the complex binds from the minor groove without increasing the base rise and ejects the
mismatched base pairs into the major groove.
This insertion mode clearly reconciles the
relationship between mismatch destabilization and site recognition: the more destabilized the
mismatch, the easier the extrusion of the mismatched bases.
The relationship between site destabilization and Rh(bpy)
affinity has led us to
investigate metalloinsertor recognition of two other common DNA defects: abasic sites and
single base bulges. Abasic sites result from cleavage of the glycosidic bond and can arise
spontaneously, as a result of exogenous carcinogens, or as an intermediate in repair.
Spectroscopic studies have shown abasic sites to destabilize the duplex by 3–11 kcal/mol.
Single base bulges, structurally related to abasic sites, are formed by replication errors. Bulged
sites are more stable than abasic sites, with destabilization values of
4 kcal/mol.
unrepaired, both structures can lead to cancer.
There are, however, few reports of targeting abasic sites and bulges in DNA and none with
high specificity. Higher reactivity of intercalators bearing nucleophilic amines with the abasic
aldehyde intermediate has been reported, but neither specific binding nor strand cleavage at
an abasic site is found.
Bulky intercalators have also been seen to react at multiple base
bulges or hairpin loops, but none bind to single base bulges and none with high specificity.
Such specific targeting of small deformations in DNA is important both fundamentally
in considering how these lesions may be detected within the cell and practically in the design
of diagnostics for these lesions. Here we report that our parent metalloinsertor, Rh
, specifically binds and, with photoactivation, cleaves abasic sites and single
base bulges within duplex DNA.
Supporting Information Available: Photocleavage titrations, gel analysis, and mass spectral data. This material is available free of charge
via the Internet at
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
J Am Chem Soc
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 9.
Published in final edited form as:
J Am Chem Soc
. 2008 June 18; 130(24): 7530–7531. doi:10.1021/ja801479y.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
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A series of oligonucleotides were synthesized to probe recognition of abasic sites and single
base bulges by Rh(bpy)
(Figure 1).
Six duplexes, identical except for a central site,
were employed: well-matched (M), mismatched (MM), abasic site with unpaired cytosine (AB-
C), abasic site with unpaired guanine (AB-G), cytosine single base bulge (B-C), and guanine
single base bulge (B-G). Given the instability of the natural hemiacetal abasic site, the
tetrahydrofuranyl analogue was employed for the abasic strands.
Examination of the helix
melting points,
, of the DNA assemblies reveals that the abasic site and bulged base
significantly destabilize the duplex, in fact to a degree comparable to the CC mismatch (Figure
Site-specific targeting by Rh(bpy)
was examined in DNA photocleavage
experiments. As illustrated in Figure 2, Rh(bpy)
specifically binds and, with
irradiation, cleaves not only mismatches but also abasic sites and single base bulges. In all
cases, cleavage neighbors the unpaired base and is evident only on one strand. The intensities
of the photocleavage bands for the abasic sites are comparable to that at the mismatch site;
photocleavage at the bulge sites is significantly diminished. This reduced intensity results both
from a lower binding affinity and from lower photocleavage efficiency; in fact, the poor
cleavage efficiency permits the determination of only an approximate affinity. For the abasic
sites, photocleavage titrations yield site-specific binding affinities of
2 × 10
, values
comparable to that for the CC mismatch (see Figure 1). As expected for binding through
metalloinsertion, affinity correlates with the local destabilization.
In addition, the DNA cleavage products appear to mirror those seen with duplexes containing
the mismatch (Figure 2 and Supporting Information), consistent with an analogous binding
mode. Assayed by gel mobility, for each unpaired DNA assembly, we find a mixture of
cleavage products consistent with reaction to the 3
-side of the unpaired base to form 15-mers
containing a 3
-terminal phosphate along with 15-mers containing partially degraded 3
phosphoesters; heating or overnight incubation yields a tighter band that results from
decomposition of the mixture to the 3
-phosphate. Mass spectrometry has earlier been used to
identify products of Rh photocleavage of mismatched DNA.
Here, mass spectrometry results
for an abasic assembly yield a product distribution pattern analogous to that of mismatched
DNA. These products are consistent with H1
abstraction by the photoactivated metal complex
from the minor groove side, as expected with metalloinsertion.
For the bulged DNA
assemblies, gel analysis reveals bands of mobility similar to that created by mismatch cleavage,
indicative of reaction to the 3
-side of the bulged base.
Mass spectral data for the bulged
assemblies were inconclusive, however, owing to the low product yield.
The high site specificity in targeting abasic sites and bulged bases by Rh(bpy)
coupled with the correspondence in affinities and cleavage products to mismatch targeting all
point to an analogous binding interaction of the metal complex with these structures versus
mismatched DNA. Figure 3 illustrates our model for Rh binding to an abasic site based upon
the crystal structure of Rh(bpy)
bound to a CA mismatch.
In this model, the metal
complex inserts from the minor groove, displacing the unpaired base. The binding affinities
for mismatched DNA and an abasic site are equivalent, as are the
's, reflecting the
thermodynamic destabilization at the unpaired sites, the basis for ejecting the unpaired base.
The shared asymmetric cleavage and resultant products furthermore support a similar
orientation for the complex within the binding sites, with the Rh bound from the minor groove,
positioning the activated ligand for H1
abstraction. For the bulged DNA, the metal complex
is likely similarly positioned, but the binding pocket must differ, accounting for the poor
photocleavage efficiency. Nonetheless, for the bulged assemblies, based upon the cleavage
strand asymmetry and estimated binding affinities, a generally comparable binding mode and
orientation are likely.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 October 9.
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These results establish that Rh(bpy)
, a sterically bulky metalloinsertor, binds and
photocleaves abasic sites and single base bulges within duplex DNA with high affinity and
selectivity. The work thus expands the family of unpaired DNA structures targeted by Rh
. Moreover, these data highlight the generality of site-specific binding to
destabilized structures within a DNA duplex through metalloinsertion.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We are grateful to the NIH (GM33309) for their financial support, the SURF program for a summer internship for
J.A.B, and the NSF for a graduate fellowship to B.M.Z.
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Figure 1.
(left) along with sequences, melting temperatures (
), and binding
affinities (
) for the duplexes.
's were determined for 1
M DNA in buffer (50 mM NaCl,
10 mM NaPi, pH 7.1). Photocleavage titrations of DNA (1
M) in buffer and variable Rh
M) were employed to obtain site-specific binding constants (see
Supporting Information). “R” denotes tetrahydrofuranyl abasic site; “–” indicates no
nucleotide. Melting temperatures are accurate within 1 °C.
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Figure 2.
Autoradiogram of a denaturing 20% polyacrylamide gel revealing photocleavage for Rh
with the different DNA duplexes. 5
P-labeling is on the strand containing
-GAC. Conditions are duplex (1
M), Rh (3
M) in 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM NaPi, pH 7.1 for
30 min at ambient temperature followed by irradiation (0 or 30 min) with a solar simulator
(325–450 nm) and incubation at 60 °C (0 or 30 min). For matched DNA, lanes 1–3 contain
DNA with Rh without irradiation, DNA with Rh and 30 min irradiation, and DNA with Rh,
30 min irradiation, and 30 min at 60 °C, respectively. This set of three conditions is repeated
for each duplex: MM (lanes 4–6), AB-C (7–9), AB-G (10–12), B-C (13–15), and B-G (16–
18). The arrows mark the mispaired site.
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Figure 3.
Model of Rh(bpy)
inserted at an abasic site. The metalloinsertor is in red, the
extruded base in green, and the abasic deoxyribose in blue.
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