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Supporting information
Nacre tablet thickness records formation temperature
in modern
and fossil shells
Pupa U.P.A Gilbert
, Kristin D. Bergmann
, Corinne E. Myers
, Matthew A. Marcus
, Ross
T. DeVol
, Chang-Yu Sun
, Adam Z. Blonsky
, Erik
, Jessica Zhao
, Elizabeth A.
, Nobumichi Tamura
, Sarah Lemer
, Anthony J. Giuffre
, Gonzalo Giribet
, John M.
, Andrew H. Knoll
University of Wisconsin
–Madison, Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Geoscience,
Madison WI 53706 USA
Harvard University, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Fellowship Program,
Cambridge, MA 02138.
Harvard University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, MA 02138.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary
Sciences, Cambridge, MA 02139.
Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology and Department of Organismic and
Evolutionary Biology, Cambridge, MA 02138.
ty of New Mexico, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Albuquerque, NM
Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 94720,
California Institute of Technology, Division of Geological and Planetary Scienc
es, Pasadena,
CA 91125
corresponding author, pupa@physics.wisc.edu, previously publishing as Gelsomina De
Pinnidae: an ideal family for this study
Specimens within the family Pinnidae, commonly called pen shells or pen clams,
were chosen for this study for several reasons. Pinnids are not uncommon in both the
modern and fossil records (Figure S1
). Thus, modern specimens enabled ground-truthing
of the nacre TT-based paleothermometer, and fossil specimens provided a unique window
into paleoclimate over 180 Ma of Earth history. Pen shells are large, fast growing bivalves
with a thick nacreous region ideal for both spectral and isotopic analyses. Furthermore, the
nacre layer in pinnids is eas
ily separated from the prismatic calcite layer. This facilitates
sample preparation and minimizes contamination of aragonite nacre with calcite prisms
for clumped isotope analysis. Finally, pinnids produce each shell transect in a relatively
short period o
f time, less than a year. Thus comparison with modern shells, grown at
known T, makes it possible to identify which shells were primarily deposited in cooler vs.
warmer seasons. Anecdote has it that Japanese pearl farmers harvest their pearls in winter,
the tablet thickness is lower, resulting in greater pearl luster
(Strack, 2001)
. This trend
in the Japanese pearl bivalve
Pinctada fucata
is similar to that observed in this work for
Pinnidae: greater TT at higher T and
vice versa
Seven fossil specimens were analyzed for both TT and T, drawn from three locations
reflecting warm geologic times and places (the Late Cretaceous Gulf Coastal Plain, ~ 65.5-
66 Ma
(Landman et al., 2004; Larina, 2015; Thibault and Gardin, 2006, 2007)
; the Early
Eocene Gulf Coastal Plain, ~ 52-54 Ma
(Agnini et al., 2007; Frederiksen et al., 1982; Sessa et
al., 2012)
; and the Middle Miocene Mid
-Atlantic Calvert Cliffs, ~ 12.7-13.2 Ma) (Kidwell,
1997). In addition, two Jurassic
shells were analyzed for TT only, and T was deduced
from TT. Many more details are provided in the Pinnidae biology section below.
Pinnidae Biology
The family Pinnidae Leach, 1819 includes subtidal and coastal species (Dance, 2013)
found in tropical and temperate regions, both today and in the fossil record
. Pinnid
are important elements of certain marine ecosystems, including the sandy substrate of
seagrass beds, lagoons and coral reefs where they can sometimes aggregate in large
(Rosewater, 1961)
. Pinnids are
sessile, suspension-feeding bivalves
partially buried
with their anterior end in sand or mud, such that only the posterior
prismatic portion of the shell is visible above the sediment (Aucoin and Himmelman,
2011b; Schultz and Huber, 2013; Turner a
nd Rosewater, 1958; Yonge, 1953
). The family
contains two extant genera and 55 accepted species (although there are more than 16
additional genera in the fossil record)
(Lemer et al., 2014; Rosewater, 1961; Schultz and
Huber, 2013; Turner and Rosewater, 1958). Pinnids are un
ited by an elongated subtrigonal
shell shape, heteromyarian adductor muscle scars (small in the anterior and large in the
posterior), a toothless hinge with primary and secondary ligament segments, thin to absent
periostracum, byssus, and generally large s
ize (commonly between 15-35cm; Modern
Pinna nobilis
may reach lengths over 1m (Richardson et al., 2004; Schultz and Huber, 2013;
Turner and Rosewater, 1958). Pinnidae is nested within the Order Pterioida
Pteriomorphia. However the exact position of Pinnidae and
the identity of its s
ister group
remains unclear. Earlier studies based on molecular data have suggested
a sister group
relationship to Pterioidea,
or Mytiloidea
(Adamkewicz et al., 1997; Bieler et al.,
2014; Campbell, 2000; Giribet and Distel, 2003; Giribet and Wheeler, 2002; Matsumoto,
2003; Steiner and Hammer, 2000).
The biomineralized shells of the Pinnidae are composed of an outer calcitic
prismatic layer and an inner aragonitic nacreous layer. In pen shells the inner nacreous
region does not extend to the posterior margin of the prismatic outer shell, and instead
extends from the anterior margin approximately 1/3 to 2/3
the length of the shell (
4). The genera
Linnaeus, 1758
Gray, 1842 may be distinguished by the
shape and size of their nacreous layer. In species of the genus
the internal nacreous
layer is divided by a sulcus into a dorsal and a ventral lobe. The position of the posterior
adductor muscle scar with respect to the margins of the nacreous layer is one of the major
taxonomic characters used to distinguish species. The posterior adductor muscle scars
(PAs in Figure 4) in
are fully enclosed within the nacreous region (in the dorsal lobe),
whereas in
PAs extend to the edge of the nacreous layer, and in some species even
beyond the margin into the prismatic portion of the shell (Rosewater, 1982; Schultz and
Huber, 2013; Turner a
nd Rosewater, 1958; Yonge, 1953
). Finally, in species of the
Martens, 1880 (considered a third extant genus
until Lemer et al.
(Lemer et al., 2014)) the internal nacreous layer is reduced to a dorsal lobe.
present work focused on species within the extant genera
. These two
genera are common in the fossil record and thus provide the most robust history of
environmental conditions through time.
Very little is known about the reproductive strategies and the pelagic larval
duration of most pinnid species, except for some commercially important ones. Most
species are believed to be gonoc
horistic, to reproduce annually and to produce larvae with
a planktotrophic stage with trochophore and veliger stages like
Pinna atropurpurea
Atrina maura
(Beer and Southgate, 2006; Mendo et al., 2011). Because of
their potentially long larval pelagic phase, the dispersal capacity of pinnids
is expected to
be extensive
. This results in a cosmopolitan generic and family distribution, while habitat
specificity and past geographic isolation maintained a degree of species
-level endemism
P. nobilis
in the Mediterranean Sea). Once the veliger settles, the muscular foot is used
to bury in soft sediments. Anterior byssus threads then anchor the shell to hard substrate
or cobbles in the sediment, such as sea grass beds or coral boulders (Aucoin and
Himmelman, 2011a, b; Grave, 1911; Richardson et al., 2004
; Rosewater, 1982; Schultz and
Huber, 2013;
Turner and
Rosewater, 1958; Yonge, 1953
). Consequently, most species of
Pinnidae live within the subtidal photic zone (up to ~ 100
m)(Grave, 1911; Richardson et
al., 1999; Schultz and Huber, 2013)
. Some exceptions exist, e.g.,
P. carnea
and other species
found in the Pacific Ocean can be found intertidally, and a few species are only found in
deep water, down to 600m depth (Schul
tz and Huber, 2013; Yonge, 1953
). Pen shells are
fairly delicate, and may be damaged by wave action, currents, storms, or predation (Allen,
2011; Aucoin and Himmelman, 2011b; Grave, 1911; Rosewater, 1982; Turner and
Rosewater, 1958; Yonge, 1953
). Repair of the prismatic portion of the shell is quite efficient.
For instance modern
A. rigida
may repair up to 13mm/day (Grave, 1911), and fully
exhumed shells may re-bury
themselves. However, successful re-burial is not guaranteed,
and exhumation often results in death (Grave, 1911; Richa
rdson et al., 1999; Yonge, 1953
Growth Rates
.—Species of pen shells are some of the fastest growing bivalves known
and may grow upwards of 20cm or more radially in their first year of life (Aucoin and
Himmelman, 2011b; Butler and Brewster, 1979; Cendejas et al., 1985; Richardson et al.
1999; Richardson et al., 2004
). As in most mollusks, faster radial growth occurs early in life;
for pen shells this is generally in the first three years
(Butler and Brewster, 1979; Schöne,
2008). Individuals reach reproductive maturity in appr
oximately the second year, and have
been known to live up to 20 years in the wild
(Aucoin and Himmelman, 2011b; Hendriks et
al., 2012; Kožul et al., 2011; Richardson et al., 1999)
Slowdown and even stoppage in radial growth with age has been observed in many
mollusk species (e.g. (Schöne, 2008)
; for species of
(Grave, 1911; Hendriks et al.,
2012)). Furthermore, both biotic and abiotic environmental factors appear to influence
rates of shell growth and stoppages. In addition to age, biotic factors affecting mollusk
radial growth rates include: ava
ilability of nutrients (food), predation pressure, production
of gametes, and spawning (Grave, 1911; Ivany, 2012; Joubert et al., 2014; Linard et al.,
2011; Lowenstam and Weiner, 1989; Schöne, 2008). Abiotic factors include: temperature,
salinity, lunar cycles and tides, seasonal variations (e.g
., day length, storms), turbidity,
ocean circulation patterns, sea level, and carbon (organic and inorganic), phosphate, and
nitrate concentrations in the water column (Ivany, 2012; Joubert et al., 2014; Linard et al.,
2011; Lowenstam and Weiner, 1989; Richardson et al., 1999; Schöne, 2008). Changes in
growth rates are commonly detected in bivalves by the deposition of a growth line in the
prismatic outer shell (Schöne, 2008)
. These growth lines, unfortunately, are not produced
in species of Pinnidae; however, the posterior adductor muscle scars (PAs in Figure 4) can
be used to identify the age of in
dividuals (Butler and Brewster, 1979; Richardson et al.
1999; Richa
rdson et al., 2004
). Richardson et al.
(Richardson et al., 1999) have documented
that PAs from the first year of growth are often absent, thus the age of
an individual may be
estimated as 1 + number of observed PAs.
Few previous studies have measured slowdowns or stoppages specifically in rates
of deposition of the nacreous layer, and none of these were conducted on pen shells. We do
not observe any disco
ntinuity in nacre formation for the specimens of
analyzed here (
Figure 6), however this does not preclude faster growth seasonally. The
most commonly investigated species are those of economic value in pearl aquaculture or
human consumption, such as the pearl oyster (
Pinctada margaritifera
) or abalone (e.g.,
Haliotis refuscens
). In these few studies, both temperature and nutrient concentrations
were observed to impact rates of nacre deposition and total nacre thickness in tank
experiments of
P. margaritifera
(Joubert et al., 2014; Linard et al., 2011)
. Additionally,
different suites of genes have been identified in
P. margaritifera
that produce different
regulatory proteins for prismatic (radial) vs. nacreous growth (Joubert et al., 2014; Marie et
al., 2012)
. It is very plausible that pen shells, which are closely related to the pearl oysters,
share this same genetic framework. Thus, rate of nacre deposition and TT in pen shells
may be influenced by abiotic and biotic environmental factors differently than prismatic
radial growth, or even continue at a regular rate throughout the life of these species, as the
shells of Pinnidae and
thicken significantly after the phase of rapid radial growth
(~3 years).
Fossil Record
.—The Pinnidae are observed in t
he fossil record as far back as the
Silurian Period (~ 444 Ma)
-Zhi et al., 1986; Zhang, 1988)
. A PaleoBiology DataBase
) search on 5/25/15 recovered 926 fossil occurrences of
176 fossil occurrences of
, with global distribution (see maps from time periods of
interest in Figure S1
first occurs in Middle Mississippian sediments (age range: 345
Ma – present)(Cash, 1882; Wheelton, 1905)
is also first observed in the
Carboniferous (age range: ~ 359 Ma – present) (Rosewater, 1961; Ruedemann, 1916,
1918). Although their delicate shells result in difficulty preserving whole body fossils,
fragments and partial specimens are not uncommon in warm water, near
-shore to offshore
-sediments, where their unique morphology makes for easy identification. Further,
when preserved in situ, individuals of Pinnidae are
often quite abundant in “thickets”, akin
to modern Mytilidae
(Butler and Brewster, 1979; Idris et al., 2008)
Sample acquisition
We apply a specimen naming convention where the first letter designates the genus,
second letter designates the species, and the number indicates the order in which the
specimen was received and analyzed. Each sample is further identified by a hyphen and
either a “1” (fragment analyzed using PEEM) or “2” (fragment analyzed using clumped
isotopes), or greater numbers for additional samples. For example, the
Atrina rigida
specimen was received 5
, thus the PEEM-analyzed sample is labeled: Ar5-1, and the
clumped isotope-analyzed sample is labeled Ar5-2. In all figures in this work, however, the
last hyphen and number are omitted for simplicity. Associated specimen information is
archived in a nacre sample compendium on:
http://home.physics.wisc.edu/gilbert/nacre/sample_compendium.html. Table S1
a summary of specimen information and Figures 8, 9, S11 provide sample collection
location and temperature data measured by nearby buoys or weather stations from the
modern samples over the lifetime of the organisms (Pc2, Ar5, and Pn1).
Atrina rigida
(size: 29 cm along the vertical in Figure 4, S4). Purchased from
Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory, Panacea, FL, USA. The living animal was collected at the
beginning of September 2014 from St. Joseph Bay, Gulf county, FL (29° 43' 15" N / 85° 19'
39" W) from a collection depth of between 0.5 and 2.0m, kept in a tank for 3-4 weeks,
shipped live to Madison,
WI and sacrificed on Sept. 30th, 2014. The specimen grew in
water temperatures ranging between ~10°C and ~32°C (buoy T data in Figure S11
sample Ar5-1 was cut from the right valve (RV) of shell Ar5, as shown in Figure S4
Clumped isotope analysis was performed on the left valve (LV) and named Ar_5_a,
Ar_5_a_6_10, Ar_5_c. The clumped isotope data from Ar5 were not included because there
was major contamination during the analysis, and the results are off by 1000°C.
: Modern
Atrina rigida
(size: 21 cm). Purchased the same day as Ar5 from Gulf
Specimen Marine Laboratory, Panacea, FL, USA. In all other respects identical to Ar5 (see
Figure S11
for location and buoy T data). The LV was analyzed here only using SEM in
Figure 5, and is therefor
e not included in
Table S1
, or in the sample counting.
Pinna carnea
(size: 22.5 cm). Specimen from the Malacology collection of the
Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Catalog
number MCZ 382622: collecte
d by Sarah Lemer on March 15, 2015 in Boca del Drago
(9°24'17" N / 82°19'26" W), Isla Colón, Archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panama (Figure 8),
at a depth of 1
-1.5m. Before sacrificing it, the specimen was kept for six days in an outdoor,
shaded tank at the
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Marine station under
constant flow of seawater from the coastline at its natural temperature. The specimen grew
in water temperatures ranging from ~26°C to ~31°C
(Figure 8). The LV was used for both
PEEM (Pc2-1) and clumpled isotope (Pc2-2) analyses.
Pinna nobilis
(size: 28 cm). Also from the Malacology collection of the MCZ,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Catalog number MCZ 371544: collected by Juan
Giribet in Mallorca, Spain, 1991 (Figur
e 9). The temperature record from 1990-1991 is
unavailable. Temperature records in Figure 9 show the locations where the buoy T data
were collected in recent years. The specimen likely grew in water temperatures ranging
from ~10°C to ~30°C
(Figure 9). Th
e LV was used for both PEEM (Pn1
-1) and clumped
isotopes (Pn1-2) analyses.
Atrina harrisii
(fragment size: 7 cm). Courtesy of Robert Hazen and John
Nance, Calvert Marine Museum Invertebrates Collection, Solomons
, MD USA. Catalogue
number CMM-I-237: collected from Bed 19, Boston Cliffs Member, Choptank Formation,
Chesapeake Group (Middle Miocene Epoch ~12 Ma). The sample appearance and
preparation are shown in
Figure S7. Fragment size prohibited identification of RV or LV for
PEEM (Ah2-1) and clumped isotope (Ah2-2) analyses but both analyses were conducted on
the same fragment.
Atrina harrisii
(fragment size: 4.5 cm). Courtesy of Susan Butts and Jessica
Utrup, Yale Peabody Museum (YPM), Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. Catalogue
number IP 527493: collected by S. M. Kidwell in Saint Marys Co, MD in 1979. Specimen
collected from Unit 5 of the Drumcliff Member, Choptank Formation (Middle Miocene ~13
Ma). For more information, see: http://peabody.yale.edu/collections/search
A single fragment (RV/LV unknown)
was used for PEEM (Ah3-1) and clumped isotope
(Ah3-2) analyses. Species designation determined by the authors
and confirmed by John
Nance (Calvert Marine Museum of Invertebrates) based on absence of interior sulcus or
exterior keel, and comparison to other age
-equivalent specimens previously described
from the Drumcliffs Member (Glenn, 1904; Kidwell, 1982).
: Miocene
Atrina harrisii
(fragment size: 5.5 cm). Courtesy of Susan Butts and Jessica
Utrup, YPM, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. Catalogue number IP 527512: collected
by S. M. Kidwell in Saint Marys Co, MD in 1978. Specimen collected from the top of Unit 1,
Drumcliff Shell Bed, Choptank Formation (Middle Miocene ~13 Ma). For more information,
. A single fragment
(RV/LV?) was used for PEEM (Ah4-1) and clumped isotope (Ah4-2) analyses. Species
designation determined by the authors and confirmed by John Nance (Calvert Marine
Museum of Invertebrates) based on absence of interior sulcus or exterior keel, and
comparison to other age-equivalent specimens previously described from the Drumcliffs
Member (Glenn, 1904; Kidwell, 1982).
Eocene cf.
sp., (fragment size: 3.5 cm). Courtesy of Susan Butts and Jessica Utrup,
YPM, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. Catalogue number IP 527489: collected by C. O.
Dunbar on Feb. 4, 1966 in Butler Co, AL (Coll. 3). Specimen collected from the Bashi Shell
Marl, lower Hatchetigbee Formation (Early Eocene ~54 Ma). For more information, see:
. A single fragment (RV/LV?)
was used for PEEM (Px1
-1) and clumped isotope (Px1-2) analyses.
Eocene cf.
sp. (fragment size: 6 cm). Courtesy of Susan Butts and Jessica Utrup,
YPM, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. Catalogue number IP 527490: collected by C. O.
Dunbar on Feb. 4, 1966 in Butler Co, AL (Coll. 3). Specimen collected from the Bashi Shell
Marl, lower Hatchetigbee Formation (Early Eocene ~54 Ma). For more information, see:
. A single fragment (RV/LV?)
was used for PEEM (Px2
-1) and clumped isotope (Px2-2) analyses.
Late Cretaceous
sp. (fragment size: 8 cm). Courtesy of Neil
Landman and Bushra M. Hussaini, American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New
York, NY, USA. Catalogue number 99982: collected by Neil Landman, Susan Klofak, Matt
Garb, Remy Rovelli, and C
orinne Myers on May 28, 2010 in Tippah, Co, MS. Specimen
collected from the Owl Creek Fm, Selma Group (Maastrichtian ~66 Ma). Accessioned
specimen consists of many shell fragments; two separate fragments were used for Ps5 and
Ps6 below. A single fragment (RV/LV?) was used for PEEM (Ps5-1), clumped isotope (Ps5-
2a, Ps5-2c), and EPMA (Ps5-4) analyses. By comparison with
Pinna laqueata
found at this site at the same time and those previously observed in the Owl Creek of
(Stephenson, 1957)
, it is possible that this shell species was
Pinna laqueata
Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian)
sp. (fragment size: 4 cm). Courtesy of Neil
Landman and Bushra M. Hussaini, AMNH, New York, NY, USA. Specimens from same
catalogue number, locality, and stratigraphic interval as Ps5 above. A single fragment
(RV/LV?) was used for PEEM (Ps6
-1) and clumped isotope (Ps6-2a, Ps6-2c) analyses. As for
Ps5, it is possible that Ps6 is
Pinna laqueata
, as other
P. laqueata
specimens were found at
this site
Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian)
Pinna folium
(remaining shell size: 12 cm, estimated
total size including missing umbo: 15 cm), from Blockley, Gloucestershire, UK, extracted
from the Lower Lias. Courtesy of Steven Davies, Dinosaurland Fossil Museum collection,
Lyme Regis, Dorset, United Kingdom. The shell shows excellent iridescence, and does not
have any calcite prismatic layer in the areas analyzed with SEM. It does not have the umbo
anymore. The two valves are closed and filled with calcite, identified by PEEM analysis. A
1cm thick slice was embedded and cut as close to the umbo as possible (~3 cm from it),
embedded, polished, and analyzed with SEM. The best region (position 3) was cut, re
embedded and polished for PEEM analysis (Pfo1
S8). No clumped isotope
analysis was done as this specimen occluded extensive calcite crystals between the two
valves (see top of transects in
Figure 6), and the nacre layer was too thin (300 μm at most)
for safe, uncontaminated separation.
y Jurassic (Pliensbachian)
Pinna folium
(remaining shell size: 5.6 cm, estimated
total size including missing umbo: 7 cm), from Blockley, Gloucestershire, UK, extracted
around the year 2000 from the Northcott Brick works, Ibex zone,
Beanicerus luridum
Courtesy of Christopher Andrew, Lyme Regis Museum, Lyme Regis, Dorset, United
Kingdom. The shell shows limited iridescence only in one region, and from SEM and PEEM
analysis does not have any calcite prismatic layer preserved. It does not have the umbo
more. The two valves are closed and filled with polycrystalline calcite (from PEEM
analysis), the entire specimen was embedded, cut, polished, and analyzed with SEM. The
best region (position 2) was cut, re
-embedded and polished for PEEM analysis (Ps8
S8). No clumped isotope analysis was done as this specimen had extensive calcite
crystals between the two valves, outside of the nacre layer, in between the nacre layer, and
even percolating through some of the nacre tablets (see Figure 2F). The nacr
e layer was
even thinner than in the Pfo sample, with 90 μm maximum thickness.
Sample preparation
Three modern and seven fossil specimens were acquired from the sources
described above. The three
modern shells were rinsed in ethanol, air
-dried, and cut with a
jeweler’s saw along the bisector line. A second cut, shown in Figure S4b
, isolated a shell
fragment ~1cm-wide including the thickest nacre (red arrows in
Figures 4, S4, S7
) at its
center. This sample was then embedded in epoxy to expose the cross
-section in the thickest
nacre region, polished, and coated. The thickest nacre region was chosen because it
provides the most sample to measure, and was deposited over the longest period of time.
Consequently, experiments in this region maximize the environmental information stored
in each specimen.
Fossil Pinnidae shells are extremely fragile, as shown by the shell fragments at the
right hand side of
Figure S7a,b
for specimen Ah2. These fragments were cut off for clumped
isotope analysis using a razor blad
e gently pressed through the soft, flaky nacre.
Subsequently the remaining specimen was embedded in epoxy, then cut using a diamond
saw as shown in
Figures S6 and S7c,d
. Fossil specimens were then re-embedded to expose
a shell cross
-section in the region of thickest nacre (missing cuboid in Figure S6 and S7c,d
polished, and coated similar to modern specimens.
The embedding epoxy in all cases was EpoFix (EMS, Hatfiled, PA, USA), poured
around the shell fragment in 1-inch round molds, and cured for 13 hours. Before
embedding, extreme care was taken to coarsely polish each shell to obtain a flat cross
section perpendicular to the shell inner surface. The specimen was then mounted on
-stick tape to the bottom of the embedding mold in order to minimize any
orientation error introduced during the embedding stage. The finished shell mount
contained nacre layers perpendicular to the polished surface within an angle of
5°, thus
the mounting error on TT measurements was negligible.
Shell mounts were polished with coarse grit, followed by 300
-nm Al
nanoparticles, followed by 50
-nm Al
nanoparticles (MasterPrep, Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL,
USA) suspensions. Before use, both polishing suspensions were dialyzed against 22g/L
in DD water for 24h with three
solution changes. The polished samples
were rinsed in ethanol, air
-dried, covered with a mask in the area to be analyzed (purple
square in Figure S4d
, transparent square in
Figure S7e
,) and coated with 40nm Pt. This
produced the high
-reflectivity re
gion all around the square, (the white region in
Figure S4d
and black region in
Figure S7e)
. The mask was then removed, and the entire sample surface
was coated again with 1nm Pt, while rotating the sample. One nm is sufficient to ensure
good conductivity,
but is less than the ~5 nm depth below the sample surface from which
the secondary electrons detected in a PEEM experiments originate (Frazer et al., 2003)
Hence the majority of the detected signal comes from the sample, not the coating. One nm
Pt, however, is not enough to make good electrical contact, motivating the thicker coating
surrounding the area of interest. One nm coating must be done using a high-precision
sputter coater that enables slow, precise coating, during which the sample is tilted and
spun (208HR High Resolution Sputter Coater, Cressington, UK, and Ted Pella, Inc., USA).
The differential-thickness resulting from two rounds of Pt coating makes it possible to
perform photoemission experiments on shells, minerals, rocks, or any other insulators, and
was introduced by our group
(De Stasio et al., 2003; DeVol et al., 2014)
. It also prevents any
charging phenomena or artifacts (Gilbert et al., 2000)
. Figure S7e
shows a polished,
trimmed, and coated sample, ready for PEEM analysis.
Sample powders were prepared for clumped isotope analyses from the epoxy
embedded shell fragments surrounding the PEEM sub-sample for Ah3-2, Ah4-2, Px1-2 and
-2. A bulk sample of nacre was removed from the epoxy and powdered using a mortar
and pestle. For Ah2-2, a subsample from the fragments produced while cutting the sample
with a razorblade was powdered with a mortar and pestle. Unembedded samples of Ar5,
Pc 1-2, Pn 2-2, Pl
-5-2 and Pl-6-2 allowed separation of the prismatic calcite layer and the
nacre using a razor blade. Both were powdered using a mortar and pestle prior to clumped
isotope analysis.
XRD Analysis
X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) were collected on beamline 12.3.2 at the Berkeley
Advanced Light Source, as described pr
eviously, using a DECTRIS Pilatus 1 M area detector
(Gilbert et al., 2008; Tamura and Gilbert, 2013; Yang et al., 2011). A ~1-μm spot, 9 keV
monochromatic beam illuminated the sample surface in the locations shown in Figure S2
Each pattern of reflections was indexed using the XMAS software (Tamura, 2014) , with
excellent calcite and aragonite recognition.
SEM Analysis
For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis, the anterior regions of three modern
shells were cut, rinsed with ethanol, air
-dried, and coated with 20
-nm Pt. The Hitachi S-
3400N scanning electron microscope in the UW-Madison Department of Geoscience was
used to produce the images in Figure 5
, under the secondary
-electron mode and an
elerating voltage of 15 kV.
EPMA analysis
Electron Probe Micro
-Analysis (EPMA) was conducted to obtain quantitative elemental
spot analysis and elemental mapping on the shell Ps 5
-4 to assess trace metal variability
across the shell. EPMA was done on the JEOL JXA-8200 Electron Microprobe at the
lifornia Institute of Technology. For all quantitative results, the accelerating voltage was
15 kV, the beam current was 20 nA, and the beam size was 1 μm. The CITZAF method was
used for matrix correction. Sample standards for the five chemical elements
included: dolomite for Mg, siderite for Fe, rhodochrosite for Mn, strontianite for Sr, and
anhydrite for S. Mg had an average detection limit of 0.01% Fe–272 ppm, Mn–388 ppm, Sr
438 ppm, and S–0.02%. EPMA results are presented in Figure S3
and reported in Table S3
The Late Cretaceous shell Ps5 is also extremely well preserved chemically. EPMA
measurements, both maps and transects, indicate that Fe and Mn trace metal
concentrations are extremely low across the shell (aragonite [Fe] = 110 ± 12 ppm and [Mn]
= 90 ± 10 ppm; calcite [Fe] = 202 ± 42 ppm and [Mn] = 93 ± 27 ppm, mean ± std. error of
the mean). As both metals tend to incorporate into calcite and aragonite in reducing
environments below the sediment-water interface, this suggests minimal
(Brand and Veizer, 1980)
. Sr and Mg are consistent with primary precipitation of the two
phases from seawater (aragonite [Sr] = 2567 ± 71 ppm and [Mg] = 134 ± 33 ppm; calcite
[Sr] = 986 ± 38 ppm and [Mg] = 3909 ± 187 ppm) (Figure S3, Table S3
Detailed description of digital ruler measurements
Each PIC
-map was opened in Adobe Photoshop
, then immediately duplicated into a
second “Photoshop layer”. This second layer was then rotated until the nacre
tablets were
horizontal. Tilt in the other direction was prevented with accurate sample mounting,
perpendicular to the polishing and imaging plane. A vertical un-rotated digital ruler with
ticks and numbers was pasted into a third “Photoshop layer”. For all images, the digital
ruler was arranged such that the “0” tick was located precisely at the bottom of the un-
rotated PIC
-map. All other ticks were then moved so that each coincided with the boundary
between two nacre tablets. In
Figure S9
the three “Photo
shop layers” are displayed for each
PIC-map: at the bottom is the un-rotated original PIC
-map layer, on top of it is the rotated
PIC-map, and on top of both is the digital ruler, with its white ticks and numbers. Note that
“0” is at the bottom of the field
of view, and all other ticks and numbers were shifted up or
down, one at a time, such that they coincided with nacre tablet boundaries. The vertical-
FoV was 21.5 μm in all panels of Figure S9
. Note that in Figure S9
we displayed a larger
field of view to
include all of the un
-rotated images. During the measurement the file size
was not (and should not be) increased, so the FoV measurement remained the same, even
when a Photoshop layer was rotated. This avoids the introduction of any quantitative
errors. To obtain the “average TT” in each PIC-map (Figure S10
) we divided the vertical-
FoV in each image by the number of tablets counted in that image using the digital ruler.
-maps were measured twice, by two co-authors, recording the results in two
separate columns of a Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet. The averages and standard deviations
were calculated in Excel
, all the plots were produced in Kaleidagraph
4.5.2 for Mac.
Angle spread measurement
The angle spread of c’
-axes (the projections of c
-axes onto the polarization plane of the
illuminating radiation) was measured using the “Polarization Analysis Package” of GG
(GG–Macros, 2016)
. For every PIC-mapped area, we made a polarization stack of 19
images, with linearly polarized illumination covering a range of 90° with a 5° step. By
fitting the intensity of a pixel as a function of p
olarization to
Equation 1 (see PIC-mapping),
we then determined the values of
, the c’-axis angle, and
, the amplitude of polarization-
dependent intensity, for every pixel in a PIC
-mapped area.
To remove artifacts before measurement, we first masked off pixels with extreme
values of
, namely those falling into bins populated by less than 10
pixels on a histogram
of all
-values from the PIC
-map. In particular, this removes artifacts with low polarization-
dependence and correspondingly low values of
We then placed the
-values of all remaining pixels on a histogram and measured
the range of these c’
-axis angle bins that were each occupied by at least 10
pixels. This
somewhat arbitrary occurrence cut-off was used to further ensure that remaining c’-axis
angles, still representing the majority of the 10
pixels in the image, are not artifactual.
Great care was taken to confirm that no real nacre tablets were completely excluded from
the AS analysis by this cut-off. The measured angle spread in each PIC
-map was always
between 10° and 30° for all areas analyzed in
modern and fossil nacre, with the only six
exceptions due to diagenesis and shown in the six panels of
Figure 2
Using the GG Macros (GG–Macros, 2016)
, this analysis of a given PIC
-map can be
done by following a few simple steps:
1) Having opened the experiment file, stacked the 19 images, and produced a PIC
-map, now
click on the “Analyze output” button in the “Polarization Panel”.
2) The “Polarization Result Analysis” panel appears. In that panel, press “Create Masked
PICmap”. When you do that, make sure that box “From POL B” is ch
ecked in the “Masking”
section of the panel: that masks off pixels with extreme
-values, with <10
frequency, as
described above.
3) A histogram of
-values of unmasked pixels appears. Check that the vertical cut-offs are
placed at the 10
level; if nece
ssary, move them manually.
4) Click on “Extract Masked AS”. The angle spread is measured and displayed in the
command panel.
The average angle spread thus obtained for each shell is shown in Figure S13
, and, although
extremely noisy, it appears to be anti
-correlated with T. It is possible that this is a sampling
artifact: at greater T tablet thickness is greater, hence there are fewer tablets in the field of
view and their possible orientations are under
-sampled, resulting in smaller angle spreads.
This is confirmed by the shape of
-value histograms, which significantly departs from
Gaussian at higher T, and is generally closer to Gaussian at lower T. Rather than the angle
spread in each PIC
-map, a measurement of all orientation angles over the entire she
ll might
be more informative, but is beyond the scope of this work.
2.7 Abiotic aragonite growth experiment
Aragonite growth
.—Synthetic aragonite particles were grown simultaneously in sealed
Pyrex bowls placed in bio
-culture rooms or incubators with different temperatures. The
growth solution recipe follows
(Liu et al., 2009)
. Four
22 mm
22 mm glass coverslips
were each placed in a 35mm plastic Petri dish containing 3 ml of 10mM CaCl
+ 10mM
. Petri dishes were covered and sealed with Al foil surrounded by Parafilm. Four holes
were poked in the Al foil of each dish, using a needle. Each of four covered Petri dishes was
placed in a separate sealable 950 ml Pyrex bowl. A chunk of ammonium carbonate (~8-9 g)
was placed on a 35 mM Petri dish with no cover, and put in each of the Pyrex bowls. The
Pyrex bowls were then sealed with plastic covers, and placed in a bowl at one of four
different temperatures: 4°C, 15°C, 22°C, and 30
°C (4°C and 15
°C = “cold” room; 22°C = lab
room temperature; 30
°C = bacteria plate incubator set to 30°C.). Twenty hours later
, each
glass coverslip was removed from the growth solution with forceps and rinsed in 10mM
Tris, pH 11 for a few seconds, rinsed in 100% ethanol for about 5 seconds, and placed in
clean 35mm Petri dishes at an angle resting on the lip of the dish to dry for 1 hour. Dry
coverslips were then placed in labeled 50ml screw cap tubes containing Kimwipes to hold
the coverslips in place, and transported for imaging.
Particle size measurement
.—Each coverslip with aragonite particles wa
s imaged using
crossed polarizers in reflection mode on a Nikon MM400 visible light microscope. The
larger particles grown at 15, 22, 30°C were imaged using the smallest magnification (5
objective); the 4°C
-particles were imaged with the highest magnification (100
Fifteen or more image files were acquired and saved from each sample. Aragonite crystal
diameters were measured in Image J
using the “straight line selection” tool, after setting
the scale to the appropriate magnification. The green lines shown in Figure 10 were drawn
in Adobe Photoshop
in locations similar to those selected for measurement in Image J
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Figure S1
. Fossil distribution of
during the Miocene, Eocene, and Late
Cretaceous epochs. Fossil occurrence data downloaded from the Paleobiology Database on
Figure S2
. X-ray diffraction patterns, obtained from the red and green spots
ly numbered on the photographs. Exterior prismatic layer (top) and interior
nacreous layer (bottom) photographs are shown. Indexing demonstrates that in red spot
locations the mineral is calcite, and in green spots, aragonite.
Ps5 and Ps6 are the two
Late Cretaceous
samples in this study, and the only specimens
preserving calcite. All other fossil samples contained only aragonite nacre, which was
identified as unaltered using spectroscopy at the O K
-edge (as in
Figure 1
) or at the Ca L
(DeVol et al., 2014)
Figure S3
. EPMA trace metal maps (with warmer colors indicating higher relative
) and quantitative transects (white trace) across one shell sample from the
Late Cretaceous (Ps5
(A) Mg concentration in units of weight %. (B, C, D) Sr, Fe, Mn
concentrations in units of parts per million (ppm). Notice in all images the calcite prismatic
layer on top,
which appears in yellow, as it is Mg
-rich, in panel A, and the rest of the image
is nacre with occasional horizontal cracks but otherwise homogeneous elemental