Ancient evolutionary origin of vertebrate enteric neurons from
trunk-derived neural crest
Stephen A. Green
Benjamin R. Uy
, and
Marianne E. Bronner
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125, USA
The enteric nervous system (ENS) of jawed vertebrates arises primarily from vagal neural crest
cells that migrate to the foregut and subsequently colonize and innervate the entire gastrointestinal
tract. To gain insight into its evolutionary origin, we examined ENS development in the basal
jawless vertebrate, the sea lamprey. Surprisingly, we found no evidence for the existence of a
vagally-derived enteric neural crest population in the lamprey. Rather, DiI labeling showed that
late-migrating cells, originating from the trunk neural tube and associated with nerve fibers,
differentiated into neurons within the gut wall and typhlosole. We propose that these trunk-derived
neural crest cells are homologous to Schwann cell precursors (SCPs), recently shown in
mammalian embryos to populate post-embryonic parasympathetic ganglia
, including enteric
. Our results suggest that neural crest-derived SCPs made an important contribution to the
ancient ENS of early jawless vertebrates, a role that was largely subsumed by vagal neural crest
cells in early gnathostomes.
The enteric nervous system (ENS) is comprised of thousands of interconnected ganglia
embedded within the wall of the gut
, making it the most complex portion of the peripheral
nervous system in amniotes. The ENS of jawed vertebrates innervates the entire
gastrointestinal tract to regulate muscle contraction, chemosensation, water balance, and gut
. Classical transplantation experiments have demonstrated that the neurons and
glia of the gut are largely derived from the “vagal” population of neural crest cells that arise
within the post-otic portion of the hindbrain
. They subsequently migrate to the foregut and
embark upon the longest migration of any embryonic cell type, from foregut to hindgut.
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These authors contributed equally to the work.
Competing Interests Statement
: The authors declare no competing interests.
Author Contributions
Project was conceived by MB, and analyses were designed by SG and MB. Descriptive analyses of enteric neurons were performed by
SG. Cranial DiI labeling was performed by BU, MB, and SG. Trunk DiI labeling was performed by BU, SG, and MB. Surgeries were
performed, imaged, and analyzed by SG and BU. Schematics were drawn by SG. Manuscript was written by MB, SG, and BU.
Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 September 20.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2017 April 06; 544(7648): 88–91. doi:10.1038/nature21679.
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The sea lamprey,
Petromyzon marinus,
is a jawless (agnathan) vertebrate and an
experimentally tractable representative of the cyclostomes. As the sister group to jawed
vertebrates (gnathostomes), lamprey are an important model for identifying traits common
throughout vertebrates. Lamprey possess migrating neural crest cells that give rise to many
cell types, including melanocytes, cartilage, sensory neurons and glia, but lack other neural
crest-derived structures that are present in gnathostomes like jaws and sympathetic chain
. Given that lamprey embryos lack sympathetic ganglia, we sought to examine
other components of the autonomic nervous system, with a focus on the ENS. Adult lamprey
have a simple ENS that includes ganglionated plexuses of serotonin (5-HT) producing cells,
as well as a smaller number of catecholamine-containing neurons
. However, the
developmental origin of these enteric neurons is unknown.
As a first step in analysis of lamprey ENS development, we examined the time course of
neuronal appearance along the developing embryonic gut by performing
in situ
, which is expressed in enteric neurons in many jawed vertebrates
. Expression of
is detectable along the gut from early stages (Tahara Stage 25 [T25]
), and
by stage T28 or embryonic day (E) 20,
expressing cells are associated with a
depression in the gut that will become the typhlosole, an hematopoietic tissue associated
with elements of the ENS (Fig. 1a–b). Using a 5-HT antibody, serotonin-immunoreactive
neurons were first observed within the gut wall at ~T28.5 (Fig. 1c–d) in the anterior trunk
region. With time, the numbers increased, and 5-HT
neurons were noted progressively
posteriorly, with particularly high cell numbers in the cloacal region, as reported
. By T30 (E30), there are >100 neurons along the gut in association with the
typhlosole and vagus nerve (Fig. 1e; Extended Data Fig. 1). Interestingly, individual
serotonergic neuroblasts also were often associated with axon bundles emanating ventrally
from the dorsal root ganglia (Fig. 2f; Extended Data Fig. 1a). In addition to 5-HT
we also noted 5-HT
columnar cells that may represent gut enterochromaffin cells
(Extended Data Fig. 1a–b).
We next sought to determine the embryological origin of the neurons in the gut by
performing lineage labeling with the lipophilic dye DiI
. In chicken, vagal neural crest cells
that contribute to the ENS arise from the hindbrain neural tube adjacent to somites 1–7
After exiting the neural tube, they migrate ventrally, invade the foregut, and undergo a
collective cell migration along the rostrocaudal extent of the gut. To test whether lamprey
possess a homologous cell population, we performed focal injections of DiI into the dorsal
portion of the caudal hindbrain (corresponding to the site of origin of vagal neural crest in
gnathostomes) of T20 (E6) embryos. Regardless of the exact injection site, dye labeled cells
spread within the hindbrain and emigrated from the neural tube as a stream directly above
the pharynx (Extended Data Fig. 2). From this site, they progressed ventrally, then turned
caudally to populate all of the branchial arches (Extended Data Fig. 2), similar to previously
reported migration patterns of cranial neural crest cells
. However, despite many focal
injections (n=46) into the caudal hindbrain homologous to “vagal”, we failed to find
evidence of DiI-labeled cells in the gut. We next looked for expression of the vagal neural
crest marker,
in lamprey, since it is required for vagal neural crest development in
. To this end, we cloned a lamprey
homolog and the ret co-receptor
and examined their expression patterns by
in situ
hybridization. The results show
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are expressed in many parts of the embryo, including the
expression are first observed in a region anterior to the gut at
T26 (Extended Data Fig. 2i–j) in a manner reminiscent of
expression (Extended
Data Fig. 2k). However, we did not observe expression in neural crest cells migrating from
caudal hindbrain, raising the intriguing possibility that enteric neurons might arise from a
different cellular source.
In gnathostomes, migrating trunk neural crest cells fail to invade the immediately underlying
gut due to the presence of repulsive signals like Slit that block their entry
. Recently,
however, a secondary contribution to the mammalian ENS has been uncovered that comes
not from vagal neural crest but rather from trunk neural crest-derived Schwann cell
precursors (SCPs) associated with extrinsic nerves that contribute post-natally to
containing neurons of the gut
. Using Dhh-cre mice to lineage trace immature Schwann
cells, Uesaka and colleagues found that ~15% of enteric neurons in mice were derived from
trunk SCPs. Intriguingly, this population persists in
null mice
. To examine the
possibility that a homologous population may exist in lamprey, we asked whether cells
emerging from the trunk neural tube might contribute to neurons of the gut. To test this, we
performed focal DiI injections into the dorsal trunk neural tube as well as neural tube lumen
injections following its cavitation at T22-T23 (~E8), thus labeling the entire neural tube as
well as presumptive neural crest cells prior to their emigration. Both labeling techniques
yielded similar results. By T25 (E14), such injections label neural crest-derived cells in
dorsal root ganglia and mesenchyme cells of the fin
. Interestingly, at later stages, we
observed DiI-labeled cell bodies closely associated with nerve processes, recognized by
acetylated tubulin staining above the gut (n=47 embryos) (Fig. 2a–c). These individual DiI-
labeled cells were visible as early as T28 (E18–20) and persisted until the latest stages
examined, T30 (E30-E35), by which time the yolk is reduced, facilitating imaging. In the
trunk of lamprey, there are two nerve roots per trunk segment—a dorsal root that contains
fibers emanating from neural crest-derived dorsal root ganglia and a ventral root that
contains motor neuron nerve fibers. Interestingly, DiI labeled cells were associated with
these dorsal roots (Fig. 2c). Similarly, serotonergic neuroblasts were selectively associated
with and appeared to migrate only along these dorsal root bundles (Fig. 2d), consistent with
a neural crest origin.
To establish whether the DiI-labeled cells differentiated into enteric neurons, embryos were
sectioned and stained with antibodies to serotonin and acetylated tubulin as a mature
neuronal marker. The results, based on examination of transverse sections through 25
representative embryos at T30 (E30–35) in which we quantitated cells that were both
acetylated tubulin and serotonin-positive, are summarized in Table 1. We noted numerous
DiI-labeled serotonergic neurons (DiI/5HT/acetylated tubulin-positive cells) in the anterior
gut (Fig. 2d), esophagus (Fig. 2e), typhlosole, and adjacent tissues, as well as other DiI
neurons that were serotonin negative (Extended Data Fig. 1c). These results demonstrate that
neural crest cells originating from the trunk neural tube can contribute to enteric neuron
populations within the gut wall.
To determine if markers associated with neural crest-derived SCPs were present in the
lamprey trunk, we stained embryos with an antibody to GFAP, which labels glial and
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Schwann cells in amniotes. We observed prominent GFAP+ cells in lamprey embryos
including some that were DiI positive along the lateral line (Fig. 2g), consistent with the
possibility that neural crest cells give rise to the nonmyelinating Schwann cells of
Finally, as an additional means of testing whether enteric neurons originate from within the
trunk neural tube, we performed neural tube ablation (n=17), a method classically used to
demonstrate the neural crest origin of enteric neurons
, at approximately T24. To
accommodate slight natural variation in the number of ENS neurons between embryos, we
expressed counts as the ratio of serotonergic cells in the zone adjacent to the ablation versus
an identically sized region spaced approximately one somite length to the anterior. In
comparison to control nonablated (n=6) or sham-ablated (n=4) embryos (Fig. 3a,c),
experimental embryos show a significant decrease in the ratio of ENS serotonergic cells
(Fig. 3b,d). We noted an ~12% decrease of serotonergic neurons in the ablated region
compared with sham-ablated embryos and an ~25% decrease relative to stage controls,
consistent with a model of ENS neuronal precursors migrating from trunk NC-derived cells.
This decrease was particularly surprising given the remarkable regenerative capacity of the
lamprey spinal cord
Recent evidence suggests that many neural crest derivatives in post-natal mammals,
including skin and peripheral ganglia, arise from SCPs that are closely associated with
extrinsic innervation to these structures. For example, SCPs along nerve processes
differentiate into melanocytes of the skin and parasympathetic ganglia
. Moreover, SCPs
that migrate along trunk spinal nerves contribute to a subpopulation of enteric neurons in
. These studies prove the existence of neural crest-derived cells that contribute to the
peripheral nervous system and other derivatives at post-embryonic stages. Our results
suggest that these trunk neural crest-derived cell types may represent an ancient and
evolutionary conserved source of cells that contribute to the ENS. Moreover, our data
suggest that agnathans might lack a classical “vagal” neural crest, leading us to speculate
that a vagal neural crest population with ability to form enteric neurons arose in stem
gnathostomes (Fig. 3e). We cannot rule out contributions from other sources, but focus here
on the positive contribution of trunk neural crest-derived cells to enteric neurons. Although
we cannot formally exclude the possibility that the mechanisms for populating the ENS
arose independently in agnathans and gnathostomes, we favor the idea that the contribution
of SCPs to the ENS might represent a primitive (plesiomorphic) state retained from early
vertebrates, and perhaps common to all living vertebrates. With emergence of jawed
vertebrates, new traits, including jaws, sympathetic ganglia, and vagal neural crest-derived
enteric ganglia, appeared under the umbrella of embryonic neural crest derivatives.
Adult sea lamprey (
P. marinus)
were supplied by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and
Dept. of the Interior, and cultured according to previous protocols
in compliance with
California Institute of Technology IACUC protocol #1436. Embryo batches with less than
70% survival were excluded from analyses, and all experimental embryos were randomly
chosen from appropriately staged cultures. Celltracker CM-DiI (Thermo Scientific) was
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resuspended as described
, and surgical ablations were performed using forceps and
tungsten needles. For surgeries, only embryos with ablations of 2–6 somite lengths, adjacent
to anterior intestine, and without damage to other tissues were included in analyses.
Serotonergic neurons associated with the typhlosole were counted in a 200–300 um region
adjacent to the ablation site, and an equivalently sized nonablated region beginning
approximately one myotome length anterior to the ablation. Measurements were taken in
sibling non-ablated embryos and sham-ablated embryos in which ectoderm and neural tissue
was cut, but not removed, at similar axial locations. Investigators were not blinded to group
allocations. Probes for
, and
were cloned from cDNA with primers for
Ensembl gene models ENSPMAG00000008433, ENSPMAT00000009324, and
ENSPMAT00000008763. In situ hybridizations and antibody stainings were performed
using previously described protocols
. Anti-acetylated tubulin (Sigma clone 6-11b-1,
#T7541; Mouse IgG2b) and anti-5-HT (Immunostar #20080, Rabbit IgG) were used at
1:500. Anti-GFAP (Dako, #Z0334; Rabbit IgG) was used at 1:400. Embryos were processed
for cryosectioning according to standard protocols, and were sectioned on a
cryostat. Microscopy was performed on a Zeiss AxioImager.M2 equipped with an Apotome.
2. Images were cropped, rotated, and resized using Adobe Photoshop CC and image panels
were constructed using Adobe Illustrator CC. Statistics were performed in Microsoft Excel.
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Extended Data
Extended Data Figure 1. 5HT immunoreactive cells in the gut, and DiI labelling
, 5-HT immunoreactivity in embryonic day (E) 25 (
) and E30 (
) embryos.
Serotonergic neurons (yellow arrowheads) are positioned within the typhlosole, near the
endodermal mucosa. A cell present in the columnar epithelium (white arrowhead) might
represent an endocrine (enterochromaffin) cell. Cells positioned dorsal to the typhlosole
might be neuroblasts (white arrow).
, DiI labeling results in labeled cells (yellow
arrowhead) originating from the neural tube, migrating to the gut and typhlosole. Red:DiI;
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Cyan:5HT; Blue:DAPI; Green:Acet. Tubulin.
, Serotonergic (Green: 5-HT; Red: Acet.
Tubulin) neurons in a T30 embryo, and
, Acetylated Tubulin staining alone shows the
position of the vagus nerve.
Extended Data Figure 2. DiI labeling of the caudal hindbrain population shows contributions to
the branchial arches
, Sample time lapse imaging of two separate DiI-labeled embryos around the
hindbrain level.
, Initial injection at E6-E6.5 (T20).
, Final DiI localization of embryo
in A, 10 days post injection (E16).
, Frontal cryosection through the branchial basket shows
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DiI along the branchial arches. Red: DiI, Green: Neurofilament-M, Cyan: Collagen type II.
, Final DiI localization of embryo in A 14 days post-injection (E20).
, Transverse section
through the lamprey branchial basket shows DiI within the DRG. Red: DiI; Green:
, Schematic depiction of individual injection sites for cranial (g) and
trunk (
) injections.
, Genes associated with gnathostome enteric neurons,
i, l
j, m
), and
) do not appear to be coexpressed at T26 (
) and T27 (
), prior to enteric neuron differentiation in lamprey. DRG:dorsal root ganglia; Nt: neural
We thank Clare Baker, Michael Piacentino, and Laura Kerosuo for discussion as well as Megan Martik and Marcos
Simoes-Costa for their comments on this manuscript.
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Figure 1. Early formation of enteric neurons in the lamprey
P. marinus
expression in dorsolateral cells of a T28 embryo.
, Transverse cross-section of a
T28 embryo shows
expression in the depression of the typhlosole (black
, 5-HT and acetylated tubulin immunoreactivity in a slightly older T28.5
, 5-HT is detectable in neurons (white arrowheads) adjacent to the vagus nerve
(white arrow).
, Serotonergic neurons form small ganglia within the enteric plexus of a T30
embryo. NT: neural tube; Not: notochord. Scale bar indicates 50 um.
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Figure 2. DiI labeled cells in the neural tube contribute to enteric ganglia
Immunohistochemistry of T30 lamprey transverse cryosections.
, Uninjected control
highlighting neuronal projections (white arrowhead) and serotonergic neurons (white
arrows) around the gut. Green:Acetylated tubulin; Blue:DAPI; Cyan:5-HT.
, DiI injected
“tubefill” embryos. Red:DiI; Green:Acetylated Tubulin; Cyan:5HT; Blue:DAPI.
, DiI
within the neural tube, dorsal root ganglia and along axon bundles.
, A DiI-labeled enteric
neuron (acetylated tubulin
, 5-HT
) within the gut wall typhlosole (white arrowhead). Inset
shows DiI only.
, A DiI-labeled neuron (acetylated tubulin
, 5HT
) in the esophagus
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(yellow arrowhead). See cell counts in Table 1.
, 5-HT
cells along dorsal root (DR) nerve
processes but not ventral roots (VR).
, A DiI-labelled GFAP-positive cell associated with
the lateral line. Eso: esophagus; NT: neural tube; Not: notochord. Scale bar indicates 20 um.
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Figure 3. Neural tube ablation disrupts ENS development
Whole-mount images of T30 lamprey embryos (Red:HuC/D and acetylated tubulin;
, Control nonablated embryo.
, Ablation of the neural tube at T24 results in a
decrease of serotonergic (5HT
) cells in the adjacent gut relative to an equivalently sized
anterior region.
, A sham-ablated embryo, in which epidermis and neural tube were cut but
not removed, does not show a reduction of cells.
, Ablated embryos show a significantly
lower ratio of serotonergic cells (# cells in surgical zone/# cells in anterior zone) than sham-
ablated controls (Ttest; P=0.0004) and non-ablated batch controls (Ttest, P=0.0176). Error
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bars indicate s.e.m.
, Schematic model of neural crest contributions to the ENS in mouse
compared with lamprey. Vagal neural crest (V; purple); Schwann cell precursors (SCP;
blue); Lamprey branchial crest (BC; purple). Scale bar indicates 100 um.
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Table 1
Number of DiI-labeled neurons (AcTub
) in 25 representative E30–35 embryos in which DiI had been injected
into the neural tube.
, 5HT
, 5HT
Total DiI-labeled
Intestine (Basal Typhlosole)
Intestine (Typhlosole mesenchyme)
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