of 22
Sequence-based features that are determinant for tail-anchored
membrane protein sorting in eukaryotes
Michelle Y. Fry
Shyam M. Saladi
Alexandre Cunha
William M. Clemons Jr
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California, USA
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, Center for Advanced Methods in Biological Image
Analysis, Beckman Institute, Pasadena, California, USA
These authors contributed equally to this work.
The correct targeting and insertion of tail-anchored (TA) integral membrane proteins is critical for
cellular homeostasis. TA proteins are defined by a hydrophobic transmembrane domain (TMD)
at their C-terminus and are targeted to either the ER or mitochondria. Derived from experimental
measurements of a few TA proteins, there has been little examination of the TMD features that
determine localization. As a result, the localization of many TA proteins are misclassified by
the simple heuristic of overall hydrophobicity. Because ER-directed TMDs favor arrangement
of hydrophobic residues to one side, we sought to explore the role of geometric hydrophobic
properties. By curating TA proteins with experimentally determined localizations and assessing
hypotheses for recognition, we bioinformatically and experimentally verify that a hydrophobic
face is the most accurate singular metric for separating ER and mitochondria-destined yeast TA
proteins. A metric focusing on an 11 residue segment of the TMD performs well when classifying
human TA proteins. The most inclusive predictor uses both hydrophobicity and C-terminal charge
in tandem. This work provides context for previous observations and opens the door for more
detailed mechanistic experiments to determine the molecular factors driving this recognition.
co-chaperones; EMC; GET pathway; protein targeting; SND pathway; tail-anchored proteins
William M. Clemons, Jr, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. clemons@caltech.edu.
Michelle Y. Fry, Shyam M. Saladi and William M. Clemons designed the experiments. Michelle Y. Fry, Shyam M. Saladi, Alexandre
Cunha and William M. Clemons wrote the manuscript. Michelle Y. Fry and Shyam M. Saladi compiled the lists of putative TA
proteins in yeast and humans. Shyam M. Saladi created the code to determine the best hydrophobicity metric for classifying TA
proteins. Michelle Y. Fry performed the live yeast cell imaging experiments. Michelle Y. Fry and Alexandre Cunha wrote the code to
process the images and determine localization. All the authors have reviewed and approved the article.
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with the contents of this article.
The peer review history for this article is available at
Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Information section at the end of this article.
HHS Public Access
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Published in final edited form as:
. 2021 September ; 22(9): 306–318. doi:10.1111/tra.12809.
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Biogenesis of membrane proteins is an essential yet complicated process necessary for
maintaining cellular homeostasis. Synthesized by ribosomes in the cytosol, membrane
proteins account for approximately a third of the proteome and must be targeted to
specified membranes (reviewed in References
). A hydrophobic alpha-helical stretch,
often a transmembrane domain (TMD), encodes this information and its position within
an open reading frame dictates the cellular machinery responsible for its recognition and
While computational methods have refined the ability to detect and predict
cellular localization of these integral membrane proteins over time,
the precise molecular
signals continue to be elusive. Historically, decoding known signals into detailed rules has
proven difficult given their great variation and the lack of sequence motifs–thus these signals
are often discussed at a high level, for example, hydrophobic alpha-helical stretches. Despite
the inability to define these rules, cellular chaperones accurately recognize the various
signals to sort substrates into their distinct cellular destinations.
Here, we attempt to address one class of membrane proteins, tail-anchored (TA) proteins,
found across cellular compartments and involved in a variety of roles including vesicle
trafficking, protein translocation, quality control and apoptosis (reviewed in References
). TA proteins are marked by a single TMD near their C-terminus and account
for approximately 2% of the genome.
Because of the position of their signals, TA
proteins are translated by the ribosome and then post-translationally targeted primarily to the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or outer mitochondrial membrane. The TMD and C-terminal
residues following have been demonstrated to be necessary and sufficient for correct
targeting in many experimental contexts.
Thus, it is suggested that the information
recognized by TA protein targeting pathways is contained within the TMD and neighboring
The recent identification of a new route for TA proteins to the ER membrane has challenged
how we previously differentiated between mitochondria and ER-bound TA proteins.
To date, while the cellular components involved in mitochondrial TA protein targeting
remain unclear, multiple overlapping pathways have been identified for TA protein targeting
to the ER membrane.
The first identified and most studied pathway is the
Entry of
TA protein (GET) pathway.
Consisting of six proteins, Sgt2 and Get1–5, the
GET pathway is responsible for targeting ER-bound TA proteins (“ER TA proteins” for
simplicity) with more hydrophobic TMDs. In yeast, the co-chaperone Sgt2 first captures TA
proteins from Ssa1 and, with the aid of Get4 and Get5, transfers the client to the ATPase
Get3 that acts as the central targeting factor of the pathway.
An ER membrane bound
Get1/2 complex facilitates disassociation of the Get3/TA complex and insertion of the TA
protein into the membrane. Recently, Guna and colleagues demonstrated that human Get3
Get3) fails to bind to TA proteins with relatively low hydrophobicity within their TMDs.
These proteins instead are inserted into the ER membrane by the ER Membrane Complex
A 10-subunit complex, the EMC inserts TA proteins delivered by calmodulin.
For TA proteins with moderately hydrophobic TMDs, both the GET pathway and EMC can
facilitate insertion. A third dedicated pathway capable of targeting TA proteins into the ER
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membrane is the SRP-independent (SND) pathway.
Snd1, the first component of the SND
pathway, interacts with the ribosome and possibly the nascent chain while the membrane
bound Snd2 and Snd3 interact with the translocon complex. In the absence of the GET
pathway, the SND pathway is capable of targeting ER TA proteins with TMDs further away
from their C-termini. These overlapping pathways, dependent on either hydrophobicity or
signal positions, highlight the diversity in these proteins and the difficulty in identifying a
common characteristic of ER-destined TMDs.
General patterns have been observed based on exploration of targeting information within
the TMD and the C-terminal residues of TA proteins. ER TA proteins tend to have more
hydrophobic TMDs
while some mitochondria TA proteins are amphipathic.
modifying the positive charge following their TMDs with an example TMD, studies have
shown how insertion by the GET pathway into the ER membrane can be impaired.
Distinction between peroxisomal and mitochondria TA proteins have been made based on
the charge of their C-terminal tails, whereas mitochondria and ER TA proteins in mammals
are differentiated by a combination of TMD hydrophobicity and C-terminal charge.
charged tail was overcome by increasing the hydrophobicity of the TMD, directing the
mitochondrial TA protein to the ER. Guna and colleagues determine a threshold in total
hydrophobicity by modifying a model TMD to delineate substrates that are inserted either
via the GET or EMC pathways.
Throughout these previous works, the ability of these rules
to separate ER vs mitochondrial TA proteins at-large has not been systematically assessed,
so their broader applicability is still unclear.
With multiple pathways with overlapping substrates, understanding the factors within
substrates recognized for targeting is critical. Here we show that formalizing previously
suggested criteria, while adequate, are not sufficient for classifying ER TA proteins with
moderately hydrophobic TMDs suggested to be substrates of the EMC insertase. We
demonstrate through computational and experimental methods that classifying TA proteins
by the presence of a hydrophobic face in their TMD is more inclusive, properly capturing
both ER TMDs with low hydrophobicity and mitochondrial TA proteins in both yeast and
2.1 | Curating TA proteins with experimentally determined localizations
In order to screen TA proteins to identify a concise criterium for localization, we first
curated a comprehensive set of TA proteins from the yeast proteome pulling together
localizations across public repositories and publication-associated datasets. We screened
the reference yeast genome from UniProt
for putative TA proteins and filtered for unique
genes longer than 50 residues (Figure 1A). Uniprot and TOPCONS2
were used to identify
proteins with a single TMD within 30 amino acids of the C-terminus
that lacked a predicted
signal peptide (as determined by SignalP 4.1
). While this set encompasses proteins
previously predicted as TA proteins,
it is larger (95 vs 55 or 56) and we believe a more
accurate representation of the repertoire of TA proteins (Figure 1B). Based on their UniProt­
annotated and Gene Ontology Cellular Components (GO CC) localizations,
TA proteins
were subcategorized as ER-bound (encompassing labels including cell membrane, Golgi
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apparatus, nucleus, lysosome and vacuole membrane and referred to as ER TA proteins),
mitochondrial (inner and outer mitochondria membrane [IMM & OMM]), peroxisomal,
and unknown (Figure 1C). This set is readily available for future analyses (Table S1). The
majority of proteins have no annotated cellular localization. Several previously identified TA
proteins are not identified by our pipeline and excluded from this new set. These proteins
include OTOA (otoancorin) that contains a predicted signal peptide, FDFT1 (squalene
synthase or SQS) with two predicted hydrophobic helices by this method, and YDL012C
which has a TMD with very low hydrophobicity.
This analysis was also applied to the
human genome and a list of 573 putative TA proteins was compiled and annotated based
on published localizations (Figure 1A-C). Like with the yeast list, the human list is larger
than previous reports (573 vs 411), and the majority of the proteins have no annotated
2.2 | Assessing current metrics for TA classification
To identify factors encoded within TA proteins that ensure correct localization, we began
by considering several posited properties including the charge following the TMD, TMD
length and TMD hydrophobicity. Previous reports suggest that the presence of positively
charged residues following the TMD of mitochondria-bound TA proteins prevents insertion
into the ER membrane.
The number of positively charged C-terminal residues for all 95
yeast proteins was calculated, avoiding issues associated with defining the extent of TMDs
by counting any charge from the center of the predicted TMD to the C-terminus. No clear
separation is observed when plotting TA proteins with known localizations by number of
positively charged residues (Figure 2A). As a metric this does a poor job distinguishing
between the two; six ER-annotated proteins have a C-terminal positive charge of three or
more and one out of the eight mitochondria-annotated proteins has no C-terminal positive
charge. Furthermore, neither negative nor net charge of the C-terminal loop separates
ER from mitochondrial TA proteins (Figure 2B,C). While modulating the C-terminal
positive charge affects localization,
cells do not solely use this signal to specify protein
localization. Considering the difference in lipid compositions of the ER and mitochondrial
membranes, a signal might be encoded in the TMD lengths, but this metric also fails to
separate the two sets (Figure 2D).
TMD hydrophobicity is the proposed localization-determining feature of TA proteins in
studies thus far.
The TM tendency scale, used here and in past studies with TA
is a statistical hydrophobicity scale that incorporates both hydrophobicity and
helical propensity into a single value assigned to each of the 23 amino acids by using
amino acid propensities in TMDs known at the time of its creation
(Figure 2E). The
total hydrophobicity (sum of each residue’s hydrophobicity value) of a TMD sufficiently
splits ER and mitochondrial proteins but places a significant number of ER TA proteins
among mitochondrial TA proteins. In other words, the total hydrophobicity can classify GET
pathway substrates as ER-bound but fails to identify substrates of the EMC insertase that
are also ER TA proteins.
For example, the TMD of squalene synthase, a bona fide EMC
has a lower hydrophobicity than that of model mitochondrial TA protein, Fis1
(Total TM Tendency = 12.5 vs 18.78, respectively). Limiting the hydrophobicity to a single
helix stretch, that is, 18aa, sees no improvement in classification (Figure 2F).
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To examine this inability to correctly classify lower hydrophobic ER TA proteins,
we comprehensively assess hydrophobicity across a variety of established scales
(Figure 2G) and then quantitatively assess predictive power using the receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) framework (for a primer, see Reference
). An ROC curve captures
how well a numerical score separates two categories, here ER vs mitochondria, and whose
figure of merit is the area under the curve (AUROC). This is a more accurate representation
of prediction than simpler numbers like accuracy and precision, which require setting a
specific threshold in a numerical score because it accounts for sensitivity and selectivity.
A perfect separation gives an AUROC of 100 whereas a random separation results in an
AUROC of 50. No matter the hydrophobicity scale used, the total hydrophobicity captures
the ER vs mitochondria split to varying extents. In each case, the mean hydrophobicity
performs more poorly, yet considering the most hydrophobic 18-residue single-helix stretch
results in a slight improvement in predictive ability suggesting that a subset of the helix can
explain recognition (Figure 2G).
2.3 | TMD residue organization better classifies TA protein localization
We wondered if TA protein classification could be improved by carefully assessing the
hydrophobicity of the TMDs. Data showing that Sgt2 (a co-chaperone in the GET pathway)
binds a TMD of a minimal length of 11 residues suggests only a subset of each helix may
be necessary to classify localization.
Indeed, the maximum hydrophobicity of segments,
specified by the number residues selected, better classifies ER vs mitochondrial TA proteins
across hydrophobicity scales (Figure 3A,B).
Furthermore, it was also reported that TMDs where the most hydrophobic residues cluster
to one side of a helical wheel plot,
a 2D representation of an alpha-helix, bind more
efficiently to Sgt2.
We sought to examine if this clustering is a feature of ER TA proteins
and absent in mitochondria TA proteins. This clustering we define as a helical wheel face
(Wheel Face) and specify a length by the number of residues selected (Figure 3A,B). We
also extend the face along the sides of the helix, defining a Patch, selecting three of the four
residues in a single turn of a helix. Patch geometries are specified by length of the segment
considered, that is, Patch 11 is confined in a 11 segment residues with 9 residues selected
(Figure 3A,B). Improvements in classification over the total hydrophobicity metric are seen
in several cases (Figure 3B, green, Figure S1B, green, Table S2). The metrics with the best
classification capability are Patch 15 (Kyte & Doolittle and TM Tendency), Wheel Face 5
(TM Tendency scale) and Patch 11 (Kyte & Doolittle scale; Figure 3B, dashed red box).
These metrics have an improved AUROC value of 96, 96, 95 and 95, respectively, compared
to the TMD hydrophobicity score of 90 (Kyte & Doolittle) and 88 (TM Tendency; Figure
3B). At the best threshold of the ROC curve, these metrics correspond to five, seven, six
and eight miscategorized proteins, respectively. A scatter plot illustrates how these metrics
translate to improved separation of ER and mitochondrial TA proteins (Figure 3C).
Other hydrophobic geometries were also explored as potential competing hypotheses:
residues in a line (every fourth residue), rectangle (one residue plus two residues two away
on either side) or star (two adjacent residues and one residue two away on either side; Figure
S1A,B). As with the Patch geometries, these geometries are specified by the length of the
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TMD considered. Again, improvements are seen in geometries that present hydrophobic
patches, that is, Rectangle 9 and Star 8, where line geometries rarely improved classification
regardless of scale used (Figure S1B). Given the relative dearth of experimental data and
the substantial number of hypotheses being tested (geometries and hydrophobicity scales),
it is difficult to definitively say if one geometry is the sole deciding factor for localization
based only on bioinformatics. Regardless of the hydrophobicity scale used, it is clear that the
organization of hydrophobic residues within a TMD is important for targeting TA proteins to
their intended membranes.
2.4 | Testing the localization of unknown TA proteins
We then tested if either face (Wheel Face or Patch), Segment, or TMD hydrophobicity
metrics enabled us to predict the localization of unknown TA proteins. To do this we
selected a subset of unknown TA proteins, whose localization would be predicted differently
by TMD and Wheel Face 5 metrics using the TM Tendency scale (Figure 3D, numbered
gray points, Table S3). This selection was made because of the strong AUROC and
biochemical data suggesting TA protein containing a helical wheel face bind more efficiently
to Sgt2. Several in this group have a hydrophobicity less than the previously suggested
cut-off for EMC substrates
(Figure 3D, lower right quadrant). Our experimental setup
based on that from Rao et al–GFP is fused N-terminally to the TMD and C-terminal residues
of the unknown TA protein (Figure 4A yellow panel). Localization is determined by overlap
with either a BFP-tagged mitochondria presequence that marks the mitochondria (Figure
4A cyan panel) and a tdTomato-tagged Sec63 acting as an ER marker (Figure 4A magenta
Overlap was determined computationally using two algorithms we developed: one
to segment individual cells in brightfield and another to determine which fluorescence probe
the GFP overlapped with on a per cell basis (Table S3).
This experimental setup and computational analysis were first applied to the known
mitochondria proteins Fis1 and Cox26.
The analysis correctly determines these
proteins to colocalize with BFP, thus correctly classifying them as mitochondria TA proteins
(Figure 4A). We then experimentally tested the 15 Unknown TA proteins where 11 localize
to the ER, three to the mitochondria, and one to another cellular compartment (Figure 4B,
Table 1). The localization of this latter TA protein cannot be determined by our experimental
setup except to say it does not clearly colocalize with the ER or mitochondria markers
visually or through our computational analysis (Table S3). The shape of the organelle is
consistent with localization to the ER-derived vacuole (Figure 4B, #17).
In total, we report
the first localization of 10 previously Unknown TA proteins.
Several datasets report protein localizations in yeast but are not yet, or partially,
integrated into bioinformatics databases like Uniprot. One in particular was of use for
this study, reporting the localizations assigned by qualitatively accessing the pattern of
protein expression in images of 17 TA proteins in the Unknown category
(Table S4).
Coincidentally, a few of these proteins were included in our experimental test set, for a
combined 27 new TA proteins with previously unknown localizations (Tables S3 and S4). Of
the TA proteins identified by Weill and colleagues, all but one, YKL044W, was confirmed
(Table S3). Given the ability to mark ER and mitochondria and quantitate colocalization on
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a per-cell basis, we use the localization determined here throughout our analysis, that is,
YKL044W localizes to the ER. Collectively, we have compiled a list of 27 TA proteins and
their localizations that have yet to be integrated into protein databases or reported: 20 ER,
six mitochondrial, and one peroxisomal.
2.5 | Reassessing classification metrics using newly determined localizations
The newly determined localizations were compared to the predicted localizations of the
best performing hydrophobicity metrics. Total hydrophobicity metrics across all scales
only correctly predict 9 or 14 of the 26 ER and mitochondria TA proteins. Experimental
localizations from this work and the Schuldiner Lab
result in a putative yeast TA protein
list with 88% having known localizations (Figure 5A). With most localizations known,
comparing metrics based on AUROC values is a good representation of the overall dataset
(Table S5). The best performing metrics were Wheel Face 7 (TM Tendency) and Wheel
Face 5 (TM Tendency), with scores of 89 and 88, respectively vs the TMD hydrophobicity
AUROC score of 76 (Table S5). These metrics correctly predicted the localization of 19
out of 26 and 17 out of 26, respectively, of the subset of our test set that localized to the
ER or mitochondria (Figure 5A,B). A Patch geometry using the Fauchere & Pliska scale
performs well when predicting new localizations–correctly predicting 18 of 26 localizations
(Figure 5A). Segment metrics performed similarly when predicting new localizations and
their AUROC values improved with the inclusion of the new localizations (Figure 5A). In
all, metrics focused on the organization of hydrophobic residues within the TMD of TA
proteins better predict TA protein localization–the best consider just a five or seven residue
face or a fraction of the TMD.
2.6 | Expanding this metric to human TA proteins
We next applied this analysis to the human genome. Using our compiled list of 573 putative
human TA proteins, we sought to identify a more inclusive set of criteria for ER- vs
mitochondria-bound TA proteins. The best performing hydrophobicity scales in the yeast
dataset were TM tendency and Kyte & Doolittle, so the other scales were not further
considered with the human dataset. While TMD hydrophobicity metrics correctly capture
mitochondria TA proteins, they fail to capture many ER TA proteins (Figure 6A, Table
S6). Quantitatively assessing all metrics, we see slight improvements in classification with
metrics using patches or segments compared to total hydrophobicity (Figure 6A,B, Table
S6). The metric with the highest AUROC score is Patch 11 (Kyte and Doolittle). Many
proteins in our dataset have a single report of their localizations in databases. There is
potential for changes to these localizations as seen with many Bcl-2 family members (Figure
6B filled blue points) where there exist multiple reports of these proteins localizing to the
ER and/or to the mitochondria. While this may be unique to these TA proteins, as their
function to regulating apoptosis is tied in with their transport between the two membranes,
some reported localizations may be the product of over-expression. Future work verifying
and determining localizations of human TA proteins will likely result in improvements in
classification by a metric derived from hydrophobic geometries.
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2.7 | Determining a two-step criterion for localization determination
We then tested if combining a hydrophobicity geometry with a C-terminal charge
metric resulted in more accurate classification of TA proteins. Costello and colleagues
demonstrated in mammals, distinctions between ER, mitochondria and peroxisomal TA
proteins can be made using a combination of charge and TMD hydrophobicity cut-offs.
They suggest mitochondria TA proteins have tails that are less charged than peroxisomal
TA proteins, but more charged than ER TA proteins, which are generally more hydrophobic
than mitochondria TA proteins. Previous reports demonstrated the GET pathway fails to
insert TA proteins with a sufficiently charged C-terminus.
This selectivity filter was seen
at the membrane and cytosolic components were unaffected by the presence of a charge.
Perhaps this rejection of TA proteins with a C-terminal charge is seen across all ER targeting
pathways in both yeast and humans. To further explore this, we determined anything to be
above the hydrophobicity cut-off to be classified as ER-bound and anything below the cut­
off to be passed through a charge filter. When analyzing the number of C-terminal positive
residues following the TMD of TA proteins that fall below the hydrophobicity cut-off, we
find that a benchmark of three positive residues best separates ER and mitochondria TA
proteins–mitochondria TA proteins generally contain at least three charged residues. We
applied this secondary filter to our best performing yeast metrics (Wheel Face 5 and Wheel
Face 7 residues) and the TMD hydrophobicity (Table 1). In these cases, the three metrics
perform the same, misclassifying 10 TA proteins. Intriguingly, a Patch 15 metric does best,
correctly classifying 88% of all yeast TA proteins. A metric utilizing both a helical wheel
face and C-terminal charge does slightly better than that using TMD hydrophobicity and
charge, but the significance of that improvement is difficult to determine based on this small
The human dataset is larger, and we sought to apply this tandem metric application to our
list of putative TA proteins (Figure 7). Similar to what was observed in the yeast dataset,
improvements in classification are seen (Table 1). Interestingly, applying a C-terminal
charge sequentially to hydrophobic metrics constrained to a fragment of ~11 residues,
either a Patch (TM tendency) or the entire segment (Kyte & Doolittle), and the TMD
hydrophobicity metric (Kyte & Doolittle), perform equally well, each misclassifying 38 TA
proteins. Most hydrophobicity metrics performed similarly with either scale, suggesting a
subset of the TMD is required for correct targeting (Table 1). It is clear that in both human
and yeast, a combination of hydrophobicity and C-terminal charge filters are necessary
for correct classification as was demonstrated in the context of the GET pathway. The
hydrophobicity window can be limited to a fraction of the TMD and still perform as well as
the entire TMD.
Decoding the signaling information in membrane proteins responsible for their correct
targeting to cellular membranes is still a mystery. For the class of membrane proteins with
a single TMD and no signal peptide, TA proteins, some observations have been made to
distinguish between those destined for the ER and those destined for the mitochondria. This
report provides an extensive analysis of yeast and human TA proteins to identify a set of
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criteria to distinguish between ER- and mitochondria-bound TA proteins. This study also
includes an expansion of putative TA proteins in both humans and yeast as well as newly
determined experimental localization of several yeast TA proteins.
An initial separation by hydrophobicity can be applied to TA proteins, relegating TMDs with
high hydrophobicities as ER proteins. A secondary filter can be applied to those below the
cut-off classifying TA proteins with at least three charged residues following their TMDs
as mitochondria-bound and the rest as ER-bound (Figure 7). This sequential selectivity was
noted in the yeast GET pathway.
In this case, it was demonstrated that the cytosolic
targeting factors Sgt2 and Get3 bind to optimal TMDs based on a combination of high
hydrophobicity and helical propensity. Regardless of hydrophobicity, TA proteins containing
a charged C-termini were not inserted into ER microsomes. The analysis here demonstrates
that generally ER TA proteins, not just GET substrates, lack charges in their C-terminus.
When determining the effectiveness of a hydrophobicity metric alone, metrics that focus on
a hydrophobic geometry, a hydrophobic face in yeast and a hydrophobic segment restricted
to 11 to 19 residues in humans, perform better than the hydrophobicity of the entire TMD.
Applying the charge filter reveals that total hydrophobicity is as effective as hydrophobic
face or segment metrics. Differences in the best performing hydrophobicity metrics between
the yeast and human dataset could be explained by the observation that SGTA is more
permissive to client binding than Sgt2.
Collectively, these datasets demonstrate that a
fraction of the TMD is necessary and sufficient for correct localization. Interestingly, in the
human dataset, some of the best performing metrics are limited to an 11-residue window,
concurring with reports that SGTA recognizes TMDs of at least 11 amino acids.
While biochemical data suggested that clustering hydrophobic residues to one side of a helix
increased binding to Sgt2, a co-chaperone in an ER TA protein targeting pathway, a cellular
role of this hydrophobic face remained unclear.
From the bioinformatic analysis and
experimental localization data presented here, we demonstrate most yeast ER TA proteins
contain a hydrophobic face–made of five to seven adjacent residues along a helical wheel
plot. The two components of the GET pathways that directly bind to TA proteins, Sgt2 and
Get3, both have binding sites composed of a hydrophobic groove. One could imagine the
hydrophobic face in clients buried in the hydrophobic groove of Sgt2 and Get3, enhancing
the hydrophobic binding interactions. Perhaps cellular factors involved in targeting TA
proteins to the ER recognize this face and future identified ER TA protein binding partners
will also feature a helical hand for client binding.
In this work, we provide a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of naturally occurring
TA proteins in the yeast and human genomes. While comprehensive, subtle differences in
each metric’s geometries and hydrophobic scales cannot easily be differentiated analyzing
just wild-type proteins. Similar work has helped disentangle the positional dependence of
hydrophobicity in the insertion of integral membrane proteins.
Likewise, future work
could better define the geometry and hydrophobic scale needed for TA targeting by larger
scale mutational analyses, perhaps even transforming the question of TA targeting into that
of sequence selection/enrichment.
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The targeting of TA proteins presents an intriguing and enigmatic problem for understanding
the biogenesis of this important class of proteins. How subtle differences in clients modulate
the interplay of hand-offs that direct these proteins to the correct membrane remains to
be understood. Through in vivo imaging of yeast cells and computational analysis, we
provide more clarity to client discrimination. A major outcome of this is the clear preference
for a hydrophobic face on ER TA proteins of low hydrophobicity. In yeast, this alone
is sufficient to predict the destination of a TA protein. In mammals, and likely more
broadly in metazoans, while clearly an important component, alone the hydrophobic face
cannot fully discriminate targets. For a full understanding, we expect other factors to
contribute, reflective of the increased complexity of higher eukaryotes, perhaps involving
more players.
4.1 | Assembling a database of putative TA proteins and their TMDs
Proteins identified from UniProt
containing a single TMD within 30 residues of the
C-terminus were separated into groups based on their localization reported in UniProt. The
topology of all proteins with 3 TMs or fewer was further analyzed using TOPCONS
to avoid missed single-pass TM proteins. Proteins with a predicted signal peptide,
annotated transit peptide, problematic cautions, or with a length less than 50 or greater
than 1000 residues were excluded. Proteins localized to the ER, golgi apparatus, nucleus,
endosome, lysosome and cell membrane were classified as ER-bound, those localized to the
outer mitochondrial membrane were classified as mitochondria-bound, those localized to the
peroxisome were classified as peroxisomal proteins, and those with unknown localization
were classified as unknown. Proteins with a compositional bias overlapping with the
predicted TMD were also excluded. A handful of proteins and their inferred localizations
were manually corrected or removed (see notebook and Table S1).
4.2 | Assessing the predictive power of various hydrophobicity metrics
We thoroughly examined the metrics relating hydrophobicity, both published and by our
own exploration, to better understand their relationship to protein localization. Notably, we
recognized that a TMD’s hydrophobic moment (μ
was a poor predictor of localization,
for example, although a Leu
helix is extremely hydrophobic, it has (μ
) = 0 since
opposing hydrophobic residues are penalized in this metric. To address this, we define
a metric that capture the presence of a hydrophobic face of the TMD: the maximally
hydrophobic cluster on the face. For this metric, we sum the hydrophobicity of residues
that orient sequentially on one side of a helix when visualized in a helical wheel diagram.
While a range of hydrophobicity scales were predictive using this metric, we selected the
TM Tendency scale
to characterize the TMDs of putative TA proteins and determined the
most predictive window by assessing a range of lengths from 4 to 12 (this would vary from
three turns of a helix to six).
By considering sequences with inferred ER or mitochondrial localizations, we calculated the
Area Under the Curve of a Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) to assess predictive
power. As we are comparing a real-valued metric (hydrophobicity) to a 2-class prediction,
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the AUROC is better suited for this analysis over others like accuracy or precision (a
). Because of many fewer mitochondrial proteins (ie, a class imbalance), we also
confirmed that ordering hydrophobicity metrics by AUROC was consistent with the ordering
produced by the more robust, but less common, Average Precision (see notebook).
4.3 | Constructing plasmids for live cell imaging
A p416ADH-GFP-Fis1 plasmid and a mt-TagBFP described in Rao et al were gifted to us
from the Walter lab, UCSF
and a Sec63-tdtomato was a gift from Sebastian Schuck,
ZMVH, Universitat Heidelberg. TMDs sequences were ordered from Twist Biosciences (San
Francisco, CA) with flanking HindIII and XhoI sites. GFP-TMD constructs were made
by restriction enzyme digestion (New England Biolabs, USA) of the p416ADH-GFP-Fis1
plasmid and the genes ordered from Twist Biosciences followed by T4 DNA (New England
Biolabs, USA) ligation of the template and TMD fragments.
4.4 | Live cell imaging
The yeast strain used are those described in Rao et al, also a gift from the Walter Lab,
UCSF. Strains containing each GFP fused TMD were grown in appropriate selection media.
Coverslips were prepped by coating with 0.1 mg/mL concavalin A (Sigma, USA) in 0.9%
NaCl solution. Cells were immobilized on coverslips at a concentration of 5000 cells/mm
(plates at 1.8 cm
, thus 9 × 10
cells/well) and imaged using a Nikon LSM800 (Nikon,
Japan). Images were collected at wavelengths 488, 514 and 581 nm and were processed with
and two in-house image processing algorithms.
4.5 | Image processing to determine localization
Yeast cells were segmented using deep learning-based tools. The variable pattern of DIC
images with mixed low and high contrasts for back-grounds and cell bodies (signal variance
of each whole image ranging from 67.4 to 2706.3, a ×40 difference–average, median and SD
of signal variance for all images were, respectively 645.6, 563.8 and 419.1) prevented using
classical gradient based methods to successfully segment cells. We adopted and compared
two contemporary tools, YeastSpotter, a Mask-RCNN method dedicated to yeast cells,
Cellpose, a generalist method trained on a large pool of cell images.
Note that, the former
was not trained on yeast cell images but used a model pretrained on a larger set of other cell
images to build a friendly tool for yeast cell segmentation. Cellpose is a more sophisticated
tool whose pretrained models have learned to segment well based on a myriad of intensity
gradient values and image styles. It has shown to achieve high quality segmentation on an
extended variety of cell images, including in our yeast cells images, producing superior
results when compared to YeastSpotter with the advantage of running faster on GPUs (tested
on Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti). We thus exclusively used Cellpose with its
pretrained model
to segment yeast cells in all our DIC images. We used maximum intensity projections of
up to two or three slices per image stack but mostly a single slice was sufficient to create a
single representative image for segmentation. Spurious, tiny, segmented regions whose size
were shown to be outliers were automatically removed using an area opening morphological
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Individual cells were isolated by applying the mask to the corresponding florescent images
of each of the three wavelengths. Masks less than 7.5 μm
corresponded to incorrectly
identified, incomplete, or out-of-plane cells and were omitted from analysis. Masks were
applied to each florescence channel. An empirical threshold was applied to each channel to
identify true florescence from background, and the percentage of each cell with co-localized
GFP and BFP or GFP and tdTomato was then calculated. Localization was then determined
identifying which pair of channels (GFP&BFP vs GFP&tdTomato) had greater overlap,
that is, Overlap
> Overlap
resulted in a mitochondria annotation. The
number of individual cells in each category were counted. Outputs from this algorithm were
verified by manually inspecting individual images.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
The authors thank members of the Clemons lab for support and discussion. The authors would also like to thank
the Caltech Biological Imaging center for the use of their microscopes for our live cell imaging as well as the
Caltech Center for Advanced Methods in Biological Image Analysis for aiding in the isolation of individual cells
in our images. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grant R01GM097572 (to William
M. Clemons), NIH/National Research Service Award Training Grant 5T32GM07616 (to Shyam M. Saladi and
Michelle Y. Fry) and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research fellowship under Grant 1144469 (to Shyam
M. Saladi).
Funding information
National Science Foundation Graduate Research, Grant/Award Number: 1144469; NIH/National Research Service
Award Training, Grant/Award Number: 5T32GM07616; National Institutes of Health, Grant/Award Number:
All code employed is available openly at
with analysis
done in Jupyter Lab/Notebooks using Python 3.6 enabled by Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn,
BioPython, bebi103,
and Bokeh as well as in Rstudio/Rmarkdown Notebooks enabled by
packages within the Tidyverse ecosystem.
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Compiling a list of TA proteins from the human and yeast genomes. (A) A schematic of
the pipeline used to gather TA proteins by filtering the Human and Yeast proteomes for TA
proteins. (B) A comparison of the TA proteins collected for the analyses here vs previous
datasets. (C) Localizations gathered from Uniprot entry Subcellular Localizations (CC) and
Gene Ontology Cellular Compartment (GO) annotations. Those with conflicts were resolved
by manually parsing the literature to build the final set
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Investigating properties encoded in the C-terminal residues of TA proteins. For A-F,
Jitter plots of property distribution for predicted TA proteins identified as ER (green) or
mitochondria (purple) with the best predictive threshold indicated by a dashed red line.
Properties visualized are for the C-terminal number of (A) positive residues, (B) negative
residues, and (C) net charge and then for (D) TMD length, (E) TMD hydrophobicity, and
(F) maximum hydrophobicity of an 18-residue stretch. (G) The AUROC across various
hydrophobicity scales for the mean, total, and 18-residue windows of the predicted TMDs
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Analyzing different geometries of hydrophobic residues in TMDs to improve classification.
(A) Alpha-helices and helical wheel plots illustrating the residues selected (orange) for each
metric tested, patch, wheel face and segment, showing residues selected and not selected
(blue) in each analysis. (B) AUROC values for the metrics illustrated in (A) and total
hydrophobicity. (C) Jitter plots as in Figure 2 for the top four hydrophobic metrics: Patch
15 (Kyte & Doolittle scale), Patch 15 (TM Tendency scale), Wheel Face 5 (TM Tendency
scale) and Patch 11 (Kyte & Doolittle scale). Red dashed line indicates the best predictive
threshold. (D) 2D comparison plot of total hydrophobicity (
) and a Wheel Face 5 (TM
Tendency scale) (
-axis). TA proteins are colored by localization, ER (
), mitochondria
), Unknown (
), both mitochondria and ER (
), and peroxisome (
TA proteins selected for experimental determination of localizations are marked squares.
Dashed lines indicate best predictive threshold
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