Effective behavior of polycrystals that
undergo martensitic phase
Kaushik Bhattacharya, Robert V. Kohn
Kaushik Bhattacharya, Robert V. Kohn, "Effective behavior of polycrystals
that undergo martensitic phase transformation," Proc. SPIE 1919, Smart
Structures and Materials 1993: Mathematics in Smart Structures, (22 July
1993); doi: 10.1117/12.148412
Event: 1993 North American Conference on Smart Structures and Materials,
1993, Albuquerque, NM, United States
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Effective behavior of polycrystals that undergo martensitic phase transformation
Kaushik Bhattacharya and Robert V. Kohn
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012
The shape-memory effect is the ability of a material to recover, on heating, apparently plastic
deformations that it suffers below a critical temperature. These apparently plastic strains are not caused
by slip or dislocation, but by deformation twinning and the formation of other coherent microstructures
by the symmetry-related variants of martensite. In single crystals, these strains depend on the
transformation strain and can be quite large. However, in polycrystals made up of a large number of
randomly oriented grains, the various grains may not deform cooperatively. Consequently, these
recoverable strains depend on the texture and may be severely reduced or even eliminated. Thus, the
shape-memory behavior of polycrystals may be significantly different from that of a single crystal. We
address this issue by studying some model problems in the setting of anti-plane shear.
The shape-memory effect is the ability of a material to recover on heating, apparently plastic
deformations that it suffers at low temperatures. At the heart of this phenomenon is a reversible
martensitic phase transformation where the crystal lattice of the high temperature phase (austenite) has
greater symmetry than that of the low temperature phase (martensite). As a result of the change in
crystalline symmetry, there are several variants of martensite. Variants are identical lattices of
martensite that are oriented differently with respect to the austenite. Thus, below the transformation
temperature, a shape-memory material consists of a mixture of different martensitic variants, typically
arranged in a fine-scale rnicrostructure. When loads are applied, the material reduces its energy by
converting from one variant to another, rearranging itself into a new microstructure and consequently
suffering large apparently plastic deformations. On heating, each variant transforms back to the unique
austenite, thereby recovering all deformation. Thus, the deformations that are recoverable by the shape-
memory effect are exactly the deformations that a material can undergo by rearranging its martensitic
For example, a single crystal consisting of only one grain subjected to shear can deform
apparently plastically by deformation twinning. On heating, both twin variants transform to the
austenite and all the shear strain is recovered. The maximum magnitude of the shear is determined by
the transformation strains associated with the variants. The direction of shear is determined by the
twinning plane and direction of twinning shear. In a polycrystal consisting of a large number of
randomly oriented grains, the shear directions of the various grains do not coincide. Therefore, the
recoverable shear that a polycrystal can undergo will at best be some average of the shears suffered by
single crystals of different orientations. In fact, it could be worse. Since each grain is constrained by
the surrounding grains, it can not deform freely. This suggests that the deformation of the polycrystal
may be limited by the deformation of the worst-oriented grain. On the other hand, there is a possibility
of finding a "percolating path of suitably oriented grains". This will increase the deformation of the
polycrystal. The goal of this paper is to explore these competing effects. In particular, we wish to
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estimate the amount of recoverable strain in a polycrystal, and its dependence on polycrystalline texture,
the change of crystalline symmetry and the transformation strain.
Unfortunately, the problem is
extremely difficult to address in any generality. In order to explore the interesting issues and the guiding
principles, we decided to study some model problems in the setting of anti-plane shear. In this paper, we
state the preliminary results of our investigations.
Experimentally, there are some alloys which display good shape-memory effect as single
crystals, but only partial memory as polycrystals. Many alloys suffer inter-granular fracture at relatively
low strains or after just a few shape-memory cycles. On the other hand, there are materials like Ni-
5Oat%Ti which show excellent shape-memory effect even as polycrystals. They can undergo a large
number of cycles and their recoverable strains are close to their transformation strains. We should
mention here that our knowledge of experimental results is sketchy at best19. One of our motivations
for presenting our partial results to a wide audience is the hope that knowledgeable readers will educate
us about experiments.
In the last few years, there has been considerable theoretical work on materials that undergo
martensitic transformations1019. An important idea is a stored energy density function that depends on
the deformation gradient and the temperature. Below the critical temperature, the energy density has
multiple wells corresponding to the different martensitic variants. Minimizing this energy leads to fine-
scale microstructure. The macroscopic behavior of the crystal is described by a relaxed or effective
energy which takes into account the fine-scale microstructure. The recoverable deformations or strains
of the shape-memory effect correspond to flat or degenerate regions of this effective energy. Up to now,
the investigation of this model has been limited to single crystals. On the other hand, a lot is known
. .
polycrystals made from matenals that do not undergo martensitic transformation
goal of
this work is to link these two areas of investigation.
2.1. Preliminaries
We consider a planar domain in two-dimensions and limit our attention to "out-of-plane"
deformations. The position vector is x =
x2}and the deformation i(x) is a real-valued function. We
describe the orientation of the grains in a polycrystal by a spatially dependent rotation R(x) which gives
the orientation of the grain situated at position x. For a typical polycrystal, R(x) is piecewise constant.
For a single crystal, the orientation function R(x) is equal to the identity matrix, ,
We fix the temperature at a value well below the transformation temperature and assume that
there is a stored energy function
that depends only on the deformation gradient, which is the vector
Vi =
{ - }. The
total energy of a polycrystal with orientation function R(x) subjected to a
deformation r is given by 5
(x)) dx. Our starting point is the hypothesis that the crystal
assumes the configuration that minimizes the total energy for a given boundary condition. It is well-
known that this minimization problem gives rise to fine-scale microstructure.
/ SPIE Vol. 1919 Mathematics in Smart Structures (1993)
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For a given polycrystal, we define the effective energy as the function (f which gives the
spatially averaged energy of the polycrystal when the average or macroscopic strain is f. Formally,
-j-j 5p(Rx Vii(x)) dx
ril=f.x I
takes into account the effect of microstructure as well as polycrystalline texture. It describes the
macroscopic or effective behavior of the polycrystal.
We say that a polycrystal is isotropic if (f) =
for all rotations Q
for all vectors f.
Figure 1. The stored energy density of the two variant material.
Figure 2. The effective energy of a single crystal of the two variant material.
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