The ENCODE Uniform
Analysis Pipelines
Benjamin C. Hitz
, Jin-Wook Lee
, Otto Jolanki
, Meenakshi S. Kagda
, Keenan Graham
Paul Sud
, Idan Gabdank
, J. Seth Strattan
, Cricket A. Sloan
, Timothy Dreszer
Laurence D. Rowe
, Nikhil R. Podduturi
, Venkat S. Malladi
, Esther T. Chan
, Jean M.
, Marcus Ho
, Stuart Miyasato
, Matt Simison
, Forrest Tanaka
, Yunhai Luo
Ian Whaling
Eurie L. Hong
, Brian T. Lee
, Richard Sandstrom
, Eric Rynes
, Jemma
, Andrew Nishida
, Alyssa Ingersoll
, Michael Buckley
, Mark Frerker
, Daniel S
, Nathan Boley
, Diane Trout
, Alex Dobin
, Sorena Rahmanian
, Dana Wyman
Gabriela Balderrama-Gutierrez
, Fairlie Reese
, Neva C. Durand
, Olga Dudchenko
David Weisz
, Suhas S. P. Rao
, Alyssa Blackburn
, Dimos Gkountaroulis
, Mahdi
, Moshe Olshansky
, Yossi Eliaz
, Dat Nguyen
, Ivan Bochkov
, Muhammad Saad
, Ragini Mahajan
, Erez Aiden
, Tom Gingeras
, Simon Heath
, Martin
, W. James Kent
, Anshul Kundaje
, Ali Mortazavi
, Barbara Wold
, and J. Michael
Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Genomics Institute, School of Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA
Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences, 2211 Elliott Avenue, 6th Floor, Seattle, WA 98121, USA
Dept. of Genetics, Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University, 240 Pasteur Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125 USA
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, USA
Center for Complex Biological Systems, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
The Center for Genome Architecture, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX 77030, USA
Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Department of Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Department of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Medical Scientist Training Program, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030, USA
Department of BioSciences, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA
Department of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77030, USA
CNAG-CRG, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST),
Barcelona, Spain. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Micheal Smith Laboratories, University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Canada
Department of Structural Biology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Department of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA
Current Addresses:
Insitro, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA
"Elements of Order 4404 E Oregon St, Bellingham WA 98226, USA
Microsoft, One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA, 98052, USA
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Department of Biological Sciences, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis
Obispo, CA, 93410, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305, USA
Just-Evotec Biologics, 401 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109
Corresponding author
: Email:
software, NGS analysis, analysis pipelines
The Encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE) project is a collaborative effort to create a
comprehensive catalog of functional elements in the human genome. The current database
comprises more than 19000 functional genomics experiments across more than 1000 cell lines
and tissues using a wide array of experimental techniques to study the chromatin structure,
regulatory and transcriptional landscape of the
Homo sapiens
Mus musculus
experimental data, metadata, and associated computational analyses created by the ENCODE
consortium are submitted to the Data Coordination Center (DCC) for validation, tracking,
storage, and distribution to community resources and the scientific community.
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project has engineered and distributed uniform processing pipelines in order to promote data
provenance and reproducibility as well as allow interoperability between genomic resources and
other consortia. All data files, reference genome versions, software versions, and parameters
used by the pipelines are captured and available
the ENCODE Portal. The pipeline code,
developed using Docker and Workflow Description Language (WDL; is
publicly available in GitHub, with images available on Dockerhub (,
enabling access to a diverse range of biomedical researchers. ENCODE pipelines maintained
and used by the DCC can be installed to run on personal computers, local HPC clusters, or in
cloud computing environments
Cromwell. Access to the pipelines and data
the cloud
allows small labs the ability to use the data or software without access to institutional compute
Standardization of the computational methodologies for analysis and quality control
leads to comparable results from different ENCODE collections - a prerequisite for successful
integrative analyses.
Database URL:
The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project
(; Kagda
et al, in preparation) is an international consortium with a goal of annotating regions of the
human and mouse genomes. ENCODE aims to identify functional elements by investigating
DNA and RNA binding proteins, chromatin structure, transcriptional activity and DNA
methylation states for different biological samples. During the third and fourth phases of
ENCODE (2012-2022) the diversity and volume of data increased as new genomic assays were
added to the project. The diversity of biological samples used in these investigations has been
expanded, including data from additional species (
D. melanogaster
C. elegans via
our sister
projects modENCODE
; and experimental data are validated and
analyzed using new methods. During the first 6 years of the pilot and initial scale-up phase, the
project surveyed the landscape of the
H. sapiens
M. musculus
genomes using over 20
high-throughput genomic assays in more than 350 different cell and tissue types, resulting in
over 3000 datasets. In addition to ENCODE funded projects, the DCC also has incorporated
over 2000 datasets from the Roadmap for Epigenomics Consortium
(REMC), The Genomics of
Gene Regulation project (GGR;, and the
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genomics community. The Data Coordination Center (DCC) is entrusted with validating,
tracking, storing, visualizing, and distributing these data files and their metadata to the scientific
Uniform pipelines, the series of software algorithms that process raw sequencing data and
generate interpretable data files, are important for scientific reproducibility. Publicly available
pipelines allow researchers conducting similar experiments to share pipelines directly, making
the results uniform and comparable. Multiple analysis pipelines exist for many assays and often
differ in the software used for each component, the parameters defined for these components,
or the statistical analysis used to determine significance of the results. The results from different
pipelines for a given assay cannot always be appropriately compared. Thus, it is imperative for
integrative analysis that results have the same basic assumptions, such as what defines a
binding site, what reference genome is used, annotation standards for RNAs, cutoff used to
define significance, etc. Historically, it has required significant technical expertise to set up,
maintain, and run a single genomics analysis pipeline on local hardware. The ENCODE corpus
contains over 80,000 fastq files across over 17,000 functional genomics experiments, with the
majority being ChIP-Seq
, RNA-Seq
, or DNase-Seq
. The ChIP-seq pipeline works on both
traditional transcription factors with narrow peak sizes, and histone mark ChIP experiments with
broader peaks. The pipeline has been further modified for the multiplexed MINT-Chip
These pipelines were originally described
but have been continuously modified as the
ENCODE project has progressed and more data has been analyzed. We have implemented
five RNA-Seq pipelines: One for typical transcripts (size selected at >200bp), one for shorter
transcripts (size selected at <200bp), RAMPAGE
and CAGE
, one for long-read RNA-seq, and
one for micro-RNA-seq. We have also implemented pipelines for DNase-seq, ATAC-seq, Hi-C,
and Whole-Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WBGS). Help, descriptions, and ENCODE data
standards can be found on the ENCODE Portal:
A bioinformatics analysis pipeline can be described as a series of computational steps, with
defined (typically file-based) inputs and outputs, along with a set of parameters. The outputs of
earlier steps in the pipeline are the inputs for later steps. Each “step”, which may be composed
of one or more pieces of software, can be containerized in a system such as Docker
) to allow rapid and flexible provisioning of virtual computer systems to
run the calculation specified. A typical genomics experiment has two or three major steps and
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may have other additional steps (although when replicate concordance calculations are
involved, the process can get significantly more complicated). In a typical genomics pipeline,
raw sequence data in the form of fastq files is mapped to the specific reference genome to
produce one or more alignment files in BAM format
. The BAM files are then processed into
one or more signal (typically bigWig
) and interval or “peak” files (bed and bigBed
). RNA-seq
analysis typically has a transcript quantification step instead of peak calling, and produces a
tab-delimited (tsv) file representing the expression for each gene or transcript. In addition to
these “core” steps, the pipeline may require additional steps such as filtering, quality control
metric calculations, and file format conversions.
These steps are defined and linked together using the Workflow Description Language
a domain-specific language developed at the Broad Institute. The WDL file defines each step,
registers the input and output files and parameters, and provisions the resources as needed.
With the onset of the fourth and final phase of the ENCODE project, we aspired to provide
pipelines that could be run on a wide variety of platforms, either in the cloud or on local HPC
systems. To this end, we adopted the Cromwell
framework to manage execution of the
pipeline code, input and output files across a variety of platforms including Google Cloud,
Amazon Web Services, and local compute clusters using both Docker and Singularity (Fig 1).
The code for all of the ENCODE pipelines use a common template, so the knowledge and
understanding of the framework around one ENCODE pipeline is applicable to all the others.
We have implemented unit testing, step-wise and end-to-end testing using circle-ci
) for continuous integration, testing, and automatic docker builds. All
code is available on GitHub and supported
GitHub issues. An example “demo” WDL pipeline
is shown in Figure 2A.
Pipeline Infrastructure (CAPER/CROO)
At the scale of a project like ENCODE, the software infrastructure needs infrastructure. Running
2 or 7 or 12 datasets through a pipeline is fairly manageable, but the final phase of ENCODE
required us to run 14,000+ datasets (at least 40,000 fastqs) across about 20 different assays,
each with its own pipeline and/or set of parameters. To assist us with efficient workflow
submissions, we developed the CAPER software package
( CAPER, or “Cromwell-Assisted Pipeline ExecutoR” is
a python wrapper for Cromwell, based on UNIX utilities, cloud platform python libraries
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(google-cloud-storage and boto3) and CLIs (curl, gsutil and aws-cli). It provides a user-friendly
terminal based interface to Cromwell by composing the necessary inputs and automatic file
transfer between local disks and cloud storage.
CAPER uses a REST API and a mysql/postgresql database to manage Cromwell on a variety of
platforms as needed. Typically, a server is instantiated on a machine or cloud instance and is
used to marshal input files and parameters (“input.json”) and pass them forward into the
WDL]/Cromwell/Docker system. CAPER can localize input files between two different platforms
such as Google Cloud Storage (GCS: gs://), AWS S3 (s3://) and a local file system. For
example, if input files are provided as S3 URIs and a pipeline is submitted on Google Cloud
Platform, then CAPER localizes S3 files on GCS first and passes them to Cromwell.
CROO or “Cromwell Output Organizer” ( is a simple
python package that was developed by us to assist people outside of the ENCODE Data
Coordination Center (DCC) to find and organize the outputs from the pipelines (Fig 2B). CROO
can localize and organize outputs between different platforms similarly to how CAPER does.
CROO creates simple HTML interfaces with file tables and connectivity graphs, task graphs and
UCSC Genome Browser
tracks (Fig 3). CROO provides an additional feature that allows the
generation of pre-signed file URIs on cloud providers enabling visualization of private data with
any graphics on genome browsers that can access data
URI. This allows public genome
browsers to view files that would otherwise be hosted privately. Both CAPER and CROO are
registered to PyPI (the Python Package Index) such that they can be installed easily with a
single shell command line.
Software and Pipeline Metadata and Provenance
At the DCC itself, we do not use CROO to handle the output of the uniform processing
pipelines. In order to carefully track all the provenance, quality metrics, and file relationships
required by the ENCODE Portal (Kagda, et al in preparation) we developed a particular data
structure that represents each pipeline, quality metric, analysis step, analysis step run, software,
and software version. These are all represented in our system as JSON-SCHEMA
( objects in our encodeD instantiation of SnoVault
. This
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pipeline-specific metadata, specifically an object representing an end-to-end analysis, allows us
to track the status of runs and create custom pipeline graphs and quality metric reports
integrated directly into the ENCODE portal. The common metadata framework we use allows us
to integrate results calculated by the DCC using the uniform processing pipelines with any lab-
or user- submitted analysis. In effect, we abstract the details of the specific pipeline down to a
common framework for visualization and provenance. This allows portal users to have strict
confidence in the results that are produced by the consortium. Every output file has a definitive
raw data source, a set of software used in every step of its formation - including specific
versions of code used to produce this
file, and quality metrics as agreed upon by the
To map pipeline outputs to the portal we use a custom python package called accession
(, which is extended for every official ENCODE
uniform processing pipeline. Accession parses the Cromwell workflow metadata and pipeline
QC outputs in order to generate the appropriate metadata objects on the ENCODE portal and
uploads the data files to the ENCODE AWS S3 bucket. It also supports multiple Cromwell
backends (e.g. Google Cloud platform, Amazon EC2, local/HPC) to allow for submission of
uniform processing pipeline results from different compute backends.
The ENCODE ChIP-seq Pipelines
Chromatin-Immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing, or ChIP-seq experiments are at the
core of the ENCODE project. This type of assay is used to determine the chromosomal
coordinates for binding of transcription factors (TF) and modified histones. We currently house
the results of over 5800 ChIP-seq assays from ENCODE in human and mouse, including
hundreds of multiplexed MINT-ChIP
modified histone assays. In addition we have over 1600
control ChIP-seq experiments, representing either mock-IP, untreated biosample, input DNA, or
“wild-type” (in the case of epitope-tagged constructed) control DNA. All of these experiments
are processed through the same ChIP-seq processing pipeline. The TF ChIP-seq pipeline
protocol is described in detail in Lee et al “Automated quality control and reproducible peak
calling for transcription factor ChIP-seq data",
in preparation
(Fig 4A). ChIP-seq experiments
targeting diverse DNA binding proteins and histone marks exhibit inherent high variability of
signal-to-noise ratio and number of enriched sites (peaks). Hence, the uniform processing of
ChIP-seq results is significantly more complicated than other assays in the ENCODE corpus,
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since it is necessary to estimate multiple, complementary quality control metrics to carefully
compare the signal from mapped reads to controls. Furthermore, the noise inherent in
peak-calling of TF ChIP-seq experiments necessitates the use of the Irreproducible Discovery
(IDR) framework to adaptively threshold and retain peaks that are reproducible and
rank-concordant across replicates. The latest ENCODE Transcription Factor ChIP
(TF-ChIP-seq) pipelines produce, per replicate, two BAM files (filtered and unfiltered
alignments), two bigwig files (signal p-value and fold change over control), two peak files (one
ranked and one thresholded) and a bigBed file for the IDR thresholded peaks. When there are
>1 replicates (usually 2), each pair of replicates is combined to produce another pair of signal
files, four peak files (two ranked. two thresholded), and two bigBed files for the IDR thresholded
bed files. The histone ChIP pipeline does not use IDR for replicate concordance since peaks of
different types of histone marks tend to cover a broad dynamic range of signal-to-noise ratios.
Instead, the histone ChIP-seq pipeline just reports a single bed/bigBed pair containing peaks
appearing either in both “true” replicates or two pseudo-replicates.
The pipeline currently uses bowtie2
for mapping TF and Histone ChIP, while the MINT-ChIP
experiments use bwa-mem
mapper (Fig 4B). The SPP
peak caller is used to call punctate
peaks for TF ChIP-seq experiments, whereas MACS2
is used to call peaks for histone
ChIP-seq experiments. The peaks called by the pipeline are filtered utilizing exclusion lists that
contain genomic regions resulting in anomalous, unstructured, or experiment independent high
. Detailed read mapping statistics are used to estimate read quality and mapping rates.
The key enrichment QC metrics are “Fraction of Reads In Peaks” (FRIP), normalized and
relative strand cross-correlation scores (NSC/RSC)
and Jensen Shannon Distance
between sample and background coverage. Reproducibility of peak calling is estimated using
the rescue ratio and self-consistency ratios which compare the number of replicated peaks
across and within replicate experiments . Library complexity measurements - the PCR
bottleneck coefficients (PBC) and non-redundant fraction (NRF) scores are also calculated.
Thresholds are defined for each of the key quality metrics to assign intuitive levels of potential
data quality issues indicated as yellow, orange, or red audit badges on the ENCODE portal.
There are actually four slightly different versions of the pipeline, depending on whether the
“chipped” factor is a modified histone (, or transcription factor
(, and whether or not the experiment
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has replicates.
The performance of the whole pipeline depends on the sequencing depth of the datasets and
the size of the genome of interest. Total CPU time ranges from between 1 and 8 hours
(average is 2) per million reads and can require up to 18GB of RAM (average is 12 GB).
The ATAC-seq Pipeline
The ENCODE ATAC-seq pipeline is a small modification of the histone ChIP-seq pipeline (Fig
4C). It uses the same mapper (bowtie2). However, the specific adapters used in the ATAC-seq
experiment must be trimmed off prior to mapping to the reference genome.The MACS2 peak
caller is used for peak calling with some modifications. One primary difference is that ATAC-seq
experiments do not have matched control as a signal baseline. Also, 5’ ends of reads are shifted
in a strand-specific manner to account for the Tn5 shift and identify the precise cut-sites. The
shifted read-start coverage is aggregated over both strands and smoothed using a 150 bp
window for peak calling in MACS2. While IDR is used to estimate reproducibility and stringent
peak calls, the default “replicated” peaks are those that are identified by MACS2 with relaxed
thresholds in two “true” replicates or two pseudo-replicates. The QC reports for ATAC differ
slightly from ChIP-seq, with an emphasis on the Transcription Start Site enrichment score, and
the total number of peaks identified.
The ENCODE RNA-seq Pipelines
The ENCODE (bulk) RNA-seq pipeline (Fig 5A) was developed by the consortium over a period
of almost 7 years. It has been used to process data from a menagerie of RNA-seq experiments
over the balance of the ENCODE project. Specifically we have processed experiments that
have used a wide variety of RNA enrichments, including size (<200 bp), polyadenylation (plus
and minus), total, nuclear and other subcellular localizations as well as a series of knockdown
quantifications from a variety of methods (siRNA, shRNA, and CRISPRi). The pipeline also
works with different library preparation protocols (paired or unpaired reads; with or without
strand-specificity). In all cases the pipeline typically produces a common set of files for each
replicate: Two BAM files (one each for mapping to the reference genome and transcriptome),
three quantifications files (one gene and two transcript; see below) and either two or four signal
(bigWig) files. There is one signal file for all reads and one for just uniquely mapping reads,
doubled (plus- and minus- strand) if the library is stranded. “Small” RNAs have no transcript
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The core of the pipeline is a mapping or alignment step and a RNA quantification step, with
some additional minor steps to process outputs. We use STAR 2.5.1b
to map raw fastq data
to both a reference genome (both GRCh38
( and GRCh37 aka hg19
([ have been used for human data;
GRCm38 aka mm10 has been used for mouse) and reference transcriptome. For transcriptome
we have used various versions of GENCODE
( including predicted tRNAs. The current
versions used in the 4th phase of ENCODE are GENCODE V29 for human and GENCODE
M21 for mouse. Older versions of the pipeline also used tophat
for alignment, but this feature
was dropped in the current version. For gene and transcript quantification, RSEM
is used to
process the BAM files into tsv files that report TPM and FPKM values for all genes and
transcripts in the reference annotation (GENCODE) set. For this final phase of the ENCODE
project, we added Kallisto
as an alternate, reference-free quantification method, and provide
transcript quantifications for both. All the reference files used by the pipeline can also be found
at this link:
The RNA-seq pipeline implemented for ENCODE produces a variety of QC metrics. In addition
to samtools flagstats mapping quality information ( and STAR’s own
quality metrics we calculate the number of genes detected and a set of Median Absolute
Deviation (MAD) metrics and a plot
. We have found that on Google Cloud this pipeline
requires about 1 CPU hr/4GB per million reads, with a maximum memory footprint of 120GB.
The ENCODE uniform processing microRNA pipeline has been used to process ~400 datasets
submitted from phases 3 and 4 and the REMC project (Fig. 5B). Briefly, Cutadapt
v. 1.7.1 is
used to trim the 5’ and 3’ adapters followed by mapping to a transcriptome (GENCODE V29 for
human, M21 for mouse) using STAR
to quantify the read counts. The pipeline was
modified from that published in
under the direction of the Mortazavi lab. All reference files
used for running this pipeline can be found here:
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Several QC metrics are calculated for microRNA-seq runs; specifically the mapped read depth,
replicate concordance, and number of uRNAs detected. Computational runs use about 0.5
CPU hours and 2 GB/hours per million reads, with a maximum memory footprint of 60GB.
long read RNA
ENCODE has currently produced approximately 200 long-read RNA-seq data sets in human
and mouse from both Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore (ONT) platforms.
These experiments are designed for full-transcript discovery and quantification, and the more
standard bulk RNA-seq pipelines are not appropriate for these long reads. Dana Wyman and
others in the Mortazavi lab created the TALON (Wyman et al: package specifically for the analysis of this
data. With their assistance, the ENCODE DCC packaged their software into our
Docker/Cromwell/WDL system to uniformly process long-read RNA-seq data (Fig 5C). TALON
has six steps. First, Minimap2
is used to align to a genomic reference. Then,
corrects non-canonical splice junctions, and flags possible internal priming
(cryptic poly-A signals) events. The main TALON software then counts splice junctions and
quantifies each transcript. Finally, known transcripts are annotated using GENCODE. The
primary QC metric used is the number of genes detected, along with the mapping rate. For
details on performance, please refer to Wyman et al, but in our cloud runs a job typically takes
about 100 CPU hours per 1 million reads (long-read RNA experiments typically range from
0.5M-3.5M reads), and requires 120GB of RAM. All the reference files used for this pipeline can
be found here:
The current phase of ENCODE did not produce any Cap-Analysis Gene Expression (CAGE) or
RNA Annotation and Mapping of Promoters for the Analysis of Gene Expression (RAMPAGE)
experiments; both methods are used to find transcription start sites. We did uniformly process
289 experiments from ENCODE phase 2 and phase 3 and Genomics of Gene Regulation
projects using a modified version of the STAR pipeline mentioned here (Fig 5D). The reads are
mapped in a manner similar to the bulk RNA pipeline, but peaks are called with GRIT
replicates are merged with IDR. Signal files are created with STAR and bedGraphToBigWig
MAD statistics and plots are also provided for each replicate. The full pipeline source code is
available here:
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but has
not been modified to run with the WDL/Cromwell cloud system.
The ENCODE DNA Methylation (WGBS) Pipeline
The GemBS
pipeline was designed in the Heath lab to analyze large scale WGBS datasets.
The pipeline comprises two parts: 1) Gem3, a high performance read aligner and 2) BScall
which is a variant caller specifically designed for bisulfite sequencing (Fig. 6). The two
components are combined in a highly efficient, parallelizable, state-of-the-art workflow to allow
accurate and fast execution. Since Gem3 can handle large indices, the alignment is performed
only on a single composite reference avoiding the two step alignment against the converted and
another against unconverted reference. In order to determine the cytosine methylation status,
BScall uses a Bayesian model to jointly infer the most likely genotype and methylation levels.
The latter is achieved using base error probabilities and under/over conversion rates. For
details, please refer to Merkel, et al.
QC metrics
The pipeline produces several useful QC metrics for assessing read mapping, bisulfite
conversion efficiency, and replicate concordance. For BAM files, the pipeline computes basic
mapping statistics
samtools stats ( Using
these statistics the pipeline also computes the average coverage for auditing purposes. The
pipeline also produces GEM3 mapping quality metrics
which includes important WGBS-specific metrics like the lambda conversion rate and general
details about mapping efficiency and read quality. For experiments with two replicates, the
pipeline calculates the Pearson correlation of the methylation percentage of CpG sites with
greater than 10x coverage between the replicates.
These metrics are reflected in the portal metadata, namely in the gemBS alignment quality
metrics (, CpG
correlation quality metrics
( and Samtools stats
quality metrics ( which are
uploaded to the portal for every pipeline run. Several values in these metrics are automatically
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checked against the ENCODE standards
A typical execution of the WGBS pipeline takes approximately 0.02 hours (wall time) per million
reads based on workflow metadata available on the ENCODE portal. Roughly 70% of this wall
time consists of mapping with 16 CPUs and 128 GB of RAM, 14% of the time consists of
extracting methylation calls with 16 CPUs and 192 GB of RAM, and 10% of the wall time
consists of making methylation and genotype calls using 16 CPUs and 64 GB of RAM. The
remaining 6% of wall time consists of preparing configuration files and generating QC statistics
and requires significantly less resources.
The ENCODE DNase-Seq Pipeline
The DNase-seq pipeline has been developed in concert with the
lab over
the past several years (Fig. 7). Initial mapping to the reference genome is performed with
, the alignments are filtered and peaks and signal files are created by hotspot2
( The hotspot software was originally described by John et
, but numerous improvements have been made in the latest version.
hotspot2 counts
DNaseI cleavages within a small region ("window") around each site across the
genome. It slides this window across the genome, and statistically evaluates cleavage
counts within their local context, using a sequence model of DNaseI cleavage sites.
current iteration of the pipeline produces a read-depth normalized signal file (bigWig) and
several hypersensitive site peak files (bed and bigBed) thresholded at different false discovery
rates (FDR), a genome-wide set of DNaseI cut rates (bed/bigBed) as well as bed/bigBed files for
the footprints. For details on the statistics of the footprinting algorithm see the Supplementary
Methods of Vierstra et al.
Alignment and trimming metrics are calculated by samtools and cutadapt, while other utilities
measure the extent of read duplication and fragment size distribution. The key measures used
to determine the overall quality of the experiment are the mapped read depth and the SPOT
score (“Signal Portion Of Tags”). The SPOT score, calculated by hotspot2, is analogous to the
FRIP metric used in ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq pipelines. The DNase-seq pipeline on average
uses 1.3 hours of CPU time per million reads and has a maximum memory footprint of 32GB.
The ENCODE Hi-C Pipeline
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The ENCODE Hi-C pipeline has been developed with the Aiden lab using their Juicer suite of
software tools
, with some updates to mapping parameters and chimeric read handling. There
are essentially five steps in the pipeline (Fig 8A); mapping (with bwa-mem) and filtering plus
to form a set of contacts, or pairs file. The genome is then binned into 14 resolutions
(between 10bp and 2.5Mbp) by Juicer to form contact matrix (.hic) files. These .hic files can be
visualized using Juicebox
or converted to other formats for other visualization software.
is used to identify loops while the SLICE and POSSUM utilities identify a/b
compartments and subcompartments and the DELTA utility identifies chromatin stripes and
contact domains from the contact matrix.
The “diploidification” pipeline comprises two parts: genophase (genotype + phase) and diploidify
(Fig. 8B,C). The former experiment is associated with a donor and produces an annotation file
set from multiple individual experiments that are derived from the same donor. The second
experiment is associated with an individual experiment pertaining to a single donor.
The genophase step calls single nucleotide polymorphisms and attempts to phase them into
chromosome-length phased blocks. The SNP are generated from intact Hi-C read alignments
, with slightly modified parameters. The same intact Hi-C data is used to de novo
phase SNPs into two haplotypes using the 3D-DNA phasing module
. The results are output as
a VCF file. In addition to a VCF a variants Hi-C contact matrix and associated bedpe
annotation file are available to help assess the quality of phasing via analyzing the
intra-homolog vs inter-homolog contact frequency. The majority of the chromosomes are
expected to have most of the SNPs assigned to a haplotype. The overview statistics of phasing
performance is included as a Data QA document attached to each genophasing annotation set.
Diploidification uses the largest phased block in the phased VCF file associated with the donor
to split individual chromosome data (Hi-C contact map and nuclease cleavage frequency) into
two datasets representing different haplotypes. For each chromosome, the two homologous
datasets are arbitrarily assigned pseudohaplotype 1 or 2. We do not identify parental
haplotypes nor phase across chromosomes; note that assignment of the same
pseudohaplotype to different chromosome homologs (chr1, pseudohaplotype 1 and chr2,
pseudohaplotype 1) does not imply they indeed belong to the same haplotype and is done for
convenience. The pseudohaplotype data is joined to result in two Hi-C contact files and four
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nuclease cleavage frequency tracks, with and without normalization for SNP density. The
chromosome labels are kept the same across the pseudohaplotype files for ease of
Finally, sets of maps are summed using a megamapping step, creating aggregate maps that
enhance contrast and resolution. Sample sets to be aggregated can derive, for instance, from
related tissues (such as “left ventricle of heart”, lung, or immune), can reflect a variety of tissues
derived from a single individual, or can simply correspond to the collection as a whole.
The pipeline produces QC metrics for bams from individual biological replicates as well as for
the contact maps produced by merging data from all biological replicates. The metrics describe
in detail the mapping quality, ligation events, and detected Hi-C contacts. In the case of
contacts, the QC includes details about long- and short-range interactions, intra- and
inter-chromosomal interactions, and more. The full list of available values is described in detail
A typical execution of the Hi-C pipeline takes approximately 60 hours of wall time,
corresponding to roughly 1.5 CPU hours/million reads. Hi-C, particularly intact Hi-C
experiments are quite large (up to 200 billion reads), and some pipeline steps require 512 GB of
RAM. CPU time is governed by converting bams to Juicer merged_nodups format (24%),
handling chimeric reads (15%), loop calling (13%), initial .hic file creation (11%), deduplication
(9%), conversion to 4DN
pairs format (9%), alignment (8%), and contact matrix normalization
ENCODE Reference Files
For reproducibility and cross dataset comparisons, it is critical that all experiments from the
same organism be mapped to the exact same genome build (and for RNA-seq, the
transcriptome as well). Earlier ENCODE experiments were mapped to both hg19 (GRCh37)
and GRCh38, but all experiments from the later phase of the project have been solely mapped
to GRCh38. All mouse uniform processing, to date, has been on mm10 (GRCm38). The official
GENCODE version used by the current phase of ENCODE is V29 for human and M21 for
mouse. All references used in uniform- and lab-submitted processings for ENCODE, REMC,
modENCODE, MODERN, and GGR are available here:
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(also included are
exclusion lists for mapping, spike-ins, tRNAs, and other references used for complete and
uniform processing of the ENCODE corpus.
ENCODE Standards
One of the hallmarks of the decades-long ENCODE project has been its establishment of
transparency of genomic assay standards. While the uniform pipelines track thousands of
metrics, only a few of them are used to reject or label experiments. Detailed data standards for
all experiment types can be found at ( Audits
and badges indicating experiments or files with mild, moderate, or critical issues are
summarized at ( Further detail about the
audit and badge user interface can be found in Davis et al (2018)
Full reports of all QC metrics for all steps of all pipelines can be found in Supplementary tables
1-6. In addition to scalar metrics, many useful metric plots are available on the ENCODE portal
for each analysis run.
Using or Installing the ENCODE Pipelines
All the pipelines mentioned in this article are open source and can be obtained from GitHub
repositories (links below). The tools and the scripts needed for these pipelines have been
containerized and pushed automatically to DockerHub, and each pipeline GitHub repository
contains the Dockerfile as well as WDL describing the workflow. The pipelines can be run on
different platforms including Google cloud and HPC clusters. Since most HPCs do not allow
running a Docker container on their compute nodes, Caper provides built-in backends for HPCs
such as SGE, SLURM, PBS and LSF to be able to run a pipeline in a Singularity container. We
provide Singularity images and a Conda environment installer for several WDL workflows (ChIP
and ATAC). This ensures reproducibility of the workflow on multiple platforms.
Several of these pipelines (ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, RNA-seq, long read RNA-seq, microRNA-seq,
WGBS and Hi-C) and their WDL workflows have been deposited to Dockstore
Dockstore provides an
interface to execute the ported pipelines on various platforms (such as DNAnexus
(, Terra
). Five of the pipelines (ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, RNA-seq,
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long read RNA-seq, and microRNA-seq) have been ported to the Truwl
bioinformatics platform, and two (ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq) are
available on the Seven Bridges platform (
All of the source code created by the ENCODE DCC is available from GitHub (see Table 1 for
individual pipelines):
Much of the information about the uniform processing pipelines at ENCODE can be found at the
ENCODE Portal. Each Experiment has a set of processing “frames” called Analyses that
constitute a run through the relevant pipeline. Each pipeline execution is captured in the
ENCODE metadata with a set of JSON objects representing Analysis Steps, Softwares, Quality
Metrics, and most importantly Files (e.g., fastq, bam, bed, bigWig, bigBed, etc.) which are linked
to each other with JSON-LD. The inputs (generally starting with fastq files) are connected to the
corresponding output files in a graph structure using a “derived_from” pointer-like property that
connects files. The graphs for completed runs are presented visually on the ENCODE portal.
Any data file (or other object) that has ever been released publicly remains available to users of
the ENCODE portal in perpetuity, although older or deprecated files have a lower status and are
not displayed by default.
For the purposes of the ENCODE project, cloud providers such as Google or Amazon have
given access to parallel processing power in great excess of our computing needs. We can
process or reprocess any arbitrary set of files or experiments, and the “wall clock” time will be
equivalent to running a single experiment (on average). Our software and cloud computing
APIs make it reasonably straightforward to “spin up” thousands of processors within a few
minutes notice.
Developing and maintaining the ENCODE uniform pipelines has been a monumental
engineering task. The more experiments that are run through a given pipeline and the more
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parameters change then more bugs in pipelines and component software will be discovered. In
any large-scale effort where thousands of not-necessarily uniform experimental inputs need to
be analyzed, users should be prepared to re-run failed jobs as resources are exceeded or
parameters need to be adjusted. Since most pipelines are “step-wise”, resources can be saved
by restarting pipelines from particular middle points (for example, previously created alignments
can be used to re-run the peak calling step). Critical to this endeavor, all pipelines have been
created with integrated end-to-end tests, usually wired up to a continuous integration (CI)
service. CI runs the tests (usually with a small but complete input dataset) any time a change is
pushed to the pipeline github. Even so, as sequencing technologies evolve and as
high-throughput sequencing readout experiments get deeper and deeper, failures will occur.
One key principle we have striven to uphold is to make all individual pipeline steps idempotent.
That is, given the same inputs then the user will always get identical outputs (measured, for
example, by equivalent md5 checksums of output files). We caution developers of future
bioinformatic pipelines to be judicious in their use of random starting points, or to at least
provide a way to input random seeds to their algorithms and software. This ensures that robust
engineering of frameworks can be written in a testable manner.
All ENCODE primary and processed data are distributed for free
the Amazon Web Services
) and the ENCODE portal,
(a mirror of the data corpus also exists on the Microsoft Azure
) cloud, courtesy of
Microsoft and Terra
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Human Genome Research
Institute of the National Institutes of Health under grant number U24-HG009397. The content is
solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the o
cial views of
the National Institutes of Health.
Conflict of interest.
None declared
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We wish to thank all participants in the ENCODE Consortium for collaborations that have
enhanced the metadata definitions, and the ENCODE Portal users for their useful feedback.
Pipeline infrastructure and continuous integration.
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Figure 2
A) Demo WDL pipeline and B) CROO JSON that defines how to organize and display
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Croo HTML report example showing file table, task graph, and link to UCSC genome
browser. The red boxes represent raw data files, the blue boxes represent software steps
(abstract names), and the yellow boxes represent intermediate or output processed data files.
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