Identification and characterization of
TIE-1 hopanoid biosynthesis mutants
Paula V. Welander
David M. Doughty
Chia-Hung Wu
Sabine Mehay
Roger E.
, and
Dianne K. Newman
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, MC156-29, 1200 E. California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125
Hopanes preserved in both modern and ancient sediments are recognized as the molecular fossils
of bacteriohopanepolyols, pentacyclic hopanoid lipids. Based on the phylogenetic distribution of
hopanoid production by extant bacteria, hopanes have been used as indicators of specific bacterial
groups and/or their metabolisms. However, our ability to interpret them ultimately depends on
understanding the physiological roles of hopanoids in modern bacteria. Towards this end, we set
out to identify genes required for hopanoid biosynthesis in the anoxygenic phototroph
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
TIE-1 to enable selective control of hopanoid production. We
attempted to delete seventeen genes within a putative hopanoid biosynthetic gene cluster to
determine their role, if any, in hopanoid biosynthesis. Two genes,
, are required to
produce both bacteriohopanetetrol and aminobacteriohopanetriol, whereas a third gene,
, is
required only for aminobacteriohopanetriol production. None of the genes in this cluster are
required to exclusively synthesize bacteriohopanetetrol, indicating that at least one other hopanoid
biosynthesis gene is located elsewhere on the chromosome. Physiological studies with the
different deletion mutants demonstrated that unmethylated and C
hopanoids are sufficient to
maintain cytoplasmic but not outer membrane integrity. These results imply that hopanoid
modifications, including methylation of the A-ring and the addition of a polar head group, may
have biological functions beyond playing a role in membrane permeability.
Hopanoids are pentacyclic triterpenoid molecules produced by a variety of bacteria that are
readily preserved in both modern and ancient environments (Ourisson & Albrecht, 1992).
Based on the distribution of hopanoids in modern microbes, hopane signatures detected in
environmental samples and ancient sedimentary rocks can be used to link specific bacteria
and their metabolisms to a particular ecosystem or a certain period in earth history (Brocks
& Pearson, 2005; Brocks & Summons, 2004). As a result, hopanoid biomarkers have the
potential to provide valuable information about modern and ancient microbial communities.
However, recent studies of hopanoid distribution and function in bacteria have challenged
Corresponding Author, Mailing address: Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, MC147-75, 1200, E. California
Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, Telephone: (626) 395-3543, Fax: (626) 395-4135,
Current address: Schlumberger, Reservoir Sampling and Analysis, P.O. Box 16818, Dubai, UAE
Published as:
. 2012 March ; 10(2): 163–177.
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the use of particular hopanoids as indicators of specific bacteria and/or their metabolisms
(Doughty et al., 2009; Rashby et al., 2007; Welander et al., 2009). Indeed, it now seems
likely that hopanoids may be better markers of cell biological processes than metabolisms
(Doughty et al., 2011), although much remains to be done to understand their biological
roles in detail.
A robust interpretation of hopanoids in modern and ancient settings requires knowledge of
their phylogenetic distribution and cellular function. With one exception (Welander et al.,
2010), our understanding of which organisms produce particular hopanoids comes from
lipid analyses of cultured bacteria, usually tested under only one growth condition. These
analyses have provided important information regarding both the diversity of hopanoid
producing bacteria and the impressive range of structures they make (Rohmer et al., 1984;
Talbot et al., 2008). Yet, because only a tiny fraction of the total number of microorganisms
in nature has been cultured (Pace, 1997) and because hopanoid production varies under
different growth conditions (Doughty et al., 2009; Rashby et al., 2007), it is likely that our
assessment of the taxonomic distribution of these molecules is biased and incomplete. For
these reasons, it would be useful if we could bypass culturing when inferring which
organisms produce certain hopanoids. Recently, we demonstrated that it is possible to use
genes involved in hopanoid biosynthesis for this purpose (Welander et al., 2010). While this
study focused on using the
gene as a proxy for 2-methylhopanoids to assess the
capacity for production of these molecules amongst modern bacteria, if we knew the identity
of other genes responsible for catalyzing the production of other hopanoid structures, we
could similarly predict which organisms make different hopanoids.
While understanding the phylogenetic distribution of hopanoid producing bacteria has
involved the efforts of many research groups (Pearson et al., 2007; Pearson et al., 2009;
Rohmer et al., 1984; Talbot et al., 2008), understanding the biological function of these
molecules has received comparatively less attention. Based on their structural and
biosynthetic similarities to eukaryotic sterols, hopanoids have been proposed to serve as
sterol surrogates in bacterial membranes (Kannenberg & Poralla, 1999; Ourisson et al.,
1987). In support of this, several studies have shown that hopanoids localize to the
cytoplasmic and outer membranes of bacteria (Doughty et al., 2009; Jahnke, 1992; Jurgens
et al., 1992; Simonin et al., 1996) and that they play a role in enhancing membrane
impermeability and stability (Berry et al., 1993; Horbach et al., 1991; Poralla et al., 1984;
Poralla et al., 2000; Welander et al., 2009). Consistent with this, sporulenes—hopanoid-like
molecules produced by
Bacillus subtilis
—have been shown to localize to spores, possibly
protecting them from oxidative stress (Bosak et al., 2008). We have found that the lack of
hopanoid production by
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
weakens its outer membrane integrity
and makes it more sensitive to pH (Welander et al., 2009) and temperature stress (Doughty
et al., 2011). Recently, we showed that hopanoid mislocalization in
R. palustris
defects in cell division under certain growth conditions (Doughty et al., 2011). However, all
of these studies have explored the phenotypic landscape for strains defective in the
production of all hopanoids or hopanoid-like molecules. To our knowledge, no studies have
yet been done to determine whether specific hopanoids modifications have particular
biological effects.
R. palustris
is an attractive model organism in which to study hopanoid biology because it
produces diverse triterpenoids, is genetically tractable and does not require hopanoids under
all conditions (Jiao et al., 2005; Welander et al., 2009). It produces three classes of
hopanoids: 1) C
hopanoids, and the related gammacerane-type triterpenoid tetrahymanol,
that do not have a polar head group, 2) extended C
hopanoids that contain the
polyhydroxylated side chain with or without a terminal amino group, and 3) both C
hopanoids, including tetrahymanol, that are methylated at the C-2 position (Fig. 1a).
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Previously, we identified a putative hopanoid biosynthetic gene cluster in the
R. palustris
genome (Welander et al., 2010) (Fig. 1b); four genes within this region are known to be
involved in hopanoid biosynthesis (Kleemann et al., 1994; Welander et al., 2010; Bradley et
al., 2010). The
gene encodes the squalene hopene cyclase. It catalyzes the initial
cyclization of squalene and is required to produce all hopanoids in addition to tetrahymanol
(Fig. 2, reaction 1). The
gene, located approximately seven kilobases upstream of
encodes a B-12 binding radical S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) protein that catalyzes the
methylation of hopanoids at the C-2 position (Fig. 2, reactions 7, 8, 9) (Welander et al.,
2010). Recently, it was shown in
Methylobacterium extorquens
, a putative
nucleoside phosphorylase, and
, a B-12 binding radical SAM protein, are required for
the addition of the hopanoid side chain (Fig. 2, reactions 2 and 3) (Bradley et al., 2010).
To both expand our ability to assess the potential for hopanoid production using culture-
independent methods and to generate new mutants to explore the biological function of
specific hopanoids, we undertook this study. Our results better define the hopanoid
biosynthetic pathway in
R. palustris
TIE-1, and highlight the possibility that modified
hopanoids have distinct biological roles. This work lays a foundation for future
phylogenetic, biochemical and physiological studies that will inform the interpretation of
hopane molecular fossils.
Bacterial strains, media and growth conditions
Bacterial strains used in this study are listed in Table S1.
Escherichia coli
strains were
grown in lysogeny broth (LB) at 37°C.
Rhodopseudomonas palustris
strains were grown
chemoheterotrophically in YPS medium (0.3% yeast extract, 0.3% peptone, 10 mM
succinate, 100 mM MOPS at pH 7.0) at 30°C while shaking at 250 RPM under ambient
light. For growth on solid medium, LB or YPS was solidified with 1.5% agar and
supplemented, if necessary, with gentamicin at 20 μg/ml (
E. coli
) or 800 μg/ml (
, kanamycin at 400 μg/ml (
R. palustris
), or chloramphenicol at 30 μg/ml (
E. coli
For growth curves, a bile salt mixture prepared from fresh ox bile (Himedia, Mumbai, India)
was added to YPS medium before autoclaving to a final concentration of 0.5%. Exponential
growth phase cells were inoculated in triplicate into 5 ml of the appropriate YPS medium
with a 1% inoculum and monitored for growth by following the increase in absorbance at
600 nm over time. Absorbance was measured by transferring a 100 μl aliquot to a 96-well
plate and measuring the optical density on a Synergy 2 Microplate Reader (BioTek,
Winooski, VT).
For cell envelope stress experiments, one colony of each strain was inoculated into 5 ml of
YPS medium and incubated at 30°C for three days. Aliquots of each culture (250 μl) were
transferred into four sterile microfuge tubes and pelleted at 14000 RPM for 1 minute. The
supernatant was removed and cells were resuspended in 250 μl of YPS alone or 250 μl of
YPS supplemented with 2 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 0.5% bile salts, or
2 mM EDTA plus 0.5% bile salts. Cells were incubated at 30°C for four hours in the dark.
Cultures were serially diluted and colony forming units (CFU) were determined using the
drop plate method (Herigstad et al., 2001).
DNA methods, plasmid construction and transformation
All plasmid constructs used in this study are described in Table S2. The sequences of
oligonucleotide primers are listed in Table S3. QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (Qiagen,
Valencia, CA) was used for isolation of plasmid DNA from
E. coli
. Genomic DNA from
strains was isolated using the DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen). All PCR
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products and digested cloning intermediates were gel purified using the Wizard SV Gel and
PCR Clean-Up System (Promega, Madison, WI). DNA sequences of all cloning
intermediates were confirmed by sequencing at the Biopolymers Laboratory in the MIT
Center for Cancer Research or through the GENEWIZ Boston Laboratory.
E. coli
were transformed by electroporation using an Electroporator 2510 (Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Germany) as recommended by the supplier. Plasmids were mobilized from
E. coli
R. palustris
by conjugation on YPS agar plates that were incubated overnight at 30°C
(Parales & Harwood, 1993; Welander et al., 2009).
Construction of
R. palustris
hopanoid biosynthesis deletion mutants
All deletion strains were constructed in
R. palustris
as previously described (Welander et al.,
2009). Briefly, a deletion plasmid construct was made by fusing via PCR one kilobase of the
upstream region with one kilobase of the downstream region of the gene of interest in the
suicide vector pJQ200SK (Quandt & Hynes, 1993). The plasmid was integrated onto the
chromosome through homologous recombination and the resulting merodiploid
was both gentamicin resistant and sucrose sensitive. To remove the plasmid from the
chromosome and generate the deletion mutant, one gentamicin resistant colony was grown
in YPS broth without any antibiotic selection for two days and serial dilutions were plated
on YPS agar supplemented with 10% sucrose. Sucrose resistant colonies were screened by
PCR. Genomic DNA was isolated from putative deletion mutants and verified by PCR as
bona fide deletion mutants (Figure S1).
Disruption of
hpnC, hpnD
, and
was also attempted by insertion of a kanamycin
resistance cassette via the TargeTron Gene Knockout System (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,
MO). This system utilizes an RNA-protein complex re-targeted to the specific gene of
interest to permanently insert a group II intron carrying a kanamycin resistance marker.
Primers designed to re-target the intron were selected on the TargeTron Design Web site and
used to amplify a 350-bp re-targeted intron product for each gene. Each intron was digested
and ligated into the TargeTron vector pACD4K-C according to the
TargeTron User Guide to generate pPVW72 (
), pPVW73 (
), and pPVW74
). Because the parent plasmid (pACD4K-C) did not contain the necessary elements to
be transferred into
R. palustris
via conjugation, the re-targeted intron for each gene together
with the functional components of the TargeTron system were subcloned from pPVW72,
pPVW73, and pPVW74 into pSRK-Gm, which placed the intron under the expression of an
IPTG inducible promoter (Khan et al., 2008). To do so, each TargeTron vector was digested
and the 5.4-kb intron fragment was blunted with T4 DNA
Polymerase (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA). The pSRK-Gm vector was digested with
, blunted, and dephosphorylated with calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase
(New England Biolabs). The intron fragment for each gene was ligated into the digested
pSRK-Gm to produce pPVW75 (
), pPVW76 (
), and pPVW77 (
). Each
plasmid was transferred into
R. palustris
and plated on YPS plates supplemented with
gentamicin. To express the intron, gentamicin resistant colonies were inoculated into YPS
plus gentamicin and grown to stationary phase. Cultures were diluted 1:100 (1 ml final
volume) in YPS plus gentamicin supplemented with 1 mM IPTG to induce expression of the
intron and incubated overnight at 30°C with shaking. Cells were pelleted, resuspended in 0.1
ml, and plated on YPS agar plus kanamycin to select for target site insertion.
Complementation of
deletion mutants
Primers were designed to amplify
hpnG, hpnH
, and
with the addition of an
at the 3’ end and fusing an
site with the start codon at the 5’ end. Each gene was
amplified, digested, and ligated into
cut pSRK-Gm. The resulting plasmids were
mated into the appropriate
R. palustris
mutant. For lipid analysis, mutant strains carrying the
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complementation plasmid were grown at 30°C for 3 days in 100 ml of YPS supplemented
with gentamicin and 1 mM IPTG to induce expression of the complementing gene.
Analysis of hopanoid production
For analysis of hopanoids in each mutant, cells were grown in 100 ml YPS under aerobic
conditions at 30°C to stationary phase (3 days). Cells were harvested by centrifugation at
5000 ×
for 10 minutes at 4°C and stored at −20°C. Lipids were extracted by sonicating the
cells in Teflon centrifuge tubes (VWR, Bridgeport, NJ) for 15 minutes at room temperature
in 10 ml of 10:5:4 (v:v:v) methanol (MeOH): dichloromethane (DCM):water (Bligh & Dyer,
1959). Samples were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 3000 ×
and the supernatant was
transferred to a new tube. Cell pellets were sonicated again in 10 ml of MeOH:DCM:water
(10:5:4, v/v/v), centrifuged, and the supernatant was combined with the first extraction. The
samples were separated into two phases by adding 20 ml 1:1 (v/v) DCM: water, centrifuged
for 10 minutes at 3000 ×
, and the organic phase was transferred to a new vial. To the
remaining aqueous phase, 10 ml of DCM: water (1:1, v/v) was added again, centrifuged, and
the organic phase was combined with the previous extract. The organic solvents were
evaporated under N
and the total lipid extract (TLE) was redissolved in 2 ml DCM. The
TLE was divided into two 1 ml aliquots. One aliquot was separated by chromatography on a
silica gel column. Six fractions were eluted: F1: hexane; F2: hexane: DCM (4:1, v/v); F3:
DCM; F4: DCM: ethyl acetate (EtOAC) (4:1, v/v); F5: EtOAc; F6: MeOH. Separation of
the TLE facilitated the detection of diplopterol in fraction 4. Fractions 4, 5, 6 and the
remaining TLEs were incubated in 100 μl of acetic anhydride: pyridine (1:1, v/v) for 1 hour
at 70°C to derivatize alcohols into acetate esters.
The hydrocarbon fractions (F1 and F2), the acetylated fractions (F4, F5, and F6), and the
acetylated TLEs were analyzed by high temperature gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
(GC-MS) as previously described (Welander et al., 2009). The acetylated TLEs were also
analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The LC-MS system
comprises a 1200 Series HPLC (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with an
autosampler and a binary pump linked to a Q-TOF 6520 mass spectrometer (Agilent
Technologies) via an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) interface (Agilent
Technologies) operated in positive ion mode. The analytical procedure was adapted from
Talbot et al. (Talbot et al., 2001). A Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column (2.1 × 150 mm, 2.7 μm;
Agilent Technologies), set at 30°C, was eluted isocratically first with MeOH/water (95:5,
v:v) for 2 min at a flow rate of 0.15 ml/min, then using a linear gradient up to 20% (v) of
isopropyl alcohol (IPA) over 18 min at a flow rate of 0.19 ml/min, and isocratic for 10 min.
The linear gradient was then set to 30% (v) of IPA at 0.19 ml/min over 10 min, and
maintained for 5 min. The column was subsequently eluted using a linear gradient up to
80% IPA (v) over 1 min at a flow rate of 0.15 ml/min and isocratic for 14 min. Finally the
column was eluted with MeOH/water (95:5, v:v) at 0.15 ml/min for 5 min. The APCI
parameters were as follows: gas temperature 325°C, vaporizer temperature 350°C, drying
gas (N
) flow 6 l/min, nebulizer (N
) flow 30 l/min, capillary voltage 1200 V, corona needle
4 μA, fragmentor 150 V. Data were recorded by scanning from m/z 100 to 1600.
Identification of the hopanoids was done using their exact mass and by comparison of the
retention time and the mass spectra with published data (Talbot et al., 2007; Talbot et al.,
Bioinformatic analysis
Homologs of
R. palustris
HpnH and HpnO were identified in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of
Genes and Genomes (KEGG) by TBLASTN (Altschul et al., 1997) and aligned using
MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004). Maximum likelihood trees were constructed by PhyML (Guindon
& Gascuel, 2003) using the LG+gamma model, six gamma rate categories, ten random
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starting trees, SPR+NNI branch swapping, and substitution parameters estimated from the
data. The HpnO tree was generated and edited by importing the resulting PhyML tree into
(Letunic & Bork, 2007).
Deletion analysis of genes surrounding the
To identify genes that are required for hopanoid biosynthesis, we generated markerless, in-
frame deletions of the genes surrounding the
locus (Fig. 1b). Each resulting mutant was
grown under heterotrophic conditions and harvested at early stationary phase for lipid
extraction. Identification of all
R. palustris
hopanoids and any biosynthetic intermediates
was performed by high temperature GC-MS and/or LC-MS of the acetylated total lipid
extract (TLE). The one exception was the C
alcohol hopanoid diplopterol, which was
converted to a mixture of hopene isomers during the derivatization procedure.. To verify
whether a gene was involved in diplopterol biosynthesis, the TLE from each mutant had to
be separated over a silica gel column as described in the methods section. Analysis of the
separated hydrocarbon and alcohol fractions by GC-MS enabled us to test for the production
of diplopterol. A summary of the GC-MS and LC-MS data for all mutants is shown in the
supplemental material (Table S4).
In total, we attempted to delete seventeen genes, ten of which are downstream of
seven of which are upstream (Fig. 1b), limiting our deletion analysis at Rpal_4270 (
and Rpal_4250 for two reasons. First, these genes are not required for hopanoid biosynthesis
(Table S4). Second, the gene upstream of Rpal_4270 is predicted to encode a chemotaxis
sensory protein, while the gene downstream of Rpal_4250 is predicted to encode a
carbohydrate-selective porin. Based on these annotations and the proposed hopanoid
biosynthesis pathway shown in Figure 2, it seemed unlikely that these genes would be
involved in hopanoid biosynthesis.
As shown in Table 1, fifteen genes were deleted successfully, and three in addition to the
squalene hopene cyclase and the
methylase are relevant for hopanoid production in
. Although eleven of the deleted genes did not appear to affect hopanoid
biosynthesis, we note that our hopanoid analysis did not involve quantifying the hopanoids
produced or their localization in the cell. Therefore, we cannot exclude the possibility that
some of these proteins play a role in hopanoid regulation or transport.
Attempts to delete the three genes located immediately upstream of
were unsuccessful.
Based on their annotation, they are most likely involved in the biosynthesis or modification
of squalene, the biosynthetic precursor to hopanoids. Both
(Rpal_4264) and
(Rpal_4263) are thought to encode putative squalene synthases whereas
is annotated as a squalene associated flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) dependent
desaturase. Several attempts were made to delete each of these genes individually and as
double or triple mutants. We were able to verify that the deletion plasmid recombined into
the chromosome at the correct locus (data not shown). However, when the deletion construct
was excised from the chromosome, only colonies that restored the wild type locus were
viable. A second method to insert a kanamycin resistance cassette in each of these genes via
the TrageTron Gene Knockout System was also attempted. This system relies on site-
specific insertion of a kanamycin cassette to the locus of interest and is thought to be more
efficient than insertion by homologous recombination (Yao & Lambowitz, 2007).
Nonetheless, we were unable to generate insertion mutants at these loci with this alternative
method either.
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are required to produce both bacteriohopanetetrol and
(Rpal_4256) and
(Rpal_4260) genes were recently shown to be required for
the formation of functionalized hopanoids in
Methylobacterium extorquens
(Bradley et al.,
2010) and this role is conserved in
R. palustris.
gene encodes a B-12 binding
radical SAM protein and its deletion results in the exclusive production of the C
diploptene and diplopterol as well as tetrahymanol (Fig. 3). The
gene encodes a
putative nucleoside hydrolase and its deletion results in blocked production of both the
bacteriohopanetetrol and the aminobacteriohopanetriol and the accumulation of an
intermediate, identified by LC-MS as adenosyl hopane (Fig. 4). Complementation of these
strains was accomplished by placing a copy of the respective gene on a self-replicating
plasmid under the control of an IPTG inducible promoter (Khan et al., 2008). As can be seen
in Figures 3 and 4, this restored production of aminobacteriohopanetriol and
bacteriohopanetetrol in each deletion mutant.
is required to produce C
hopanoids, this gene has the potential to identify
bacteria that can make functionalized hopanoids. We used a bioinformatic approach to
ascertain what percentage of hopanoid producing bacterial genomes (those with a copy of
the squalene hopene cyclase,
) also contains a copy of
. Of the 1077 completed
bacterial genomes in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) available at
the time of this study, 119 harbor at least one copy of the squalene hopene cyclase. BLAST
analysis of these
-containing genomes with the
R. palustris
HpnH protein as a query
resulted in 117 hits, indicating that a majority of hopanoid producers are capable of adding
the polar head group to the hopene backbone. The only two bacteria that do not have an
HpnH homolog in their genomes are the
Rhizobium sp.
NGR234 and the
Chloroflexus bacterium
Sphaerobacter thermophilus
. These strains have yet to be tested for
hopanoid production but the presence of
and lack of
suggests they may only
produce C
hopanoids such as diplopterol and diploptene. Because the majority of bacterial
genomes that harbor a copy of
also contain
, this indicates that most hopanoid-
producing bacteria can produce C
Biosynthesis of aminobacteriohopanetriol
The enzymatic steps leading to the production of bacteriohopanetetrol and
aminobacteriohopanetriol after the removal of adenosine from adenosyl hopane by HpnG
are currently unknown. It has been proposed that aminobacteriohopanetriol could be
generated by the reductive amination of formyl hopane (Rohmer, 1993) in a reaction similar
to the aminotransfer reactions seen in the biosynthesis of many amino acids (Cunin et al.,
1986; Ledwidge & Blanchard, 1999). The
gene (Rpal_4253) is located adjacent to a
recently identified hopanoid transporter (Doughty et al., 2011) within the hopanoid
biosynthetic gene cluster and is annotated as a putative ornithine: oxo-acid aminotransferase.
Deletion of the
gene resulted in the loss of production of aminobacteriohopanetriol but
not bacteriohopanetetrol (Fig. 5). Aminobacteriohopanetriol biosynthesis was restored when
a copy of
was re-introduced (Fig. 5). We did not detect the accumulation of the
putative intermediates formyl or ribosyl hopane in the extracts of the
has the enzyme(s) required to produce bacteriohopanetetrol and because we
propose that formyl hopane is the branching point between the biosynthesis of these two
hopanoids, we presume that all formyl hopane is converted to bacteriohopanetetrol in the
strain. Alternatively, the lack of formyl hopane accumulation could indicate that
HpnO transfers the amino group to bacteriohopanetetrol rather than formyl hopane.
However, this seems unlikely given that some bacteria, such as
M. capsulatus
, contain
in their genome and are known to produce aminohopanoids but do not accumulate
bacteriohopanetetrol (Cvejic et al., 2000; Talbot et al., 2003a; Zundel & Rohmer, 1985).
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Furthermore, HpnO bears homology to the
-acetylornithine aminotransferase ArgD, a
protein involved in arginine biosynthesis (Cunin et al., 1986). Biochemical analysis of ArgD
has demonstrated that it acts on an aldehyde rather than a hydroxyl group supporting the
idea that the formyl hopane is more likely the correct substrate (Ledwidge & Blanchard,
1999). Although we did not detect any formyl or ribosyl hopane in
, we did detect the
presence of the lactone ribonyl hopane in this mutant, which could result from the oxidation
of the ribosyl hopane intermediate during lipid extraction (Seemann et al., 1999).
In addition to
R. palustris
, many bacteria including
Bradyrhizobium, Streptomyces
, and
species produce aminobacteriohopanepolyols (aminoBHPs), hopanoids with
a C
side chain containing a terminal amino group (Bravo et al., 2001; Cvejic et al., 2000;
Poralla et al., 2000). To predict whether other bacteria have the ability to produce these
hopanoids, we queried the
R. palustris
HpnO sequence against the KEGG database of
completed bacterial genomes using BLAST. Because HpnO is homologous to ArgD,
putative HpnO sequences cannot be differentiated from ArgD sequences based on their e-
values alone. To identify true HpnO homologs, we constructed a maximum likelihood
phylogenetic tree of the 88 HpnO homologs with the lowest e-values (cut off e
). A
distinct clade of 28 bacteria is evident on the tree, the members of which all contain a copy
of the
gene and several of which have been shown to produce amino hopanoids (Fig. 6).
Moreover, all putative HpnO homologs that lie outside of this clade occur in organisms that
do not produce hopanoids (
) or that do not have a copy of the
gene, indicating
that true HpnO homologs cluster within this specific branch of the tree. Bioinformatic
analysis of HpnO also identified several species containing an HpnO homolog that have not
yet been tested for aminoBHP production, including the acidophilic methanotrophic
Methyloacidophilum infernorum
and the obligate anaerobe
Hopanoids play a role in maintaining outer and cytoplasmic membrane integrity
One of our primary motivations for identifying specific hopanoid biosynthesis genes is to
gain insight into the biological function(s) of different hopanoids by way of mutant analysis.
Our previous studies of the
R. palustris
mutant demonstrated that a lack of all
hopanoids prevented growth in the presence of bile salts (Welander et al., 2009). Most
Gram-negative bacteria are resistant to bile salts because these molecules are incapable of
crossing their asymmetric outer membrane. However, damage to the outer membrane often
results in increased outer membrane permeability. Under these conditions, bile salts are able
to enter the periplasm and penetrate the cytoplasmic membrane, resulting in cell death (Ruiz
et al., 2006). Sensitivity to bile salts by Gram negative bacteria is thus interpreted as an
indicator of a damaged and permeable outer membrane (Ruiz et al., 2006). To gauge
whether specific hopanoids account for the general membrane sensitivity phenotype we had
observed for the
mutant, we tested the following mutants for bile salt sensitivity: 1)
which only produces the C
hopanoids diploptene and diplopterol, and
tetrahymanol; 2)
which does not produce the aminobacteriohopanetriol; 3)
which does not produce any C-2 methylated hopanoids; and 4)
, which does not
produce any hopanoids.
Figure 7a shows that the mutants grow similarly to the wild type in the absence of bile salts.
In the presence of 0.5% bile salts, the resistance level of the mutants groups into three
categories (Fig. 7b). The first group is completely sensitive to bile salts;
, which lacks
all hopanoids, is the only strain in this group. The second group contains mutants that are
completely resistant to bile salts; this group includes
which does not produce any
C-2 methylated hopanoids as well as
which lacks the aminobacteriohopanetriol.
The ability of these strains to grow in the presence of bile salts suggests that, under these
conditions, neither methylation at the C-2 position nor the addition of the amino group to the
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polar head significantly enhances outer membrane integrity. The third and final group is
partially resistant to bile salts but grows slower than the wild type; the
which does not produce C
hopanoids, displays this phenotype indicating that C
hopanoids are needed to fully confer outer membrane integrity.
The bile salt sensitivity of the
mutant indicate that hopanoids play a protective role in
the outer membrane. However,
does not contain any hopanoids in the cytoplasmic
membrane either. Given that bile salts act by disrupting the cytoplasmic membrane after
bypassing the outer membrane (Begley et al., 2005; Merritt & Donaldson, 2009), hopanoids
might also play a protective role in the cytoplasmic membrane. To test this, we measured the
survival of different strains in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and
0.5% bile salts. EDTA is a chelator that destabilizes the outer membrane of Gram-negative
bacteria, rendering it more porous to detergents and other molecules (Leive, 1965; Nikaido,
2003). Therefore, EDTA exposure results in outer membrane permeability that permits the
passage of bile salts into the periplasm, making the cytoplasmic membrane susceptible to
bile salt damage (Fig. 8a). If hopanoids were to play a protective role in the cytoplasmic
membrane, we would expect the wild type strain to withstand exposure to bile salts upon
treatment with EDTA and
to be susceptible.
Each strain was grown to late exponential phase and resuspended in YPS alone (control) or
YPS supplemented with 0.5% bile salts only, 2 mM EDTA only or 0.5% bile salts and 2
mM EDTA together. As shown in Figure 8b, the survival of the wild type strain under all
stress conditions was similar to the negative control, indicating that neither EDTA nor bile
salts alone inhibits the survival of
R. palustris
. Further, the weakening of the outer
membrane by the addition of EDTA does not make the wild type more susceptible to bile
salts. In contrast, the survival of
dropped ~2 orders of magnitude when treated with
bile salts alone. Survival decreased further when the cells were treated with both EDTA and
bile salts, suggesting that EDTA treatment increases the influx of bile salts into
resulting in damage to the cytoplasmic membrane. The other hopanoid mutants tested
behaved similarly to the wild type (Fig. 8b). The most resistant mutants were
, suggesting that neither aminobacteriohopanetriol nor 2-methylhopanoids are
required for outer- or cytoplasmic membrane protection. To further test whether hopanoids
play a protective role in the cytoplasmic membrane, we measured the bile salt sensitivity and
cell envelope stress response of the
R. palustris
encodes an RND-like
transporter that helps localize hopanoids to the outer membrane (Doughty et al., 2011).
Although this mutant still produces an equivalent amount of hopanoids compared to the wild
type, they are restricted to the cytoplasmic and inner-cytoplasmic membranes. Given that the
lack of hopanoids appears to increase outer membrane permeability, bile salts should be able
to enter the periplasm of
If hopanoids help protect the cytoplasmic membrane, we
would expect
to resist bile salts even though hopanoids are not in its outer
membrane. As seen in Figure 7b, this is the case.
showed a slight decrease in
survival when exposed to bile salts alone (Fig. 8b). However, unlike
, treatment with
both EDTA and bile salts did not decrease the survival of
(Fig. 8b). Together, these
results suggest that hopanoids help protect both the outer- and cytoplasmic membranes.
A nuanced interpretation of hopanes in the environment is limited by inadequate information
regarding hopanoid distribution and function in modern organisms. To help achieve this, we
are undertaking a variety of studies in the genetically tractable bacterium
R. palustris
Here we have identified genes required for hopanoid biosynthesis and characterized the
phenotypes of specific hopanoid-deficient strains.
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Our deletion analysis of a putative hopanoid biosynthetic cluster in
R. palustris
revealed that
only five of the genes in this region are required for hopanoid biosynthesis. However, more
genes may be necessary for production of its different hopanoids. We were unable to
identify genes that are required solely (
diagnostic) for the production of diplopterol,
tetrahymanol, or bacteriohopanetetrol. Both diplopterol and tetrahymanol have been
proposed to be produced directly by the squalene hopene cyclase (Hoshino & Sato, 2002;
Kannenberg & Poralla, 1999). In agreement with this hypothesis, heterologous expression of
various squalene hopene cyclases in
E. coli
has been found to result in the production of
both diploptene and diplopterol (Kleemann et al., 1994; Perzl et al., 1997; Tippelt et al.,
1998; Reipen et al., 1995). Furthermore, one in vitro study has shown the production of
tetrahymanol from certain squalene analogs in cell free extracts of
E. coli
squalene hopene cyclase from
Alicylcobacillus acidocaldarius
(Hoshino & Kondo, 1999).
Therefore, it is possible that no additional proteins are required for diplopterol or
tetrahymanol biosynthesis. .
However, it seems that at least one more protein is required for the formation of
bacteriohopanetetrol. The enzymatic steps leading to the production of bacteriohopanetetrol
after the removal of adenosine from adenosyl hopane by HpnG are currently unknown.
Previous studies have identified a lactone hopanoid, ribonyl hopane, in the
Nitrosomonas europaea
as an intermediate in the biosynthesis of C
hopanoids (Seemann et al., 1999). The presence of ribonyl hopane in some of the
mutant extracts (Fig. 5) led us to initially propose that the biosynthesis of the C
hopanoids would require an oxidation of the ribosyl hopane produced by HpnG to form
ribonyl hopane. The lactone ring of this hopanoid could then be opened via a lactone
hydrolase in a reaction similar to the hydrolysis of the quorum sensing molecule
acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) by the acylhomoserine lactonase (Wang et al., 2010). A
potential candidate to catalyze the lactone hydrolysis was an alpha/beta hydrolase
(Rpal_4252) located within the putative hopanoid biosynthesis gene cluster shown in Figure
1. However, deletion of this gene did not impair bacteriohopanetetrol biosynthesis.
This result, along with the fact that many simple sugars such as ribose and glucose exist in
aqueous solution as an equilibrium mixture of open-chain aldehydes and cyclic alcohols
(McMurry & Begley, 2005), raised the possibility that an enzyme might not be required to
open the lactone ring. This mechanism has been proposed previously in the literature
(Rohmer, 1993) and it seems reasonable to suppose that the ribosyl hopane generated by
HpnG is in equilibrium with formyl hopane, an open chain aldehyde hopanoid, as shown in
reaction 4 of Figure 2. If formyl hopane is an intermediate in the biosynthesis of
bacteriohopanetetrol, then only a reduction of the terminal aldehyde group would be
required to form the bacteriohopanetetrol (Fig. 2, reaction 5). Initially we hypothesized that
a putative glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase (Rpal_4251) located downstream of
might catalyze this conversion. However, deletion of this gene did not block
bacteriohopanetetrol biosynthesis implying that its specific biosynthesis gene is located
elsewhere on the chromosome and/or there is functional redundancy between genes in this
region and others elsewhere on the chromosome.
Our inability to delete
hpnC, hpnD
, and
, three genes located immediately upstream of
, prevented us from assigning them a role in hopanoid biosynthesis. However, their
annotation suggests they are involved in the biosynthesis or modification of squalene or
phytoene (Table 1), the biosynthetic precursors of hopanoids and carotenoids, respectively
(Maresca et al., 2008). A previous study demonstrated that heterologous expression of the
HpnC protein from
Zymomonas mobilis
Bradyrhizobium japonicum
resulted in
squalene production (Perzl et al., 1998). In this study, it was proposed that HpnD may be
involved in the formation of dehydrosqualene, a precursor to carotenoid biosynthesis, while
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no conclusions could be drawn about the functional role of HpnE (if any) in hopanoid or
carotenoid biosynthesis. Our inability to delete these genes in
R. palustris
suggests that
squalene and/or carotenoids may be required for its growth. A few studies have proposed a
role for squalene in maintaining the impermeability of membranes to protons and sodium
ions as well as possibly playing a role in alleviating pH stress (Aono & Ohtani, 1990;
Haines, 2001; Hauss et al., 2002). Furthermore, C
triterpenoids such as squalene were
recently shown to have a potential role in the assembly of putative lipid rafts in bacterial
membranes (Lopez & Kolter, 2010). However, whether these compounds play similar roles
R. palustris
remains to be determined.
Of the gene products that were identified as being involved in hopanoid biosynthesis in
TIE-1, HpnH and HpnG are necessary to produce both bacteriohopanetetrol and
aminobacteriohopanetriol, whereas HpnO is uniquely required to produce
aminobacteriohopanetriol. Thus, the
gene can be used to predict which organisms are
capable of making aminobacteriohopanepolyols (aminoBHPs), assuming HpnO exclusively
catalyzes the amino transfer step in all organisms. Our analysis of HpnO phylogenetic
distribution indicates that aminoBHP production is found in a variety of bacterial species.
AminoBHPs are thus unlikely to be useful biomarkers for a specific species or metabolism.
Interestingly, bacteria that contain HpnO are known to produce different aminoBHPs. For
R. palustris
produces aminobacteriohopanetriol, which contains three hydroxyl
groups in addition to the amine group on its side chain.
Methylococcus capsulatus
does not
produce aminobacteriohopanetriol but does make aminobacteriohopanetetrol and -pentol,
which contain four and five hydroxyl groups respectively (Cvejic et al., 2000). Both of these
species contain HpnO, suggesting that the addition of the hydroxyl groups follows the amino
transfer. Therefore, while HpnO may enable us to predict which organisms can produce
aminoBHPs, it does not allow us to distinguish between those that have three, four, or five
hydroxyl groups. Because certain polyhydroxylated aminoBHPs are often used as
biomarkers for methane oxidizing bacteria in modern environments (Cooke et al., 2008), it
is important to not only identify a genetic marker that can distinguish between the potential
to produce these different polyhydroxylated aminoBHPs but also to investigate the function
of these different amino hopanoids.
Finally, our preliminary physiological studies suggest different hopanoids have distinct
cellular roles. The extreme bile salt sensitivity of the
mutant reveals that some
hopanoids play an important role in enhancing membrane integrity. However, the resistance
of the
mutants to bile salts implies that aminobacteriohopanetriol and
those hopanoids methylated at the C-2 position do not contribute significantly to this
function. The
mutant, which only produces C
hopanoids, grows more poorly than
the wild type in the presence of bile salts but better than
, suggesting that C
and C
hopanoids may both contribute to outer membrane integrity. While we were unable to test
whether bacteriohopanetetrol enhances outer membrane integrity for lack of a specific
bacteriohopanetetrol mutant, we cannot rule this out. Indeed, given the abundance of
bacteriohopanetetrol in the outer membrane of
R. palustris
(Doughty et al., 2011) and
in vitro
studies demonstrating bacteriohopanetetrol promotes membrane
condensation (Ourisson & Rohmer, 1992), it would be surprising if this C
hopanoid did
not play a role. Finally, our results suggest that hopanoids may provide a protective effect in
the cytoplasmic membrane but biophysical studies with model membranes are needed to
confirm these preliminary phenotypic interpretations.
Now that we have defined the majority of the genes in the hopanoid biosynthetic pathway in
R. palustris
, and have begun to test different hopanoid biosynthesis mutants with respect to
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membrane permeability and other phenotypic attributes (Doughty et al., 2011), the way is
open to identify novel and specific functions that must exist for methylated as well as the
more complex functionalized hopanoids. It is our expectation that a deeper understanding of
hopanoid biosynthesis and function will provide a better basis for interpreting the meaning
of these geologically important molecules. For example, rather than evaluating the presence
of a single biosynthetic gene in organisms and environmental samples, we can now test for
the presence of multiple genes to more precisely identify those taxa that are the most
significant contributors to geohopane production. The gene HpnH is a case in point:
adenosyl hopane is widely proposed as a soil-specific hopanoid marker and tracer for
continental organic matter in marine sediments (Cooke et al., 2008; Handley et al., 2010);
this suggests that the bacterial sources of this compound possess HpnH and, therefore, the
ability to convert diploptene to adenosyl hopane. Whether they would be expected to also
possess genes that catalyze downstream steps in extended BHP biosynthesis is less clear, but
patterns of hopanoid gene expression by soil bacteria may help resolve the specific source(s)
of this extended BHP. Knowledge of hopanoid-specific biosynthetic genes will also permit
searches for the presence of analogous genes in other hopanoid-producing bacteria and,
through analysis of sequence similarities, allow us to develop an improved understanding of
their distributions across the bacterial domain with a view to elucidating their evolutionary
histories. Beyond using genes to infer ecological and evolutionary relationships, future
studies of mutant strains coupled to biochemical and biophysical studies of purified
hopanoids will provide insight into their biological functions, and thus, equip us to better
interpret what their molecular fossils are telling us about the history of life.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was supported by grants from the National Aeronautics 1 and Space Administration (NASA) Exobiology
Program (DKN and RES), the NASA Astrobiology Institute (RES), the National Science Foundation Postdoctoral
Minority Fellowship (PVW) and the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental Chemistry Fellowship (CHW).
DKN is an Investigator of The Howard Hughes Medical Institute. We thank Turner Bohlen and Nathan Nocera for
help in constructing the plasmids necessary to delete
. We also thank Prof. Tanja Bosak for
providing lab space and equipment and Prof. Stephen K. Farrand for pSRK-Gm.
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