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Published June 15, 2009 | Published
Journal Article Open

Search for gravitational waves from low mass binary coalescences in the first year of LIGO's S5 data

Abbott, B. P.
Abbott, R.
Adhikari, Rana X. ORCID icon
Ajith, P. ORCID icon
Allen, B.
Allen, G.
Amin, R. S.
Anderson, S. B. ORCID icon
Anderson, W. G.
Arain, M. A.
Araya, M. C. ORCID icon
Armandula, H.
Armor, P.
Aso, Y.
Aston, S.
Aufmuth, P.
Aulbert, C.
Babak, S.
Baker, P.
Ballmer, S.
Barker, C.
Barker, D.
Barr, B.
Barriga, P.
Barsotti, L.
Barton, M. A.
Bartos, I. ORCID icon
Bassiri, R.
Bastarrika, M.
Behnke, B.
Benacquista, M.
Betzwieser, J.
Beyersdorf, P. T.
Bilenko, I. A.
Billingsley, G. ORCID icon
Biswas, R. ORCID icon
Black, E.
Blackburn, J. K. ORCID icon
Blackburn, L.
Blair, D.
Bland, B.
Bodiya, T. P.
Bogue, L.
Bork, R.
Boschi, V.
Bose, S. ORCID icon
Brady, P. R. ORCID icon
Braginsky, V. B.
Brau, J. E.
Bridges, D. O.
Brinkmann, M.
Brooks, A. F. ORCID icon
Brown, D. A. ORCID icon
Brummit, A.
Brunet, G.
Bullington, A.
Buonanno, A.
Burmeister, O.
Byer, R. L. ORCID icon
Cadonati, L.
Camp, J. B.
Cannizzo, J.
Cannon, K. C. ORCID icon
Cao, J.
Capano, C. D.
Cardenas, L.
Caride, S.
Castaldi, G.
Caudill, S. ORCID icon
Cavaglià, M.
Cepeda, C.
Chalermsongsak, T.
Chalkley, E.
Charlton, P.
Chatterji, S.
Chelkowski, S.
Chen, Y. ORCID icon
Christensen, N.
Chung, C. T. Y
Clark, D.
Clark, J.
Clayton, J. H.
Cokelaer, T.
Colacino, C. N.
Conte, R.
Cook, D.
Corbitt, T. R. C.
Cornish, N.
Coward, D.
Coyne, D. C. ORCID icon
Creighton, J. D. E. ORCID icon
Creighton, T. D.
Cruise, A. M.
Culter, R. M.
Cumming, A.
Cunningham, L.
Danilishin, S. L.
Danzmann, K.
Daudert, B.
Davies, G.
Daw, E. J.
DeBra, D.
Degallaix, J.
Dergachev, V.
Desai, S.
DeSalvo, R.
Dhurandhar, S.
Díaz, M.
Dietz, A.
Donovan, F.
Dooley, K. L.
Doomes, E. E.
Drever, R. W. P.
Dueck, J.
Duke, I.
Dumas, J. C.
Dwyer, J. G.
Echols, C.
Edgar, M.
Effler, A.
Ehrens, P.
Ely, G.
Espinoza, E.
Etzel, T.
Evans, M. ORCID icon
Evans, T. ORCID icon
Fairhurst, S.
Faltas, Y.
Fan, Y.
Fazi, D.
Fehrmann, H.
Finn, L. S.
Flasch, K.
Foley, S.
Forrest, C.
Fotopoulos, N.
Franzen, A.
Frede, M.
Frei, M.
Frei, Z.
Freise, A. ORCID icon
Frey, R.
Fricke, T.
Fritschel, P.
Frolov, V. V.
Fyffe, M.
Galdi, V.
Garofoli, J. A.
Gholami, I.
Giaime, J. A.
Giampanis, S.
Giardina, K. D.
Goda, K.
Goetz, E.
Goggin, L. M.
González, G.
Gorodetsky, M. L.
Goßler, S.
Gouaty, R.
Grant, A.
Gras, S.
Gray, C.
Gray, M.
Greenhalgh, R. J. S.
Gretarsson, A. M.
Grimaldi, F.
Grosso, R.
Grote, H.
Grunewald, S.
Guenther, M.
Gustafson, E. K.
Gustafson, R.
Hage, B.
Hallam, J. M.
Hammer, D.
Hammond, G. D.
Hanna, C.
Hanson, J.
Harms, J. ORCID icon
Harry, G. M.
Harry, I. W.
Harstad, E. D.
Haughian, K.
Hayama, K.
Heefner, J.
Heng, I. S.
Heptonstall, A.
Hewitson, M.
Hild, S.
Hirose, E.
Hoak, D.
Hodge, K. A.
Holt, K.
Hosken, D. J.
Hough, J.
Hoyland, D.
Hughey, B.
Huttner, S. H.
Ingram, D. R.
Isogai, T.
Ito, M.
Ivanov, A.
Johnson, B.
Johnson, W. W.
Jones, D. I.
Jones, G.
Jones, R.
Ju, L.
Kalmus, P.
Kalogera, V. ORCID icon
Kandhasamy, S.
Kanner, J. B. ORCID icon
Kasprzyk, D.
Katsavounidis, E.
Kawabe, K.
Kawamura, S.
Kawazoe, F.
Kells, W.
Keppel, D. G.
Khalaidovski, A.
Khalili, F. Y.
Khan, R.
Khazanov, E.
King, P.
Kissel, J. S. ORCID icon
Klimenko, S.
Kokeyama, K.
Kondrashov, V.
Kopparapu, R.
Koranda, S.
Kozak, D. ORCID icon
Krishnan, B.
Kumar, R.
Kwee, P.
Laljani, V.
Lam, P. K.
Landry, M.
Lantz, B.
Lazzarini, A. ORCID icon
Lei, H.
Lei, M.
Leindecker, N.
Leonor, I.
Li, C.
Lin, H.
Lindquist, P. E.
Littenberg, T. B.
Lockerbie, N. A.
Lodhia, D.
Longo, M.
Lormand, M.
Lu, P.
Lubinski, M.
Lucianetti, A.
Lück, H.
Lundgren, A.
Machenschalk, B.
MacInnis, M.
Mageswaran, M.
Mailand, K.
Mandel, I. ORCID icon
Mandic, V.
Márka, S.
Márka, Z.
Markosyan, A.
Markowitz, J.
Maros, E.
Martin, I. W.
Martin, R. M.
Marx, J. N.
Mason, K.
Matichard, F.
Matone, L.
Matzner, R. A.
Mavalvala, N.
McCarthy, R.
McClelland, D. E.
McGuire, S. C.
McHugh, M.
McIntyre, G.
McKechan, D. J. A.
McKenzie, K.
Mehmet, M.
Melatos, A.
Melissinos, A. C.
Menéndez, D. F.
Mendell, G.
Mercer, R. A.
Meshkov, S.
Messenger, C.
Meyer, M. S.
Miller, J.
Minelli, J.
Mino, Y.
Mitrofanov, V. P.
Mitselmakher, G.
Mittleman, R.
Miyakawa, O.
Moe, B.
Mohanty, S. D.
Mohapatra, S. R. P.
Moreno, G.
Morioka, T.
Mors, K.
Mossavi, K.
MowLowry, C.
Mueller, G. ORCID icon
Müller-Ebhardt, H.
Muhammad, D.
Mukherjee, S.
Mukhopadhyay, H.
Mullavey, A.
Munch, J.
Murray, P. G.
Myers, E.
Myers, J.
Nash, T.
Nelson, J.
Newton, G.
Nishizawa, A. ORCID icon
Numata, K.
O'Dell, J.
O'Reilly, B.
O'Shaughnessy, R. ORCID icon
Ochsner, E.
Ogin, G. H.
Ottaway, D. J. ORCID icon
Ottens, R. S.
Overmier, H.
Owen, B. J.
Pan, Y.
Pankow, C. ORCID icon
Papa, M. A.
Parameshwaraiah, V.
Patel, P.
Pedraza, M.
Penn, S.
Perraca, A.
Pierro, V.
Pinto, I. M.
Pitkin, M.
Pletsch, H. J.
Plissi, M. V.
Postiglione, F.
Principe, M.
Prix, R.
Prokhorov, L. ORCID icon
Punken, O.
Quetschke, V. ORCID icon
Raab, F. J.
Rabeling, D. S.
Radkins, H.
Raffai, P.
Raics, Z.
Rainer, N.
Rakhmanov, M.
Raymond, V.
Reed, C. M. ORCID icon
Reed, T.
Rehbein, H.
Reid, S.
Reitze, D. H.
Riesen, R.
Riles, K.
Rivera, B.
Roberts, P.
Robertson, N. A.
Robinson, C.
Robinson, E. L.
Roddy, S.
Röver, C.
Rollins, J.
Romano, J. D.
Romie, J. H.
Rowan, S.
Rüdiger, A.
Russell, P.
Ryan, K.
Sakata, S.
Sancho-de-la-Jordana, L.
Sandberg, V.
Sannibale, V.
Santamaría, L.
Saraf, S.
Sarin, P.
Sathyaprakash, B. S.
Sato, S.
Satterthwaite, M.
Saulson, P. R.
Savage, R. L.
Savov, P.
Scanlan, M.
Schilling, R.
Schnabel, R. ORCID icon
Schofield, R.
Schulz, B.
Schutz, B. F.
Schwinberg, P.
Scott, J.
Scott, S. M.
Searle, A. C.
Sears, B.
Seifert, F.
Sellers, D.
Sengupta, A. S.
Sergeev, A.
Shapiro, B.
Shawhan, P.
Shoemaker, D. H.
Sibley, A.
Siemens, X.
Sigg, D.
Sinha, S.
Sintes, A. M.
Slagmolen, B. J. J. ORCID icon
Slutsky, J.
Smith, J. R.
Smith, M. R.
Smith, N. D.
Somiya, K.
Sorazu, B.
Stein, A.
Stein, L. C. ORCID icon
Steplewski, S.
Stochino, A.
Stone, R.
Strain, K. A.
Strigin, S.
Stroeer, A.
Stuver, A. L.
Summerscales, T. Z.
Sun, K. -X.
Sung, M.
Sutton, P. J.
Szokoly, G. P.
Talukder, D.
Tang, L.
Tanner, D. B. ORCID icon
Tarabrin, S. P.
Taylor, J. R.
Taylor, R.
Thacker, J.
Thorne, K. A.
Thorne, K. S.
Thüring, A.
Tokmakov, K. V.
Torres, C.
Torrie, C.
Traylor, G.
Trias, M.
Ugolini, D.
Ulmen, J.
Urbanek, K.
Vahlbruch, H.
Vallisneri, M. ORCID icon
Van-Den-Broeck, C.
van-der-Sluys, M. V.
van-Veggel, A. A.
Vass, S.
Vaulin, R.
Vecchio, A. ORCID icon
Veitch, J.
Veitch, P.
Veltkamp, C.
Villar, A.
Vorvick, C.
Vyachanin, S. P.
Waldman, S. J.
Wallace, L.
Ward, R. L.
Weidner, A.
Weinert, M.
Weiss, R.
Wen, L.
Wen, S.
Wette, K.
Whelan, J. T.
Whitcomb, S. E.
Whiting, B. F. ORCID icon
Wilkinson, C.
Willems, P. A.
Williams, H. R.
Williams, L.
Willke, B.
Wilmut, I.
Winkelmann, L.
Winkler, W.
Wipf, C. C.
Wiseman, A. G.
Woan, G.
Wooley, R.
Worden, J. ORCID icon
Wu, W.
Yakushin, I.
Yamamoto, H.
Yan, Z.
Yoshida, S.
Zanolin, M.
Zhang, J.
Zhang, L. ORCID icon
Zhao, C. ORCID icon
Zotov, N.
Zucker, M. E. ORCID icon
zur-Mühlen, H.
Zweizig, J. ORCID icon
Weinstein, Alan J. ORCID icon
LIGO Scientific Collaboration


We have searched for gravitational waves from coalescing low mass compact binary systems with a total mass between 2M_([sun]) and 35Mz-([sun]) and a minimum component mass of 1M_([sun]) using data from the first year of the fifth science run of the three LIGO detectors, operating at design sensitivity. Depending on the mass, we are sensitive to coalescences as far as 150 Mpc from the Earth. No gravitational-wave signals were observed above the expected background. Assuming a population of compact binary objects with a Gaussian mass distribution representing binary neutron star systems, black hole–neutron star binary systems, and binary black hole systems, we calculate the 90% confidence upper limit on the rate of coalescences to be 3.9×10^(-2) yr^(-1)L_(10)^(-1), 1.1×10^(-2) yr^(-1)L_(10)^(-1), and 2.5×10^(-3)yr^(-1)L_(10)^(-1), respectively, where L_(10) is 10^(10) times the blue solar luminosity. We also set improved upper limits on the rate of compact binary coalescences per unit blue-light luminosity, as a function of mass.

Additional Information

©2009 The American Physical Society. Received 11 February 2009; published 5 June 2009. The authors thank Marie Anne Bizouard for her time and help in reviewing the accuracy of this research. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the U.S. National Science Foundation for the construction and operation of the LIGO Laboratory, and the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom, the Max- Planck-Society, and the State of Niedersachsen/Germany for support of the construction and operation of the GEO600 detector. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the research by these agencies and by the Australian Research Council, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India, the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare of Italy, the Spanish Ministerio de Educaciόn y Ciencia, the Conselleria d'Economia, Hisenda i Innovaciό of the Govern de les Illes Balears, the Royal Society, the Scottish Funding Council, the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Carnegie Trust, the Leverhulme Trust, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Research Corporation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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