Changes
in
the
Frequency
of
Observed
Temperature
Extremes
Largely
Driven
by
a
Distribution
Shift
Ronak
N.
Patel
,
David
B.
Bonan
,
and
Tapio
Schneider
Environmental
Science
and
Engineering,
California
Institute
of
Technology,
Pasadena,
Abstract
Extreme
heat
poses
significant
threats
to
human
life
and
ecosystems.
Quantifying
the
effects
of
anthropogenic
climate
change
on
extreme
heat
has
remained
challenging,
in
part
due
to
the
short
observational
record.
Here,
we
isolate
the
most
slowly
varying
component
of
the
frequency
at
which
the
historical
90th
and
99th
percentiles
were
exceeded
in
observational
records
from
to
by
using
a
statistical
method
called
low‐frequency
component
analysis.
The
emerging
spatiotemporal
signal
in
the
changing
frequency
of
temperature
extremes
can
be
attributed
to
a
shift
of
the
temperature
distribution
by
local
warming
of
the
annual‐
mean
daily
maximum
temperature.
The
shift
explains
over
80%
of
the
interannual
variability
in
the
frequency
at
which
the
historical
90th
percentile
is
exceeded
in
the
tropics
and
up
to
50%
in
higher
latitudes.
This
work
connects
variability
in
the
frequency
of
extreme
surface
temperatures
to
variability
in
mean
local
warming.
Plain
Language
Summary
Over
the
past
few
decades,
regions
across
the
globe
have
experienced
substantial
increases
in
surface
temperature
extremes,
posing
significant
threats
to
human
life,
as
well
as
critical
agriculture
and
energy
sectors.
Due
to
the
relatively
short
observational
record,
it
has
been
difficult
to
disentangle
the
relative
roles
of
natural
variability
and
anthropogenic
forcing
in
driving
changes
to
temperature
extremes.
Here,
we
introduce
a
simple
framework
for
understanding
the
increasing
frequency
of
surface
temperature
extremes
by
employing
a
statistical
method
to
isolate
the
most
slowly
changing,
and
hence
most
likely
anthropogenic,
component
of
surface
temperature
extremes.
We
find
that
the
emerging
signal
in
the
changing
frequency
of
temperature
extremes
is
largely
driven
by
a
shift
in
the
temperature
distribution
by
mean
local
warming.
The
shift
explains
over
80%
of
the
observed
variability
in
exceeding
the
90th
percentile
in
the
tropics
and
up
to
50%
in
higher
latitudes.
It
also
explains
why
changes
in
the
frequency
of
extremes
appear
to
be
more
rapid
than
changes
closer
to
the
center
of
the
temperature
distribution.
This
work
offers
guidance
for
climate
risk
assessment
and
adaptation
strategies
by
connecting
variability
in
the
frequency
of
extreme
temperatures
to
variability
in
mean
warming
at
a
given
location.
1.
Introduction
Increasingly
frequent
extreme
heat
events
pose
significant
threats
to
human
health,
agriculture,
and
energy
systems
worldwide
(Intergovernmental
Panel
on
Climate
Change
).
Distinguishing
between
the
effects
of
anthropogenic
climate
change
and
natural
(or
internal)
variability
on
extreme
heat
is
crucial
for
effective
adaptation
strategies
(Diffenbaugh
&
Field,
).
Such
differentiation
has
been
challenging
due
to
the
relatively
short
observational
record
and
regional
climate
variability,
which
exerts
a
strong
control
on
local
changes
in
extremes
(Fischer
&
Knutti,
).
Improving
our
understanding
of
the
mechanisms
driving
changes
in
tem-
perature
extremes
is
essential
for
advancing
climate
resilience
and
informing
decisions
aimed
at
adapting
to
the
impacts
of
extreme
heat
events
in
a
warming
climate.
Over
the
past
decade,
a
series
of
studies
have
shown
that
changes
in
extreme
surface
temperatures
over
land
can
be
related
to
a
shift
in
the
temperature
distribution
due
to
mean
warming
(e.g.,
Donat
&
Alexander,
;
Lau
&
Nath,
;
Loikith
&
Neelin,
;
McKinnon
et
al.,
;
Rhines
&
Huybers,
;
Simolo
&
Corti,
;
Simolo
et
al.,
;
Weaver
et
al.,
).
For
example,
Donat
and
Alexander
(
)
used
global
observations
to
demonstrate
that
a
shift
in
the
temperature
distribution
explains
the
rise
in
surface
temperature
extremes
between
two
historical
30‐year
time
periods.
Similarly,
Rhines
and
Huybers
(
)
illustrated
that
the
increased
frequency
of
summer
temperature
extremes
primarily
reflects
changes
in
the
mean,
rather
than
the
variance,
of
the
tem-
perature
distribution.
Loikith
and
Neelin
(
)
also
show
that
shifting
left‐skewed
(short
right‐tailed)
temper-
ature
distributions
to
the
right
results
in
an
increase
in
temperature
extremes.
Collectively,
these
studies
show
that
mean
local
warming
can
explain
the
observed
increase
in
temperature
extremes.
However,
most
of
these
studies
10.1029/2024GL110707
Key
Points:
•
Shifting
the
surface
temperature
distribution
by
mean
local
warming
explains
much
of
the
frequency
increase
in
observed
temperature
extremes
•
Mean
local
warming
explains
80%
of
the
observed
variability
in
90th
percentile
exceedance
in
the
tropics
and
up
to
50%
in
higher
latitudes
•
Narrower
temperature
distributions
in
the
tropics
are
associated
with
a
larger
increase
in
extreme
heat
frequency
compared
to
midlatitudes
Supporting
Information:
Supporting
Information
may
be
found
in
the
online
version
of
this
article.
Correspondence
to:
R.
N.
Patel,
Citation:
Patel,
R.
N.,
Bonan,
D.
B.,
&
Schneider,
T.
(2024).
Changes
in
the
frequency
of
observed
temperature
extremes
largely
driven
by
a
distribution
shift.
Geophysical
Research
Letters
,
,
e2024GL110707.
Received
Accepted
©
2024.
The
Author(s).
This
is
an
open
access
article
under
the
terms
of
the
Creative
Commons
Attribution
License,
which
permits
use,
distribution
and
reproduction
in
any
medium,
provided
the
original
work
is
properly
cited.
of
examine
specific
historical
time
periods
(e.g.,
Donat
&
Alexander,
)
or
specific
regional
domains
such
as
North
America
(e.g.,
Loikith
&
Neelin,
)
or
Europe
(e.g.,
Simolo
et
al.,
).
It
is
unclear
to
what
extent
a
shift
of
the
temperature
distribution
in
observations
can
explain
surface
temperature
extremes
globally
and
to
what
extent
it
can
explain
the
increasing
frequency
of
surface
temperature
extremes.
Additionally,
the
short
observational
record
and
large
degree
of
interannual‐to‐decadal
variability
have
made
it
challenging
to
quantify
the
anthropogenic
influence
on
observed
temperature
extremes.
In
this
paper,
we
introduce
a
framework
for
quantifying
the
spatiotemporal
increase
in
the
frequency
of
extreme
temperatures
from
to
2021.
We
demonstrate
that
a
shift
of
the
temperature
distribution
due
to
mean
local
warming
largely
explains
the
observed
increase
in
days
surpassing
historical
90th
and
99th
percentiles
of
daily
maximum
temperatures.
This
is
achieved
by
first
isolating
the
most
slowly
changing,
and
hence
most
likely
forced,
component
of
temperature
extremes
using
a
statistical
method
called
low‐frequency
component
analysis
Schneider
&
Held,
;
Wills
et
al.,
).
By
isolating
the
most
slowly
varying
component
in
the
proportion
of
days
exceeding
historical
temperature
thresholds,
we
observe
a
distinct
difference
between
the
increase
in
days
above
the
historical
90th
and
99th
percentile
thresholds.
slow
shift
in
the
temperature
dis-
tribution
by
mean
local
warming
is
consistent
with
the
more
rapid
acceleration
in
the
frequency
of
high
percentile
extremes
(99th
percentile)
compared
to
lower
percentile
thresholds
(90th
percentile)
identified
by
We
then
show
that
interannual
variability
in
mean
local
warming
can
also
explain
interannual
variability
in
the
frequency
of
temperature
extremes
through
a
shift
of
the
temperature
distribution.
While
previous
studies
have
attributed
the
observed
increase
in
extreme
temperatures
between
two
historical
time
periods
to
a
shift
in
the
temperature
distribution,
this
study
comprehensively
illustrates
the
spatiotemporal
structure
of
these
changes
and
connects
variability
in
surface
temperature
extremes
to
variability
in
mean
local
warming.
2.
Data
and
Methods
2.1.
Temperature
Processing
Temperature
data
was
obtained
from
the
Berkeley
Earth
Surface
Temperatures
data
set
(Rohde
&
Haus-
father,
)
through
the
gridded
Experimental
Global
Daily
Land
Average
High
Temperature
data
set
on
a
1°
×
1°
grid.
Further
details
on
the
data
homogenization
and
gridding
process
used
in
the
Berkeley
Earth
Surface
Temperatures
data
set
can
be
found
in
Rohde
et
al.
(
).
Even
though
the
daily
Berkeley
Earth
data
is
subject
to
gap‐filling
in
the
temperature
reconstruction,
the
coarser
observational
data
set
(Caesar
et
al.,
)
is
found
to
agree
with
Berkeley
Earth
in
terms
of
decadal
heatwave
trends
in
regions
with
sufficient
data
(Perkins‐Kirkpatrick
&
Lewis,
).
This
gives
us
confidence
in
the
long‐term
trends
presented
by
the
Berkeley
Earth
data
set.
From
the
provided
climatology
and
anomaly
data
in
the
Berkeley
Earth
data
file,
we
first
reconstruct
the
observed
temperature
time
series
at
each
grid
point
from
to
2021.
Specifically,
=
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