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Tissue specific regulation of the chick Sox10E1 enhancer by
different Sox family members
Christina Murko
Marianne E. Bronner
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA
The transcription factor Sox10 is a key regulator of vertebrate neural crest development and serves
crucial functions in the differentiation of multiple neural crest lineages. In the chick neural crest,
two cis-regulatory elements have been identified that mediate
expression: Sox10E2, which
initiates expression in cranial neural crest; Sox10E1 driving expression in vagal and trunk neural
crest. Both also mediate
expression in the otic placode. Here, we have dissected and
analyzed the Sox10E1 enhancer element to identify upstream regulatory inputs. Via mutational
analysis, we found two critical Sox sites with differential impact on trunk versus otic Sox10E1
mediated reporter expression. Mutation of a combined SoxD/E motif was sufficient to completely
abolish neural crest but not ear enhancer activity. However, mutation of both the SoxD/E and
another SoxE site eliminated otic Sox10E1 expression. Loss-of-function experiments reveal Sox5
and Sox8 as critical inputs for trunk neural crest enhancer activity, but only Sox8 for its activity in
the ear. Finally, we show by ChIP and co-immunoprecipitation that Sox5 directly binds to the
SoxD/E site, and that it can interact with Sox8, further supporting their combinatorial role in
activation of Sox10E1 in the trunk neural crest. The results reveal important tissue-specific inputs
expression in the developing embryo.
chick; Sox10; neural crest; otic
Neural crest cells are multipotent stem-like cells unique to vertebrate embryos. They initially
arise within the dorsal aspect of the neural tube, but subsequently undergo an epithelial to
mesenchymal transition and migrate extensively throughout the embryo. Upon reaching their
final destinations, they differentiate into a wide range of derivatives, including neurons and
glia of the peripheral nervous system, craniofacial cartilage and bone, and pigment cells of
the skin.
corresponding author: mbronner@caltech.edu.
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Author manuscript
Dev Biol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 February 13.
Published in final edited form as:
Dev Biol
. 2017 February 01; 422(1): 47–57. doi:10.1016/j.ydbio.2016.12.004.
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A multilevel gene regulatory network, integrating environmental cues and transcriptional
inputs, underlies sequential steps in neural crest formation (
Meulemans and Bronner-Fraser,
Sauka-Spengler and Bronner-Fraser, 2008a
Green et al., 2015
). This culminates in
expression of a set of “neural crest specifier genes” like
genes (
and Bronner-Fraser, 2004
Sauka-Spengler and Bronner-Fraser, 2008b
Simoes-Costa et al.,
Simoes-Costa et al., 2015
) that reflect formation of bona fide neural crest cells. The
combined action of these transcription factors induces downstream effector genes that
regulate migration and subsequent cell fate choice. Despite species-specific differences, the
main components of this regulatory network are highly conserved across vertebrates (
et al., 2015
Haldin and LaBonne, 2010
Despite this deep conservation across species, there are important differences between
neural crest subpopulations along the body axis. For example, only cranial but not trunk
neural crest cells contribute to cartilaginous elements of the face (
Le Douarin, 1980
et al., 2004
Simoes-Costa and Bronner, 2016
). Interestingly, these differences in
developmental potential are mirrored by the existence of different regulatory elements that
control neural crest gene expression at different axial levels. As case in point, despite the
fact that neural crest specifier genes
are expressed in neural crest cells
along the entire body axis, different cis-regulatory elements mediate their expression in the
head than in the trunk (
Betancur et al., 2010
Simoes-Costa et al., 2012
and Bronner, 2016
). For example, two cis-regulatory elements, Sox10E2 and Sox10E1,
expression in the head versus the trunk, respectively.
The cranial Sox10E2 enhancer has been well characterized (
Betancur et al., 2010
) and
mediates initial expression in the cranial neural crest at Hamburger Hamilton (HH) stage 9
via direct inputs from Sox9, Ets1, and cMyb (
Betancur et al., 2010
). This same enhancer
also drives expression in the otic placode, requiring the same transcription factor binding
sites but via inputs from paralogous factors, Sox8 and Pea3 in combination with cMyb
Betancur et al., 2011
). Another enhancer, Sox10E1, drives
expression in migrating
neural crest cells at vagal and trunk levels, as well as the otic placode. However, its
regulatory inputs have not been previously explored.
Here, we examine the mechanisms controlling Sox10E1 activity, in search of upstream
regulators controlling its trunk neural crest as well as otic activity. By generating serial
deletions and mutating potential binding sites, we find that two SoxD/E sites are required for
enhancer activity in both the trunk neural crest and developing ear. While mutation of the
SoxD/E site alone abolishes trunk enhancer activity, additional mutation of a second SoxE
site is needed to eliminate otic expression. Knockdown experiments identified Sox5 and
Sox8 as upstream regulators of Sox10E1. While Sox8 is important for activation in both otic
and trunk neural crest, Sox5 is only involved in trunk neural crest enhancer activation. We
further show that Sox5 and Sox8 can heterodimerize and that Sox5 is specifically recruited
to the identified SoxD/E site in the Sox10E1 enhancer. Taken together, our results suggest
that Sox5 and Sox8 cooperate in regulating Sox10E1 in the trunk neural crest.
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Sox10E1 is active in migrating vagal and trunk neural crest and otic placode
To analyze the spatiotemporal activity of the Sox10E1 enhancer, we electroporated chick
embryos at different developmental time points with a GFP reporter under the control of the
enhancer fragment. As previously reported (
Betancur et al, 2010
), Sox10E1 starts to activate
GFP expression in migrating neural crest at vagal/anterior trunk levels around HH15. GFP
expression is not detected in the posterior trunk until HH18, when segmental migratory
streams of GFP positive cells are visible (Fig. 1A, 1C), reflecting endogenous Sox10
expression at this stage (Fig. 1B–E). Although
mRNA and protein are present in
migrating neural crest (Fig. 1B, D), enhancer-driven expression is not detectable in early
delaminating neural crest cells, suggesting the presence of additional, yet unidentified
regulatory elements that initiate Sox10 expression in this region. In addition to vagal/trunk
neural crest cells, Sox10E1 activates GFP in the otic vesicle as it begins to invaginate around
HH12-13 and onward (Fig. 1G). Reporter expression is never observed in cranial neural
crest cells (Fig. 1F–G).
Identification of essential regions within the Sox10E1 enhancer
The previously isolated Sox10E1 fragment (
Betancur et al., 2010
) is 620bp in length (Fig.
2A). To determine essential regions mediating Sox10E1 activity, we performed a series of
deletions and mutations. Initially, we created deletions to sequentially minimize the region in
approximately 100bp steps from each side. We then tested those constructs for their ability
to drive GFP expression
in ovo
(summarized in Fig. 2B). Two fragments lacking 120bp or
234bp on the 5
site (Δ1 and Δ2) were still able to activate GFP in migratory trunk neural
crest cells (Fig. 3A; 10/10) as well as the otic placode (Fig. 3B; 10/10). Interestingly, one
other fragment of 260bp length (Δ8), lost activity in migratory neural crest cells (Fig. 3C),
but was still strongly active in the otic vesicle (Fig. 3C–D, 10/10 each). Another fragment
termed Δ9, where the sequence stretch 5
of Δ8 was extended until the beginning of Δ2 still
retained strong GFP expression in the trunk (summarized in Fig. 2B). All other deletions
completely lost activity (Fig. 2B).
Mutation of Sox10E1 binding sites to identify potential inputs
We next searched the Sox10E1 sequence for putative transcription factor binding sites using
the Jaspar and Transfac databases. Predicted sites were analyzed for their conservation
across species using the UCSC and ECR genome browsers (Fig. 2A). Notably, most of the
conserved binding sites fall within the remaining sequence present in Sox10E1Δ8, the
fragment retaining otic expression but loosing trunk activity (Fig. 2A–B). We selected nine
sites and mutated them by substituting 6–15 bp of the core binding site with eGFP coding
sequence (Fig. 2C). We chose these sites either because of high sequence conservation or
because the putative transcription factors are well known as regulatory factors implicated in
neural crest development. We mutated two Sox and two FoxD3 binding sites, as well as
individual sites for Myb, Ets and Zic. Furthermore, we mutated a highly conserved site
predicted to bind stem cell factor Arid3A.
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Mutation of one potential SoxD/E binding site (mutant M4) completely abolishes activity in
the migratory trunk neural crest but has no effect on ear expression (Fig. 4A–C, 5/5 each).
All other mutations tested were still able to drive GFP expression in the neural crest
(summarized in Table 1). While mutation of SoxD/E in construct M4 completely abolishes
trunk crest enhancer activity, mutation of another SoxE site present in the Sox10E1 fragment
(mutant M6) has no effect on trunk neural crest expression (Fig. 4D, 5/5). Interestingly, GFP
expression in the otic placode of the M6 mutant seemed weaker compared to expression of
the M4 construct (Fig. 4E–F, 3/5). When we quantified the fluorescence intensity of the
SoxE (M6) and SoxD/E (M4) mutants in the otic vesicle, we indeed observed a 50%
reduction in fluorescence intensity of M6 compared to M4 (Fig. 4J). When both sites are
mutated, both otic and trunk activity are lost (Fig. 4G–I, 5/5 each). As shown in Fig. 2B–C,
both sites fall within the sequence stretch retained in Sox10E1Δ8.
Sox5 and Sox8 are expressed in the neural crest, but only Sox8 is in the otic vesicle
The results of our mutational analysis suggest that SoxD and SoxE proteins may serve as
potential regulators of Sox10E1 activity. A potential candidate for binding to the M4 site is
the SoxD family member, Sox5, previously implicated in cranial neural crest formation in
chick and Xenopus (
Perez-Alcala et al., 2004
Nordin and LaBonne, 2014
). Consistent with
previous reports (
Perez-Alcala et al., 2004
), we observed
expression as early as stage
HH7 in the forming cranial neural folds and its expression becomes more pronounced when
neural crest cells arise at stage HH9-10. Though stronger in the neural crest, it is also
expressed in the neural tube but absent from the ectoderm and not expressed in the otic
placode or the otic vesicle (Fig. 5A).
is expressed in the migratory neural crest cells at
vagal and trunk levels (Fig. 5A–B) making it a potential candidate as a regulator of Sox10E1
in this population. It also is strongly expressed in the neural crest streams coming from R4
and R6, which surround the otic vesicles (Fig. 5A), with lower expression in the surrounding
All SoxE family members are expressed during chick neural crest development, with
expression of
both preceding
and thus potentially able to induce its
transcripts are present in otic-epibranchial precursor cells at stage HH8-,
and its expression persists throughout the time of otic vesicle formation. Sox8 activates
endogenous Sox10 expression in this region through regulation of the Sox10E2 enhancer
Betancur et al., 2011
). However, it continues to be strongly expressed during formation of
the otic placode and the otic vesicle later (Fig. 5C), by which time the Sox10E1 enhancer
becomes activated. As previously shown (
McKeown et al., 2005
is also transiently
expressed in early migrating trunk neural crest cells (Fig. 5D), and thus overlaps with
at relevant stages of trunk Sox10E1 activation.
Loss of function experiments identify Sox5 and Sox8 as inputs into Sox10E1
To test for a potential regulatory role, we performed loss-of-function experiments with
individual Sox family members using morpholino antisense oligomers. To this end, we
concomitantly electroporated the full length Sox10E1 enhancer construct with individual
morpholinos and analyzed subsequent enhancer mediated reporter expression. Morpholinos
to Sox8, 9 and 10 are well characterized (
Betancur et al., 2010
Barembaum and
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Bronner, 2013
Simoes-Costa and Bronner, 2016
). To verify efficiency of knockdown by the
Sox5 morpholino, we examined its effects on Sox5 protein expression compared with
control morpholino by Western blot analysis. For this purpose, we performed stage HH4
electroporations to completely abolish Sox5 expression. The results confirm that Sox5 MO
indeed causes loss of Sox5 protein in electroporated embryos (Fig. 6A).
Electroporation of a control morpholino does not affect Sox10E1 driven mCherry expression
(0/19) in the trunk (Fig. 6B). In contrast, co-electroporation of a morpholino targeting Sox5
significantly reduces Sox10E1 reporter expression in trunk neural crest (Fig. 6C), with 14
out of 15 embryos showing reduced or no mCherry expression in the presence of the
morpholino. When we quantify the fluorescence intensity, Sox10E1 reporter expression
upon Sox5 knockdown is reduced to an average of 27% of the level measured in control
morpholino experiments (Fig. 6F). Despite the strong effect on enhancer activity,
endogenous Sox10 levels are only mildly affected by Sox5 reduction (Fig. S1A–F, 3/10). To
further dissect which SoxE family members are involved in regulating Sox10E1 activity, we
individually knocked down Sox8, 9 and 10. A striking reduction in trunk reporter expression
is observed upon knockdown of Sox8 (Fig. 6D, 13/15), similar to the effect of Sox5
knockdown. We did not observe any reduction of endogenous Sox8 levels when Sox5 was
depleted (Fig. S1G–H, 0/5). Knockdown of Sox9 does not affect Sox10E1 expression (0/8,
quantified in Fig. 6F). However, the presence of a Sox10 morpholino reduces enhancer
activity in a subset of the embryos (7/16, Fig. 6E), suggesting that once activated, Sox10
itself might participate in regulating its own expression levels. Because we had identified a
Zic binding site in the critical region mediating trunk enhancer activity, we further tested the
effect of knocking down Zic1. Similar to Sox9 knockdown experiments, the Sox10E1
reporter was not affected by the presence of the Zic1 morpholino (quantified in Fig. 6F).
This is in line with the results we obtained with the M3 mutant that is missing a functional
Zic binding site, which also did not show any reduction in reporter expression (10/10, data
not shown).
Knocking down Sox8 also affects otic reporter expression. While Sox10E1 driven
expression is slightly weaker than in control experiments (Fig. 7A–A
) when
electroporations are performed at stage HH8 or earlier (Fig. 7B–B
), its expression is largely
unaffected when electroporations are carried out at stage HH9 (Fig. 7C–C
). A similar effect
was noted when knocking down Sox9 specifically in the ectoderm. Knockdown of Sox9 at
early stages diminished Sox10E1 reporter expression in some cases (5/18, Fig. 7D–D
though the percentage of embryos showing this phenotype was higher for Sox8 (10/18).
Only 2 out of 10 embryos electroporated with the Sox10 morpholino exhibit reduced
expression in the otic, suggesting little or no effect. Sox5 morpholino does not affect
activation of the Sox10E1 reporter expression in the otic vesicle at any stage (1/10, Fig. 7E–
). These results are in line with our observations that Sox5 is not expressed in the otic
vesicle itself (Fig. 5A) and mutation in the SoxD/E binding site does not affect otic Sox10E1
activity (Fig. 4B–C). Quantification of fluorescence intensities in the ear was not feasible
due to spherical aberration and autofluorescence of the epithelial sphere. Taken together, the
data suggest that Sox8 regulates Sox10E1 expression in the ear, though there might be some
redundancy with other SoxE family members. Furthermore, our results suggest that
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additional elements may be involved in activating Sox10E1 in the otic vesicle, given the
rather mild effects of our knockdown experiments.
Co-immunoprecipitation suggests an interaction between Sox5 and Sox8
To test for a potential interaction between Sox5 and Sox8, we performed
immunoprecipitation experiments. Because antibodies that are specific to avian Sox8 are not
available, we electroporated chick embryos with a construct expressing a FLAG tagged
version of chicken Sox8. After immunoprecipitation with an antibody to Sox5 or FLAG, we
tested for interaction of Sox8 and Sox5 using either an anti-FLAG or anti Sox5 antibody. In
both cases, we were able to pull down the opposite protein from lysates of embryos
electroporated at stage HH11 (Fig. 6G), indicating that Sox5 and Sox8 can interact with
each other.
Direct binding of Sox5 to the SoxD/E site
The results of our mutation and knockdown studies indicate that the identified SoxD/E
binding site is critical for Sox10E1 enhancer activity in the trunk, potentially involving
direct binding of Sox5 and Sox8 to this region. In order to test this hypothesis we performed
chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments on dissected trunk neural tubes of wild
type chick embryos. Using a ChIP grade antibody to Sox5, we found that Sox5 directly
bound to the Sox10E1 enhancer (Fig. 6H). Interestingly, Sox5 levels are highest at the M4
site alone, and less pronounced across the M4 and M6 sites together. Furthermore, only low
levels of Sox5 are found at the 5
region of the Sox10E1 enhancer, outside of the M4
binding site. Taken together, these results suggest that Sox5 is specifically recruited to the
M4 binding site, and this is responsible for activating Sox10E1 in the trunk neural crest.
Sry-related high mobility (HMG)-box Sox transcription factors serve widespread functions
during development and are found throughout the animal kingdom. This large family is
comprised of subgroups A-H, which all possess a highly homologous HMG-type DNA
binding domain but share little overall homology outside this region (
Kamachi and Kondoh,
Bowles et al., 2000
). Subgroup SoxE, comprised of Sox8, 9 and 10, is associated with
neural crest cell identity in all vertebrate species examined. In chick embryos, expression of
, which is first evident in delaminating/early migrating neural
crest cells along the entire extent of the body axis and is a critical upstream regulator of
multiple neural crest lineages (
Green et al., 2015
). Later,
expression is maintained in
neuronal, glial and melanocytic lineages. Furthermore, it has recently been shown that
Sox10 alone is sufficient to reprogram fibroblasts to a neural crest fate, highlighting the
importance of this factor during neural crest specification (
Kim et al., 2014
is the only SoxD member expressed in neural crest cells. In the chick,
expressed early on in premigratory neural crest in the head region. Sox5 over-expression
promotes neural crest formation and increases expression of
Alcala et al, 2004
). It seems to do so by directly activating expression of RhoB in transfected
cells, which in turn induces
expression. Here we show that Sox5 is recruited to
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binding sites in the Sox10E1 enhancer, also demonstrating a direct regulatory interaction
between Sox5 and Sox10. In the trunk, however, this interaction serves more to maintain
rather than induce initial endogenous
expression. Consistent with this, we observed a
rather modest decrease in endogenous
levels upon Sox5 knockdown. In most cases,
Sox10 still continues to be robustly expressed whereas enhancer expression in dramatically
reduced. However, endogenous Sox10 expression is already observed before Sox10E1
activation (Figure 1), suggesting that other elements, not explored in this study, initiate trunk
Sox10 expression. We hypothesize that once Sox10 is activated, its expression is driven by
several regulatory elements, including but not exclusive to Sox10E1, that cooperate in fine-
tuning and subsequent lineage specific diversification among subpopulations.
In addition to the neural crest, SoxE and SoxD family members are expressed in the
developing ear. Most components of the ear are derived from the otic placode, a region of
thickened ectoderm that forms adjacent to the hindbrain and subsequently invaginates to
form the otic vesicle. Via complex morphogenetic rearrangements and patterning events, this
vesicle is transformed into the entire inner ear (reviewed in
Chen and Streit, 2013
To gain insight into the regulatory interactions important for neural crest and ear
development, we have dissected the cis-regulatory inputs necessary for expression mediated
by the Sox10E1 enhancer element. Similar to the cranial Sox10E2 enhancer, the vagal/trunk
Sox10E1 enhancers drives expression in both the neural crest and otic placode. Notably, the
combined expression pattern driven by Sox10E1 and E2 largely resembles most of that of
expression. The exceptions are that neither of these elements is active in
delaminating trunk neural crest cells, despite the fact that
transcripts are already
present there. Although some of these differences may be due to time required for folding
the GFP reporter protein, this cannot account for the large temporal delay in expression
mediated by Sox10E1 in migrating trunk neural crest cells. Thus, this suggests that there
may be additional regulatory elements that control early endogenous
expression. In
particular, endogenous
must be activated in delaminating trunk neural crest cells
before Sox10E1 becomes active and maintains
expression during migration.
Notably, multiple regulatory elements with overlapping spatiotemporal activities have been
identified for mouse Sox10, with one of them sharing sequence similarity to the chicken
Sox10E1 element (
Werner et al., 2007
). Interestingly, those enhancer elements further bear
identical transcription factor binding sites, suggesting the same regulators are involved in
controlling their activity (
Wahlbuhl et al., 2012
). Thus,
expression in a particular
tissue may reflect the combined activity of several regulatory elements rather than a single
element contributing a highly specific spatial or temporal aspect to the overall activity. This
may represent a valuable fail-safe mechanism that accounts for the high levels and
robustness of
expression during embryonic development.
In the chick, Sox10E1 and Sox10E2 are both active at certain stages during otic
development and also share common transcription factor binding sites. Hence, the robust
expression in the developing ear and the mild effects of our knockdowns in this area might
reflect redundant regulatory activity of those elements. Furthermore, a third enhancer termed
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L8 has been described that shows similar but weaker activity to Sox10E1 in the ear
Betancur et al., 2011
By deletion and mutational analysis, we identified two critical Sox binding sites important
for Sox10E1 mediated activity in both tissues. While one of these (M4) is putatively bound
by SoxD and/or SoxE proteins, the other one (M6) is thought to be recognized by SoxE
proteins only. Interestingly, mutation of the M4 motif alone abolishes enhancer activity in
the trunk crest while leaving otic expression intact. On the other hand, mutation of the M6
motif reduces otic expression, while having no effect on trunk crest expression. Combined
mutation of both elements eliminates activity completely, demonstrating their importance in
both tissues. The tissue specific differences are likely due to tissue specific recruitment of
binding partners, e.g. different Sox family members. We show that Sox5 is indeed recruited
to the M4 site in migrating trunk neural crest cells, where it is abundantly present. In
contrast, Sox5 is not expressed in otic placode cells. Accordingly, the activity of the
Sox10E1 enhancer is significantly reduced in the presence of a Sox5 morpholino in the
trunk, but not in the ear. During otic development, other SoxD family members (e.g. Sox13)
could utilize this site to activate Sox10E1. Alternatively, a SoxE family member (e.g. Sox8)
might be recruited to this site instead. In any case, binding to this site is not crucial for
enhancer function in the otic placode. Instead, the other Sox site identified in this study (M6)
seems to be most critical for otic expression, as mutating this site reduces the intensity of the
enhancer driven expression. However, mutations in both M4 and M6 result in complete loss
of activity, suggesting that both sites are necessary for full functionality.
It is interesting to note that fragment Sox10E1Δ8 looses trunk neural crest activity despite
containing both Sox sites. One possibility is that additional critical binding sites are present
outside of Sox10E1Δ8. Another possible explanation for this discrepancy could lie in the
DNA binding nature of Sox proteins. Besides their transactivation activity, Sox proteins have
been hypothesized to function as architectural proteins that are involved in three-
dimensional shaping of promoters and associated DNA binding proteins (
Chew and Gallo,
). In particular, group D members are thought to act in this manner, as they are missing
transactivation domains. As the M4 site lies very close to the 5
end of the Sox10E1Δ8
fragment, those structural features could be impaired even when Sox5 binding is still
Loss of function of Sox8 reduces expression mediated by the Sox10E1 enhancer in trunk
neural crest, similar to a knockdown of Sox5. Furthermore, our immunoprecipitation
experiments demonstrated that Sox5 and Sox8 can physically interact. This is consistent
with a scenario in which Sox5 and 8 cooperatively bind to the M4 motif to activate Sox10E1
in trunk neural crest. Such an interaction between SoxD and SoxE protein family members
has been described during chondrogenesis. In mice, Sox5, Sox6 and Sox9 cooperate in
activation of Col2A1 transcription. All three proteins bind the same 48bp enhancer element
within the gene and also cooperatively can activate transcription in non-chondrogenic cells
Lefebvre et al., 1998
). Experiments in human chondrogenic cells have further shown that
Sox8 can replace Sox9 in activating Col2A1 in combination with Sox5 and Sox6 (
et al., 2014
), though at reduced efficiency. These studies, however, did not address if this
involves a direct interaction between Sox5/6 and Sox8/9. A more recent study addressing the
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potential of SoxE proteins to interact with other Sox family members suggests that they
indeed are capable of heterodimerization, although homodimerization is favored (
Huang et
al., 2015
). Consistent with these studies, we show that Sox5 and Sox8 are able to bind to
each other
in vitro
. The fact that Sox5 is bound to the M4 site, together with the fact that
knockdowns of either Sox5 or Sox8 show a similar penetrance of phenotype, further
supports the idea that both factors are required cooperatively to activate Sox10E1 in the
trunk. As Sox5 lacks a transactivation domain, it must recruit other transcription factors that
induce Sox10E1 activity. It remains to be elucidated if Sox5 and Sox8 bind the SoxD/E site
individually, or if Sox8 is indirectly recruited to the site via Sox5. We did not detect any
reduction in Sox8 expression after Sox5 knockdown, suggesting that Sox5 does not regulate
Sox8 expression (Fig. S1G–H).
Of all factors tested, only Sox8 knockdown reduced Sox10E1 reporter expression in the otic
vesicle. The effect was, however, stage sensitive and only present in embryos electroporated
at stage HH8 but not at stage HH9. One possible explanation is that this effect is indirect via
loss of Sox8 affecting early expression of Sox10 via a different enhancer. Our previous
studies have shown that Sox10E2 driven expression in the otic placode is activated by Sox8,
together with Pea3 and cMyb beginning around stage HH9+. Knockdown of Sox8 alone
strongly reduces onset of endogenous Sox10 expression in the ear (
Betancur et al., 2011
Once Sox10 is activated, it may regulate its own expression via an autoregulatory feedback
loop, similar to what has been shown to occur in the context of neural crest
expression in mice (
Wahlbuhl et al., 2012
In summary, we have identified two critical Sox binding sites in the chicken Sox10E1
enhancer, which differentially control activity in the trunk neural crest and the otic vesicle.
Furthermore, Sox5 binds this enhancer in trunk neural crest and can heterodimerize with
Sox8, both of which are critical regulators of Sox10E1 enhancer activity in the trunk neural
crest. While Sox5 is restricted to the neural crest, Sox8 also seems to be involved in
regulation of otic Sox10E1 activity. However, Sox10E1 in the otic vesicle is likely to utilize
additional yet to be identified inputs. Similar to what was observed for the Sox10E2
enhancer, our study shows that the same Sox10 enhancer can be activated by different inputs
in different tissues. Thus, tissue specific expression occurs via the combined availability of
open regulatory regions within the genome together with the composition of regulatory
factors present in particular tissues.
Material and Methods
Fertilized chicken eggs were obtained from commercial sources and incubated at 37°C until
embryos reached the desired developmental stages. Electroporated and wild type embryos
were collected in Ringer’s and staged according to the criteria of Hamburger and Hamilton
Hamburger and Hamilton, 1992
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Electroporation of chick embryos
Embryos were electroporated as previously described (
Sauka-Spengler and Barembaum,
). DNA was injected at 2. DNA concentration. When coelectroporating morpholinos,
1mM final concentration was used in all experiments, except stated otherwise. Stage HH4
embryos were explanted on filter paper and injected underneath the blastoderm.
Electroporation was carried out in a modified electroporation chamber and 5pulses of 5.2V
were applied for 50ms. Stage HH11 embryos were injected
in ovo
into the trunk neural tube
lumen. Platinum wire electrodes were placed on either side of the embryo and 3 pulses of
20V, 30ms, were applied to deliver the DNA into the cells. To target the otic vesicle, DNA
was placed above the embryo at future midbrain levels in stage HH8-9 embryos. Electrodes
were placed with the anode underneath the embryo and the cathode above the vitelline
membrane and charges were delivered in 3 pulses of 9V, 30ms. Eggs were sealed and
reincubated until the desired developmental stage for further processing.
Morpholino experiments
Knockdown experiments were performed with translation-blocking morpholino antisense
nucleotides (Gene Tools). All morpholinos used were FITC tagged at the 3
end and used at
1mM final concentration. The sequences were as follows: Control: 5
; Sox8: 5
; Sox9: 5
(described in
Betancur et al., 2010
Sox10, 5
(described in
Barembaum and
Bronner, 2013
), Sox5: 5
; Zic1, 5
(described in
Simoes-Costa et al., 2012
Comparative genomic and mutational analysis
Full length and deletion fragments of the Sox10E1 enhancer fragments was amplified from
genomic chicken DNA using the Expand High Fidelity PCR System (Roche). The following
primers were used: S10E1_S: GGAAGAGAGAAAGACCATGGTG; S10E1_S2:
CTTGGATGAGAGGAGGCGTC; Potential transcription factor binding sites were identified
through the JASPAR (
) and TRANSFAC (
) databases. Using the USCS genome browser, predicted sites were screened
for conservation across species. Selected sites were mutated by Fusion PCR (
Szewczyk et
al., 2006
) using the following primers (mutated nucleotides are underlined and in bold):
cMyb (M1): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; FoxD3 (M2): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; Zic (M3): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; SoxD/E (M4): Fwd 5
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; Rev 5
; FoxD3 (M5): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; SoxE (M6): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; Arid3A (M7): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; Oct1 (M8): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; Elk/Ets (M9): Fwd 5
; Rev 5
; Amplified fragments were purified
using the Wizard Gel and PCR extraction kit (Promega) and cloned into Asp780I/XhoI
digested pTK GFP reporter vector (
Uchikawa et al., 2003
). For coelectroporation
experiments, full length S10E1 was also subcloned into pTK mCherry vector. Deleted/
mutated S10E1 sequences (in GFP) were coelectroporated with full length Sox10E1 (in
mCherry) to control for electroporation efficiency.
Fluorescence Quantification
To quantify fluorescence intensity in electroporated embryos, we used ImageJ to measure
the integrated density in the region of interest. To correct for different exposure levels
between channels and individual embryos, we also calculated the integrated density from the
mean of 3 background areas. The following formula was used to estimate the corrected total
cell fluorescence (CTCF): Integrated density- (Area of selection x mean fluorescence of
background readings). To adjust for variations in electroporation efficiency, fluorescence of
WT Sox10E1 mCherry signals was normalized to morpholino FITC intensity. For mutated
Sox10E1 constructs, GFP signal intensity of mutants was normalized to fluorescence
intensity of WT Sox10E1 Cherry signal. At least 3 embryos were measured for every
experiment. Statistical significance was estimated using unpaired t-test.
Generation of FLAG tagged Sox8
Chicken Sox8 was PCR amplified from cDNA using Phusion High Fidelity Polymerase
system (New England Biolabs). The FLAG epitope was added to the 3
end of the coding
sequence and the sequence was ligated into XhoI/NheI digested pCI-H2B-GFP vector and
confirmed by sequencing. The following primers were used: Fwd: 5
, FLAG_Rev: 5
Probe preparation and In situ hybridization
in situ
hybridization on whole mount chicken embryos was performed as described
Henrique et al., 1995
) with slight modifications of the post hybridization washes.
Dioxigenin labeled antisense probes were generated by
in vitro
transcription from linearized
templates using Promega RNA polymerases. Probes used were: Sox10 (
Betancur et al,
), Sox8 (
Betancur et al, 2011
), Sox5. The template for the Sox5 probe was generated by
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PCR amplification from the chicken EST clone ChEST277j14 using the following primers:
Fwd: 5
; Rev: 5
. Bound probes were detected using an Anti-Dig
antibody conjugated with alkaline Phospatase and NBT/BCIP as the color substrate.
Embryos were fixed 20 minutes with 4%PFA and washed with TBS containing 0.3%Triton,
1% DMSO. Unspecific binding was blocked with donkey serum and primary antibody
incubation was carried out overnight at 4°C. The antibody used was anti human Sox10
(R&D systems AF2864). Signals were visualized with an Alexa 594 conjugated anti goat
antibody (ThermoFisher).
Immunoprecipitation of protein complexes
Trunk neural tubes of electroporated embryos were dissected in ice cold PBS and
homogenized in IP lysis buffer (50mM Tris pH 7.4, 150mM NaCl, 1% NP40). After pre
clearing with unconjugated beads, lysates were distributed to antibody coated G-agarose
beads (Sigma Aldrich) and incubated at RT for 2–3 hours. Samples were washed 6 times
with IP lysis buffer before precipitated proteins were eluted from beads and subjected to
SDS page. Ten microgram of the following antibodies were used for immunoprecipitation
reactions: anti Sox5 (Abcam ab94396, rabbit, ChIP grade), anti rabbit control IgG (Abcam
ab46548, ChIP grade), anti FLAG M2 (Sigma-Aldrich, F1804, mouse IgG1), anti mouse
IgG1 (Santa Cruz, sc-3877).
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
Trunk neural tubes of stage HH14-16 embryos were dissected in ice cold PBS and
homogenized in isotonic buffer (10mM Tris pH 7.5, 3mM CaCl
, 0.25M Sucrose, 0.5%
Triton, 1mM DTT, supplemented with Protease inhibitor cocktail, PMSF and Sodium
butyrate). Chromatin was subsequently cross-linked by addition of formaldehyde to a final
concentration of 1%. Cross-linking was stopped by addition of 125mM glycine. The
chromatin isolation procedure was performed as previously described (
Hauser et al., 2002
For ChIP, equal amounts of sonicated chromatin were diluted 10-fold and precipitated
overnight with the following antibodies: anti Sox5 (Abcam ab94396, rabbit, ChIP grade),
anti rabbit control IgG (Abcam ab46548, ChIP grade). Chromatin–antibody complexes were
isolated with protein A magnetic beads (Dynabeads, Invitrogen). Precipitated DNA was
analyzed by real time PCR using SYBR Green (Bio-Rad) on an ABI7000 qPCR machine.
Diluted Inputs were used as Standards.
The following primers were used: 10E1_M4_S1 5
10E1_M4_AS1 5
; 10E1_M4_S2 5
; 10E1_M4_AS2 5
10E1_M4_S3 5
; 10E1_M4_AS3 5
; 10E1_M4_S4 5
; 10E1_M4_AS4 5
; Control_S 5
Control_AS 5
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Western Blotting
Protein lysates were separated by SDS PAGE and subsequently transferred onto
nitrocellulose membrane. After blocking, membranes were incubated with the primary
antibody overnight, followed by washes in PBST and incubation with HRP conjugated
secondary antibodies (KPL). Signals were visualized using Amersham prime western
blotting detection reagent (GE Healthcare). The following primary antibodies were used:
Anti Sox5 (Abcam ab94396 rabbit), Anti Tubulin (Sigma-Aldrich T9026, mouse IgG), Anti
FLAG M2 (Sigma-Aldrich F1804, mouse IgG1).
Imaging and Figure Preparation
Whole mount embryos and sections were imaged on a Zeiss fluorescent Axioimager D2
research microscope equipped with an Apotome2 and dual Axiocam 506 cameras. Pictures
were taken with Zen2pro Software. A Zeiss axioskop2 microscope equipped with Axio
Vision software was used to image
in situ
stained embryos. Images were processed using
Adobe Photoshop CC15 and figures were prepared in Adobe Illustrator CC15.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We thank M. Barembaum and M. Simões-Costa for plasmids and morpholinos. This work was supported by grants
DE024157 and HD037105 to MEB and a postdoctoral fellowship from the Curci foundation and an Erwin
Schrödinger fellowship from the Austrian science fund FWF (J3538-B19) to CM. The authors declare no
competing financial interests.
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The chicken Sox10E1 enhancer is active in migrating trunk neural crest and
the otic vesicle
Two Sox binding sites are critical for enhancer activity in both tissues
Knockdown of Sox8 and Sox5 reduces neural crest specific Sox10E1 reporter
Sox5 occupies the Sox10E1 enhancer in the trunk
Sox5 and Sox8 can physically interact with each other
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Figure 1. Activity of the Sox10 E1 enhancer
EGFP expression driven under control of the Sox10E1 enhancer fragment in stage HH18
chick embryos (A, C). Endogenous Sox10 expression pattern at the corresponding
developmental stage:
In situ
hybridization to detect Sox10mRNA levels (B) and antibody
staining (D) on electroporated embryos (merge in E). Note that while endogenous Sox10
protein is also expressed in the delaminating NC cells (arrowhead in D), the GFP signal is
only visible in the migratory cells that have detached from the neural tube. Comparison of
Sox10E-GFP (including Sox10E2, F) with Sox10E1-mCherry activity (G) and endogenous
Sox10 expression levels (H,
in situ
) at stage HH12. Sox10E1 is restricted to the otic placode
at that stage and not active in the cranial neural crest (arrowheads in F).
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Figure 2. Sox10E1 sequence conservation and analysis
Output of the ECR genome browser showing the sequence conservation of chicken Sox10E1
throughout different species (A). The element is found on chromosome 1, position
53010774-53011395. Summary of the deletion constructs generated in this study is shown in
(B). Corresponding positions of the mutations are indicated. Conservation across species
was analyzed using the UCSC genome browser (C).Mutated sites are indicated.
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Figure 3. Defining essential regions mediating trunk expression
Serial deletions of the Sox10E1 fragment were tested for their ability to drive GFP
in ovo.
While So10E1Δ1 still drives robust GFP expression in the trunk neural crest (A) and in the
otic vesicle (B), Sox10E1Δ8 has lost trunk neural crest activity (C) while still being active in
the otic vesicle (D). In all cases, the deleted version was coinjected with the full length
Sox10E1mCherry. Merged images are shown.
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Figure 4. Two SOX sites have differential regulatory function
Mutation of a potential SoxD/E binding site (M4) omits expression in the trunk (A), but is
still active in the otic vesicle (B–C). Mutating a putative SoxE binding site (M6) has no
effect on trunk expression (D) but reduces expression in the otic vesicle (E–F). Mutating
both sites completely abolishes expression in both tissues (G–I). In all cases, mutant
constructs are marked by GFP and co electroporated with the wild type version of the
Sox10E1 enhancer tagged with mCherry. C, F and I show representative sections through the
otic vesicle. Merged images are shown. Quantified otic fluorescence for M4 and M6 are
shown in (J). P= 0.06.
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Figure 5. Expression of Sox5 and Sox8 during stages of Sox10E1 enhancer activity
In situ
hybridization showing expression of Sox5 during vagal and trunk neural crest
migration (AB). Sox5 is strongly expressed in the migratory crest cells streams surrounding
the otic vesicle but not in the otic vesicle itself (A). Later on, it is present in the trunk neural
crest, somites and surrounding mesoderm (B).
In situ
hybridization for
expression in the otic vesicle and in the R6 stream at HH13 (C). During trunk neural crest
migration, Sox8 is expressed at lower levels in the migratory crest (D).
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