Lineage motifs: developmental modules for control of cell type proportions
Martin Tran
, Amjad Askary
, Michael B. Elowitz
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA 91125, USA
Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, University of California Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, USA
Lead contact
In multicellular organisms, cell types must be produced and maintained in
proportions. One way this is achieved is through committed progenitor cells that produce
specific sets of descendant cell types. However, cell fate commitment is probabilistic in most
contexts, making it difficult to infer progenitor states and
understand how they establish overall
cell type proportions. Here, we introduce Lineage Motif Analysis (LMA), a method that
recursively identifies statistically overrepresented patterns of cell fates on lineage trees as
potential signatures of committed p
rogenitor states. Applying LMA to published datasets reveals
spatial and temporal organization of cell fate commitment in
zebrafish and rat
retina and early
embryo development. Comparative analysis of vertebrate species suggests that lineage
motifs f
acilitate adaptive evolutionary variation of retinal cell type proportions. LMA thus
provides insight into complex developmental processes by decomposing them into simpler
underlying modules.
Key words
Developmental programs, lineage tree analysis, ce
ll fate correlations, motif analysis, cell type
proportions, Pareto optimality, retina development, blastocyst development
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Most tissues comprise multiple specialized cell types that appear in appropriate proportions to
support proper tissue
vel functions. In many cases, cell type proportions vary spatially within
the tissue. For example, the center of the primate retina is cone
dense, allowing for high visual
acuity in the fovea, while the periphery is rod
dense, enabling greater sensitivity
in low light
. Cell type proportions also vary between species. For instance, the ratio of rod and
cone photoreceptors varies depending on the visual needs
associated with the lifestyle of each
. Tissue development thus faces the fundamental challenges of (1) generating cell
types in correct proportions, and (2) f
acilitating spatial and evolutionary changes in those
One prevalent mechanism for specifying cell type proportions occurs through developmental
programs, which determine the probabilities with which progenitor cells progressively become
restricted in their fate potential or competence, and eventually commit t
o terminal cell fates. In
some cases, like the nematode
C. elegans
, the developmental program can be deterministic,
producing a stereotyped lineage tree in all individuals
. However, in most other organisms, one
cannot infer a general program from any single lineage tree due to variability. For example, in
the mammalian retina, individual progenitor cells can give rise to a wide distribution of cell
numbers and types wi
th no apparent fixed ratios between different types, prompting
investigators to initially suggest a stochastic view of cell fate determination
. However, other
studies of terminally dividing progenitors with particular expression patterns provided evidence
for consistent cell
intrinsic biases in cell fate decisions
. These biases can extend upstream
to non
terminal divisions
. Developmental programs can also integrate extrinsic signals,
spatial context, dev
elopmental time, cell history, and stochastic “noise” with internal progenitor
. Thus, even in well
studied systems such as the retina, it remains a m
ajor challenge
to elucidate developmental programs.
Different developmental programs can generate distinct distributions of cell fates on lineage
trees. One of the simplest possible developmental programs comprises a multipotent progenitor
that can direct
ly and probabilistically differentiate into multiple terminal fates (
Figure 1A
). A
system employing such a direct, memoryless program would not exhibit fate correlations
between lineally related cells (sisters, cousins, etc.). Alternatively, a more complex
could involve the probabilistic generation of various types of committed progenitors, each
predetermined to give rise to an invariant set of descendant cell types (
Figure 1B
). In such a
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program, each type of progenitor would produce a characterist
ic distribution of descendant cell
fates, introducing cell fate correlations on lineage trees. Identifying these characteristic
or lineage motifs
could allow inference of otherwise hidden progenitor states.
Further, spatial variation in the f
requency with which a given motif appears could provide a
mechanism for indirect modulation of cell type frequencies across space (
Figure 1C
Previous studies of cell lineage have focused predominantly on clonal tracing, which identifies
descendants of
a single cell but does not resolve their full tree of lineage relationships.
Recently, new methods have begun to allow more complete lineage tree reconstruction. Time
lapse imaging allows direct tracking of lineage trees of differentiating progenitors
. In addition,
a new generation of engineered lineage reconstruction systems has emerged, which use
or recombinases to progressively edit barcode, or ‘scratchpad,
’ sequences integrated
in the genome
. These edits accumulate stochastically in each cell over multiple cell cycles.
Readout of endp
oint edit patterns in individual cells allows reconstruction of their lineage
relationships in a manner analogous to phylogenetic reconstruction. As these methods grow in
scale and temporal resolution, they provoke the question of how fully resolved lineag
e trees with
endpoint cell fates can be used to infer underlying developmental programs.
To address this challenge, we introduce Lineage Motif Analysis (LMA), a computational
approach for inferring statistically overrepresented patterns of cell fates on lineage trees. LMA is
based on motif detection, which has been used to identify the buildin
g blocks of complex
regulatory networks
, DNA sequences
, and other biological features
, but has not to
our knowledge been applied to understand developmental programs. As a ‘bottom
up’, data
driven approach, LMA does not require specific assumptions about underlying molecular
mechanisms and can be applied to diverse s
ystems for which sufficient cell lineage information
is available. Biologically, motifs could be generated by progenitors intrinsically programmed to
autonomously give rise to specific patterns of descendant cell fates. They could also reflect
more complex
developmental programs involving extrinsic cues and cell
cell signaling that
generate correlated cell fate patterns on lineage trees.
Here, we first define LMA and demonstrate how accurately it performs using simulated datasets.
We then identify lineage
motifs in published zebrafish and rat retina development datasets, as
well as a dataset of early mouse embryonic development. These results reveal temporal and
spatial differences in cell fate determination across different progenitors. Further, the
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ance of shared retinal motifs across different species suggests that motifs may be
evolutionarily conserved features of development. Computationally, we demonstrate how the
use of lineage motifs facilitates adaptive variation in retinal cell type
on and
show that
this theory is consistent with known variation in vertebrate retinal cell type proportions.
Together, these results support LMA as a broadly useful tool to understand developmental
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Figure 1
: Cell type proportions
can be controlled using partially stochastic
programs that specify defined groups of cell types as motifs.
An example of a completely stochastic developmental program where a multipotent
progenitor can self
renew (with 20% probability) or give rise to dif
ferent fates (with 40%
probability each) in a memoryless manner. Lineage trees generated under this program
would not exhibit fate correlations between related cells.
An example of a partially stochastic program where a multipotent progenitor can self
w (with 20% probability) or give rise to different types of committed progenitors (with
40% probability each). The committed progenitors differentiate to give rise to a defined
set of cell types (motif A or B). Lineage trees generated under this program wo
uld exhibit
fate correlations between related cells, representative of the committed progenitors
present within the program.
In this schematic, five spatial regions along the horizontal axis of a tissue are generated
primarily through two types of triplet
motifs (motif A or B). Depending on how frequently
each motif is utilized, cell type proportions across the tissue can vary, but this variation is
capped such that each cell type can at most be twice as abundant as the other type.
A previous study
analyzed sister cell fate correlations by comparing the frequency of two
clones to that predicted by random association of cell types given their observed proportions
Another study analyzed triplet fate correlations by comparing the frequency of triplet patterns to
that observed in simulated lineage trees using a stochastic model where each starting
progenitor can self
renew or differentiate into all possible c
ell types within the dataset under a
set of probabilities
. These studies provide evidence for fate correlations between related cells.
However, a framework that can
be recursively applied to any lineage tree dataset to
systematically identify lineage motifs of varying size remains lacking.
We first simulated sets of lineage trees with 3 different cell types (
Figure 2
We enumerated all
possible cell fate patterns,
tabulated the number of times each occurred within the simulated
trees, and compared these abundances to those expected in a “null” model. The null model was
constructed by repeatedly resampling the cell fate labels on the simulated lineage trees
. This procedure maintains overall cell fate
proportions but
eliminates fate
correlations between related cells. To detect larger motifs, it is necessary to control not only for
overall cell type frequencies but also for the frequencies of any “sub
s” within the pattern
of interest. For example, a triplet pattern comprising a sister cell doublet and their common
cousin could appear over
represented solely because the sister doublet is itself a motif. To
account for this, we resampled in a manner that
preserves sub
pattern frequency, by drawing
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from a pool of similar sub
patterns across all trees.
For each pattern, we computed a z
score to
quantify the degree of over
representation, as well as a false discovery rate adjusted p
to measure significance. Finally, anti
motifs, defined as patterns that are underrepresented
in the observed trees, were identified using the same approach.
LMA is distinct from a related approach termed kin correlation analysis (KCA). KCA infers cell
state transition dynamics from lineage trees and endpoint cell state datasets, but is mainly
applicable to systems governed by Markovian dynamics, in which siste
r cell transitions are
independent of one another
. LMA also contrasts with the “lineage complexity” metric, which
enumerates the minimal set of patterns nec
essary to describe the overall developmental
program, but does not quantify how statistically overrepresented each pattern is within the
Figure 2
: Lineage Motif Analysis (LMA) identifies fate correlations in lineage
trees by statistical resampling.
Statistically overrepresented patterns of cell fates on lineage trees can be identified by
comparing the observed set of trees to those that hav
e been resampled to eliminate fate
correlations while maintaining sub
pattern frequency. An example of triplet lineage motif
identification is shown here, where singlets and doublets are resampled across all trees.
Candidate patterns that display significa
nt deviation from the expected frequency based on the
resampled trees are identified as lineage motifs.
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To demonstrate that LMA can recover different types of committed progenitors present in larger
developmental programs, we simulated lineage tree dataset
s using either a competence
progression program (
Figure 3A and Figure S1
), reminiscent of neural developmental systems
like retina, or a binary fate program (
Figure S2A and
), reminiscent of early embryonic
development. For these programs, we used differ
entiation probabilities that generate roughly
equal cell fate proportions in the overall dataset (
Figure 3B and Figure S2B
). We then applied
LMA to the simulated tree datasets. In both cases, the resulting motifs reflected the structure of
the underlying p
rogram and captured multiple levels of progenitor commitment over time. For
example, in trees generated using a competence progression model (
Figure S1
), where cell
fates A through F are generated progressively over time, only symmetric doublet patterns, s
as (F,F) and (E,E), were statistically overrepresented within all possible doublet patterns
Figure 3C
We next analyzed triplet patterns, in which a single progenitor divides to produce a terminal cell,
X, and a second progenitor cell that divides
once more to produce a doublet of terminal cells, Y
and Z, producing a triplet denoted as (X,(Y,Z)). After accounting for both singlet and doublet
frequencies, only triplet patterns including two sequential levels of progenitor commitment, such
as (E,(F,F)
) and (D,(E,E)), were significantly overrepresented (
Figure 3D
LMA can be scaled up to analyze larger asymmetric patterns, including quartets, quintets,
sextets, and septets, which respectively span 3, 4, 5, and 6 cell divisions. Given a reasonable
ber of trees (500 total), the motifs successfully captured up to 5 levels of the competence
progression program.
the triplet results, the significant higher order motifs exclusively
involved consecutive cell fate patterns. For example, (D,(E,(F,F))) w
as a motif, while
(C,(E,(F,F))) was not. As motif size grows larger, the size of the dataset required for detection
also increases (
Figure 3E
). Together, these results confirm that LMA can be used to recursively
identify lineage motifs in large patterns.
We also analyzed trees generated using a binary fate model in which progenitors make binary
choices which restrict their fate potential over time (
Figure S2A and
). The doublet and
quartet motifs reflect the structure of the underlying program as expecte
d (
Figure S2C
However, no octet patterns were significantly over
or under
represented for the indicated rates
of differentiation and self
renewal (using datasets up to 50000 trees;
Figure S2E
). Taken
together, these results indicate that LMA is capa
ble of recursively identifying lineage motifs of
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multiple sizes in different models of
development and
is especially powerful when applied to the
competence progression dynamics, likely due to the lower number of possible patterns per level
of progenitor c
Finally, to enable the identification of lineage motifs across diverse developmental contexts, we
created an open
source Python package, termed “linmo,” for identifying motifs in lineage trees.
The package is available on a
repository (
), which
includes supporting documentation and tutorials for processing the following lineage tree
datasets analyze
d here.
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Figure 3
: Motifs reveal committed progenitors in a competence progression
model of development.
Lineage trees were simulated using a competence progression model of development.
Each progenitor can either self
renew with 20% probability
, differentiate into a terminal
fate, or progress to the next competence state (except for the last progenitor ‘f’).
Probabilities for differentiating into a terminal fate or progression to sequential
competence states were chosen to generate roughly equal
cell type proportions.
Cell type proportions in 500 simulated lineage trees.
Deviation score for top 12 most significant doublet patterns, calculated using the mean
and standard deviation of counts across 10000 resamples. Null z
scores were calculated
comparing a random resample dataset to the rest of the resample datasets. 10
datasets containing 500 simulated trees each were used, with the standard deviation
across the datasets plotted as error bars.
Deviation score for top 12 most significant triplet
patterns with at least 2 cell types.
Deviation score for select patterns that reflect sequential differentiation of cell fates using
datasets of varying size. Shading indicates 95% confidence interval across 10 datasets
for each point.
See also
Figure S1
LMA reveals spatial organization of
fate commitment in
zebrafish retina development
Retina development provides a well
studied example of cell fate diversification. It involves
generation of a conserved set of terminal cell fates across diverse vertebrate species. At the
same time, it also exhibits substantial inter
species variation in t
he spatial organization of cell
, making it an ideal target tissue for LMA. Therefore, we examined a zebrafish retina
development dataset spanning 32 to 72 hours
post fertilization (hpf)
, during which progenitors
terminally differentiate to form the major neuronal and glial cell types, including ganglion (G),
amacrine (A),
bipolar (B), photoreceptor (R), horizontal (H), and Müller glia (M) (
Figure 4A
). He
et al. used time
lapse confocal microscopy in reporter zebrafish lines to track every cell division
event for 60 retinal progenitors spanning the nasal
temporal axis. Their
data supported previous
work showing that a wave of differentiation starts in the nasal region and gradually progresses
to the temporal region
. The cell ty
pe composition within clones was generally observed to
be variable, with weak fate correlations between related cells. A key exception, however, was
the frequent appearance of symmetric terminal pairs of photoreceptor, bipolar, and horizontal
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We p
artitioned lineage trees based on the progenitor spatial location and applied LMA,
beginning with doublet patterns. We found that the (H,H), (B,B), and (R,R) doublet motifs were
overrepresented in a similar manner across the three different retinal regions
(temporal, middle,
and nasal) (
Figure 4B
). The key exception was a lack of (H,H) and (B,B) doublets in the
nasal region, likely because those cell types were only present at very low levels in this region
Figure 4D
). These results were consistent wit
h key findings from He et al., while extending
the analysis to assess regional variation.
LMA also found new motifs not previously identified in the He et al. study and revealed how their
frequency varies across space. For example, even though
bipolar and amacrine cells appear at
similar frequencies across all three retinal regions, the (A,B) doublet was specifically
overrepresented in the nasal region (
Figure 4E
). Also, doublets comprising one R cell and all
other cell types were generally unde
rrepresented across all regions, constituting anti
motifs. We
also searched for higher order
motifs but
found that no patterns were significantly over
represented, indicating that higher order motifs are either absent or require larger
datasets f
or detection (
Figure S4
). Overall, the observed motif profile suggests that amacrine
and bipolar cells frequently share a common progenitor at the terminal cell division, specifically
in the nasal region of the zebrafish retina, whereas photoreceptor and n
photoreceptor cells
do not share a common progenitor at the terminal cell division in all regions.
Figure 4 (below): Doublet lineage motif analysis in zebrafish retina development shows
spatial organization of fate commitment.
The zebrafish retina cont
ains five major types of neurons and Müller glia organized into
three cell layers. Differentiation starts from the nasal side of the eye and progresses to
the temporal side.
Counts for doublet patterns in the observed zebrafish retina trees from He et al.
in the
temporal region and across 10000 resamples (* = adjusted p
value < 0.05; ** = adjusted
value < 0.005). All 10000 resamples are represented in the violin pl
ots, but a random
subset of only 100 resamples are shown as overlaying dot plots. The top 13 significant
doublets across progenitors from all spatial regions are shown. The expected count was
calculated analytically (
Counts for doublet patterns i
n the middle region of zebrafish retina and across 10000
Counts for doublet patterns in the nasal region of zebrafish retina and across 10000
Deviation score for doublet patterns in the temporal, middle, and nasal region, calculated
sing the mean and standard deviation of counts across 10000 resamples. Doublet
patterns with an observed and expected count of 0 were omitted from analysis.
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See also
Figure S4
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Shared retinal lineage motifs across species suggest conservation of devel
Are retinal lineage motifs conserved between different species? To address this question, we
analyzed a dataset of postnatal rat retinal progenitor cells grown
in vitro
at clonal density,
consisting of 129 lineage trees with at least 3 ce
. During
this period
, rat retinal progenitor
cells gave rise to mostly rod cells (R, 74.6% of cells), some bipolar and amacrine cells
(respectively B and A, with
12.6% and 10.1% of cells), and few Müller glia (M, 2.7%
of cells)
Figure 5A
). In this work, the authors showed that a stochastic model based on independent
fate decisions could explain the observed frequencies of most triplet patterns, arguing against
e existence of specific fate programs
Applying LMA to this rat retina dataset confirmed some of these conclusions, such as over
representation of (B,(A,B)) tripl
ets (
Figure 5C, E
). However, it also revealed additional features
of rat retinal development. For example, using LMA, we found that (A,B), (B,M), and (A,A)
doublets were overrepresented while (B,R) doublets were underrepresented (
Figure 5B, D
for sub
pattern frequencies in the triplet analysis revealed that the apparent over
representation of the (R,(A,A)) triplet in the previous study
could be entirely explained by the
(A,A) doublet motif frequency. This highlights the importance of the recursive nature of LMA
Figure 2, Methods
). Furthermore, because the progenitors were grown at
in vitro
density to minimize the effect of ex
trinsic cues on fate commitment, these motifs likely represent
intrinsic developmental programs that generate predetermined sets of cell fates on lineage
We next compared the motif profile between zebrafish and rat retina. We limited this
specifically to cell types that are shared between the analyzed datasets. Notably, the (A,B) and
(A,A) motifs and the (B,R) anti
motif are observed in both species, suggesting that
developmental programs are evolutionarily conserved. In contrast,
the (B,B) and (R,R) motifs
appear specifically in the zebrafish retina, while the (B,M) motif appears specifically in the rat
retina. Overall, these data suggest that cell fate allocation in retina across species can occur in
a deterministic and evolutiona
rily conserved manner, in which amacrine and bipolar cells share
a common progenitor at the terminal cell division. At the same time, other programs may be
more species
specific. For example, bipolar and Müller glia tend to share a common progenitor
in rat
, but not zebrafish, retina at the terminal cell division. More generally, these results provide
a case example for how LMA can be used to assess the evolution of developmental programs.
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Figure 5
: Doublet and triplet lineage motif analysis reveal
s fate commitment
patterns in rat retina development.
Schematic shows the cellular architecture of the mammalian retina. Cell types used in
this study are highlighted.
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Counts for all doublet patterns in the observed lineage trees from Gomes et al.
across 10000 resamples (* = adjusted p
value < 0.05; ** = adjusted p
value < 0.005). All
10000 resamples are represented in the violin plots, but a random subset of onl
y 100
resamples are shown as overlaying dot plots. The expected count was calculated
analytically (
Counts for the top 15 significant triplet patterns in the observed lineage trees and across
10000 resamples.
Deviation score for all doublet patte
rns in the observed lineage trees, calculated using
the mean and standard deviation of counts across 10000 resamples. Null z
scores were
calculated by comparing a random resample dataset to the rest of the resample
Deviation score for the top 15
significant triplet patterns in the observed lineage trees.
LMA reveals temporal differences in
commitment during early mouse
Early embryonic development features conserved cell types across mammals and spatially
restricted cell
fate specification, making it an ideal system to apply LMA. We therefore used
LMA to analyze a dataset of early mouse embryo development, spanning the 8
cell stage to
. During this period, cells make two major cell fate decisions. The first fate decision
distinguishes between inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (T). Subsequently, ICM cells
either undergo apoptosis (A) or further differentiate into eithe
r epiblast (E) or primitive endoderm
(P) fates (
Figure 6A
In a previous study, Morris et al.
used time
lapse confocal microscopy to trace individual
progenitor c
ells starting at the 8 to 16
cell division within 20 mouse blastocysts until their final
fate is known at the late blastocyst stage (~E4.5). The authors found that progenitors that
internalize during the 8
16 cell stage are biased to give rise to epiblast
(E), whereas those that
internalize during or after the 16
32 cell stage are biased to give rise to primitive endoderm (P).
However, it remained unclear whether individual progenitors give rise to sets of correlated cell
fates in the final few divisions
ior to the late blastocyst stage
To gain insight into this question, we partitioned lineage trees into those generated from inside
or outside progenitors at the 16
cell stage and applied LMA to both sets. Examining the final cell
division, we found that
most doublet patterns (90%) within both types of progenitors are either
motifs or anti
motifs (
Figure S5
). For example, symmetric sister pairs such as (P,P), (E,E), and
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the apoptotic doublet (A,A) were over
represented among descendants of both inside and
outside progenitors, and therefore motifs. (T,T) was also a motif among outside progenitors
(inside progenitors do not give rise to trophectoderm). These results suggest that by E4.5, most
(76.5%), but not all, cells have already committed to one of the t
hree lineages before the
previous cell division, and therefore produce symmetric doublets.
We also observed asymmetric doublet motifs, such as (A,P), (A,E), (E,P), which were
overrepresented in trees from outside progenitors while underrepresented in tre
es from inside
progenitors. Trophectoderm, unlike the other lineages, was part of asymmetric anti
among outside progenitors. Overall, the weaker motif signatures for inside progenitors suggest
less commitment compared to the strong, and usually symm
etric, doublet motifs among the
descendants of the outside progenitor cells.
The recursive nature of LMA allowed us to extend it to identify higher order motifs, starting with
triplets, in these data (
Figure 6
). Strikingly, we observed triplet
motifs with multiple cell fates,
such as (A,(P,P)) and (T,(A,P)). In order to qualify as a motif, these patterns must occur more
often than expected after accounting for the frequencies of their sub
patterns. To achieve that
level of over
representation su
ggests the existence of progenitors that are biased to produce
complex three
cell patterns. Biologically, the overrepresented (T,(A,P)) triplet could represent a
committed outside progenitor at the 16
cell stage, which divides asymmetrically to give rise t
o a
trophectoderm cell and an internalized intermediate progenitor, which then gives rise to an
apoptotic and primitive endoderm cell. Among outside cells, we also observed homogeneous
triplet motifs, including (P,(P,P)) and (E,(E,E)), suggesting the exist
ence of fully committed
progenitors at least two generations earlier. We sought to detect quartet motifs (
Figure S6
), but
the dataset was too small to reliably detect significant deviations from null expectations. Taken
together, these results suggest that
some outside progenitors may commit to give rise to
defined groups of cell types at least two cell divisions before
the late
, while
inside progenitors remain plastic and uncommitted towards certain fates.
Figure 6 (below): Triplet linea
ge motif analysis in mouse blastocyst development
suggests outside progenitors initiate fate commitment earlier than inside progenitors.
Early in mouse development, blastomeres are partitioned into outside and inside
progenitors based on their spatial posi
tion in the compacted morula. As development
progresses, outside cells form trophectoderm (T), while inside cells either undergo
apoptosis (A), or contribute to epiblast (E) or primitive endoderm (P).
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Counts for triplet patterns in the observed mouse blastocyst trees from Morris et al.
the outside progenitors and across 10000 resamples (* = adjusted p
value <
0.05; ** =
adjusted p
value < 0.005). All 10000 resamples are represented in the violin plots, but a
random subset of only 100 resamples are shown as overlaying dot plots. The top 15
significant triplets across both sets of progenitors are shown. The expec
ted count was
calculated analytically (
Counts for triplet patterns in the observed mouse blastocyst trees in the inside
progenitors and across 10000 resamples.
Deviation score for triplet patterns in the outside and inside progenitors, calculated
the mean and standard deviation of counts across 10000 resamples. Triplet patterns
with an observed and expected count of 0 were omitted from analysis.
See also
Figure S5
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Lineage motifs facilitate adaptive variation in cell type frequencies
w do biological systems facilitate adaptive variation in cell type frequencies, either spatially
within a tissue, or evolutionarily between species? Within the large space of potential cell type
distributions, most are likely to be maladaptive. Is it possi
ble to structure the developmental
program in such a way that allows cell type frequencies to mainly vary within adaptive, or
optimal, regimes
We reasoned t
hat lineage motifs could address this problem. Mathematically, lineage motifs
represent a linear transformation from a set of motif frequencies to a set of cell type frequencies.
Each motif generates a subset of cell types in a particular stoichiometric ra
tio. For example, the
(A,B) doublet motif generates bipolar and amacrine cells in a 1:1 ratio (
Figure 5D)
. If most cell
fate decisions were controlled through motifs, then a developing tissue could indirectly control
the frequencies of individual cell type
s by specifying the frequency of each motif (
Figure 1C
More precisely, we can describe the conversion from motif frequencies to cell type distributions
as a linear transformation:
. Here,
is a vector whose components
sent the counts of each cell type in position/species
is a non
negative integer matrix
describing how many cells of each type (rows) are produced by each motif (columns)
denotes the motif frequencies in position/species
represents the number of
additional cells of each type in position/species
that cannot be explained through the motifs
Figure 7A
). In defining
, it is important to note that certain fate patterns may be
overrepresented, and be detected as motifs, in
one spatial region or species but not another. A
complete set of motifs, and therefore a complete specification of
, would include motifs
identified in all biological contexts.
To understand how motifs constrain cell type frequencies, we first constru
cted a set of
hypothetical motif matrices
, each reflecting a different motif structure.
is a diagonal
matrix representing the null model in which each column trivially corresponds to a single cell
type. In contrast,
ly contain exclusively doublet or triplet motifs where
multiple cell types are generated together
(Figure 7B)
. For each motif matrix, we simulated
datasets by randomly choosing frequencies for each of the motifs present within each matrix
). For si
mplicity, we initially assumed
and constrained cell type frequencies to
sum to a constant,
, to reflect the limited total capacity of the tissue. We then
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analyzed the range of cell type distributions produced by each matrix. Under the
null model, cell
type frequencies spanned the full space, as expected. By contrast, the other two models
restricted cell type frequencies to limited subspaces. This can occur, for example, by excluding
distributions consisting mainly of only one cell type
Although motifs can constrain cell type distributions in general, it remained unclear whether the
specific motifs observed in the rat retina dataset would be consistent with the distributions of
retinal cell types independently observed in different sp
ecies. Addressing this question requires
(1) defining the motif
accessible space of cell type frequencies permitted by the observed rat
retina motifs, and (2) determining whether independently measured retinal cell type proportions
from other vertebrate sp
ecies lie within that space.
To define the motif
accessible frequency space, we first need to determine the lower and upper
bounds for cell type frequencies. We set the lower bounds at
, the cell type counts for all cells
in the rat retina dataset bor
n outside of a motif
(Methods, Figure S7A)
. We set the upper
bounds by constraining the total number of cells to be the same as in the rat retina dataset,
. Using these constraints, we simulated datasets containing randomly chosen
uencies for each of the observed rat retina motifs in
, or as a control, the null model,
The motif model accessed only a subset of the space of fate proportions spanned by the null
model (
Figure 7C
). Within this subspace, the motif model showed hig
her density of fate
distributions corresponding to moderate levels of both amacrine and bipolar cells and low levels
of Müller glia. Bipolar cells and Müller glia exhibited a reduced maximum proportion relative to
the null model, consistent with the observ
ation that
cell types are generated with other cell
types in the rat retina motifs.
We compared the datasets generated using the motif or null model to independent
measurements of retinal cell type proportions across multiple vertebrate species
. Strikingly,
this analysis revealed that
the independently measured fate distributions of vertebrate retina
lie within, or very close to, the subspace accesse
d by the motif model. To understand how the
structure of the motif matrix impacts the resulting cell type distributions, we repeated this
analysis omitting the (A,A) motif from the motif matrix
Figure S7B
). This resulted in a
smaller subspace achieved
by the motif model, specifically lowering the maximum proportion of
A cells from 62.8% to 46.0% (
Figure S7C
). This perturbed model failed to capture the empirical
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cell fate distributions for mouse, rabbit, monkey, and chick retina, indicating that the (A,
A) motif
is required to explain variation in cell type proportions across vertebrate retina.
Taken together, these results are consistent with the notion that motifs identified in lineage trees
of rat retina could facilitate evolutionary variation in ret
inal cell type proportions across
vertebrates. They further show that the range of cell type proportion space achieved using the
motif model can be expanded or constrained by respectively increasing or decreasing the
number of different motifs in the model
. In the future, a more complete identification of motifs
using larger datasets could therefore expand and modify the accessible space of cell type
proportions described here.
Figure 7 (below): Motifs can facilitate optimal variation in cell
type frequencies between
matrix equation describes the linear transformation from motif
frequencies to cell type distributions.
Cell type distributions were simulated by randomly varying the frequencies of motifs
using three example motif matrices (
), assuming no cells are born outside of a
motif (
) and the total cell type frequencies to sum to a constant,
corresponds to the null model,
corresponds to doublet motifs, and
corresponds to
triplet motifs. The data was plotted as a ternary plot where each axis corresponds to the
proportion of one cell type.
Cell type distributions were simulated using a null model (
) or the empirical motif
matrix based on the rat retina
motifs (
) in
Figure 5
. The lower bounds were set at
the counts for all cell types in the experimental rat retina dataset that were born outside
of a motif. The upper bound was set by constraining the total number of cells to be the
same as in the r
at retina dataset,
. The data was plotted as a ternary plot
where each axis corresponds to the proportion of one cell type, with the cell type
proportions of mouse, rabbit, monkey, and chick retina from Masland
and Yamagata et
See also
Figure S7
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Producing cell types in optimal r
atios is essential for tissue function. In many contexts, these
proportions are established during development, when progenitor cells self
renew or
differentiate into more committed progenitors or terminal fates. These committed progenitors
can be identifi
ed through the repertoire of descendant cell types they produce. Increasing recent
attention to the role of lineage in development
and the emergence of new methods f
reconstructing lineage trees
provoke the question of how one can infer developmental
programs and different types of committed progenitors based on the a
rrangement of
descendent cell fates on lineage trees.
In this work, we introduce a general computational approach, Lineage Motif Analysis (LMA),
based on statistical resampling of lineage trees. Using simulations, we demonstrated that LMA
can be
recursively applied to uncover fate correlations in large patterns that span multiple cell
divisions. By applying this framework to three biological datasets, we validated known fate
patterns and identified novel fate correlations. In the retina, motifs ca
n recur across space, or
appear specifically in certain regions of the tissue. The presence of shared motifs across
zebrafish and rat retina suggests evolutionary conservation of retina developmental programs.
In the mouse blastocyst, inside progenitors ap
pear plastic and less committed towards certain
fates compared to outside progenitors during the final cell division
before the late blastocyst
. Based on triplet motifs, some outside progenitors at the 16
cell stage appear to have
already committed t
owards defined groups of fates at least two cell divisions before
the late
blastocyst stage
. Finally, we showed that the motifs identified in the rat retina dataset, if utilized
in different proportions, could explain variation in cell type frequencies acr
oss several vertebrate
species. Lineage motifs thus provide a useful and biologically meaningful lens through which we
can analyze developmental programs.
Lineage motifs could be regarded simply as the consequence of a differentiation process that
s the cells to pass through intermediate states of partial fate commitment. However, this
explanation still leaves open the question of why certain commitment states have been selected
and why certain cell types appear in multiple motifs. One potential ans
wer is that lineage motifs
play functional roles
cell type
Because l
ineage motifs generate groups
of cell types in fixed stoichiometric ratios
, this
could allow the organism to use motifs as ‘knobs’
that can modulate cell type p
roportions, while maintaining them within physiologically adaptive
regimes. At the same time, we emphasize that developmental systems
use a multitude of
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other mechanisms for establishing and modulating cell type proportions, including morphogens,
ammed cell death, quorum sensing, migration, etc. In the future, we anticipate greater
availability of
lineage datasets, which should allow more complete tabulation of
motifs across different tissue contexts. These data should thus enable more
stringent tests of
the model proposed here.
A second potential role for lineage motifs could be to create spatially localized neighborhoods of
interacting cell types to implement specific functions. In the context of the retina, particular types
of inter
neurons must be synaptically connected. For example, in crossover inhibition, OFF
bipolar cells receive input from ON amacrine cells, which are depolarized by ON bipolar cells at
light onset
. A neural circuit of these cell types in close spatial proximity could be ensured by
regulating the generation of these cell types through a lineage motif, such as the (B,(A,B)) motif
observed in the rat retina dataset (
Figure 5E
. Consistent with this hypothesis, recent work has
shown that specific synapses develop preferentially among sister excitatory neurons in the
mouse neocortex
. In fu
ture studies, it will be crucial to characterize the functions of individual
cells within a lineage motif.
Lineage motifs can be compared with other methods for inferring developmental programs, such
as pseudotime, where single cells are densely profiled throughout time to obtain a population
level branching continuum of cell states
. A previous study involving pseudotime inference
suggested that molecularly defined subpopulations of retinal progenitors give rise to different
sets of cell types
. In particular, neurogenic early stage progenitors give rise to ganglion,
amacrine, and horizontal cells, Otx2+ late stage progenitors give rise to bipolar and rod cells,
and other late stage
progenitors give rise to Müller glia. However, in our analysis of both the
zebrafish and rat retina, we observe progenitors that are biased to form a sister pair of one
amacrine and one bipolar cell, i.e. the (A,B) doublet motif. In the rat retina, we also
progenitors that are biased to form a sister pair of one bipolar cell and one Müller glia, i.e. the
(B,M) doublet motif (
Figure 4 and 5
). Therefore, individual progenitors during development can
generate lineage patterns that deviate from the popu
level trajectories inferred using
Looking forward, LMA should be especially useful for contexts that have systematic spatial or
species va
riation in cell type composition, like the intestine, pancreas, and liver
Moreover, in diseased tissues where cell type proportions are misregula
ted, motifs may provide
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a way to infer underlying developmental mechanisms. Deeper tree reconstructions, enabled by
recording systems with greater memory capacity
, could enable the analysis of
motifs, representing higher level correlations between constituent motifs
. Analyzing h
signal or transcription factor dynamics are correlated with the generation of motifs will reveal
how this process is extrinsically or intrinsically regulated during development. Overall, by
decomposing complex developmental programs into their functiona
l building blocks, lineage
motifs should help provide new insights into longstanding questions in development and
Although we have identified motifs and anti
motifs in three different lineage tree datasets in this
work, it is likely
that not all underlying developmental programs will recur with high enough
be classified as a motif. Programs with weaker fate correlations and datasets of
limited size can hinder motif identification. Additionally, incomplete identificati
on of cell types
due to the use of limited numbers of markers in the experimental studies analyzed here could
prevent discovery of more complex motifs.
We thank Duncan Chadly, Ben Emert, Jacob Parres
Gold, Yodai Takei, and other members
the Elowitz lab for scientific input and feedback. We thank Mykel Barrett, Marianne Bronner,
Rusty Lansford, Carlos Lois, Magda Zernicka
Goetz, and Meng Zhu for helpful discussion and
feedback. This research was supported by Paul G. Allen Frontiers Grou
p and Prime Awarding
Agency under Award No. UWSC10142 and the National Institute of Health grant
R01MH116508. M.T. was supported with funding from the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute
for Neuroscience at Caltech and by the National Eye Institute of the
National Institutes of Health
under Award Number F31EY033220. A.A. was supported with funding from National Eye
Institute of NIH under Award Number R00EY031782. M.B.E. is a Howard Hughes Medical
Institute investigator. The content is solely the responsibil
ity of the authors and does not
necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. This article is subject to HHMI’s Open
Access to Publications policy. HHMI lab heads have previously granted a nonexclusive CC BY
4.0 license to the public and a sublicens
able license to HHMI in their research articles. Pursuant
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to those licenses, the author
accepted manuscript of this article can be made freely available
under a CC BY 4.0 license immediately upon publication.
Author contributions
Conceptualization, M.T., A
.A., and M.B.E.; Methodology, M.T., A.A., and M.B.E.; Software, M.T.
and A.A.; Formal Analysis, M.T. and A.A.; Writing
Original Draft, M.T.; Writing
Review &
Editing, M.T., A.A., and M.B.E.; Visualization, M.T.; Supervision, A.A. and M.B.E.; Funding
quisition, M.T., A.A., and
Declaration of interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
STAR Methods
Resource availability
Lead contact
Further information and requests for resources should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the
contact, Michael B. Elowitz (
Materials availability
This study did not generate new unique reagents.
Data and code availability
This paper analyzes existing, publicly available data. These accession numbers for the
datasets are liste
d in the key resources table.
All code used in this study has been deposited at
) as well as the CaltechDATA research rep
) and is publicly available as of the date of
publication. DOIs are listed in the key resources table.
additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper is
available from the lead contact upon request.
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