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Label-free super-resolution imaging enabled by VISTA
maging of
issue and
Kun Miao
Li-En Lin
Chenxi Qian
Lu Wei
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125, United States
The universal utilization of fluorescence microscopy, especially super-resolution microscopy,
has greatly advanced our knowledge about modern biology. Conversely, the requirement
of fluorophore labeling in fluorescent techniques poses significant challenges, such as
photobleaching and non-uniform labeling of fluorescent probes and prolonged sample processing.
In this protocol, we report the detailed working procedures, termed VISTA, to circumvent
obstacles associated with fluorophores and achieve label-free super-resolution volumetric imaging
in biological samples with spatial resolution down to 78 nm. VISTA is established by embedding
cells and tissues in hydrogel, isotropically expanding the hydrogel-sample hybrid, and visualizing
endogenous protein distributions by vibrational imaging with stimulated Raman scattering
microscopy. We demonstrated VISTA on both cells and mouse brain tissues and observed
highly correlative VISTA and immunofluorescence images, validating the protein origin of
imaging specificities. We exploited such correlation and trained a machine-learning based image-
segmentation algorithm to achieve multi-component prediction of nuclei, blood vessels, neuronal
cells and dendrites from label-free mouse brain images. We further adapted VISTA to investigate
pathologic poly-glutamine (polyQ) aggregates in cells and amyloid-beta (A
) plaques in brain
tissues with high throughput, justifying its potential for large-scale clinical samples.
By combining sample-expansion hydrogel chemistry with label-free chemical specific stimulated
Raman scattering microscopy, we described the protocol to achieve label-free super-resolution
volumetric imaging in biological samples. With additional machine-learning image segmentation
algorithm, we obtained protein specific multi-components images in tissues without antibody
Corresponding author. lwei@caltech.edu.
A complete version of this article that includes the video component is available at
The authors declare no competing interests.
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The development of optical imaging methods has revolutionized our understanding of
modern biology because they provide unprecedented spatial and temporal information
of targets across different scales, from subcellular proteins to whole organs
. Among
them, fluorescence microscopy is the most well-established: with a large palette of
organic dyes with high extinction coefficients and quantum yields
, easy-to-use genetic
encoded fluorescent proteins
, and super-resolution methods such as STED, PALM and
STORM for imaging nanometer-scale structures
. In addition, recent advancement in
sample engineering and preservation chemistry, which expands specimens embedded in
swellable polymer hydrogels
, enables sub-diffraction limited resolution on conventional
fluorescence microscopes. For instance, typical expansion microscopy (ExM) effectively
enhances the image resolution by 4 times with fourfold isotropic sample expansion
Despite its advantages, super-resolution fluorescence microscopy shares limitations that
originate from fluorophore labeling. First, photobleaching and inactivation of fluorophores
compromises the capacity of repetitive and quantitative fluorescence evaluations.
Photobleaching is an inevitable event when light keeps pumping electrons into electronic
excited states
. Second, labeling the fluorophores to the desired targets is not always a
straightforward task. For instance, immunostaining demands a long and laborious sample
preparation process and hinders imaging throughput
. It could also introduce artifacts due
to inhomogeneous antibody-labeling, especially deep inside tissues
. Moreover, proper
labeling strategies that targets fluorophores to desired proteins might be underdeveloped. For
example, extensive screenings were required to find effective antibodies for A
Smaller organic dyes, such as Congo red, often have limited specificity, only staining
the core of the A
plaque. We aim to develop a label-free super-resolution modality that
circumvents the drawbacks from fluorophore-labeling and provides complementary high-
resolution imaging from cells to tissues, and even to large-scale human samples.
Raman microscopy provides label-free contrast for chemical-specific structures and maps
out the distribution of otherwise invisible chemical bonds by looking at the excited
vibrational transitions
. In particular, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging on label-
free or tiny-labeled samples has been demonstrated to have similar speed and resolution
to fluorescence microscopy
. For example, healthy brain region has been readily
differentiated from tumor infiltrated region in human and mouse tissues
. A
was also clearly imaged by targeting protein CH
vibration (2940 cm
) and amide I (1660
) on a fresh-frozen brain slice without any labeling
. Raman scattering therefore offers
robust label-free contrast that overcomes the limitations of fluorophores. The question then
became how we can accomplish super-resolution capacity using Raman scattering, which
could reveal nanoscale structural details and functional implications in biological samples.
Although extensive efforts have been made to achieve super-resolution for Raman
microscopy with elegant optic instrumentations, the resolution enhancement on biological
samples have been rather limited
. Here, based on our recent works
, we present
a protocol that combines a sample-expansion strategy with stimulated Raman scattering
for super-resolution label-free vibrational imaging, named
maging of
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issues and
nalysis (VISTA). We embedded cells and tissues in hydrogel matrixes through
an optimized protein-hydrogel hybridization protocol. We then incubated hydrogel tissue
hybrids in the detergent-rich solutions for delipidation followed by expansion in water.
The expanded samples were then imaged by a regular SRS microscope by targeting CH
vibrations from retained endogenous proteins. VISTA, owing its label-free imaging feature,
bypasses photobleaching and inhomogeneous labeling arising from fluorophore labeling
with much higher sample processing throughput. VISTA also for the first time enabled
sub-100 nm (down to 78 nm) label-free imaging with no change on SRS instrumental
, making itself readily applicable. With correlative VISTA and immunofluorescence
images, we trained an established machine-learning image-segmentation algorithm
generates protein-specific multiplex images from single-channel VISTA images. We further
applied VISTA to investigate A
plaques in mouse brain tissues, providing a holistic image
suited for sub-phenotyping based on the fine views of the plaque core and peripheral
filaments surrounded by cell nuclei and blood vessels.
All animal procedures performed in this study were approved by the California Institute of
Technology Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and we have complied
with all relevant ethical regulations.
1. Preparation of stock solutions for fixation and sample expansion.
1.1. Prepare 40 ml of fixation solution by first dissolving 12g of acryl amide (30% w/v) solid
in 26 ml of nuclease-free water. Then add 10 ml of 16% PFA stock solution in the mixture.
Finally, add 4 ml of 10x phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.4). Made solution can be
stored in 4 °C for 2 weeks.
Note: Acrylamide is hazardous so the step of dissolving acrylamide solid in water should be
handled in fume hood.
1.2. Prepare of gelation solution (stock X) by dissolving 70 mg of sodium acrylate (7% w/v),
200 mg of acryl amide (20% w/v), 50 μl N,N
-methylenebisacrylamide (0.1% w/v) in 420
μl ultrapure water, add 57 μl sterile-filtered 10x PBS (pH 7.4) in the end . Solution can be
stored in −20 °C up to 1 week.
Note: Avoid sodium acrylate solid that forms clumps, make sure sodium acrylate used is
dispersive powders. Stock X made will be a colorless liquid; if the liquid looks light yellow,
obtain a new sodium acrylate source.
1.3. Prepare the polymerization initiator solution by dissolving 1 g of ammonium persulfate
(APS, 10% w/w) in 9 ml nuclease-free water. Similarly, prepare polymerization accelerator
solution by dissolving 1 g of tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED, 10% w/w) in 9 ml
nuclease-free water. The resulting solutions should be aliquot into small portions and stored
in −20 °C.
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1.4. Denaturing buffer (50 ml) was prepared by dissolving 2.88 g of sodium dodecyl sulfate
(SDS, 200 mM), 0.584 g of sodium chloride (200 mM), and 2.5 ml of 1M Tris-HCl buffer
(50 mM, pH 8) in nuclease-free water.
Note: The concentration of SDS is close to its saturation condition. Some crystallization in
the buffer is normal. Slight warm up can make the solution clear and ready to use.
2. Preparation of mammalian cell samples.
2.1 Cultured HeLa cells were first seeded on to borosilicate coverslip (#1.5) and were
cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1%
penicillin–streptomycin antibiotics (complete DMEM) under humidified atmosphere with
5% CO
at 37 °C.
2.2 To obtain cells in different mitotic stage, incubate the cells in DMEM without fetal
bovine serum for 20 h to synchronize the cell stages once they reached 60% confluency.
Switch the medium for cells to complete DMEM and incubate for another 2-6 hour to target
various stages of mitosis. Wash the HeLa cells on coverslips with sterile PBS and incubated
them with fixation solution (4% PFA 30% AA in PBS) at 37 °C for 7-8 h before further
2.3 For cells with polyQ aggregates: Cells were first grown in complete DMEM until
they reached 70–90% confluence. After changing to new complete DMEM, 1 μg plasmids
encoding mHtt97Q-GFP was transfected into the cells using transfection agent (details in
table of materials). 24–28 h post-transfection, the coverslips were harvested by fixing the
cells in fixation solution (4% PFA, 30% AA) at 37 °C for 6–8 h. The resulting cell samples
were ready for further processing
3. Preparation of mouse brain samples.
3.1 The normal mice and Alzheimer mice were purchased from commercial sources
(details in table of materials). Rodent euthanasia via carbon dioxide narcosis was performed
according to standard protocol
. In brief, place mice in a chamber and fill the chamber with
a flow of 100% CO
in the order of 30–70% of the volume of the chamber per minute and
maintain the flow for at least one minute after clinical death. After confirming the humane
euthanasia, post-mortem tissue collection of the brain was performed by trained veterinary
technical staff.
3.2 First, wash the fresh mouse brain with ice cold PBS and transfer the brain into fixation
buffer (4% PFA, 30% AA). Incubate the mouse brain tin fixation buffer first at 4 °C for
24-48h and then at 37 °C for overnight. After washing it with sterile PBS, cut the mouse
brain into 150 μm sections using the vibratome and stored in PBS at 4 °C.
4. Hydrogel embedding, denaturation, and expansion of cell and tissue samples
4.1 Make sure the samples were incubated with fixation buffer for proper amount of time,
as indicated above. Thaw Stock X, free-radical initiator, and accelerator stock solutions and
keep them on ice during the whole process.
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4.2 Pick up the coverslip with cells and place it on a glass slide by a tweezer. The brain
slices (150 μm thick) can be picked up and placed onto glass slide (make sure they are
flat) by a soft-wool paint brush. Get rid of excess liquid that come with samples. Stack 2
coverslips (# 1.5) on both sides of the sample on the glass slide to make a gelation chamber.
Place the glass slide with sample facing upward onto an ice-cold heat block and cool it to 4
°C for 1 min.
4.3 First, add 10% (w/w) TEMED to Stock X and then 10% APS solution. Quickly vortex
and slowly drop the resulting solution into the chamber onto samples to cover up the surface
of the sample, avoid air bubbles. Once the sample is fully immersed by the solution, place a
flat parafilm-covered coverslip on top of sample as a lid for the chamber. Leave the chamber
on ice or ice-cold heat block for another 1 min before incubating it in a humidify incubator
at 37 °C for 30 min.
Note: Sample hydrogel embedding must be done within 1 min after mixing stock X and
APS. The whole process should be kept on ice (or ice-cold heat block) as much as possible
to avoid gel formation (high degree of polymerization) before adding to the sample.
4.4 Take out the gelation chamber on the glass slide from the 37 °C incubator. A non-
transparent gel should be observed after removing the lid. Retrieve the gel by cutting with
razorblade or alternatively put the glass slide into denaturing buffer at room temperature
for 15 min. The gel will separate itself from the glass slide. Incubate the isolated gel in
denaturing buffer under heat condition to achieve further denaturation and delipidation. For
cell samples, denaturing at 95 °C for 1 hour would be sufficient. For 150 μm thick brains
slices, denaturing needs to be done at 70 °C for 3 h and 95 °C for 1 h.
Note: The gel could become curly when first incubated with denaturing buffer at room
temperature. It is normal and will become flat after high temperature denaturation. When
working with thicker tissue samples, longer denaturation time is needed.
4.5 After the heat treatment, wash the denatured sample 3 times with PBS for 10 min. At
this point, the gel should have expanded to about 1.5 times of the original size. Incubate the
washed gel with ultrapure water in a large container (at least 20 times the volume of the
gel) to achieve higher expansion ratio. Change the water every 1 hour 3 times and leave the
sample in darkness overnight. The resulting gel is ready to image.
Note: The expansion ratio largely depends on the mechanical properties of the original
sample. We obtained 4.2 times expansion for our cell samples and 3.4 times expansion for
brain tissue sample.
5. Label-free imaging of endogenous protein distribution in expanded cell and tissue
5.1 Keep the expanded gel samples in H
O throughout entire imaging process. Place the
expanded sample-bearing gel onto a microscope slide (1 mm thick) with a microscope
spacer filled with water. Cover the spacer with a coverslip (#1.5) and ensure its properly
sealed to avoid sample movement. The spacer with appropriate opening sizes and depths was
used to hold the sample hydrogel hybrid and water.
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Note: The gel is fragile after expansion. It needs to be handled with caution.
5.2 Place the sample with either the expanded cell or tissue onto the motorized stage with
the coverslip facing the objective. Use the bright field to find z and adjust the condenser
to proper position for Köhler illumination. Tune the pump wavelength to 791.3 nm on
laser panel control to target protein CH
vibration at 2940 cm
. Switch the light of the
microscope from bright-field (eye piece) to laser scanning mode and open the SRS laser
shutter. Find the proper focus by changing the z while looking at the real-time SRS image
under short pixel-dwell time (12.5 μs/pixel) and low image resolution (256x256).
5.3 Once the ideal z-position is found, perform SRS imaging at higher resolution
(1024x1024) with a longer pixel-dwell time (80 μs/pixel) that matches the time constant
of the lock-in amplifier. Acquire volumetric images by collecting a z-stack with a step-size
of 1 μm in z-direction. Process and analyze the saved OIR file from the Olympus software
by ImageJ.
Note: In our SRS setup, a tunable picosecond laser with an 80-MHz repetition rate provides
the pump (770–990 nm) and Stokes (1031.2 nm) excitation lasers into a laser scanning
confocal microscope (detailed in table of materials). Temporal and spatial overlapping of the
two beams were optimized for signals with pure D
O. It takes some efforts to find the right
z for the expanded sample under bright field because refractive index is very homogenous
throughout the gel.
5.4 We determined the resolution of VISTA by taking an SRS image of polystyrene beads
(100 nm) using both a 25x objective and a 60x objective. The pump laser was set to 784.5
nm, corresponding to Raman shift of 3050 cm
, characteristic of the aromatic C-H stretch
vibrations of polystyrene. The pump laser wavelength used here is also close to what we
use in VISTA for proteins. With the 60x objective, the experimental FWHM of the bead
image was 276.17 nm. We modeled the function of the bead object as a half circle; when the
PSF Gaussian function has a c (
) = 269 nm/2.35, the convoluted bead image would have a
measured FWHM of 276.17 nm. As a result, the resolution of our SRS system is 269 nm *
1.22 = 328 nm by the Rayleigh Criterion. As VISTA has an average of 4.2 times expansion
on cell samples, the effective resolution of VISTA is down to 328 nm / 4.2 = 78 nm.
6. Correlative VISTA and Fluorescent imaging of immuno-labeled and expanded tissue
6.1 After denaturation, pre-incubate the hydrogel embedded samples (e.g. 150 μm brain
coronal section) in 1% (v/v) Triton X-100 (PBST) for 15min. Then switch the incubation
buffer to PBST with primary antibody at 1:100 dilution. If multiple protein targets are
needed for multiplex imaging, dilute respective primary antibodies for different targets to
proper concentrations in the same cocktail and incubated with the samples simultaneously.
Incubate the gels with diluted primary antibodies at 37 °C with gentle shaking (RPM 80) for
16-18 h, followed by extensive washing (3 times) with PBST for 1-2 h at 37 °C.
6.2 Incubate the samples with secondary antibodies of corresponding species targets at
1:100 dilution with PBST at 37 °C for 12-16 h, protected from the light. Wash labeled
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hydrogel samples 3 times by PBST for 1-2 h at 37 °C with gentle shaking. Expand the
immuno-labeled gel samples by incubating with a large volume of double deionized H
Change the water every 1 h 3 times and incubate samples in H
O overnight, protected from
Note: During labeling, the gel should be in 1.5 times expansion as it is in PBS buffer.
Flipping over the gel during the incubation would help prevent inhomogeneous antibody
labeling. Double-check antibody cross-reactivities to avoid crosstalk between fluorescence
channels. Cell nuclei are stained by DAPI.
6.3 Prepare the imaging sample as described section 5.1. Place the imaging sample onto our
laser scanning confocal microscope with the 25x, 1.05 NA, water immersion objective for
fluorescent imaging. Change the laser (405-, 488-, 561-, and 640-nm) and PMT pair to the
proper wavelength according to the targeted antibodies. Adjust focus position, laser power,
image acquisition time, and PMT gain according to real-time fluorescence signal to avoid
dim signal or over saturation
6.4 Acquire correlative SRS and fluorescent images by first performing volumetric
fluorescence imaging on immuno-labeled samples. Switch the microscope light path to IR
transparent condition. Open the shutter for SRS laser and perform SRS volumetric imaging
on the field of view of same sample with the same range of z.
Note: There is slight chromatic aberration that causes shift in z position between the
fluorescent images and the SRS images because of the wavelength difference in the
excitation lasers. Manual side-by-side comparison between the SRS and fluorescence
z-stack images is needed. We seek the exact matching features from both SRS and
fluorescence channel to match the z position precisely.
7. Construction, training, and validation of U-Net architecture
Note: Installing on Linux is recommended. An graphics card with >10GB of ram is required.
7.1 Setting up environment
7.1.1 Install Anaconda or Miniconda (we use 3-5.3.0-linux-x86_64).
7.1.2 Clone or download
7.1.3 Create a Conda environment for the platform.
Command line:
conda env create -f environment.yml
7.2. Training the prediction model
7.2.1 Pair the directories of corresponding SRS images with ground truth images in a csv
file. Place the directories of SRS images under path_signal and ground truth images under
path_target columns.
7.2.2 Put the csv file in the folder data/csvs
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7.2.3 Modify the configuration in scripts/train_model_2d.sh if needed
7.2.4 Activate the environment
Command line:
conda activate fnet
7.2.5 Initiate model training
Command line:
./scripts/train_model_2d.sh <file name of the csv file> 0
The training will then start. The losses for each iteration will be shown in the command line
and saved with the model in the folder save_models/<file name for the csv file>.
7.3. Validate the images in the training set and test set.
Command line:
./scripts/train_model_2d.sh <file name of the csv file> 0
The prediction results will be saved in the folder results/<file name of the csv file>.
8. VISTA combined with U-Net predictions enables protein specific multiplexity in label-
free images.
8.1 Modify the csv file in data/csvs/<file name of the csv file>/test.csv. Replace the
directories of both path_signal and path_target with the directory of new SRS images.
8.2 Remove the prediction results from the training, which is the folder results/<file name of
the csv file>.
8.3 Run predictions
Command line:
./scripts/train_model_2d.sh <file name of the csv file> 0
The prediction results will be saved in the folder results/<file name of the csv file>/test.
After establishing the working principle of VISTA, we employed image registration to
evaluate the expansion ratio of VISTA and to ensure isotropic expansion during the sample
processing (Fig. 1a, b). We imaged both untreated and VISTA samples targeting bond
vibration at 2940 cm
, which originates from CH
of endogenous proteins. In untreated
sample, the protein rich structures like nuclei are dark due to the overwhelming lipid
content from surrounding tissues
(Fig. 1a). After VISTA processing that includes the
delipidation treatment, the resulting image showed exactly the same feature with an inversed
contrast (Fig. 1b). The shapes and the relative positions of nuclei and vessels are completely
unaltered (Fig. 1a, b; numbered structures), confirming VISTA treatment is an isotropic
process. By comparing the sizes of the corresponding nuclei, we concluded that VISTA
achieves 3.4 times expansion in brain tissue samples
Knowing the expansion ratio in brain tissue, we can now resolve new features in our label-
free SRS images that are previously unresolvable. First, we showed that we could capture
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features from healthy mouse cortexes down to 150 nm (Fig. 1c, d). Based on the dispersive
patterns around neuronal dendrites, the observed small structures are likely dendritic spine
, which have a size of 146 nm (Fig. 1d). In addition, we applied VISTA to image
the fibrillar structures in A
plaques which are believed to have thickness around 100
. Indeed, we demonstrate that we could resolve ~ 130 nm fibrillar structures in a
representative diffusive A
plaque by VISTA (Fig. 1e, f).
As VISTA enables effective protein retention and protein imaging
, we can clearly
distinguish protein rich nucleoli in nuclei and the ribbon-like cytoskeleton structures in
the cytosols of cultured HeLa cells (Fig. 2a, arrowheaded). We further applied VISTA
to study poly-glutamine (polyQ) aggregates that are transiently expressed in mammalian
cell (Fig. 2b, c). We confirmed that the aggregates, as an expectedly densely packed
structure, were expanded isotropically by comparing the same aggregate structures before
and after expansion across multiple replicate samples
. We then indeed obtained high-
resolution structures that are absent/blurred in the normal-resolution SRS images. Our
VISTA-aggregates images revealed fibril-like protrusions on the peripheral of the polyQ
aggregates and with a hollow structure in the center (Fig. 2b, arrowheaded). The observation
that protrusions seamlessly attach to cytosolic contents might suggest that aggregates engage
functional proteins in cytosol. With hindsight, the capacity to expand dense aggregates also
becomes plausible because fixation reagents formaldehyde and hydrogel monomers acryl
amide, sodium acrylates are all small molecules that can diffuse in and out of protein
aggregates. Once the aggregate was co-polymerized with monomers into hydrogel, the
expansion process should proceed as normal.
We then applied VISTA to mouse brain tissue to further extend the scope of our method.
Although tissue samples pose challenges like reduced permeability, increased thickness,
and heterogeneous mechanical strength, we successfully imaged a mouse brain sample with
VISTA (Fig. 2d). Similar to cell samples, protein rich structures including cell nuclei, blood
vessels, and neuronal processes are observed (Fig. 2d, arrowheaded). The limitation of brain
tissues is that we only achieved 3.4-times expansion which makes the effective the resolution
of VISTA in brain samples to be 99 nm
. We validated the structural origin of SRS signals
by correlative dye and antibody staining, in which DAPI stains for nuclei and lectin stains
for blood vessels (Fig. 2e, f). Neuronal cell bodies and processes were also delineated
by immunofluorescence from NeuN and MAP2
. With the trained convolutional neural
network (CNN) algorithm utilizing the correlative fluorescence images as ground truth, the
single-channel VISTA images were then segmented into specific protein-structure channel
for multiplex VISTA images
Finally, we aim to interrogate pathologic A
plaques in brains of 5xFAD mice, a well-
known animal model for Alzheimer’s disease
. After standard VISTA procedures, we
acquired a 3-dimensional SRS image of amyloid plaques deposition in brain tissues (Fig.
2g). Puncta with high protein concentration was observed (Fig. 2g, orange arrowed),
representing the core of the A
plaque. Such image also reveals peripheral A
plaques (Fig.
2g, magenta arrowheaded), which is often neglected by conventional congo-red staining
that only targets the A
core. When combined with the trained segmentation algorithm, the
label-free VISTA image could be transformed into target-specific multiplex image (Fig. 2f)
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and can be performed in joint with immunofluorescence
to study plaque-astrocyte and
plaque-microglia microenvironment interactions
, in a comprehensive and high-throughput
In summary, we present the protocol for VISTA, which is a label-free modality to image
protein-rich cellular and subcellular structures of cells and tissues. By targeting endogenous
from proteins in hydrogel embedded cell and tissues, VISTA achieves an effective
imaging resolution down to 78 nm in biological samples and resolves minor extrusion
in Huntingtin aggregates and fibrils in A
plaques. VISTA is the first instance to report
sub-100 nm resolution for label-free imaging modalities
. Compared to existing expansion
, VISTA inherits the merit of label-free SRS imaging and hence is free
from photobleaching, inactivation, or quenching caused by laser-illuminations. In addition,
as a label-free method, VISTA circumvents the demanding, inefficient, and potentially
artifact-causing antibody-labeling that is always involved in methods such as DISCO
and ExM
and thus offers high throughput sample preparation and uniform imaging
throughout tissues. To address the lack of multiplexity in the label-free approach, VISTA,
implemented with CNN-based image segmentation algorithm
, provides protein-specific
multi-component images without any labels in brain tissues
. We further applied VISTA
on 5xFAD mouse brains and enabled a holistic volumetric view of aggregates core and
periphery fibrils, nuclei and blood vessels
. We envision that VISTA would scale up well
for larger samples such as primate or human brain slices and could ultimately be useful for
clinical investigations.
There are three essential steps that ensure the successful implementation of VISTA
method. First, maximum protein retention in hydrogel sample hybrid is crucial and
required for VISTA
. To achieve this goal, we modified our fixation condition to contain
high concentration of acrylamide
and replaced the protein digestion procedure with
high-concentration detergent delipidation that saves significant protein loss from protein
digestion. The addition of AA quenches intermolecular crosslinking of proteins and
enables the isotropic expansion without protein digestions
. Second, proper correlations
between SRS and immuno-labeling and distinctions between different protein targets
need to be established. As VISTA relies on image-segmentation algorithms to add
multiplexity to monochromatic SRS images, crosstalk between different protein targets
in immunofluorescence will significantly compromise the quality of VISTA images. We
meticulously selected protein rich structures that are obvious in SRS images and validated
their corresponding immunofluorescence features. Third, before using the model to predict
fluorescence patterns from new SRS data sets, the validity and reliability of trained ML
model should be testified. Distinct features that are not included in the training sets will
likely cause issues in prediction. If the prediction results are not satisfying, the user should
try to include more data for training and avoid predicting patterns that are not included in
the training sets. Pearson's correlations of the testing sets and validation sets should also be
monitored to ensure the quality of the prediction
. We suggest the user to have at least
100 corresponding image sets for training.
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While VISTA has immense potential for biological studies, there are certain limitations
awaiting creative solutions. First and foremost, the sensitivity of VISTA needs further
improvement. The detection limit of label-free simulated Raman scattering is in low
millimolar range and the isotropic expansion of samples in three dimensions significantly
dilutes chemical bonds and weakens VISTA signal. We hence are limited to imaging the
total ensemble of endogenous proteins that lacks specificity and multiplexity. Combining
VISTA with ultrasensitive SRS
, we could possibly extend VISTA to image low abundance
proteins and study aggregate structures and compositions at super-resolution level by
targeting orthogonal chemical bonds
. Second, the current 3.4 times expansion ratio in
brain tissues only gives moderate resolution improvement. Although we have already
resolved minor extrusions in A
plaques that are previously indistinguishable, higher
resolution is always desirable. In this case, innovations in protein-anchoring and hydrogel
chemistry would greatly benefit VISTA. For example, different gel formulation could
enable larger expansion ratios for even higher image resolution
. New procedures in
sample processing would allow VISTA to be applied with widely available FFPE histology
, making VISTA even better suited for large-scale clinical studies.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We acknowledge the Caltech Biological Imaging Facility for software support. L.W. acknowledges the support of
the National Institutes of Health (NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, DP2 GM140919-01), Amgen (Amgen
Early Innovation Award), and the start-up funds from the California Institute of Technology.
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Fig. 1: Sample expansion strategy enables super-resolution label-free imaging in mouse brain
a) An SRS image at CH
frequency of mouse hippocampus. b) A VISTA image at the same
field of view of mouse hippocampus. Labeled area show the corresponding features before
and after VISTA treatments. c). A VISTA image of a normal mouse cortex that shows finer
features. Inset shows region of interest. d) Resolution quantification for the fine structure
observed in expanded samples. FWHM of 497 nm corresponds to effective resolution of 146
nm with 3.4 times expansion. e) A VISTA image of an amyloid beta plaque in mouse brain
tissues. Inset shows enlarged region of interest. f) Resolution quantification for the extrusion
fiber structure of the expanded amyloid beta plaque. FWHM of 442 nm corresponds to
effective resolution of 130 nm with 3.4 times expansion. Scale bars: 20 μm.
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