of 9
Bandwidth of Linearized Electrooptic Modulators
Uri V. Cummings and William B. Bridges,
Life Fellow, IEEE, Fellow, OSA
Many schemes have been proposed to make high
dynamic range analog radio frequency (RF) photonic links by
linearizing the transfer function of the link’s modulator. This
paper studies the degrading effects of finite transit time and
optical and electrical velocity dispersion on such linearization
schemes. It further demonstrates that much of the lost dynamic
range in some modulators may be regained by segmenting and
rephasing the RF transmission line.
Index Terms—
Bandwidth, electrooptic, linearized, modulators,
I. I
LECTROOPTIC intensity modulators have inherently
nonlinear transfer functions which may limit the dy-
namic range of the photonic link through the production
of harmonic and intermodulation distortion. Many schemes
have been proposed to reduce the distortion byproducts of
these modulators by linearizing their transfer functions; for
example see the review paper by Bridges and Schaffner [1],
and the references therein. The proposed applications for the
resulting high dynamic range links include antenna remoting,
photonic-coupled phased-array antennas, and cable television
Linearizing a modulator is a challenge. All of the proposed
linearization schemes involve the cancellation of selected
distortion terms, and this cancellation depends critically on
modulator device parameters. Electrical biases very likely
will require active control, and in some modulators, radio
frequency (RF) or optical levels will require more accuracy
than is realizable with current fabrication techniques.
For applications higher than 1 GHz, traveling wave elec-
trode structures are mandatory to overcome the limitations
resulting from interelectrode capacitance and finite transit time.
A further difficulty with some popular electrooptic materials,
such as lithium niobate, is that the electrical and optical waves
travel at different velocities over the finite interaction length of
the device, a result of material dispersion. This property limits
the modulation-index
voltage product at high frequencies.
Given the critical dependence of the linearization scheme
on modulator parameters, it is a fair question to ask, “How
will velocity mismatch effect the linearization results?” This
paper addresses that question for several popular modulator
types. The summary result is that good velocity matching
is essential to successfully linearize some but not all of the
Manuscript received October 24, 1997; revised April 21, 1998. This work
was supported in part by the United States Air Force Rome Laboratories under
Contract F30602-C-96-0020.
The authors are with the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0733-8724(98)05646-1.
modulators. The details differ significantly from one modulator
type to another. This paper treats the frequency dependence
of six modulator configurations: a standard Mach–Zehnder
modulator (MZM), a dual parallel Mach–Zehnder modula-
tor (DPMZM) and a dual series Mach–Zehnder modulator
(DSMZM), a simple directional coupler modulator (DCM) at
two different bias points, and a directional coupler modulator
linearized with two additional dc biased directional couplers
in series optically (DCM2P). The results of linearizing these
modulators (except for the DSMZM)
regard for transit
time were reported in [1]. Now, we report the comparisons
including transit time and velocity mismatch.
This paper assumes the same simplified photonic link and
parameters as [1], but now adds the parameters for the finite
frequency calculations. They are the effective index mismatch
, the modulator length
, and the frequency
. The link
consists of a laser, an electrooptic modulator, a length of fiber,
and a detector. The model excludes electronic preamplification
and postamplification. Table I shows all of the parameters
associated with this link. These parameters are assumed to
have no frequency dependence in the model. The parameters
for the active length and the velocity mismatch are typical
for LiNbO
modulators using simple parallel strip electrodes
with no velocity matching. That is,
, and thus
. Velocity matching will
result in a lower value of
As in [2], the results are calculated numerically, since
no closed-form solution exists for the transfer function of
some modulator types. A program, written in C, calculates
the frequency-dependent gain and dynamic range. A two-tone
electrical test signal, with frequencies
drives the
modulator. The Fourier transform of the output is evaluated to
1998 IEEE
find the gain, the harmonic content, and the intermodulation
content of the link.
be the electrical signal power after the detector,
given the modulator RF drive power
. Let
be the
Fourier transform of
The gain is
The small signal gain is obtained by evaluating (1) at suffi-
ciently small
that the log-log plot of
is linear
with slope one. In practice, a good value of
for this
calculation is the geometric mean of
(the power that drives
the modulator voltage to about
) and the precision of double
precision floating point numbers, or about
The spur free dynamic range, DR
, is the power interval
that spans the input power level at which the signal is just
distinguishable from the noise and the input power level at
which the strongest distortion term becomes distinguishable
from the noise. The calculation of DR
is the maximum of the relevant distortion terms
minus the noise level in dB. Of the roots of
is the root that occurs at the lowest power level. DR
the difference between
and the input power level at which
the signal intersects the noise floor. Since the log-log plot
of the signal has slope one, this interval is equivalent to
the signal power minus the noise power at the RF drive
power at which the distortion power equals the noise level
which is (4). Fig. 1 describes the dynamic range calculation
for a simple Mach–Zehnder modulator. While dynamic range
generally refers to all harmonics and intermodulation products,
in practice, there are two dominant distortion terms, the second
, and the first intermodulation product,
. The linearized modulators in this paper are
separated into two categories, each with a different definition
of dynamic range. Equation (2) applies to broadband, or
modulators. That is,
is the maximum of the
second harmonic and the intermodulation product.
is defined differently in narrow band or
In this second category,
equals only the third order
intermodulation product. In ordinary modulators, the log–log
plots of the distortion terms are linear intersecting the noise
floor only once. In linearized modulators, the distortion terms
are nulled at discrete power levels. They may cross the noise
level more than once. It is then necessary to find all of the
roots of the distortion minus the noise,
, and take the root
representing the lowest RF drive power in the definition of
dynamic range.
Fig. 1. The signal and third-order intermodulation product of a simple
Mach–Zehnder modulator. Since there is effectively no second-harmonic
equals the intermodulation product.
crosses the noise
floor only once at an input power level of
dBm. Since the signal has
slope one, the dynamic range may be found from the difference between the
signal and
either horizontally or vertically in the plot, giving the familiar
dynamic range triangle.
A. Computation of Modulators with Velocity Dispersion
The frequency dependent output of any modulator with
a known dc transfer function is calculable. Farwell gives a
detailed computational method for this in [2]. The mathematics
are straightforward. Let
be the input
and output complex amplitudes of the optical wave in a
modulator. Let
be the transfer function, where
is the normalized modulator drive voltage and
is the active
length of the modulator. If the optical and electrical waves
travel at the same velocity, or if the operating frequency is
so low that
is effectively constant over
, then the output
is given by
Even if there is significant velocity dispersion while the two
waves travel the distance
, over a short enough section of the
, the change in the complex optical amplitudes may
be described with the dc transfer function. This is the basis for
the frequency dependent calculation. Let
be the coordinate
along the optical waveguide, and let
be time. Then
The optical and electrical signals are now functions of two
. In (6) the elapsed time equals the incre-
mental length divided by the electrical velocity
Let there be
equally spaced increments of
equally spaced increments of
, and let
The modulator is divided into
sections over which the
optical and electrical fields are approximately constant. The
finite product of the resulting
unitary dc transfer matrices
gives the overall transfer function from
, and
, and note
. The approximate modulator
transfer function is
The function
representing the two tone test is
The parameter
depends on the operating frequency
, the
difference between the optical and electrical indices,
, the
active length
, and the velocity of light
. It is important to
note that the calculation results depend solely on
and not on
, and
independently. Thus the results of different
lengths or relative wave velocities at different frequencies
will be the same if
is the same. The curves shown below
are universal in the sense that they apply to more than the
“worst case” velocity mismatch, which is
lithium niobate modulators. Any change in
to a rescaling of the frequency axis for the gain and dynamic
range plots.
Equation (7) is general and is the basis for the frequency
dependent computations in the model. However, when the
active region of a modulator consists of only simple phase
shifts, as it does for the Mach–Zehnder modulator, a further
simplification may be made. The transfer function is just
a diagonal matrix of exponentials. Instead of multiplying
exponentials, their arguments are summed. This is equivalent
to integrating the location variable out of the voltage function.
That is
The approximation introduced in (11) comes from the substi-
tution of a summation for an integral, the relationship between
shown in (10) is exact. It may seem odd to use
an approximation for a function for which a trivial analytic
solution exists [integral of (8)]. However, this is done to
mirror the calculation technique for directional couplers and
to support the modeling of modulator voltage functions which
may not have an analytic integral representation.
In the C-program mentioned above, the temporal incre-
are restricted to be powers of two, so that a radix-2
fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm may be used for the
spectral analysis.
Fig. 2 shows the convergence of the gain of
a Mach–Zehnder modulator as a function of spatial increments
at 5, 10, 20, and 40 GHz. The error is normalized, and
It is customary to use the FFT algorithm which is
of the DFT algorithm which is
. However, it should be noted that the
algorithm to compute the modulator output is
, so the time spent in
the FFT algorithm is inconsequential.
Fig. 2. The convergence of the calculation of the gain of a Mach–Zehnder
modulator (MZM), with an increasing number of modulator sections. The
error is the magnitude of the calculated gain (not in dB) minus the analytical
value normalized by the dc analytical value for the gain. The curves of the
log-log plot are for 5, 10, 20, and 40 GHz.
thus the
-axis value “one” corresponds to a 3 dB error and
“0.1” corresponds to a 0.4 dB error in the calculated gain.
The curves in Fig. 2 are linear until the error is six-to-seven
orders of magnitude below the dc value of the gain (since
the plot is log-log, constant slopes do not indicate geometric
convergence). The convergence saturates at a normalized error
of about 10
because the RF drive power for the small
signal gain calculation was arbitrarily chosen to be
dBm. Whether in the calculation for gain or dynamic range,
the numbers have components that differ by 6–7 orders of
magnitude. Since these components occupy the same mantissa,
there is a loss in accuracy not recovered by the floating
decimal point. Double precision numbers must be used to
attain a satisfactory accuracy. It is interesting to note that the
calculated points form a horizontal line across the curves in
the linear regime. This indicates that doubling
(by doubling
the frequency for instance) exactly requires a doubling of the
modulator sections to achieve the same error. Efficient code
allows the calculation hundreds of frequency points with a
128-point FFT and a comparable number of spatial increments
in seconds on a contemporary desk-top machine (120 MHz
Pentium processor).
Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZM). It has a sine-squared
transfer function, and the gain is a sinc function of the
frequency-length-index product,
. When biased at the
half-wave voltage,
, it attains its maximum
linearity and dynamic range. All even-order harmonics are
identically zero. The intermodulation distortion product
solely determines the dynamic range, even in a super-octave
system. The dynamic range is independent of frequency;
the signal decays with frequency, but the intermodulation
product decays identically. Thus, the range of RF drive
powers (in dB), over which their are no spurs above the noise,
shifts with a change in frequency, but it does not expand or
Fig. 3. Gain and dynamic range of a standard Mach–Zehnder modulator.
The pole and zero in the dynamic range are the frequencies at which the
signal and intermodulation products go to zero, respectively.
contract. Given its analytical simplicity and widespread use,
the Mach–Zehnder is used first to evaluate the accuracy of the
numerical calculation, and then it is used for a comparison
to the linearized modulators.
Fig. 3 shows the calculations for gain and dynamic range
of a simple MZM. The gain has the form
with zeros at multiples of 16.2 GHz (where
for the
canonical parameters from Table I), and a low frequency link
gain of
25.5 dB (also appropriate for the link parameters).
The dynamic range is flat except for a null and singularity
near the gain null. This is a simple numerical artifact, resulting
from the finite frequency difference between the two tones in
the driving function. The signal,
, and the intermodulation
, are at slightly different frequencies, and
hence, they null at different frequencies. The dynamic range
goes to zero at the signal null and it goes to infinity at the
distortion null.
Fig. 4 shows the analogous calculations for a directional
coupler modulator. The low frequency gain is
24.8 dB, 0.7
dB better than Mach–Zehnder.
The first null of the gain of
the directional coupler occurs at 26 GHz,
, compared
to 16 GHz for the MZM. The first lobe of the gain curve
does not correspond to the sinc function of the Mach–Zehnder.
However, subsequent nulls are periodic with a 16 GHz period,
resulting from the underlying
of the directional coupler.
The frequency at which the gain has fallen by 3 dB is 40%
higher than that of the Mach–Zehnder modulator with the same
index-length product.
The dynamic range compares unfavorably to that of the
Mach–Zehnder. At low frequency it is similar to that of the
MZM, and it is approximately flat with frequency. However
there is a kink in the curve at 1.8 GHz (left vertical arrow),
after which the dynamic range decays rapidly with frequency.
Unlike the Mach–Zehnder, where all even-order derivatives of
the transfer function are identically zero when the modulator
The comparison of the gain bandwidth product between the MZM and
the DCM assumes that

; that is, the modulators have the same
normalization voltages. While these voltages should be similar in the same
manufacturing process, it is hard to directly compare them since the electrode
geometries and crystal orientations of the two modulator types may differ.
Fig. 4. Gain and dynamic range of a directional coupler modulator biased
at the 0.43
point. The two arrors indicate that the dynamic range changes
from intermodulation-limited to second-harmonic limited or vice versa. If the
second harmonic is ignored (suboctave operation), the dynamic range follows
the dashed curve.
is biased at
, in the directional coupler only the sec-
ond derivative is zero at its optimal bias,
. Distortion
migrates from nonzero fourth-, sixth-, eighth-, etc., order
derivatives to the frequency at which the second harmonic
occurs. It does so rapidly with increasing frequency, and it
equals the third order intermodulation product at 1.8 GHz.
At higher frequencies, distortion from these nonzero even
derivatives limits the dynamic range. The intermodulation-
limited dynamic range (as if this were a suboctave modulator)
is shown with a dotted line to demonstrate the intermingling of
the second harmonic and third order intermodulation product.
The bias voltage that nulls the total second harmonic, which
arises from all even order derivatives, is thus a function of
frequency in the DCM, but it is independent of frequency in
the MZM. At any finite frequency, there is a bias value which
nulls the total second harmonic, but the null will hold only
over a narrow bandwidth. While the gain compares favorably
to the MZM, the dynamic range makes the directional coupler
inferior to the Mach–Zehnder for superoctave, high-frequency
Dynamic range values are calculated for two linearized
broad-band, or superoctave, modulators: the dual parallel
Mach–Zehnder (DPMZM) and the directional coupler with
two passive sections (DCM2P) which are described in [4]
and [5], respectively. The DPMZM has two identical, single
Mach–Zehnder modulators in parallel optically and electrically
but with unequal levels of optical and RF power driving the
two modulators. Both modulators are biased at the
but with opposite slopes, so the modulators are 180 degrees
out of phase. Most of the optical power and a small fraction
of the RF power drive one modulator. A small amount of
optical power and the majority of the RF power drive the
other modulator, creating relatively larger distortion products
than in the first modulator. The two signals are combined
incoherently in the photodetector. The RF and optical splits
are adjusted so that the distortion terms cancel exactly, but the
Fig. 5. Dynamic range comparison of two linearized modulators: a dual par-
allel Mach–Zehnder modulator (DPMZM) and a directional coupler modulator
with two passive sections (DCM2P). As in Fig. 3 for the simple MZM the
dynamic range of the DPMZM is independent of frequency. However, the
dynamic range of the DCM2P drops precipitously with frequency.
signals do not. Since these two paths are in parallel, the effects
of velocity mismatch apply equally to each Mach–Zehnder.
Thus, the distortion terms still precisely cancel regardless of
frequency, and this is the result shown in Fig. 5. While the
DPMZM is robust to velocity mismatch, in practice it is hard
to make broadband. A precise RF split must be maintained
over the desired frequency band. If it varies, the dynamic range
will decrease at all but the narrow frequency at which the RF
split is optimized.
The linearized directional coupler with two passive sections
can be adjusted to provide high dynamic range with both inter-
modulation and second harmonic reduction in the absence of
velocity mismatch. However, it suffers severely from velocity
mismatch as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. By 80 MHz it is no
better than the ordinary Mach–Zehnder and by 8 GHz it is
18 dB worse than the ordinary MZM. Fig. 6 shows the first
50 MHz of the DCM2P dynamic range in more detail. Unlike
the DPMZM, in the DCM2P the mismatch between the RF
drive and the modulated signal upsets the critical distortion
cancellation conditions.
It has previously been reported [1] that the distortion can-
cellation condition is critically sensitive to the modulator
parameters, particularly bias voltage. The voltage on the bias
electrodes must be maintained to a very high accuracy. The
accuracy required depends on the operating bandwidth, also
explained in [1]. This requires active bias stabilization. Given
the critical bias conditions and the fact that the distortion
cancellation sections are in series, unlike the DPMZM, the
rapid degradation with dynamic range is reasonable. The
original experiments on this modulator were performed at
audio frequencies where these effects would not be noticed [5].
Subsequently, measurements at 1 and 2 GHz [6] were single-
frequency measurements, with the bias values reoptimized for
the operating frequency; no bandwidth measurements around
1 and 2 GHz were made.
V. S
For suboctave applications, the second harmonic may be
ignored; the third-order intermodulation product alone de-
Fig. 6. Expanded plot of the dynamic range of the DCM2P shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 7. Dynamic range comparison of two suboctave linearized modulators:
a dual series Mach–Zehnder modulator (DSMZM) and a directional coupler
modulator biased at 0.79
termines the dynamic range. Two suboctave modulators are
analyzed in this section.
1) The dual series Mach–Zehnder modulator (DSMZM), as
described in [7], which has two MZM’s in series opti-
cally, the same bias voltage on each pair of electrodes,
and a single RF electrode covering both modulators.
2) A suboctave directional coupler modulator (SDCM), i.e.,
a directional coupler biased at
istead of
as described in [1]. Unlike the MZM, in the directional
coupler, the intermodulation product nulls at a different
voltage (
) than the signal (
). Thus no extra
electrode sections (as in the DCM2P) are needed to make
a suboctave directional coupler.
Fig. 7 shows the dynamic range as a function of frequency
for the DSMZM and SDCM compared to the standard MZM
reference (horizontal dotted line). Both of these modulators
suffer from the effects of velocity mismatch and transit time.
However, unlike the DCM2P, the DSMZM shows an advan-
There are other cascaded Mach–Zehnders proposed in the literature. In
some there are different bias voltages on the two electrodes. In [8] there is
a time delay between the first and second modulator so that the RF drive
and the modulated signal are rephased at the second Mach–Zehnder. While
this version may be more common in the literature, for the purposes of
a fair comparison, this modulation scheme is addressed in the section on
periodic rephasing below. Additionally, in [9] a mixed directional coupler and
Mach–Zehnder scheme purports to minimize the second and third harmonic.
Fig. 8. Reoptmization of the suboctave linearized directional coupler mod-
ulator (SDCM). Slightly adjusting the bias voltage around 0.79
recovers the low-frequency dynamic range optimum, but only over a narrow
Fig. 9. Reoptimization of the dual series Mach–Zehnder modulator
(DSM-ZM). Adjusting the bias voltage fully recovers the low-frequency
dynamic range optimum, but only over a narrow bandwidth.
tage up to 4 GHz over the standard Mach–Zehnder, and the
SDCM is better still. The SDCM is consistently about 5 dB
better than the DSMZM. At the SDCM bias (0.79
), the dc
optical output is quite small, thus reducing the shot noise at
the detector, which is the dominant term in the total noise (as
described in [1]).
The bias voltage of the SDCM controls the frequency of the
dynamic range optimum. Small adjustments in the bias around
the dc value of
allow the full recovery of the low-
frequency dynamic range optimum at any center frequency.
Unfortunately, this results in a relatively narrow operating
bandwidth around the reoptimization frequency, as shown in
Figs. 8 and 9. The critical control of bias voltage will doubtless
require the use of pilot tones to minimize the harmonic or
intermodulation products. However, the results of Figs. 8 and
9 indicate that these pilot tones will have to be within the band
of interest, not at low frequencies.
Noise effects linearized modulators somewhat differently
than standard modulators. In a standard MZM, the noise
bandwidth reduces the dynamic range by (BW)
. In Fig. 1 the
signal is a line with slope one, and the third-order intermodu-
Fig. 10. Dynamic range comparison with 1 MHz noise bandwidth of five
modulator configuration: the superoctave dual parallel Mach–Zehnder mod-
ulator (DPMZM), the superoctave directional coupler modulator linearized
by two passive couplers in series (DCM2P), the suboctave dual series Mach
Zehnder (DSMZM), the suboctave linearized directional coupler (SDCM), and
the standard directional coupler modulator (DCM).
lation product is a line with slope three. The “noise floor” is a
third, horizontal line which forms a triangle with the signal and
the intermodulation line. The length of the base of this triangle
is the dynamic range (in dB). The vertical position of the noise
line is proportional to the
(BW), so from simple geometry,
it is clear that the dynamic range goes as (BW)
. However, in
a linearized modulator the third-order intermodulation product
has been nulled. The dominant intermodulation
term is at
, and it grows as the fifth power of the RF
drive. Thus the noise bandwidth reduces the dynamic range by
(More complicated linearization schemes can result
in even steeper slopes for intermodulation, as discussed in [1]).
The excess dynamic range,
, of a linearized modulator over
a ordinary modulator is
where BW is a the bandwidth in Hertz, and
is a constant
in dB equal to the difference between the dynamic range
of a linearized modulator and a standard modulator with a
1-Hz noise bandwidth. This equation is only valid in the
approximation that the signal and intermodulation curves are
straight lines. For a comparison of the suboctave DCM versus
the standard MZM,
equals 26 dB. For a 1 MHz noise
dB. The dynamic range is often given
for a 1-Hz noise bandwidth, and this simple scaling rule is
applied to find the dynamic range of a system with a realistic
Apart from the different scaling rules, the noise bandwidth
has an additional effect on linearized modulators. The dynamic
range becomes less sensitive to device variations, either bias
voltages or fabrication parameters, as the noise bandwidth
increases. This makes it easier to maintain the distortion
cancellation than is implied by some of the previous figures.
Fig. 10 shows the dynamic range for the four modulators
discussed above, but now with a 1-MHz noise bandwidth.
The DPMZM and the MZM reference lines are flat as in
the 1-Hz bandwidth case. The simple DCM is flat out to the
Fig. 11.
Dynamic range versus frequency for the standard directional coupler
modulator (DCM) with multiple electrode segments. The arrows show the
breaks between the intermodulation and the second-harmonic limitation of
the dynamic range.
frequency where the second harmonic exceeds the intermod-
ulation distortion, as in Fig. 3. However, the crossover now
occurs at 3.8 GHz instead of 1.8 GHz. The DSMZM, SDCM,
and DCM2P dynamic ranges, which all roll off with frequency,
now do so at a slower rate than in the 1-Hz bandwidth case.
While the DCM2P still rolls off too quickly to be a useful
modulator, the suboctave modulators are starting to show
reasonable frequency performance. A similar reduction in peak
dynamic range, with a broadening of the bandwidth over which
it occurs, is also obtained in the bias reoptimized curves of
Figs. 8 and 9.
One method of overcoming the degradation in dynamic
range due to velocity mismatch is to break the transmission
line into a number of segments and rephase the signal at the
beginning of each segment. This is velocity-matching “on the
average.” The technique has been used successfully in a num-
ber of forms, for example, [10]–[12]. The program written for
this study is easily modified to make calculations for such pe-
riodically rephased modulators, since the modulator is already
broken up into a cascade of matrices. Thus, the modulator is
incrementally velocity mismatched for a few matrices and is
then rephased for the next section, and so on. Fig. 11 shows the
results of such a calculation for the simple DCM link with the
parameters used above, but with the modulator’s transmission
line having 1, 2, 3, and 4 segments. The 1-segment curve
repeats the result in Fig. 4 (no rephasing) for reference. With
only two segments (one rephasing), the bandwidth over which
the dynamic range is flat improves vastly, and using four
segments gives an essentially flat dynamic range. Of course,
it would still be preferable to use a standard MZM for broad-
band links since it does not require rephasing.
A similar dramatic improvement is obtained in the SDCM,
biased at the 0.79
point, as shown in Fig. 12. The curve
from Fig. 7 is shown for reference along with curves for two-,
three-, and four-electrode segments. The curve for one segment
initially shows a deep roll-off in dynamic range and then
a more gradual roll-off, with only 5 dB of dynamic range
improvement over the standard MZM remaining at 8 GHz.
Fig. 12. Dynamic range versus frequency for the suboctave linearized direc-
tional coupler (SDCM) with multiple electrode segments.
Fig. 13. Dynamic range versus frequency for the the suboctave dual series
Mach–Zehnder (DSMZM) with multiple electrode segments. Note that two
(and any even number) segment give frequency independent dynamic range.
With just two segments, the roll-off is made gradual over the
whole range. With four segments, there is 18 dB of dynamic
range improvement remaining at 8 GHz. This figure assumes
a 1-Hz noise bandwidth. When a 1-MHz noise bandwidth is
used, the roll-off is more gradual. For instance, the dynamic
range of the two-electrode segment SDCM is better than the
two-electrode DSMZM (shown in Fig. 13) up to 5.9 GHz.
A very interesting result of the application of rephasing is
seen in the dual series Mach–Zehnder modulator. This modu-
lator has been shown to give very high dynamic range values
based on the intermodulation distortion, although it has, like
the SDCM, a very large second harmonic content, restricting
it to suboctave applications as stated in [8]. The decrease
in dynamic range with frequency is shown in Fig. 13 in the
curve labeled “1 segment,” meaning one set of traveling wave
electrodes spanning two Mach–Zehnder modulators (with an
admittedly unrealistic zero distance assumed between the two
modulators). This is simply a repeat of the curve in Fig. 7.
The surprise is that with only one rephasing (two segments)
the modulator exhibits frequency-independent performance.
Breaking the electrodes into three segments yields an improve-
ment over one segment, but not as good as two or any even
number of segments, all of which yield perfect performance.
This behavior results from the symmetry of the modulators
and their bias points.
Fig. 14.
Dynamic range versus frequency for the superoctave linearized
directional coupler (DCM2P) with one to eight electrode segments. While
rephasing yields improvements, the results remain inferior to other modulators.
Fig. 15.
The gain of a standard Mach–Zehnder with multiple electrode
The results for the DCM2P superoctave modulator remain
discouraging, even with rephasing. Fig. 14 shows the dynamic
range from one-to-eight rephased electrode segments. This plot
spans 2 GHz only, which is enough to capture the interesting
range. Even with eight electrodes, the frequency at which
the dynamic range improvement over the simple MZM has
fallen 10 dB is only 1.3 GHz. While this plot assumes an
unrealistically low 1 Hz noise bandwidth, it also assumes
perfect bias control. Given the modulators sensitivity to its
three bias voltages, it is unlikely that this modulator is suitable
for microwave applications with reasonable bandwidth.
Segmenting the RF electrode does have a low-frequency
gain penalty. While flattening the gain versus bandwidth curve,
it also lowers the absolute gain at low frequencies. The reduc-
tion occurs from the splitting of the RF power. It is split
ways to feed the
electrodes, reducing the voltage by
each electrode segment. However, if the rephasing is achieved
by a series intermittent interaction method such as described
in [12], then there is no power splitting and subsequently no
penalty. But this scheme involves long, curved, trans-
mission lines and thus may have unacceptable losses. Fig. 15
shows the calculated gain of a simple Mach–Zehnder with
one-, two-, three-, and four-electrode segments. Above some
cross-over frequency each curve has a better absolute gain then
the curve with one fewer electrode segments. Clearly, true
velocity matching, by somehow making
is preferable
if possible, since there is no
We wish to remind the reader that all the results obtained
in this study may be applied to modulators with any degree
of velocity matching by rescaling the frequency axis by the
change in
, the frequency-length-index product.
The authors would like to thank E. Ackerman, G. E. Betts,
and C. H. Cox III of Lincoln Laboratories, Cambridge, MA,
N. P. Bernstein of the Air Force Rome Laboratory, and J. H.
Schaffner of Hughes Research Laboratories. The authors also
wish to acknowledge the support and enthusiasm of the late
B. Hendrickson of Rome Laboratories and ARPA.
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Uri V. Cummings
was born in Vallejo, CA, on
November 9, 1971. He received the B.A. degree
in english from Wesleyan University, Middletown,
CT, and the B.S. degree from the California Institute
of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, simultaneously
in 1994. He received the M.S. degree in electrical
engineering from the Caltech in 1995. Currently,
he is working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering at Caltech.
His research interests include the study of lin-
earized electrooptic modulators and the design and
experimental verification of antenna-arrayed electrooptic modulators at 100
William B. Bridges
(S’53–M’61–F’70–LF’98) was
born in lnglewood, CA, in 1934. He received the
B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineer-
ing from the University of California, Berkeley, in
1956, 1957, and 1962, respectively. His graduate
research dealt with noise in microwave tubes and
electron-stream instabilities (which later became the
basis of the Vircator.)
From 1957 to 1959, he was an Associate Pro-
fessor in the Department of Electrical Engineering
at the University of California, Berkeley, teaching
courses in communication and circuits. Summer jobs at RCA and Varian
provided stimulating experience with microwave radar systems, ammonia
beam masers, and the early development of the ion vacuum pump. In 1960,
he joined the Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, CA, as a Member
of the Technical Staff, and from 1968 to 1977, he was a Senior Scientist
with a brief tour as Manager of the Laser Department in 1969–1970. His
research at Hughes Research Laboratories involved gas lasers of all types
and their application to optical communication, radar, and imaging systems.
He is the discoverer of laser oscillation in noble gas ions and spent several
years on the engineering development of practical high-power visible and
ultraviolet ion lasers for military applications. He joined the faculty of the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, in 1977 as Professor of
Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, and serving as Executive Officer
for Electrical Engineering from 1979 to 1981. In 1983, he was appointed
Carl F. Braun Professor of Engineering and conducted research in optical
and millimeter-wave devices and their applications. Current studies include
the millimeter-wave modulation of light and high-fidelity analog microwave
photonic links. He is coauthor (with C. K. Birdsall) of
Electron Dynamics of
Diode Regions
(New York: Academic, 1966.)
Dr. Bridges is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Beta
Kappa, and Sigma Xi, receiving Honorable Mention from Eta Kappa Nu
as an “Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer” in 1966. He received the
Distinguished Teaching Award in 1980 and 1982 from the Associated Students
of Caltech, the Arthur L. Schawlow Medal from the Laser Institute of America
in 1986, and the IEEE LEOS Quantum Electronics Award in 1988. He is a
member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy
of Sciences, and a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) and the
Laser Institute of America. He was a Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar
at Caltech, Pasadena, CA, in 1974–1975, and a Visiting Professor at Chalmers
Technical University, G
oteborg, Sweden, in 1989. He has served on various
committees of both IEEE and OSA and was formerly Associate Editor of
the IEEE J
and the
Journal of the Optical
Society of America
. He was the President of the Optical Society of America
in 1988, a member of the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
1985–1989, and a member of the Board of Directors of Uniphase Corporation