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Published March 15, 2015 | public
Journal Article

Portraiture and British Gothic Fiction: The Rise of Picture Identification 1764-1835 [Book Review]


In this compelling, thoroughly imagined, and highly researched book, Kamilla Elliott makes a convincing case that the myriad pictures, and especially portraits, that mark Gothic fiction are no mere atmospheric leitmotif. Rather, these artworks, the people they represent, and the characters who look at them, are all potential participants in an elaborate and politically charged process of social and psychological refashioning for an ascendant middle class.

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© 2015 Dehn Gilmore. Published online: 27 Mar 2015. Book review of: Portraiture and British Gothic Fiction: The Rise of Picture Identification 1764-1835, KAMILLA ELLIOTT. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012 xii + 336 pp., 16 illustrations. ISBN 1-4214-0717-5 (hb)

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August 20, 2023
March 5, 2024