Auxiliary Material for Paper (#2013GL057427R) entitled 
"Genesis of Hurricane Sandy (2012) 
Simulated with a Global Mesoscale Model"

by B.-W. Shen1,2, M. DeMaria3, J.-L. F. Li4, S. Cheung5

Geophysical Research Letters

1 Introduction

The electronic supplemental materials contain four sections with two 
tables and ten figures to provide the following discussions.
Displacement and intensity errors from the forecasts initialized
at 00Z Oct. 22-26 (10/22-10/26) are discussed with Table S1 and 
Fig. S1 in section 2. The middle- and upper-level flows as revealed
by the global reanalysis and the 10/23 run are shown in Figs. S2-S3. 
Wavelength and phase speeds of the wave-like disturbance(s) are 
are analyzed and compared with the linear dispersion relation of MRG 
and ER waves in Figs. S4-S5 of section 3.  Genesis simulations 
from two additional runs (i.e., 10/14 and 10/15 runs) are displayed
in Figs. S6-S7. Parallel experiments with cumulus parameterizations 
(CPs) are discussed with Figs. S8-S10 in section 4.

Section 2-4: supplemental materials (in pdf)
Fig. S1:  FigureS1.pdf
Fig. S2:  FigureS2.pdf
Fig. S3:  FigureS3.pdf
Fig. S4:  FigureS4.pdf
Fig. S5:  FigureS5.pdf
Fig. S6:  FigureS6.pdf
Fig. S7:  FigureS7.pdf
Fig. S8:  FigureS8.pdf
Fig. S9:  FigureS9.pdf
Fig. S10: FigureS10.pdf