A review of the dynamics of cavitating pumps
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A review of the dynamics of cavitating pumps
C E Brennen
Hayman Professor of Mechanical Engineer
ing, Emeritus, California Institute of
Technology, Psadena, California 91125, USA
. This paper presents a review of som
e of the recent developments in our
understanding of the dynamics
and instabilities caused by cavitation in pumps. Focus is placed
on presently available data for the transfer f
unctions for cavitating pumps and inducers,
particularly on the compliance and mass flow gain factor which are so critical for pump and
system stability. The resonant frequency for cavitating pumps is introduced and contexted.
Finally emphasis is placed on the paucity of ou
r understanding of pump dynamics when the
device or system is subjected to global oscillation.
1. Introduction
Since the first experimental measurements many y
ears ago of the complete dynamic transfer function
for a cavitating pump (Ng and Brennen 1976, Brennen
et al
. 1982) there has been a general
recognition of the importance of various components of these transfer functions (particularly the
cavitation compliance and mass flow gain factor) i
n determining the dynamic characteristics and
instabilities of systems incorporating such pum
ps (see for example Rubin 1966 & 1970, Oppenheim
and Rubin 1993, Tsujimoto
et al
. 2001, Dotson
et al
. 2005). The present paper attempts to summarize
some of the recent understandings and to evaluate the current state of knowledge of transfer functions
for cavitating pumps..
2. Pump transfer function data
The linear dynamic transfer matrix for a pump is denoted here by TP
and is defined by
where P and m are the complex, linearized fluctuating total pressure and mass flow rate and subscripts
1 and 2 refer to the pump inlet and discharge respectively. In general TP
will be a function of the
, of the perturbations and the mean flow conditions in the pump including the design, the
cavitation number,
, and the flow coefficient. In this review we will focus primarily on the second of
these equations and on TP
and TP
since cavitation has a major effect on these characteristics and
they therefore have a critical influence on the potential instabilities in the fluid system in which the
pump is installed. But it is valuable in passing to note that TP
L where R is the pump
resistance and L is the pump inertance (valuable measurements of these dynamic characteristics for a
non-cavitating pump were first made by Ohashi, 1968, and by Anderson
et al
., 1971). In the absence
of cavitation and compressibility effects TP
= 1 but its departure from unity due to cavitation is also
important in pump dynamics.
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
The transfer function and other pump dynamic ch
aracteristics presented in this paper are non-
dimensionalized in the manner of Brennen
et al
. (1982). Specifically the frequency,
, is non-
dimensionalized as
where h is the peripheral blade tip spacing at the inlet to the pump or
inducer (h=2
/N where R
is the inlet tip radius and N is the number of main blades) and U
is the
inlet tip speed (U
is the rotational speed in
). Then the compliance, C, and mass
flow gain factor, M, are defined by expanding the transfer function elements, TP
and TP
frequency in a power series in j
The compliance, C, and mass flow gain factor, M, are non-dimensionalized by
Note that the above non-dimensionalization scheme differs from that used in Brennen (1994) but is
preferred since each blade produces cav
itation that contributes to C and M.
Those first experimental measurements of the com
plete dynamic transfer function for a cavitating
pump (Ng and Brennen 1976, Brennen
et al
. 1982) were carried out in water with a series of model
inducers including a scale model of the low pressure LOX inducer in the Space Shuttle Main Engine
(SSME). A typical photograph of the 10.2
diameter version of that inducer under moderate
cavitating conditions is included as Figure 1. which illustrates the tip clearance backflow and
cavitation that is typical of many inducers (Brennen 1994).
Figure 1.
Scale model of the low pressure liquid oxygen pump impeller for the Space Shuttle Main
Engine (SSME) in moderate cavitating conditions in water.
Measured transfer functions for that 10.2
diameter SSME inducer operating in water at 6000
a flow coefficient of
=0.07 and various cavitation numbers,
, are reproduced in Figure 2. (left)
where the four transfer functions elements are each plotted against a dimensionless frequency, the real
parts as the solid lines and the imaginary parts as dashed lines. We should note that this data
necessarily has substantial uncertainity associated w
ith it and therefore polynomial fits in the Laplace
variable j
were produced in order to extract quantities like R, L, C and M (the polynomial fits to
Figure 2. (left) are shown on Figure 2. (right)). An up-to-date collection of the available data on the
compliance and the mass flow gain factor is presented in Figure 3. where those quantities are plotted
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
against the cavitation number. The data on the SSME inducers in water is extracted from Figure 2.
while the J2 oxidizer data was derived by Brennen and Acosta (1976) using test data and a heuristic
dynamic model of the test facility. The LE-7 test data in liquid nitrogen was obtained by Shimura
(1995). The LE-7A data is the only LOX data and was also extracted from test data by Hori and
Brennen (2011). All of this data is subject to significant uncertainty though the original SSME data is
probably the most reliable since it is based on measurements of the complete dynamic transfer
function. Nevertheless, with one exception, both the compliance and mass flow gain factor data
exhibit significant consistency in which both C and M are inversely proportional to
. The exception
is the LE-7A LOX data for the mass flow gain factor; whether this discrepancy is within the
uncertainty band or an actual LOX thermal effect remains to be seen.
Figure 2.
Left: Typical transfer functions for a cavitating inducer obtained by Brennen
et al
. (1982)
for the 10.2
diameter SSME inducer operating in water at 6000
and a flow coefficient of
=0.07. Data is shown for four different cavitation numbers,
= (A) 0.37, (C) 0.10, (D) 0.069, (G)
0.052 and (H) 0.044. Real and imaginary parts are denoted by the solid and dashed lines respectively.
The quasistatic pump resistance is indicated by the arrow. Right: Polynomial curves fitted to the data
on the left. Adapted from Brennen
et al
. (1982).
Before further discussion of this data collection w
e digress briefly to introduce a property in the
dynamics of cavitating pumps that has not received sufficient attention in the past, namely the
fundamental resonant frequency of a cavitating pump.
3. Resonant frequency of a cavitating pump
It has been known for a long time that a cavitating inducer or pump may exhibit a violent surge
oscillation at subsynchronous freque
ncies that results in very large pressure and flow rate oscillations
in the system of which the pump is a part (Sack and Nottage 1965, Rosemann 1965, Natanzon
et al
1974, Miller and Gross 1967, Braisted & Brennen 1980, Brennen 1994, Zoladz 2000). In the early
days, this was known as "auto-oscillation" but the
preferred name in recent times has been "cavitation
surge". It typically occurs at low cavitation num
bers just above those at which cavitation head loss
becomes severe. Often it is preceded by a rotating cavitation pattern (see, for example, Kamijo
et al
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
1994, Tsujimoto
et al
. 1993, Hashimoto
et al
. 1997, Zoldaz 2000). Figure 4. reproduces data on the
frequencies of oscillation observed for the model SSME inducer and for a helical inducer by Braisted
and Brennen (1980); they also plotted a rough empirical fit to that data which approximated the
dimensionless surge frequency by (5
. More recently we recognize that this "natural frequency of
a cavitating pump" has a more fundamental origin as follows:
Almost any reasonable, proposed dynamic model for a cavitating inducer or pump (such as that on
the right of Figure 4. designed to simulate the parallel streams of main flow and tip clearance flow)
which incorporates both the pump inertance, L, an
d the cavitation compliance, C, clearly exhibits a
natural frequency,
Using the data for the SSME LOX inducer from Brennen (1994) we can approximate L and C by
so that, substituting into Equation 5.,
This is precisely the same as the result proposed empirically by Braisted and Brennen (1980) and
shown on the left in Figure 4. We will refer to this as the natural frequency of a cavitating pump.
Indeed the data of Figure 4.(left) displays further detail of this cavitating pump property. There is a
manifest trend for the frequency to decrease somewhat with flow coefficient and this seems certain to
be the result of an increasing volume of cavitation and increasing compliance as the blades are loaded
up at lower flow coefficients. It is important to emphasize that this does not necessarily mean that the
major system instability oscillations occur at thi
s frequency. The study of Hori and Brennen (2011)
discussed later in this paper shows, however, that m
ajor instabilities or resonances can occur when this
natural frequency for a cavitating pump coincides w
ith other system frequencies such as an organ pipe
mode in a suction or discharge tube.
Figure 3.
Dimensionless cavitation compliance (left) and mass flow gain factor (right) plotted against
tip cavitation number for: [a] Brennen
et al
. (1982) SSME 10.2
model inducer in water (solid blue
squares) [b] Brennen
et al
. (1982) SSME 7.6
model inducer in water (open blue squares) [c]
Brennen & Acosta (1976) J2-Oxidizer (solid green
circles) analysis [d] Hori & Brennen (2011) LE-7A
LOX data (solid red triangles) [e] Shimura (1995) LE-7 LN2 data (open red triangles).
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
Figure 4.
Left: Non-dimensional cavitation surge freque
ncy as a function of cavitation number for the
SSME model inducers at various speeds and flow coefficients as shown. The theoretical prediction is
the dashed blue line, (5
. Adapted from Braisted and Brenne
n (1980). Right: A dynamic model of
the main flow and the parallel tip clearance backflow in a cavitating inducer.
4. Phase lags in the cavitation dynamics
Several researchers (Brennen 1973, Otsuka
et al
. 1996, Rubin 2004) have pointed out that the
compliance and mass flow gain factor may become complex as the frequency increases and that this
can have important consequences for launch vehicles. This is clearly equivalent to significant values
of the quadratic terms in the expansion of Equati
ons 1. and 2. but Rubin puts the values of C* and M*
in terms of a compliance phase lag and a mass flow gain factor phase lag. One can visualize these
phase lags as delays in the cavitation volume response to the pressure and incidence angle
perturbations respectively. In this paper we will fo
llow Rubin in writing the expansions of Equations 1.
and 2. up to and including the quadratic order as
are the non-dimensional compliance phase lag and mass flow gain factor phase lag
respectively. Data on these quadratic terms in the
frequency expansions is, of course, subject to even
greater uncertainity that the linear terms that lead to the compliance and mass flow gain factor.
Nevertheless, in the light of the increasingly appa
rent importance of these terms, we have extracted
values of
from the data of Figure 2. (right) and plotted them against cavitation number in
Figure 5.
It may be valuable to make some tentative suggestions regarding these phase lags. It seems
physically reasonable to envisage that a stream of cavitating bubbles (for example that carried forward
by the backflow) would not respond immediately to the inlet pressure and flow rate fluctuations but
would exhibit a phase lag delay that would increase
with the frequency of the perturbations. Brennen
(1973) investigated the compliance of a simple
stream of cavitating bubbles at various frequencies,
cavitation numbers and cavitation nuclei sizes. Fi
gure 6. reproduces several figures from that paper
which show that the compliance becomes increasingly complex as the frequency of the perturbations
increases, and that the negative imaginary parts of the compliance which develop as the frequency
increases represent just the kind of phase lag that we are addressing here (the magnitudes of the
compliance in Figure 6. are not relevant to the curre
nt discussion). It is particularly interesting to
observe that the reduced frequency plotted horizontally is defined as f L
where f is the perturbation
frequency (in
and U
are respectively the length and velocity of the simple stream of
cavitating bubbles studied. Note from Figure 6. that the phase lag becomes important when the
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
reduced frequency increases beyond a value of a
bout 0.1. Note, also, that the frequency, f L
unity is a
frequency associated with the entry and exit of bubbles from the cavitating zone
rather than a
frequency associated with the oscillation of the cavitation volume.
Figure 5.
Non-dimensional time lags for the compliance,
, and the mass flow gain factor,
functions of the cavitation number for the SSME
10.2cm model inducer in water. Taken from the data
of Brennen
et al
. (1982).
Note that the uncertainties in this data probably exceed 50%. Nevertheless we might suggest that
the phase lags appear to be roughly independent of the cavitation number and to be somewhat greater
for the compliance than for the mass flow gain factor.
Figure 6.
Real and imaginary parts of the dimensionless compliance (per bubble) of a stream of
cavitating bubbles as functions of a reduced fre
quency based on the length of the cavitation zone, L
and its typical velocity, U
. Results shown for seve
ral cavitation numbers,
, and bubble nuclei size, r
From Brennen (1973).
Let us consider the corresponding reduced frequenc
y for the backflow cavitation in the experiments
of Brennen
et al
. (1982) and Figure 2. For a 10.2
diameter inducer at a speed of 6000
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
coefficient of
=0.07 (so that U
is approximately 200
) and an estimate length L
of about 10
the frequency that corresponds to a value of unity for f L
is f=20
. This corresponds well to the
frequency in Figure 2. at which the imaginary parts of the compliance are observed to become well
developed. However, this proposed physical explan
ation of the compliance phase lag also has some
worrying implications. It suggests that the scaling of the phase lags may be a cause for concern for, at
much higher rotational speeds, the phase lag would be much smaller and, consequently, any stability
benefit that might accrue from it would be much smaller. However, in the absence of any hard
evidence for the scaling of these quadratic effects, all we can conclude at present is that more
measurements over a broader range
of rotational speeds is needed in order to establish appropriate
scaling for the phase lags.
We should note before leaving this topic that Otsuka
et al
. (1996) show that a blade cavitation
model can also yield complex compliances and mas
s flow gain factors that correspond to time lags
qualitatively similar to those presented in Figure 5.
5. Comments on some analytical models
We comment in the conclusions on the difficulties
with any detailed CFD approach that aims to
predict the dynamic transfer function for a cavitating inducer. It seems clear that much progress in
developing reduced order models for cavitatio
n in the complex geometry of an inducer (and, in
particular, for the backflow cavitation) will be need
ed before this approach will provide practical and
useful guidance. However, in the short term crude
, one-dimensional models and lumped parameter
models (see, for example, Cervone
et al
. (2009) guided by the existing data base can give useful
benchmarks. The bubbly flow mode
l of Brennen (1978) (see Figure 7. (left)) incorporated several of
the basic phenomena that we now know are inhere
nt in the dynamic response of an inducer or pump.
In particular, the compliance of the bubbly stream w
ithin the flow (though the compressibility of that
bubbly flow had to be represented by a empirical cons
tant, K’) and the magnitude of the void fraction
fluctuations produced by the fluctuating angle of attack (represented by a second empirical factor of
proportionality, M’). These two features respectiv
ely lead to dynamic waves and to kinematic waves
in the bubbly blade passage flow. A typical transfer function derived from the bubbly flow model is
reproduced in Figure 7. (right) and the similarity with the transfer functions in Figure 2. (right) is
encouraging even though the two constants K’ and M’ were empirically chosen.
Figure 7.
Left: Schematic of the bubbly flow model for the dynamics of cavitating pumps. Right:
Transfer functions for the SSME inducer at
=0.07 calculated from the bubbly flow model. Adapted
from Brennen (1978).
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
The measured compliances and mass flow gain factors for the SSME inducers and for the J2
oxidizer inducer are reproduced in Figure 8. in order to compare that data with several predictions
from the bubbly flow model (dashed blue lines for several choices of K’ and M’). The predictions
appear to provide a useful benchmark for future
data evaluation and comparison. Figure 8. also
includes predictions from the blade cavitation analy
sis presented earlier by Brennen and Acosta (1976).
That analysis has the advantage that it does not cont
ain any empirical parameter, as such. However, it
assumes that all the cavitation is contained within a single cavity attached to each blade. Moreover the
comparisons in Figure 8. suggest that such a model does not yield very useful results which is not
surprising when photographs such as Figure 1. indicate that the cavitation is primarily bubbly
cavitation and not blade cavitation (Brennen 1994). Also included in Figure 8. are some quasistatic
compliances and mass flow gain factors very recently derived by Yonezawa
et al
. (2012) from steady
CFD calculations of the cavitating flow in linear cas
cades. They have also performed calculations at a
series of flow coefficients that show a general trend of increasing compliance and mass flow gain
factor as the flow coefficient is decreased.
Figure 8.
Dimensionless cavitation compliance (left) and mass flow gain factor (right) plotted against
tip cavitation number for: [a] Brennen
et al
. (1982) SSME 10.2
model inducer in water (solid blue
squares) [b] Brennen
et al
. (1982) SSME 7.6
model inducer in water (open blue squares) [c]
Brennen (1978) bubbly flow model results (dashed blue lines) [d] Brennen & Acosta (1976) SSME
LPOTP blade cavitation prediction (dot-dash blue line) [e] Brennen & Acosta (1976) J2-Oxidizer data
(solid green circles) [f] Brennen & Acosta (1976) J2-Oxidizer blade cavitation prediction (dot-dash
green line) [g] Yonezawa
et al
. (2012) quasistatic CFD cascade data (solid red diamonds).
6. Resonances in globally oscillating systems
The research literature clearly exhibits a strong bi
as toward investigations of flow instabilities in
systems which are essentially at rest, usually in a research laboratory test stand. While this bias is
understandable, it can be misleading for it tends to
mask the difference between such a flow instability
and the resonant response in a flow system subject to global fluctuation. This is particularly an issue
with launch vehicle propulsion systems for they can exhibit some serious resonances with the
oscillating vehicle structure. Following the approach originally developed by Rubin (1966), Hori and
Brennen (2011) recently constructed a time-domain model for prototypical pumping systems in order
to examine the response of those systems to glob
ally imposed acceleration, a(t). We review those
results here for they present a case in which the static ground based systems appear free of serious
instability but the same system exhibits serious r
esonance when subjected to global oscillation.
Hori and Brennen (2011) constructed dynamic models
for four different configurations used during
the testing and deployment of the LOX turbopump for
the Japanese LE-7A rocket engine. As sketched
in Figure 9., these configurations include three ground-based facilities, two cold-test facilities (one
with a suction line accumulator and the other without
), and a hot-fire engine test facility. The fourth
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
configuration is the flight hardware. All four
configurations include the same LE-7A turbopump
whose cavitation compliance and mass flow gain f
actor were extracted from the ground tests and were
included in Figure 3. The dynamic model for these LE-7A turbopump systems incorporated the time
domain equivalent of the pump transfer function including pump cavitation compliance and mass flow
gain factor terms as well as the known steady pump performance characteristic. It also included
lumped parameter models for the storage tank (fuel or oxidizer), the accumulator, and the valves, as
well as compressible, frictional flow equations for the flows in the feedlines. The assumed boundary
conditions at inlet to and discharge from these hydraulic systems were an assumed storage tank
pressure and the back pressure in the combustion chamber or catchment tank. Additional, pseudo-
pressure terms (Batchelor, 1967) were included in the
flight configuration to account for the globally-
imposed acceleration, a. These model equations were solved numerically in the time domain using the
traditional methods of fluid transients (Wylie
et al
. 1993, Brennen 1994) including the method of
characteristics for the feedlines. Low-level white
noise pressure perturbations were injected at the
pump inlet in order to provide a trigger for potential cavitation surge, should that be inclined to occur.
This technique is based on the assumption that t
he cavitation surge (and other dynamic responses)
observed in the ground-based tests are similarly triggered by random pressure noise.
Figure 9.
The four hydraulic system configurati
ons whose dynamic responses are compared.
7. Comparing the system response and stability
The results that Hori and Brennen (2011) obtained for the four LE-7A test sytems are obtained are
presented in Figures 10, 11, 12, 13. In the case o
f the first three ground-based configurations
comparison is made with pressure spectra obtained during the system testing.
The calculated and measured spectra for the first configuration are shown in Figure 10. and show
excellent agreement. For a cavitation number greater than 0.04, the pressure fluctuations are very
small indeed. However, when the cavitation number is decreased into the range 0.033 to 0.020,
pressure fluctuations at a non-dimensional freque
ncy of 0.22 become dominant; as described earlier
this is the natural frequency of the cavitating pump and the increase occurs when there is a resonance
between that natural frequency (which decreases as
decreases) and the third organ pipe mode of
oscillation of the suction line. However, even these
resonant pressure oscillations are inconsequential;
for example the amplitude at the inducer discharge
is less than 0.4% of inducer tip dynamic pressure.
Note that the spectra also include very small pressure
fluctuations at non-dime
nsional frequencies of
0.13 and 0.31; these correspond to the second and the fourth organ pipe modes of the suction line.
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
Figure 10.
Model calculations (upper graphs) and test f
acility measurements (lower graphs) of the
pump inlet pressure (left) and the inducer discharge pressure (right) from the cold test facility without
an accumulator, the first configuration.
Sample results for the second configuration, a di
fferent cold-test facility with an accumulator, are
presented in Figure 11. The most obvious change fro
m the first configuration is the appearance of a
natural resonant oscillation of the flow between th
e accumulator and the cavitation in the pump. This
occurs because of the short length (and therefore small inertance) of fluid between the accumulator
and the cavitation. As the cavitation number decrea
ses and the cavitation compliance increases, the
frequency of this natural cavitation surge decreases. For
>0.040, the inducer pressure fluctuations
involved are very small. But when
is reduced to 0.037, a double resonance occurs involving the
natural frequency of the cavitating pump, the fre
quency of oscillating of the fluid between the
accumulator and the pump
the third organ pipe mode of the feedline between the tank and the
pump. This double resonance results in a sudden, subs
tantial increase in the magnitude of the pressure
oscillations. With further decrease in
to 0.035, the fluctuation magnitude decreases again as the
double resonance has passed. The corresponding e
xperimental spectra exhibit good qualitative
agreement with the model calculations; the higher harmonics observed in the test and which do not
appear in the model calculations are probably caused by non-linear effects. However, despite this
double resonance, both the tests and the calculations exhibit very small pressure oscillation amplitudes,
less than 1% of inducer tip dynamic pressure and, as in the first configuration, this magnitude is
Spectra for the third configuration, the hot-firing engine test are shown in Figure 12. As in the
second configuration, the response is dominated by
a strong resonance of the fluid between the pump
and the accumulator. The frequency of this resonance decreases from 0.5 to 0.2 as the cavitation
number is decreased from 0.05 to 0.02 (the frequencies are higher than in the second configuration
because the accumulator is much closer to the turb
opump). Again, the model results appear to simulate
the test data very well, matching both the frequency and the amplitude. However, the pressure
amplitudes are still very small, less than 0.01
% of the inducer tip dynamic pressure. Even when the
peak frequency matches one of the suction line organ
pipe frequencies, no large pressure oscillation
magnitudes occur because the suction line in the hot-firing engine test facility is very long and the
suction line resistance is large.
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
Figure 11.
Model calculations (upper graphs) and test f
acility measurements (lower graphs) of the
pump inlet pressure (left) and the inducer discharge pressure (right) from the cold test facility with an
accumulator, the second configuration
Figure 12.
Model calculations (upper graphs) and test f
acility measurements (lower graphs) of the
pump inlet pressure (left) and the inducer discharge pressure (right) from the hot-firing engine test, the
third configuration.
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IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
Figure 13.
Model calculations for the flight configurat
ion subject to global accele
ration. Upper graphs:
in the absence of pump cavitation. Lower graphs: when the pump cavitation number is
Pressure amplitudes (left) and flow rate amplitude
s (right) over a wide range of different oscillation
frequencies and an oscillating acceleration magnitude of 0.1
. Solid, dashed and dotted lines
respectively present the pump discharge, inducer inlet and tank outlet quantities.
Having to some extent validated the model calculations, Hori and Brennen (2011) then turned to
the flight configuration. First the response of the flight configuration
imposed acceleration was
investigated and only very small pressure oscillat
ions (less than 0.01% of inducer tip dynamic pressure)
and flowrate oscillations (less than 0.01% of mean flow) were calculated. Thus, like the first three
configurations, the flight configuration is very s
table in a non-accelerating frame. Then the model was
used to examine the response of the flight configuration in a sinusoidally accelerating frame with an
acceleration amplitude of 0.1
at various non-dimensional frequencies ranging from 0 to 0.5. The
magnitude 0.1
would be characterisitic of the backgroun
d excitation experienced in the rocket
environment. Typical model results under non-cavitating conditions are shown in the upper graphs of
Figure 13. and are similar in magnitude to the results for the ground-based calculations; the conclusion
is that, in the absence of cavitation, the system response is quite muted with pressure oscillation
magnitudes less than 0.05% of inducer tip dynamic pr
essure and flow rate oscillation magnitudes less
than 0.02% of mean flow.
Finally Hori and Brennen (2011) present their
key result, namely the response of the flight
configuration to the same range of global oscillation (an acceleration magnitude of 0.1
for a range
of oscillation frequencies), when the pump is cav
itating. The lower graphs of Figure 13. present the
results for the lowest cavitation number examined namely
=0.02. It is clear that the result is a violent
resonant response with amplitudes about two orders of magnitude greater than in the absence of
cavitation. The pressure oscillation magnitudes a
re more than 2% of inducer tip dynamic pressure and
the flow rate oscillation magnitudes are more
than 20% of mean flow. Under these cavitating
conditions, the largest flow rate magnitudes occur between the accumulator and the inducer at all
frequencies and the largest pressure amplitudes occur at the inducer discharge. Thus the flow rate
oscillation between the accumulator and the indu
cer dominates the overall response and excites the
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
rest of the system like an oscillating piston. The suction line from the tank to the accumulator also
plays a role, albeit a secondary role. When the frequency of the ``piston'' coincides with an organ pipe
mode of the compressible liquid between the tank and
the cavitating inducer the entire system exhibits
a peak response and this happens at each of those organ
pipe modes. There is also an important global
response maximum near the natural frequency of the
cavitating pump (0.3); at higher frequencies the
response dies off rather rapidly.
Thus the model calculations demonstrate how
a violent resonant response can occur in the
accelerating flight environment when pump cavitatio
n is present and that this response can occur even
when all the ground tests (and the model flight calculations without cavitation) indicate a stable and
well-behaved response. The difficulty of duplicatin
g these adverse flight environments in any ground
test - and therefore of examining such an adverse condition - makes accurate model calculations an
almost essential design tool.
8. Conclusion
In concluding this review we should remark that despite significant progress in understanding the
dynamics of cavitation in pumps and inducers, there i
s much that remains to be accomplished before
an adequate pump system design procedure is completed. It is, perhaps, most useful in these
concluding remarks to identify some of t
he most glaring gaps in our knowledge.
In terms of accomplishments we do have a reas
onable data base supporting our preliminary
understanding of the scaling of the dynamic transfer function with pump size, pump rotating speed
(admittedly within a fairly narrow speed range), cav
itation number and flow coefficient. However,
most of that data is in water at roughly normal temperatures. Therefore the first deficiency is the lack
of experimental data for the thermal effects on the
dynamics. Thermal effects on cavitation and on the
steady state performance of pumps have been extensively studied and are well known, for example, in
the context of cryogenic pumps (see, for example, Br
ennen 1994); thermal effects in liquid oxygen are
important and they are pervasive in liquid hydroge
n pumps. But, apart from some preliminary tests
et al.
1982, Yoshida
et al.
2009, 2011) and some very limited t
heoretical considerations
(Brennen 1973), little is really known about the therm
al effects on the dynamic characteristics of
cavitating pumps. Testing in fluids other than wate
r is very limited though the recent work of Yoshida
et al.
(2011) in liquid nitrogen suggests little thermal e
ffect on cavitation surge. The lack of data is, in
large measure, due to the absence of dynamic
flow meters for non-aqueous environments.
Electromagnetic flow meters have proved invaluable in the water tests, in part, because of their unique
ability to measure the cross-sectionally integrated flow rate irrespective of axisymmetric velocity
profile and, in part, because of their dynamic capab
ility. (Electromagnetic meters for cryogenic fluids
are not out of the question and should be constructively investigated). It seems likely that thermal
effects could substantially dampen the dynamic characteristics and, if so, it would be valuable to
confirm or refute this.
Another gap that has become evident in recent
years and that has a significant impact on pump
system stability is the effect of complex values for
the compliance and mass flow gain factor. Though
we have described above some very crude data on the phase lags for compliance and mass flow gain
factor this data has very large uncertainties ass
ociated with it and we have little knowledge about how
the values scale with speed or size. These effects a
nd their uncertainty strongly suggest that a more
extensive transfer function data base is needed th
at would not only examine the thermal effects but
also extend the data to higher speeds. Such experimental investigations should also investigate the
non-linear effects that obviously limit the amplit
ude of the cavitation instabilities and the resonant
Another major gap in our current understanding has been evident for some time through the work
of Rubin and others on the response of pump syste
ms in globally oscillating environments and was
particularly evident in the work of Hori and Brennen described above. There are some very real
questions about the dynamic response of cavitation and of cavitating pumps subjected to translational
or rotational acceleration. The only surefire way
to answer these questions is to conduct experiments
26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science
(2012) 012001
with a pump loop experiment mounted on a shaker tab
le that can impose substantial global oscillations
up to frequencies of the order of 50
or more. Given the availability of huge shaker tables for
earthquake engineering research and the known dest
ructive consequences of instabilities such as the
Pogo instability of liquid-propelled rockets, it is surprising that such experiments have not been
carried out in the past.
Finally, I can anticipate that some will promote t
he use of computational models for cavitating
flows in order to try to bridge these gaps. Though
there have been some valuable efforts to develop
CFD methods for cascades (see, for example, Iga
et al.
2004), the problem with this suggestion is that
accurate numerical treatments for cavitating pumps that will adequately represent both the non-
equilibrium character of cavitation and adequately
respond to flow fluctuations are still in a very early
stage of development. Codes that can also handle the complex geometry and turbulence of the flow in
an inducer including the tip clearance backfl
ow are many years away. It seems clear that much
progress will be needed in the development of r
educed-order models for cavitation before the
computational approach can produce useful, practical results.
The author wishes to acknowledge the extensive and valuable support provided by the NASA George
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, during much of the research discussed in this paper. I
also owe a great debt to my colleague and collaborator Allan Acosta as well as to numerous students at
Caltech, particularly S.L.Huang and David Braiste
d. The numerous constructive discussions with long
time associates Loren Gross, Henry Stinson, Sheldon Rubin, Jim Fenwick, Tom Zoladz, Kenjiro
Kamijo, Yoshi Tsujimoto and Shusuke Hori are gratefully acknowledged. I also appreciate the support
of JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency,
in sponsoring the visit of Shusuke Hori to Caltech.
K’, M’
Global acceleration of the pumping system
Cavitation compliance
Quadratic compliance and mass flow gain
factor coefficients
Frequency [Hz]
Inducer blade tip spacing, 2
Bubbly flow model parameters
Pump inertance
Length of the cavitation zone
Complex fluctuating mass flow rate
Mass flow gain factor
Number of main inducer blades
Complex fluctating total pressure
Pump resistance
Radius of the inducer tip
Pump transfer function elements
Velocity in the cavitation zone
Velocity of the inducer tip
Inlet flow coefficient
Cavitation number
Liquid density
Phase lags of the compliance and mass flow
gain factor
Dimensional radian frequency
Dimensionless frequency,
Frequency of rotation of the pump
Natural cavitation frequency of the inducer
Dimensionless natural cavitation frequency of t
he inducer,
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(2012) 012001