Microfabrication of Linear Translator Tuning
Elements in Submillimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits
Victor M. Lubecke,
Senior Member, IEEE,
William R. McGrath,
Member, IEEE,
Yu-Chong Tai, and David B. Rutledge,
Fellow, IEEE
A micromechanical planar tuning element has been
developed and demonstrated in a fully monolithic 620-GHz in-
tegrated circuit. It allows for the mechanical variation of the
electrical length of a coplanar transmission line tuner and is
called a
sliding planar backshort
(SPB). It consists of a movable
patterned rectangular metal plate confined by polyimide flanges
along two of its edges to allow guided linear translation along the
length of a dielectric-coated coplanar transmission line. Its fab-
rication involves an application of sacrificial-layer and molding
techniques to materials and processes which are compatible with
the fabrication of a wide range of submillimeter-wave integrated
circuits. This is the first reported micromechanically adjustable
tuning element demonstrated at submillimeter wavelengths. [319]
Index Terms—
Backshort, coplanar, MEMS, micromachining,
millimeter wave, monolithic integrated circuit, planar tuning
element, submillimeter wave.
I. I
ICROMACHINING techniques offer great potential to
millimeter- and submillimeter-wave circuit technology.
Critical dimensions in these circuits decrease with increasing
operating frequency, creating fabrication difficulties which
can be addressed through micromachining. Additionally, mi-
cromachining techniques and micromechanical components
can allow for the development of new unconventional high-
frequency circuitry which can offer superior performance.
bulk micromachining
techniques have already been
demonstrated in submillimeter- and near-submillimeter-wave
circuits. Reflecting cavities for membrane-supported planar
submillimeter-wave antennas have been fabricated by stacking
anisotropically etched silicon wafers [1]. A similar selective
etching technique has also been employed to create wave-
guide sections in silicon, incorporating internally suspended
membranes which can allow for the integration of planar
high-frequency devices [2]. Bulk techniques have also been
Manuscript received December 29, 1997; revised August 3, 1998. This
work was supported in part by the Innovative Science and Technology Office
of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, Office of Space Science and
Technology, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and a
NASA GSRP Fellowship. Subject Editor, N. de Rooij.
V. M. Lubecke was with the Division of Engineering and Applied Science,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA. He is now
with the Photodynamics Research Center, Institute of Physical and Chemical
Research (RIKEN), Sendai 980, Japan (e-mail: victor@postman.riken.co.jp).
Y.-C. Tai and D. B. Rutledge are with the Division of Engineering and
Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125
W. R. McGrath is with the Center for Space Microelectronics Technology,
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91109 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 1057-7157(98)08920-3.
used to selectively remove substrate material from critical
regions in planar high-frequency transmission line compo-
nents in order to reduce losses and enhance isolation [3].
surface micromachining
techniques offer potential in
this field as well, as they have been used to create various
submillimeter-scale rotating and translating structures [4] on
which mechanically adjustable submillimeter-wave compo-
nents can be based. Techniques similar to those demonstrated
in simplified LIGA-like processes [5] can potentially make
surface micromachining techniques practical in a variety of
conventional high-frequency circuits.
At millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, the perfor-
mance of common semiconducting and superconducting de-
vices is severely degraded by the effects of parasitic reactances
inherent in their geometries [6], [7]. These effects are not easily
characterized, and adjustable impedance matching circuits are
typically needed to make practical use of such devices. A
common approach is to embed the device in a waveguide
circuit and employ mechanically adjustable waveguide back-
shorts as tuning elements which serve to optimize the device
performance by compensating for the parasitic reactance [8].
The critical dimensions for these circuits are very small,
decreasing in size as the frequency of interest increases. This
makes fabrication of such waveguide circuits exceedingly
costly and difficult and has motivated interest in alternative
planar approaches.
Monolithic integrated-circuit technology promises a prac-
tical means for realizing reliable and reproducible planar
millimeter- and submillimeter-wave circuits. Planar circuits are
fabricated through photolithographic techniques, which allow
for the cost-effective production of intricate designs not possi-
ble with waveguide technology. These circuits, however, must
also provide compensation for parasitic device reactances.
Conventional planar technology allows for only fixed tuning
elements, providing no means for postfabrication optimiza-
tion of performance [9]. This makes characterization of the
component elements critical, and it is not usually possible
to achieve satisfactory results without multiple design and
fabrication iterations. It would be desirable to incorporate in
these planar circuits the same kind of mechanically adjustable
tuning available in waveguide circuits.
An adjustable planar tuning element, which functions in a
planar circuit analogously to a backshort in a waveguide cir-
cuit, has been developed along with a process for its fabrication
as an integral part of a millimeter- or submillimeter-wave
monolithic circuit. This is the first reported demonstration
of an integrated micromechanically adjustable tuning element
1998 IEEE
et al
Fig. 1. Conceptual illustration of an SPB tuning element. A patterned metal
plate slides over a dielectric-coated planar transmission line to vary the
electrical length.
at submillimeter wavelengths. The tuning element, called a
sliding planar backshort
(SPB), is formed as an integral
part of a coplanar transmission line tuning stub, using only
conventional micron-scale fabrication techniques commonly
employed for submillimeter-wave circuits, which include UV
lithography, evaporated and electroplated metals, and sputtered
and spun-on dielectrics. The SPB can be used in developmental
integrated circuits as an aid for device characterization or
as a means to optimize in-use performance for a variety of
submillimeter-wave integrated circuits.
An SPB consists of a rectangular metal plate, with ap-
propriately sized and spaced holes, which rests on top of a
dielectric-coated planar transmission line, as shown in Fig. 1.
The impedance of the sections of line covered by metal is
greatly reduced, while the uncovered sections retain their
higher impedance. Each of these sections is approximately one
quarter of a wavelength long, and the cascade of alternating
low- and high-impedance sections results in an extremely low-
impedance termination. This termination can be moved to vary
the electrical length of a planar transmission line tuning stub
by simply sliding the metal plate along the length of the line.
Such adjustable tuning stubs can be used in a variety of ways
to adjust the impedance match between the various elements
of a circuit [10]. The semiempirical design of the SPB was
originally carried out with a 2-GHz-scale model [11], and SPB
tuners have since been successfully demonstrated as discrete
components at frequencies up to 100 GHz [12].
The wavelength for a signal guided on a planar transmission
line is determined by the frequency of the signal and the
dielectric properties of the substrate, decreasing in size with
increasing frequency and dielectric constant [13]. Since an
SPB tuner works as a distributed transmission line component,
its dimensions vary accordingly. At low frequencies, these
dimensions are large by micromachining standards, even for
substrate materials with relatively high-dielectric constants
like silicon. At frequencies above 100 GHz, however, the
dimensions can be on the order of hundreds or tens of microns.
At 620 GHz, an SPB on a silicon dioxide substrate can be
about 200
m wide, comparable in size to linear translating
structures fabricated through the surface micromachining of
silicon [4]. Unfortunately, the processes and materials typ-
ically used for such structures can be inappropriate for, or
incompatible with, those often needed in submillimeter-wave
circuit fabrication.
Micromachining with polysilicon components and silicon
dioxide sacrificial layers typically requires high-temperature
chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or furnace growth and
aggressive and hazardous chemical etchants. Many conven-
tional submillimeter-wave circuits, containing delicate thin-
film structures, diodes, and other devices, cannot easily accom-
modate such processes. It is desirable that the sliding element
of an SPB tuner be made from a good conductor through a
process which involves temperatures and reactions which can
be safely used on a wide range of insulating substrates which
already contain thin-film circuitry. Fortunately, key features
from the silicon-based technique can be suitably combined
with an LIGA-like UV process to allow for the fabrication
of SPB tuners in a variety of submillimeter-wave circuit
applications, using only rudimentary fabrication facilities and
very low-hazard materials and processes [14].
An all-monolithic quasi-optical 620-GHz direct-detection
circuit was developed to demonstrate the operation of inte-
grated submillimeter-wave SPB tuners. This circuit uses a
dielectric-filled parabola [15] substrate lens to focus radiation
onto a slot antenna and couples this radiation to a detector
by means of two coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission
lines, each with integrated SPB tuners. One SPB tuner creates
a variable reactance in series between the antenna and the
detector, potentially serving to compensate for any unwanted
reactance when the slot is not resonant. The other SPB tuner
creates a variable susceptance in parallel with the detector
and could be used to compensate for the parasitic capaci-
tance found in some otherwise desirable submillimeter-wave
devices. The entire circuit can be fabricated through simple
processes commonly employed in the making of millimeter-
and submillimeter-wave integrated circuits.
Submillimeter-wave circuits are made with a variety of low-
loss dielectric substrates, high-speed semiconductor devices,
and even superconducting thin films. The choices depend on
the applications, and components which are not restricted to
one medium or process are desirable.
Except for the SPB tuners, the 620-GHz detector circuit
used here is conventional; it incorporates materials, com-
ponents, and fabrication processes common to many fixed-
tuned submillimeter-wave circuits. Fused quartz was used
for the substrate lens, which provides low-loss transmission
line properties and a reasonable match to free space. The
transmission line and antenna circuitry were straightforward
thin-film patterns, and a patterned thin film of bismuth was
used as a thermoelectric detector [16]. While this type of
detector does not provide the sensitivity of semiconducting
and superconducting mixing elements, it offers the advan-
Fig. 2. Exploded illustration of the seven-layer circuit. Two SPB tuners were included using conventional submillimeter-wave circuit fabrication
tage of working at room temperature, with only a single
layer of processing. Techniques are available, however, for
integrating gallium arsenide Schottky diodes, superconduc-
tor–insulator–superconductor (SIS) junctions, and similar de-
vices in this circuit [17], [18]. The completed circuit required
seven masks and seven processing layers, and the process is
illustrated in Fig. 2.
The entire circuit was fabricated at the center of a round
m-thick 19-mm-diameter fused-quartz wafer which
could be seamlessly installed on a quartz lens. The first
process layer consisted of 1000
A of gold, with 70-
m chrome
adhesion layers above and below, deposited by electron-beam
evaporation and etched to form the slots for the antenna and
CPW transmission lines. Since the 620-GHz signal must pass
through the circuit in order to utilize the substrate lens, excess
metal was also etched, leaving only enough in the vicinity of
the transmission lines and antenna to serve as a proper ground
plane. A 1000-
A layer of silicon dioxide was then applied to
provide mechanical and dc isolation between the CPW lines
and subsequent layers. The silicon dioxide was deposited on
the circuit by low-temperature radio frequency (RF) sputtering
using a photoresist lift-off stencil to define small openings
which would allow the thin-film detector and bias wire bonds
to make ohmic contact to the CPW lines beneath it. Two SPB
tuning elements were then added by the process described in
the following section. The final processing layer consisted of
a thermally evaporated 6000-
A-thick bismuth film patterned
with a photoresist lift-off stencil.
The procedure used for fabricating the micromechanical
SPB tuners on the dielectric-coated CPW lines is illustrated in
Fig. 3. The processing steps are not so different from those for
capacitors and air bridges in fixed tuned circuits, but produce
a more versatile tuning element. Thus, it was possible for
this entire circuit to be fabricated with low-hazard processes
common to high-frequency circuit fabrication without the use
of an environmentally controlled clean room [19], [20].
et al
Fig. 3. Simplified illustration of the SPB fabrication process. Sacrificial
layers are used to form an SPB which is constrained by polyimide guide
A photoresist lift-off stencil was applied and patterned
to define a sacrificial-seed layer. This pattern consisted of
rectangular strips over each CPW line, each as wide as the
SPB (200
m) and extending to the edge of the substrate to
allow for electrode connection. This third layer was formed
by depositing a 1700-
A layer of copper over a 70-
A chrome
adhesion layer through electron-beam evaporation and then
lifting the stencil and unwanted film in acetone.
Next, an 8-
m layer of photoresist was applied to the circuit,
patterned to form a mold layer, and hard baked. This layer
defined the shape of each SPB, several sacrificial pieces used
to define the region into which each SPB would slide, and two
one-square-mm patches. These patterns were all formed over
the sacrificial-seed layer to allow for electroplating, with the
large square patches serving to increase the plating area and
allow for the use of an easily maintained dc plating current.
The wafer was then dipped in gold electroplating solution
where 5-
m-thick patterned gold structures were plated within
the mold, forming the fourth circuit layer.
The mold layer was then striped in N-methyl 2-pyrrolidone,
and a 1-
m sacrificial copper coating was applied to the
exposed SPB and sacrificial structures by connecting the cir-
cuit to an electrode and immersing it in copper electroplating
solution. This formed the fifth circuit layer. A 13-
layer of photosensitive polyimide precursor was then spun onto
the circuit and UV patterned to form two digitated strips, each
overlapping a side of the copper-coated gold structures. The
Fig. 4. Microscope photograph showing the removal of two of the sacrificial
gold structures (angled bars) used to form the polyimide guides. Once these
have all been removed, the SPB tuners can slide freely along the transmission
line within the confines of the guides.
strips were then cured in an inert gas environment to form
m-thick polyimide guide structures.
Finally, the copper plating and sacrificial-seed layers were
removed through wet etching to release the gold SPB and
sacrificial structures. The sacrificial pieces shown in Fig. 4
were then removed from under the polyimide guides to allow
the SPB structures to slide within the guides along the surface
of the CPW lines. The digitated structure of the guides both
minimized the chance of binding between the SPB and its
guide and provided reference marks for positioning the tuners.
Fig. 5(a) and (b) shows a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
photograph of a guide structure with its confined SPB in
view and one of a guide structure with its SPB removed,
respectively. Fig. 6 shows a released SPB tuner in its entirety.
The fabrication of state-of-the-art submillimeter-wave inte-
grated circuits typically requires constant painstaking attention,
which is justified by the fact that a single functioning circuit
can yield a great deal of valuable data. The circuit demon-
strated here required a full wafer and seven processing layers
and was no exception. Fabrication, however, was successfully
carried out with very limited processing equipment and in
facilities with little or no environmental regulation. While yield
was not optimized or specifically evaluated, a developmental
wafer processed with an array of ten test tuners yielded six
elements, which could slide smoothly without sticking, and
four damaged elements. Similarly, of the final six circuit
wafers simultaneously processed to produce one suitable for
Fig. 5. Close-up SEM photograph of one side of an SPB tuner. (a) A polyimide guide structure is shown with a 5-
m-thick SPB beneath it and (b)
another with the SPB removed.
submillimeter-wave measurements, two exhibited tuner bind-
ing—one due to nonuniform gold plating and the other due
to incomplete coverage of the electroplated sacrificial copper.
The yield for producing a functioning submillimeter-wave
bismuth detector in such a circuit is typically lower than that
of these tuners.
V. T
The processed wafer was mounted over a substrate lens to
allow quasi-optical coupling to a 620-GHz backward wave os-
cillator source. The performance of the integrated SPB tuners
was demonstrated by using them to vary the power delivered
from the slot antenna to the bismuth detector by altering the
impedance match between them. The delivered power was
measured using a lock-in amplifier, and a theoretical model
was also derived to calculate the circuit behavior in order to
predict and verify the measured performance [20].
The tuners were positioned manually using a probe with
an ox-hair tip which provided adequate manipulation control
for the 620-GHz experiment. Ox hair was determined to be
well suited for the application as it had sufficient stiffness for
pushing the tuner, yet could safely brush against the poly-
imide and silicon dioxide surfaces without causing damage.
Power measurements were made for various alignments of
the tuners at 20-
m increments, which is one sixteenth of a
guided wavelength. The circuit was designed to accommodate
movement of the tuners over three guided wavelengths, though
in a practical circuit there would be no need for positioning
et al
Fig. 6. SEM photograph of an integrated SPB tuner. An ox-hair probe was used to push each 200-
m-wide SPB along its guide to vary the electrical
length of the CPW line beneath it.
the tuner beyond the first one-half guided wavelength as
the performance pattern repeats after this, only with greater
loss due to the added length of the transmission line. While
over most of the range the tuners exhibited no sticking,
positioning by successive 20-
m increments was difficult and
so the measurements were made for a more or less random
order of tuner positions. The polyimide guides and stopping
structures kept the tuners within the desired range at all times,
and optimum circuit performance could be repeated without
much difficulty. The submillimeter-wave circuit response was
successfully varied over a 15-dB range, which demonstrated
adequate tuning capability for providing a good impedance
match between a wide range of typical submillimeter-wave
devices with high-parasitic reactances, such as SIS devices and
Schottky diodes, and resonant planar antennas, including slots,
dipoles, and self-complimentary structures. Measured results
for independent position sweeps for each SPB tuner agreed
very closely with theory and could be accurately repeated in
tests conducted over a two-week period. The submillimeter-
wave function and performance of this circuit is described in
more detail elsewhere [21], [22].
The fabrication techniques used for the tuner and all-planar
circuitry are well suited to scaling the design to frequencies
up to several terahertz. More precise positioning control may
be necessary in such circuits and could be achieved through
the use of mechanical manipulators such as those used for
positioning optical fibers or through electrostatic [23], shape-
memory alloy [24], or other integrated actuator techniques.
The sliding structure also has the potential to be used for other
micromechanical millimeter- and submillimeter-wave circuit
components such as switches, adjustable antenna elements,
and aperture shutters.
A new submillimeter-wave tuning element has been devel-
oped along with a technique for its fabrication as an integral
part of a monolithic circuit. The technique is based on silicon
surface micromachining and LIGA, but incorporates only
processes and materials suitable for common submillimeter-
wave integrated circuits. The performance of these tuning
elements has been demonstrated at 620 GHz through me-
chanical manipulation. This is the first reported demonstration
of micromechanically adjustable tuning in a submillimeter-
wave integrated circuit. Potentially, the sliding element can
be adapted to serve additional millimeter- and submillimeter-
wave circuit functions at frequencies up to several terahertz
and, if necessary, could be made to self-actuate through
the application of electrostatic, shape-memory alloy, or other
microelectromechanical actuation techniques, with appropriate
consideration made for individual circuit compatibility with
thermal, electrostatic, and other environmental factors.
The authors would like to thank P. A. Stimson for his
generous assistance with the submillimeter-wave aspects of
this experiment, E. Kolawa and J. S. Reid for assistance with
dielectric sputtering, and O. Bori
c-Lubecke for assistance with
the manuscript.
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Victor M. Lubecke
(SM’98) received the B.S. de-
gree in electrical and electronic engineering from the
California State Polytechnical University, Pomona,
in 1986 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in elec-
trical engineering from the California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, in 1990 and 1995, respec-
His graduate work focused on high-frequency
integrated-circuit techniques and microelectrome-
chanical systems (MEMS) technology. From 1987
to 1996, he was with the NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory working on millimeter- and submillimeter-wave technology in
space communications and remote-sensing applications. Since 1996, he has
been a Visiting Researcher at the Photodynamics Research Center, Institute
for Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Sendai, Japan. His current
research interests include high-frequency integrated circuits, quasi-optics, and
related MEMS techniques.
William R. McGrath
(M’88) received the B.S. degree in physics from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1978 and the M.A. and
Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1981
and 1985, respectively.
His graduate work focused on the device physics of SIS mixers and
superconductive circuits. He and his coworkers were the first to measure the
quantum effects of large-gain and quantum-limited noise in SIS mixers at 36
GHz. Upon graduating from the University of California, Berkeley, he took a
position as a Visiting Researcher at the Chalmers University of Technology,
Goteborg, Sweden, where he worked on submillimeter-wave superconductive
detectors. He and coworkers built the first millimeter-wave Josephson effect
mixer using the newly discovered high-Tc superconductors. He joined the staff
of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA, in 1987, where he became a Group Leader in 1990 and a Technical
Group Supervisor in 1992. He heads a research group which develops high-
performance submillimeter-wave sensors for remote-sensing applications. He
has over 120 publications and two patents.
Dr. McGrath has received several awards related to his research activities.
Yu-Chong Tai
received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1981 and the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1986 and
1989, respectively.
He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, where he directs the Caltech Microma-
chining Laboratory which currently sponsors more than 20 researchers for
micromachining. He has over 12 years of experience doing micromachines
and/or MEMS research. His research interests include MEMS technology,
microsensors, microactuators, microstructures, MEMS systems, and MEMS
science. He has successfully developed MEMS devices in his lab includ-
ing pressure sensors, shear-stress sensors, hot-wire anemometers, magnetic
actuators, microphones, microvalves, micromotors, etc. System-level MEMS
research projects then include integrated M3 (microelectronics
microactuators) drag-reduction smart surface, flexible smart skin for the
control unmanned aerial vehicles, and microfluid delivery systems. He is
also interested in MEMS sciences such as MEMS material (mechanical and
thermal) properties, microfluid mechanics, and micro/nano processing issues.
David B. Rutledge
(M’75–SM’89–F’93) received the B.A. degree in math-
ematics from the Williams College, Williamstown, MA, in 1973, the M.A.
degree in electrical sciences from Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K.,
in 1975, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley,
in 1980.
He has been teaching at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
and working on microwave circuits and antennas since 1980. His research
group developed key ideas in integrated-circuit antennas, including lens-
coupled antennas, which appear widely in radio-astronomy receivers. His
group demonstrated anisotropic etching for fabricating horns and mem-
brane technology for suspending metal antennas. The group first described
leakage from planar transmission lines and first demonstrated many active
quasi-optical components, including phase shifters, oscillators, mixers, and
amplifiers. Recently, the group has developed Class-E HF power amplifiers
for industrial and amateur use. He has authored or coauthored over 200
publications. He is a coauthor along with S. Wedge and R. Compton of
the widely distributed educational microwave computer-aided design package
Puff, with 15 000 copies worldwide. He was a Visiting Scientist at CSIRO,
New South Wales, Australia, in the summer of 1985, the Research Institute for
Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in the Spring
and Summer of 1988, and the National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan,
in the Fall of 1995. He has been a Distinguished Lecturer for the Antennas
and Propagation Society from 1991 to 1993. He has served as Chairman for
19 doctoral candidates.
Dr. Rutledge is a Member of the AP-S AdCom. He received the Teaching
Award of the Associated Students of Caltech. In 1993, he received the MTT-S
Microwave Prize.