of 28
HDP: 24 – 9
Banjo Rim Sound
David Politzer
California Institute of Technology
(Dated: September 17, 2024)
Four different wood rims are equipped with the same kind of head, tension ring,
hooks, nuts, and shoes. Recordings of taps on the rims and heads yield informa-
tion on their stiffness and impact on head vibration. A single neck with its own
strings, bridge, tailpiece, and co-rod is attached to one rim after the other. The rims
produce different pluck-sound rise times and sustain, in accord with the physics of
weight, stiffness, and coupled oscillators. Timbre variations are complicated. The
combined head-rim systems show slight variations in head resonant frequencies but
clear variations in the amplitudes of head motions in response to excitation by the
bridge at different frequencies. The details presumably depend on the proximity in
frequency of head and rim modes that can couple strongly because of their matching
geometries. Thus, the rims give each banjo a different sound. Sound samples of taps,
plucks, and played tunes are included. Some may conclude that the differences are
not that different from what can be achieved with variations in playing technique
and set-up.
politzer@theory.caltech.edu; http://www.its.caltech.edu/
politzer; 452-48 Caltech, Pasadena CA 91125
Banjo Rim Sound
Players have opinions about the pro’s and con’s of different rims. But the differences
are subtle and are not totally distinct from what can be achieved by various adjustments
or swappable parts or playing technique. Furthermore, the player is in a privileged position
relative to any other listener. The sound there is most dramatic and is compared immediately
to an intention or expectation. In judging attack or rise time, only the player knows when
the string was plucked. Underscoring the subtlety from a physics perspective, zeroth order
modeling with an assumption of an ideal, perfectly rigid rim does a fair job of accounting for
banjo sound, including adjustments and parts choices that are available post-manufacture.[1]
This study addresses rim sound by comparing four instruments that differ only by the
species and construction of their wooden rims. A single neck, co-rod, set of strings, bridge,
and tailpiece are mounted sequentially on the rims. The complete pots are assembled with
the same kind of hardware (head, tension ring, hooks, nuts, and shoes) with current stock
from Deering Banjos.
A technique described in section
VII produces plucks that are highly reproducible in
location and force. This is the sound of a single such pluck on the open 1
string on each
of the assembled banjos:
They sound different. (For the hearing challenged, turn up the volume and/or try an up-
grade from laptop speakers.)
The differences are greatest in the earlier part of the sounds. So, the following plucks are
trimmed to the first 0.25 seconds. (That is sedate relative to most banjo playing.) And, to
drive the point home, you will hear a series of ten successive plucks on each banjo:
Just as neck flexing effects the sound by its direct impact on string vibration[2], rim
flexing effects the sound by its direct impact on head vibration. The goal of what follows is
to characterize the sound differences with sufficient precision that some connection can be
made to the physical properties of the rims.
The first three rims are about 9
thick. They are similar but sufficiently different
to sound somewhat different. The fourth rim is about 5
thick and, therefore, much
lighter and much more flexible. Interestingly, those differences are sufficiently large to put
its physics description into a different realm. It works as a banjo, but it works differently.
A. jump to the conclusion?
The pluck sounds linked above aren’t music. And the next two sets of sounds presented
below help characterize the details of the rims, but they are even further from playing the
banjo. If you simply want to hear some music played on the four rims, jump to section
for some brief samples. However, some of the differences can be hard to discern and might
not seem distinguishable from slight variation in playing technique or recording set-up.
B. outline
In section
IV, the sound of taps on the rims themselves allows a quantitative estimate
of their relative stiffness.
In section
V, mounting the heads and tapping in a reproducible fashion reveals the small
but discernible differences in head vibration produced by the different rims.
Banjos are assembled for section
VI. An impulse hammer gives reproducible taps on
the bridge with strings both damped and open. The recordings simply sound like taps,
albeit slightly different from each other. The damped string sounds are a reflection of the
bridge admittance, a function that encodes the bridge motion that would be produced by
the various frequency components of a properly plucked string. The open string sounds give
a picture of the inharmonic partials that accompany every string pluck.[3]
The 1
string pluck sounds linked above are examined in detail in section
VII. Rise time
and sustain are gross features rather than being frequency specific. The differences between
the first three thick rims behave in these respects in ways that follow directly from the
weights and stiffnesses. However, understanding the sound of the thin rim requires reference
to its frequency spectrum, which is substantially lower than the corresponding resonances
of the other rims because of its relative flexibility.
The spectrograms of the 1
string pluck sounds reveal many slight differences in frequency
component intensity and time dependence. There are no simple patterns. Rather, they
must be the consequence of the interplay of the head and rim resonances. Brief qualitative
explanations are presented.
Played music samples are presented in section
VIII. There is also a set of alternate takes,
presented without the rim identity as a test of whether one can actually identify the rims
by their sound.
In the figures and sound samples, the fours rims are always presented in the same order.
It’s actually by age, oldest first. The first is from a year 2000 Deering Goodtime and has 11
plies of maple. So, it is designated “11 ply.” The second is from an example of the upgraded
Goodtime, i.e., 3-ply maple — and labeled “3 ply.” The third is from the limited edition
2023 “Cherry” Goodtime. It has three plies: cherry - maple - cherry — and labeled simply
“cherry.” These rims are all of the same dimensions. In particular, they are
thick. The
fourth is fashioned from a 12-ply cherry drum shell (from https://nordicshells.com/) that is
8mm (
) thick — and labeled “8mm.” TABLE I lists the labels and descriptions for
convenient reference.
description – see p. 1 photo
11 ply
laminated maple
3 ply
bent maple
3-ply bent cherry-maple-cherry
12-ply laminated cherry
TABLE I: identifying rim labels
The rims are suspended from one of their hanger bolt holes and tapped at 45
from the
suspension point. A directional mic is positioned close to the outer surface and at 45
the other side of the suspension point. These locations emphasize exciting and recording
the lowest mode. (See Appendix B regarding cylindrical shell normal modes.) For these
recordings, the same current stock shoes (the things that hold the tension hooks & nuts)
are attached to each rim. The 16 shoes and their screws together weigh 5 oz.
This is the actual sound, and FIG.s 1 & 2 are waveforms, spectrograms, and spectra of
those sounds:
FIG. 1: taps on rims
A. lessons from a bit of physics
The actual sounds of the rims themselves have no direct relation to the sounds produced
by the assembled banjos, where the rims are constrained to move with the tension ring and
edge of the head. However, a bit of physics brings some order to the analysis of these rim
sounds and produces some useful results. In particular, we can deduce the rims’ relative
First, recall the formula for the frequency
of the ideal mass on a spring:
FIG. 2: rim tap spectra
which applies to any oscillation at small enough amplitude.
The resonant frequencies of a particular rim are given by a series of dimensionless (pure)
numbers times a single frequency, which is obviously proportional to the square root of some
measure of its stiffness divided by its total mass.
The four rims’ observed fundamental frequencies and measured weights are displayed
in TABLE II. The third column is the stiffness deduced from the frequencies and weights
relative to the results for 3-ply maple. As long as the fundamental modes’ motions are
perpendicular to the thickness, this is legitimate because all four rims’ dimensions are the
same in directions perpendicular to the thickness. The rank order of stiffnesses are what
many people might have expected.
Furthermore, the dimensionless numbers that give the series of resonant frequencies for
a particular rim should be (approximately) the same for all rims that are sufficiently similar
in their geometry and differ most in their weight and stiffness. For thin, squat cylinders,
this will work best for the first few resonances, i.e., before the rank order of different types
of motions gets scrambled by the differences in physical parameters. (See APPENDIX B.)
FIG.s 1 & 2 bear some resemblance to this expectation. In FIG. 1, the linear frequency
axis of the spectrograms shows similar ratios of the spacing of first to second and second
to third resonances. In Fig. 2 with a logarithmic frequency scale, this shows up as roughly
equal spacing of peak 1 to 2 and 2 to 3.
fundamental frequency – Hz
rim & shoe weight – oz.
relative stiffness
11 ply
3 ply
TABLE II: wood rims & shoes
The second relevant bit of physics is that, for a thin, uniform material, the stiffness to
bending perpendicular to the thin direction is proportional to the cube of its thickness:
Wood references give standard approximate values for stiffness. In particular, the ratio of
Young’s modulus for cherry to maple is 0.83 (accidentally approximately equal but totally
unrelated to the relative stiffness of the 11-ply rim, as given in TABLE II). This allows a
reasonable comparison of the two laminated rims, i.e. 8mm cherry to 11-ply maple. The
stiffness ratio of the 8mm to 11 ply deduced from weight and fundamental frequency as in
TABLE II is 0.12. This is to be compared to the ratio of Young’s moduli times the cube of
the ratio of thicknesses: 0
= 0.14.
(In the realm of banjo physics, I say that’s
a triumph. Were those laminated with different glue? Is that relevant? If nothing else, the
closeness of the Young’s modulus-based estimate to the measured/deduced value demonstrates
that the discussion above is not obviously wrong.
Also, the photo on page 1 suggests that the 11 ply and 8mm rims are “plywood,” i.e., with
grain going in two different directions. That makes them more stable but inherently less stiff
than were all layers with grain going around. Even though the bending moduli are different in
different directions, the two laminated rims have roughly the same mix of the two directions.
So, the ratio of rim stiffness may well be about right using just the along-the-grain value.)
B. shoes vs. no shoes
In retrospect, recording rim taps of the wood alone, i.e., without the shoes, would have
been clearer in its interpretation — even if a bit further from the action of the assembled
The scaling of the resonant frequencies of each rim in proportion to, say, each lowest
frequency, is only true if the densities of all rims are distributed in the same proportions.
Inclusion of the 5 oz. of shoes & screws violates this. (That is over 30% of the weight listed
for the 8mm rim and
23% for the others.) For these rims’ profiles, the lowest mode
presumably has four straight node lines spaced 90
apart around the circle and no circular
node line going all the way around. (See Appendix B.) The next mode higher in frequency
is likely one with six equally spaced straight lines. The next one might be the one with
eight. Where the modes with circle node lines enter the series is difficult to say without a
detailed numerical calculation. Their frequencies depend on how the mass is distributed in
the vertical direction, i.e., perpendicular to the plane of the head. Because the same type
of shoes were used on all rims, the
mass distributions were different in the vertical
In any case, deducing relative stiffness using the lowest mode frequency works just as
well with shoes as it would without as long as the lowest mode for each rim has the same
spatial shape, i.e., node line pattern suggested above. If so, the inertia of that mode is
simply proportional to the total wood and shoe weight for each particular rim.
Each rim was supplied with head, tension ring, hooks, and nuts from current Deering
factory stock and tightened to 88 on a DrumDial. (The tensions were left to stabilize and
readjusted over a period of a week.)
The next set of sounds are well-controlled taps on the head. Without neck, bridge, &
strings, these are drums. The taps were performed by dropping a pencil from a position
and height using a rigid frame pictured in FIG. 3 as a guide. I analyzed a set of ten clean
ones for each rim. The differences from tap to tap were much smaller than the differences
between rims. One consistency check was to repeat a set of taps on the first rim (the 11
ply) after doing all the others – to confirm that it actually was just like the first round and
obviously different from the others.
FIG. 3: pencil/pot tap rig and mic
The following is the sound of one representative tap for each sequence of ten. Note that
the 11 ply is repeated, the second version having been recorded after the other three to
demonstrate the consistency of the tap mechanism. However, it is played here immediately
after the first one — to demonstrate that they sound the same. So, there are five head taps:
11 ply, 11ply, 3 ply, cherry, and 8mm.
Some of the complexity and subtlety of rim physics is already apparent in these sounds.
Rayleigh, who was seriously interested in the physics of drums, made the distinction of
those with
pitch to those of
pitch. “Definite” required that the low lying
resonant frequencies be integer multiples or nearly so. The discerned pitch frequency is that
common factor. Examples include the kettledrum, which Rayleigh studied and the Indian
tabla, whose heads sport a patch of flexible iron-weighted clay that C.V. Raman showed
produced the magic ratios. More generally, a series of strong frequency components whose
spacings are integer multiples of a single frequency can be heard as that spacing frequency
even if they are all offset from that one as a base.[4]
It is more common for drums to have frequencies in rough agreement with the Bessel
function zeros analysis of the “ideal” drumhead. Most human brains do not recognize that
series as perfectly well-ordered. It is certainly not “musical.”
Nevertheless, human brains struggle mightily to discern a particular pitch wherever pos-
sible — even when technically “indefinite.” The wood rim taps in the previous sound sample
likely seem to have pitches. Likewise, the indefinite pitch drums in the immediately preced-
ing sound sample also likely have associated pitches. However, people do not all agree on
which is higher and which is lower![5] For example, does the lowest pitch of each set belong
to the same rim? And which in the sequence is, indeed, the lowest? People answer with
confidence, but their answers might be different.
FIG. 4 shows the waveforms and spectrograms of those chosen representative pot drum
taps. And FIG. 5 shows computed spectra for each rim, averaged over the set of 10 each.
FIG. 4: spectrograms of the representative tap for each rim, with 11 ply repeated
So, the sounds, spectrograms, and spectra of the four pots are definitely different.
There is some qualitative physics in FIG.s 4 & 5 that will contribute to understanding
some of what happens with the fully assembled banjos.
FIG. 5: pot drum tap spectra – average of 10 for each pot
The brain has the knack of listening to and analyzing many different aspects of heard
sound before deciding and reporting “what it sounds like.” No one spectrogram can capture
that. Rather, the brain considers a great many analyses and criteria simultaneously. It
also compares what it is hearing to what it heard in the past on all time scales, i.e., from
immediately before to long ago.
FIG. 6 displays spectrograms of the same representative plucks as used to produce FIG. 4.
However, the spectrogram analysis parameters are quite different. The frequency range goes
to 6000 Hz, and the frequency resolution is much lower, which allows a much higher time
resolution. For all string instruments, on average, the spectrum decreases substantially
with increasing frequency. Audacity offers a feature that allows viewing high frequency
ranges along with low. In particular, their “High Boost” amplifies the frequency analyzed
signal by some number of decibels per decade of frequency. That is used in FIG. 6 to get
meaningful comparisons up to 6 kHz of differences that certainly are apparent with normal,
good hearing.
FIG. 6: spectrograms of the representative tap for each rim, with 11 ply repeated
A. coupling of the rim to the head
We can think of any head motion as a superposition of its normal modes, each with its
own frequency and spatial pattern along the top of the rim. Considered individually, these
each tug on the rim with their own frequency and pattern. Similarly, rim motion can be
decomposed into normal modes. And we can imagine the total interaction as a pairwise sum.
(This is an application of the approximate linearity of the physics for small amplitudes.)
It is natural to think of the head as a driver of the rim. The effect of a particular head
mode on a particular rim mode depends on four things. 1) There’s the tension of the head
and the amplitude of the particular head mode. 2) The rim response is inversely proportional
to a measure of its mode inertia. Those are equal to the total rim mass times a series of
dimensionless numbers that depend on the mode number. As discussed in section
III (and
Appendix B), that series depends on the spatial distribution of the mass. The four rims are
sufficiently similar that these numbers are expected to be about equal for the lowest few
modes. 3) There is an effective coupling which depends on the degree of spatial matching.
This is greatest when the head and rim modes have the same number of nodes around the
edge of the head and the top of the rim. There can be nearly complete cancellation if they do
not. The situation is simple if both systems have exact circular symmetry. On real banjos,
both are more complex. And 4) there is the resonant response as suggested by the curves in
FIG.s 7 & 8. A given rim mode responds most to head modes of nearby frequencies. The
effect of higher head frequencies goes to zero, while all lower head frequencies contribute to
the rim motion.
FIG. 7: generic shape of resonant amplitude response; note the behavior away from the
peak. The horizontal axis is the driving frequency, and the peak is at the oscillator’s
natural frequency.
FIG. 8: amplitude for sinusoidal forcing of a harmonic oscillator, with and without
damping, as a function of forcing frequency
FIG. 8 is a reminder of the effect of damping in the driven rim mode. The green curve is
for zero damping and goes to infinity on resonance. The blue curve has twice the damping
as the yellow one. When it is said that damping increases the width in frequency of the
resonance, that is with respect to FWHM – full width at half maximum – as a measure of
width. It is nevertheless true that damping reduces the maximum response amplitude but
has little to no effect away from the resonant frequency.
Of course, the rim pushes back on the head, establishing joint modes of the coupled
system. The sound of tapping on the head or plucking the strings is produced overwhelmingly
by the head because the head is a much more efficient radiator of sound than the rim or
strings. (Hunting down errant string buzz is an amusing example. Wherever its origin, the
sound of the buzz comes off the head.)
In FIG.s 4 & 5, we see peaks that are generally similar from rim to rim. The strongest
ones are presumably descendants of modes of an ideal head with a perfectly rigid rim. There
are differences in frequency and intensity due to the way in which the complete set of rim
modes alter the particular head mode due to their coupling. For the comparisons in the
figures to be relevant in terms of intensities and not just frequencies, it is important that
the excitation was in the same place and with the same impulse in each case. (That was the
purpose of the pencil-drop guide structure pictured in FIG. 3.)
One interesting mode is the lowest one, i.e., just below 300 Hz. The lowest pure-head
mode is simply up and down simultaneously over the whole head, with no node lines. This
mode is expected not to couple to the rim in any appreciable way. Any rim mode for
which the whole top edge goes in simultaneously and then goes out is what Rayleigh termed
“extensional.” The whole rim has to stretch and then compress. “Inextensional” modes
involve bending. Their restoring force and, hence, frequency, is generally substantially lower.
This, of course, depends on the actual dimension ratios. (See Appendix B.) In FIG.s. 4 & 5
the lowest frequencies of the four rims are essentially equal, reflecting the further fact that
they were the same type and size of head, tensioned to the same DrumDial reading. FIG. 5
reveals that they are not quite the same intensity, which reflects the fact that the same total
impulse gets divided among the modes as they see fit, and the higher rim modes do, indeed,
couple noticeably to the head.
The next round involves fully assembled banjos. As stressed before, the same one neck
(Goodtime-CNCed white oak), tension ring, bridge, string set, and tailpiece were used on
all four rims. Still not normally playing, the protocol was to tap on the bridge, first with all
strings damped and then with all strings open. The rig shown in FIG. 9 produced nearly
identical taps — in the same place and with the same impulse.
Below are sounds, waveforms, and spectrograms of one representative tap for each rim.
FIG. 9: impulse hammer for bridge taps
The sounds are different for each rim. Even the string component of the taps with open
strings are impacted by the differing rim interactions with the head. While the dominant
physics is the same for all rims, as in the rim drum discussion, head modes get combined
with rim modes in ways that depend both on the details of the frequency spectra and on
the spatial geometry of the modes. The result is variation from rim to rim that cannot be
described as a single, simple trend.
Adding the strings has added further physics. To be sure, the static down-pressure of the
bridge on the head has altered what might be thought of as the pure head modes. A big
change due to the strings is that they significantly damp the head vibration, i.e., take away
energy, compared to the “drum taps” without strings – whether the strings themselves are
damped or not.