Published July 15, 2010 | Published
Book Section - Chapter Open

An open-source readout for MKIDs


This paper will present the design, implementation, performance analysis of an open source readout system for arrays of microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKID) for mm/submm astronomy. The readout system will perform frequency domain multiplexed real-time complex microwave transmission measurements in order to monitor the instantaneous resonance frequency and dissipation of superconducting microresonators. Each readout unit will be able to cover up to 550 MHz bandwidth and readout 256 complex frequency channels simultaneously. The digital electronics include the customized DAC, ADC, IF system and the FPGA based signal processing hardware developed by CASPER group. The entire system is open sourced, and can be customized to meet challenging requirement in many applications: e.g. MKID, MSQUID etc.

Additional Information

© 2010 SPIE. We would like to thanks people from CASPER (collaboration for astronomy signal processing and electronics) group: Glenn Jones, Jason Manley, David George, Henry Chen, Rick Raffanti, Dan Werthimer and other CASPER members for all the useful discussion; we would also like to thanks open source MKID readout collaboration from UCSB, UC Berkeley, NIST, UK ATC etc. We are grateful to the Xilinx corporation for their donation of FPGAs. The MUSIC project is supported by NSF grant AST-0705157 to the University of Colorado, NASA grant NNGC06C71G and NNX10AC83G to the California Institute of Technology, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the JPL Research and Technology Development Fund.

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August 22, 2023
March 5, 2024