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DNA-Mediated Electrochemistry
Alon A. Gorodetsky
Marisa C. Buzzeo
, and
Jacqueline K. Barton
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125
Alon A. GorodetskyMarisa C. BuzzeoJacqueline K. Barton
The base pair stack of DNA has been demonstrated as a medium for long range charge transport
chemistry both in solution and at DNA-modified surfaces. This chemistry is exquisitely sensitive to
structural perturbations in the base pair stack as occur with lesions, single base mismatches, and
protein binding. We have exploited this sensitivity for the development of reliable electrochemical
assays based on DNA charge transport at self-assembled DNA monolayers. Here we discuss the
characteristic features, applications, and advantages of DNA-mediated electrochemistry.
1. Introduction
Since the elucidation of the double helical structure of DNA, scientists have been fascinated
by the possibility that the stacked aromatic base pairs of the duplex may promote charge
transport (CT) over significant distances (1,2). Consequently, the nature of the conductive
properties of duplex DNA has attracted substantial interest (3–7). Over the past two decades,
a wide-ranging collection of experiments has both revealed the fundamental details of DNA-
mediated CT and illustrated its potential for sensing applications.
Initial solution experiments featured photoinduced DNA-mediated CT between well defined
donor and acceptor sites (
). While long-range CT has been shown to yield oxidative damage
in DNA up to 200 Å away from the bound oxidant (10,11), DNA CT has also been found to
be exquisitely sensitive to the integrity of the base pair stack (
) and to the coupling of the
donors and acceptors with the DNA (13). Indeed, this sensitivity has prompted both the
consideration of biological roles for DNA CT (14) and the construction of electrochemical
DNA-based sensors for mutations, base lesions, and protein-binding (15).
Electrochemical techniques provide a particularly convenient means for the study of
heterogeneous electron transfer at solid surfaces (16). Typically, redox-active molecules are
modified with thiol-terminated alkyl chains and self assembled as well ordered monolayers on
metal surfaces (17). Under an applied potential, electrons or holes are then transferred to
pendant, redox-active head groups with the rates and yield of charge transfer (as measured
electrochemically) providing information on the structure of the thiol terminated linker. In our
laboratory, we have extended this methodology to the study and application of DNA-modified
surfaces where charge transfer is
by the DNA monolayers, which are self-assembled
onto conductive substrates.
Before embarking on a general discussion of the application of this methodology, it is important
to have a clear understanding of the architecture of DNA-modified surfaces. Independent of
the material employed, duplex DNA is modified at the 5’ end of a single strand with a linker,
Correspondence to: Jacqueline K. Barton,
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
Bioconjug Chem
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 December 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Bioconjug Chem
. 2008 December ; 19(12): 2285–2296. doi:10.1021/bc8003149.
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which allows it to interact with the electrode surface (Figure 1). In the case of gold, this tether
is an alkane thiol; for graphitic surfaces, it is pyrene. Electrodes are then incubated with
modified duplexes and an organized monolayer is allowed to self-assemble. A redox-active
molecule is introduced either by exposure to a solution or through covalent attachment to the
5’ terminus of the single strand lacking the linker. Subsequent addition of an inert backfilling
agent, such as mercaptohexanol, promotes the removal of non-specifically adsorbed duplexes
and single strands.
We have extensively characterized these DNA monolayers on both gold and graphite via
electrochemical and physical techniques (15). Structural characterization has confirmed that
the DNA duplexes within a DNA monolayer adopt an upright orientation, at an angle relative
to the surface. The uniformity and reliability of this structure enables the duplexes to serve as
an extension of the active electrode surface, thus allowing DNA-bound, redox-active molecules
to be reduced via the
-stack. Importantly, fabrication of the surface with rigid, structurally
defined DNA duplexes, rather than with single stranded DNAs that can stick to the surface in
ill-defined conformations, provides an enormous level of control and reliability in the
construction of the monolayers. Moreover, since the electrochemistry of the DNA probe is
remarkably sensitive to the integrity of the base pair stack, single base mismatches and lesions,
located between the surface and the probe dramatically attenuate the electrochemical yield of
CT. These findings have been extended to general assays for the study of DNA/RNA hybrids
and RNA transcripts. Furthermore, we have been able to detect a wide variety of DNA-binding
proteins based on their association and electronic communication with the base pair stack.
These data have underscored the strength and versatility of this methodology.
It is noteworthy that the charge transport properties of DNA monolayers are not simply of
utility in the context of electrochemistry. The base pair stack of each individual duplex serves
as a conduit for charge transfer, as recently confirmed by single molecule experiments within
our laboratory (18). In fact, when considered in the context of an electrical circuit, the DNA
duplexes and bound redox-active probes act as transducer elements with extraordinary gain;
biochemical binding events such as hybridization are sensitively transduced into electrical
signals. This emphasizes the role of DNA as a remarkably unique medium that provides
unprecedented opportunities for studies and applications of long-range CT.
Finally, this review is by no means exhaustive but rather seeks to provide an overview of DNA-
mediated electrochemical studies undertaken within our group. Here, we present our
explorations of features characteristic of DNA-mediated CT that have been critical for
applications of DNA monolayers as biosensors. In fact, several other reviews have detailed the
use of electrochemical DNA sensors (19–21), and where appropriate, examples from other
authors are presented.
2. Surface Characterization
For proper interpretation of experimental observations, extensive physical characterization of
these self-assembled DNA monolayers is crucial. A gamut of experimental techniques can be
utilized for investigating the structure and characteristics of DNA monolayers including (but
not limited to) radioactive labeling (22–25), fluorescence self-interference (26–28), scanning
tunneling microscopy (29–31), atomic force microscopy (23,25,32–36), scanning
electrochemical microscopy (37–39), and surface plasmon resonance (40,41). When dense
DNA monolayers are desired, the monolayers are assembled in the presence of Mg
to allow
for close packing of the duplexes (schematically illustrated in Figure 1). Our group, in
particular, has focused on surface characterization via radioactive labeling and scanning probe
techniques. These investigations have indicated that DNA monolayers adopt an upright
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orientation and have predictable surface coverages, thereby allowing us to develop a detailed
picture of DNA monolayer morphology.
Quantification of Surface Coverage Via Radioactive Labeling
Radioactive labeling of the duplexes provides a reliable measure of surface coverage for DNA
monolayers. In a typical radioactive labeling experiment, the 5’ end of the DNA
complementary to the thiolated strand is labeled with polynucleotide kinase, and the amount
of DNA is quantified directly via scintillation counting after self-assembly. On gold and
graphite, these measurements indicated surface coverages of ~40 pmol/cm
for well packed
DNA monolayers self assembled in the presence of Mg
) and coverages of ~12 pmol/
for loosely-packed DNA monolayers in the absence of Mg
(23). Interestingly, the well
packed monolayer coverages obtained via radioactive labeling correspond to only ~75–85 %
of the theoretical coverages of ~60 pmol/cm
with DNA helices packed perpendicular to the
surface. This fact strongly hinted that the DNA is oriented at an angle with respect to the surface.
The reliability and sensitivity of radioactive labeling relative to electrochemical assays cannot
be understated. For example, monolayer formation can be
monitored via
attenuation of an anionic probe such as ferri/ferrocyanide, Fe(CN)
(22) In addition, a
cationic probe such as ruthenium hexammine can be utilized to quantify DNA coverages semi-
quantitatively (42,43
), but this common electrochemical assay of surface coverage can lead to
errors of up to 65 % within each experiment (44). Accordingly, in our laboratory, radioactive
labeling studies have proven to be particularly illuminating.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of DNA Monolayers
While radioactive labeling affords a quantitative measurement of the overall surface coverage,
the electronic structure of local areas of a DNA monolayer can be probed via scanning tunneling
microscopy (STM), providing atomic level information (29). Indeed, STM allows for the
investigation of the electronic properties of a DNA as a function of duplex orientation.
Therefore, the images obtained yield information on not only the morphology but also the local
density of states of the sample. At negative potentials, where the DNA adopts an upright
orientation, agglomerates of duplexes are visible because the tip can electronically access the
oriented DNA in an effective metal-molecule-metal junction. However, at positive potentials,
the DNA is encouraged to lie down and the DNA film is effectively not visible to the STM tip.
These data indicated that the DNA duplexes comprising a DNA monolayer aggregate in small
hexagonal groups of ~10 nm diameter. Furthermore, the inclusion of a mismatch within the
monolayer dramatically attenuates communication between the tip and the surface,
demonstrating that the STM is accessing the local density of states of the full DNA duplex.
Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA Monolayers
The morphology of self-assembled DNA monolayers can be further explored at the nanometer
scale with atomic force microscopy (AFM). These investigations have indicated that 5’ tethered
films are essentially smooth and featureless within the resolution of the AFM tip with the DNA
dispersed in a uniform manner (32). AFM measurements also provide important information
about the morphology and depth of the DNA monolayer at various substrate biases. By applying
a large downward force to the monolayer with the AFM tip, a bare spot can be uncovered on
the DNA-modified surface. Height contrast measurements between this bare spot and the
surrounding DNA monolayer indicate a film depth which ranges from 4.2 to 4.6 nm for 15 mer
duplexes at open circuit on both gold and graphite. In fact, the height of these films can be
reversibly modulated from 2 nm (the diameter of the duplex) at positive potentials to 5.5 nm
(the full length of the duplex when normal to the surface) at negative potentials (Figure 2).
These data, in conjunction with the above experiments, indicate that the duplexes adopt an
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upright orientation at negative potentials and are oriented at a ~45 ° angle with respect to the
surface in the absence of an applied bias 25,32).
In a complementary study, we also investigated alternative linkages of the thiol to the DNA.
Interestingly, 3’ rather than 5’ grafted DNA monolayers did not adopt an upright orientation
relative to the gold surface, as confirmed by their corresponding film depth of only ~2 nm.
Since vertical orientation of the monolayer is absolutely essential for studies based on DNA-
mediated CT, this work underscored the importance of considering linker placement when
designing self-assembled DNA monolayers (33).
Several other AFM investigations of DNA monolayers are particularly noteworthy, especially
when considering the electrochemical monitoring of DNA with larger macromolecules, such
as proteins. Loosely packed DNA monolayers assembled in the absence of Mg
are necessary
for improved accessibility of proteins, but such monolayers have a distinct “island”
morphology since the DNA has room to lie flat on the gold surface in the absence of an applied
potential (23). However, monolayers backfilled with a short chain alkanethiol such as
mercaptohexanol were demonstrated to adopt an upright orientation relative to the gold surface
even at open circuit (
). Furthermore, these studies showed that even loosely packed films
formed from longer 24 mer and 30 mer duplexes adopt an upright orientation. This well defined
morphology of “deeper” monolayers is a crucial design point to consider in the sequence-
specific detection of DNA binding proteins with extensive binding footprints.
3. DNA-mediated Electrochemistry of Small Molecules Bound to DNA
We have explored numerous redox-active probes in our investigations of DNA CT, and at first
glance, many molecules appear adequate for these studies. The large collection of experiments
conducted in our laboratory over the past decade, however, has taught us essential lessons
regarding the selection of an appropriate redox probe. Three criteria are paramount: the species
must (i) be electronically well coupled to the base pair stack, (ii) be reliably linked to the duplex
and (iii) undergo stable reduction or oxidation within a potential window that does not
compromise the integrity of the DNA monolayer. Furthermore, in addition to affording insight
into the optimum probe design, our systematic studies clearly indicate that no one probe is
ideally suited for every experiment. Instead, different markers offer distinct advantages and
must be individually evaluated for specific applications.
The behavior of the redox probes employed in our studies do, however, display some common
features when monitored electrochemically. When bound to DNA, small molecules appear to
act as surface-bound species as indicated by a linear relationship between the peak current and
scan rate. This relationship is not strictly linear for DNA-bound redox proteins, where the
proteins are not situated in one fixed position or conformation and thus exhibit a slight diffusive
component. Nonetheless, covalently probes bound to DNA typically do not display a square-
root-dependence of the peak current on the scan rate that is indicative of free diffusion. In
addition, DNA binding typically shifts the redox potential of the probe by 20–50 mV from
direct reduction at the bare surface and the voltammetry adopts a skewed shape relative to a
classically adsorbed couple; the reductive and oxidative peaks are separated slightly due to the
intervening DNA/alkanethiol spacer. Electrochemical reversibility and stability are also
specific to each probe, but they can be interrogated simply by repetitive cycling over the
potential window of interest. Taken together, all of these features allow us to distinguish DNA-
mediated processes from ones involving direct electrochemistry.
Early work in our laboratory employed probes that were not covalently attached to DNA but
instead interacted with the base pair stack electrostatically or via intercalation (22). Although
the majority of our studies have involved the intercalator methylene blue, we have also studied
the interaction between DNA and anionic ferricyanide, cationic ruthenium hexammine, the
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tris-heteroleptic intercalator Ir(bpy)(phen)(phi)
, and the anti-tumor agent daunomycin
(Figure 3). While these non-covalent markers have afforded a significant foundation for the
study of DNA-mediated CT, they are intrinsically limited in the mechanistic detail and
experimental control they can provide. As a result, more recent efforts have largely focused
on developing covalently bound probes, specifically those that are electronically well coupled
to the base pair stack. This latter family began with investigations of cross-linked daunomycin,
and has been more recently expanded to include other covalently attached molecules such as
anthraquinone and phenoxazine derivatives (Figure 3).
Electrochemistry of Small Molecules Non-covalently Bound to DNA
In our earliest electrochemical experiments, methylene blue (MB), a well studied aromatic
intercalator that undergoes a 2e
reduction in aqueous systems, was employed as a reporter
of DNA-mediated processes (
22). (Figure 4) shows a schematic illustration of the reduction of
MB at a DNA monolayer; a reversible redox couple is seen with a midpoint potential centered
10 to
50 mV vs. NHE, shifted by ~30 mV from bare gold. The measured peak currents
scale linearly with scan rate, indicating that the redox molecule is surface-bound, and a
combination of electrochemical and spectroscopic measurements give a saturation value of 1.4
(2) molecules per duplex at high MB concentrations. This latter finding suggests that, for well
packed monolayers, MB is constrained to the top of the film. Any observed reduction, therefore,
can be attributed to a DNA-mediated process, as the surface is inaccessible to the molecule.
To characterize this redox process in greater detail, a number of systematic studies were
conducted (44–49
. Initially, the behavior of the intercalator MB was compared to the groove-
binder ruthenium hexammine (47). At high salt concentrations, where interaction with the
charged duplex is inhibited, fewer molecules are reduced, thus illustrating the importance of
efficient and tight binding to the monolayer for charge transfer. The reduction of these two
probes was also monitored on surfaces that had been passivated with electropolymerized 2-
naphthol. If the DNA were truly serving as a medium for charge transport, passivation would
not affect the process being measured electrochemically. The reduction of ruthenium
hexammine, which is thought to proceed via facilitated diffusion along the duplex, decreased
by 70 % while reduction of MB was relatively unaffected. Although this study does not
elucidate the mechanism of MB reduction, it supports the notion of a DNA-mediated process.
To further prove that the reduction of distally bound probes proceeds in a DNA-mediated
fashion, we explored the electrochemistry of small molecules at DNA monolayers containing
single base mismatches positioned between the electrode surface and the probe (45). It was
theorized that if the DNA base pairs combined to form a continuous,
-stacked conduit for
charge transfer, that the disruption of a single base pair, as in a mismatch, could interrupt the
CT pathway. The presence of a single base mismatch causes no global change in the duplex
structure, and yet, the inclusion of an intervening CA mismatch proved to have a dramatic
effect on the efficiency of charge transfer to DM. These results are in excellent agreement with
STM studies of matched and mismatched duplexes and with studies of photoinduced DNA CT
in solution (9)
(vide supra)
. Interestingly, not only could several mismatches be detected but
the DNA-mediated chemistry was also found to be independent of sequence context.
Furthermore, this exquisite sensitivity to base pair stacking has since been observed for
numerous intercalating probes including MB and Ir(bpy)(phen)(phi)
but not for the groove-
binding ruthenium hexammine. Thus the observed electrochemistry is DNA-mediated and a
general characteristic of the DNA, independent of the redox probe.
To increase the sensitivity of mismatch detection and further improve discrimination, MB was
coupled to freely diffusing Fe(CN)
in an electrocatalytic cycle (Figure 5). In this catalytic
process, MB undergoes a two e
reduction via the base pair stack, and upon reduction to
leucomethylene blue, loses some affinity for DNA, thus dissociating from the duplex (
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In turn, the cycle continues when leucomethylene blue is reoxidized by Fe(CN)
in solution,
and binds again to DNA for another cycle of DNA-mediated reduction. It should be noted that
cannot be reduced directly at the negatively charged monolayer owing to repulsion
from the polyanionic DNA monolayer. The entire process is effectively governed by the on/
off kinetics of the methylene blue/leucomethylene blue redox couple, as confirmed by rotating
disk electrode experiments (
48). In fact, during the course of a single voltammogram, the DNA
is repeatedly sampled, amplifying the absolute signal of MB and increasing the signal
attenuation associated with a mismatch.
The detection of all naturally-occurring mismatches and nearly all common lesions was
achieved with the MB/Fe(CN)
electrocatalytic couple via cyclic voltammetry and
chronocoulometry (Figure 6). In addition, low detection limits were achieved in a chip-based
format, with mismatch discrimination possible at electrodes as small as 30
m in diameter
(46). It should also be noted that the relatively stable GA mismatch could
be detected
without the aid of the described catalytic cycle, emphasizing the utility of electrocatalysis as
an electrochemical tool. Furthermore, even base lesions that cause minor thermodynamic
destabilization to the duplex could be detected with electrocatalysis: a systematic investigation
revealed that the efficiency of CT was dramatically decreased even by subtle base
modifications that altered base structure, steric bulk, or hydrogen-bonding (49). Perhaps not
surprisingly, modifications with methyl groups that do not participate in hydrogen-bonding
had little to no effect on the DNA-mediated electrochemistry. The sensitive detection of all
single base mismatches independent of sequence context is remarkable and has proven to be
valuable in the application of DNA electrochemistry for the diagnosis of single nucleotide
MB electrochemistry was also extensively explored through self-assembled DNA monolayers
on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), onto which the DNA is anchored to the surface
via a pyrene moiety (25). As a surface, HOPG provides an attractive alternative since its
accessible potential window is no longer limited by the oxidative reduction or desorption of
thiols. The behavior of MB on graphite is quite similar to that on gold. Evidence that the charge
transfer is DNA-mediated is provided by the facile detection of the CA and GT mismatches.
The wider potential window afforded by HOPG allowed for the study of the voltammetry of
and Os(phen)2dppz
. As expected, the electrochemistry of both intercalators
was found to be DNA-mediated.
Electrochemistry of Small Molecules Covalently Bound to DNA
To facilitate the systematic investigation of charge transduction of DNA, it became necessary
to employ redox-active probes that are covalently conjugated to the base pair stack. Our initial
efforts focused on covalently attached daunomycin (DM), which can be site-specifically cross-
linked to the exocyclic amine of guanine, forming a covalent bond, as shown in (Figure 7)
(50–52). Most importantly, this allows for controlled placement of the probe within the
sequence. Since functionalization with DM occurs after the synthesis of the DNA, it does,
however, necessitate that all guanines other than the one to be linked are replaced by inosine,
a close base analogue. For the purpose of electrochemical measurements, this substitution has
no influence on the results, but this requirement does have to be considered when developing
sensing applications. Importantly, covalent attachment of this probe for DNA electrochemistry
has made possible several seminal conclusions about DNA-mediated CT involving
In initial experiments, the separation between the gold surface and DM adduct was varied from
15 Å to 45 Å, and no effect on the yield or rate of electron transfer was observed (50). The
inclusion of a mismatch in the intervening DNA, however, completely shuts off the
electrochemistry of DM, conclusively demonstrating that CT is DNA-mediated. Subsequently,
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with DM held in a fixed position in the duplex, the length of the thiolated alkyl tether was
varied to probe the effect of tether length on the rate of charge transfer (51). While the yield
of CT remained the same regardless of chain length (the number of intervening methylene units
was increased from 4 to 9), significantly, the rate of electron transfer decreased with increased
tether length with a
of 1.0 per –CH
–unit, as expected for the variation in coupling with
bonded systems. Therefore, CT through the alkyl tether, not through 30 Å of
-stacked DNA,
was the rate-limiting step of the DNA-mediated reduction. Taken together, these findings
illustrate that the DNA-DM construct behaves as a single redox-active entity with dramatically
different rates of CT through the stacked DNA and the a-bonded alkyl chain.
In a later study, DM was employed to prove that DNA-mediated electrochemistry occurs via
the base pair stack and not the sugar-phosphate backbone (52). With two DM moieties
crosslinked to guanine residues, voltammograms of duplexes containing a nick in the backbone,
a nick and a mismatch, a nick on both strands, and no modifications were compared. Nicks in
the phosphate backbone did not attenuate CT, but, consistent with previous results, mismatches
significantly attenuate the electrochemistry of DM. Interestingly, a later study on HOPG
showed that the electrochemistry of thiols incorporated within the sugar-phosphate backbone
was DNA-mediated but proceeded at low yield (53). Therefore, while DNA electrochemistry
proceeds through the base pair stack rather than through the sugar-phosphate backbone, it can
promote reactions on the DNA backbone.
While DM afforded several key findings for our applications, it does possess some inherent
limitations. As mentioned above, all guanine residues, other than the one to be linked, have to
be replaced by inosines, limiting its applicability in biosensors. Moreover, the stability of the
linkage between DM and DNA is heat-sensitive. As a result, we have been focused on
developing a new generation of probes that can be covalently attached to DNA with synthetic
flexibility, are stable, and are electronically well coupled to the base pair stack.
Through a variety of experiments conducted both in our laboratory and others, it has become
apparent that efficient coupling of the probe to the base stack is critical for efficient DNA CT.
Recently, the groups of Saito and Gooding introduced thymines modified with anthraquinone
as effective, covalently attached probes of charge transfer at DNA modified surfaces (
Using this technology, Gooding and coworkers demonstrated the application of these modified
probes to the detection of primer extension reactions (54,55), and Saito and coworkers
demonstrated the photostimulated detection of mismatches with applications to genotyping of
single nucleotide polymorphisms (
). However, the low current densities obtained in these
studies led us to conduct a comparative study of anthraquinone linked to DNA through
conjugated and saturated tethers (58). Importantly, we found efficient redox chemistry and
mismatch sensitivity for anthraquinone only when linked through an alkyne and not when
tethered by an alkyl chain (Figure 8). Thus not only the choice of probe but also how the probe
is coupled to the base pair stack are key to effective DNA-mediated CT.
More recently, we have investigated two phenoxazine-based probes, Redmond Red and Nile
Blue, as covalent reporters of DNA CT (Figure 3). Redmond Red is commercially available,
affording facile incorporation into DNA with no sequence restrictions (
59), and Nile Blue can
be attached in high yield to DNA by reacting its exocylic amine with a carboxy-NHS-ester-
thymine (
60). These probes can be incorporated via standard phosphoramidite chemistry, have
virtually no sequence restrictions, are stable to light/heat, and support DNA-mediated
electrochemistry. Accordingly, they are preferable to DM for routine use and high throughput
experiments; both of these probes have already been applied for electrochemical monitoring
of protein/DNA interactions (
vide infra
). Furthermore, Nile Blue has proven effective for
detection of hybridization and has displayed electrocatalytic activity (unpublished results).
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Redmond Red, moreover, has proven to be a particularly sensitive reporter of abasic sites in
DNA. The development of these probes holds great promise for future experiments.
4. Electrochemical Detection of Hybridization and Transcription Products
The studies described thus far report of findings achieved with pre-hybridized duplexes on
gold or graphite; the monolayers were formed exclusively via self-assembly of duplex DNA
prior to electrochemical interrogation. It is of tremendous importance, from both a fundamental
and an applications perspective, to demonstrate similar behavior of DNA-mediated
electrochemistry when duplexes are instead formed
in situ
. This approach allows for repeated,
internally normalized investigations of a single surface, thereby laying the groundwork for the
detection of lesions, mutations, and mismatches in chip-based genetic analysis.
Initial promising results have led current efforts to focus on the design and development of an
electrochemical assay for the products of transcription. Consequently, we first explored DNA-
mediated CT in DNA/RNA hybrids. Given the known correlation between several RNA
sequences and the development of disease, the ability to simply and quantitatively detect the
concentration of particular RNA sequences could ultimately be exploited for both disease
diagnosis and chemotherapeutic design.
Electrochemical Detection of Mismatches In Situ
A comparative
in situ
experiment on modified gold surfaces allowed for a CA mismatch to be
reversibly detected via DNA-mediated CT (45). DNA was immobilized on two separate
electrodes, one bearing duplexes with well matched complements, the second containing
duplexes with a single base mismatch. Following exposure to a solution of DM, the electrodes
exhibited the behavior expected for their respective complements, namely the signals were
much larger for the well matched duplex. The duplexes were then dehybridized by heat
denaturation and re-incubated with the opposite complement; the resulting well matched
duplex exhibited an increased signal while the response from the mismatched duplex displayed
significant attenuation. Importantly, the signals observed for single-stranded DNA were
qualitatively different from those observed for either mismatched or well matched DNA,
confirming duplex formation.
By utilizing the MB/Fe(CN)
electrocatalytic couple, highly sensitive detection limits for
hybridization have been achieved (46). Monolayers containing well matched DNA were first
self-assembled at gold microelectrodes manufactured in a chip-based format and investigated
with chronocoulometry. The DNA was subsequently rehybridized with 100 pM of mismatched
complement before chronocoulometry was performed again (Figure 9). Dramatic signal
attenuation was observed
in situ
in the presence of even a single mismatch. Controls performed
with single stranded DNA again yielded voltammetry which was broad, weak, irreproducible,
and qualitatively different, again confirming duplex formation.
In addition to cyclic voltammetry and chronocoloumetry, an alternative electrochemical
technique, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, can also report on duplex formation
. Differences in the surface coverage are reflected in the electron-transfer resistance,
), as determined by this measurement. Using Fe(CN)
as an electrochemical reporter,
electrode surfaces were taken through several dehybridization/rehybridization cycles (using
simple heat denaturation and room-temperature annealing), where the impedance at the surface
was monitored at each step. The sensitivity of this technique allowed for excellent
discrimination between dehybridized and rehybridized surfaces, allowing for label-free
detection of duplex formation (44).
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Electrochemistry Through DNA/RNA Hybrids
As a complement to the hybridization studies described above, our laboratory has also
investigated DNA-mediated charge transport through DNA/RNA hybrids directly. It is known
that these naturally-occurring intermediates adopt a conformation that more closely resembles
A-form DNA, whereby the helix is significantly wider and more compact than canonical B-
form. While these structural differences could potentially interfere with a charge transport
pathway down the helix, electrochemical studies within our laboratory have demonstrated that
DNA/RNA hybrids are indeed capable of conducting charge in a manner similar to DNA/DNA
duplexes (
). Non-covalent MB reduced via a DNA/RNA hybrid exhibits nearly identical
voltammetric behavior to that observed with DNA. Moreover, electrocatalytically coupling
MB with Fe(CN)
affords discrimination of all possible mismatches in DNA/RNA hybrids,
as was monitored by chronocoulometry. These studies reveal that DNA-mediated CT can serve
as an effective methodology for the detection of transcription products. Current efforts are now
focused on the development of a sensitive and quantitative electrochemical hybridization assay
for mRNA using covalently attached anthraquinone.
5. Electrochemical Monitoring of Protein/DNA Interactions
Self-assembled DNA monolayers also provide particularly convenient platforms for electrical
monitoring of protein/DNA interactions. These interactions play crucial roles in many cellular
processes such as transcription, repair, and replication. In particular, the association of
transcription factors with DNA is an important area for exploration in proteomics and
genomics; it is these interactions that control the developmental and regulatory responses of
the cell, often in a complicated fashion. Therefore, the development of convenient and
inexpensive methodologies for monitoring protein-DNA interactions remains of critical
In a typical experiment, a loosely packed DNA monolayer is self-assembled with or without
a covalently appended probe and the surface is backfilled (Figure 10). Subsequently,
voltammetry of the DNA-modified electrode is recorded before and after addition of protein.
Detection of protein binding can be achieved in two ways: 1) proteins that perturb the base pair
stack will attenuate the yield of DNA CT to a distally-bound electroactive probe and 2) proteins
featuring a redox-active cofactor such as an iron-sulfur cluster will cause the appearance of a
new DNA-dependent electrochemical signal. These experiments have particularly benefited
from the development of covalently attached probes which have allowed for conclusive
quantification of the yield of DNA CT before and after protein binding. Furthermore, such
electrochemical assays are general and based on exquisitely sensitive DNA-mediated
electrochemistry, so a wide range of protein/DNA interactions and binding motifs can be
sequence-specifically interrogated in real time.
Detection of Transcription Factors
Our early studies at DNA-DM monolayers demonstrated that we could easily detect TATA-
binding protein (TBP), a ubiquitous transcription factor that bends duplex DNA by ~90°
(23). The addition of TBP to a DNA-modified surface results in distortion of the DNA and
lowers the yield of DNA CT (Figure 10). Later, we extended this methodology to the detection
of TBP at DNA-modified microelectrodes (
60). At DNA monolayers modified with Nile Blue,
TBP could be readily detected at either the macro-or microscale. However, microelectrodes
allowed for the rapid detection of nanomolar concentrations of this transcription factor: 300
nM TBP could be reversibly detected with total signal loss in less than 30 seconds. Furthermore,
30 nM concentrations of TBP were detected even in the presence of micromolar amounts of
bovine serum albumin, EndonucleaseIII, or Bam HI methyltransferase. These data hinted at
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the potential of assays based on DNA CT for the high throughput, multiplexed electrical
monitoring of numerous DNA binding proteins on a single chip.
Detection of Base Flipping Enzymes
Methyltransferases are base-flipping enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from
S-adenosyl-methionine to adenine or cytosine within a DNA duplex. Establishing base flipping
by a protein was historically quite difficult, usually requiring a crystal structure, but the
electrical detection of base flipping using DNA electrochemistry has been found to be a
sensitive, rapid, and attractive method for this characterization.
While methyl substitution does not appreciably perturb the base pair stack, methyltransferases,
in carrying out the base flip, significantly attenuate DNA-mediated CT. Based upon this
attenuation, we have detected base flipping in binding both uracil DNA glycosylase and
methyltransferase to their cognate sequences (23). At a surface featuring a DNA-DM
monolayer, for example, the addition of
disrupts the integrity of the base pair stack
with the concomitant decrease in the DM redox signal. Based upon the crystal structure of the
protein/DNA complex, it is apparent that upon base flipping the internal cytosine of the
recognition sequence 5’-GCGC-3’,
also intercalates Gln 237, a non-aromatic residue
into the base pair stack, filling the space occupied by the flipped out cytosine, and interrupting
-stacking within the duplex. Accordingly, electrochemistry experiments were conducted
with a Q237W mutant enzyme. In this case, we expected that the mutant protein would insert
the aromatic tryptophan residue into the
-stack upon base flipping, so little signal loss would
be found; indeed, little attenuation in DM signal upon binding the mutant protein was observed.
Moreover, to establish that the lack of attenuation was the result of restoration of the
and not simply poor DNA binding by the mutant, we also examined binding of both wild type
and mutant
to a DNA-DM monolayer containing an abasic site at the position of what
would be the flipped out cytosine. On this DNA-DM monolayer, the DM redox signal is only
weakly detected both in the absence of protein and in the presence of wild type
to the poor stacking of the duplex with an intervening abasic site. Nonetheless, in the presence
of the Q237W mutant, the DM redox signal is restored. This enhanced signal for DM on binding
the mutant reflects insertion of the tryptophan from the mutant protein within the base pair
stack, so as to restore proper stacking in the DNA-DM duplex. Hence DNA-binding proteins
are seen to modulate DNA CT both positively and negatively, depending upon how they affect
the conformation of the DNA.
Electrical Monitoring of Proteins in Real Time
Another advantage of monitoring protein binding to DNA electrically comes from the fact that
this technique allows the sensitive detection of events in real time. This was illustrated first by
showing double-stranded cleavage on a DNA-DM monolayer using the
II restriction
enzyme (23). In the presence of magnesium ion,
II cleaves DNA sequence-specifically.
Addition of
II to a DNA monolayer containing the PvuII recognition sequence with DM
attached to the top of the film but without magnesium causes little perturbation in the DM
redox signal. However, the addition of magnesium ion is seen to trigger loss of the DM signal;
as the protein cleaves the DNA, the fragment containing the redox probe is released into
solution. Interestingly, the kinetics of this signal loss parallels closely that seen for the protein
restricting DNA in solution followed by DNA cleavage analysis using gel electrophoresis. The
advantage of the electrochemistry technique, however, is clear: the restriction reaction can be
monitored in real time.
Monitoring the repair of thymine dimers in DNA by photolyase provides another illustration
of how protein/DNA reactions may be monitored sensitively and in real time using DNA
electrochemistry (63
). Photolyase is a repair enzyme from
E. coli
containing a flavin cofactor
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