Shock experiments on basalt
Ferric sulfate mixes and their possible relevance to the
sulfide bleb clusters in large impact melts in shergottites
, D. K. ROSS
, C. Y. SHIH
, and J. PARK
SCI, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas 77058, USA
XI, NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas 77058, USA
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA
Jacobs JETS, NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas 77058, USA
UTEP-CASSMAR, El Paso, Texas 79968, USA
Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60439, USA
CARS, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA
Barrios Technology/Jacobs JETS, NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas 77058, USA
HEPCO, Jacobs JETS, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas 77058, USA
Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, New York 11235, USA
Corresponding author. E-mail:
(Received 29 July 2020; revision accepted 04 November 2021)
Large impact-melt pockets in shergottites contain both Martian regolith
components and sulfide/sulfite bleb clusters that yield high sulfur concentrations locally
compared to bulk shergottites. The regolith may be the source of excess sulfur in the
shergottite melt pockets. To explore whether shock and release of secondary Fe-sulfates
trapped in host rock voids is a plausible mechanism to generate the shergottite sulfur bleb
clusters, we carried out shock recovery experiments on an analog mixture of ferric sulfate
and Columbia River basalt at peak pressures of 21 and 31 GPa. The recovered products
from the 31 GPa experiment show mixtures of Fe-sulfide and Fe-sulfite blebs similar to the
sulfur-rich bleb clusters found in shergottite impact melts. The 21 GPa experiment did not
yield such blebs. The collapse of porosity and local high-strain shear heating in the 31 GPa
experiment presumably created high-temperature hotspots (
C) sufficient to reduce
to Fe
and to decompose sulfate to sulfite, followed by concomitant reduction to
sulfide during pressure release. Our results suggest that similar processes might have
transpired during shock production of sulfur-rich bleb clusters in shergottite impact melts. It
is possible that very small CO presence in our experiments could have catalyzed the
reduction process. We plan to repeat the experiments without CO.
Shock-induced melts, whether found in extraterrestrial
(shergottites, lunar samples, cometary objects) or terrestrial
(impact glasses, impact melt rocks, tektites) materials,
display a variety of Fe- and S-bearing blebs quenched
from immiscible sulfide melts (Basu, 2005; Ishii et al.,
2008; Keller & McKay, 1997; Noguchi et al., 2014;
Sheffer, 2007; Sheffer & Melosh, 2005; Sheffer et al.,
2006). Some of the blebs found in lunar soil agglutinates
and cometary objects contain np (nanophase) Fe
particles, sometimes rimmed by FeS. By contrast,
immiscible silicate, sulfide, and Fe-Ni metal melts in
terrestrial impact melts, as well as sulfur blebs in tektites
and fulgurites, are principally produced from oxidized
) iron-bearing minerals in silicate target rocks, though
they also yield some evidence for impact melting of the
projectile (Hamann et al., 2018). Impact melt (IM) pockets
and pods in shergottites (e.g., fig. 6 of Rao et al., 2018)
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Kent Ross, major
contributor to this work, who passed away in July 2021.
Meteoritics & Planetary Science
1–15 (2021)
doi: 10.1111/maps.13770
2021 The Meteoritical Society
contain excess sulfur in the form of large clusters of
micrometer-sized Fe- and S-bearing blebs with X-ray
absorption near edge spectr
a (XANES) below the sulfur
K-edge indicating mixed sulfite and sulfide species (Rao
et al., 2018; Sutton et al., 2008). Rao et al. (2018) noted
that these sulfur blebs are not related to the igneous
sulfides commonly found in shergottites because they yield
locally sulfur abundances (up to
20% as SO
) far above
the normal bulk sulfur abundance in shergottites,
(Gattacceca et al., 2013; Lorand et al., 2005; McSween &
Jarosewich, 1983). The blebs in shergottite IMs show large
variations in Ni concentration, from
1% up to 6%
(Gattacceca et al., 2013). Shergottite IMs studied to date
do not contain any np Fe
particles (Rao et al., 2018;
Sutton et al., 2008). This variety of observed bleb types
likely reflects the range of precursor chemistry and the
range of pressure
time paths of the shock
and pressure release processes involved in their formation.
The shergottites
such as EETA79001, Shergotty,
and Zagami
that contain
cm-sized IM pockets (or
pods) release large quantities of Martian atmospheric
gases upon heating in vacuo (Becker & Pepin, 1984;
Bogard & Johnson, 1983; Swindle et al., 1986; Wiens,
1988). Such IMs also preserve isotopic evidence for the
entrainment of Martian regolith components, including
near-surface neutron-induced excesses of
Kr from the
decay of
Br and deficits in
Sm relative to
Sm attributed to galactic cosmic ray interactions
(Hidaka et al., 2009; Rao et al., 2002, 2011). Moreover,
some of these impact melts exhibit a pronounced
anticorrelation trend between sulfur (as SO
) and Si (as
) (shown in fig. 2 of Rao et al., 2018) that is similar
to the trend observed in soils and rocks at Gusev and
Meridiani craters on Mars (Br
uckner et al., 2008; Rao
et al., 2018). These results suggest that the precursors of
the sulfur-bearing components in shergottite IMs could
have been derived from the Martian regolith.
The present Martian surface environment, however,
is highly oxidizing and neither sulfide nor sulfite is
found commonly at the Martian rover landing sites
explored to date. In fact, sulfur is found predominantly
in the form of Fe and Ca sulfates in rocks and soils at
Meridiani, Gusev, and Gale craters, according to both
APXS and M
ossbauer measurements (Bibring et al.,
2007; Clark et al., 2005; Gellert et al., 2004; King &
McLennan, 2010; McAdam et al., 2014; Morris et al.,
2006). These sulfates are thought to be produced by
acid sulfate fluid alteration of igneous precursor
minerals under oxidizing conditions (McLennan, 2012).
In this context, Rao et al. (2018) proposed that the
sulfur-bearing blebs in shergottite IMs were produced
by shock melting of iron sulfates that had been
entrained, prior to impact, into voids in porous target
rocks by regolith gardening processes such as
sedimentary mixing, hydrothermal transport, or aeolian
activity (Greeley et al., 2004). Such sulfate might be
present in the form of amorphous precursors of
minerals such as melanterite and jarosite (ubiquitously
present near the Martian surface). Since amorphous
sulfate-bearing material is preferentially associated with
porosity, the proposed mechanism appeals to the
uniquely high temperatures generated in the vicinity of
collapsing pores upon shock consolidation. Amorphous
materials in pores would be exposed to temperatures
C) sufficient to cause melting under pressure,
while nearby crystalline materials might remain
relatively unaffected (Beck et al., 2007; Gillet et al.,
2000; Sharp & DeCarli, 2006). Ferric sulfate in these
high-temperature melts would likely decompose to
ferrous sulfite and then could be partly reduced to
sulfide during pressure release from the high-
temperature shock state (Melosh & Artemieva, 2004;
Schrader et al., 2016; Sheffer, 2007; Sheffer & Melosh,
2005; Sheffer et al., 2006), producing a reduced sulfur-
rich immiscible melt. Upon quenching, the immiscible
melt would be dispersed, yielding innumerable
micrometer-sized sulfur blebs.
Although considerable information is available
regarding high-temperature and -pressure shock effects
on meteoritic and lunar mineral assemblages, attention
has mostly been directed toward primary rock-forming
minerals such as olivine, pyroxene, and feldspar.
Comparatively fewer results are available concerning
shock effects in secondary and accessory minerals such
as S-bearing constituents. Shock processing due to
micrometeorite impact on Fe
S (pyrrhotite) in lunar
soils and agglutinates has been studied in detail by
Keller and McKay (1997), Ishii et al. (2008), and Basu
(2005). Similar studies were also performed on
pyrrhotite in interplanetary and cometary dust particles
from Stardust, Itokawa, and comet 81P/Wild 2 (Ishii
et al., 2008; Keller & Berger, 2014; Noguchi et al.,
2014). Experimental shock results on oxidized accessory
phases such as ferric sulfate are lacking, although shock
decomposition thresholds for Ca- and Mg-sulfates have
been studied due to their significance as sources of
atmospheric SO
in the Chicxulub event (Chen et al.,
1994; Gupta et al., 2001; Ivanov & Deutsch, 2002;
Zhang & Sekine, 2007).
To examine the validity of our proposition that the
sulfur-bearing bleb clusters found in impact melts in
shergottites were likely produced by shock melting of
iron sulfate followed by reduction to sulfide during
release to low pressure, we carried out laboratory shock
experiments on test charges of Columbia River Basalt
(CRB) mixed with ferric sulfate (Fe
O) in
steel chambers. One experiment, at the Lindhurst
Laboratory of Experimental Geophysics at Caltech,
M. N. Rao et al.
reached peak pressure of 31 GPa and featured a
nominal amount of CO gas that was bled into the pore
space after adsorbed moisture and air were pumped out
of the experimental charge. The other experiment, at the
Experimental Impact Laboratory at NASA Johnson
Space Center (JSC), reached peak pressure of 21 GPa
and had air in the initial pore space.
The peak pressure and temperature conditions
experienced by shergottites can be estimated by
comparing their mineral assemblages to experiments,
but both dynamic and static experiments have critical
shortcomings as tools for such calibration (Tomioka &
Miyahara, 2017). Shock wave experiments can only
maintain high-pressure conditions for durations on the
order of microseconds (Gillet et al., 2007; Sharp &
DeCarli, 2006) whereas natural impact events may be
able to support high pressure for many seconds (Beck
et al., 2005; Bowling et al., 2020; Gillet & El Goresy,
2013). Furthermore, pressure and temperature paths in
shock recovery experiments are typically inferred from
ancillary data rather than directly measured. By
contrast, static high-pressure, high-temperature
experiments hold well-defined and measured (
conditions for durations typically much longer than
impact events (minutes to hours), but they lack the
dynamic, turbulent mixing processes that are
characteristic of impact melts just behind a shock front.
Here, we briefly review pressure estimates based on
olivine and feldspar in melt veins in shergottites, which
guided our choice of experimental pressure. Miyahara
et al. (2011) found the assemblage of bridgmanite and
ferropericlase in olivine
phyric shergottite DaG 735,
suggesting pressure in excess of
25 GPa for this
shergottite. Olivine-group polymorphs and their
decomposition products suggest pressures in the 23
GPa range in most shergottites (Chen et al., 1996; El
Goresy et al., 2013; Malavergne et al., 2001; Tomioka &
Miyahara, 2017). The ubiquitous conversion of matrix
plagioclase to amorphous maskelynite in shergottites is
thought to place a minimum pressure in the
neighborhood of 20 GPa for matrix regions, but
transformations of feldspars in the melt pockets and
veins of shergottites suggest higher pressure.
Langenhorst and Poirier (2000) suggested a liquidus
assemblage of stishovite plus liebermannite in shock
melt veins in Zagami, associated with lingunite. In
similar veins in Zagami, Beck et al. (2007) found
another liquidus assemblage of hexagonal (Ca
(CAS) and stishovite. In static
experiments at 1300 K, liebermannite requires pressure
above 12 GPa, lingunite requires 21
24 GPa (El Goresy
et al., 2013; Yagi et al., 1994). CAS and stishovite only
coexist in a narrow range near 22 GPa at 2000
(Akaogi et al., 2010). All these results suggest that,
despite some variability in peak pressure and the
possibility of
evolution during the shock event,
20 GPa is a reasonable lower limit and
30 GPa is
a reasonable upper limit. We do not have independent
control of temperature in our shock recovery
experiments, but the development of impact melt
pockets suggests that near-liquidus temperatures,
C, were transiently achieved in collapsing pore
The recovered sample charges were analyzed by
field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM)
and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). The results
of these analyses are presented here (preliminary results
were reported by Rao et al., 2019). We show that bleb
clusters resembling those in shergottite impact melts can
in fact be produced by shock melting, decomposition,
and reduction of ferric sulfate. We suggest that this
mechanism is a viable path to shergottite IM blebs,
whereas shock melting of Fe
S (pyrrhotite) is not.
31 GPa Shock Recovery Experiment at Caltech
About 50 mg of CRB powder with a typical grain
size of
m plus hydrated ferric sulfate
O) in the form of powder and chips up
1 mm were mixed and heated to 110
C in vacuum
for a few hours (to remove adsorbed moisture) at the
Lindhurst Laboratory for Experimental Geophysics at
Caltech (Fig. 1a). This mix was pressed at 2200 psi into
a pellet of 5 mm diameter and 1.17 mm thick having an
estimated porosity of 28%. The pellet was loaded into
the cavity of a stainless steel (SS) 304 sample retainer
within a vented sample housing. The target assembly
was placed in the target chamber of a 20 mm bore
single stage gun, pumped to vacuum through the vent
port and exposed to laboratory grade CO. The pore
space in the sample contained
0.8 bars of CO gas at
ambient temperature. A 2.5 mm thick SS 304 flyer was
launched at a measured pre-impact velocity of 2.04 km
and impacted the surface of the sample holder,
generating a shock wave with a first shock state in the
sample estimated at 15 GPa and 1540 K and a reshock
31 GPa at 3500 K experienced by the rear portion of
the sample volume. Pressure was estimated using a
Hugoniot derived from Caltech experiments on
Saddleback Basalt mixed with the Hugoniot of ferric
sulfate using a mass-averaging procedure and an
estimated Gr
uneisen parameter to account for porosity
(initial density 2025 kg m
, initial bulk sound speed
1968 m s
, Hugoniot slope
= 1.42, and Gr
1.37). In much of the literature on shock recovery
experiments, this shot would be reported using the “full
Shock experiments
ring-up” or reverberation pressure of 49 GPa; however,
given the thickness of the sample chamber relative to
the flyer plate, full reverberation did not occur in this
experiment. The recovered sample holder had a well-
defined crater with no evidence for failure of the sample
chamber or loss of sample (Fig. 1b).
The chamber was sawn open and one half of the
shocked sample was impregnated with epoxy (preserving
in situ spatial distribution of the reaction products) and
machined to fit into the FE-SEM sample holder at JSC.
The top surface of the sample was then gently polished
to remove epoxy and expose the shocked sample for
FE-SEM and EPMA measurements at JSC.
21 GPa Shock Recovery Experiment at JSC
The JSC experiment used the Flat-Plate Accelerator
facility, also a 20 mm caliber horizontal powder
propellant gun. The target assembly consisted of a disk
pressed from the same mix of CRB powder and ferric
sulfate chips as the Caltech experiment, moderately
pressed into a pellet with estimated porosity of 28%.
The pellet was loaded into a 9 mm diameter and 0.8 mm
deep SS sample holder. The target holder was then
loaded into an SS container capsule placed in the EIL
GUN chamber facility and a flat 304 SS flyer plate was
launched at 1.8 km s
into a metallic jacket that houses
the target assembly. A planar shock wave of known
amplitude was generated, producing an estimated 21
GPa peak shock pressure (See et al., 2001). In this case,
the very shallow sample chamber allowed for multiple
shock reverberations and it is reasonable to conclude
that the entire sample experienced the full ring-up
pressure. The shocked sample charge was subsequently
recovered by machining to open the SS capsule and
prepared into a thin section for petrographic and FE-
SEM studies. Note that the CRB plus ferric sulfate
mixed charges shocked at 21 and 31 GPa are aliquots of
the same sample mix. The only difference between the
two is that the Caltech 31 GPa target porosity was
exposed to CO prior to shock loading whereas the JSC
21 GPa target had ordinary air in the pores.
FE-SEM, EPMA, and Fe K-XANES Methods
The field emission scanning electron microscope
model JEOL 7600F at JSC was used for studying the
polished thin sections of recovered shock experiments
with standard operating conditions at 15 kV accelerating
potential for backscattered electron imaging (BEI) and
energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). Both
secondary (SEM) and backscattered electron (BSE)
imaging modes were used. X-ray spectrometry data
were obtained using IXRF and Thermo Electron EDS
systems attached to the FE-SEM. Qualitative major
element compositions of minerals were determined at 10
or 15 KeV with this system (Ross et al., 2011;
Wentworth et al., 2005) and are reported normalized to
100 atomic%.
Polished thin sections were analyzed using a
Cameca SX100 microbeam automated electron
microprobe equipped with standard Cameca instrument
controls and PAP matrix correction software. Standard
analytical methods and calibration procedures were
used at 15 kV accelerating potential and 20 nA beam
Fig. 1. Experimental setup.a) Mixture of powdered Columbia River Basalt and ferric sulfate (white chips) prior to pressing into
pellet for loading into Caltech sample recovery chamber.b) Post-shot photograph of recovery target with visible crater and intact
M. N. Rao et al.
current (except for phosphates and glasses where a
defocused beam [20
m] of 10 nA was employed).
Typical dwell times on the element peaks are 10
30 s.
Backgrounds were similarly checked. The following
standards were used in the analysis: Marjahlati olivine
is used for Fe in olivine; diopside for Si, Ca, and Mg in
pyroxene; orthoclase for K; and Hawk Mountain
oligoclase for Na and Al. Chromite standard was used
for Cr, Al, Fe, and Mg for the Fe, Ti, and Cr oxides.
Sulfides were analyzed using Canyon Diablo troilite
standard and a pyrite metal block for S and Fe and
pentlandite for Ni. Rutile was used for Ti, Durango
apatite for P, and tugtupite for Cl. Data are reported
normalized to 100% as the samples display variable
amounts of water loss (Rao et al., 1999; Wentworth
et al., 2005).
The Fe K-edge XANES measurements were carried
out at the beamline 2-ID-B of the Advanced Photon
Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory,
Argonne, IL (University of Chicago) equipped with an
intermediate energy scanning X-ray microscope (SXM)
using standard procedures described in Newvile et al.
(1998), Sutton et al. (2008), Head et al. (2018), and Rao
et al. (2018).
The sulfur content of CRB is low (0.05
0.2 wt% S).
The sample charge consists of CRB dry powder mixed
with clumps of ferric sulfate in an
2:1 overall
proportion (Fig. 1a). The recovered charge from the 21
GPa experiment showed very few blebs whereas the
recovered sample from the 31 GPa experiment yielded
abundant clusters of S-bearing blebs in impact melt
pockets. The sulfur-bearing blebs in this experiment are
of two kinds: one variety is the “sulfide” blebs that are
usually round and have metallic luster and bright
reflectivity. The other type is the “sulfite” or “mixed
sulfite-sulfide” blebs, which appear dull in reflected light
and display a distinctly nonmetallic appearance. The
second type occurs in both rounded and elongated
shapes. Typical pictures of these blebs are shown in
Fig. 2 and the FE-SEM EDS spectra are given in Fig. 3.
31 GPa Shock Experiment (Caltech)
The texture of the recovered charge from the 31 GPa
shock experiment is nonuniform. Some areas near the
front half of the capsule, which experienced only one
shock wave passage and a peak pressure of 15 GPa
before arrival of a release wave, showed only a few
sulfur-bearing blebs situated in a large amount of
unmelted ferric sulfate and CRB particulates. Other
areas, toward the back half of the sample that
experienced reshock to 31 GPa, contain numerous
isolated pockets of material quenched from melt and are
filled with clusters of micrometer-sized sulfur-bearing
blebs (Fig. 2). The spatial distribution of molten material
in the sample suggests that the shock wave propagated
nonuniformly in the target charge, leading to extensive
melting in certain portions of the sample mix while other
areas remained unmelted. This is partly due to the
multiple shocks generated by the target chamber
geometry and also partly due to inhomogeneous
distribution of porosity in the starting material. A similar
result was obtained by Schaal et al. (1979), whose
experimental shock melting of granulated lunar basalt
75035 (45
m grain size and 28% porosity) at 50 GPa
(it is unclear if this is a hypothetical reverberation
pressure or a true peak pressure) transformed only
of the parental material into impact melt glass. We
suspect that the small number of blebs found in the front
half of the sample was physically injected from the back
half along shear planes.
Fig. 2. Backscattered electron (BSE) images of impact melts in the 31 GPa experiment containing abundant sulfur-rich blebs
(whitish semicircular spots: (a) typical area consisting of numerous sulfide and sulfite blebs; (b) sulfite
sulfide bleb mixtures in
one area with at high magnification; (c) another area; note some high-contrast spots here are titanomagnetites.
Shock experiments
The sulfur blebs found in shock-melted parts of the
31 GPa experimental charge are of two types. Blebs of
rounded to elongated shape that display dull reflectivity
in optical light yield EDS spectra showing large peaks
for O, Fe, and S (Fig. 3a). We semiquantitatively
determined the Fe/S (atomic) ratios in these blebs and
they yielded values ranging from
1.02 to
1.3. Such
stoichiometry is inconsistent with ferric sulfate (Fe/S =
0.67), pyrite (Fe/S = 0.5), or pyrrhotite (Fe/S
0.92) but
is consistent with either ferrous sulfite or ferrous sulfide.
We found similar Fe/S values in the natural bleb
clusters in impact melt sample #507 in EETA79001,
Lith B. We tentatively interpret these blebs to be
Fe-sulfite (the starting sulfate material does not form
rounded blebs). More importantly, the S K-edge
XANES spectra of the sulfur blebs in this sample show
dominant peaks at 2478 eV, the energy associated with
sulfite species (Fleet et al., 2005) with only minor peaks
at 2470 eV, the energy typical of sulfide species (Fleet
et al., 2005), and no sulfate peak. The compositional
and spectroscopic results together indicate that these
blebs likely consist of ferrous sulfite, Fe (SO
presumably formed by decomposition and reduction of
ferric sulfate to ferrous sulfite. Sulfate melt readily
dissolves in and mixes with molten silicates in the shock
state, whereas sulfite melt becomes immiscible during
cooling and decompression, exsolving to form blebs
dispersed in silicate glass in the quenched product.
There is another group of rounded blebs in the 31
GPa recovered charge that display metallic luster and
high optical reflectivity. The EDS spectra of these blebs
show Fe and S peaks only (negligible O peaks) and
yield Fe/S (atomic) ratios of 0.9
0.93 (Fig. 3b). This
result suggests that these metallic blebs consist of
S (pyrrhotite-like) material. Lorand et al. (2005)
and Gattacceca et al. (2013) showed that the igneous
sulfides in shergottites yield Fe/S (atomic) ratios of 0.9
0.93. However, the CRB
ferric sulfate starting
material in this experiment contained no igneous
pyrrhotite. Instead, the presence of pyrrhotite-like blebs
indicates that decomposition and further reduction,
from sulfate through sulfite and all the way to sulfide,
occur during shock melting and pressure release.
The initial pore space in the 31 GPa experimental
charge contained CO that was introduced in order to
avoid the oxidizing power of terrestrial atmospheric O
In retrospect, this was a poor choice in that reduction
by CO offers an apparent explanation for our results
that would not apply to Mars. However, we argue that
CO played a negligible role as a reducing agent for the
Fe and S in the charge, on the basis of the following
mass balance. The porosity (or volume fraction of CO
gas) in the starting material was 28%. The density of
CO gas at the initial conditions (0.8 bar and 298 K) is
0.916 kg m
whereas the density of the solid (CRB
sulfate) starting mix is 2025 kg m
. This corresponds to
a mass fraction of CO gas of 0.00018 or 0.0063 moles
of oxygen acceptor capacity per kg of bulk sample.
Conservatively, assuming that we produced only ferrous
sulfite (i.e., neglecting further reduction to sulfide) by
reduction of ferric sulfate, we find that one could
produce at most 0.0031 moles of Fe(SO
) per kg of bulk
sample. This corresponds to a maximum mass fraction
yield of ferrous sulfite of 0.00043 (kg Fe sulfite/kg bulk
sample) or a volume fraction of ferrous sulfite blebs of
0.0006. The BSE images of our sample show an S-bleb
volume fraction much greater than 1 part in 10
. Hence,
the autoreduction mechanisms we discuss below are
required; if the Fe and S did react with the CO gas, this
could be at most a minor contribution to their
Fig. 3. Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) spectra of typical sulfur-rich blebs in the 31 GPa experiment: (a) EDS spectrum of a
typical sulfite bleb (spherical shape) formed from a immiscible fluid on melting of crystalline Fe-sulfate grains in CRB
sample charge note the large oxygen peak. A similar peak with slightly higher peak height for oxygen was obtained for unmolten
ferric sulfate crystal in the sample mix. b) A typical sulfide bleb showing metallic luster, note the near-absence of detectable
oxygen. Typical EDS spectrum of Fe-sulfide blebs in the shocked sample is shown here.
M. N. Rao et al.
reduction. However, there remains the possibility that
even this small amount of CO might have somehow
nucleated or catalyzed the reduction process, which then
became self-supporting. Hence, this issue remains an
open question at this time. We intend to follow this
report with a further test: a shock experiment
replicating the 31 GPa shock at Caltech but with low-
pressure CO
in the pore space (without CO).
21 GPa Shock Experiment (JSC)
In the 21 GPa experiment, however, the areas
examined in the polished thin section prepared from the
recovered charge do not show any evidence of sulfide or
sulfite bleb formation as a result of shock melting and
reduction. However, there are several amorphous
regions suggesting incipient melting (Fig. 4a). These
amorphous areas display a typical cracking pattern
consistent with differential thermal contraction. Such
cracks are absent from the impact melt areas of the 31
GPa shock experiment; they may indicate that the local
hotspots in the 21 GPa experiment that underwent
incipient melting subsequently experienced larger
thermal contraction than colder surrounding areas,
resulting in tensile stresses. The dominant low-
temperature minerals present in the sample mix are
apatite (from the CRB powder) and the added hydrated
ferric sulfate. The EDS spectra of most of these
amorphous regions display the prominent peaks of Fe,
O, S, and P that indicate the presence of sulfate and
phosphate (Fig. 4b). Measurable peaks of Na, Mg, Al,
Si, K, and Ca are also present. These complex
multielement spectra do not fit the stoichiometry of
pure mineral phases; they are instead consistent with the
flexible chemical compositions of melts and glasses. We
suggest that apatite and iron sulfate preferentially
dissolved into a granitoid minimum melt formed by
low-degree incipient melting. Some amorphous regions
lack the prominent P peak; this is consistent with the
sparse distribution of apatite in the starting material
and the limited time available for mixing across the
charge. The low-degree melts quenched to amorphous
material and there is no indication of immiscible melt
separation in these regions; S-rich blebs are not
observed. The absence of observable reduction of
sulfate in this experiment may be attributed to the low
shock temperature achieved or the low degree of
melting reached. We also note the absence of CO gas in
the pore space of this sample, but thermodynamic
calculations showing reduction upon release of
chemically closed systems from high shock temperatures
(Sheffer, 2007) suggest that an external reductant is
probably not an essential prerequisite to sulfide
formation in these experiments and the above argument
from stoichiometry shows that the presence of CO in
the 31 GPa experiment does not by itself explain the
difference between the two outcomes. We tentatively
conclude that 21 GPa is insufficient peak shock pressure
to match the observations of shergottite impact melts.
Reduction During Shock Release
The process of reduction of Fe and S in a shock
melt that accompanies decompression and release from
the shock state is referred to as “reduction due to
isentropic cooling” (Melosh & Artemieva, 2004; Sheffer,
2007; Sheffer & Melosh, 2005). This type of Fe
reduction is known to occur during the formation of
Fig. 4. Incipiently molten region in the 21 GPa charge: (a) BSE image; (b) EDS spectrum showing O, P, S, Ca, and Fe peaks
attributed to melting of apatite and ferric sulfate, as well as Na, Mg, Al, Si, and K peaks attributed to a granitic minimum melt
component produced by incipient melting of the bulk mixture.
Shock experiments
lunar agglutinates due to micrometeorite impacts and
on Earth during the formation of tektites and
moldavites by asteroid impacts. Note that, in other
contexts, the recovery from a high-pressure shock state
is called “isentropic release.” Indeed, “isentropic
cooling” may sound somewhat contradictory, since
“cooling” suggests removal of heat, which implies a
decrease in entropy. However, isentropic pressure
release is indeed accompanied by decreasing
temperature, which is the sense in which “cooling” was
used by Melosh and Artemieva (2004). We retain this
usage from the cited references to describe the coupled
path of pressure and temperature decrease at roughly
constant entropy.
The complete thermodynamic path of a strong
shock event can be described in several stages. The
passage of a shock wave causes an irreversible jump in
pressure, temperature, and entropy. Strong shock
compression, especially in porous starting materials that
undergo large irreversible changes in volume, may result
in shock temperatures of several thousand Kelvin that
leads to melting and even incipient vaporization. After
some time in this shock state (for a supported shock),
pressure is typically released by the passage of a
rarefaction wave. Rarefactions are not shocks and they
are approximated as isentropic acoustic waves,
following constant entropy paths toward lower pressure
and somewhat lower temperature (Beck et al., 2007;
Gillet et al., 2007; Sharp & DeCarli, 2006). Vapor
production is likely during release, as the pressure drops
below the critical point while temperature remains
elevated compared to the starting condition (Davies
et al., 2020). Molecules in the high-temperature vapor
phase easily decompose or ionize and electron exchange
between the liquid and vapor phases may occur. Such
complex nonequilibrium chemical reactions at the
liquid interface continue until cooling reaches a
blocking temperature where exchange slows and the
phases become decoupled (Melosh & Artemieva, 2004;
Sheffer et al., 2006). This leaves the shock melt (at the
time it transforms into glass) with a different net
oxidation state than the starting material (Rao et al.,
2018). Even at equilibrium (equal oxygen fugacity in
both phases), the vapor becomes increasingly enriched
in oxygen relative to the liquid, leaving the liquid
progressively more oxygen depleted. Disequilibrium
enhances the effect. Continuous degassing as pressure
drops and volatile solubility decreases leads to
continuous increase in the intensity of oxygen transfer
to the vapor and reduction of the melt (Sheffer &
Melosh, 2005).
Evidently an open system process is necessary to
explain our experimental observation of the production
of ferrous sulfite and sulfide from initial ferric sulfate.
Both iron and sulfur are reduced during this process
and there is no obvious reducing agent that undergoes a
complementary oxidation (the amount of CO present in
the 31 GPa experiment is very small and not sufficient).
It is likely that the vapor phase acted as this reducing
agent, taking up oxygen from the melt while the melt
and vapor were open to mass and charge exchange. The
experimental results suggest that a similar auto-
reduction may plausibly be invoked to explain the
production of sulfide and sulfite in shergottite impact
melts from initially oxidized sulfur as Fe sulfate from a
Martian regolith component.
What Happens When Fe
S (Pyrrhotite) Is Shock
Heated at High Temperatures and Pressures by Impact in
Extraterrestrial Samples?
Although a small amount of FeS is present in the
CRB starting material, its mass fraction is insufficient to
be the source of the S-blebs in the 31 GPa run product.
Moreover, numerous observations of Martian
meteorites and other samples show that pyrrhotite
cannot be the source of the abundant sulfite
blebs observed in shergottite impact melts. When
S (pyrrhotite) in reduced extraterrestrial targets is
shock heated, it is likely to dissociate into Fe
and S
in the impact melt. If the release path follows reducing
conditions, the Fe
will be reduced to np (nanophase)
(metal), as observed in lunar agglutinates. However,
the sulfur is already fully reduced. In the form of sulfide
ion (S
), sulfur is relatively immobile (Wilke et al.,
2008), has low vapor pressure, and is retained by the
melt. However, sulfide may react with cations to form
solid sulfide species (Rao et al., 2018), including FeS
(troilite), Fe
S (pyrrhotite), or FeS
depending on sulfur fugacity (as found, e.g., in Tissint;
see Gattacceca et al., 2013; Rao et al., 2018). Recently,
Ohtaki et al. (2019) studied the np Fe
particles in lunar
soils using high-resolution secondary ion mass
spectrometry (nano-SIMS) and transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) and found that a significant number
of the np Fe
particles are rimmed by FeS. Ohtaki et al.
(2019) concluded that these objects formed by impact
melting of pyrrhotite in a reducing environment. Ishii
et al. (2008) found similar particles having nm-thick
sulfide rims surrounding 10
15 nm np Fe
metal cores
in returned dust samples from comet 81P/Wild 2.
Moreover, experimental hypervelocity implantation of
nearly spherical micrometer-sized pyrrhotite particles
into an aerogel target at 6 km s
resulted in abundant
nm-scale sulfide-rimmed Fe metal particles similar to
those observed in Stardust material (Ishii et al., 2008).
The spherical shape suggests that these particles are
derived from immiscible FeS melt droplets that partly
M. N. Rao et al.
decomposed and dispersed before quenching with an
S rim (Noguchi et al., 2014). The formation of
“swirl” patterns defined by trails of np Fe
inside the Stardust sample (GEMS) suggests that the
glassy spherule remained molten long enough for some
internal mixing to occur but cooled fast enough to
quench to a reduced glass (Ohtaki et al., 2019). A
similar “swirl” pattern of sulfide blebs was found in a
Tissint impact melt pocket (Fig. 5). The observations
indicate that when Fe
S (pyrrhotite) is shock heated
to high temperatures and pressures during impact, it is
likely to produce clusters of np Fe
(metal) particles by
isentropic cooling as well as dissolved sulfide that may
in turn reach saturation and exsolve as sulfur-rich melts
or precipitate a range of sulfide minerals. This is a
different paragenesis from the S-rich blebs found in
shergottite impact melts; the assemblage of np Fe
(metal) blebs has not been observed in any gas-rich
impact melts studied in shergottites.
What Happens When Ferric Sulfate Is Shock Melted at
High Temperatures and Pressures by Meteoroid Impact
on Mars?
Ferric sulfate is found in Martian soils. If this
material was gardened into the Martian regolith and was
trapped in pores and voids at the site of the shergottite-
forming impact(s), it would be shocked to high pressures
(numerous shock indicators in shergottites are interpreted
to require peak pressures of about 24 GPa; Beck et al.,
2005; El Goresy et al., 2013; Gillet et al., 2007;
Langenhorst & Poirer, 2000; Sharp & DeCarli, 2006;
Shaw & Walton, 2013) and anomalously high local
temperatures (
C) due to pore collapse.
Thermodynamic calculations (Sheffer, 2007) show that,
under these conditions, ferric sulfate dissolves into
silicate-dominated impact melt and dissociates into ferric
iron and sulfate ion. The cooling and expansion
associated with release from the shock state promote
reduction to ferrous iron and sulfite ion. These species
may recombine to form iron sulfite (Hamann et al., 2018;
orz et al., 2020). Or, depending on the intensity of the
shock wave, the amount of vapor production, and the
chemical environment, the sulfite may be further reduced
to sulfide. Later, the cooling of sulfur-rich impact melt
will cross the sulfide saturation point and exsolve droplets
of immiscible FeS melt. These may form FeS blebs or
may perhaps backreact with dissolved sulfite in the melt
to form “mixed sulfite
sulfide” blebs in the quenched
impact melts (Hamann et al., 2018; H
orz et al., 2020).
There is insufficient reducing potential to take the Fe all
the way down to Fe
Fig. 5. An example of reduced sulfur-bearing blebs in impact melt in a shergottite: “swirl” of sulfide
sulfite blebs in Tissint
impact melt. Similar structures are also found in impact melts recovered in the 31 GPa Caltech experiment.
Shock experiments
We determined the iron oxidation state in impact
melts #506 and #507 in EETA79001 using Fe K-edge
micro-XANES (Rao et al., 2018; Sutton et al., 2008)
(see Fig. 6). Each XANES acquisition was background-
subtracted and fitted to obtain an estimate of the mean
oxidation state of the Fe atoms in the activation
volume. An optical micrograph of the area studied in
#506 is shown in fig. 11A of Rao et al. (2018). Two
line scans were performed; Fig. 6a shows the fitted
mean Fe oxidation state as a function of position along
line scan 1. The mean Fe oxidation state is relatively
uniform from point to point, with an average for the
line of 2.06
0.02. Line scan 2 (not plotted here)
appears very similar, with average mean Fe oxidation
state of 2.11
0.03. The simplest interpretation of these
mean values is that Fe in glass #506 exists as a mix of
Fig. 6. Photomicrograph indicating the position of the line scan across IM# 507. 507 area: yellow arrows point to S XANES
analyzed spots. Blue box is the S map region (2idb1_0053.mda). Blue arrow is Fe XANES line scan (EET507_line_xanes.002).
Point 17 of the line scan is near S spot 2. Spot 1 is EET507_sulfide1_xanes.001
M. N. Rao et al.
and Fe
, with not more than a few percent Fe
Likewise, line scan results for mean Fe oxidation state
along the line across IM #507 are shown in Fig. 6b as
indicated on the photomicrograph in Fig. 6c.
Furthermore, the Fe oxidation state is uniform here
within error and the average along the line is 2.07
0.03. Notably, these XANES results agree well with the
ratio determined in another large impact melt
(#27) in EETA79001 using M
ossbauer spectroscopy by
Solberg and Burns (1989). Although a mean Fe
oxidation state above 2.0 does not explicitly demand
the absence of metallic Fe, especially in a rapidly
quenched disequilibrium assemblage, in fact both IM
pools #506 and #507 have been further examined at
high resolution with FE-SEM instruments at JSC
(Houston) as well as Max Planck Institute (Mainz,
Germany) for Fe (metal) particles (Rao et al., 2018).
Imaging results revealed no Fe
(metal) grains in these
impact melts.
Relevance of the Shock Experimental Results to the
Sulfur-Bearing Blebs Found in Large Impact Melts in
Shergottites: A Model Perspective
The model outline presented here is an extension of
the earlier model discussed in Rao et al. (2018). Here,
we recall a few salient features in that model. The
shergottite source region (provenance) on Mars
apparently consists of two different types of rock
complexes. The first one hosts olivine
phyric rocks
whose major igneous minerals are olivine, pyroxene,
and feldspar from which shergottites such as Tissint,
DaG 476, and EETA79001, Lith A, were launched by
meteoroid impact. The second region consists of olivine-
free pyroxene
phyric rocks (having feldspars and
pyroxenes as major minerals), from which meteorites
such as Shergotty, Zagami, Los Angeles, and
EETA79001, Lith B, were derived. All the shergottite
source rocks were apparently located at a relatively
shallow depth (Artemieva & Ivanov, 2004; Head et al.,
2002; Melosh, 1984; Nyquist, 1983) but were pervasively
buried or mantled by Martin soil and dust prior to
impact launch.
The large overabundance of sulfur (
8% as SO
observed in Martian soils is usually attributed to
chemical alteration caused by the interaction of sulfate-
rich acidic fluids with Martian rock and dust (Br
et al., 2008; Clark et al., 2005; King & McLennan,
2010; McAdam et al., 2014; Tosca et al., 2004) as
discussed in Rao et al. (2018). In regions with low
water-to-rock ratios, the pH of the solutions remained
highly acidic (pH
1) whereas, in other areas with
higher water-to-rock ratios, the pH of these solutions
became progressively less acidic (pH
5; Banin et al.,
1997; Clark et al., 2005; Elwood Madden et al., 2004;
Hurowitz et al., 2006; McSween et al., 2008; Settle,
We consider the case where highly acidic solutions
1) percolated through rocks and soils near the
shergottite provenance on Mars. These solutions
initiate the rapid dissolution of soluble mineral phases,
leaving behind relatively unaltered refractory minerals
selectively unaffected (Hurowitz et al., 2006; King &
McSween, 2005; McCollom, Hynek, et al., 2013;
McCollom, Robbins, et al., 2013; Tosca et al., 2004).
The primary evolution of the fluid composition
becomes dominated by the chemistry of the mineral
phases most susceptible to acid dissolution (Hurowitz
et al., 2006). In the case of the olivine
phyric rocks,
the most soluble mineral is olivine, which contributes
Fe and Mg to the solution. The solution is
progressively neutralized by such mineral reactions. If
the pH rises to between 1 and 2, Mg-sulfate will be
highly soluble and can be transported in dissolved
form from the reaction sites. Fe
may be oxidized to
and precipitated as a highly insoluble ferric
hydroxysulfate minerals such as jarosite. As a result,
ferric sulfate becomes decoupled from Mg-sulfate and
other soluble phases (e.g., chlorides) in secondary
mineral deposits. These findings are consistent with the
demonstrated absence of Mg chlorides in impact melts
#506 and #507 in EETA79001 studied by Rao et al.
(2008). Furthermore, we note that Mg- and Ca-sulfates
at high shock temperatures and pressures produce
decomposition products (sulfide/sulfite or oxide), which
do not yield immiscible fluids leading to bleb cluster
As noted in Rao et al. (2018), the secondary
sulfates thus produced on Mars were likely mobilized
into cracks and voids of the host rock shergottites
(prior to impact) by aeolian activity or soil erosion
(Greeley et al., 2004; Meyer, 2012). Subsequently, when
these deposits were shock heated to high temperatures
and pressures during impact launching of the
consolidated surface material assemblage, the
constituent sulfates were decomposed and were reduced
to sulfide/sulfite
mixes in large impact melts in
shergottite melts due to isentropic cooling. The
immiscible fluids thus resulted yield the observed bleb
clusters upon quenching.
1. Although numerous studies have shown that shock
compression and release can convert FeS pyrrhotite
via fluid immiscibility to clusters of nanophase
metallic Fe
nanoparticles in impact melts, no such
metallic particles were found during detailed
Shock experiments
examination by FE-SEM and Fe K-edge XANES
(Fig. 7) of impact melts from shergottites. This
argues against the common igneous sulfides in
shergottites being the source of sulfur for
micrometer-sized bleb clusters found in these impact
2. Shocking a porous mixture of ferric sulfate and
CRB powder at 21 GPa produced no sulfide blebs.
Instead, amorphous regions marked by thermal
contraction cracks were found that contain elevated
concentrations of phosphorus, iron, and sulfur in a
granitoid minimum melt-like composition suggesting
incipient melting of the silicates, ferric sulfate, and
apatite nuggets.
3. A similar target subjected to higher shock
pressures, that is, 31 GPa, yielded numerous areas
of quenched impact melt containing abundant
clusters of micrometer-sized blebs of Fe-sulfide and
Fe-sulfite mixtures. Although porosity in this
experiment contained a small amount of CO gas,
there was not enough CO in the capsule to act a
significant reducing agent. Rather, we interpret this
result as experimental evidence of the “reduction
by isentropic cooling” hypothesis, which allows the
melt phase to act as an open system and
experience net reduction during vapor-present
expansion from a high-temperature, high-pressure
shock state. Ferric sulfate dissolves in the impact
melt phase and then is reduced first to ferrous
sulfite and subsequently, in part, to ferrous sulfide.
Immiscibility of sulfite and sulfide melts in silicate
melt then leads to dispersion of
m-sized droplets
dominated by both these components. We conclude
that Fe-sulfate in porous, pyroxene
phyric Martian
target rocks was most likely the source for sulfur
in the metal-free Fe-sulfite and Fe-sulfide blebs
observed by FE-SEM, S K-edge XANES (see Rao
et al., 2018), and Fe K-edge XANES (Fig. 7) in
shergottite impact melts such as #507 in
EETA79001, Lith B as well as #784 in Los
Angeles and DBS #1 and #2 in Shergotty. To
conclusively address the issue of whether the small
amount of CO initially present in the pore space
acted as a trigger for the production of the
observed sulfide bleb clusters in the recovered
charge, we are planning to repeat the 31 GPa
experiment in a low-pressure CO
without CO presence.
4. We describe an outline of the extended model
discussed in Rao et al. (2018) where it is noted that
low pH acid-sulfate solutions presumably percolated
through and reacted with olivine
phyric and
phyric basaltic rocks in the shergottite
source region producing secondary sulfates in a
manner similar to that inferred from direct rover
measurements at Meridiani, Gusev, and Gale
craters. These sulfate assemblages were later
mobilized into host rock voids and crevices by
aeolian activity/soil erosion. During impact
launching, they were shock melted at high
temperature and pressures and the sulfate in the
melts was reduced to sulfides by isentropic cooling
(Melosh & Artemieva, 2004; Sheffer & Melosh,
Fig. 7. Fe K-edge XANES studies of impact melts in EETA79001.a) The average Fe oxidation state for line scan 1 in IM #506
is 2.06
0.02 (Rao et al., 2018).b) The average Fe oxidation state for a line scan across IM# 507 is 2.07
M. N. Rao et al.
—We thank Don Bogard, Fred H
Mark Cintala, Abhijit Basu, and Jay Melosh for
valuable discussions on different aspects related to this
work. We thank Frank Cardenaes and Roland Montes
for carrying out 21 GPa shock experiment at EIL,
Johnson Space Center (under the supervision of Mark
Cintala). We thank Michael Long for carrying out the
31 GPa experiment at the shock wave lab at Caltech
which is supported by the NSF awards 1829277 and
1725349 to Paul Asimow. We thank Joachim Huth for
FE SEM measurements on our PTS samples at Max-
Planck Institute fur Chemie, Mainz (Germany). This
work is partly supported by NASA MFRP grant No.
08-0069 to Larry Nyquist at JSC. We thank Anita Rao
of Qualcomm (San Diego, CA) for valuable
computational assistance during this work. MNR is
grateful to Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
(Germany) for partially supporting his presentation of
the preliminary results obtained in this study at
METSOC Meeting in Berlin in 2016. We are grateful to
the Editor, Timothy Jull and the Associate Editor,
Natalia Artemieva for efficient handling of our
manuscript and to reviewers Christopher Hamann and
Vincent Chevrier for valuable comments and
suggestions that led to a significant improvement of the
Data Availability Statement
—Data openly available in a
public repository that issues datasets with DOIs.
Editorial Handling
—Dr. Natalia Artemieva
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