of 23
Peer Review Information
tructural and
Manuscript Title:
Structurally derived universal mechanism for th
e catalytic cycle of the tail
anchored targeting factor Get3
Corresponding author name(s):
Professor William Clemons
Reviewer Comments & D
Decision Letter, initial
3rd Feb 2022
Dear Bil,
Thank you again for submitting your manuscript "Structurally d
erived universal mechanism for the
catalytic cycle of the tail
anchored targeting factor Get3". I apologize for the delay in responding, which
resulted from the difficulty in obtaining suitable referee reports. Nevertheless, we now have comments
(below) fr
om the 3 reviewers who evaluated your paper. In light of those reports, we remain interested
in your study and would like to see your response to the comments of the referees, in the form of a
revised manuscript.
I hope you will be pleased to see that all reviewers are positive about the quality and interest of the
study. However, they make detailed suggestions for additional experiments to strengthen some of the
conclusions, and for improving the presentation and
discussion of the findings. Please be sure to
address/respond to all concerns of the referees in full in a point
point response and highlight all
changes in the revised manuscript text file. If you have comments that are intended for editors only,
e include those in a separate cover letter.
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Kind regards,
Florian Ullrich, Ph.D.
Associate Editor
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
ORCID 0000
Referee expertise:
Referee #1: TA pathway
Referee #2: TA pathway, structural biology
ee #3: TA pathway
Reviewers' Comments:
Reviewer #1:
Remarks to the Author:
In this manuscript, Fry et al. provide a number of Get3 structures and sheds a light on the mechanism of
anchored (TA) protein capture by Get3. Get3 is the conserved ATPase chaperone that post
translationally captures transmembrane domains (TMDs) of T
A proteins with the help of other factors
(Sgt2 and Get4/5). Earlier studies from the author's lab and other labs have solved many different
versions of Get3 including Get3 bound to Get4 or TA protein cargo. Although these studies have
provided important i
nsights into how Get3 captures TMDs of TA proteins, it is still debated how Get3
transforms from an empty state to substrate loaded state, and how this is regulated by ATP. These
questions were challenging to address since available Get3 structures were ob
tained from different
states from different labs. In the current manuscript, the authors aim to address these questions by
using Get3 from Giardia intestinalis. Remarkably, the authors show GiGet3 in nucleotide
free states, ATP
bound states and TA protein
bound states. This series of structures not only confirmed previous
structural studies but also identify novel conformations that take place in GiGet3 with or without TA
protein cargo. For example, in contrast to previous yeast Get3 structures, the authors
find helix5 (H5)
shields the client binding domain (CBD) in GiGet3 and that is displaced when CBD is occupied with the
TMD of TA protein. Overall the manuscript is well organized, and the data are of high quality. The
authors should address and/or discuss
the below concerns to further strengthen the manuscript.
Major comments:
1. The central finding from this study is that the authors discover H5 of GiGet3 plays an important role in
shielding CBD in the apo state as well as shielding the TMD of TA protei
n. Also, interestingly, compare to
other Get3 homologs, GiGet3 has an extended sequence in H5 (126 to 134 amino acids) (Fig S1). This
raises the question of whether the function of H5 shown here is unique to GiGet3 or is conserved to
other Get3 homologs. I
t would be good to delete or mutate H5 in GiGet3 and test if it captures
inefficiently the TMD of TA protein. The authors can do this by co
expressing GiGet3 mutant and TA
protein in E. coli and examining the complex formation as they have done in Fig. S17
2. To show the significance of the author's new findings of H5, I was also wondering H5
shielding of CBD or TMD might help to capture even suboptimal (less hydrophobic) TA proteins. It would
be good to test a few different TA substrates that va
ry in hydrophobicity from the list that they
Minor comments:
1. Fig. S11 and Fig. S12 legends ends with helices are numbered as in Fig. ??”
Reviewer #2:
Remarks to the Author:
The manuscript by Fry et al. describes two significant contribu
tions to understanding tail
anchored (TA)
protein insertion by the Guided Entry of TA proteins (GET) pathway. Firstly, the authors identify the GET
factors in the parasite Giardia intestinalis. Secondly, they use X
ray crystallography and single
EM to determine the conformational landscape of GiGet3. The authors observe that apo Get3 can
adopt two conformations in a single crystal lattice, which both differ from a consensus cryo
structure. They also determine the structure of a GiGet3 ATPas
e inactivating mutant with ATP, which
assumes a slightly different conformation than other Get3 structures bound to ATP analogs. These
conformations inform how intramolecular interactions stabilize mobile elements of Get3 and how Get3
domains move relative
to each other. Perhaps the most exciting finding is the cryo
EM structure of Get3
bound to a TA protein in the post
ATP hydrolysis state which shows how Get3 rearranges to chaperone a
TA protein. The main caveat of the manuscript lies in the limitation to
mostly observational descriptions.
However, a lack of experimental tools for the GiGET system, combined with the structures primarily
revealing conformational differences, may preclude structure
guided experiments. Overall, the analyses
and interpretation
s are thoughtfully and thoroughly considered in the manuscript and generally support
the authors’ claims of identifying the GiGET pathway and establishing the conformational landscape of
Get3 in different nucleotide
bound states as it transitions between b
inding partners.
Main comments:
1. The cryo
EM structure of apo Get3 looks more like the crystal structure of ATP
bound Get3 more than
apo1 and apo2 in Fig. 2. Is it possible that the apo1 and apo2 structures arise from Get3 held by crystal
contacts in co
nformations that are otherwise rarely occupied in biological contexts?
2. Based on the local resolution of the post
hydrolysis Get3 bound to TA protein, additional information
would strengthen the interpretation related to H4/5. Firstly, enforcing C2 symme
try may introduce
artifacts at the axis of symmetry close to the position of H4/5. Can alpha carbons be placed or is this
helical element still clear if symmetry is not enforced? Approximately how long is the substrate TMD and
does this match the Bos1 TMD?
Secondly, it would be useful if the model fitted to map in Fig. 3B was
colored and labeled similarly to Fig. 3D to show the continuity that supports the assignment of the
purple helix as H4/5 instead of other parts of Get3 such as H8.
3. It should be clea
rly noted that GiGet3 is overexpressed with a tag for staining in Fig. 1C. The claimed
cytosolic vs. ER staining in Fig. S5 is also not obvious to me
the images all look like disperse spotty
patterns, although this may be due to the resolution of the file.
Since protein dynamics and fine complex
structure is not needed to make this point, is it possible that cytosolic vs. ER staining would be more
clearly distinguished using a lower
resolution confocal such as spinning disk instead of STED?
Reviewer #3:
Remarks to the Author:
Summary of the key results: The manuscript “Structurally derived universal mechanism for the catalytic
cycle of the tail
anchored targeting factor Get3” by Fry and colleagues uncovers components of the
entry of tail
anchored p
roteins (GET) pathway in the pathogenic protist Giardia intestinalis and
provides structural insights into Get3 in different states. The identification of homologs of the pre
targeting complex component Get4, the targeting factor Get3 and the ER
bound GET
component Get2, support the conservation of the GET targeting pathway to Excavata. Focusing on
GiGet3, the authors use crystallography and cryo
EM to generate a series of structures that provide
insights into how the conformation of this central G
ET pathway component changes upon nucleotide
binding/hydrolysis and client interaction.
Originality and significance, conclusions: The GET pathway is a key ER targeting route for a significant
proportion of membrane proteins, and insights into the conserva
tion of the pathway and mechanistic
details are of broad general interest. Structures of C. thermophilum, S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and human
Get3 in different nucleotide bound/unbound states have been available for some time and already
provide a detailed f
ramework for TA protein targeting by Get3. The key features already identified in
other species are largely conserved to G. intestinialis, but the direct comparison of different states of
the same protein in this study is advantageous. What this manuscript
adds to the understanding of TA
client capture and delivery by Get3 is a more definitive model of how the hydrophobic groove is
occluded upon formation of the close conformation, visualization of the architecture of the post
hydrolysis state, and an a
lternative view of how shielding of the TA protein during targeting is
accomplished. Beyond the structural analyses, the second aspect of the manuscript focusing on the
conservation of the GET pathway to G. intestinialis is rather preliminary and would ben
efit from further
Data & methodology: The manuscript is well
presented, the majority of the data is of high quality and
the main conclusions are generally well supported. However, the procedures used for indirect
immunofluorescent staining rai
se several questions: The custom
made (?) rat anti
GiGet3 antibody
should be characterized. In the Methods section it states that “an anti
HA tag antibody” from Roche was
used to detect Pdi2 but nowhere is it stated that the G. intestinalis strain used exp
resses an HA
Pdi2. And in Fig. S5 GiGet3 is HA
tagged and an anti
antibody is mentioned. The catalogue number
for this antibody should be listed. It would be good to create a small Table listing all antibodies and in
which experiment they were
used. All micrographs (Fig. 1C and Fig. S5) lack size bars. If cells were
transfected with tagged constructs for the IF please state in the Legend. The use of statistics is
questionable for the IF experiments since it is not stated how often the experiment
s were repeated and
how many cells were analyzed.
Suggested improvements: 1) The identification of Get3 homologues should be presented more
informatively. The data behind Fig 1B should be made available as a table because the current
visualization does not
allow the individual proteins to be identified. Furthermore, the main
distinguishing features of clade I and II should be explained to rationalize this categorization. The specific
proteins in yeast, humans and G. intestinialis should be marked with arrow
s in the figure.
2) Based on fractionation experiments, it is suggested that GiGet3 primarily localizes to the cytosol.
However, a strong signal for GiGet3 is also detected in the pellet, indicating its association with
membranes. This is in line with the
precipitation of GiGet2 and the microscopy data (Fig. 1C,D) so
should be acknowledged. Replica experiments and quantification would enable the proportion of GiGet3
present at the ER compared to the cytosol to be determined.
3) GiGet2 and GiGet4 were ide
ntified in pulldown assays followed by mass spectrometry and an Sgt2
homolog was found by structure
based homology searching. However, no homologs of Get1 or Get5 are
mentioned. Isolation of complexes via GiGet2 and GiGet4 could reveal these additional hom
ologs as
they would be anticipated to form stable complexes with potential GiGet1 and GiGet5 proteins,
respectively. The identification of GiGet5 is important as, by analogy to other species, this protein would
be expected to mediate hand
over of the TA pr
otein from GiSgt2 to GiGet3. Demonstrating interactions
between Gi
targeting complex components, and also between GiGet5 with GiGet3 would
consolidate that the GET pathway is organized as in other species.
4) The identification of potential clients of
the GiGET pathway is currently based on co
expression of
GiGet3 and GiTA proteins in E. coli, an indirect approach that is prone to artefacts. The conclusion that
GiGet3 targets endogenous TA proteins would be much better supported by showing mislocalizati
on of
such proteins in cells lacking GiGet3, as has been done in other model organisms. Alternatively,
identification of proteins retained with ATPase inactive GiGet3 D53N could provide evidence of TA
protein interacting with GiGet3 in a more endogenous co
Minor points:
Page 2, line 51: should read “WRB/CAML in mammals”
Page 6, Legend to Fig. 1C: Pdi2 does not mark the ER membrane but the organelle by staining its lumen
Fig S8: Where the membrane was cut in half should be indicated. Also, for consiste
ncy and to better
visualize GiGet3, the image should be inverted to show black band on a white background.
Author Rebuttal to Initial comments
Reviewers' C
Reviewer #1:
In this manuscript, Fry et al. provide a number of Get3 structures and sheds a light on the
mechanism of tail
anchored (TA) protein capture by Get3. Get3 is the conserved ATPase
chaperone that post
translationally captures transmembrane domains (TMDs) of T
proteins with the help of other factors (Sgt2 and Get4/5). Earlier studies from the author's
lab and other labs have solved many different versions of Get3 including Get3 bound to
Get4 or TA protein cargo. Although these studies have provided important i
nsights into
how Get3 captures TMDs of TA proteins, it is still debated how Get3 transforms from an
empty state to substrate loaded state, and how this is regulated by ATP. These questions
were challenging to address since available Get3 structures were ob
tained from different
states from different labs. In the current manuscript, the authors aim to address these
questions by using Get3 from Giardia intestinalis. Remarkably, the authors show GiGet3 in
free states,
ATP bound states and TA protein
bound states. This series of structures not only confirmed
previous structural studies but also identify novel conformations that take place in GiGet3
with or without TA protein cargo. For example, in contrast to previous yeast Get3
structures, the authors
find helix5 (H5) shields the client binding domain (CBD) in GiGet3
and that is displaced when CBD is occupied with the TMD of TA protein. Overall the
manuscript is well organized, and the data are of high quality. The authors should address
and/or discuss
the below concerns to further strengthen the manuscript.
Major comments:
1. The central finding from this study is that the authors discover H5 of GiGet3 plays an
important role in shielding CBD in the apo state as well as shielding the TMD of TA protein.
Also, interestingly, compare to other Get3 homologs, GiGet3 has an extended sequence in
H5 (126 to 134 amino acids) (Fig S1).
This raises the question of whether the function of H5
shown here is unique to GiGet3 or is conserved to other Get3 homolog
s. It would be good
to delete or mutate H5 in GiGet3 and test if it captures inefficiently the TMD of TA protein.
The authors can do this by co
expressing GiGet3 mutant and TA protein in E. coli and
examining the complex formation as they have done in Fig.
The reviewer makes the excellent observation that H5 is longer (9 amino acids) in both the
structure and alignment. Due to manuscript length, we were unable to discuss this in detail.
A notable observation is that the helix length changes across the
crystal forms with the
apoA having the longest H5 while in apoB this extension is disordered due to crystal
packing. This suggests the helix is flexible consistent with its conformational changes and
lack of conservation.
We performed the experiment as requested and have added this as an additional figure
(the new Fig. S23). To be specific, we truncated H5 to be similar to the length of the
metazoan and yeast H5 to directly address the length question. Deleting this helix
ompletely would be incompatible with the post
hydrolysis structure as the H5 helix
additionally contributes to the walls of the hydrophobic groove. In the experiment, the
helix is still capable of forming a complex with the TA client consistent with this d
not driving the interaction.
Spurred by the suggestion, we were interested in testing the role of H4/5, the loop that
forms the lid in the post
hydrolysis structure, and whether it was required for forming a
stable Get3/TA complex, as one would p
redict from the structure. Deletion of H4/5 resulted
in a loss of complex supporting the model that it was critical for complex stability (Fig S23).
Of note, previous replacement of the H8 “lid” helix (as referred to in the metazoan pre
targeting structure
, Keszei et al.
, 2021) with a linker does not affect client binding or
targeting, only client transfer from SGTA to Get3.
2. To show the significance of the author's new findings of H5, I was also wondering H5
mediated shielding of CBD or TMD might he
lp to capture even suboptimal (less
hydrophobic) TA proteins. It would be good to test a few different TA substrates that vary
in hydrophobicity from the list that they identified.
As suggested from the response to the first point, it doesn’t appear that G
iGet3 will have
different properties from the fungal Get3s and will likely have similar binding rules. In the
original draft we had mentioned that we tested a variety of Giardia TA proteins, but only
provided data for two of them. We now have provided data
for all the variants, Fig. S9, and
adjusted our discussion. The putative
TAs selected represent a range of TMD
hydrophobicities (sum of 12.9
31.08 using the TM tendency scale) similar to previous
reports of ER
bound TA proteins in metazoans (12.5
et al
2018). In the
previous report, zebrafish Get3 was unable to capture and insert TA proteins with
hydrophobicity values less than 22 in an
in vitro
targeting experiment. The list of
proteins provided in Table S3 is a putative list complied based on predicted TMDs and
includes TA proteins that are likely mitochondria
bound. Localization in
is not as
well characterized as in yeast and metazoans so confidently selecting TAs th
at are ER
bound and Get3 substrates is difficult. Our selection of TAs represents the expected range
of hydrophobicities for ER
bound TA proteins in
. Interestingly, the
TA proteins
that bind Get3 and are likely clients (Fig. S9) have high TMD hyd
rophobicities (greater than
the 22 cutoff determined by Guna and colleagues). While an absence of binding in
E. coli
does not mean there is no binding, it is encouraging that the bound clients are the more
hydrophobic TAs. We see no evidence that the longe
r H5 aids in binding less hydrophobic
TA proteins as the strongly bound clients are above the hydrophobic threshold seen in
Minor comments:
1. Fig. S11 and Fig. S12 legends ends with helices are numbered as in Fig. ??”
We have fixed this. Thank you for identifying this typo.
Reviewer #2:
The manuscript by Fry et al. describes two significant contributions to understanding tail
anchored (TA) protein insertion by the Guided Entry of TA proteins (GET) pathway. Firstly,
authors identify the GET factors in the parasite Giardia intestinalis. Secondly, they use
ray crystallography and single
particle cryo
EM to determine the conformational
landscape of GiGet3. The authors observe that apo Get3 can adopt two conformations i
n a
single crystal lattice, which both differ from a consensus cryo
EM structure. They also
determine the structure of a GiGet3 ATPase inactivating mutant with ATP, which assumes a
slightly different conformation than other Get3 structures bound to ATP ana
logs. These
conformations inform how intramolecular interactions stabilize mobile elements of Get3
and how Get3 domains move relative to each other. Perhaps the most exciting finding is
the cryo
EM structure of Get3 bound to a TA protein in the post
ATP hy
drolysis state which
shows how Get3
rearranges to chaperone a TA protein. The main caveat of the manuscript lies in the
limitation to mostly observational descriptions. However, a lack of experimental tools for
the GiGET system, combined with the structure
s primarily revealing conformational
differences, may preclude structure
guided experiments. Overall, the analyses and
interpretations are thoughtfully and thoroughly considered in the manuscript and generally
support the authors’ claims of identifying the
GiGET pathway and establishing the
conformational landscape of Get3 in different nucleotide
bound states as it transitions
between binding partners.
Main comments:
The cryo
EM structure of apo Get3 looks more like the crystal structure of ATP
Get3 more than apo1 and apo2 in Fig. 2. Is it possible that the apo1 and apo2 structures
arise from Get3 held by crystal contacts in conformations that are otherwise rarel
y occupied
in biological contexts?
Crystal structures represent a likely conformational state seen in solution. The crystal contacts in
our Apo crystal likely capture states that are only transiently occupied in solution. Our
structures represent the range
of conformations apo Get3 can adopt as predicted by single
molecule FRET experiments (Chio
et al
, 2017). Based on the number of picked particles
and the final number of particles that resulted in the cryo
EM reconstruction of apo
Get3 we
can estimate that approximately 1.34% of the total number of picked particles used for 3D
classification are in the closed state. This is after some filtering by 2D and 3D classification and
the total number of particles should reflect particles an
d not noise or contaminants. While a
small percentage, the closed apo conformation is likely the most common conformation of apo
Get3. Our work further demonstrates how ATP binding regulates the Get4 interface.
Based on the local resolution of the post
rolysis Get3 bound to TA protein, additional
information would strengthen the interpretation related to H4/5. Firstly, enforcing C2
symmetry may introduce artifacts at the axis of symmetry close to the position of H4/5. Can
alpha carbons be placed or is th
is helical element still clear if symmetry is not enforced?
Symmetry was imposed at the final step. Without symmetry constraints the reconstruction
refined to 3.87 Å resolution with sharpening as outlined in the Methods section (lines 680
681). New represe
ntative images of the map without symmetry have been added to Fig S20
panels F and G. H4/5 is present in this map and the density reflects a helix (Fig S20G),
although it is important to note that we could not accurately build into this density.
ely how long is the substrate TMD and does this match the Bos1 TMD?
The density corresponding to client in the groove is sufficiently long that we estimate it
could accommodate ~22 residues built into a helix, more than sufficient to accommodate
the Bos1 T
MD that is 18 residues long. It is important to note that we are unable to build
accurately into this density. This is likely due to binding of the TMD is based on
hydrophobicity and does not result in a fixed orientation. Reconstructions from single
cle cryo
EM are the result of averaging across thousands of particles. It is likely that the
TMD binds each dimer in slightly different orientations and registries.
Secondly, it would be useful if the model fitted to map in Fig. 3B was colored and labeled
similarly to Fig. 3D to show the continuity that supports the assignment of the purple helix
as H4/5 instead of other parts of Get3 such as H8.
We have edited Fig 3D to make the coloring and labels clearer.
. It should be clearly noted that GiGe
t3 is overexpressed with a tag for staining in Fig. 1C.
There appears to be confusion based on our unclear description. GiGet3 is not
overexpressed in the data shown in Fig. 1C&E where endogenous promotors were used.
In both the immunoprecipitation with the BAP
tag and the STED microscopy the protein
was overexpressed. The methods and figure legend have been adjusted to make this
more ex
The claimed cytosolic vs. ER staining in Fig. S5 is also not obvious to me
the images all
look like disperse spotty patterns, although this may be due to the resolution of the file.
Since protein dynamics and fine complex structure is not needed to make th
is point, is it
possible that cytosolic vs. ER staining would be more clearly distinguished using a lower
resolution confocal such as spinning disk instead of STED?
The intention of the microscopy analysis was to visualize the colocalization of GiGet3
GiGet2. For this reason, both proteins were overexpressed with tags that are
more suitable for STED imaging. Unfortunately, STED analysis enhances membrane
localization over the soluble cytosolic one. The cytosolic localization of GiGet3 is thus
better dem
onstrated by the use of the antibody against the endogenous protein on the
western blot of the cellular fractions.
Reviewer #3:
Summary of the key results: The manuscript “Structurally derived universal mechanism for
the catalytic cycle of the tail
d targeting factor Get3” by Fry and colleagues uncovers
components of the guided
entry of tail
anchored proteins (GET) pathway in the pathogenic
protist Giardia intestinalis and provides structural insights into Get3 in different states. The
of homologs of the pre
targeting complex component Get4, the targeting
factor Get3 and the ER
bound GET receptor component Get2, support the conservation of
the GET targeting pathway to Excavata. Focusing on GiGet3, the authors use crystallography
and cry
EM to generate a series of structures that provide insights into how the
conformation of this central GET pathway component changes upon nucleotide
binding/hydrolysis and client interaction.
Originality and significance, conclusions: The GET pathway is a
key ER targeting route for a
significant proportion of membrane proteins, and insights into the conservation of the
pathway and mechanistic details are of broad general interest. Structures of C.
thermophilum, S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and human Get3 in dif
ferent nucleotide
bound/unbound states have been available for some time and already provide a detailed
framework for TA protein targeting by Get3. The key features already identified in other
species are largely conserved to G. intestinialis, but the dire
ct comparison of different states
of the same protein in this study is advantageous. What this manuscript adds to the
understanding of TA client capture and delivery by Get3 is a more definitive model of how
the hydrophobic groove is occluded upo
n formation of the close conformation, visualization
of the architecture of the post
ATP hydrolysis state, and an alternative view of how shielding
of the TA protein during targeting is accomplished. Beyond the structural analyses, the
second aspect of the
manuscript focusing on the conservation of the GET pathway to G.
intestinalis is rather preliminary and would benefit from further development.
Data & methodology: The manuscript is well
presented, the majority of the data is of high
quality and the main
conclusions are generally well supported. However, the procedures
used for indirect immunofluorescent staining raise several questions: The custom
(?) rat anti
GiGet3 antibody should be characterized.
We have added the following sentence to the Method
s section (Lines 450
“Purified GiGet3 was used as an antigen for in
house production of a polyclonal antibody in
rats. The antibody was validated by western against purified
Get3 and recognized the
same band as a commercial anti
BAP antibody when both were probed against the BAP
In the Methods section it states that “an anti
HA tag antibody” from Roche was used to
detect Pdi2 but nowhere is it stated that the G
. intestinalis strain used expresses an HA
tagged Pdi2. And in Fig. S5 GiGet3 is HA
tagged and an anti
antibody is mentioned.
The catalogue number for this antibody should be listed. It would be good to create a small
Table listing all antibodies and
in which experiment they were used. All micrographs (Fig. 1C
and Fig. S5) lack size bars. If cells were transfected with tagged constructs for the IF please
state in the Legend. The use of statistics is questionable for the IF experiments since it is not
tated how often the experiments were repeated and how many cells were analyzed.
We modified the Methods sections on the immunofluorescence and STED microscopy to
clarify the cell lines and antibodies used for protein detection. We added scale bars to all
mage series. We have not performed a statistical analysis on the protein localization.
Protein localization was uniform in all confocal and STED images. Representative images
are shown in an updated Figure S6.
Suggested improvements: 1) The identification of Get3 homologues should be presented
more informatively. The data behind Fig 1B should be made available as a table because the
current visualization does not allow the individual proteins to be identified. F
urthermore, the
main distinguishing features of clade I and II should be explained to rationalize this
categorization. The specific proteins in yeast, humans and G. intestinialis should be marked
with arrows in the figure.
We added a table containing the a
ccession numbers and affiliation of the sequences to a
particular clade (Table S1). The categorization is based on the phylogenetic analysis of
sequences included into the dataset. The grouping of proteins into two clades is based
on the mutual relationship among the sequences and reflects similarities or differences
present in the initial protein sequence alignment. The presence of two Get3 c
lades has
also been noted in Xing
et al
, 2017. Neither analysis identified any motifs specific
to either clade. The differences on the primary sequence level are spread across the
entire sequence which is demonstrated in a new figure (Fig S1).
on fractionation experiments, it is suggested that GiGet3 primarily localizes to
the cytosol. However, a strong signal for GiGet3 is also detected in the pellet, indicating its
association with membranes. This is in line with the co
precipitation of GiGet2
and the
microscopy data (Fig. 1C,D) so should be acknowledged. Replica experiments and
quantification would enable the proportion of GiGet3 present at the ER compared to the
cytosol to be determined.
We thank the reviewer for suggesting the quantification
experiment. Indeed, we agree
that while much of the protein is present in the cytosol, there is a considerable amount
Get3 associated with the ER membrane, which agrees with the protein function. We
have addressed this in the manuscript (Line 130
GiGet2 and GiGet4 were identified in pulldown assays followed by mass spectrometry
and an Sgt2 homolog was found by structure
based homology searching. However, no
homologs of Get1 or Get5 are mentioned. Isolation of complexes via GiGet2 and GiGet4
d reveal these additional homologs as they would be anticipated to form stable
complexes with potential GiGet1 and GiGet5 proteins, respectively. The identification of
GiGet5 is important as, by analogy to other species, this protein would be expected to
ediate hand
over of the TA protein from GiSgt2 to GiGet3. Demonstrating interactions
between Gi
targeting complex components, and also between GiGet5 with GiGet3
would consolidate that the GET pathway is organized as in other species.
We agree that a f
ull analysis of the GET pathway components in
will be valuable
and an important next step is to identify Get1 and Get5 homologs, if there are any.
While we have found some candidate homologs of Get1 and Get5 in either the genome
analysis or our pro
teomic data, these are not as clear as the other components. Before
making any additional comments on other components we will need to establish
functional studies to identify the role of these proteins. These are complicated
experiments and beyond the sco
pe of this current manuscript. We are excited to
continue these experiments in future studies.
The identification of potential clients of the GiGET pathway is currently based on co
expression of GiGet3 and GiTA proteins in E. coli, an indirect approach tha
t is prone to
artefacts. The conclusion that GiGet3 targets endogenous TA proteins would be much better
supported by showing mislocalization of such proteins in cells lacking GiGet3, as has been
done in other model organisms. Alternatively, ident
ification of proteins retained with ATPase
inactive GiGet3 D53N could provide evidence of TA protein interacting with GiGet3 in a
more endogenous context.
This is indeed one of the crucial experiments. In fact, we have recently established a
CRISPR/Cas9 ge
ne deletion approach in
G. intestinalis
. Unfortunately, we were not able
to obtain a viable
Get3 knockout strain, indicating that the gene might be, in fact,
essential in the protist. We are currently developing an alternative inducible approach.
The strategy of pulling down the D53N mutant would not guarantee positive results as
we do not see cl
ient proteins to be stably bound by
Get3 in the proteomic analysis.
Minor points:
Page 2, line 51: should read “WRB/CAML in mammals”
The human gene for WRB has been renamed by EMBL
EBI as Get1 to be more consistent
with its role in the pathway. We have adopted the new nomenclature.
GENE NAME: guided entry of tail
anchored proteins factor 1
Page 6, Legend to Fig. 1C: Pdi2 does not mark the ER membrane but the organelle
by staining its lumen
We have adjusted the legend to reflect this.
Fig S8: Where the membrane was cut in half should be indicated. Also, for consistency and
to better visualize
GiGet3, the image should be inverted to show black band on a white
We have inverted the images and indic
ated where th
e membrane was cut.
Decision Letter, first revision
19th Apr 2022
Dear Bil,
Thank you for submitting your revised manuscript "Structurally derived universal mechanism for the
catalytic cycle of the tail
anchored targeting factor Get3" (NSMB
A45727B). It has now been seen by the
original referees and their comments are below. The r
eviewers find that the paper has improved in
revision, and therefore we'll be happy in principle to publish it in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology,
pending minor revisions to satisfy the referees' final requests regarding the experiment shown in Fig.
S23, and to comply with our editorial and formatting guidelines. Regarding the former, we leave it up to
you if you want to repeat the experiment with the requested controls or if you want to remove the data
from the paper.
We are now performing detailed
checks on your paper and will send you a checklist detailing our
editorial and formatting requirements in about a week. Please do not upload the final materials and
make any revisions until you receive this additional information from us.
To facilitate ou
r work at this stage, we would appreciate if you could send us the main text as a word
file. Please make sure to copy the NSMB account (cc'ed above).
Thank you again for your interest in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology Please do not hesitate to
act me if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Florian Ullrich, Ph.D.
Associate Editor
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
ORCID 0000
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have addressed my concerns. However, Fig.
S23 is not convincing since the absence of the
Get3 signal in dH4/5 could be explained by the low yield of His BRIL Bos1 TMD (bottom) compared to
the trH5 sample. The authors should redo the experiment to obtain a similar recovery of His BRIL Bos1
TMD for
both samples. Alternatively, the authors can remove the data and adjust their conclusion
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
The revised manuscript by Fry et al. addresses my original points. My only remaining comment relates to
Fig. S23,
which was added to address a point concerning the importance of the H4/5 loop versus the
length of H5 raised by Reviewer 1. The experiment shown lacks several controls important for
interpretation. It would be useful to see the levels of the Get3 and TA pr
oteins in the input samples and
how recovery of the GiGet3 mutants compares to wildtype. In addition, although the authors pull on the
same TA protein when testing both mutants, the recovery of the TA protein seems to differ by >10
between the two sam
ples. This confounds how much of the difference in GiGet3 recovery can be
attributed to the specific mutants analyzed. From what is shown, I would conclude that the trH5 can
interact with TA protein but would not be confident about conclusions related to t
he H4/5 loop without
additional information. Finally, the Western blot image looks more transparent than expected for the
size of the bands (perhaps during figure formatting?) and appears to be missing from the source data
file. Otherwise, I support public
Author Rebuttal,
first revision
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have addressed my concerns. However, Fig. S23 is not convincing since the absence of the
Get3 signal in dH4/5 could be explained by the low yield of His BRIL Bos1 TMD (bottom) compared to
the trH5 sample.
The authors should redo the experiment to obtain a similar recovery of His BRIL Bos1
TMD for both samples. Alternatively, the authors can remove the data and adjust their conclusion
We agree with the reviewer and have removed this data and
e corresponding
analysis from our
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
The revised manuscript by Fry et al. addresses my original points. My only remaining comment relates to
Fig. S23, which was added to address a point concerning the impor
tance of the H4/5 loop versus the
length of H5 raised by Reviewer 1. The experiment shown lacks several controls important for
interpretation. It would be useful to see the levels of the Get3 and TA proteins in the input samples and
how recovery of the GiG
et3 mutants compares to wildtype. In addition, although the authors pull on the
same TA protein when testing both mutants, the recovery of the TA protein seems to differ by >10
between the two samples. This confounds how much of the difference in GiGe
t3 recovery can be
attributed to the specific mutants analyzed. From what is shown, I would conclude that the trH5 can
interact with TA protein but would not be confident about conclusions related to the H4/5 loop without
additional information. Finally, t
he Western blot image looks more transparent than
expected for the size of the bands (perhaps during figure formatting?) and appears to be missing from
the source data file. Otherwise, I support publication.
As with Reviewer #1, we agree with the reviewer
and have removed this data and
from our manuscript. The source data file was mislabeled FigS20 instead of FigS23
As seen in
unprocessed image, there is no manipulation of the western blot as the image was taken directly form
e blot
Final Decision Letter
Dear Dr Fry,
Please find below a copy of the decision letter for your manuscript "Structurally derived universal
mechanism for the catalytic cycle of the tail
anchored targeting factor Get3" [NSMB
A45727C], which
has just been accepted for publication in Nature Structu
ral & Molecular Biology.
The exact publication date will be communicated to the corresponding author. Please note that until
publication, the content of your paper remains under embargo (to determine when the paper can be
discussed with the media, please
consult our embargo policy at
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Florian Ullrich, Ph.D.
Associate Editor
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
ORCID 0000
Subject: Decision on Nature Struct
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26th May 2022
Dear Bil,
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